
Sunday 6 December 2020

The Sunday Blog № 244

 Today is Sunday 

The 6th of December 2020

The 20th of RabiusSani 1442H till the Sunset ( 5:44 pm ; Karachi ☠️) 

And this is my the Sunday Blog № 244 ( Two Hundred and forty four ) 

Last Sunday i had home cooked Nulli Nihari for dinner and I also shared the pictures and updates of how I went to the market taking a break from this my the Sunday Blog № 243 ( two hundred and forty three) and how I accidentally bought the Nulli ( bone marrow bones) and then how I ordered the market oven bread Naan to go with it . 

Actually the thing we ate that night had one thing missing most important ingredient of the Nihari these days ...infact most restaurants just overdo it yes , adding the flour and cooking it for few minutes . So if you leave it overnight in the fridge or freezer and then defrost it in a microwave you get a cake instead of gravy or Curry . In our case we usually prefer the one without the flour . But the cook is never satisfied until it is just like Branded Nulli Nihari . So for the very next Brunch we had the Nihari that was fixed . 

Talking of fixed ...that Nulli  Nihari was not the only thing that was fixed . Our Dearly Departed Paternal Grandfather Abba Mian's  grave that had almost fallen gone disappeared in the urban land development and land scaping of the society graveyard was fixed too . Jazak Allah ! 

The thing that we were not able to get fixed was the gutter both inside and outside . For that I guess one of us will have to go to London or pray that something really bad happens to the knights of garter ...I mean ...okay nevermind what I mean . 

By the way did anybody see what Ms FAA ( firdos ashiq A¹) the spokes minister of the Punjab govt did yesterday .  She is definitely the most entertaining politically correct personality of the country . 

Need a refill for my tea cup ...

Break ! 

So nobody died of Cancer , TB , or the Pandemic Covid-19 Corona Virus in the family Globally . Cannot confirm about the neighbors and relatives and family friends . Deaths has been reported in Aunts and in-laws families but there is very little chance of confirming it to be Corona related . Most of the people reported dead this week were already non existent to me . They never borrowed , begged or steal from me or the vice versa . Allah Maghfirat karey Amen 🙏

So Pakistan has found the vaccine for the Pandemic Covid-19 Corona virus ..... Amazing ...

Surprised ? 

Well Pfizer may be an American pharmaceutical company to the world but to me it's very personal . My very first poisons in life at the earliest age were Woodward's gripe water and Pfizer's lysovit B complex vitamin C and lysine 

Both produced , reproduced and shipped globally from Karachi ☠️ , the most dangerous city in the world.

At the tender age of four I realized that Wood Ward's gripe water is for kids . As my dearly departed parents May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

Used to spoon-feed it to my dearest younger sister whenever she was upset . 

While Pfizer's lysovit was always up for grabs for me ...yet I don't recall ever being accused of breaking the bottle , losing the cap or taking overdose .... My dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

Were very trustworthy 

Yes indeed I was gifted 💝

Let's skip the Viagra prophecies and focus on the moderna biotech ... sorry I mean Covid-19 vacation ...what is happening here ....

I should take a break here .

Break ! 

3:30 am it is 27°C in the digital azan clock on the wall's higher in the other room . The fan is running at slow speed but it is on . Believe it or not I was wearing a sweater and topa until Friday morning ...and was so glad to have dry forehead and underarm for almost a fortnight ...since the first winter rain on the night between 24th and 25th of November 2020 . 

All gone with the wind 😥😣😫 

I was planning to have a very meaty feast this weekend but now I can't even have a chicken curry without sweating ....and to make everything worse .... Fair & lovely is also gone it's Glow & Lovely ....and I am so forgetful that i can't remember which one was lovely.. err ..🤔

Nobody made tea tonight the pot and flask are both empty's a okay because I need cold drink ....not sure if I should have soda Everytime I have made squash lemon 🍋 that will be good I guess . 

Actually I am very sleepy now . The word count seems promising not yet but soon I may cross the thousand words mark ...

On second thought getting a few minutes of sleep 😴 can't hurt anymore than The Coke Studio season 13 post Pandemic Covid-19 Corona has already . Regardless of meesha's extra marital activities ...I like her voice and tonight I am so disappointed that I have lost words to describe 💔😢😔 how disappointed I am 

A definite Thumbs down 👎

The stay home studio in the home study is brilliant though , i love it ! 

Frieha has done justice to this whatever it is called jaag rahi ..... previously so there was absolutely no chance for any improvement ...they pushed the cliff hanger too far to fast ....

It's coke alright ....

I have observed that due to overpricing and having different price tag on every similar size and quantity coke , Sprite and Fanta and especially the sugar free cans and bottles ...etc , the retailers are having a tough time fixing the price . So they ask for the maximum price they or their poor staff can easily remember . They do the same for the Pepsi co products which are cheaper by the dozen . 

