
Monday 30 January 2017

Sunday 29 January 2017

The Sunday Blog # 43

Today is the 29th of January 2017 the okay let me check first ...okay Moon NOT Sighted so its the 30th of Rabi us Sani 1438 till sunset .

"When Two years past after the dearly departed Ammi Passed away May her Soul Rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !.. i give up my right to feel disturbed by the parked cars on our front kerb and even in front of the gate both by the neighbours or visiters of the neighbours . In fact sometime i really really feel amazed when i look outside and see a whole lot of empty car parking space . "
so growing up is not part of the plan okay . Today i asked the price of egg from the same place i bought the eggs last week and he gave me three different prices in the same sentence and there was a gentleman standing next in line who gave a difference in price of i am not sure if it was for a dozen or half a dozen and the same cannot be said for the first three because i was sure . Anyways the thing is that prices of egg this week that was and has gone with the rain was a little over a dollar for a dozen . Imagine if all this has happened in just one week after the first Black President of the United States how fast and furious the 100 days of the Builder and Developer and former Mayor are going to be .

Okay i will come back to that later there is a very important breaking news going viral on twitter about one of the candidates being considered for the Governor of sindh which fell vacant when her excellency took back her recommandations so now we have only three people short listed . Mariam , waqar and amir . And i am sure everybody agrees howImage may contain: 1 person, standingImage may contain: 1 person, beardImage may contain: 1 person, beard
1:13 am the net shuts down sorry over anxious now you will have to wait . because i will check the net again at 2:00 am .
so as i was saying i am sure everybody agrees how well their media campaigns are being run proving each and everyone of them as the only suitable candidate for this job and also a world apart from eachother . Here in my most beautiful country and a very rich megapolis of the world so many people wake up every morning to earn the halal rozee work hard all day tirelessly and still find it so hard to make ends meet . Very few people recognise them and fewer wants to be recognised by them .
And then there are these people who gets fame and fortune for free as if they are being chased by it . Take it or else . So far i have not been able to quantamise their fame and fortune . Respect they have earned none . Money they have in leaps and bounds . And if they continue to dodge the angels of death which hopefull they might the celebrity status they have already won will only continue to grow and glow .
So if we can have a dog pissing pole as the longest serving then i believe there is no one better for the job then these three . But if there is an objection from some that these are too much off shores and we want someone who is definitely green then there are few cricketers who can be shortlisted to come down to one name and that is the one who is planning to quit for a very long time but fails to do so untill he has a rock solid job confirmation .
ah its almost 2 am so let me check the net ....
yes its back so here i save the draft and also check the word count which looks okay without looking
Yes its 625 words .
The Music coming from the neighbourhood Stops . and the car brake screeeh starts .

okay i had a 40 minutes research break to learn more about the #MuslimBan . The Sudanese niyad UK citizens will be banned meaning the dual nationality people from different countries may be banned from entering the united Satates if the country of origin or either is in the banned countries list . Honestly i have always advocated that Pakistan should not be in the US centcom area anyways its too late so
Good Night or Good Morning or Whatever ...

2:54 am 720 words .

9:16 am Good Morning ! Just now i had to tweet this in my morning mood ritual
 "Sun 30th Rabiussani 1438
20°C moon was not sighted as expected so its not first but the alfajr reads 1/5/1438 means i'll have to correct it"
instead of
"okay the moon was not sighted as expected so its not the first but the alfajr reads 1/5/1438 means i'll have to correct it "

so i wonder am i corrupting all the ustaani jees who must be following me ...? Don't you think this is a sufficient excuse for an American Muslims Apoclypse or Amazing obviously if this American is correct then they have been taught very wrong especially by those who asses wrong and akses rongli LOLImage may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing

Its breakfast time but i am so greedy to get the momentum going with this my the Sunday Blog # 43 that i am not even thinking of going to the filthy market and face the psychology of the utterly mad . Mad enlish a little and mad American a lot . last night was a no kosem sultan episode (mon - fri) night so i went to the filthy market behind tariq road to my Dearly departed Ammi's favorite BBQ shop May Her soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen !... i was the first in line as the market was almost deserted due to development work and the car show offs shutting down early to protest against the traffic Force using force finally . Anyways so the empty BBQ shop suddenly had a game plan and the almost closing shop near the 10 pm turned back the clock and the grill was suddenly full and the customers blocked my view suddenly this guy standing on the service counter chatting with the service guy told his lad to pay for an extra item he rushed and returned and thus my almost ready order was gone in somebody else shopper . another guy was already sitting there before i thought was a worker or a friend of workers there had already left with a similer order so now they put a new portion to cook on the grill . So Now with all the blockers gone i peeped in an saw the almost empty grill obviously i asked what happened so this service guy innocently looked right into my eyes and said half was not ready so i gave it away . then i said i was here first and what about the other half getting cold now while you start over again . And again he looked right into my eyes and said No Problem we'll make a new one for you and almost requested to the frying counter when i stopped him and said No that will take even  more time . 

