
Sunday 5 February 2017

The Sunday Blog # 44

Today is the 5th of Feburary 2017 the 7th of Jamadi ul Awwal 1438 till the Sunset and this is my The Sunday Blog # 44. A double digit that's going to be fun i am sure of it . Last night after mid night about 22 hours or less ago we had very strong winds and a fast and furious but very short shower . The Rain was not very important what is important is that the wind was cold and it had again brought back a feel of winter . For the people of karachi the winter in feburary is a very rare thing and rain no matter how short or quick it is something most wont even would have believed if there hasn't been a full series just a few days earlier . I remember the sweet twitters from karachi were missing winter in december and was begging for it . At that time no body believed that it is going to rain on karachi and not just once but several times . Anyways , the truth is that to scare the chill of Wintery Winds of Karachi i had thisImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food and also taste salt from this which is meant to be for the day brunch or lunch sometime later . So now its absolutely impossible for me to stay awake and not fall asleep now. Even though i don't want to sleep and continue doing this my the Sunday Blog # 44 tonight for as long as i could . But the Should is taking over the Must and i am almost sitting here in my sleep typing

4;47 am yes i fell asleep then and there only i managed to get up from the chair and into the bed . Now i am up and everything i eat all day yesterday is out of the system so in few minutes i will feel as if i have not eaten at all for quite some time . ah finally i am getting the hang of the difference of spelling of quite and quiet .Anyways can you believe that i found a leftover cup of tea from last night and did not have to make a new one .Never mind the temperature its cold outside even though the wind has stopped but the chill is awesome . I am a morning person and you can imagine this that i am up and about in no time and can go on and on for a very long time now .

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A little too excited for the Super Bowl tomorrow! 😬😬

Okay somebody just tweeted that the super Bowl is tomorrow and darn right he must be but in history it will go down as Sunday the 5th of 2017 .Image may contain: 1 person, hat The Funny thing is that i am not a fan of this game but i enjoy the advertising and promotion and all the energy and vibe they generate both on television and the social media . Honestly the most important part of the game for me  is advertising and not the half time singing treat which is usually not shown here due to copy rights and geo metry etc etc ...

okay the first 500 words are up and its not the fajr yet . so i should get the momentum going because i feel that tonight or morning i am going a bit slow or behind the usual . even though i have had a very good night sleep which i usually do not have because i am trying to get the first 500 words before i go to sleep and when i usually go to sleep at around 3 am i am actually so tired that i sleep more till the sun is way up about 9 am or 10 am or even later and even if i am up at 8 am or 9 am on any sunday doing a blog i am undecided for the breakfast or just tea and that takes up a lot of time and finally when i begin or should i say resume the blog i am still undecided most of the time and then i have to catch up on all the happenings around the world like the news and twitter and the infamous facebook . That usually takes up the first hour after getting up and out of the bed even if i am a very morning person as i claim being in the middle of something is different and if i may say so anytime after sunrise is not a morning for any self righteous "Morning Person "

Okay its fajr time with the first sounds of Azan but i am not taking a break here till i am up and over the first 1000 words which is still a little over the 200 words . So lets stay with the super bowl for a few more minutes and try to find out what her majesty the lady gaga will be singing for the imperial highness the lordship of Pespsi . God Save em Both .
Nope its not easy to find what lady Gaga is gaaing oh sorry gaaing is not even a words in either american or turkish but what i mean is singing tonight or to be precise tomorrow morning when most of us are sleeping . So after going through tens of articles of these crazy sports and entertainment journalists i feel i should have predicted What lady Gaga could be singing tonight at the super bowl final 51 btween the Atlanta falcons and the Whatever Whatevers in houston tx instead of reading their garbage well actually they use a very different Word for what it is but since i am already clear and a little short of it at the moment i believe its not politically correct to use that word here . Now that reminds me of the subtitles in movies in my geographically location . Well you hear the word alright but in the subtitles its a different word . Never understood Why they have to so desperately translate or replace a figure of speech . By the Way Thank God that these subtitles does not try to translate the second most used "Word" in the American movies because even i cannot translate it in less hurt full which is any lesser than a phrase comprising of three words and a pre fix . LOL

Okay it 6 :31 am and i am clearly over the 1000 words mark so i take a break here and probably be back with a fresh cup of tea or coffee .

