
Sunday 27 September 2020

The Sunday Blog # 234

 Today is the Sunday 

The 27th of September 2020,

The 9th of Safar 1442 H ,

Till the Sunset ( 6: 23 pm ; Karachi ) 

And this is my the Sunday Blog # 234 ( Two Hundred and thirty four ) .

So believe you me I have absolutely no idea when and where this week went . As far I am concerned , I remained at rest  most of the time due to the hurting back pain . Honestly I wasn't expecting it to come along this long . The weather remained hot and dry almost windless so there was no chance of eating the hot stuff to get warm inside out .

Which people usually do and are even advised to do as these things are mostly believed to be the signs of changing weather . Karachi☠️ the most dangerous city in the world is very unique in weather . Most people like me who rely too much on the digits and statistics completely fail . It's hotter when it's hot and colder when it's cold . If you read the daily weather on the Google may see a phrase below the thermometer reading ....

28°C partly cloudy

Feels like 35°C

Now how does a scientists measures this feels like temperature is simply beyond my wildest imagination but the truth is that it hurts me more in winter than in summer . You can feel the chill in the bones but the thermometer reads double digits of Celsius . Believing it to be not really cold I don't take the necessary precautions and care and fall prey to the cold and virus . The weapons of mass destruction the Notorious flu virus and bacteria . And now we also have the Pandemic Covid-19 Corona virus all around mostly asymptomatic during the hot feels like hotter months of the year . Not sure how many more PTV celebrities will be gone during the cold feels  colder months of the year ....

Tell the Children to close their eyes...

Tell Women to Shut their legs....

Tell men to put up their fists...

The War Machine is coming ...

This quote is from a Turkey 🦃 movie I watched this week about the assassination of the CiA' s ace of spades ♠️

And just like a bad Thanksgiving turkey it upset my appetite so much that I had to take a Christmas vacation . This week I was this close to a record breaking movie week and instead I have not watched a movie in the past twenty five hours . 

And talking about the twenty four hours ....

Today Sun 🌞 rise is at 6:23 am 


Sun 🌞 set is at 6:23 pm 

There must be a name for it in the Russian language ...I need to know ....

By the way , 

Pope in Rome tweets a prayer I find quite interesting

Let us ask the Lord for the gift of peace, for a world without arms of mass destruction! Let us dedicate ourselves to free humanity from nuclear arms, this serious threat to the human race.

1:32 am Cup of tea ☕and butter puff crackers 🍪

1:36 am Charging Break ! 📶

2:33 am okay so one more London based parliamentary party has agreed to the Minus ( -1) formula , should have done that before elections . 

The chaos and anxiety will definitely harm the peace and security of the country . 

Let's see who fills the void and who takes the lead . 

Today we saw the Widow of Faisalabad MNA Ayesha Rajab Ali promoted at the expense of Talal Chaudhary 

Obviously the political career of either one of them will come to an end it would be very interesting to know who stays here and who leaves for London . 

Sanoo ki ? 

3:00 Charging Break ! 

3:34 am Cup of Tea ☕And Samosa 🥟

So JI is having a Tea today somewhere between Noorani Kabab and Noor e Haq . All those who were tweeting so vehemently about the so called Drowning of Karachi☠️ the most dangerous city in the world will be seen here . And after a day of unrest on this hot feels like hotter Autumnal Equinox , I am sure most of them will be like minded in praying for Rain and Thunder ⚡⛈️

This neighbourhood had much less rain this monsoon season than the rest of city , downtown , centerfold , outskirts , so it would be much appreciated if their 

prayer is heard anytime soon 

Amen ! 

We are extremely grateful to the Lord All Mighty ALLAH Amen 🙏 , humble and in prostration 🛐 

for listening to our prayers🤲 and giving us Water and more Water , Rain and Thunder . 🌩️⚡⛈️

Amen 🙏

In a road accident on the Karachi ☠️ the most dangerous city in the world , jamshoro motorway nine people have died ..

God the Almighty Allah Amen have mercy on everybody who goes out on the streets , highways and especially the motorways . Amen 🙏

The prime minister of Bani gala refused to go to New York  USA and instead send his ghisi pti speech pre recorded and edited to be played at the UNGA 70 + something session . I was so glad to see this but I still have no idea why his itinerary was changed . Was it because of his deteriorating health or some other domestic issue .  

I am still not sure how the Trumps felt when they found out about the missed photo ops . Thanks to Corona Pandemic they have so much time to spare this close to the Presidential Elections . On the  contrary I have not been able to follow any state or event on the presidential Election campaign . But my gut feeling after the back pain says that the President is in the clear . While Biden and Kamala both seems like a liability for each other and excess baggage for the party . Sorry but that is the truth . Amen 🙏

Okay then it's almost time for the fajr Azan and Prayer so here I take a break for the prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

4:56 am Break ! 

