
Sunday 8 January 2017

The Sunday Blog # 40

Today is the 8th of January 2017 the 9th of Rabi us sani 1438 till the sunset and this is my The Sunday blog # 40 . Yes thirteen more sunday's and i'll be celebrating a new year on the Sunday the 9th of April or the next according to my mood and the events . April 16th is the Easter Sunday here in Jamshedtown karachi . It will be very interesting to know that on that dayHow my state of mind will be and that if i would be in anyway interested to continue the regular Sunday Blog on that particular day and the next sundays to come for another year and take My the Sunday Blog to a hundred and more .  No automatic alt text available.So 40 sundays back i wasn't sure of anything Today i don't care . There is a very Huge difference in both. The Only Good think is that if i have nothing better to do and I am feeling hell not being able to pass the time all i need to do is start going through my past sunday Blogs one by one and in no time i will be 40 hours later and if i start editting or correcting my mistakes and clerical errors that i feel are growing everytime i look back i am not ever surprised by the naturals . Most of the mult i media i use to elaborate my point or make it look faire seeming is either disabled or unabled probably because i did not care about the copyright warnings most graciously given everytime i copy and paste something from a public domain without permission . I believe its for my own benefit and protection because when the site that administer my Sunday Blog , BTW its a hoax that i own or admin this blog or any blog post on this site or any other similar site on the social media and internet . Actually the truth and nothing but the truth is that we waste our time and money and even health while doing these or anyther blogging and the site owners makes millions and millions of dollars . Now please don't ask me how and when or from where because that would be beyond the scope of this my the sunday blog # 40 . So some other time maybe later or in case i never get the time and energy to do the research or able to explain in simple language due to my lack of imagination and understanding , Never . yes never . why should i those who know it should tell others who don't and those who don't should wait and learn or pray that they'd understand someday and some way  and they don't need to ask or learn it from me . fair enough ?

Okay even though there is more than ten minutes to the magical hour of 3 :00 am in the morning and i am still few words and lots of letters short of the first 500 words but the battery is low and i need to plug it in so its good Night from me and my the Sunday Blog # 40 . Honestly this figure of 40 looks and sounds so great i cannot explain . Anyways i am very sure i wont be able to wake up very early because tonight is the coldest night and because i am very relaxed and cosy where i am still it wont be easy to leave the bed in the morning and i cannot predict anything about the power and net so whatever happens in the morning i will try my best to get up and start writing this my the sunday Blog # 40 as soon as possible so good night once again .

9; 40 am
Good Morning
my morning net log just now
Sun 9th Rabiussani 1438
so its around 15 degrees celcius outside for the construction workers from up north mostly mountaineous regions with colder temperatures rain and snow 

Missed the Morning again there are only enough winter mornings in karachi and i am wasting it this year jst to be on the safe side because of the lack of government . you can imagine how bad it is here by the fact that the undisputed father of the largest party party all the time goes evey night to meet his friends under trial in the captivity despite the fact that he claims to have a provincial government and the chief minister the interior and the police. The under trial Mayor of Karachi is forced to disown his father of the party mourn party i can't remember whose turn. And the ruling class in the centre who isstill responsible for everything here even after the constitutional automation has a father and a brother and the holy shit party here and their . So when i go for a walk on my parents roads and streets or enters a birth right market i am scanned by different parameters and recently calibrated points of views . So it is very prudent to wait till the next general coup i mean the next takeover oh no actually what i mean is the next general elections because i am so sure that after the next general elections in karachi we will have an environment here where i will have to have a highest grade bullet and explosion proof vests and unlock multiple locks on my way out with a machine readable smart card pasted on my forehead or somewhere prominent if i choose to to go out . So i don't think the way i am programming my self now i would feel the need .