8:06 am
Sun 7th  jamadi us awwal 1438
it is cold today this on a very peaceful Sunday morning . had a cup of coffee and a quarter plate of nihari with 3 slices of bread  No automatic alt text available.
Ah the cat did not hear me eat even though i used the microwave couple of times must be dreaming somewhere .

It is tough today because its cold outside and even though i am able to sit here inside bare feet on the rug that does not mean that its is not cold so having a great nulli nihari like this and not eating because me want to stay awake and do this my the Sunday Blog # 44  is so hard to digest . Honestly i simply cannot explain it to the Americans and their allies at all . And ever since Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, glasses and child
 the good for nothing CIA has been so brutally exposed by friends and adversaries in this region its getting even more difficult to explain anything to the Americans and their allies that somewhere or somehow does not involve Dollars not even as a collatral or a future investment or debunchers .

And before the superBowl 51 final half time the fourty something President of the United States has hit a racoon or something . as one of his most famous execution orders oh so sorry executive orders as he so loves to call them never before recall in the black history or maybe it was not so politically correct Thus ignored ....LOL
Anyways Image may contain: 1 person, meme and text

some small town judge who i am not sure is an legal or a iranian counter productive has managed to justify the travel ban even further by giving time to the whitehouse team to settle down and enjoy the game tonight . It is so interesting that the media here is so eager to get a similar execution order oh not again yes the executive order for Pakistan as well . Because now that the BOL is back in business a muslim ban or a travel ban from Pakistan would mean extra business and extra dollors and Blone Hairs ....okay i need to roll on the floor now So

11:01 am Not if it was the rolling on or the coffee but i missed over two hours and my eyes are still wide shut . Anyways the tall claim of being a morning person seems to be a joke right now which suggests that being a morning person and being a wake up and shoot guy and aim straight is not the same . For me the worst time of the day to sleep and then wake up or being woken up is the sunset time . It usually takes more than an hour to set all systems on the go . Anyways aftar a few cups of hot tea and watching the newly imported dry rose plants given the redish green leaves is the biggest joy in life and it always is . Yesterday the facebook memory of the day last year showed pictures of a fully bloomed flowering mango tree . No automatic alt text available.Image may contain: plant and nature

This year this week the first flower may be the only flower and may even not give the yield but it was overwhelming . I am not the kind of a person who gets "Hope" from the total destruction of a galaxy and the death of millions and millions of people . Image may contain: 1 person, camera, indoor and close-up

By the way the day i watched Rogue One the star wars story  The Force of traffic police stopped the operation against the car show rooms over parking . Or was it the day i watched the fantastic beasts ...anyways i 'll keep that in mind how close are these car show rooms with the Force . Since we are here talking about The Force lets not forget what some department did with . Yes i mean the wake up call for the Careem and Uber all over the country not just karachi or jamshedtown . Somebody not really sure who pulled them out of the Karachi Jams . Well we will come to that later either today or in some future Sunday Blog . At the moment there is one more thing that has something to do with the Force with you . And that is the M9 motorway between karachi and hyderabad . If you google map and ask them for directions bewteen m9 toll plaza nearer to karachi and that near hyderabad they say that it is around 130 km and a few km more if you calculate from the city areas and here they say that only 75 km could be build okay so what did they inaugurate this week ? well for the American Slaves of Sindh only the new and unbelievable increase in toll tax was Imposed with a New Governor . Image may contain: 5 people, people sitting

Well since i am not sure if this will affect the price of eggs or will it not so i leave the calculations of exactly how much one single not laid not masturbating slave will be required to pay at each re entry to M9 or if the 130 + will be assessed as one and not 130 - 75 -8 KM etc etc No automatic alt text available.

