
Sunday 12 February 2017

The Sunday Blog # 45

Today is the 12th of Feburary 2017 the 14th of Jamadi ul Awwal 1438 till the sunset and this is my The Sunday Blog # 45 . In Some Educational cultures if 33 and 40 don't get you to pass an exam or exemption 45 most certainly do . But since i do not belong to any such cultures neither i feel it is an examination of sorts so recline and enjoy or better get a cup of tea like me here or a cup of coffee or whatever is your poison because i am in no mood to call it a day yet and neither do my readers and fans . I don't know if the Royal Academy may concider it a great achievement or not but the fact is that on the home front my readership has doubled in the past two weeks . My Both near and dear siblings are now regularly reading my Sunday blogs and notifying me of the spelling mistakes most of which are definitely my fault becuase in a hurry to increase the words count i sometimes delibrately ignore to read the typed text after a line or a para . I keep on typing and then save the draft and move on . On Monday Morning after having discussed the spelling mistakes i tried to edit the Sunday Blog #44 of the previous sunday but honestly i could only make it to the half way . It was huge I would have been extremely sorry if it had been for somebody else who had to read it and give the feed back But here its a kind of personal test of will and determination and overcoming the hurdles that may actually be coming or may be imagined by my idiosycratic ness ( take a bow ) LOL

okay in the first half hour of the Sunday right now since 12:10 am i have been lucky to have blogged down about 300 words already . The First Paragraph of this my the Sunday Blog # 45 looks quite impressive even without any media insertions or links .  Sitting upright on a chair in front of a computer for a better part of the Sunday round the clock is not very easy unless you have a job to save or a lot of certain money to make . For me its neither  Since i like to over analyze few things that happens in my ambience or if i leave the more regular ambience and visit a familier or non familier environment or place . So in the process of over analyzing i some times see or understand thing that usually don't concern me to put it the right way in the dollar terms " None of My ***&%$ Business . Since i do not interact with many people or don't like to interact with many people especially the ones who don't like to listen just talk and talk and instead of helping me out by listening to me distracts me by things that are not their own original thoughts only what they download from the media . Since Birth my mind is like that it does not accept the propaganda especially the extremely creative junk . So what options do i have but to blog and blog . In the past we used to have a process called reading a newspaper daily and then share our take and thoughts and analysis with near and dear ones at arms length . Unfortunately I do hereby proclaim with full honesty and a presence of mind and body that i lost both the source and the subjects as a matter of facts as well as fiction the whole process of communication and education of political sciences to the Computerization . I could never forget the day when my agile ass walked into the BC khi having to choose between the oriental setting or the pre-historic remains . Okay never mind the gloomy faces of the staff right there on the front desk was amazing and in the years to follow an unbelievable satisfaction begin to appear with a glow that was much brighter than the glare of the monitor . Naturally it was not politically correct to remain on the Bleak . Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting and indoor
Anyways , Both of my companions with whom i used to converse passed away into the computerness and yes ofcourse the infamous and notorious Facebook . Technically i got there first and they simply followed to see if i am okay . My very very humble apologies to the people both computer literate and Non computer literate who were the fans and followers of my team  off line and dig our thoughts and ideas very seriously . For very many years i believed or should i say i felt like the abrupt power and net shut downs were a que for me to join the others or any one available as if we are ON AIR and there is not a second allowed to waste . Image may contain: text, outdoor and natureI am most certain that it is not because of our rudeness or ill behaviour that nobody is being allowed in especially when there is a chance of us getting together and chat about issues both current and political . anything infact anything at all under the sun . So its impossible that we or the things that we talks about may be causing all or any of the jams in the neighbourhood , town or city. and that's that . LOL

its 2:19 am and i am just a little short of the first 1000 words i am not very sleepy at the moment but the setup must be heating up so i have to shut down for atleast a few minutes i am so over fed tonight see this was what i was trying to get to 500 words ago on this my the Sunday Blog # 45 . Last Saturday night we chose kababs over nihari . Tonight kababs were stuck in a jam as the oven was out of gas for a moment which extinguished the fire we thought was burning in the mean time the unexpected take away arrived and was served for dinner . Now the thing is that in an Absolute democracy like ours I am the only janta (public) so i have to maintain the peace and remove uncertainity so despite eating the take away dinner , i had to taste the salt of the home baked kababs as well . Unlike nihari last week which i tried to avoid all day sunday and only took very small quantity just to keep warm in the cold weather , arising suspicions as to why they are not eating must be too good for their taste or protesting for something . The Kebabs that we saved for the next meal may not be forced in the next meal after being frozen . Does not require a particular form of bread to be eaten with So i believe that today will be a better Sunday for this my the Sunday Blog # 45 . Honestly looking at the words count 1132 i feel i could fly to Dubai and back to complete this my the Sunday Blog # 45 today .Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food
2:45 am Good Night !