Anyways i took my order told him i will not complain shook hands and left . On my way i stopped at the regular poultry shop for few drum sticks for the soup but the guy refused . And in the milkman's clock it was just 10: 20 pm . So after that i abort the remaining mission and did not buy the biscuits for the cat and returned home on a fast pace on the most straight route possible . Before i reached the gate of the home there is a ditch or a pond created in the middle of the road by the soapy water from excessive washing and cleaning , just as i was about to pass by it i saw a car rushing into the pool . so i moved away quickly . So after that nothing happened i walked safely on the empty street as it was saturday night most of the neighbours were off to weddings of the Bishops sisters son or were in a jam heard no saw tweets about traffic jams in different parts of the city as late as 1:00 am . Life here is not as easy as these motherfucking American Muslims try to makes us believe . Anyways it was fun becuase i love new clear tests and the new clear wastes of time .What i fear is that the outcome and the reactions of such new clear tests and new clear wastes of time are not in anybodys control . and definitely not mine . The intentions of such new clear tests are also not as clear as the tests itself . If the end result is just to study my reaction and write a thesis then why people and characters used in this game are made to suffer . We all know that there is a development and land development operation going on around this filthy market what if the prongs comes and clears up the mess to add to the chaos and dystopia . I could be silently blamed and seen as a brut for the rest of my life by the poor propriters and workers of these shops and business when i am just as powerless as they they are in this game . 
 By the way the taste of the Chicken Malai Boti and Crispy Puri Paratha was awesome as always . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: food

its 10:43 am and the kitchen activity seems to have died down a little as i hear now it is safe to  go out and re-fill the cup of tea and also chat with my dear siblings who must be missing me a lot . They know i am up and about because nobody turned off the net . 
Oh my God the word count is clearly above 1600 words . I better go back to the filthy meat market again and push my luck again . LOLImage may contain: 1 person, close-up and outdoor

12:01 pm Yes i had two re fils of tea mixed with coffee enjoyed the sun and the sprouting green leaves in the new rose plants i put in the sun last week . The ones planted by my brother on the wall ten feets above the ground is growing faster except that the wild cats from the neighbourhood chasing are damaging the old branches and the eagles and kites also love to scare crow the cats away fly so by next sunday i will know for sure if these rose plants survive or not . Our Mango tree gave the highest yield in its entire life last year . Most of the very sweet mangoes were loved by the neighbours and friends . This fall season the tree almost died and shed the largest number of tree leaves . We thought that i had finnaly seen its last . But Thanks to the neighbours of the penthouse ++ dirty danceing around christmas on the breakup song which was not visible to me here on the ground floor only the burgers potato chips and supari wrappers and a few  empty cans of juice that i got to see in the morning under the tree probably the balancing act for all the dried tree leaves they must be cleaning all fall season . The Mango tree has stopped shedding dried leaves at that pace . May be the two un expected winter rains that may have taken aways a few old and sick and finally gave the illegal refugee of karachi a taste of winter and the quetta chill , Saved our dying Mango tree . Not sure hundred pecent if it has survived most mango trees in the neighbourhood have started getting boor wait let me check if its a english word or not ah thtte net is still on i thought i turned it off for cooling . Its awesome to see that i have instill the desire to be a net junky in the near and dear ones and especially on a sunday . In dollar terms this means more less and less chaapaaz  at least from the locals and less or lesser frequent flyers human drones coming just to remind " aap ney shadi nahein ki abhi tak ....etc etc "

Anyways yes i have checked its not an english word in english or non muslim American they call it the flowering of Mango tree . so as i was saying most mango trees in the neighbourhood has started flowering for fruit . RESTLESS ! ours usually comes or starts flowering for fruit in the end of feb and the beginning of march . So in few weeks we will know for sure if this Mango tree is dead , alive or fruit will . Did i just invent an Oxymoron ? or Corrupted the language even further . Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, screen, table, office and indoor

12 : 48 pm the  Sunday break fast time in our filthy meat market is now offically over . Hope Less !
The Sunday Brunch time in our home kitchen is sounding like anxious . lets see if i survived a heavy brunch i most deperately wants to go out for zuhr prayer and walk . Chances of me going out is very little because i have all the thing s i shop for enough to last till a day more than today . But if I did get to go out today it will definitely be for the health reasons and not wandering around .
okay so its a break at 12 :55 pm with 2197 words on the words counter ....My my my

3:17 pm well no brunch today went straight into the lunch Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodI really don't think i have to tell what it is or how sleepy i must be feeling right now after eating extra plate and extra roti bread then i usually eat . I may be comfortably sitting here without a sweater or warm clothes but i did not sweat after eating this which proves beyond doubt that its cold inside even thought the digital clock temperature reads 21 degree celsius  after lunch before lunch it was a degree lower at 20 degrees celsius Image may contain: phoneNo automatic alt text available.

