
Sunday 6 September 2020

The Sunday Blog # 231

Today is the Sunday , the 6th of September 2020 , the 17th of Muharram 1442 H till the Sunset ( 6:45 pm ; Karachi) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 231 ( Two Hundred and Thirty one ) .

Every year we celebrate this day as the Defence Day . It is a public Holiday and all day we hear the National patriotic songs especially the ones that were especially prepared for the 65 War with our dear neighbour India . Normally we have very good and neighborly relations with our very dear neighbour India . We love their Bollywood Hindi movies and Soap serials and watch them religiously . Our sports are very common , like Cricket , Hockey 🏑 , Wrestling.Usually when our teams are playing in the international tournaments against any world class opponent we cheer for the teams and our favorite players . But when our teams are playing each other we get very tense , because we bet , speculated and remorse . Sometimes things really get ugly and messy . Being very close neighbors there are many areas , places and Geo stationary locations on the border where both the Army and the civilians are too close for comfort that is why we regularly hear of quarrels and skirmishes Everytime . Most of the time both military and civilians get badly injured and die due to lack of good medical facilities and outstanding professionals who are themselves upset mostly because of not getting the desired results .

So What I mean to say that there is just one bone of contention between the two nations , and that is the Kashmir issue . I am very sorry to say that this one issue has not been able to fully keep us apart . Infact it is the issue most weak governments on both sides of the Redcliffe Awarded border use as by the book strategy .

Last July , 2019 . When Imran Khan visited the Whitehouse , CIA was under a lot of pressure for installing weak unstable governments on both sides . So they made Trump say he wants to meditate . Arbitrate. Both governments survived nine months ....very very difficult nine months . In March , season two began . And the official rhetoric changed . Awesome 👍

The Pandemic was so global that even the monks of Tibet could not stay aloof .

Past Six months of Covid-19 Corona Virus 😷 Pandemic has been really amazing for the weak unstable and almost out of office governments of CIA .

In the past six months , only five or six pm resigned







Those who survived ....




Plus 50 more ...

So ,


Charging Break

2:51 am Break

3:47 am you won't believe what I did in the charging break . I had biscuits and tea ☕ and played Farmville 2 country escape. From the start basic . It is so much fun to be in a world without the intelligence don't you think 🤔

Anyways , 
Before i go to some very interesting topic or subject ...let me remind you that Khan PTI came to Karachi☠️ the most dangerous city in the world on a plane he was greeted at the airport by the CM of Sindh . Then he flew in an American helicopter to the American Governor house . While the American tullas kept the roads clear of any Japanese or Korean cars . Now you tell me cross your heart  ❤️ do you still believe he has a plan . I don't think so . Anyways I have heard somewhere that Democracy is the best revenge 
Altaf Hussain the founder and leader of MQM , is believed to have been fined Two million Pound for Tax evasion by Her Majesty's Custom and reveneu . This week in his live telecasted message ...not once did he made those horrible sounds . He has talked so fluently and asked not to waste a single dime because he may need it in the near future to pay the Queen of England . 
So what does this mean ? 

Is his mufta finished ? 

Or is his mufta finished in England UK ? 

Anyways , 
Muharram finished early in my neighborhood both because of the School closure for an indefinite period of time for the Covid-19 Corona virus pandemic and because of the Thunderstorm last week which lead to the Urban Flooding in Karachi☠️ the most dangerous city in the world . 

The very anxious and regular majlis visitors  neighbors were stranded totally  as both other sides of the bridge are inaccessible. Even the by the book tabarrah during the Ashura procession failed to create enthusiasm among the Young guns and yappies . 
Total black is totally out . The road that was dug last year for gas pipe is sinking after the rain due to heavy vehicles parked over the fully carpeted street .

The rain this Friday predicted did not happen or the sinking Holes would have increased in size and depth . 
Still ....

We are extremely grateful to the Lord All Mighty ALLAH Amen 🙏 , humble and in prostration 🛐 
for listening to our prayers🤲 and giving us Water and more Water , Rain and Thunder . 🌩️⚡⛈️
Amen 🙏

Fajr time ! 
Prayer break with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

5:06 am Break ! 

