
Sunday 11 July 2021

The Sunday Blog № 275

 Today is the Sunday ,

The 11th of July 2021,

The 30th of Ziqad 1442H 

Till the Sunset ( 7 : 25 pm ; Karachi ☠️) 

34°C / 30°C (Google)

Moon: 0.7%
Waxing Crescent

Current Time:11 Jul 2021, 00:25:29

And this is  my the Sunday Blog № 275 ( Two Hundred and Seventy Five ) .

Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen 🙏

But first Thanks to Allah The Moon Was not sighted Anywhere in the God forsaken Islamic World . 

Utter Darkness across far and wide ...


The Democratic Party's President of the United States of America officially returned the reigns of Afghanistan to it's People ...The Taleban .

بِسۡمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

ٱلۡحَمۡدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلۡعَٰلَمِينَ 

ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ 

مَٰلِكِ يَوۡمِ ٱلدِّينِ

إِيَّاكَ نَعۡبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسۡتَعِينُ

ٱهۡدِنَا ٱلصِّرَٰطَ ٱلۡمُسۡتَقِيمَ 

صِرَٰطَ ٱلَّذِينَ أَنۡعَمۡت عَلَيۡهِمۡ غَيۡرِ ٱلۡمَغۡضُوبِ عَلَيۡهِمۡ وَلَا ٱلضَّآلِّينَ


Bismillaah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem
Al hamdu lillaahi rabbil ‘alameen
Ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Maaliki yaumid Deen
Iyyaaka na’abudu wa iyyaaka nasta’een
Ihdinas siraatal mustaqeem
Siraatal ladheena an ‘amta’ alaihim
Ghairil maghduubi’ alaihim waladaaleen

In the name of God, the infinitely Compassionate and Merciful.
Praise be to God, Lord of all the worlds.
The Compassionate, the Merciful. Ruler on the Day of Reckoning.
You alone do we worship, and You alone do we ask for help.
Guide us on the straight path,
the path of those who have received your grace;
not the path of those who have brought down wrath, nor of those who wander astray.

Yes the Mr President Biden is very correct ...when he said ....

United States of America was not in Afghanistan to Nation build ....🤔

He practically disowned karazai and Abdullah Abdullah ...form of Government .

In a nutshell ....the whole Twenty years episode of the Afghan War can be easily summerized as ....a new born baby's newly appointed mother freaks out watching the baby reaching out for a gravel for the first time .... ultimately ...she says ...What the heck.....😜 

Only in this case ....the Americans at the moment does not want to be the Policeman ..... twenty years it took ...but we got there ....

Euphoric you bet ! 👹

East Room 

2:09 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT:  Good afternoon.  Earlier today, I was briefed by our senior military and national security leaders on the status of the drawdown of U.S. forces and allied forces in Afghanistan.   

When I announced our drawdown in April, I said we would be out by September, and we’re on track to meet that target.

Our military mission in Afghanistan will conclude on August 31st.  The drawdown is proceeding in a secure and orderly way, prioritizing the safety of our troops as they depart.  

Our military commanders advised me that once I made the decision to end the war, we needed to move swiftly to conduct the main elements of the drawdown.  And in this context, speed is safety. 

And thanks to the way in which we have managed our withdrawal, no one — no one U.S. forces or any forces have — have been lost.  Conducting our drawdown differently would have certainly come with a increased risk of safety to our personnel.   

To me, those risks were unacceptable.  And there was never any doubt that our military would perform this task efficiently and with the highest level of professionalism.  That’s what they do.  And the same is true of our NATO Allies and partners who have supported — we are supporting, and supporting us as well, as they conclude their retrograde.   

I want to be clear: The U.S. military mission in Afghanistan continues through the end of August.  We remain — we retain personnel and capacities in the country, and we maintain some authority — excuse me, the same authority under which we’ve been operating for some time.

As I said in April, the United States did what we went to do in Afghanistan: to get the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 and to deliver justice to Osama Bin Laden, and to degrade the terrorist threat to keep Afghanistan from becoming a base from which attacks could be continued against the United States.  We achieved those objectives.  That’s why we went.

