
Sunday 16 December 2018

The Sunday Blog # 141

Today is Sunday the 16th of December 2018 the 8th of Rabi us Sani 1440 H till the Sunset ( 5:46pm , Karachi) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 141 ( Hundred and forty one ) .
Okay before i start this not yet christmas ...not yet new years ....not yet wedding season in full swing ....not yet the green line project jam historic ...and above all not yet Bone wracking Winter Chills ....This my the Sunday Blog # 141 ( Hundred and forty one ) ...i need to get this this over my chest ...Honest to God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! ....i only saw this this week accidentally ....wasn't even googling for lalla ....or Kanpur .....okay no LOL ...i said no ....serious .

Ashish Pandey Releases his Video Message on Hyatt Hotel Incident.

Ah ...feels really good now .

 So as i was saying ...yes this is a very strange kind of Sunday ....because the markets of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world are not yet buzzing with shoppers for the seasons shopping ....And that Crazy Anti - Encroachment drive is also not helping very much .  Unlike the Eid and Ramzan Shopping or the Back to School shopping ...the Shopping in this season is very different . Most people like me who skulk and do not shop during the ramzan and eid shopping seasons saying why should we waste when there are so many in the world who sleep on a empty stomach ...does not or cannot have the same excuse working for them in this season . Because first of all they have to think about their own stomach and keeping warm to survive this season this season i mean winter + Christmas + New Year + Wedding ...combined . Okay Being the Muslims and karachite we cannot do anything about the Winter and wedding shopping ...because you never know when and how it will catch you or may not ...So you always have to be prepared for it in advance . In the Past there used to be a sub - season in between the Winter and wedding and that used to be the funeral season . But luckily here in karachi the most dangerous city in the world the funeral season has now been shifted to the summers of may , june and july also known as the Heat - wave months ....Thanks to my regular food images being posted very religiously on the social media and facebook . People are too un sure to invite me or not to any such ceremony where food is served . Regardless .
Anyways , shopping seasons are not really affected or disturbed by people like me because there are so many other normal people besides me in this world who have a life and they need so many things to live it . number one is food of course ....then there is clothing . Both of them are so totally changed for some in this season . For food its usually warm and oily . And clothing needs to to be warm and woolly ...with different colours for every occassion Red and bright colours for the christmas , Dark and Dull for the New Years ...and Gaudy colours for the wedding season .
Thank God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! we have a three tier government here in karachi the most dangerous city in the world ....PTi in the centre , PPP in province and MQM in Gutter . even though the so called mayor claims he has no power over the KWSB ( Karachi water and severage Board ) + SSWMB ( SIndh Solid Waste Management Board )  + SP ( Sindh Police and Rangers) + SBCA ( Sindh Building Control Authority) ....
So even if all the hindi soaps sari clad krishna and radha's turn red dress ball room dancers on all our cable and net channels . I would be surprised if girls here in karachi the most dangerous city in the world will have any spirit left to even buy a red hanky or gloves for the season .

So honestly what is this ? Why do these hindi soaps change with the season ....And you wont even believe this but the only two hindi soap serials that we watch each week day after much hardships since they were banned on the local channels rebroadcast ....had the same topic and that was DIVORCE . the divorce of Radhay and Krishna in Krishna chali london where they tried to convince me to a fast track divorce proceeding ...haven't had time to study and research it yet . And the divorce of Sikandar jee and lovely jee in Kulfi kumar baje wala . The first one was really fast track so it ended in a week or so ..but here in kulfi it has gone in the second week ...the funny thing is nobody is getting divorced in the hindi soap serials ....they are just familiarizing the audience who are of course too naive to know the meaning of the word like the characters ...maybe some are
So anyways ...I think this was a very separate topic and i should have not mixed it with the season or the shopping topic . But anyways i am very glad i got it off my mind so now i can just focus on the shopping season .
So as i was saying the three tier government s and a lot of mafia's have crippled the city 's shopping season . The markets are not only deserted of the shoppers they are also deserted of the sellers as well . Just like the Cricket score people are seen in the open chatting and asking about who or which market got hit today . My siblings are only watching those channels on the television that tells than what market got hit my the Anti Encroachment drive that they can tell me you know ? ....And honestly i do not ...because honestly i feel that most encroachment is a result of over population and unchecked population growth over the years . And the people who are doing the drive and actually the ones who should have been made accountable . Everybody whose shop is demolished says that he is paying some body and thinks he is just and right . Infact the Encroachments in some areas of karachi the most dangerous city in the world has intensified as the anti- encroachment drive continues because of the demands and promises of providing alternative places and money to the affectees ...Its a crazy world ...out there trust me ....many land grabbers will prosper due to the unplanned Anti - Encroachment drive or campaign will see .
 2:08 am Break ( 1071 words)

3:04 am Wow Time flies ...did absolutely nothing in the break ....just had a cup of tea ...cannot eat because i ate too much maghaz nihari for dinner ....and stuff 