6:31 am Happy Birthday Google 

11:30 am 

Good morning ! The grip guy of K Electric did not reach the office due to road blocks and Rally  . Yes we did not have a loadshedding at all today ...

The morning tweet....

Sun 9th Safar 1442H
11:07 am Good Morning ! 
Wow I am actually feeling a little chilly this almost noon Good Morning ! 
Quiet and Peaceful as a usual Sunday perhaps extra Quiet and Peaceful due to road blocks by police and Rain Worshipers . 
No Brunch No loadshedding

Yes it is true I am feeling a little chilly the throat cleared after morning tea ☕
Every digital thermometer has the same 33°C which is quiet amazing don't remember when this happened recently . 
A year ago today I survived the Thunderstorm ⛈️⚡ as I reached the mosque 🕌 for the Juma Mubarak prayers and we prayed as I heard the most awesome Thunder ⚡⛈️ ever away from home . On my way back I had to walk a few feet of knee high water after the rain had stopped ...should have taken a rickshaw ...I regretted later . Chose to walk in the middle of the road instead of trying to jump on the side walks and footpaths due to fear of the electrically charged k Electric poles that had electrocuted many that year and many more this year as well . I reached home safe and sound that day ...and had an amazing lunch cannot forget how much blessed I was that day ....and neither will Facebook let me forget . 

We are extremely grateful to the Lord All Mighty ALLAH Amen 🙏 , humble and in prostration 🛐 
for listening to our prayers🤲 and giving us Water and more Water , Rain and Thunder . 🌩️⚡⛈️
Amen 🙏

12:00 Charging Break ! 

12:45 pm Skipped the brunch and had the Facebook Meetup with a cup of tea ☕

But just for the record is what I should have had for the breakfast early today ....

 okay then it's time for the prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

1:11 pm Break ! 

3:45 pm Good Afternoon ! 
Weakness of mind and body .... absolutely gluttonous...cannot think of anything good or bad other than food and eating ...then what is that force that is stopping me from eating ...ordering or going out for takeaway.... Or pickup as it is called now . 

If I am okay without eating than it cannot be gluttonous ..I am just confused . Afraid of facing the consequences . 
Feeling sleepy 😴 but can't sleep either . 

4:42 pm and eventually I fall asleep but woke up by phone ringing ...I can't believe this is happening to me . 

All I need now is just one good hour and I will be covering up for the lost time today . Yes just one good hour with original thoughts and ideas and free flowing tirade of words and phrases I always say Blogging without the net is useless so what I am doing is useless and a very much waste of my time . But then again it is quite unbelievable that I am continuing to do it and not giving up . If I survived this tardiness and depression and keep on keying in the words , phrases and sentences completing the paragraphs in weeks months and years that will be the more significant than an empty wordless blank Sunday Blog . There is very little chance that I may ever come back to this my the Sunday Blog # 234 ( Two Hundred and Thirty four ) after finally finishing and publishing and saving it ....but if I left it ... under score , half done or undone then I am not sure how I will ever be at peace with myself as to why I did it . What good excuse did I have ? 
Was there anything important that I wanted to do other than this my the Sunday Blog # 234 ( two hundred and thirty four ) or was there some distraction . 
Was I not feeling well or was I not capable of doing this ? 

In the past when I have had days like these I may have even used urdu poetry or English song lyrics to fill the void and keep the ball rolling 
In the past four and a half year I have seen it all . And today is not one of those days when I can quit at all . 

Today is one of the Best Sundays of all . And I have never been so relaxed in my entire Sunday Blogging career or the Blogging life . The Best thing of all is that I am not sweating at all .... I may be a little hungry and a lot weak and desperately desiring ( see this is where I need the rogerts thausarus ) but it is not at all the day I would expect myself to give up doing this my the Sunday Blog # 234 ( Two Hundred and thirty four) and just Chill and at the end of the day when I would check the word counter and the length of this my the Sunday Blog # 234 ( Two Hundred and thirty four) I will feel sorry that there was just no excuse for this sorry state of affairs . I could have done better . I could have tried harder . I should have looked around and found a story to make . I should have checked harder there must some wrong something or someone in pain , hurt or distorted . I could have shared their story their plight if I did not want to share something of my own feelings or desires . My confusions and joys . My highs and lows . My triumph or sorrows . My plans or phobias . 
As they life is a journey ...and if you are in a journey it's not at all possible that your are not experiencing something new or something different every passing moment even if you are at a standstill , in a jam , or just gazing at the sky . 

And talking of the sky know my sky is not blue at all usually it is hazy white . I am often very surprised why and how I lived this long without a lung or skin disease ? 

Well maybe not the lung or respiratory disease but I do have foot fungus and a little skin white in the leg . 
This week Doctor Saab made a Surprise visit and brought a skin cream for me 
I have to start applying it very soon inshallah . 