somebody poured boiling hot water into the thermic jug instead od tea so i also had to make a cup of instant coffee in urdu we say gold plating on the gold " soney pey sohaga " so now i cannot sit here anymore i need to lie down and get some sleep or i will not be able to wake up for hours . They Say eating with other is good but what to do when other wants to eat what you cannot or must not ? And this is a very bad time to sleep on a Sunday afternoon and evening after telling the world that you have eaten a full load of Shank bone nihari . Even if your fire wall does not allow American Muslims to disturb you they could call somebody in the neighbourhood and make them or their kids bang the doors for a ball . This has been going on for a very very very long time First i thought it was karma as a bitch for all the times we as kids did with the neighbours Then i suddenly realised that Karma or Bitch effects does not apply for me . And then i began to put two and two together and realised that there is absolutely no need to feel guilty about something that is so hard to believe that i could have done with such enthusiasm and for a very long time as it has been happening with me .
okay thats it i have crossed the 2500 words mark and it 3:49 pm a really needed sleep break lets see what happens now , during and after i wake up .

6;00 pm okay i am up after a very relaxing sleep made some tea with a tea bag the water was not hot enough just like the second best marigold hotel so i put it back in the microwave and instead of throwing away the teabag of liptons yellow label i poured another cup with that same water and left it there so when i get up from here i will have another cup ready or if somebody else wants it they can also help themselves . Actually  i just dicovered that we are out of tea just when i thought that i have everything extra and i don't have to go out to the shop for anything . Actually i donot make the tea neither in the morning nor in the evening so usually when the tea leaves jar is empty i am usually the last person to find out and a day later or when i see tea bags hanging in the tea pot . Anyways my avoiding the mosque during the rainy nose season has paid off . The flu virus did come to our home but i was not the one who brought it in rared it and now spreading . And if i am lucky i might even survive the attack . we will know for sure in two nights . okay its sunset time i'll be back in few minutes .

1st Jamadi ul Awwal 1438
6: 33 pm
Good Evening !Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and textImage may contain: sky, tree and outdoor

Don't you think that rooftop selfies and pictures of Political events should be banned ? This motherfucking builder's money went into the gutters of karachi and hyderabad no wonder they are overflowing .

Wait kitchen activity ....
okay there is still time
Heard and read that CM Saein is visiting my neighbourhood every weekend regularly . he visited tariq road today too . All the projects initiated by him have to finish and clear the final bills before june or the funds will elapse . Sounds Like Another cinderella Story to me . Suppose CM fell ill or went on hajj and the acting CM or the acting governor or even the new governor takes his place and did not take as much interest in the projects or delebrately caused delays on behast of any other political force other than the party of CM Saein  and The Saein Dubai waro Then what . I thought this CM was from a CM background and must be more experienced then waqar, amir or mariam . But now i am sure that Cm saien did not gained full experience from his late father the CM . 

People by people i mean American muslims or Muslims not yet fully American Muslims must lured with canadian PM's Open Arms policy . Obviously they want fresh blood and organs to buy more weed and sniffs . No comment further until there is a proof . LOL
ya ya okay ... LOL

7:29 pm break as the kitchen activity has stopped and the word count is gone over the 3000 words mark it is 3049 words

8:11 pm no did not go out to play instead i had this at home Image may contain: foodImage may contain: food

lets hope this was the last meal of the day because if not disturbed now i could go on and on and on and break my own record from the last week . i believe i have already broken the fastest 3000 words and the earliest 3000 words .

Well we'll go into that later much much later when i stop or quit and have enough time to review my Sunday Blogs or this my the sunday blog # 43 . At the moment all i need is only a 1000 words more and without turning my self into a statue or immovable structure . I did put on a sweater after sunset and before eating the last meal because of which i am feeling a little warmer but still there is no sweat .

So last week was very interesting as far as the only Urdu dubbed turkish soap or serial that i watch regularly on television Mon - Fri . learned few new tricks of the trade and  revised several that i already knew but either have forgotten or did not think necessary for me . Like the difference between the importance of a witness to an old but never forgotten crime and the promise of a pardon witness . I learned about the witness with a promise of a pardon first time in my life in mr bhutto case . i was under ten years of age at that time and since all family used to gather together around the old radio set every evening at 8:15 pm sharp and listened to the BBC Urdu program "sairbeen " which used to review the whole case . One of the witness against Mr Bhutto was regularly mentioned as wada maaf gawah . وعدہ معاف گواہ or سلطانی گواہ was mr Masood Mehmood of Federal Security Force (Pakistan) Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and shoes

in kosem sultan the turkish televison serial most popular in our home these day and because of which Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor and close-upImage may contain: 1 person, close-upi have given up going out for barbeque and stuff at night . as you can see i am learning and revising a lot that i learned in oh sorry not in during the pre-school and primary school days . Image may contain: 2 people, people standing

Okay i need to take a break here because my eyes and ass has begin to hurt need to move a little . Plus i can hear the next meal activity has began in the kitchen .
9:24 pm 3445 words .

