
Sunday 12 July 2020

The Sunday Blog #223

Today is the Sunday, the 12th of July 2020 , the 20th of Ziqad 1441H till the Sunset ( 7:25  pm ; Karachi )
And this is my the Sunday Blog #223 ( Two Hundred and twenty three ) .

By the Grace of All Mighty ALLAH Amen !
This has been one of the best weeks of the year 2020 .
I did hear of a lunar eclipse this week but the moon I watched after the first monsoon Rain of the year 2020 was glorious . Yes we had the first monsoon Rain this Monday and what a rain it was absolutely changed the weather . Even my room temperature that remains very constant fell by two degrees immediately . There was lots of water in the rain but within hours after the rain stopped the water vanished from the street . Our Electricity was off before the sudden start of the rain due to regular loadshedding 3-4 pm but it remained off till the evening . I have made it a habit not to go out in the rain . Even before the sudden rise in the people of Karachi☠️ getting electrocuted after the rain happened in recent years Since the power company started upgrading the distribution system , new wires , new meters , new ground (Earth for extra current ) and the same old poles . By the way have you heard the news ...
The China'$ Shanghai Electric is still kicking ....they have got a knack for contract violations easy money ...once again they have bid for the larger then ever chunk of controlling shares of KE .
Anyways ...

So , where was I ?
Oh yes the first monsoon Rain of Karachi ☠️the most dangerous city in the world .
I am not exactly sure about how many people were electrocuted during or after the first monsoon Rain but I am sure it was on the news .
From total reliance on the morning Newspapers for news to the Cable News Channels and their fast running tickers now online social media News and information updates takes some time to move on and adjust and totally forget and give up ...
You know years ago after unsubscribing the morning news papers conscience use to shake me to "return to monarchy" for a very long time especially Everytime I buy the Naan bread from the market oven or a restaurant ....and then one day a new market oven opened near by ...which not only made better Naan Bread but also used official file papers instead of newspapers cuttings to wrap my Naan bread .
Somehow the more I loved the White Naan Bread from that market oven the more I began to hate the Cable News . I have absolutely no idea what is the connection between the two but that is very true .

Last year the court ordered the kmc and other city administration agencies to demolish encroachments and improve communication of the city . Many old and new markets and shops in markets were totally demolished like the old empress market surroundings . But most were just cut to size like our near by market oven naan shop . It was in a very newly constructed building so you can very easily imagine that the oven ( tandoor) was at the edge of the shop and then there was the pavement for the showcase counter and beyond that couple of big steps .... When the official hammer came on the court orders they demolished the steps and the pavement and probably hit the oven wall as well .
Life goes on ...

They pushed the oven inside the shop and reduced the working and sitting space of the workers . The price of naan bread was increased and instead of making fresh ones for me they started giving me the previously baked and kept in the gunny bag ...and they reduced their working hours . So often when I went to buy naan bread they were not ready ... obviously I had to buy my naan bread from another market oven .

That was last year before the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown ....then and their I had already made up my mind not to waste my time on cable TV . So this past week without the cable has been really great . The funny thing is that this first week after cable, my nearby market oven appeared on Foodpanda 🐼 with a name change both for delivery and the pick up . No idea what is the connection 😬
The pick up on Foodpanda 🐼 is really great ...I always wanted a way to reduce the waiting time and the need to stand in the Queue . Plus ordering pickup through Foodpanda 🐼 we get a 15- 20 % discount . In $ terms we get our food at the shop price instead of delivery price which is usually a little higher kept not to hurt the ego of the price conscience yappies . But the greatest advantage of pick-up is that there are no Shahid Afridi foundation free delivery donation appeals in between .

There are a few more good things about this week but I have to put the charger on

2:20 am Break

3:54 am As you know that I was not touching the Mangoes this year untill we have a full rain ...not just cloudy weather or drizzle with cool winds ....So after the first monsoon Rain ...on Monday ...the very next day , I waited for the rain again as it was cloudy all day ...and the Mangoes push cart ...these days because of the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown and extremely hot sunny weather the fruits and vegetables Push carts visits are fewer than regular ...but I was in luck that day that not only I heard his voice but as I rushed to the door he was not gone far ...I called out at him and he heard me ...and started to come my way ..but  a power company truck came in between us and blocked him so I walked towards him and bought the chunsa mangoes they look so much like the sindhri Mangoes of Sindh but they are from the upcoming province beyond Sindh and are sweeter than sindhri . Don't know what happened to sindhri Mangoes this year ...last year they were absolutely tasteless ...this year they are invisible too...
You know what Arif did this year anyways the Good thing by the grace of All Mighty ALLAH Amen !
is that the Mangoes season has finally began in the second week of July after the rain and I have already bought four kilograms of ripe and juicy mangoes and eaten most of them myself .
And the good news is that despite an unexpected u turn of the cool rainy weather to hot and humid and an increased longer hours of the harsh loadshedding ....i after eating Mangoes did not get the prickly rash  .