We did not go to Afghanistan to nation-build.  And it’s the right and the responsibility of the Afghan people alone to decide their future and how they want to run their country.   

Together, with our NATO Allies and partners, we have trained and equipped over three hu- — nearly 300,000 current serving members of the military — of the Afghan National Security Force, and many beyond that who are no longer serving.  Add to that, hundreds of thousands more Afghan National Defense and Security Forces trained over the last two decades.

We provided our Afghan partners with all the tools — let me emphasize: all the tools, training, and equipment of any modern military.  We provided advanced weaponry.  And we’re going to continue to provide funding and equipment.   And we’ll ensure they have the capacity to maintain their air force.

But most critically, as I stressed in my meeting just two weeks ago with President Ghani and Chairman Abdullah, Afghan leaders have to come together and drive toward a future that the Afghan people want and they deserve.

In our meeting, I also assured Ghani that U.S. support for the people of Afghanistan will endure.  We will continue to provide civilian and humanitarian assistance, including speaking out for the rights of women and girls.

I intend to maintain our diplomatic presedence [presence] in Afghanistan, and we are coordinating closely with our international partners in order to continue to secure the international airport. 

And we’re going to engage in a determined diplomacy to pursue peace and a peace agreement that will end this senseless violence. 

I’ve asked Secretary of State Blinken and our Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation to work vigorously with the parties in Afghanistan, as well as the regional and international stakeholders to support a negotiated solution.   

To be clear — to be clear: Countries in the region have an essential role to play in supporting a peaceful settlement.   We’ll work with them, and they should help step up their efforts as well.   

We’re going to continue to work for the release of detained Americans, including Mark — excuse me — Fre– Frerichs — I want to pronounce the name correctly; I mis- — I misspoke — so that he can return to his family safely.

We’re also going to continue to make sure that we take on the Afghan nationals who work side-by-side with U.S. forces, including interpreters and translators — since we’re no longer going to have military there after this; we’re not going to need them and they have no jobs — who are also going to be vital to our efforts so they — and they’ve been very vital — and so their families are not exposed to danger as well.

We’ve already dramatically accelerated the procedure time for Special Immigrant Visas to bring them to the United States.   

Since I was inaugurated on January 20th, we’ve already approved 2,500 Special Immigrant Visas to come to the United States.  Up to now, fewer than half have exercised their right to do that.  Half have gotten on aircraft and com — commercial flights and come, and the other half believe they want to stay — at least thus far.

We’re working closely with Congress to change the authorization legislation so that we can streamline the process of approving those visas.  And those who have stood up for the operation to physically relocate thousands of Afghans and their families before the U.S. military mission concludes so that, if they choose, they can wait safely outside of Afghanistan while their U.S. visas are being processed.

The operation has identified U.S. facilities outside of the continental United States, as well as in third countries, to host our Afghan allies, if they ch- — if they so choose.  And, starting this month, we’re going to begin to re- — re- — reloc- — we’re going to begin relocation flights for Afghanistan SIV applicants and their families who choose to leave.   

We have a point person in the White House and at the State Department-led task force coordinating all these efforts. 

But our message to those women and men is clear: There is a home for you in the United States if you so choose, and we will stand with you just as you stood with us.

When I made the decision to end the U.S. military involvement in Afghanistan, I judged that it was not in the national interest of the United States of America to continue fighting this war indefinitely.  I made the decision with clear eyes, and I am briefed daily on the battlefield updates. 

But for those who have argued that we should stay just six more months or just one more year, I ask them to consider the lessons of recent history. 

In 2011, the NATO Allies and partners agreed that we would end our combat mission in 2014.  In 2014, some argued, “One more year.”  So we kept fighting, and we kept taking casualties.  In 2015, the same.  And on and on.

Nearly 20 years of experience has shown us that the current security situation only confirms that “just one more year” of fighting in Afghanistan is not a solution but a recipe for being there indefinitely.   

It’s up to Afghans to make the decision about the future of their country.

Others are more direct.  Their argument is that we should stay with the Afghan — in Afghanistan indefinitely.  In doing so, they point to the fact that we — we have not taken losses in this last year, so they claim that the cost of just maintaining the status quo is minimal.