In the pre foundry days of Pakistan Television i remember they used to remind us a lot of this

نام منظور ہے تو فیض کے اسباب بنا 
پل بنا، چاہ بنا، مسجد و تالاب بنا 
well in those days faiz and mrs faiz was not very popular with them now it seems that nobody cares who they were haven't seen in any pakistani play or movie that an angry parent pulls a book of faiz works from their wards and ground them. The interesting thing is that now the targets have been changed for making a name and that is make money and hide it somewhere . Or if you don't want to be very famous then hide with the money . For example Musharaff made lots of money hide it somewhere safe and came back to pakistan got interviewed by  Neelum Muneer become famous and went back into hiding with his money and lived happily ever after . Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standingImage may contain: 1 person, sitting and indoorImage may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing

its 12:34 pm and this My the Sunday Blog # 44 is well over 2000 words already so here i take a break and see if there is a change in weather out there .

3:09 pm
 yes i did notImage may contain: food have a regular lunch but i have been eating just to keep warm and i looked out side and realised that going out may require to wear warmer clothes and there is no guarantee that a walk in the sun may give me the warmth that i need to break the record of 4274 Words . I think that this is a breakable record because i am on a roll and no way near any writer's Block or in a technical jam of some sort . But Then again if i sit here in this weather and do not take any precautions . i may lose some of my very hard earned and even harder to maintain freedoms such as being single and allowed to watch the islamic sex positions and orgasms . Oh how i wished i could copy and paste them here But as they say there is always a But and you know its a 5th Feb as well which is the last Sunday before the sunday that ends the week before the Happy valentines' this year 2017 .
Last year that is in 2016 the Happy Valentines' day was a Sunday so there was a Monday the very next day . And next year that is the 2018 the happy valentines' day will be on the wednesday BUT it will also be the Ash Wednesday in UK . No wonder they are all on the streets of London and Hongkonk protesting against the Judge halted the travel ban and provoked the Builder and ex Mayor President of the United States . So anyways this year there is no conflict of interest because the ash wednesday comes much later infact weeks later after the first monday after the Haapy Valentines' day 2017 . Image may contain: 1 person

Okay before i reach the 2500 words mark and end this session let me bring up the most important event of the week . On Thursday i believe let me check ....nope can't find  anyways from 2nd of feb to the 4th of feb 2017 Facebook  launched a new feature where a dancing humanoid robot made out of ‘like’ and ‘reaction’ emojis displays images of your apparent best friends in a bid to celebrate Friendship Day. ....

Sorry during the research i got distracted so i am not sure what or where i was going anyways let me first understand it and if i may help resolve the issue first . 

Okay yes i am back So the video that they offered was less than a minute and had a collage of profile pictures of my facebook friends that i recently interacted . Since my facebook account is not very ancient i only made it very recently last year so i believe they have not missed any of my facebook friends . yet if anybody was inadverantly omitted then its their fault because i did not edit it just shared it as it is . For the record . 

okay i have made it to the 2500 words so break 

5:17 pm Okay so this is the last session of the day . the sunset is around 6 :20 pm That  means that i have a whole one hour to go on and on and on . Before the break and the tea and lays salted i was talking about the so and so Friendsday invented by the facebook i think the mark zinngerburger or his team mates are finally beginning to get there . Where they can change the weather and shopping pattrens . okay no may be that is a little too much for these kids because even if you change the weather of a hemisphere there is always another side of world that is in the dark already so when and if they get to see the light of the day they will celebrate like hell. Image may contain: 1 person, standing and textNow why i thing that they by they i mean the Facebook team may even be thinking of alerting the monopoly commission by suggesting that they are the only game in the game . You know what i believe they are no matter what the monopoly commission think or choose to be given the choice of thinking by you khow who about you know what But you may never know when . So there is no point in wasting your time about the game and lets just get on with it .