Praiseth the Lord All Mighty ALLAH Amen !

And the best of all that happened this week was that I finished the reciting of the Holy Quran also known as the khatam e Quran planned on Thursday . Now I have started the next I am hoping to finish it before the first thirteenth death Anniversary fateha of my dearly departed Papa , may his soul rest in peace in jannah Amen !
So this year I will have two Quran to offer for his redemption and blessings . Not sure if they are the two perfect words for the occasion .
Anyways Since the fateha or niaz over the traditional table spread of mutton Pulao etc is becoming more and more difficult , at least I have something good to offer . i.e
Twice khatam .
Okay I guess the Azan of fajr has started so here I take a prayer break with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen

4:44 am Break

1:01 pm Good Morning ...
Woke up about an hour ago
Here is the morning tweet ..

Sun 20th Ziqad 1441H
12:47 pm Good Morning !
It's very windy cloudy awesome mausam .
Brunch is ready but I am not doing ...
We are back to the water woes water in the tap to wash clean and bath ...
Very Quiet and Peaceful Sunday ...because of lockdown no traffic

Yes our street or the front of our home has been blocked by the tent kanat ...the commissoners and police insist they have confirmed report of our address . Must have been a clerical error or a builder's mafia ka fanda ...yesterday all day there was a police party and late night one of the neighbors had the bikers Meetup ...which ended with the fajr azan ...
Today there is only the neighbors heavily armed guard (Google app ) sitting on the street inside the quarantine he was sneezing and coughing on Friday before the lockdown but after a day with local police he seems quite fine . His Google map after remaining totally down is still not fully working ...the tent partition at the end of the road is blown down by the high winds so a few riders are coming in but there are no cars or the pushcarts yet . You know how neighbors love to park their cars and farm help under our kerb trees they are forced to park beyond the tent partition . One absolutely crazy one from the ghetto has parked his tiny tin dabba
In the Hemani reserved area ...😆😅😂🤣
Oh my God .....please please
Never ever again let me be a part of the behavioral psychology online class 🤣

Anyways , last night when there was nobody inside the tent partition felt like all the Spirit ( rooh) of the Cows slaughtered in over two decades were standing very quietly asking for forgiveness and compassion ....I shrugged my shoulders ....a little while later ...I heard a rider going out as if there was no tent partition on the other side ...I looked out and yes it was down .

Okay it's time for the prayer 🛐break with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen

2:00 pm Break

4:11 pm So anyhow  after the Sunday Brunch and the Sunday Facebook Meetup ...I had a very quick bath and wazu and Prayed🛐 and Recited . I wanted to read at least two but was at the end of one ( 5th para) I was very sleepy 😴 because of eating  Puri and chikkad Choley . The weather also changed twice during the past hour it is again getting into the monsoon mood . The ( Google App ) is desperately trying to delete the APK market Apps luck yet .
The breaking news is ....,see I survived without Cable News .....

Mulla has refused to do slaughter and give cow share to the inlaws of my dearly departed  parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen

At his seminary with less than twenty days to go to the bakra Eid at the end of July 2020 the pressure will increase on us to do something . And I am thinking of giving up eating minced meat just like my dear niece ....till my room temperature comes down to below 30°C . Only one and a half month left before the start of the ' R' Wala months when eating fish is not considered a tabboo 👹

During the kind of hot and humid weather like the one we have here in Karachi the most dangerous city in the world ☠️
and especially during the epidemic and Pandemic beef should be bann.
Okay from this point on I will not be responsible for any word I wrote as I have completely fallen asleep 😴


6:14 pm and I think it's not just beef or fish ..... I should not eat at all on Sundays like I used to a year or two ago ....see how I fall asleep after eating ...and now I have woken up but I am all sweaty and I need a full bath when there is no water . And I don't think I can sit in a windless outside and finish the 6th para before maghrib .... So that is really better for me ..a no eating Sunday till the room temperature drops to below 30°C

Just now as I was trying to get my eye focus ...and head straight ...a rider came and asked the ( Google App ) for the house number D and the ( Google App) send him to house number B . After few minutes of whatsapping he turned to neighbors heavily Armed guard ( Google App ) again ....funny why don't the riders rely more on their phones Google maps directions . I think it's more reliable then our ( Google App ) or their own App . Recently I saw that now Foodpanda 🐼 app has started using Google maps for directions for pick-up which is very accurate and helpful . ...