I realized this price difference game thanks to the online shopping . The foodpanda 🐼 Mart was giving PepsiCo products much cheaper then the market superstore but then coke arrived and messed things up and now the section has no soda at all only the juices .🤧

Let's hope Corona will fix this .

Feeling very hungry , cold and very sleepy 😴

There is still an hour to fajr .

I don't think I could stay up that long or can wake up after an hour if I fall asleep right now ...

4:44 am break 

First tweet of the day !

Sun 20th RabiusSani 1442H


10:39 am Good Morning ! 

Fall asleep waiting for the fajr azan ..missed Fajr 😭

Missed Sunday breakfast 

Having tea ☕ only 

Sky is as blue as it can be very little smog..  Sometimes cool breeze must be hotter in the direct Sun😉

Back to Sunday Blog

11:03 am so as you may have learned from the first morning tweet that I missed the morning stuff ...

Now I am not sure at all about the Sunday Brunch . 

Anyways ...I just go through the news tickers in Urdu ...on the cable and found somebody from the mazari clan died of Corona . He was closely related to a former caretaker pm . Another former caretaker pm jamali the famous land grabber died of Corona earlier this week . The second wave of Pandemic Covid-19 Corona has been really bad for Army Majors ....let's just hope Army Survives without them and it's not the case of excess baggage ....

Mein oud di phiraan ...ban than baliyay ....

The funny thing is that the lahori sicologists tried to use cricket to ease the dread of Covid-19 Corona in the media and are absolutely caught in the trap . So there we have a Pak v NZ series that has everything but  🏏 Cricket so far ....and it is also running every hope of a normal international cricket home series into the garter 

Kaloo dewaanay ...aan Han ...🤣

Brunch ! 

12:45 pm Done ! Half the Nihari was frozen so I just had the Anda paratha and tea and left ....later ...

Okay I am sorry ...the meesha Shafi song I was talking about above before sound sleep is not from coke Studio ...season 13's a Velo Sounds 2020 Boom Boom done on a stage with live audience and not in a sari bhagat Sid style 
Thousand Apologies 🙏

1:15 pm our local mosque probably had the loud speakers fixed I can here the Azan loud and Clear ...this Friday  the khutba and Juma Mubarak prayers were also very clear ...

So here I take a break for prayers with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

1:23 pm Break ! 

3:21 pm Okay so first I did some washing prayer shalwar is too messy so I washed an alternate one should go to the cleaners because it's cotton and it needs starch iron but these days of Corona I am not going anywhere so who care I hope the dear merciful Lord All Mighty ALLAH Amen 🙏 
Does not mind a starchless iron less clean self hand washed dry shalwar for prayers 
Then I had a like warm bath ...I was going for the cold water but then I said what the hell ... So then I prayed 🛐 with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi 
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

After the Prayers 🤲
I recited the Quran Para № 23 surah safaat № 37 and surah Suad № 38 till Sajda № 10 . 
Almost half of para № 23 so now I can easily finish it after the Asr or Maghrib prayers . 
Usually on week days when a fajr is missed 😭
I pray the Zuhr prayer late that way I beat the shia zuhrain with three prayers fajr qaza , Zuhr , Para recite and Asr after the Azan ....I haven't named it yet ...but obviously it's a train ...fajr train ...Asr Express 
Some day I will definitely try to recite a para after or before Asr to make upto the maghrib Azan . 
A definite Shia genocide ...
That day most of them would say baba him wasiq ka compete nahi karsakta ....he saves time like nobody can ...

Anyways , 
So I guess after the para № 23 . There will be only ..
24,25,26,27,28 and 29,30 
So this 3rd Quran Khatam for the 13th Anniversary Fateha of my dearly departed Papa ( May his Soul Rest in peace in jannah Amen 🙏) will be done before the next Sunday . 
All of my dear siblings are pre occupied and Corona Scared 😱 so there is no way I could expect them to prepare a feast and gather together especially my dearest younger sister who is still trying very hard to recover from the post surgery care and take control of her life and I will probably order something sweet through foodpanda 🐼 and offer the fateha with my three Quran Khatam . 

I cannot believe I Survived thirteen full years of a Jobless , Aimless , in-laws less life . 

Never tried Drugs to be happy or tried to forget a hangover I can't . 
Never tried to take my life or mess somebody else . 
Never stopped learning 
Never Quit Enjoying 😜
Never gave up Complaining
Never forget the regrets . 

Too be Continued 🙏😇

Prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

4:28 pm Break ! 

5:11 pm Missed tea☕
And kitchen is busy for dinner especial aloo Qeema... so it's only peanut biscuits and lemon squash again like last night . 