 So after maghrib i hurriedly went to the market oven to bring the Naan Bread so that i can eat the maghaz nihari and pray and sleep ...but before i could sleep till the mid night as i was checking the youtube  i found the sequel to cable guys most favorite movie Happy Bhaag Jaye gi or something's sequel ....meaning ...Happy Phir Bhaag jaye gi ....this time it has two Happyz not just one ...and its funny and the chinese are Bad Guys at the risk of not being able to stay up all night or Morning till fajr and not being able to have a head start for this my the Sunday Blog # 141 ( Hundred and forty one ) i watched the movie ...watching youtube download is easy ...watching a youtube movie online has a minor setback called skip ad .... God know who invented it ...but all curse to him ...anyways the thing is that i was not able to finish it before the midnight and it did not download either now i am in the middle of nowhere ...i think i have watched enough to rate it as good as the original but obviously i can't honestly rated it till i watched the ending . So today i will remain restless till i finish it anyhow . The other movie i was watching yesterday also remained unfinished not sure how or why ...because i remember the whole movie except the ending ....Last week i watched too many Christmas tv movies and this week i don't think i watched any ...which is quite unbelievable .
Anyways lets just not worry about Christmas too much just yet because there is one more Sunday next week before Christmas as well as Christmas eve ...
So far i feel that i have come all the way i need to go ...and in the next hour or so i will be able to go to sleep very relaxed and with a very respectable words count on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 141 ( Hundred and forty one ) . Today it is about four degrees C down here in this closed room then last Sunday ...but out side it feels cold so i am wearing a sweater just in case . And this is not the only difference i feel inside and outside ....Some how the property mafia has done it again has managed to make me feel really uncomfortable going out of the door of this room ...just like  a portal to a different world inside its fact or fictions ....movies and social media ....but outside its just fairytales .....and jingle bells ....Anyways if we survived the first fortnight of the holy Month of December ...i am sure we may survive the Christmas as well .
And even if we don't ....there is always the Happy Valentines' to not survive ....
Okay so today was that Saturday ....Somehow i missed most of the early morning action the undertaker or grave digger and fish wala ringing the door bell ...but somehow the Plant seller from a far off  plant nursery saw me looking over the wall and tried to sell the rose plants ...i gave him so many excuses there is no water sunlight and the neighbours  are having white wash ....which is so bad for the trees and you are trying to sell me the week plants ....what do you think of me ....come back in February ...somehow he once again realized he is talking to the wrong fella ...and asked for my dear brother should have done that in the first place ....LOL
By the way ....the  last time we had a similar conversation mr Bajarani and his not first wife had committed suicide ....not sure what was so special about today ...and the rose plants were bigger today than that day ....not sure but with lots of care they might have given a fresh new red rose for the Christmas and new years ....Honestly if he had come with the rose plants on Thursday ...i might have bought them at his price ....But definitely not on the 15th of December ...not even at half the price .

Okay so it seems that i am just two hundred words short of the two thousand words on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 141 ( Hundred and forty one ) which means that i can finish it by 4:40 am and lie down till the fajr Azan and finish the movie Happy Phir Bhaag Jaye gi ...( 2018) . Hope it is downloaded by now or i will feel really bad . The sunrise in karachi is 7:09 am so the fajr time is also too far away under these conditions ....where i could not sit for too long in this position and continue keying this my the Sunday Blog # 141 ( Hundred and forty one) .
Okay now its less then a hundred words to go so and still nine minutes before the stipulated time that is 4:40 am so i guess i made it because after i do the regular finish i will be way over the two thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 141 ( Hundred and Forty one ) .
Okay then it is time for the Break with a Prayer for my dearly Departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

4:36 am Break ( 2065 words) 

10:50 am ...Good Morning !!
yes i watched and finished the movie i was talking about before going to sleep and honestly the same thing happened to it as happens to most foreign shootings ...anyways it ended without Jawad nihari or the junior ...not even the video call ...which is quite analyzable ...will do it later ....for now here is the morning tweet ...even though my morning tweet is nothing as compared to the few other on my timeline especially the one that is too political and too adult for my same stereo type old chip of the blog ....anyways never mind ..
Sun 8th RabiusSani 1440H
10:37 am Ok i am up a little early ...the water was boiling in the kettle for tea i made instant coffee ...its too windy for Karachi ....i can go out to fetch some sunday brunch if somebody sponsors ....otherwise ...i am good 