10: 23 pm you have no idea what i gave up just be able to finish this my the Sunday Blog # 43 without burps and farts but i cannot promise that i wont have a meal after mid night tonight of this and more Image may contain: food

Anyways so as i was taking of the television serials this past week i get to watch few glimpse of another serial on the series channel . That has james spades of the Boston legal fame and one of my all time favorite television series character and actor as a lawyer. yes it is the Blacklist . The Series may be very childish in screen play but watching Spades seducing Megan Boone yet another Megan up for grabs who may not have the same edges but who knows may be ... Image may contain: 1 person, close-upImage may contain: 1 person, smiling, sittingImage may contain: 1 person, close-up

so Now i have to watch two series in full to find out how and why i survived this decade with such an ease while others lost all their hairs and more and gained absolutely nothing especially not intelligence . If i chose to watch these series Suits , The Blacklist and Big Bang theory on the cable home channels then that would mean signing my self to yet another course of highly motivated psycho pathetic indulgence . Naa I don't think i am ready for it ever again . So i will start downloading the series season by season and save it and then when the time is in my favour i will watch one by one .

This week the Academy of Motion pictures more commonly known as the Oscars announced their nominations for the coming awards ceremonry . Turns out that i have only watch watched one of their picks . the arrival . downloaded lion and it turns out to be a south indian thriller dubbed in hindi no dev or kidman . Anyways these things happen at least there was a movie to watch when i downloaded Fenses and turns out that the file was corrupt because the download had too many pauses and breaks . plus the connection was slow too either all or any one could be the reason behind me not being able to watch the above mentioned movies in the past week . But I am sure after finishing this my The Sunday Blog # 43 and after relaxing the muscles and bones in my body i will watch most of the best picture and best actors category movies nominated this year and hopefull if iam able to find all of them on the net i may be able to sleep very soundly this year without any remorse after finishing my sunday blog on the mid night of the 26th of feburary 2017 . will hopefull wake up very fresh and see how badly they shatters my hopes and suggestion for the recipients of the awards , I have absolutely no interest in the red carpet or the wardrobe malfunctions or how much they waste on the dress .

Okay so now i must come to the movies i watched this week :

1. The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
2.xXx: Return of Xander Cage
4. Lion (2015 film).
5. Bathinda Express Movie
6. Hail, Caesar!

So the second best had a fairytale ending i have not the faintest idea what that means anymore  anyways xander cage is hopeless and padukon seems to have a security guard armed and dangerous following her throught the movie except for the kiss .
Befikre well it had so many french kisses that i totally forget what the movie was about oh yes aye dil mushkil wushkil types . While i was watching this movie the cables on the poles got burned most of them are repaired . I went out to collect the bills next morning and took some pictures of the burned pole and cables when suddenly the neighbours servent complained i rang your bell 200 hundred times when  this was happening and now you takes pictures and i didnot reply only smiled at him . I don't understand why we have so many cables and all looping up , putting up box like lnb's on the now fully Burned karachi Electric pole in front of our gate . I thing i did realised though .... yes burning the cables makes no difference at all or may be it does yes most of them got repaired in few hours didn't they ? LOL
By the Way my humble apologies and condolances on the loss of material . But don't you think these cable guys should have waited untill the Karachi Electric decides to replace the burned pole with a new one . No ?
Okay i don't have more time for further review or suggestion of what should or should not be done by none of my business
So here i end my the Sunday Blog # 43 with Kösem Sultan Song that i hear everyday but have absolutely no idea what it says or means yet i love it so much that every time it is played in the background i feel the change is coming in the story . just like a time lapse . Have Fun !

Friday 27 January 2017

عزت سے Maaf الاعلی حضرت شیخ UL اسائلم شیخ UL ذرائع ابلاغ شیخ UL سوشل میڈیا علامہ ڈاکٹر عامر لیاقت

عزت سے Maaf الاعلی حضرت شیخ UL اسائلم شیخ UL ذرائع ابلاغ
  شیخ UL سوشل میڈیا
علامہ ڈاکٹر کی عامر لیاقت
No automatic alt text available.Image may contain: outdoor

