
Sunday 19 February 2017

The Sunday Blog # 46

Today is the 19th of Feburary 2017 the 21st of Jamadi ul Awwal 1438 till the Sunset and this is my the Sunday Blog # 46 .
This Has been a very Bloody and hell week for Almost the entire Pakistan . The reign of Terror has griped the entire country of Pakistan . And even though so far karachi has been enjoying the fruits of the Military operation known as the zarb-e-Azb started during the previous regime of retd generals . I believe the bringing  liver to the mouth کلیجہ منہ کو آ نا incident of a mini Bus over turning on the university road in the previous week was just as bloody and hell as the series of Bomb blasts this week .
So before i go on any further " i want to condemn and deplore the use of US Funded American Dollars being used on the renovation and preservation of All the Sufi shrines in the Sindh and other provinces of Pakistan .and Also the deployment of Rangers inside the Sufi shrines of Sindh ."
Sooner or later some very agile social media expert in the Trump administration or the WhiteHouse will find out about  the Wasted US Funding on Sufi Shrines in Sindh Pakistan. Amen !
12:53 am my mouth is dry and eyes closing and forehead has started to perspire so i need to take a break here .
4:00 am Okay i am up from the sleep but i am still sleepy could fall again to sleep any time soon without shuting down . The word count today is very low which is not an indicator of or a sign of that i am speechless . Anyways , the winter the lovely winter has gone now some are still hopeful that it may strike back again one more time but i fear that it is gone for good finally . The temperature is around 26 °C right now and i have stopped voluntarily using the hot water tap . Yesterday as i was praying in the mosque i felt that this may be the last few days when i may be able to stand without sweating this year . soon i will be standing under the fan and perspiring hard . So the best days of the year are now officially over . Sometimes i feel that i am not very prudent to be living here in karachi temperature especially on the hot and humid days which are so abundent here but when its cold and not really very cold but cold as compared to the hot and very hot and humid sticky humid i feel that i might say and feel the very same some where else perimissble and cold for me to stay . So what i am trying to say is that just because i sweat here so profusely does not really mean that i may like and enjoy cooler temperatures around the world . Unfortunately i haven't heard of a place in pakistan which has a cold temperature through out the year . Which means that everywhere here the temperature changes and when its cold its colder and when its hot its hotter . except may be for the high and mighty mountains up north where i may never survive the four seasons on my own without the help from the locals or the mighty lord .
So despite being pressured to hate everything around this week and this weekend i am all relaxed and enjoying and praying as a thankful being . Because i may not get this high and dry chilled for the rest of the year not even in the december at the very end of the year 2017 . as i recall the winter december of 2016 very very well it was nothing but winter here in my lovely home town . And if it hadn't been for the winter showers this year we may have lived another winter season without a winter or cold weather ones again in our lives just like the previous year . My very dear brother gifted a leatherish jacket to me before the season started and since i chose to stay away from the traffic jams and did not attend parties or functions this winter . The only purpose it served this year and season was help me get good and memorable selfies and facebook profiles . Since i am still not prepared mentally for a twitter verified account which most certainly requires a picture profile allow me to fill this with a karachi from the outer space a week before valentines's day . 
Since most of the places in this picture are classified and restricted with photography not allowed i advise caution while ogling . Me and my dearly departed Papa may his soul rest in peace in heaven Amen were always so fascinated and amazed by the accuracy of the Old Maps and atlas when ever we got the chance to see such images .Image may contain: drawing
Okay its 5:44 am and i can hear the dogs barking or howling most of these stray dogs are bitches and they usually howl at the afghan garbage pickers
okay here comes the first of the fajr azans . This may go on and on till 6:15 am . And i also need to relax my back for a few minutes so its sign out
10:44 am Good Morning !
Thank God its not noon yet , So here is my first tweet of the morning :
Sun 21st Jamadi ul awwal 1438
okay the sunday come quick and is almost half gone in sleep the weather is now warm not cold so less eating.
Image may contain: food
Okay this was my breakfast at 6:00 am . i made it myself and i love it in all seasons when i don't have or don't want anything fancy or special . The toast slices are usually a little darker brown fried but today i was in a bit of a hurry to go back  to sleep as i was up for the past two hours doing this my the sunday Blog # 46 from 4 am to 5 : 45 am . so soon after i fell asleep and did not wake up at all till the 10 :00 am . May be if somebody has recorded the snoring and murmur can tell I simply can't if or what i dream of or did not at all . Image may contain: 1 person
Anyways i have to get back to this my the Sunday Blog # 46 soon because of extra sleep i am a little late and the first thousand words has appeared just now 1020 words . Plus i am also i am thinking of a pre- publish editing so there is a chance i may quash some lines or add a few words either way this word count is just a self reminder and not a permanent part of the body. Oh this dry mouth is killing me i believe i should consult the med sites on google most certainly hope its just the changing weather or Xerostomia -- is dryness in the mouth (xero- + stom- + -ia), which may be associated with a change in the composition of saliva, or reduced salivary flow .
And nothing to worry about like an american multinational soft drink giant trying to get back a larger portion of my shopping bags ... By the way i love the treatment sugested by the google med  yes here it says sorry i have been cheating all along on other browser tab lol
Suck on sugar-free candy or chew sugar-free gum. "Image may contain: 1 person, smiling
So there it takes up most of my worries of the day . yesterday when i was out shopping for breakfast stuff at the local store i had the sugar free Gums within my grasp. okay American multinational soft drink giant you Wins yet  another very good opportunity Image may contain: 1 person, closeup
okay its almost noon 11:53 am and the word count is about thirteen hundred words or a little less right now but i need to move and get up from this chair and refil the cup something to drink most probably the tea . be back soon not to worry .