10 10 am Good Morning !
Sun 14th jamadi ul awwal 1438
The weather is ok on this last sunday before the valentines' day a
white rose is blooming culturally its good

my first tweet of the day looks something like this everyday every morning . been doing this for over two years now and this has survived a lot of happenings in the neighbourhood . Talking of neighbourhood . Day before yesterday i found out that an old neighbour died recently . Yesterday i met his eldest son and condoled about a month ago his other son called on the phone which i accidentally picked expecting some one else about him being in a coma in liaqat . yes the same hospital where Papa died may his soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen!..
According to the legand that i have heard one of my dearly departed Ammi's May her soul rest in peace amen !.. distant relative aunt or something had a boy slave and lived near by but when she move to a far off land with the  joke of the town and family husband that boy was taken in by our pardosan next door . A wonderful lady and a very dear friends of my both grand mothers . Her children were also very nice and gentle friendly people the boy grew up just like a part of the family got married had two son married them also . When the house was sold to builder mafia they gave him some thing as well to buy a place to live helped settle get jobs . One of the grand daughters of the Pardosan was married in the neighbourhood . That is how the family remained in touch. Her children some times throws the ball in our court yard playing cricket and we some times ask about their grand parents . The youngest also my favorite is a china copy of his father very little resemblance to the maternal side . Heard they move to dubai spent the summers there don't know what happened they are back here playing cricket while the their mayorish father is desperately trying to clean up our mess. He hates rubbish , bullshit , bitches and dirt . I always pray to the dear merciful same same Lord that at least he gets to live in a clean environment . Lets see . Pas ce soir because the builder has blocked the gutters and the alley and in no mood to finish up and move out . I suspect that somebody from the neighbourhood whom we love to call Builder Mafia's agent wait , that is all the love we have left for the Happy Valentines' day , thought i should clear since the L word came up , is forcing him to delay wonder who could that be this time ? Well it Ain't not the MQM lol Any MQM behind him i checked the moment the word was spread in the neighbourhood to give him a peace of mind and freedom to do whatever he like to do on a plot that has been vacant for so many years and suddenly became available just days after the death of a neighbourhood big shot last Good Friday . Anyways if it wasn't for the water and sewerage i would have said None of My ***&^%$# Business but they made it because for a whole *&^% year i did not care of the way closed with building material . Honestly i should have left the neighbourhood and the country or atleast tried to after the first bombardment or missle attack of Afghanistan way back by the US marines .Anyways dying after superannuation without leaving a son or a slave seems like a delhi to me .

لاَّ إِلَـهَ إِلاَّ أَنتَ سُبْحَـنَكَ إِنِّى كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّـلِمِينَ

Transliteration: La Ilaha Illa Anta Subhanaka Inni Kuntu Minaz ZalimeenTranslation: …There are none worthy of worship besides You. Glorified are You. Surely I am from the Wrongdoers. (21:87

So it is 11:40 am need to take a break the word count is 1800 +

1:20 pm had this brunch....
 Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

The Two certain chaapaa have been cancelled as my very dear sister has taken indefinited leave of absence retired hurt with a strained back . So instead of us chaapa today she and her family will be getting chaapa

okay somebody at the door let me check ...oh my god fish free delivery bicycle to take me for zuhr i believe LOL

Neighbours kitchen is smelling chicken qorma aroma direct no onion buring risking by the Hockey Feds You know how simple my life is and people around me are extremely predictable gone are the days when i used  to protest a lot now i am only enjoying it to the fullist.

 Since 1/3 majority of our democracy is out and two towns away I don't have to worry at all of going out of the room and can do this my the Sunday Blog # 45 in peace without having to attend the regular meal times and facebook meetups . The two third of the Majority is so firmly divided on this facebook thing . One does not want to see my *&^% face on his facebook have me blocked without a reason from day one does not want me to stalk or prowl considers it as an act of aggression if i see something from my other me only account that survived the blocking probably because i did not send him anything from it lol Luckily since its a me only account they did not even suggest me as a friend becuase of no mutual friends in that account.....
and the other would someday post my picture on her profile and wont even care to ask if that's okay with me
 . Image may contain: 2 people, indoor

Okay its 2:10 pm and i have crossed the 2000 words already But today i am not trying to break any records instead i want to know that what is a normal write up for me in a twenty four hours long span with many many breaks and going out for a walk or to the mosque also i want to add a permanent shopping trip to the near or the filthy meat market at least once on a sunday . I have noticed that since from the very beginning of this series of the Sunday Blog that when even i went out for shopping i came back with an open mind and relaxed mood which is a very essential thing for Non creative writing such as this My the Sunday Blog # 45 . There is absolutely nothing creative about it .