Thursday 26 January 2017

وَلا تُسَلِّط عَلَيَنَا مَنْ لا يْرْحَمُناَ

« الَّلهمَّ اقْسِم لَنَا مِنْ خَشْيَتِكَ ما تحُولُ بِه بَيْنَنَا وبَينَ مَعٌصَِيتِك، ومن طَاعَتِكَ ماتُبَلِّغُنَا بِه جَنَّتَكَ، ومِنَ اْليَقيٍن ماتُهِوِّنُ بِه عَلَيْنا مَصَائِبَ الدُّنيَا . الَّلهُمَّ مَتِّعْنا  بأسْمَاعِناَ، وأبْصَارناَ، وِقُوّتِنا ما أحييْتَنَا ، واجْعَلْهُ الوَارِثَ منَّا ، وِاجعَل ثَأرَنَا عَلى مَنْ ظَلَمَنَا، وانْصُرْنا عَلى مَنْ عادَانَا ، وَلا تَجْعلْ مُِصيَبتَنا في دينَنا ، وَلا تَجْعلِ الدُّنْيَا أكبَرَ همِّنا ولا مبلغ عِلْمٍنَا ، وَلا تُسَلِّط عَلَيَنَا مَنْ لا يْرْحَمُناَ »

Wednesday 25 January 2017

On February 6, 1961, Queen Elizabeth II paid a visit to University

On February 6, 1961, Queen Elizabeth II paid a visit to University of Peshawar with her husband the Duke of Edinburgh. Here, the Queen watches as a student of the Department of Home Economics shows how to make a paratha. To the left, a poster reads, “Use ghee wisely. Money is wasted in left over ghee.”Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting, people standing and indoor

Sunday 22 January 2017

The Sunday Blog # 42

Today is the 22nd of January the 23rd of Rabi us Sani 1438 till the Sunset and this is my The Sunday Blog # 42 .

For very many years of my life i thought and wondered about a Catch Phrase that i read somewhere long time ago . I always thought it was sarcastic but wasn't really absolutely sure about it . And my nature it is that i rarely turn to anybody to ask if what i think or believe is actually true or not . Sometimes finding out an answer on my own is not very easy or abc . Sometimes it is. google and the internet has been a very good help and teacher for me . Not Always because it can only say about things that we tell it . It records and saves things in its memory and when we ask it through a good search Engine (no Motors involved no idea why it is called that will google it soon and find out but at the moment my guess is that it has to do something with the motion we begin on the cyber crime super highways that we put ourself and the filthy rich hi tech super giants of the fortune 100 ) it looks for exactly the same or the nearest match . I am so sure we are all very very familiar with this sentence " No Match Found " yes what it actually means in the Dollar Terms is that " You are Nuts " or " Nobody Cared to put it on the net . When i was in the high school i did not have access to the internet , the www world wide web or even a computer with random access memory so often while watching British Comedy shows or american sitcoms i use to come across many words and phrases that may or may not be common ordinary everyday usage especially for me who had nobody to turn to who had english language as a mother tongue or been with someone long enough to know it all. Obviously people who write screenplay or scripts are those with a varied background and experience of living and learning from all sorts of life experiences, cultures and people and not just textbooks . Infact or as a matter of fact .. well never mind its been a very long weekend for them LOL
So where was i , Oh yes , Being smart is easy at that age as there were many smart people all around me both older and younger . All Curious as hell so what they did was read alot and by doing so their small unused heads got filled up with all the wrong kinds of ideas which helped them grow up and live a normal life . I on the otherhand was extremely super smart . When ever i came to a literally dead end i silently tag the word or phrase on a mental post it for when and where i could find it . Papa May he rest in Peace in Heaven Amen ! ... had few good dictionaries in his collection that always helped me because if i go and asked him or anybody else then i had to explain or narrate the whole episode Don't you dare think for a moment that i did not do that when i was even younger . Most try to break the glass few master the art of making us realise its so cooler inside . Even Today whenever i am in doubt i tell the whole episode or the screenplay . its fun .  So the words or Phrases that i could not find in the dictionaries around made me more and more anxious and restless . Those were the very tough days trust me but even tougher days came later in life when i least expected them to be . Access to the net has not been so easy and its very tough when you know something is just a click away and you are denied access well we are all very well aware of the reasons and the process that we all been through or experience day to day .

Now here i am gone totally off -tract and nobody even noticed that i have . See LOL
Image may contain: 3 people, people sitting, table and indoorAnyways so the Catch phrase i mentioned above is " Storm in the tea-cup continent Isolated...
Everytime i google or search on the net i come up with lots and lots historic facts and data but nothing absolutely clear and convincing as to what it actually means and honestly i don't even remember when and where i heard this for the first or if it was a political satire or plain jovial.

Okay its almost 20 past 2 am  and the words count is way way past the A,B,C,D so its good Night sleep well and sweet dreams .