1:22 pm okay this is what i had for Brunch if some single white American was thinking of Chaapa this morning .Image may contain: food Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodLunch is not ready yet but there is going to be a lunch rest assured .Image may contain: 1 person, standing and suit
Okay here i have to clearify something about the food pictures i post or facebook or pictweet or blog or even Vlog . I have done that many times before an i wont mind doing it again and again as long as i have access to a good net and social media . yes ofcourse i mean clarify oh sorry i misspelled it in the previous sentence its not clearify its clarify as in clarified butter . or in urdu واضح (waa-zey) no no its zey not zee ...yes . So okay posting food pictures on social media is neither an advertisement nor an Invite [period] . 
Okay my siblings have started lunch without me so i got to go . I don't think i will be able to reach three thousand words by Sunset today after eating Chicken Biryani and stuff so please help me God !
3:12 pm Okay so i had lunch and a very constructive Facebook Meetup with the two . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food
Both are clean and dressed and ready to meet any chaapa while my dirty self is back here locked inside the room with room temperature of around 27°C before boiling water in kitchen only a wall away .Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting and indoor And after eating all that junk food i am sweating on the forehead so this is the last sunday blog i am doing so close to a large stove . honestly This was the best place in town where i was constantly in touch in case something bad happens to the neighbourhood watch with rifles and rides. Now i have only few more weeks of Sunday Blogging inside the room locked with fans under total control of China electic company
after that well everybody knows how summers are here in karachi . Image may contain: one or more people
Since i have done this Non creative Sunday Blogging in most of the Summers last year too so technically i have been there and had fun beside me and aqib the neighbourhood bully are almost friends now so i believe i have a smooth sail all summer longImage may contain: 2 people, food Honestly though i have not yet decided whether or not i will continue this Sunday Blogging after first Anniversay Sunday Blog . By the Way I want to Thank everybody who helped me all the way especially my dear siblings without their technical support i could have not have come this far . i will never forget them and if Her Majesty ever Awarded me with Fifty whatever i will request them to save two each for them . God Bless The Non Muslim America !!
Image may contain: one or more people
Okay talking of Non Muslim America my dear uncle in florida has gone off-line once again and its been days now so should i alert his next of kin or should i wait for them to inform me . Anyways he was a very great uncle and a very dear American. He used to bring lots of gifts for me and everybody but one of the gifts that he specifically brought for me on my request was flexible rollar skates . in those days that were absolutely impossible to find here in karachi and we did not have a ring to practice as well but i got the hang of it on my own . They are still one of my treasured possessions kept somewhere safe not sure where so i will post a picture of them some time later must be very rusty now but i simply love the sound of it . I never shared my rollar skates with my pee-rs or friends and surprisingly nobody ever tried to take them away from me either . Unexplained Phenomenon yet Another twist in the US- Pak relations Image may contain: one or more people and crowd
4:24 pm and now i need a break Praiseth the Lord Al Mighty Allah that i have almost reached the two Thousand words count and the King Kone is here as well with the gang making some extra money in Rupees for the Church . So Good Luck to everybloody Ops i mean Every Body no no Every budy okay just forget it i have to go and lie down an bed . will try to be back soon hopefully okay .
5:29 pm First break of the day today during this my the Sunday Blog # 46 when i did not have anything to eat or drink . or maybe i did and did not remember it or may be it was not a full meal anyways that is why i always try to take pictures of the food and to save those pictures and be reminded by other in case i forget, i post them on social media . That does not mean that any or every food picture i post on social media is an Advertisement or an Invite for free lunches or get togethers . Each and every lunch or get together has to be planned requires preparation some in advance some during and then a lot of mess has to be cleared which also includes doing dishes . Oh Yes Dishes . Now making someone do your Dishes may and i am only saying may not june not april yes just may constitute or be the cause of a Class Action lawSuit or lawSuits .A single person who has been injured may bring a class action on behalf of everyone who has been harmed. It is common, however, after the action has been ...
Okay i got the drift lets move on to something we need to be very clear about even more than the fact that Any or All the food pictures posted by any one not just myself is not an Advertisement or an Invite because a formal or a casual invite has been very clearly defined in the social media . Please All Those who have not heard of sites and mobile apps such as Swarm , Hangout , Foursquare etc etc ever . Okay and all those who are not familier with facebook events and invites ...ya i thought so too . So if i say that i am going to a meet up with so and so friends on facebook or so and so followers on twitter meet up  at a tag place and given time so what does that mean in the social media terms can other friends and followers also come without first notifying the posters and say "hey ya i was in the basement of atriam mall parking when i saw your invite charging finished right at that moment But i am here and i wants to join if that okay ? go stand in line and wrestle with the manager and get me in to whatever you are watching Things like that can still happen you know this is karachi not the US of A .
I  think i should go out and get some fresh filthy air of the filthy markets before i go for the post sunset part of This my the Sunday Blog # 46 because i may be enjoying this just too much but the haters may be looking for a reason to pull the plug usually this is the time of the day during the week days when they pull the plug so i may go out don't know why this has not happened yet today . The local news channels are trying to confuse people very much especially those who may have to go to a party tonight somewhere million miles away from home , i said million miles in the traffic jam terms recently i saw a very interesting tweet on the karachi # tag which pointed out a very fundamental and universal truth about karachi traffic jams and that is that if you are in karachi for 30 days visit half of it may be spent in a traffic jam . Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and outdoor Smoking kills
22nd jamadi ul Awwal 1438 
7:30 pm Good Evening !