2:19 am Church Says we found him ....and i say Good For You ! Thumbs up or coke or what ever !! lol
The other sound in the back ground is not clear yet But i believe my Town is finally waking up on this Sunday second of the feburary with just two more to go . This is not a leap year means that there are only twenty eight days in the second month of the calender .
2:27 pm probably the king kone is leaving now sound breaking up

I have heard it from some one that during the exams every sound distracts as if its a sign from a divine source of inspiration yet when we are not studying enjoying other pursuits we never even care who is on the street or in the kitchen or even in the same room . So what i am trying to say is that its time to stop because i am begining to feel as if what i am doing right now is not a fun thing but purely educational And that is something i would never want to do in a million years on a beautiful and peaceful sunday afternoon like this one so its bye for now i'll be back soon not sure when soon i am sure .
okay wait the words count says i am so near the 2500 words mark so it will be good if i must complete it by typing in a few more words before i stop . Okay this is becoming not good because a fun thing should and must be such that you are always in control not that it dictates you by any means regardless. if that is true then i stop this thing right here right now regardless of the words counter or the words done .
2:41 pm 2525 words lol

2:42 pm vegetable free delivery has everything i don't need or want . so what do i want or need today ? let me worry about it please please ...please !
By the Way i am so sure the one third majority on a foreign trip must be grilling everybody thanks Al mighty there is no ball in my tennis court today . God Bless the Non Muslim America !Image may contain: 1 person, standing

4:00 pm pottery free delivery beating the pots right in front of the gate no doppler effect what so ever The not same same lord's prayer azan sounding in the background for us its the last chance if we missed the zuhr on time love this diversity . Anyways had a tea break with this Image may contain: foodImage may contain: food


okay some times research during the sunday blog is very counter productive because it takes up a lot of time and the time lost is often not worth it . Because the only thing that gives you encouragement here is when you look at the word count which always say that if i can do so much in so little time i can also do more in the time remaining and trust me its not very educational simply fun . anyways i was checking twitter hash tag of #POPE and found out few things that i did not know its always good to have a little knowledge about them gives you a certain edge over those Image may contain: 1 personImage may contain: 1 person, standingImage may contain: 1 person, text and closeupImage may contain: textImage may contain: one or more people

They met two days before the Happy Valentines' Day last year and the bus turned over this week at bait ul Mukkarum i see no coincidence in all that but jude law doing diane keaton ....Well when jabbar and kareem leaves the US due to travel ban somebody has to fill in don't you think . Image may contain: 2 people, people standing, hat and outdoor

i have no idea how i missed such great events in the year that has gone and forgotten . oh yes half the year i was eating sweet mangoes and the other half i had a cable trouble that's how i missed such great news But don't any body worry now because the World call has returned from Oman and taking over . Image may contain: one or more people and outdoorokay doesn't this flag pole remind us of the Good old days of the Oman tv . We had one just like this one on our roof top and we had to keep rotating its position due to weak signals from oman and even weaker from doordarshan rajkot boaster . This is a very very recent picture taken by the Dawn Photographer this weekend and if you see closely at the karachi pearl harbour water front ofcourse all names are fictional what do you expect LOL , there is no antenna not even a bird stand on the roofs of those illegal building . Thankyou Omantel for nurturing and training the Worldcall cable network and safely returning it home . Long Live the Sultan ! Long Live Oman !

5:18 pm okay its time for another break thank God i have crossed the 3000 words now i can eat sleep and pray . Be back after Maghrib prayers or should i call it a day . 3000 words is more than enough for my two very dear yateem siblings who are in a dog house this week with a son of bitch like myself for not attending the first wedding of the year . Their Childhood friends will need a certain proof from them that they were not under my Habeas corpus. 
Honestly i believe they were not comfortable with the idea of leaving me home alone with home cooked nulli nihari while they freeze to death in open marriage lawn on a very cold winter night and suspious meat food of the caterers . Anyways I had nothing to do with their not attending this or any other function happy or sad occasion in this town or outside . 

5:34 pm 3150 words the feets are cold now time to put on the sweater . Bye !

15th Jamadi ul Awwal 1438

7:39 pm Good Evening !

feel very fresh after a hot bath , walk and shop . Buss ye nahein khana tha ....Image may contain: drink and foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

Image may contain: flower, plant and natureImage may contain: flower, plant and natureImage may contain: flower and plant

it is so totally beyond me that i have a white rose hours before the Happy Valentines's day 2017 .  Kuch to garbar-d hai ....

And now its Isha time . The weekend is a drama less two days so i am free at nine but usually we have dinner at eight so there is no need to go out for take away or anything . Don't know why but i missed most of the series and especially the episode of Suits this week . Both the writer and director has lost their grip in this season I don't really understand that to make Mike look good they have to make him look very weak and all others extremely horrible seems like somebody inspired really bad by the transformer series has joined the production team of Suits in this season is it 5 ? Anyways.