So while we are at it let me just get it out of my system if it may please the narcisisstic self . i was wondering that the loco MQM after denouncing its leader and founder has created a faction called MQM london which for the time being includes all that are not in MQM pakistan under the able and well sponsored guidence of Dr sattar . So just a thought in my mind is when and how that faction will disown the father . And when it does okay never mind i have to go and fill my cup of tea again i completely forgot and this got cold lying there un attended .
oh my God its only 10:30 am and i am over the 1000 words . so i can just let it go and enjoy my rest of the sunday have fun like i used to . well not exactly like i used to because the irritants and the chaapaz have all almost ended . People are very undecided whether they wants or wanted to be mentioned in my The Sunday Blogs .
Okay somebody is up i can hear a re run interview show on the television in the next room got to go and eat a fresh frozen brain LOL
okay my mind is also on freeze i can't recall the name of this top pakistani drama queen that's doing the show anyways if i remember i'll edit later oh yes thats her found it on google search 

12:25 pm So i have over eaten and only have an hour left before Zuhr . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodNever ever thought that my posted food pictures will become a joseph Heller 's catch 22 . The London Bridge has fallen down last year and so does the great wall of China . lolNo automatic alt text available.

Before Watching Kosem Sultan on Urdu1 original title Muhteşem YüzyılKösem 
i believe that Pakistan was a democracy . But today i see that All the fathers meet eachother they sit together , eat drink party attend inaugurations and wealthy peoples weddings merry laugh and joke But they cannot rule a small country together ....obviously there is a king who brings them together and then take them back to their separate cells where they are free to issue the hatefull statements about the other fathers ( Pasha ) Image may contain: 1 person, close-up

okay its 1:11 pm and i am not able to movie so whether or not i go out to play oh pardon my french Pray whether or not i go out to pray her ops ...whatever ...Break it is . No automatic alt text available.

4:30 pm had a very good sleep was still sleepy and cold when i woke up but after not being able to put my mind into watching a whole flash back episode of Suits and listen to an old thrown away  cassette of  my favourite ghazals being played with a background of asr azans ... its absolutely divine and the best of the best is about to come ....ya there it is ... looks like the Nescafe lass has done her bit . Image may contain: one or more people and close-upImage may contain: 1 person, close-upImage may contain: 1 person, smiling, textThankyou Nescafe' please don't take it personally i know you have been on my right shoulder all season .

Anyways so where were we see thats why i try to avoid nihari on sundays during the blogging but today i broke my own rule and now i am all sleepy and cold need to go out but instead of the "Kick" i got butterflyish No idea if thats a word can't use twinklish because i am not on very good terms with that side these couple of centuries . And even if i had they can't fly so high as the cloud number nine not ever ThankGod for that . Image may contain: text

I have missed the lunch today sleeping and what i had for breakfast is all gone out of the system so tehnically i am on a fast with just having tea to keep me warm . lets see if i am able to go out for maghrib or isha or just shopping and walk . Not sure yet what we are having for dinner as well Thanks to the early signs of winter and the kick there is lots of cooked food and the kitchen is closed today . So all this aroma chasing me at my spots is the house is probably the change of winds and neighours cookings or warming the takeaway . Honestly its just too much aroma despite the gutters overflowing .
okay talking of Gutters (sewers) overflowing my favourite neighbour is back from the dirham country and his gutters are the worst and highest . lol
The Sanitory workers are busy very busy probably seeking jobs in the new chinese setup so they are not even listening to the councelors and the builder mafia . And if you have good or bad relations with the church then you are divorced . lol

See you after the maghrib break .

10th Rabi us Sani 1438
Good Evening .
 So i break my mini fast with this 
and i still don't know whats for dinner . probably frozen this Image may contain: food
leftover that Image may contain: foodImage may contain: food

anyways its giyarween the the 11th of Rabi us sani in a day . so there is no lack of hot and spicy food for me here this week , previous and the next . Oh my God somebody in the neighbourhood ignited charcoal its just 6 :40 pm . Sume like to catch em young can't blame them because of limited opportunities they have these days . I am not in the mood to even look over the wall to see how the neighbours are surviving . The Operation to make me feel safe and secure have gone really sour . And even if it was meant to make me feel otherwise i really don't think its working .

Talking of Safe and Secure this week i had a revelation that made me walk with a head held high . Somebody who wants to be kept annonimus accidentally downlowded an app from google play store probably not the official version that my family and friends use but the some other one as there are many available that app according to him does not require an invite and acceptence of the invite for adding a contact to its messenger service but requires you to verify contacts identity as per the offical data base . BINGO ! and since i was not using this app or the app that is supposed to be that app which deals with messenger service . BANGO ! i am the smartest fellow around and can do stuff here on the net without any worry for ....say another ONE MONTH . lol

Never mind the Big Brother the Agencies are look at your stuff and i don't Care ! Play safe !