But that ignores the reality and the facts that already presented on the ground in Afghanistan when I took office: The Taliban was at its strongest mil- — is at its strongest militarily since 2001.

The number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan had been reduced to a bare minimum.  And the United States, in the last administration, made an agreement that the — with the Taliban to remove all our forces by May 1 of this past — of this year.  That’s what I inherited.  That agreement was the reason the Taliban had ceased major attacks against U.S. forces. 

If, in April, I had instead announced that the United States was going to back — going back on that agreement made by the last administration — [that] the United States and allied forces would remain in Afghanistan for the foreseeable future — the Taliban would have again begun to target our forces.

The status quo was not an option.  Staying would have meant
U.S. troops taking casualties; American men and women back in the middle of a civil war.  And we would have run the risk of having to send more troops back into Afghanistan to defend our remaining troops.

Once that agreement with the Taliban had been made, staying with a bare minimum force was no longer possible.

So let me ask those who wanted us to stay: How many more — how many thousands more of America’s daughters and sons are you willing to risk?  How long would you have them stay?

Already we have members of our military whose parents fought in Afghanistan 20 years ago.  Would you send their children and their grandchildren as well?  Would you send your own son or daughter?

After 20 years — a trillion dollars spent training and equipping hundreds of thousands of Afghan National Security and Defense Forces, 2,448 Americans killed, 20,722 more wounded, and untold thousands coming home with unseen trauma to their mental health — I will not send another generation of Americans to war in Afghanistan with no reasonable expectation of achieving a different outcome.

The United States cannot afford to remain tethered to policies creating a response to a world as it was 20 years ago.  We need to meet the threats where they are today.

Today, the terrorist threat has metastasized beyond Afghanistan.  So, we are repositioning our resources and adapting our counterterrorism posture to meet the threats where they are now significantly higher: in South Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.

But make no mistake: Our military and intelligence leaders are confident they have the capabilities to protect the homeland and our interests from any resurgent terrorist challenge emerging or emanating from Afghanistan. 

We are developing a counterterrorism over-the-horizon capability that will allow us to keep our eyes firmly fixed on any direct threats to the United States in the region, and act quickly and decisively if needed.

And we also need to focus on shoring up America’s core strengths to meet the strategic competition with China and other nations that is really going to determine — determine our future. 

We have to defeat COVID-19 at home and around the world, make sure we’re better prepared for the next pandemic or biological threat. 

We need to establish international norms for cyberspace and the use of emergenc- — emerging technologies.

We need to take concerted action to fight existential threats of climate change.

And we will be more formidable to our adversaries and competitors over the long run if we fight the battles of the next 20 years, not the last 20 years.

Finally, I want to recognize the incredible sacrifice and dedication that the U.S. military and civilian personnel, serving alongside our Allies and partners, have made over the last two decades in Afghanistan. 

I want to honor the significance of what they’ve accomplished and the great personal risk they encountered and the incredible cost to their families: pursuing the terrorist threat in some of the most unforgiving terrain on the planet — and I’ve been almost throughout that entire country; ensuring there hasn’t been another attack on the homeland from Afghanistan for the last 20 years; taking out Bin Laden.

I want to thank you all for your service and the dedication to the mission so many of you have given, and to the sacrifices that you and your families have made over the long course of this war. 

We’ll never forget those who gave the last full measure of devotion for their country in Afghanistan, nor those whose lives have been immeasurably altered by wounds sustained in service to their country.

We’re ending America’s longest war, but we’ll always, always honor the bravery of the American patriots who served in it.

May God bless you all, and may God protect our troops.  Thank you.

Q    Mr. President — do you trust the Taliban, Mr. President?

Q    Is a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan now inevitable?

YouTube Link 

Come back to the British Raj ....

Despite having a Shafqat Mehmood at the helms of affairs ....The Chinese Government of Khan has taken the insensitivity to a new height level . Through out the British and Commonwealth World , the first and second week of July every year marks the two important very important Independence day s ...The fourth of July and the Fourteenth of July . 