Okay so now today i do the movies of the week first because it requires a little effort of search and paste so here they are ..

1. Results
2.Raees The Film
3. Ok Jaanu Movie
Wajah Tum Ho Full Movie
5. Moh Maya Money
6..Beta Test

Okay its been a really big week watched much talked movies like Raees and ok jaanu very recent release all new movies but firsts i need to say something about Moh Maya Money . Neha finally did it most movies i watched of her earlier had her dead hate that here she did not die she is not killed no body kidnaps her and drown her into the lake . She is not thrown in anybody else grave and then filled with dirt . But Oh my God ...anyways i don't want to be a bad sport and give out a spoiler . It may not be the very best movie but its ok . I feel really bad for poor husbands like these especially because there are so many here in karachi and bombay oh sorry Mumbai .
4 is definitely a soft desi porn but is good based on the revenge a thriller as well as technology development not really a sci-fi . Watching media houses up against each other and some big fishes against a crocodile every day i don't think the day is very far when the crocodile will get back at them . may be at once or may be one by one . lol
Please don't tell me that the crocodile is only after making money through the big fishes and would never twist its tail at them . Because sometimes i feel that could be the only reason they get to spoil the pond for so long . Or is it that the crocodile is too old to just be the horsee ride play for the rich kids ?

9: 56 pm Okay its almost 10 pm and I seems to have missed a dinner tonight or in some cultures what we had at maghrib the potato pastry with tea and berries could be called dinner . The potato pastry has some ingridient among the spices that causes a food allery every time i take it and so does the Biryani that we had yesterday . But that does not stop me from eating it never have never will so after having a allergy free ears for over a week today here we go again . I should have tested for what causes that allergy and why i don't have it with the same kind of food cooked at home . To learn such things you need to take interest and spend some time out of the routines which i am not willing to do . Usually its a two or three days event and if the intake of that sustance is not repeated during that two three days the allergy goes away but if there is a repeated then the popup boils and dry in few days eventually its back to normal . Don't know why but i always love the dried skin whether its an outer skin or some inner portion reachable by the finger tip . for so many years i have enjoyed peeling off the dried skin from around the eyes usually the right eye . Recently that thing has shifted to the inside of the ear and became less visible rarely a black scar appears somewhere on the face or near the ear nothing to alarm any body and since i don't mingle with people a lot rarely it gets noticed . The one on the eye used to be a bit difficult to hide but it was painless this thing usually hurts when pressed on the pillow that is why i have reduced the intake of most spicy cooked food from out side the house . I even try to make sure the spice mix used in cooking has everything accounted for . but some of our meaty foods need spice masala available in packets since there are no food laws no body care to mention what spices are used in that masala mix packet and what quantity . People in this country would spend their life time mourning a cancer patient a near and dear one or collect millions of dollars for a cancer hospital and celebrate days wear thing they would never wear or do silly posts on social media to create awareness of the disease but they would never even try to think why ? Why her ? Why me ? why us ?  very valuable people are dying every year For God Sake its not a joke . It doesn't matter to a dead person where he or she died . Doesn't matter to those who mourn for them mostly for the entire remaining life if their cancer patient lived a day more or a year more . What matters the most is that they died and died in pain and believe it or not most cancers starts from a very tiny protrude Does Anybody Care People keep ignoring they think it will go away on its own sometimes it does just like in my case it always goes away okay so iam lucky i keep a check on every swell every lump every infection . How many do ? Some even try try to hide such swells not really sure why but they do until the very day when their doctors says please sit down i have to tell you some thing . Do we want our loved ones to see the dawn of that day . How many of us in their right frame or mind would want or love that ? a motherfucking cancer hospital on free land and collected money in every big city and every town of the country cannot save millions of people . They can only treat a few hundred may be few thousands . the number of cancer patients will keep multiplying every year every month every day every second . So Please please ....please i beg everybody in this country especially those who have the basic  knowledge of the food we eat or the things we eat with our food learn a little more and tell others what we can eat and what we can not . what we should eat and what we should not. What we must eat and what we must not .

Some television channels are doing a great job an amazing job in creating awaresness about the bad things we are forced to eat in the filthy markets open shops and even high end expensive restaurants and Hotels all over the country not just karachi . I praise them and salute them for this bold effort . I am sure how risky it is for them and their families to survive in this country once they expose a very reputable and popular place with very influencial people having interests and investments in such places that could cause deadly dieases . I don't think being reckless is prudent . And especially if there is burden of responsibility on some ones shoulder as a loving parent or as a caring spouse or sibling . Even as a friend there is some responsibility on every ones shoulder to make sure your friend does not eat anything that they would regret the rest of their life .

okay so here we are at the end of this my The Sunday Blog # 45 Tonight i have to celebrate the eighth survival of me from the definite press gang up LOLNo automatic alt text available.