
Sunday 15 January 2017

The Sunday Blog # 41

Today is the 15th of january 2017 the 16th of Rabi us Sani 1438 till the sunset and this is my The Sunday blog # 41.
.Image may contain: drink and foodImage may contain: drink and food

Okay Happy New year to all and sundry , Just don't ask how i survived the previous year all i know is that i did survive . And i did it in the alloted time with a lifetime to spare . Image may contain: 1 person, text

The Past week has not been a very easy week in itself in fact it was the toughest week of the year so far . So before you ask No i didn't know it for sure at least not as i believe i did . So anyways even if i did or did not the thing is that i should or should not or as the Madame Barrister would have put it should or Must . 

The Governor of Sindh's Honeymoon, at an expensive very expensive actually so expensive that i can't even afford to go and have a cup of coffee or tea with a creamy tart or chocolate covered donut without extra toppings and sauces came to an abrupt end . And nobody has a clue as to why this day and date and this week was chosen if the sole purpose of him being chosen was to give the honourable PM a chance to visit karachi for an offical ceremony with all the pieces and the pawns in their right places . Well obviously something went very wrong . And since i have not the slightest clue to what and where did it went wrong and why ? i believe i should or must Stay Calm and enjoy till the better luck next time (BLNT) ! Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, glasses and indoor

Just like i have no idea unless reminded by the persistent facebook team what happened in my life about a year ago today . A year from now i will probably not remember that it Rained for hours and hours from Friday noon till saturday evening . and even though scientifically speaking the mercury only dropped about few degrees 3 or 4 if you wanna be precise . But the crunch felt by the poor karachites and the illegal refugees from around the world is massive. And the thought that i was avoiding public gatherings and mosque just to save me from the flu virus of multiple kinds deadly or not it definitely changes everything we normally do and makes us feel horrible , even before the continous winter rain . So now that we had a full shower and the cracking bone chill if we do not follow the drill of keeping warm and dry and well fed and clean what are the odds that we or anybody can stay away from the regular .

No not a chance !
So today and in the days to come i will have to keep a very low profile and avoid the human drones as much as possible . Well its not just the Humans and friendly people that can bring the flu virus to me sometimes the stray cats and other carriers can also spread the flu virus and cold and also the takeaway we so desperate to eat that sometimes we even don't care who or where it is coming or if its halal or not. I am here sitting on a laptop computer which is a machine that is believed to do a whole lot more than i can possibly imagine and there are also things it can do when we connect it to other accessories and peripherals so what is going on in my mind is why we can't as yet use it or any other device or machine like the microwave that can tell for sure if the food is halal and virus and germs free and very safe to eat without the fear of falling ill or becoming a carrier causing clear and present danger for the near and dear near and in contact for a brief or elongated periods of time.

Anyways its almost 2:00 am and my back and neck is stiff and feet and nose is slightly cold so its Good Night from my side hope to get up soon and be able to do this my the Sunday Blog # 41 till midnight . After two days of Power Breakdowns and shutdowns my hopes for the rest of the Sunday is very bleak . But still i hope for the best . By the way this first winter rain of the year 2017 has turned karachi into parish venus and Mars instead of paris or Shanghai and also helped the new owners  of the Biggest power company of the country their very first power breakdown of hundreds of feeders and stations trip and leaving most of the karachi powereless . Thankyou very much .Image may contain: one or more people and people standing

11:09 am Good Morning ! no i have been up doing odd bits till now also somewhere in the back of my mind is the fact that Australia is batting and they are ....176 for 5 after 40 overs . in melbourne 
they give up five wickets and then chase a out of reach total win the first ODI with this strategy lets see if it works again today and even its a cold winter sunday here in my neighbourhood and the saein log has also gone to their farmhouse for an arranged marriage or something we have a pin drop silence . i can easily hear a hammer from far away . very little traffic on our street and its very late to go and stand in the line or even stand and wait and play the musical chair for puri nashta (breakfast) . Besides thanks to the overzealous CM only doing projects that lays golden eggs for him  he is not even visiting our chicken market on tariq road on his regular visits so the eateries may be washed and cleaned twice a day and the water and overflowing gutters makes the streets and roads un walkable and stinky . Standing in line for an hour or trying to get out of the market without slipping in the sewarage water or getting loads of germs and dieases or being showered clean by a fast or slow car or bike tyre from the ditch is a game i have played so many times like donkey kong or super mario that its not fun anymore . Or even if it is for the old times sake the propaganda and reality about theses dubai and panama rulers only doing projects that makes money for their piggy banks is so demoralising that on a day like today with the amazing weather outside and me having all the means to stay warm on my walk i chose to eat a papa( an over baked dried slice of bread commercially market by multi-nations as Rusk) with tea and stay at home . Still i am willing to forgive and forget everything if the rulers forcefully monitor the builder mafia and somehow make them responsible for the mess they have created . Also i firmly believe that it is the CSR of the multi-nationals to clean the garbage from the roads , streets and allies of Karachi . 