Okay then it's time for me to get up as the sweat is dry ...I will try to recite at least half of the para before maghrib if not the full .
So here I take a prayers break Asr prayer and Maghrib prayer
With a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen

6:36 pm Break

Sun 21st Ziqad 1441H
8:21 pm Good Evening !
The Street is very Quiet .... The riders operation is on the hold must be delying ....sometimes they put us on hold for hours 30 - 11 minutes and then back to 25 min ....or the 18 stay idle for 20 min and every time you pick the mobile you see ...ah it's just 18 minutes away ...and sometimes they say Sorry for the dely and move it back to 45 min
This one time a rider was just five minutes away it is when they notify you that you should get excited ...I really don't understand this I look like I live with matira ?
Anyways so he passed by my location and then WhatsApp from 1.2 km away  . And asked my location anyways ....I get even by not tiping and better still not giving a single star ...sometimes it's so funny ...after the delivery they ask how was your food from xyz restaurant ...some only reply with star rating some goes even further to review it they really believe that would in anyway change the quality , standard or even packing of that restaurant ....I don't think so ....usually the process and delays makes us so hungry that we really don't care if it's hot or cold ...packed properly ...or if it's the same taste that we get or used to get at the restaurant dine-in or take away  before Covid-19 pandemic lockdown .

You know today we are at the hundred and twelveth day of lockdown here in Karachi ☠️ the most dangerous city in the world ... At the early days I thought that this Covid-19 pandemic lockdown with hurt the food and restaurant industry and small businesses the most  but you will be surprised that all my favorites are now delivering and offering pick-ups through the foodpanda 🐼 app . These days my favorites online activity is not tictok or Social media like Facebook or Twitter ...and I have also not played any online or off line games even Farmville for months ...instead Everytime I have a chance to use the mobile the first click I do is the my Telenor app to know my balance and data status and the next thing is the foodpanda 🐼 app to find what's open and what's new ...

9:00 pm 😇

By now you must have realized that I am not at all interested in the food delivery or the takeaway food especially during the Lockdown and Pandemic ...I would prefer to eat a self fried scrambled egg with fried toast then order a delivery and play the waiting game ....

But this pick-up segment on the foodpanda 🐼 app is really giving away the best information about the mashroom growth of new and near food joints ..I don't feel like calling them restaurant because the don't have a dine-in sitting area ...just a shop kitchen . In a market area .

So when I open the foodpanda 🐼 app there are three options available ....
1. Delivery
2. Pick-up
3. Shops

One we use occasionally and three is not fully functional yet choices and hundred rupees delivery charges if you order four slice juices from a shop for rupees hundred they will cost you two hundred rupees and you will still feel bad not tiping the rider in this or any Karachi ☠️ the most dangerous city in the world .... weather . I am sure you got the drift .

Okay now we come to the pick-up ...
It starts with the nearest to your location either given by you or through your phone location .
It gives the distance from your location starting in meters and goes up to 5 kms . And now it also gives an option to find the location of the food joint through the Google maps app . All you have to do is click on the direction button and it will automatically open the Google maps App if you have a Google maps app and  a data or wifi connection in your mobile phone ...if God forbid you don't have either or both ...then you should if you are using the app inside your home . But if you are on the street make sure you have a better alternative ...yes a universal white cane or stick ...that way you will reach your destination very easily . And if you are lucky and found our neighbors heavily Armed Guard ( Google App) or a member of his clan finding that food joint won't be messy .

So back to the bed ...yes

This week there are three no four newly opened food shops . And about four or five old ones added to the foodpanda 🐼 list .

One new food joint that is about less than 500 meters away from me has surprisingly a very long list of Options available from Fast-food to BBQ and Desi food to Chinese....the list is so long that three big and established restaurant on the same road offer separately ....I am seriously thinking of giving it a try ... If it is successful it will be a very refreshing walk option in the evening . And quick delivery in the odd hours .