Image may contain: foodImage may contain: food
Okay now the good news and the bud News so which one to go first ...i believe the bud news first 
No automatic alt text available.Image may contain: plant and foodNo automatic alt text available.
And now the good news is that BC in pakistan closed its doors for the first time long jon silver years before me joining okay i know the rest of the pic story Image may contain: textImage may contain: 2 people, people standing and indoorNo automatic alt text available.Image may contain: textImage may contain: one or more people, people sitting and indoor
okay its 8:00 pm and parts of Karachi are no no by parts i mean certain areas like the rain happens in karachi some times in some areas and the other don't have a clue . So in some areas of Karachi Section 144 has been improved tich i mean imposed of course don't be ridiculas . Harbouring an American Muslim is not a crime yet Thank God ! Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting, table and indoor
But tibet centre on M.A Jinnah Road will be the worst affected with this new rule . according to the Fake News Media . in Other fake news karachi Police facing brutality in parts of Orangi town etc etc . who cares i have to take care of the suspisious activity going on in the kitchen its not even three thousand words yet or any where near hate to leave right now but what can one do ? so we will be back after this short break . 
By the way tibet centre on the M. A. Jinnah Road is not a classified area where taking pictures is banned or prohibited i am not sure if its in the cantonment of Saddar town or in the port area . But one thing i am very sure about is that it is not yes i repeat not in the jamshed town area of Numaish . 
Not a chance still over a hundred words short of three thousand words .