Image may contain: foodBtw before i go let me inform you that the Price of Eggs here in karachi was the highest ever yesterday , Yes it was 42.64 $
and the dollar is 104.83 Rs
So 42.64 X 104.83 = 4470 Rs
OR in Dollar and Dozen Terms it was 1.42 $ / Dozen which is the highest so far in my countless decades of shopping for Eggs . Cheers !
842 words

9:43 am Good Morning !
Okay its a bright sunny morning at 9:00 am and there is a ODI the 4th one in AusVPak 5 odi series in SCG Sydney so there is a chance that the power or cable companies get to work soon even on sunday if Australia shows signs of weakness . lol
No breakfast only tea made for me very early in the morning or probably last night because it cold . Will probably fry an egg after the first shut down of electric or net . Chaapa is also expected later in the day so by zuhr time i hope to be almost done and then enjoy the rest of the Sunday and watch or listen to the ending of the 4th ODI from SCG . Although i don't have to go out today for eggs or Milk . But i wont mind if asked to visit the bakery or sweet shop and catchup with the filty market and dig out tariq road . When they dig a busy road like Tariq Road it means that the Builders want to peacefully do their work and in that time they usually build . So I am expecting more High-rises on and around Tariq road soon . Its really funny here i feel that proverb or catch phrase literally coming true Since i refused to move to New york they are bringing the Manhatten to the mountain of heaps or whatever. In ten years my town and neighbourhood will be completely changed . I will be mugged a million times and run over twice that million times by desperate drivers trying to find their way out from the rubble of construction work in progress . When Two years past after the dearly departed Ammi Passed away May her Soul Rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !.. i give up my right to feel disturbed by the parked cars on our front kerb and even in front of the gate both by the neighbours or visiters of the neighbours . In fact sometime i really really feel amazed when i look outside and see a whole lot of empty car parking space . Usually it's because of the Jams in the different parts of the city . Most of the neighbours are stuck in a traffic jam inside their very own cars or waiting anxiously at home for the cars to return and when the cars return they hop on and take them back to make a new jam . It is my Firm believe that a very good percentage of Automobiles are dumped in Karachi to create the jams . I will not go into the reasons of that dumping at this moment maybe some other time or later not now not today no no no .
10:21 am telenor breaks the silence with junk SMS . Thankyou very Much . I thought i might want to know .....LOL
Aus 170/1 in 30 overs Awesome !

O My God ....i have crossed the 1300 Words mark this must be my fastest ....Bye Bye MotherFucking Fairies ...and the Apps failed to sync Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, textImage may contain: 5 people, people smiling

10 :40 am 1340 Words ....Tea Break !

1:30 pm okay i am back after the hot bath and a walk in the dead silent neighourhood , The celebrations is about to start very soon 354 is the target . okay something tells me the first  wicket is down . I can tell each and every wicket today 98 X Six = the catch dropper

Anyways after the hot bath and sunny walk i feel like i have come down the mountain sweater no topee just plain old shalwar kameez . although i feel a little dry skin should have walked a whole mile only then i could have been sweating . Okay so I had Brunch trust me Image may contain: foodImage may contain: drink and foodImage may contain: food

100/2 second wicket ....never mind the 100's and 50's lol

So where were we oh yes if i can bath and walk like that i am sure the construction workers and government labours must be remembering the winters too here in karachi and hoping for a brief come back before the long journey away .
Okay is that traffic on my street

I was seriously hoping that i would finsh 2000 + words by 2 - 2:30 pm and then watch the ending of the match but you can see how distracting it is to sit in a corner and noticing the fall of wickets one by one . And honestly i am not watching the game or even listening to the commentry on the radio . just check the twitter after even insinuation BTW insinuation meaning in urdu is آکشیپ
hell no i don't have a clue lol

Image may contain: foodOkay i believe this is for lunch today and if we waited for the end of the match or the Chaapa or which ever comes first then it could be changed altogether or enhanced . Chances are that it will be enhanced for sure . But the heat i generated is going away and my feets without socks have lost all the warmth . My Feets are the fisrt to indicate that i am losing the body heat and i should start walking grab a cup of tea or put on a sweater or something okay i haven't checked the word count for a while lets see it is 1694 words . The Wonderful thing about the wordpress word counter is that it does not count numericals 1709 .

2:17 pm i'll get up now grab a cup of tea mixed with coffee glance at PTVSports look out side and probably come back .

4:20 pm had lunch and the match is finished too. Btw the Lunch kept enhancing but i had to worry about this the Sunday Blog # 42 . 42 is an important Number in some areas of the world and in some culture not really sure where and why or how . Anyways i will eat the leftovers gradually because if i eat it all once then there is no chance that i can sit on the computer . Okay btw by sitting on computer i mean using it and not sitting on it some people think its still funny . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food
Image may contain: food