So let me pray for him 🤲and all my dear loving and caring siblings and their families and friends , well-wishers
Amen 🙏

Also it's time for the Asr prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi 

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

5:52 pm Break 

Sun 10th Safar 1442H
7:38 pm Good Evening ! 

So back to back two prayers Asr + Ten minutes wait + Maghrib prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

And lots of tea ☕ 

Heard Kaka Siraj accent with Azan in between they say saved by the Azan ....when you have nothing to say ....and you want to eat up more footage ...🎞️

Chaapa pause ! 

Sorry Wrong address 🦃

So our cooking Mafia is up to no good ... It is not politically correct to put a tag on it .... See if you can guess what it WAS ? 😜

9:46 pm Amazing all three digital clock thermometer s have different readings now 
32° , 33° and 34°C
My room has 33°C 

If only the cooking Mafia had taken a holiday today may be mine could have fallen to 32°C as well . But no she had to do something special to get into this my the Sunday Blog # 234 ( Two Hundred and thirty four) . 
This month we had two birthdays  , my dear elder brothers on the 14th and my dearly departed Ammi's ( may her soul rest in peace in jannah Amen 🙏) on 25th
But on his birthday we learned about the serious condition of our young Nephew who was diagnosed a very rare and expensive treatment by a neurosurgeon

So we were really up set and confused so I promised her that I am not doing anything especial today but I will make it up on the next the 25th ....on that day I did not do anything she decided to do something herself ... So without any help and support from me she did it all by herself and this answers my previous Sunday Blog's question as well . 
Why she cooks on Sundays ? 

To remind me ! 

Well what can I say ? 

Except that I prefer democracy and since I am the only gharib awam la Waris and yateem ....¼ of a Common People ...I should have the right to know what I could be fed on as Sunday Brunch and Sunday Dinner as well as Sunday hi-tea !
Is it too much to ask for ? 

It was my lucky day that I was on self imposed sabbatical for the past twenty Seven hours and I could eat twice as much as I had for Sunday dinner just because it was piping hot and looked delicious ...but imagine if I had a dinner , an early Sunday morning special breakfast and a brunch in past twenty four hours  , don't I have had a food coma after eating this special Sunday Dinner 😋 with so much Carb diet 
And then not only I could have easily missed the mid night deadline and may have woken up after fajr after sunrise and may have had even missed the extended deadlines all because she wants to Remind me ! 
How fair is it ? 

Well no democracy is perfect and ultimate but at least we can try and understand each other's point of view instead of trying to impose upon others what we believe is right and just for them . Or for that matter what is good for ourself regardless . 

Doctor Saab cares about us so much from far away . Prescribe medicine and remedies for our medical problems brings medicines and equipment from his own resources 
 When he is going to see all this prohibited food . He will be furious . Have no idea who he will see behind this guess is that his first thought would be that I asked for it . I brought all the ingredients and I forced her to cook . And I let her eat all the sweet not caring about her sugar and I made my dear elder brother eat the fat and the cheese and other stuff . When I not had the faintest idea what was going on in the kitchen as I was busy doing this my the Sunday Blog # 234 ( Two Hundred and thirty four) .

So what's for Supper ? 😊

 And now its too late and i am already way beyond the three thousand words mark so i better hurry up and finish this my the Sunday blog # 234 ( Two hundred and thirty four ) ....So here is the Movies of the Week !!  twelve movies with two re runs 

So this is it from the movies of the week .....

Okay then this is it .....time to say goodbye and fall asleep need to eat the supper ....oh yes i have to watch two episode on the tatli intiqam ....and then fajr prayer before sleeping ....

the song video i have chosen has a very catchy tune there is nothing very special about the lyrics ...six pence none the richer used to be very popular band ....not sure if it still active or not ....and who cares ....

Enjoy the song ....

Ji is not really serious as you can see ......somehow nobody is ....

okay so its time to leave this my the Sunday Blog # 234 ( two hundred and thirty four ) 
Be safe

All the Best !!

God Bless America ! 

Allah Hafiz ! 

There she goes
There she goes again
Racing through my brain
And I just can't contain
This feeling that remains
There she goes
There she goes again
Pulsing through my veins
And I just can't contain
This feeling that remains
There she goes (There she goes again)
There she goes again (There she goes again)
Racing through my brain (There she goes)
And I just can't contain
This feeling that remains
There she goes
There she goes again
She calls my name
Pulls my train
No one else could heal my pain
And I just can't contain
This feeling that remains
There she goes (She calls my name)
There she goes again (She calls my name)
Chasing down my lane (She calls my name)
And I just can't contain
This feeling that remains
There she goes (There she goes again)
There she goes (There she goes again)
There she goes