9 :30 pm Well we knew something suspicious was going on in the kitchen it was a one men show by non other than our food builder mafia Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

Okay so i believe that is it the last food picture of the day during this my the Sunday Blog # 46 . And Once Again i must remind that posting a food picture by me is definitely not an Advertisement or an invite . No its not that i cannot serve a meal to a single white American or a group of Pakistani Family and friends But just like many Single White Americans or a group of Pakistan Family and Friends we also prepare food at meal times i mean mostly regular meal times enough to feed us then we serve it take pictures and praiseth the Lord and eat it . The posting of Pictures on social media like facebook comes later some times even next day as conditions apply so if somebody sees the picture of a meal that he or she likes or dislikes as the case may be and may also vary according to the age of the said person and then that person energizes some body to go check out whats cooking here in our kitchen and especially if that person is not even my social media friend list never have never will be then i must remind again that posting a food picture of a meal that i had anything during the day or yesterday or the day before yesterday or any day of the week monday to sunday is not an advertisement or an invite . But i have to admit that some times my food pictures looks really great and i don't blame any body who after watching the food pictures may feel the urge to go and check it out. Image may contain: sky, outdoor and nature

Now there are three main hurdles which stops them and they are transportation , Parking and firewalls and the availability .
By Availability we mean that subject and the slave . If i have the slave available and the subject is missing or not prepared then its a double jeoperdy . We have often wondered why in the world a twenty four hours or 22 hours or eleven to eleven open establishment require an advance booking or a free delivery takes about an hour or sometimes more to come from a distance of five minutes away . Cooking and packing and cleaning and traffic takes a lot of time of our lives even for people like we who are certified nothing doers no matter what .

Okay so now Availability is NOT an important issue that a previous or advanced booking or reservation or a message communicated privately even if that is a social media means we are using to communicate depending upon the level of social contact i have . For Example if i am a friends or relative of the dearly departed Ammi May her soul rest in peace in  heaven Amen !...

Anyways its been over nine and i am into the tenth anniversary year of Papa may his soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen ! .... anybody claiming to be his friend or near relative may have seen a lot over the past few years and we may be surprised to see yet anxious to  know how ?

Friends and relatives of my siblings are always welcome .

Neither we nor I can help with the traffic , parking and firewalls of the neighbours as i can see the number of guns and rifles are increasing under the wall which is a clear indicator of our in active or neutralised firewall .

okay i sense some unusual activity outside this room let me check and then we will begin the ending of this my the Sunday Blog # 46 .

10: 59 pm okay now we move on to the movies of the week ..

1. Mukhtiar Chadha (2015)
2.Blast from the Past (1999)
3.Ordinary World (2016).
4.Jack Goes Home (2016)
5.Jolly LLB 2 (2017)

so lets start from the last . No 
first no no 
second yes it is good not very good but it is good . 
third was from that year yes ignore it completely we are not watching the Oscars 
Okay so now it comes down to this Writer Director and sponsor i believe the unholy tried every thing so if there was fifty shades each then after tax it must be 135 shades of pointless grey wow so amazing bravo Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sitting, closeup and indoor

Need to roll on the floor now 

So its a good bye from we Hope i survive the hot and humid first week of the Karachi Summer 2017 . But before we go as usuall we end this my the Sunday Blog # 46 with a sad occasion song . The Occasion has been clearly banned in the home town but we are not sure about the song haven't heard it in the main stream media for quite some time the singer seems to have gained more popularity among my siblings through facebook not by singing but due to her morality clip art very regularly posted on social media and especially the facebook . They are not only shared on my friends timeline with their comments  but also read to me daily by those who cannot share them with me . Any ways This song has and will always be my favorite all time favourite . They really incredible thing is that now i in karachi can listen to this song without the fear of being shot at by a rival political party or group or groups of the rival political parties from karachi . Well i am so sure every body must have guessed it so what's the point in sharing But Anyways Enjoy if you can LOL sorry lol

Patang Baaz - Fariha Pervez

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