Its Asr time but i am not going out infact i am not going out for anything unless i have to and i really don't think after all this there is any need to go out and bring in more come to think of it some people are very expert in this they usually think of something to bring and get an excuse to go out others are just lucky they have kids who always need something like milk or diapers and if everything fails there is always somebody in the house who needs medicines from the drug store . I don't know if it is fortunate or unfortunate i am climbing up the ladder of living like my favorite character or actor yes the infamous jerry Seinfeld of NBC Image may contain: 1 person, text because of.. there is a term these builder mafia use for this Annihilation of a society and converting it into a concreate jungle . Anyways this is absolutely nothing as compared to what they are feeling back not home LOL .
Here in Pakistan some people try to boost a competion between the two major cities Karachi vs Lahore never actually happened because people who go to lahore come back in few days if not hours but those who come from lahore to look around usually buy homes and stablish offices and shops and business which says it all . Another example they started metro bus in lahore in less than two years 2011-2013 which included secret planning approval from big brother build and inauguration by turkey . Here in Karachi its been overtime and nobody seen it yet or disturbed by it . Some say that they have heard about it but at the fastest pace it may not reach my town atleast for another two years . yes that big this city is . Another example the earthquake earlier this week felt in one part of the city was not felt in the rest of the city .

Anyways its not about Lahore vs Karachi anymore because both of us are now a fundamental ingredient of the Chinese Soup also known as 6pac or cigpac or whatever I don't care . The real deal is how in the world A new yorker who is known for his  towers could survive in Washington D.C ?  the question mark should be bigger and bolder
yes ! I will come to this topic after the first 100 days in office . The issue right now is what the unfriendly American Muslims going to do in the mean time . Now somebody may ask why i call American Muslims unfriendly . Where is the proof  ?

24th rabi us Sani 1438
7:11 pm
Good Evening !

the temperature is so deceiving i don't even want to talk about it anymore .
The Church is happy with me and that's all that matters to me the most . LOL

In doing this my The Sunday Blog # 42 and Watching oh sorry enjoying the 4th ODi in SCG and doing the "other Stuff" i may have missed all the Happenings in washington . But as soon as i finish this my The Sunday Blog # 42 i will catchup on all the events of today if i am able to because of stiff back after sitting straight for so long and eating  i may want to just lie down and sleep for few hours and then the next days routine starts . Anyways congratulations to the people and government of the United States for a very peaceful transition of Power and also giving so many prospective candidates for the breaking of Glass next . Image may contain: 11 people, people standing and suitDon't know about others personally i feel that America (united states of ) looks Great already and if we tried harder we can make it Great again and Again 2 .Image may contain: 5 people, wedding
Image may contain: 11 people, people standing
Image may contain: 2 people, people standing and wedding
in four or eight years there will definitely be a Woman President of the United States of America . I think Four is better . If we want to see a woman in WhiteHouse it better be able to survive a Builder and developer and a former mayor .

Talking of Survive Yes we have survived the chaapa and it Isha time also ...I knew it the Church had something to do with todays Chaapa . Neighbours Guard velveted our front parking . Thankyou . LOL
So i was wondering if my neighbourhood is turned into seinfeldistan would i be standuping or sitting as an egg marketer . Obviously i will have to do something to survive in a Call a cab "Taxi " culture .

Okay i am 2555 words before 8pm so i can take another break . Be right back hopefully LOL

8:37 pm just tasting salt and butter no dinner i am skipping dinner or supper . Honestly
Image may contain: foodImage may contain: food
 Image may contain: food

Taking un scheduled breaks is very dangerous if i need a break i should listen first that there is no activity in and around the kitchen .

Now back to the most important topic before the break . Yes the Very Unfriendly American Muslims and Why did they lose an Election or what appears to be an existence . First of All i want to ask why is there a creed called American Muslims are there no muslims living in china or the russia or canada or maybe france . Could it be that American Muslims is an Oxymoron and they are neither muslims nor American . There is a possibility that they were planted by the Russians or the Soviets during the cold war between the USSR and US . If people from around the world quit their culture and religion just to achieve the American Dream then why and How did the American Muslims Failed. And if they failed to achieve the American Dream why did they not repent and go back to their repective countries and Be Muslims ( a very Big Question Mark ) ?
Being Muslims is what they never wanted when they stood in line for the American Visa or Green Card . They only wanted to be rich filthy rich Americans and that's it . Those who achieved the American dream in the United States no matter how or when they arrived in the United States or even were brought to the United States as slaves like the former first lady of the United States family calls themselves Americans some might even bring class action law suits for racial discrimination and slander if you just as them where are you from Niggar ?

And here we see American Muslims don't know if they work for the russian mafia or the Hoover Crafted FBI or the Abu the arms dealer or whatever for a quick buck . The Most interesting and to some extent extremely shameful thing is that American Muslims are supporting LGBT or any party or group that gives them a sureity that they can have two piece of the Pizza or a pie . Things don't work that way fellows . Either you integrate or quit . Don't Bring a bad name to the muslims around the world who work harder than you for half or a quarter of what they deserve and pray and Thank the dear merciful God Almighty Allah five times a day and more and are hopeful that their dear merciful Lord Almighty Allah will Save them and their Souls from Americans , the Devils and the Fire of Hell which is the full and final abode of every American Muslim . Allah hu Akbar !