It is just so amazing that its not even the maghrib or sunset and i am where i use to get at the very end of the day that is almost mid night no its not a riddle what i am trying to say is that i am so close to the 3000 words mark and its not yet sunset . And the best thing is that i am not even required to leave the house to bring the milk tonight . Fortunately i am too good on the food for today and tomorrow's meals . Unless ofcourse somebody or myself feels the need of something other than what we have which for a reason i doubt becuase in this uncertain weather and climate condition that we here in karachi are familier with or comfortable with is the best and nearest description, eating is not the prefered option here is staying warm and not getting sick is .

5:47 Junk SMS from the forgotten buddies no its not the BISP gang its the other . recently i have noticed that since the internet bundle offers were shut down by some extortion mafia they have stopped or reduced the junk sms spammers . Come to think of it i have only two junk sms this week can you believe this only two last night from the BISP gang and just now from them . So in Dollar terms What does this come down to ex communication or just too blue

5:54 pm And 3000 words it is ...Yes ! I don't know if its part of the security drill or somebody blocking the way in front of the gate because every passing car is honking even though there are very few passing cars at the moment but whatever is passing is honking and the timing is very very suggestive coinciding with the main points of my this the Sunday Blog # 44 on a 5th Feb Sunday evening when those who are partying are partying and those who are not partying well never mind those . LOL
But honestly getting a day off in feburary is in itself is a very blessing and even those who do not get a day off on the 5th of feb usually get a relaxed day and early night . ThankyouRaheelSharif . Actually i really don't remember who started it but i think its very recent . Musharraf was too pro India was it the guilt or was it somebody else who went into the kargil . Now that is something i am so sure i will never get to know unless it is de classified on its own or thanks to a clearical mistook Image may contain: ocean, sky, outdoor and nature

Anyways Enjoy whatever the days of carefree life i have left i wonder if i can borrow a few extra from the right . lol

6 :11 pm 3249 words  Break .

8th Jamadi ul Awwal 1438

7:09 pm
Good Evening !
If it was not cold today here in karachi the way it is today I would have definitely ended this my the Sunday Blog # 44 right here right now and snuggled into the red velvet cotton quilt and watched a movie or a soap on the sesries channel But becuase it is difficult and tough day again for fairies and blacksheeps alike i am going to enjoy every minute of it till the very last moment .

The Climate change the kind we are experiencing right now may be just a weather update and may be gone in a week or less . But the changes it brings about both in the living and non living things is very interesting if we note and observe carefully .Image may contain: textMost things expand or contracts with the change the water tap begins to drip drip drip and if not disturbed or screwed very tightly it stops drip drip dripping itself . Some people feel there is a ghost that is doing it just be noticed but if you were lucky enough to have a very nice science teacher in the school and you paid attention some of the time chances are that you ignore the ghost and be easy on the tap soon as the weather changes back to normal that same tap also goes back to its usual self . But sometimes it does not every non living material and most man made things have very little elasticity or flexibility to withstand extreme climate conditions and the surprizing thing is that some may even react to very little change . Sometimes during the rain or rainy season the wodden objects like doors or window panes gets stuck or don't open easily . Now wood is an interesting material it comes from a living thing and now it is as dead as Queen Ann . you cut it to the size you want and smooth it with tools and sand papers make the required object that you want or need place it there and then polish it to not only look good but also save it from the different weather effects for as long as it can . Having no idea how long it can withstand the dirt and moisture . Direct or indirect sunlight , heat and dew . So what happens is that everything gets back to normal but the door is not opening or closing like before then you begin to worry and get it fixed . But there are few people like me in this world who says never mind it will get back to normal on its own very soon its just the climate change and a weather pattren . Soon what happens is that people using it gets use to it . I have seen many people who when getting to a new or different car shuts the door very hard or very soft according to their own habbit . Now what happens it that if that was suppose to be closed hard with a forceful pull and you pulled it very gently like you are familiar or may be you have no idea because to belong to a car less community , either the driver or every passerby will tell you that the door is not properly shut . But if its a soft and gentle thing and you pulled it all the ways after getting inside or pushed with a bang after getting off then So help you God . It all depends on the mood and your relations with the driver and owner of the car . Sometimes I thank the dear merciful Lord Almighty Allah for not making us invent the shutable hard doors for the Rickshaws that we use between a taxi Cab and a public Bus . The Rickshaw drivers of Karachi no matter which ethnic background they may belong to are normally very verbally abusive to anybody they can .