It is the vacations time ... Major sporting events takes place like the Wimbledon , tour de France ...euro cup , Cricket series , 

And here ....the kids are subjected to all kinds of Agony 🤪 

As they say ...Cheaters cantt be choosers ..👿

Anyways ,  the hard times of Covid-19 Corona Pandemic lockdown Culture had also hurt the land of the Lord's just as much ....this week Everytime I switched to the news channels while watching  Wimbledon matches live from Wimbledon England , they were showing our Superstars cricketers carrying their own luggage getting off ugly green buses with horrible advertising probably toothpaste . 

YouTube Link

Extremely Sad indeed ....their backs ...I mean the backs of our Superstars must be hurting wonder they lost the series ....down in Lahore they drive Toyotas and audi 0000 to net practice with Punjab police escort service ...

There is just no comparison ....rags to riches ...

Australian Ashleigh Barty won the Wimbledon yesterday ....I did not bet on her ...I hope someone did ....

YouTube Link 

Let's see what happens today in the men's final . 

Okay it's 3:07 am ....The Sehri time . Yes I know the moon was not sighted and it's still the 30th of Ziqad ...but we are in the new moon ...waxing at almost 1 % and there are just nine days to the Hajj in Mecca so I am starting the fasting from today .....the Eid ul Azha season has already begun ...most neighborhood and beyond ....the doodh walas and qassais have started to put up the road blocks and brought the cows and bulls and Buffalo s for the great sacrifice ....and I have no intention what so ever to take part in this ritual ... probably even avoid to to eat the meat like last year ....

Astronomical twilight today is 

4:22 am ....

Okay I better hurry up and do my sehri without waking up anybody ....

Surprise Surprise...

3: 17 am Break ! 

4:13 am Okay I am done !

Done sehri 

Brushed . 

Will have the last sip of water at 4:19 am and then do the 

Niyat prayer . Not sure what to say ....I believe defecto will be best ....

Fasting in the month of Ziqad . 

Supererogatory ! 


1.observed or performed to an extent not enjoined or required. 2 : superfluous.

Okay time is up ! 

My first Nafli fast for Zilhij begins ....

Dear Merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen 🙏

Save me from the Azab of this world and the hereafter . 

Accept the sacrifice of my Siblings Brothers and Sisters.

Be pleased with them 

And reward them 

Accept the Sacrifice of my parents they did when they were alive . Be very pleased with them and reward them in jannah  . Amen 🙏

wah akhiro dawana anilhamdullah hi rab al-alamin

And our last prayer, all praises is due to Allah who is the Lord of the worlds.

Time for the fajr prayer 🛐

With a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

اللہ پاک میرے پیارے والدین ، ​​پاپا

 اور امی پر رحم فرمائے ، اور ان کو اللہ تعالی کی رحمت نصیب ہو ، اور ان کی روح کوجنت میں آرام نصیب ہو ۔  آمین!

4:50 am Break 

Sun 30th Ziqad 1442H


3:07 pm Good Morning ! 

Fasting ...

Tried to wake up a few time but could not 

It is very Quiet and Peaceful Sunday Afternoon and windy rain ..mostly sunny .

Okay then since now I am totally fully awake ..,and can smell the Pulao khushboo not coming but already occupying the whole room .... unfortunately I left the room door open before falling asleep 😴

Okay then so first I need to pray 🛐 with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

اللہ پاک میرے پیارے والدین ، ​​پاپا

 اور امی پر رحم فرمائے ، اور ان کو اللہ تعالی کی رحمت نصیب ہو ، اور ان کی روح کوجنت میں آرام نصیب ہو ۔  آمین!

3:33 pm Break ! 

5:37 pm There is no water in the tap but the water board guy delivered the monthly bill just now ......they have chosen the enemy ! 

During the break we had the Facebook Meetup . I sat down very relaxed 😊 and watched them eat . My fast is almost over now ...about two hours ...left ..during the late Sunday  brunch it was four hours ....

There are two major sporting ( betting ) events tonight ..,the Wimbledon final and the euro cup final ...I am not betting on England both . 