Match up date : Australia gives a handicap . 220 all out . ( they may or may not be reading but they sure know my uploads and downloads LOL )

1:45 pm okay the match is going super smooth up until now Image may contain: 1 person, text

So it is a lazy sunday and a cold sunday but i stayed home because i saw the word count of this my The Sunday Blog # 41 which is way ahead then it usually is by this time every week and is way way ahead then i had expected honestly . I thought that when i am going to get out of my velvitte Red Quilt in the very late afternoon and eat a very heavy brunch or lunch i will go out and come back and fall asleep again in the same velvette red quilt be warm and dream on all the wet dreams that i stopped watching last year . I believe i have mentioned the reasons in details many many times so there is absolutely no need or complusion of going there again and again and again .

Ah WALLS 1:57 pm let me check the scores first 73 for 1 over number 17 gone .

anyways so when i woke up and had a great start of the day and better tea/coffee with rusk and found out there is an inordinate delay in the meals of the day due to a missing recipe ingredient which had to be dragged down from the fithy market which is fithy because the cm wants it to be like that and the mayor needs it to be like that and the you know who keeps it like that so be it . Anyways its five past 2 pm and the cooking of brunch has begin Praiseth the Lord ! Hope its worth it because a messenger is constantly ringing the door bell . Okay wait i hear the sound of the pressure cooker got to go and take the first look . be right back ...

2:19 pm so the first sunday meal after the first winter rain is a long way from here as the brunch is now shifted to lunch which is not in sight any time very soon . Actually its a blessing for me because as i was saying i did not expect to be able to get this far till midnight today i was only thinking of doing something like the first few blogs today in this my The Sunday Blog # 41 but you can see that i am way way ahead today and since i am on a empty stomach there is no chance of me falling to sleep for very long . Can you believe the kitchen is so busy and we expecting a great winter meal that nobody even bothered to fry an egg today since last night . I went in the middle break of the rain yesterday afternoon at zuhr to bring the fresh dozen Rs 120/- and the line is full uptill now . Nobody even touched the dented ones also . Should have brought the milk instead . Anyways  i am glad i didn't because of milk i will get to move my legs a little . So now i have to decide when to go out to buy milk obviously it has to be before the sunset since i brought the frozen naan or as some americans like to call it peta bread no idea why or what it means so i could go out after eating that would be very or since i am on the roll with this my The Sunday Blog # 41 i could or should or must go out to bring the milk only after i have done the 2000 words or which ever is first as they say . If i continue to do this my The Sunday Blog #41 i need to get up and walk to the tea / coffee jug probably twice or my feets will be frozen or i could put on a pair of socks and i will have to get up for that too and while i am away i will probably go to the tea / coffee jug as well and probably be distracted by something or the other or begin to help in cooking only as a foreign expert or election monitor because today i am really not into cooking my typing speed is surprising me to the level of being shocked . Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling, people standing

Oh talking of Shocked All night and and day and all noon and all after noon up till now yes can you believe it . and there is a match against pakistan also going on and looks like they have acquired it on the barter system. Already beginning to feel very sorry for all the Candian partially Muslims from my neighbour hood LOL

Anyways who cares about just one match i am sure they will manage to put the reigns tighter before the next game or leave me alone to my natural self . sooner or later

Okay so i believe that after finishing this para i will be reaching the 2000 words mark and target i set for leaving and getting up and stopping this my The Sunday Blog # 41 for the time being and go out and bring the milk or have the first meal of the day or this winter and cold sunday after the winter and cold rain . By the Way please mind it that i had nothing to do with the timely stopping of the winter rain here in karachi and obviously i had nothing to do as well with the starting of a winter rain on Friday the Thirteenth never have never will not for karachi not anywhere else in any part of the world . It obviously came down as a surprize to me just as much as it was for most citizens and refugees from around the world in karachi . So if any body wants to blame some body please blame it on the holy sinners of my town and city . Thankyou. and good bye for now i will be back soon after i have unfrozen my some body parts and relaxed the muscles and normalised the eye sight and hearing and breathing and blood circulation . never mind the digestive system it has been left alone to dream of a paradise lost ............By the way what is this with the pre- historic fleet taking over the indian and russian subs and ships am i dreaming too much or did i gulped down captain jack sparrow or the shogan war lords ... got to change my diet soon after this winter is over and increase the walking . or should i change to coffee and lattee and icecreams more and less wheat and carbohydrates . or Whatever will do a seperate blog some other sunday later !!
3:23 pm 2273 words

17th Rabi us Sani 1438
6:28 pm
Good Evening !
okay yes i had a bath first then i go out to bring milk for tea and coffee and then we ate at almost 5:00 pm after that i lied down and collected my thoughts analyzed what happened at the store and on the way . was it funny or futuristic . since i have stopped being pro active or re active both i thought first to share it but then i thought during my thoughts that there is no pin drop silence any more here in my neighbour hood before sunset after the Australia melbourne match in victoria it was a dead or death silence and many china copy ies of one canadian partially muslim poping up this happens very very rarely that two or more china copy ies of a same person pop up in such short span of time . Anyways

the temperature is two degrees higher right now then it was 12 hours ago at sunrise that is its 17 degrees celsius . And after eating and walking i feel much relaxed and can sit here and do this my the Sunday Blog #41 till mid night as now i don't really have to move from here or go out to the market or any thing any where. isn't that so wonderful . yes it is .
I am no very sure but this must be the first time in my the sunday Blogging history that i am at 2500 words soon after the sunset . pretty relaxing isn't it ? yes it is ! indeed !