I asked many time from my both siblings but nobody could think of anything from the market the visit is off . Last week when I brought the bone marrow bones from beef shop , I did not tell my very dear brother how much I paid for it ...he was very anxious to know so anxious that when he went to market he inquire from the butcher himself in his own way . He told him how much he took from me but did not give him the bones ...told him to come tomorrow he went to the market yesterday the next day and even bought kg  Qeema but he only gave him just one bone ...and no cat food I am not sure if I will ever get a bone marrow bone from this market or if I will have to buy it Everytime I buy beef even in summer ?

So remember Curiosity may or may not kill always but it sure has a residual effect . 😂

Oh I almost forget ....the MQM election office kitchen in law next door had their first house warming before the Election . The Air Conditioner was turned on one evening 😳 no irresistible smells yet except ...

Never mind 

Azan has started 
So I'll be back after the Prayers with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

5:46 pm Break ! 

Sun 21st RabiusSani 1442H
8:07 pm Good Evening ! 
Had dinner ...

And now I feel very sleepy 😴
So it's good night 😘

9:58 pm Okay I had sound sleep for almost an hour and some minutes ....the sleep is gone but the craving for something sweet is not ...I cannot believe I am out of chocolate and sweets in this season . Must be a curse or bad Omen from someone near but not so dear ....should have moved to a less inhabited island or desert years ago .

Believe it or not but the street looks like deserted as if I have said something very scary ...anyways 
Talking of scary one of my favorite scary movie is the final destination series ...I  am not a very big fan of the horror movies but I do love the movies with details ... continuity and equilibrium in the end and this series pride on it . Actually the movie was reminded to me by the overflowing gutter...the more we try to stop it from flowing from the front gate the more aggressively it came out . Just like final destination . There is one more house in the neighborhood that has been facing a similar situation for years all neighborhoods sewerage falls into their gutter and overflows ...infact ours is not as bad as theirs ...because theirs have developed a new neighborhood landmark ...I have heard neighbors giving address location directions to people on phone most probably delivery riders ..."" Haan Han woh sarak pey Pani para hai naa uss se left ley lo ...

( Take left from the water on the street ...yes yes ) 

I wonder if the guard ( Google App ) and others on our kerb would still continue the show ...

Have faith Corona sub theek kardey gaa ! 

Corona will fix everything 👌

By the way the most interesting ticker this week was about KMC official 
A director of KMC registered a police complaint against an employee who came to his office to complain about his overdue pay and hugged and kissed him very gently and then told him I have Corona 😂

Coronavirus-positive KMC staffer hugs senior for stopping salary

Posted: Dec 4, 2020 | Last Updated: 2 days ago

People are under lot of stress these day and doing strange things can you believe what out cooking mafia did at this hour ...cooked namak para and Puri for the left over Qeema ...

So to top it ...I fried a Kabab in ketchup not only tastes good but it smells and looks good too ...must try some time ...and with a crispy Puri ...Ohmm Awesome ... Heaven ..too good 😋

Okay my guess is that I have crossed the target Three Thousand words mark already and there is still the movies of the week and the music to add ...the music video I have chosen is a surprise . How many times have you not heard good looking American , British , German , Japanese , Chinese , Korean , even Arabic singers singing Dil Dil Pakistan or jeevey jeevey , sohni dharti etc etc badly ...yet we smile and praise ...

Okay now it's too late almost midnight so first I take a prayer Break with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

11:42 pm Break ! 

So after the prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

I recite the second ¼ of Para № 24 up till surah №40 Ayat № 37 . 

This surah is also called Surah Ghafir(غافر) Ghafir meaning forgiving . 

So believe it or not soon after reciting I recharged my Telenor balance from the easypaisa and before activating the midnight bundle I hesitantly clicked the recharge bonus and it is one of the biggest ever that covers for the eleven rupees that I accidentally lost yesterday . 

So Now the biggest regret of the day ....

Why Dabur hair oils never put pin hole stopper in the bottle ? 
I washed the shirt yesterday ...

Okay so before I fall asleep once again ...let's take advantage of Telenor's graciousness and do the movies of the week online . 

Movies of the Week :