I remember few years ago i was going to my sisters house almost two city towns away at this time . and there was a what the traffic police FM says dabao which can be translated as pressure . Actually its not a jam because the traffic is slow yet it keeps movie as a snails pace . if somebody changes his or her mind at any point before reaching the destination agree they can jump off with having to stop . The Rickshaw will automatically stop ignoring the beeps and honks and the engine sounds . you pay what you think is just argue a little while just to get off the rickshaw lag ( in comparision to jet lag) go to the other side of the road having better moving traffic and back or you could even walk a mile or two and get out of the mess in the same direction stop an empty rickshaw and save time .
Okay coming back to the few years ago the rickshaw driver got very aggitated watching me having fun he started yelling abuse at every passer by very few returned the pleasentry as most of them i noticed were very near their destination and eager to get their . Our rickshaw driver was a few KM aways from the destination and was losing patience . Anyways as we passed the agha khan hospital gate and crossed the stadium signal the road was clearer and we did not hear a single word from the mouth of this driver untill we reached our destination . So What i am trying to say is that some changes are subject to change and some are brought about . But it is up to us to decide if we need to wait or we want to wait . But if we don't need to yet we want to then we cannot blame others for a very conscientious decision of a cunctator.

8:28 pm so i am over 4200 words already Should i jump now or must i invest in Auto Paints ? 

9:44 pm Its a very clear night sky tonight . The Moon and stars are so bright and shinny . I don't know why i never took the study of astro very seriously But i have a natural liking for it almost like a passion Both of my  dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi May they rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !.. were very passionate about the Stars and Planets and all the sciences they carry with them . Especially Papa May he rest in Peace in Heaven  Amen was very fond of the astrology as well as astronomy . Unfortunately my mind never came to rest that is required to be able to study and understand the celestial beings and the interactions between them . The cause and effects of their inherent forces and the energies they produce or release on its own or due to the nearness and distances . Anyways i am not like some who only know MARS is a Chocolate Bar that sticks to your gums and eats the teeth . But then again i am also not like sheldon Cooper the socially awkward physicists who knows everything thinks everybody as inferior . I am trying to be socially aloof just to be able to learn more and more . So if i am not able to join you that does not necessarily proves that i am pro next door and against you and untill you stop whatever that i am doing and see my four worded with a pre fix face you wont let go of me . 

This week for Suits the television series ended on a very very sad note. I believe it was the season 4 finale . Its not just a simple breakup of years and years of a withstanding relation . It was a coming out into the real world and knowing that she is gone as in gone . 

Anyways , So here are the movies of the week . 

1. Doctor Strange (film).
3.Fantastic Beasts
4.Suicide Squad
5.The Accountant Movie
6. XOXO Film

Okay i was going for the Oscar Nominated movies for this years Oscars 2017 few weeks from now But after Suicide Squad I decided to let go of this . The movies i have already watched i am trying to delete from my memories .
The 5th one is just great because it suggests that i could be need anytime LOL
I have absolutely no idea what the last one is about . Most probably was only meant to motivate the youth of America and lebanon for US presidential Elections . Well if that so true then i am not very sorry .
10 :47 pm 4655 words i have no idea how am i even going to start next week What did i eat today and yesterday ?

11:17 pm i do not understand the joke which somebody is hurling about this nihari please if its for me then it must or should come to me directly no jokes or hints will be entertained that does not come to me directly . Throwing a ball in any part of the house at any time of the mid night does not in anyways concerns me unless of course it hurts my spleen . Okay now you can say the most commonly used word or its traslation LOL

Image may contain: foodImage may contain: food Okay so here i end this My the Longest Sunday Blog # 44 yet .
And this is the Song that i can't stop loving no matter what no matter even if any thing that matters does not matter any more and that is

Mr. Big - Wild World


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