
Sunday 24 April 2022

The Sunday Blog № 316


Today is the Sunday 

And this is my the Sunday Blog № 316 ( Three Hundred and Sixteen) 

Today is the 24th of April 2022 AD

The 22nd of Ramzan 1443 H 

Till the Sunset ( 6:58 pm ; Karachi )  

32°C /  27°C 

Moon: 46.5%
Third Quarter
Current Time:24 Apr 2022, 00:39:01
Moon Direction:108.46° ESE
Moon Altitude:-17.34°
Moon Distance:373,053 km
Next New Moon:1 May 2022, 01:28
Next Full Moon:16 May 2022, 09:14
Next Moonrise:Today, 02:00 
All day yesterday the Telenor mobile network service remained suspended in my neighborhood . for security reasons . The interior ministery was certain that Terrorist will use or can use the Telenor mobile network .
Unshakable Trust and Confidence ...year after year ... Government they come and go .....they come and go ....


Wordle 309 3/6*


The weather remained very same as it was before Easter . My health and happiness remained exactly the same . .

The U.S sponsored govt pushed it self  towards the  edge ....

With a 30 + cabinet ( bilawal and mengal) 
4 ministers of state ( junior ministers) 

And three advisors 

Most of the government ministers and advisors are on bail . Which itself raises question on the judiciary . Regardless of what the opposition or the left wing media and social media says about the Courts . The person voted by the parliament to be the Prime Minister is under trial in a very important corruption case waiting to be indicted . The names of most of the federal government ministers and advisors was on ECL ( exit control list )
Like for example the interior minister rana sanaullah who was put on the list  after being arrested for possession of  drugs and sentence d .

4:00 am Sehri time 

Astronomical Twilight 4:42 am 


22nd Roza 

وَبِصَوْمِ غَدٍ نَّوَيْتَ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ

Astronomical Twilight 4:42 am 


Sunrise 6:02 am

Okay fajr prayer  with a prayer  for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi and Recently Departed Aslam Bhai 

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah 
please forgive my dear loving and caring brother Aslam Bhai and give him the highest place in Jannah 
Amen ! 

اللہ پاک میرے پیارے والدین ، ​​پاپا
 اور امی پر رحم فرمائے ، اور ان کو اللہ تعالی کی رحمت نصیب ہو ، اور ان کی روح کوجنت میں آرام نصیب ہو ۔ آمین!

پیارے مہربان رب اللہ پاک میرے پیارے اور خیال رکھنے والے بھائی اسلم بھائی کی مغفرت فرمائے اور جنت الفردوس میں اعلیٰ مقام عطا فرمائے


4:55 am Break ! 

Sun 22nd Ramzan 1443H 
11:11 am Fasting 
Still very sleepy 😴

I have never been to a Imran  khan jalsa or jalsi or a pti corner meeting except for watching it on the television or social media sometimes live sometimes repeat . 
It was out of sheer curiosity I went to the Twitter space and added to  the record breaking count . The timing was incredible just before the Lahore jalsa the time lahoris understand that twitter space was a global phenomenon and not  really a karachi thing to compete with , they were out and about and making the minar e Pakistan jalsa a success . With one after the other into the block hole perfect delivery khan has made not just players uneasy but also the team in dugout and the board . 
Bilawal instead of taking the outh of the foreign minister left for London to see the Queen's 96th birthday on some local channels ...and also to pressure the Prime minister and the pmlN here to give him and his girlfriend the junior minister some respect and freedom otherwise ...
One third of the National Assembly about 130 out of 342 are already out ....for the moment it appears that saein Zardari miscalculated or was misinformed . 
The best way should have been the resignations and even though just his party's resignations would not have made much difference in the number game  but most of the then opposition would have got a clear line of action and may have followed .  
Now former Prime Minister Imran khan is following the Bhutto ideology of conspiracy theory by the west , anti establishment ..pulling crowds swaying the masses and youths towards him 
While Bhutto ' s family and party clearly appearing to be colluding with the enemy 
..of the family , the party and the state ..

Very very bad political move indeed . 

The general elections require huge funding is my observation that everytime we have a general election in pakistan the foreign exchange reserve and exchequer gets empty ...and the international funds and donars wants to renegotiate the terms with the new and unstable government . 

Which creates the mess for the new and unstable coalition government ...which appears to be a failure ..many non martial law democratic governments collapsed without completing the term making it a phenomenal thing . 

I may regret this in the future , but I am not in favour of a general election at the moment . 

Time for prayer with a prayer  for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi and Recently Departed Aslam Bhai 

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah 
please forgive my dear loving and caring brother Aslam Bhai and give him the highest place in Jannah 
Amen ! 

اللہ پاک میرے پیارے والدین ، ​​پاپا
 اور امی پر رحم فرمائے ، اور ان کو اللہ تعالی کی رحمت نصیب ہو ، اور ان کی روح کوجنت میں آرام نصیب ہو ۔ آمین!

پیارے مہربان رب اللہ پاک میرے پیارے اور خیال رکھنے والے بھائی اسلم بھائی کی مغفرت فرمائے اور جنت الفردوس میں اعلیٰ مقام عطا فرمائے


1:34 pm Break ! 

3:16 pm  after my Recently Departed Aslam Bhai died ( may his soul rest in peace in jannah Amen 🙏)  I stopped watching television ...for months Doctor Saab kept saying that you should turn on the television . Slowly and gradually I started touching the remote . First fir the PSL scores then movies and then the news ....and then the breaking news and political shows . Ever since the constitutional crisis began my interest grew . Still I cannot watch the whole shows cannot stand some of the anchors and political party spokesperson . 