During the Facebook Meetup we got updated about the wedding of my brothers maternal uncle's younger son . He was not invited in the whole series he thinks ( believes ) , I WoN 🤑

I will probably have my Iftari cum dinner in my room today a matter of fact ....I don't really feel very hungry just a little thirsty😜

5:56 pm Nuclear Power Shutdowns ....ten minutes battery ....but I was about take a prayer break ...

So let's not waste time on family gossip as this is not a family Blog ... Absolutely Not 

بِسۡمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

ٱلۡحَمۡدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلۡعَٰلَمِينَ 

ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ 

مَٰلِكِ يَوۡمِ ٱلدِّينِ

إِيَّاكَ نَعۡبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسۡتَعِينُ

ٱهۡدِنَا ٱلصِّرَٰطَ ٱلۡمُسۡتَقِيمَ 

صِرَٰطَ ٱلَّذِينَ أَنۡعَمۡت عَلَيۡهِمۡ غَيۡرِ ٱلۡمَغۡضُوبِ عَلَيۡهِمۡ وَلَا ٱلضَّآلِّينَ


Bismillaah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem

Al hamdu lillaahi rabbil ‘alameen

Ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Maaliki yaumid Deen

Iyyaaka na’abudu wa iyyaaka nasta’een

Ihdinas siraatal mustaqeem

Siraatal ladheena an ‘amta’ alaihim

Ghairil maghduubi’ alaihim waladaaleen


In the name of God, the infinitely Compassionate and Merciful.

Praise be to God, Lord of all the worlds.

The Compassionate, the Merciful. Ruler on the Day of Reckoning.

You alone do we worship, and You alone do we ask for help.

Guide us on the straight path,

the path of those who have received your grace;

not the path of those who have brought down wrath, nor of those who wander astray.


Prayer 🛐 with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

اللہ پاک میرے پیارے والدین ، ​​پاپا

 اور امی پر رحم فرمائے ، اور ان کو اللہ تعالی کی رحمت نصیب ہو ، اور ان کی روح کوجنت میں آرام نصیب ہو ۔  آمین!

6:21 pm The Nuclear Power was restored as soon as I finished the Prayer 🛐 and was folding prayer rug . 

جائے نماز Jaye Namaz : Prayer Mat Prayer Rug : (noun) a small rug used by Muslims during their devotions.

At 6:16 pm .....went at 5:56 pm 

Anyways ....being famous is not always in our untrustworthy hands ....

وَتُعِزُ مَن تَشَاء وَتُذِلُ مَن تَشَاء ( Watu Izzu Man Tasha Watu Zillu Man Tasha )

I usually recite the whole verse of surah 3 Ale Imran 

One of my Favorite Quranic verse

Quran 3 : 26

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

قُلِ اللَّهُمَّ مَالِكَ الْمُلْكِ تُؤْتِي الْمُلْكَ مَن تَشَاءُ وَتَنزِعُ الْمُلْكَ مِمَّن تَشَاءُ وَتُعِزُّ مَن تَشَاءُ وَتُذِلُّ مَن تَشَاءُۖ بِيَدِكَ الْخَيْرُۖ إِنَّكَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ

Qulil laahumma Maalikal Mulki tu’til mulka man tashaaa’u wa tanzi’ulmulka mimman tashhaaa’u wa tu’izzu man tashaaa’u wa tuzillu man tashaaa’u biyadikal khairu innaka ‘alaa kulli shai’in Qadeer


English translation: Say: “O Allah, Lord of all dominion! You bestow dominion on whomever You please, and take away dominion from whomever You please, and You exalt whom You please, and abase whom You please. In Your Hand is all good. Surely You are All-Powerful.


But most of the peers and family don't see things the way they are actually there is no point wearing your medellions or taking you protocols to small family gatherings ...the best way is to not go ....anybody or everyone who would be upset at anything or hate it being there will be asking about you from the host and those present ....and if by any chance share good luck I must say in these hard Covid-19 Corona Pandemic lockdown Culture ..., The person asked is on the verge of a meltdown ....Bang ! 