8:01 am full sleepy 😴 . Should have fallen asleep by now . Watched the ek hassen intiqam urdu1 dubbed show . Today when the love birds reached the prize apple and seems to have removed the main hurdle " Shiza" someone from better past fills the void . How could they do that 
I am not sure how  can I watch this show any longer 
The new girl seems like a very nice and friendly person 
And our hero the chef is what he is today just because of her .infact the house where he lives also belongs to her . She had the original keys so she entered appartment without waiting for him . From the one sided conversations on the phone it seems that she needs a favour great favor from the chef which may require lying about their relationship . It would be very interesting to see if both girls would be jealous of each other or becomes best friends . 
Anyways it's too late for me and I also have to do the movies of the week before 8:55 am 

 The Movies of the Week : This week the score went up ....i watched 10 movies without pressure ....because the number of geo entertainment Tv shows further went down ...the most stressfull was the Tamanna which is over now so i have more time to watch the movies . 

  • Deadline (2009)Rated 7 stars ....i miss Britney murphy too much ....

  • Cage (2016)Rated 10 stars .....of all the 9/11 stories this one seems like very authentic ...having considered the copyright royalty paid in full . Jazak Allah !

  • Meteor Apocalypse (2010)Rated 5 stars ....i thought i was watching a hollywood movie but in the end or just before the end ....the other woman ( cooper Haris) dies just like the Pakistani movies ....

  • Death Wish 3 (1985)Rated 5 stars ..i..Wow ...i am so sorry never took the good ol days of Multiple Fs seriously .....these day they make selfies and tictoc videos and share them instantly ....

  • Rapid Assault (1997)Rated 4 stars ....Now that years seems so pre- historic ...and everything about it . i was so sleepy ...i kept confusing between mr carter and mr decker ....
  • Who Am I? (2018)Rated 10 stars the time young Pastor realises it will be too late ....the jewish conspiracy ...indeed .
  • A Date with Miss Fortune (2015)Rated 5 stars .....An absolutely Crazy movie ....after very depressing breakups and divorce ...most couples on either side of the aisle are desperate and in race against time to look better .....then Why ? okay never mind ....who cares ? 

  • All Between Us (2018)Rated 10 stars ....Had no idea ....where it was heading ....totally shocked ..very reluctantly i watched the ending ...two days later ...was just this close to deleting it without watching the last few minutes i can't get over it ....Why people like these have never heard of an app called my drive by google least its not the gallery

  • Hard Times (2009)Rated 7 stars ....bad Pfizer Bad ....
  • Spirit Riders (2015)Rated 7 stars ...An unrated barn , horse and heystack movie ....there was just too much smoke i cant believe it ...

    okay this is it for this week ....hope to watch even better movies next week . 

And now my eyes are almost shut and the nose can only smell the tea boiling near by 
So I cannot think at all . 

See you after noon 

8:55 am Break 

2:52 pm Good Afternoon
The first tweet

Sun 17th Muharram 1442H 

2:46 pm Good Morning ! 
Woke up late as expected 
Lunch was ready waiting so first I had lunch , meshed potato 🥔 bhurta with onion and green chillies and chappati 
Had tea☕
Had bath
And now back to the Sunday Blog ing ...

Yes this was the lunch that I had soon after waking up ...after that I had the bath and prayed 🛐 with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

Okay so now I have no idea what to do ...
The monsoon seems to be over . The Friday Thunderstorm could have been the decider. It was never there should have known but still 

We are extremely grateful to the Lord All Mighty ALLAH Amen 🙏 , humble and in prostration 🛐 
for listening to our prayers🤲 and giving us Water and more Water , Rain and Thunder . 🌩️⚡⛈️
Amen 🙏

So here in Karachi ☠️ the most dangerous city in the world we can still not eat fish and red meat . Nihari and Pulao . Hate it .
After the last rain the temperature had gone down to 31°C and going down to 30°C and this week without rain and mostly Sunny 🌞 it is now back to 33°C and going up to 34°C . But the feel outside in the sun is much higher ...almost 40° C 
I can't stand directly in the sun without the shade my skin begins to have the radiation and if I make a habitual mistake of gulping down the hot cup of tea☕ or something hot , oily and meaty that burns inside and release more heat then I see a red boil or something somewhere on the skin it hurts too . Sometimes I feel like a new drug is being tested on me ... Because since birth I have been eating non veg strictly throughout the year ...never even followed the ' R' Wala month philosophy . But now it's been over a month since 3rd Zilhij 1441H when I had the last bite of mutton Pulao 
From Papa's ( May his Soul rest in peace in jannah Amen 🙏) first thirteenth barsi fateha 🌹 
I saved the last very oily fat soaked rice plate from the bottom of the 🍲pot for a better day never came . 
I made a wow that I will only eat beef mutton and fat when it's below 30°C in my room digital clock . Had one of the toughest bakra Eid and Muharram of my life . Brought five chickens 🐔🐔🐔🐔🐓to save the city . And half 🍗🍗🍗🍗🐣paid delivery 🐼to save my self . 
Even today my dear siblings are celebrating the come  September with smell and sound of bakra Eid . Pure fatty mutton on stove 🔥while I am trying to stay out of their way locked inside this room not to be ungrateful mind body and Soul 🧘‍♂️Amen 🙏