9:30 pm fastest 3000 words . Break 3030 words

10:02 pm okay now the Movies of the week

1.Veronica Mars (film).
2.Last Days in the Desert
3.Unfinished Business
4.Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping
5.Captain Fantastic

okay 1 was good 2 is biblical so no comment till i watch it not sleeping honestly i fell asleep very early and forget to watch it again this week so probably it will be in the next weeks list as well and then maybe maybe i comment and rate it . 3 is awesome about how hard it is to establish and run a small business especially when you are in a hostile competetion with a former boss or former employer or just a big competetor who does not like your being in the same pond . you know the Big fish small fish relation . and on the other hand trying to convince your clients or prospective clients to to do business with you and to trust you to deliver what you promise .
4. is a turkey
5 is fantastic it tries to explain the working and philosophy behind those elite schools very very private schools like the ones i have been too ... jamation ki poonch dekho LOLImage may contain: 1 person, text

okay its 10:28 pm and if there is anything anybody would like me to address please feel free to ask .
Okay so if there is nobody left to ask a question and the annual food festival known as Karachi Eat is also finished then i must also finish this My The Sunday Blog #42 and go and help my near and dear ones who may be feeling very lonely and guilty eating alone as i can clearly hear the activity in and around the kitchen . The Aromatic tantalizing Smells are about to reach my clogged nostrils any moment now .
Ah i can't sit here anymore don't know why and how this started early when we agreed that first i will finish this my the Sunday Blog # 42 and then if i have any strength left in my body to be able to move i will come and eat . But its not yet 11 pm i have a full one hour and ten minutes to go on and on and on and speak my heart and mind out without having any fear of it ever being read by any mortal soul . Cannot say it with full confidence that the immortal souls don't or can't read what write also i cannot guarantee that the immortal souls cannot feel how i feel during the doing this My The Sunday Blog # 42 or even what i wish during the short twenty four hours of the Sunday every Sunday week after week month after month for the past nine months or more .

Anyways this winter is going away so i believe next Sunday i wont be wearing a sweater in the beginning and the end of the Sunday Blog like i had to today with a brief intervel in the noon and after noon . from 1 pm to 3 - 4 pm after that i put on a sweater and have it on ever since .

11:00 pm 3529 words.  This is so unbelievable because i had expected it very otherwise . Honestly i knew that it was a Aus vs Pak Odi day there will be all sorts of disturbances and distraction both physical and psychological . Turns out that it was the most peaceful sunday of my very long Sunday Blogging should i say career or must i say history . either way it was fun and most certainly i hope that things may change in the coming future when and where i may have a similar very very peaceful sunday or i may have even better sunday's to enjoy doing the Sunday Blogging . At the moment i am not even going into that yes the benefits of doing a Sunday Blog it is something that is so precious that even i have no clue as to how precious it is . Every Sunday and before the Sunday begins at midnight i have to make up my mind that i am absolutely positively ready for this or not because when ever i am not fully prepared to do a Sunday Blog I will not be able to even complete the first 500 words and i am sure no not very sure atleast not after today that having all the means like hardware and net and battery power etc etc it will be absolutely impossible for me to just let it go and ride a horse . That would be extremely odd if you ask me . Giving up a Sunday blog to attend a party or a ceremony will be even more difficult . Not doing a Sunday Blog because of a picnic at the beach even sounds absurd . And all other pursuits and habits like eating , reading or watching some movies or socializing with expected and unexpected guests and visitors has not yet hindered a bit . So what can stop this . Oh yes i remember on the 10th of Muharram i was not able to move due to stomach and respiratory track infections yes thats a good start illness of a similar sort or some other kind may leave me unable to move or sit long enough to be able to type and concentrate or a blurred vision and strain in wrist and fingers not allowing to type with full concentration . Other than illness and disease or physical disability of any percieveable kind there appears to be not such excuse or desire to not do a Sunday Blog with words numbering in thousands . Okay come to think of it its 11:28 pm about time i should or Must check again the word count because the last time i checked i was above 3500 words and i believe it was almost half an hour ago . Continous typing or may be not changing the posture has begin to stress the shoulder and neck muscles .

Yes Yes Yes !!!  i did it . 
4002 words . 
So its very very Good Bye From me now as i end This my The Sunday Blog # 42 with a favourite movie song from a even more favourite Movie the best

Kajra Re - Full Song | Bunty Aur Babli |

I do seriously hope i have not shared this song before in any of my Sunday Blogs because there are now so many its getting tougher and tougher to remember which song i shared on which Sunday Blog But anyways since it is my So Favorite there is no harm at all in sharing it more than once is it ? No okay Hope to be back again next Sunday Midnight to Mid Night . God Bless !