8:22 pm
 Image may contain: food yes had a walk through dinner of chicken and lots of hot tea. Also got a ceremony invite . Okay i need to hide now because if this news spread far and wide across this holy shit land that people are inviting us to ceremonies other may also follow the new trend . Honestly i don't even remember now when and where i attended a ceremony of happy occasion . Must be decades ago . I believe my brothers wedding was held before 9/11 . and i carried a pocket fm radio with head phones in the inside pocket of my suit jacket and on my way back from the ceremony they played that song i don't recall it now i don't want to lie right now . maybe later when i honestly remember what songs they were playing . I have a habit of enjoying more than i should even when i am among a bunch of losers . Anyways i don't feel like a loser back then neither do i feel like today . i am single and i am not buying Nescafe' this year unless i have to for anybody else that is requested or ordered . Nothing personal. coffee makes me drowsy and lying down makes me cold . so technically there is no point in having coffee unless its free and i have nothing better to do. definitely not as a status symbol or fashion trend .

Okay its 9: 15 pm and i haven't touched the plea bargain issue or the final days of the US government both there and here . Both issues are very tempting and also that Dr Amir liaquat hussain's over exposure on the television entertainment channels as well as the morning shows and heated political disscussion talk shows is being felt on the richter scale more that the jolts in the upper punjab tonight . 

anyways i need to take a break now or i will not be able to doing the ending of this my the Sunday Blog # 40 the way i hope i will .

10 38 pm Even though i have not touched anything here i was allowed to leave on a promise that
 Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodthat as soon as i finish my The Sunday Blog # 40 i will eat . so here i am trying to finish this my The Sunday Blog # 40 to go back and eat . I am sure tea will be finished by then and i will have to make more myself  because you cannot keep hot tea in the fridge or freezer and save it especially not in this weather and cold .

Talking of cold Sp Noorani is having a party at noorani kabab. sounds like a perfect invite raincheck . rafsanjani of iran dead  RIP since they kicked ahmed the nuclear i have no idea where and what is iran . Hoping the new guy in white house will revive its former glory .

ما آزموده‌ایم در این شهر بخت خویش
بیرون کشید باید از این ورطه رخت خویش
از بس که دست می‌گزم و آه می‌کشم
آتش زدم چو گل به تن لخت لخت خویش
دوشم ز بلبلی چه خوش آمد که می‌سرود
گل گوش پهن کرده ز شاخ درخت خویش
کای دل تو شاد باش که آن یار تندخو
بسیار تندروی نشیند ز بخت خویش
خواهی که سخت و سست جهان بر تو بگذرد
بگذر ز عهد سست و سخن‌های سخت خویش
وقت است کز فراق تو وز سوز اندرون
آتش درافکنم به همه رخت و پخت خویش
ای حافظ ار مراد میسر شدی مدام
جمشید نیز دور نماندی ز تخت خویش

Okay here we are with the Movies i watched this week :

1. Obvious Child
3. Cardboard Boxer.
5.Genius Film
6.Mr. Church.
7.The Brothers Grimsby.

Honestly i haven't had been so lucky for quite some time to get to watch so many great movies back to back . Brillient piece of work and art . you wont believe this that my very unstable mind was only living restless with the word and its implication and that word was utopia i had absolutely no idea there is an equal and opposite almost maybe better than Anti- Utopia and that is Dystopia - Wikipedia

okay time is up got to go feels so bad that i haven't remembered or prayed for my dearly departed parents may their souls rest in peace Amen ! .. not even once in this my The Sunday Blog # 40 . Anyways its been a very sad week because one of my very favorite character actor died i honestly believe that since partion 70 years ago he was the greatest gandhi jee follower in my opinion even if he did not knew it himself God Bless his soul .

here i end this my The Sunday Blog # 40 with a song from one of my favourite movies in which he acted superb .

jhini mini jhini-f/m film-maqbool(2004)   

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