The marketing strategy Adda reopened yesterday after a week of urban flooding vacations . Has anybody reported missing green plate cars and trucks ...😅
Our international supermodel also got a new car from the hide collections he parks it inside the half car parking space shared with the neighbors very Mumbai Muslims type haven't seen them in months must be in lockdown effect somewhere in India . 
The street parking is already a riot under our kerb tree shade and now MQM is opening an election office for the local bodies elections in the recently vacated flat in the ghetto next door . Their gate is too far away so we normally don't get to see their incoming and outgoing from my observation post but . But smells from their kitchen reaches us much easily and probably the smell of burning food even faster before it is felt by them . Makes us very restless . We breakup the discussion and get up and check our kitchen or quit whatever we are doing . The last occupants were a very large family and they also had visitors and guests at odd hours there was lots of cooking smells from over the wall in our garden and passage but later on due to lack of water and Corona lockdown the smells from the kitchen in law turned to mostly takeaway warming they even forced the heavily armed guard ( Google App) to eat their leftovers under my observation post that I can see it very clearly what that smell was all about . Some how I feel that ( Google App ) don't really miss their leftovers because now he is getting home cooked lunch regularly from illegal  hot tin roofs and on time . The best thing is that he has stopped sneezing 😷 which scared me a lot during the Pandemic peak and curve since he stopped eating the leftover Friday biryani after the kitchen next door closed and the occupants moved out . 
The new occupants will be arriving soon but before their arrival the repairs have started and The Sweeper in Chief and his A- Team has been reasigned that has gone missing since cutting down our mango tree . What more evidence can one seek . Local bodies or general Election ? 
Money Money Money ......

Battery low ...
Bakery on wheels...
Azan started....

Okay then here I take a prayer break with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

5:15 pm Break ! 

Sun 18th Muharram 1442H
7:20 pm Good Evening ! 
So just in breaking ....

I have two news right now one good news and the other is bad infact it so not just bad but down right disgusting pathetic news so let's share it first the brother went to market for the most essential ingredients for the come September 🍂🎑celebration Dinner feast and being aware that I won't be eating the Mutton Pulao with them 
and will be saying bad things like khud toh mutton Pulao khaa rahey Hain aur yateem bachay ko ...etc etc ...
So he brought the cheapest chicken biryani available in the market which I am very fond of .... it was too hot and spicy . Had extra spices and those tiny green chillies that can make your spleen jump as well as you ...usually they are not visible anyways 

The disgusting news is that I have eaten it already half before the maghrib prayer and the remaining after the prayer🛐 with a Prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

And while I was done eating ,  sweating and breathing with the watery nose , their Rice had not even started cooking . 

The good news is that cat has again blessed our home with kittens who have survived the incubation period in the garage and our now playing in the lawn . I tried to take their pictures but they hide under the car somewhere so better luck next time .

7:46 pm seems like the Pulao is ready . I have requested my dear elder sister to keep praying for me while cooking this .... So that I may never have to avoid ,  give up eating meals like these . Now let's see if ALLAH SWT listens to her prayers or if it also goes unheard like the prize bond prayers . 

And talking of The Prize bond in this week's episode of Alvida tujay ... Sonia Hussyn got a 40000 Rs prize bond worth ten crore rupees for the female version of indecent proposal . Toba Toba ...Toba hai khadda market main monsoon Kay baghair hee Kya Kya chal Raha hai ....kuch pata nahein ...

Anyways ...I need to go out and see the reaction after dinner ...
Put the mobile on charging 
And pray Isha prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

8:08 pm Break ! 