  • Jawaani Jaaneman (2020)Rated 4 Stars No it's not jealousy but don't you think he is getting monotonous  a one hit wonder in every midlife crisis movie ...first Happy now furniture Wala ...
  • Thappad (2020)Rerun 
  • Section 375 (2019)Rated 10 Stars 
  • The Body (2019)Rated 6 Stars oh the revenge movie nice ...was it his last ? 
  • Dabangg 3 (2019)Rated 4 Stars not turkey because it had its moments ...laughs . I hope BLNT ( better luck Next time)
  • Escape Plan 2: Hades (2018)Rated 4 Stars I must be in a very good mood to have even watch it till the end ...I can't believe it's a sequel to the original 
  • Panga (2020)Rated 6 Stars good to know...all the best 
  • Sadak 2 (2020)Rated 5 stars okay nevermind what is that psychological disorder called where the whole world believes and calls you bad beyond corrupt and yet you believe that you are the most honest angel 👼 in the whole universe beyond reproach ?
  • Why Alia ? Because she is a Bhatt ? Doesn't look like Pooja at all  ...rakul Preeti Singh would have been a better choice anyways 
  • Bhoot: Part One – The Haunted Ship (2020)Rated 5 stars I missed the beginning so I am not quite sure what it was about 
    That's it for the Movies of the week
Its too late my systems are shutting down 
Eyes almost closed ...could fall asleep 😴 any moment now once again there is no time for the soaps and cable ...
Cable it seems has an eye ...or it does not like me watching the soaps ...all week I desperately tried to watch the regular series but all I get is the ads ...even today I picked the remote five six times to watch tatli intikam but not once did I get to watch today's episode . Not sure what is going on ...but the movies are usually unwatched so it's good . 

Okay I was wondering what is the blue star swipe profession on Tinder app after Covid-19 Corona Pandemic 
Doctors used to be on the fourth position in the list of most attractive ...before 
And what about the match-makers ?

I observed that Dr Faisal sultan and Dr Yasmin Rashid are not being treated as a sacred cow these days on media ...because of Covid-19 Corona .
The anchors and TRP cut to ads abruptly .

Corona will fix everything  !

Okay time to go ...

All the Best 😍

God Bless America 🙏

Allah Hafiz !

Aima Baig | Te Quiero Mucho | VELO Sound Station 2020Aima Baig

TE QUIERO MUCHO Aima Baig Lyrics

Rothe Rothe Se Rahte Ho Tum
Door Kyun Mujh Se Bahte Ho Tum
Mala Mia Hai Kasoor Mera Maan Ja
Meri In Ankhoow Ko Dakh Pehchan Ja
Huvi The Bhool Ary Baba
Aab Maan Ja Maan Ja

Hum Tum Mein Aur Tum Kis Mein Ghum
Mala Mia Hai Kasoor Mera Maan Ja
Meri In Ankhoow Ko Dakh Pehchan Ja
Huvi The Bhool Ary Baba
Aab Maan Ja Maan Ja

Rahte Ho Aab Kis Khialoow Mein Tum
lalala  lalala
Dakho Darakhtow Pe Phir Khaza Cha Gai
Kahan Se Chli Aur Mein Kahan A Gai
Dil Ki Awaz Sun
Derd Ka Saaz Sun
Sare Nazare Sanam Bun Gae Hain Sitam
Aab Karam Aab Karam

Rahte Ho Ab Kis Khialoow Mein Tum
Rothe Rothe Se Rahte Ho Tum
Mala Mia Hai Kasoor Mera Maan Ja
Meri In Ankhoow Ko Dakh Pehchan Ja
Huvi The Bhool Ary Baba
Aab Maan Ja Maan Ja
Mala Mia Hai Kasoor Mera Maan Ja
Meri In Ankhoow Ko Dakh Pehchan Ja
Huvi The Bhool Ary Baba
Aab Maan Ja Maan Ja

Mala Mia Hai Kasoor Mera Maan Ja
Meri In Ankhoow Ko Dakh Pehchan Ja
Huvi The Bhool Ary Baba
Aab Maan Ja Maan Ja

Original Spanish♥️♥️♥️

Ya sé que no hay reglas
Ni en el amor, ni en la amistad
Lo que hace lo importante
Es hablarse con honestidad
Por eso hoy
Te traigo unas palabras que regalarte
No soy ningún poeta
Ni busco impresionarte
Es que me gustas tú
Me haces feliz en un segundo
No sé si sea tu luz
Pero te veo y me quedo mudo
Oh baby I love you
Yo quiero que te quedes en mi mundo
Y quiero confesarte que
Aunque te conozco poco
Ya te quiero mucho
Mucho, mucho, mucho
No vayas a pensar
Que es una declaracion casual
No busco una respuesta
Busco que tu sepas
Nada mas que me gustas tu
Me haces feliz en un segundo
No sé si sea tu luz
Pero te veo y me quedo mudo
¡oh baby I love you!
Yo quiero que te quedes en mi mundo
Y quiero confesarte
Que aunque te conozco poco
Ya se que tal vez te sorprenda mi sinceridad (mi sinceridad)
Pero no hay nada de malo
En decirte la verdad
Y es que me gustas tú
Me haces feliz en un segundo
No sé si sea tu luz
Pero te veo y me quedo mudo
Oh baby I love you
Yo quiero que te quedes en mi mundo
Y quiero confesarte que
Aunque te conozco poco
Ya te quiero mucho
Mucho, mucho, mucho
Pero mucho, mucho

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