6:53 pm 2527 words

oh i almost forget to share my first sunday meal after the first winter rain of 2017
Here it is ...Image may contain: foodThe best home cooked nulli bongh nihari . with morning fresh nan and fresh fruit juices. Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: drink

Any ways after cooking just one dish single handed ly the cook of this meal who wishes to remain anonimous appears to be just as exhausted as i am after eating a stomach full but praiseth the Lord my dear parents may their souls rest in peace in heaven Amen ! .. use to do a whole lot more from here without any help especially my Ammi may her soul rest in peace in heaven Amen !.. never understood why they could not do it like us . Cook eat and sleep . Why do they have to invite so many people every time they cook a feast or offer a fateha . Why ? Why ? .... Why ? Don't for a moment believe that i did not ask this question and demanded an answer from them when they were alive . May their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !..

never mind what their reply use to be just remember that as long as i am here in this world i will remember them May their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !.. and i will pray for their souls . May they rest in peace in heaven Amen !.. If this is me who questioned their actions and protested imagine those who liked it and liked them May their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen ! .. All and Sundry who benefitted from their actions and good deeds intentionally or by any chance un intentionally Sometimes the leftovers reach a really well deserving candidate putting the divine wheels of blessing in motion Never ever doubted this equation . Yet try even harder to remain in shape to be able to differentiate between a blessing from the the Almighty Lord and a fair seeming disguise from the unholyness .

7:57 pm isha break .

9:04 pm No scene of dinner today offers to boil an egg refused the facebook meetup ended respectably . LOL

Okay so the last five days of Obama administration lets begin the rip off  for the worst US President in the History of US - Pak strategic relations . First of All No US President or Administration has ever so proudly violated the freedom and integrity of Pakistan and then Boasted About it too in front of the World Attention like Mr Obama did after a fake capture of Osama Bin where they found absolutely nothing yet chose to malign Pakistan .

Number two . Under no previous US president the Air space of Pakistan has been so frequently violated by the Unmaned Drones like the Administration of Mr Obama .

Number Three . Under no previous US President The innocent Pakistani civilians have so brutally  been killed and injured by unmaneded drones or military strikes from across the border ever before like the two terms in office of Mr Obama .

Number Four .  Under no previous US President The innocent pakistani youth and children and their parents has been subjected to eat the hazardous American Junk food and the spread of Burger Culture like the presidency of Mr Obama .

Number Five . Under no previous US President the Price of Egg has ever gone higher then in the two terms in office of Mr Obama .

Number Six . Under no previous US President The People of Pakistan and its leadership has been so badly potrait as it is in the television series Homeland (season 1-6 , 2011-2017) during the Administration of Mr Obama .

Okay i don't have time for any more or all but i think that the matter should be taken up by the parliament of pakistan to put some check and balances that never again any US president try to repeat such cowardly acts of aggression and intimidation not the next not ever. Image may contain: 1 person, close-upImage may contain: 1 person, smiling, sitting and close-up

Okay Now the Movies of the week .

1.Love & Friendship
2.Range 15
3.American Honey

okay the nights this week were short and cold and the tv soaps were more interesting kasam and kosem was interesting and suits was very tough plus i read poetry and other stuff and fall asleep . The movies were mostly deja vu types so i am not very proud of them only number 3 can be said to be good work . loved it .

okay its 10 37 pm so i take a tea break and be back to finish .Image may contain: text

11:15 pm had tea with boiled egg and peanuts during this final meeting of the sunday . now every body is in their velvette quilts watching tv tickers of petrol and gas prices increase Shukria raheel Sharif  i knew he would but had no idea so soon the quetta is frozen and you can't blame them for this or that .
My right hand thumb yes the thumbs up one is suddenly swollen did i touch some thing cold yes i washed the tea mug so i better finish this my the Sunday Blog # 41 and go hide in my velvette red quilt oh how i wish ammi my dearly departed mother may her soul rest in peace in heaven Amen !..
could see me taking care of my self and others also helping me out in keeping warm this winter and especially after the first winter rain of 2017 . Image may contain: car and outdoor

Okay for people of karachi like these i can only pray to the dear Almighty Lord . Amen !
and so this is the end of this My The Sunday Blog # 41 and i leave with this song video from film Bobby by salma Agha love it..... until a free Mr  obama world have fun Cheers !

Ek Bar Milo Humse To Soubar Milenge