9:33 pm first the hot and spicy tiny green chillies biryani and now Mango and hot tea .....
Anyways ....I crossed the three thousand words mark before 8 pm 
Prayed🛐 the Isha Prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

Before 8:30 pm  

Have already eaten and there is no chance of overeating .
So .... What am I going to do for the next two long hours 
You know what I can sleep and wake up and watch the Sunday episodes of ek haseen intiqam . The number of ads during the online watching was growing so now from last week I have finally converted to download then watch . Even the download have repetitive other shows promos ....which have to be fast forward by double click on screen . It's amazing 😍

You know what else is amazing ... nobody died of Covid-19 Corona virus in the family , relatives and friends and neighbors....this week . 
I heard Sister talking in the other room ...I checked she was talking to uncle Aunt from Seattle  and they are happy and healthy with their family . 
The US Canada Border is not like the US - Mexico border in anyway but still people hate it entering from Canada and Mexico more than they hate going in and you all know why . Still 

We are extremely grateful to the Lord All Mighty ALLAH Amen 🙏 , humble and in prostration 🛐 
for listening to our prayers🤲 and giving us Water and more Water , Rain and Thunder . 🌩️⚡⛈️
Amen 🙏

While I was locked in the room a little while ago before the Isha prayer phophi jaan called to check if I am in the Dinner scene or not ....

It is amazing and quite shocking too that after eating a whole box of hot and spicy chicken biryani with extra spices and a handful of tiny green chillies , I am not at all sleepy 😴 how is that even possible ? 
Although farting has started like the India - Pakistan border skirmishes . 
Really not sure what to take to relax . A glass of milk or qulfi could further detoriate the aggressions . And a bottle of Soda may cause a permanent harm starting from tooth decay to the liver transplant .  

So This was my first Defence Day in my life after five decade when I feel totally free from MMM .

No Song of Noor Jahan ...

No PTV sapeshal trainsmishun 

No BBC interview 

No body count in the border skirmishes ....

Funny isn't it ...Wars between the two neighbors brought them closer .
both sides started looking at each other fondly . At everything good or bad . Remained on the lookout for things that could be stopped or banned easily and get noticed by the masses as well as the world leaders . Shastri ji and Mr Bhutto were a household name in the sixties on both sides of the border long before television cable or Google . 

Then came the Successful Nuclear Tests in the nineties .

It took away all the closeness between the two neighbors . Nobody cares anymore . If the Indian content is banned here or the Pakistani channels are banned on India cables . Nobody wears saris or shorts like Indians . People eat non veg freely and not once care to ask what a pav bhaji or bheelpuri is ....

And the best and most visibly different is that majority of online Pakistani s are definitely not into hacking . Like majority of Indians and Koreans . 

Unfortunately the big boss finalists are not winning in real world ....chota Don , Chota Chetan and Chota bukhari is . 

So now it is the time ...
11:30 pm Half hour Charging and tea ☕ break .   

Okay then it is the very happy ending .....i really had fun doing this my the Sunday Blog # 231 ( Two Hundred and thirty one) 

a little sorry that gen Saabs resignation was not accepted ... Not really sure what is going on . 
If I got time and net access this week I am going to study the resignation s of the prime ministers in the 2020 and especially the one who resigned due to  murdering wife and the other one who resigned after the Blast in Beirut the pm of Lebanon
Okay then it's too late I have to watch the soap serial and probably make supper for myself  never thought a day like this would come in my life so soon 

I am so sure the song and video I have picked at random today is really awesome and will be loved by everyone not really sure if it's a love ❤️ song or heart broken 💔 song .will have to listen and watch it couple of time ....

Okay then time to go 

All the best 
God Bless America 🙏

Allah Hafiz !

Half of My Heart

I was born in the arms of imaginary friends
Free to roam, made a home out of everywhere I've been
Then you come crashing in, like the realest thing
Trying my best to understand all that your love can bring
Oh half of my heart's got a grip on the situation
Half of my heart takes time
Half of my heart's got a right mind to tell you
That I can't keep loving you (can't keep loving you)
Oh, with half of my heart
I was made to believe I'd never love somebody else
I made a plan, stay the man who can only love himself
Lonely was the song I sang, 'till the day you came
Showing me a another way and all that my love can bring
Oh half of my heart's got a grip on the situation
Half of my heart takes time
Half of my heart's got a right mind to tell you
That I can't keep


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