You will be famous 😉

Anyways , I have already had a power shutdown today of 20 minutes ...and the house has received two utilities bills and the night Whistler rang the bell with the whistle no more tips about anything Ok ? 

So about twenty minutes left to the first Iftari and first Zilhij 1442 H 

The wall azan clock is already showing 1/12/1442 

Will have to correct it after 9/12/1442 inshallah 

Okay time for Iftari and prayer 🛐  with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

اللہ پاک میرے پیارے والدین ، ​​پاپا

 اور امی پر رحم فرمائے ، اور ان کو اللہ تعالی کی رحمت نصیب ہو ، اور ان کی روح کوجنت میں آرام نصیب ہو ۔  آمین!

7:10 pm Break ! 

11:38 pm No no I did not fall asleep 😴 or had a good coma ....after Iftari

Watched the Wimbledon final plus the Turkish soap and tried not to watch wasim Akram blue blue on Geo entertainment . ....looks like Kinza Hashim went on a long drive with someone. .... she's back in the game ...on the Mohlat serial . 

YouTube Link 

I cannot believe this Tensport is showing the Euro cup final England is already one up ...

And the Hindi movie home cinema is playing ..Parineeti Chopra 's Pinky Faraar ( 2021) 

Wow ...I don't believe ....the cup is going Rome ! 

George the prince was in the audience / spectators ...with his parents ...the lights were dim in the end ...but you cannot hide the dismay on their face 

3:28 am  Sehri Break ! 

4:09 am Done Sehri 

Brushed ! 

Time is up ! 

Wabey som e ghadinna waitu min shehr e Zilhij 

I intend to fast tomorrow in the month of Zilhij 

Dear Merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen 🙏

Save me from the Azab of this world and the hereafter . 

Accept the sacrifice of my Siblings Brothers and Sisters.

Be pleased with them 

And reward them 

Accept the Sacrifice of my parents they did when they were alive . Be very pleased with them and reward them in jannah  . Amen 🙏

wah akhiro dawana anilhamdullah hi rab al-alamin

And our last prayer, all praises is due to Allah who is the Lord of the worlds.

Time for the fajr prayer 🛐

With a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

اللہ پاک میرے پیارے والدین ، ​​پاپا

 اور امی پر رحم فرمائے ، اور ان کو اللہ تعالی کی رحمت نصیب ہو ، اور ان کی روح کوجنت میں آرام نصیب ہو ۔  آمین!

4:48 am Break 



Song by Broods

When I didn't care was when I did best
I'm desperate to run, I'm desperate to leave
If I lose it all, at least I'll be free
All I want is your attention please
Don't want your opinion or your fee
'Cause the freest I have ever been
I had nothing to show or be seen
I'm free, I'm free
I'm free, I'm free
Gritting your teeth, you hold onto me
It's never enough, I'm never complete
Tell me to prove, expect me to lose
I push it away, I'm trying to move
Hoping for more, and wishing for less
I didn't care was when I did best
I'm desperate to run, I'm desperate to leave
If I lose it all, at least I'll be free
Gritting your teeth, you hold onto me
It's never enough, I'm never complete
Tell me to prove, expect me to lose
I push it away, I'm trying to move
Hoping for more, and wishing for less
I didn't care was when I did best
I'm desperate to run, I'm desperate to leave
If I lose it all, at least I'll be free
It's clear you think that I'm inferior
Whatever helps you sleep at night
Whatever helps you keep it tight
It's clear you think that I'm inferior
Whatever helps you sleep at night
Whatever helps you keep it tight
Gritting your teeth, you hold onto me
It's never enough, I'm never complete
Tell me to prove, expect me to lose
I push it away, I'm trying to move
Hoping for more, and wishing for less
When I didn't care was when I did best
I'm desperate to run, I'm desperate to leave
If I lose it all, at least I'll be free
Gritting your teeth, you hold onto me
It's never enough, I'm never complete
Tell me to prove, expect me to lose
I push it away, I'm trying to move
Hoping for more, and wishing for less
I didn't care was when I did best
I'm desperate to run, I'm desperate to leave
If I lose it all, at least I'll be free
Hallelujah, I'm free

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