Okay no dinner scene today ...the living and dining area and kitchen silence ...trp going down a Miss call from unknown number to go and rock the boat ....

9:52 pm Break

11:17 pm So we had the Dinner ka scene ...and Facebook Meetup and messenger call from Uncle in Canada ...also I watered the mango plant in quarantine / isolation on the kerb outside and heard the most horrible memoni voice of the hot tin roof parosan in the illegal top floor of the ghetto next door ... The whole family has horrible memoni accent voices ...let us pray that the one in diapers is a result of cheating .....

Okay ... praiseth the Lord All Mighty ALLAH Amen !

Last week doctor Saab and my youngest nephew were suffering from typhoid fever ... The news is that both have recovered from typhoid fever  thanks to good care and right medicines by their immediate family members .... God bless them  !

Unfortunately , both are now believed to be suffering by different malady . Let's hope they get out of this mess as well  and quickly .

Okay so it's time to end this my the Sunday Blog # 223 ( Two Hundred and twenty three )  the song I have chosen for today is one of my favorites all time favorites a very beautiful ghazal by faraz.. And sung by the Best mehdi Hassan .. Enjoy

Soon after I finish this my the Sunday Blog #223 ( two hundred and twenty three ) I will pray 🛐 the Isha prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen

And then I will finish the half 6th para of the holy Quran ...after that I plan to eat a fried scrambled egg and then I will watch one of my very favorite urdu dubbed Turkish soap on urdu1 weekends . It is so inspiring that I started washing my bathroom tiles  four tiles a day ....until I ran out of washing powder / detergent and ofcourse water ...

The online site drama central updates four fifteen minutes episodes every weekend , this morning after fajr I watch two episodes 21 and 22  now I have to watch 23 and 24 before I could think of doing anything else ...if there is time before fajr prayer I will try to update and edit this my the Sunday Blog #223 ( two hundred and twenty three ) . After fajr I will try to sleep as early as possible .

Okay then be safe healthy ...stay out of trouble ....

All the Best !

Allah Hafiz !

گلوں میں رنگ بھرے بادِ نوبہار چلے
گلوں میں رنگ بھرے بادِ نوبہار چلے
چلے بھی آؤ کہ گلشن کا کاروبار چلے
گلوں میں رنگ بھرے بادِ نوبہار چلے

قفس اداس ہے یارو
صبا سے کچھ تو کہو
قفس اداس ہے یارو
صبا سے کچھ تو کہو
کہیں تو بہرِ خدا
آج ذکرِ یار چلے

چلے بھی آؤ کہ گلشن کا کاروبار چلے
گلوں میں رنگ بھرے بادِ نوبہار چلے

جو ہم پہ گزری سو گزری
مگر شبِ ہجراں
جو ہم پہ گزری سو گزری
مگر شبِ ہجراں
ہمارے اشک تری عاقبت سنوار چلے

چلے بھی آؤ کہ گلشن کا کاروبار چلے
گلوں میں رنگ بھرے بادِ نوبہار چلے

مقام فیض کوئی
مقام فیض کوئی راہ میں جاچا ہی نہی
مقام فیض کوئی راہ میں جاچا ہی نہی
جو کوئے یار سے نکالے تو سو دار چلے

چلے بھی آؤ کہ گلشن کا کاروبار چلے
گلوں میں رنگ بھرے بادِ نوبہار چلے

gulo.n me.n rang bhare, baad-e-naubahaar chale
chale bhii aao ki gulshan kaa karobaar chale
qaffas udaas hai yaro, sabaa se kuchh to kaho
kahii.n to bahr-e-Khudaa aaj zikr-e-yaar chale
kabhii to subh tere kunj-e-lab se ho aaGaaz
kabhii to shab sar-e-kaakul se mushk-baar chale
ba.Daa hai dard kaa rishtaa, ye dil Gariib sahii
tumhaare naam pe aaye.nge Gam_gusaar chale
jo ham pe guzarii so guzarii magar shab-e-hijraa.N
hamaare ashk terii aaqibat sa.Nwaar chale
huzoor-e-yaar huii daftar-e-junuu.N kii talab
girah me.n leke garebaa.N kaa taar taar chale
maqaam 'Faiz' koii raah me.n jachaa hii nahii.n
jo kuu-e-yaar se nikale to suu-e-daar chale

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