As a lifelong student of political science , my interest in constitutional law and behavioral psychology never diminishes ..

So now ever since this peaceful transition of the government in islamabad , I am very closely watching the faces of both sides . 

Obviously the pti side has lost a lot ...their faces has to be gloomy and unsure ...for some odd reason they don't look very relaxed infact they appear worried seems natural but it's not like being worried when a drunk driver is driving ....
It's just like when you are sitting next to child in the driver's seat . Not sure why I feel that . Even fawad ch whom I can never trust looks very different  

While the opposition in government looks like they are watching a horror movie . 
Maybe it's because of lack of sleep and travel fatigue . 

Fall asleep ....there is a dead silence in the neighborhood . The new neighbors who put up the ladder on our side to install Split ACs last Sunday opened their windows after a whole week but made no sound while I was checking the water pumps ...

Trying  very desperately to keep the cooking mafia away from the kitchen and stove after the expensive eye operation . 

She had already ordered food for iftari and fateha from panda while I was sleeping . I had nothing to do with it . The other night she ordered kitchen essential without first checking the delivery address . The rider stopped at the location and kept calling I had to to go and find him . And bring to our gate ..the app message her with my name about some previous referral points ..I don't understand were they trying to alert the account holder or were they complaining to me about her ordering with proper delivery address .  Actually the address is correct but the app hide the main part and showed the rider the street details . 

Anyways . This week I focused on frying Pakoray instead of last minute praying just to keep her relaxed and satisfied but she started cooking murabaa from watermelon peel on the big stove . 

I have no idea how to keep her away from torturing me . Now after ordering everything from food panda 🐼 she is now making potato chicken cutlets ...and by the time I finish praying and recite she would be done frying I have to hurry and pray and delay the reciting .....I am already weeks behind I should have finished the Khatam e Quran by now ...

I have to go pray with a prayer  for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi and Recently Departed Aslam Bhai 

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah 
please forgive my dear loving and caring brother Aslam Bhai and give him the highest place in Jannah 
Amen ! 

اللہ پاک میرے پیارے والدین ، ​​پاپا
 اور امی پر رحم فرمائے ، اور ان کو اللہ تعالی کی رحمت نصیب ہو ، اور ان کی روح کوجنت میں آرام نصیب ہو ۔ آمین!

پیارے مہربان رب اللہ پاک میرے پیارے اور خیال رکھنے والے بھائی اسلم بھائی کی مغفرت فرمائے اور جنت الفردوس میں اعلیٰ مقام عطا فرمائے


Sunset 6:58 pm 

5:46 pm Iftari Break ! 

Sun 23rd Ramzan 1443H 
8:20 pm 
So first I prayed with a prayer  for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi and Recently Departed Aslam Bhai 

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah 
please forgive my dear loving and caring brother Aslam Bhai and give him the highest place in Jannah 
Amen ! 

اللہ پاک میرے پیارے والدین ، ​​پاپا
 اور امی پر رحم فرمائے ، اور ان کو اللہ تعالی کی رحمت نصیب ہو ، اور ان کی روح کوجنت میں آرام نصیب ہو ۔ آمین!

پیارے مہربان رب اللہ پاک میرے پیارے اور خیال رکھنے والے بھائی اسلم بھائی کی مغفرت فرمائے اور جنت الفردوس میں اعلیٰ مقام عطا فرمائے


Then I fry the palak Pakoray ...yesterday I forgot to mix the palak into the basin batter was on the table and I was upset about the watermelon peel murabaa . When I finished frying the Pakoray yesterday ...the cooking mafia came and asked why did you not mix the palak if you wanted palak Pakora was then that I realised how out of wack sleepy head I have been ...I tried to be Imran khan with her and blame it altogether on her but she sticked to her guns . And equally rebutt and did not take the blame and said I told you palak sliced is on the table when you told me to leave the kitchen. Just then I realized that she told me about the batter but pointed towards the table . And even if she had forgotten half an hour of slow frying in the pan ...I did not realize that the pakora batter was very plain . I was suppose to fry palak Pakoray .. so before the azan I became quiet and stopped arguing . Opened my fast with just a date and prayed ...the mobile network was not restored till then . Watched few funny clips to relax a bit more ...then slowly I started eating ...and took a Pepsi .  Then when mobile network of Telenor was restored and food panda was back online  she ordered the kfc deal when the charging was fully finished luckily there was enough time to recharge . We shared the deal and everything was normal except we were not able to offer the youm e Ali fateha on the 21st of Ramzan which has been a very long tradition . 

So  while I was frying she set the table and started the fateha . 
Then after finishing the palak Pakoray she brought this chicken fillet / steak  
I fried it very slowly ....and then I had a bath and changed lighted the Agarbati ( incense sticks ) but there was not enough time left to recite 
So I sat down at the table and waited .


22nd Roza 

Sunset 6:58 pm 
اللَّهُمَّ اِنِّى لَكَ صُمْتُ وَبِكَ امنْتُ [وَعَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْتُ] وَعَلَى 

رِزْقِكَ اَفْطَرْت.‎‎ 


Two people from the family were taken to Lal Qila this week on separate days for iftari demarche and the third one for sehri some place else . I think it's about time i should also get an American sponsor . 
Talking of American , my iphone charger stopped charging I rushed to the market and got myself a new data cable some sehri and iftari things . Today I am feeling very fresh not sleepy 😴 at all yet . 
Soon after I finished the isha prayer ‏
Doctor Saab called to inquire about my blurred vision . 

Wordle 310 2/6*


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