The previous week and the coming week both are fateha weeks ...and the fridge got fixed too so i don't think i will need to go out to bring any food today or later in the week ...but it is fun to take a bus ride to saddar and burns road and be back in two hours with some thing everybody craves to eat without argument . I love it both ways ..a bus ride as well as to walk long distances . Last week i got up and about without realizing that the CNG is off . There was no buses at all on my route and even if some came they had no room even on the foot board i don't think a foot board is just like the hoover board ...Ha HA !!
anyways , even though the sun was not as hot as it is usually ...i did have a slight sun burn marks on the face which is so awesome ...especially the cap and hair marks . I don't wear a wrist watch of i might have a mark there as well . Now why i don't wear a wrist watch ...well i was never a fan of the wrist watch and after this mobile phone culture i gave it up totally . Come to think of it i really don't think there maybe any wrist watch that i can wear if i ever changed my mind . Thank God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! that i don't mingle or socialize with the kind of crowd that cares about the branded and expensive stuff ....and the cheap stuff is so readily available everywhere that i don't really feel like collecting it anymore . Can buy or borrow any time if there is ever a need or emergency ever ....
But the way things are going looking back at the year past ....okay wait is it really time to look back at the year past and the new years resolve and all ... No i don't think so ..there are two more Sundays to go after today , the one next week on the twenty third before Christmas and the last one on the thirtieth before the New Years . So there will be plenty of time to look back and know for sure that things are not going to change a lot around here . By around here i definitely mean that in my life particularly.
So i think my feet are getting cold and i need a refill to the cup or tea whatever is ready ...So here i take a break not a long break will probably have one more session before the long break .

11:44 am Break ( 2657 words) 

12:43 pm Okay its almost time for the next break ....the Brunch is not fully ready yet ...the kitchen activity started a little late ...and as i mentioned above there is lot of left overs frozen so nobody even myself is sure what to eat and when to eat ....So anyways ...after i am done from here ..and my done i mean at least three thousand words on the words counter which will make me feel very relaxed for the rest of the day ...and i will be fully able to enjoy the fairytales and watch the paint and white wash labours hanging up and down on my cable next door . I have no idea why the cable company insist on giving the cable Connection from the distant pole and not from the one right in front of our main gate . Usually when our cable tv or net is off we suspect that somebody might have did something to our cable from the pole and most of the time its the other way around be very frank the fault is not even from area network ...but either from Lahore or abroad . As i mentioned in some of my previous sunday Blog recently ..this has been an amazingly low trouble year ever since my dear brother started or took the complaints department on his shoulders ....So now i really don't understand the donkey kong visual they are making me watch every sunday ...this is the second sunday in a row i watched somebody hanging or swinging on the cable . Must have missed the show rest of the week days and weekends .

No problem ...because i am almost dome for the day even if they break the cable which i am so sure is not their intention at all.  Why?  i am not really sure at the moment ...So anyways am i any prepared for the cable net and electric power shut down for the rest of the day ...yes i can do without the cable net but the batteries are very weak so i may not do it for long without the electric power ....Since i am not really very serious about very long session during this chilly windy season there fore i really don't care about it .

Okay the kitchen activity seems to have stopped i believe they must have started without waiting for me ...Good ...saves me from the fairytales now all i will have to do is go check it take pictures ..warm and just eat anywhere cozy and warm ....okay wait the pictures are already on facebook it half job done they are 
Maybe not as good as mine but that will do for the record . oh by the way is the qeema or kabab filled Paratha ...definitely not as good as my dear Brother's mother use to make but its better than some thing else in this chilly windy weather .
Okay believe it or not i have not only made it to the three thousand words on the words counter for this my the sunday Blog # 141 ( hundred and forty one ) but without noticing i am about two hundred words well over that mark i guess it is time for me to take a break to eat , warm bath , pray and sleep with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

1:20 pm Break ( 3300 words ) 
2:07 So after the eating and tea mixed with coffee and a warm bath and praying with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

I felt like there were some extra five hundred words in me ...before i sleep and it was only two pm . so between now and three pm i believe i can do it so here i am . Not even really very sure what i am doing here and now never mind me and lets focus on what the world wants to hear from me ...yes somebody has tied a white live bird to our neem tree ...for the past ten twenty years i have seen many kinds of chattels tied to our kerb tree ...this is probably the first ...LOL obviously the media mafia wants my  regular face updates all day today . Oh my God is that saein zardari speaking in a bhari voice on the news channel in the other room ... you the television opens up with  loud bang after a power shut down i rarely touch the tv remote ...and there was not enough time this past week ...went out almost every day of the week ... twice for very long time and couple of times for a short visit to the market . for the food and cooking essentials . Anyways it was a very fun week and the food was really exceptional .no doubt ...i really don't think there is any need to post the food pictures here i am so sure everybody will take my word for it and still if there is any doubt in anybody's mind than he or she can check the social media posting of the food pictures of the week past .
So since i did not turn on the televison most of the week ...the things or news events that i got to know were either through the twitter or while sitting and watching the television with somebody else ....sitting down and watching television is not really watching television because you only get to watch what ours is watching or believes is safe to be seen watching ...unlike when you have the remote in your own hand and can switch the channel anytime you hear somebody sneaking in or just passing through as the case is with our living room television . When i used to watch movies on the cable on that television i used to hear a lot from people standing right next to the television that the voice of the tv is too loud while i was desperately trying to adjust to the changing sound and pitch of the movie channels . Thank God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! that is over now .
So without the television i have no idea ...or maybe i have but not really very sure as to how i find out about the close US- Pak relations getting so much more closer that they added the name of Pakistan on a separate new short list that i had really and honestly never every heard before or may be if i have was not really sure if it will come to the day when Pakistan will also be included  in it . Anyways ...first the letter rumour and then this black list ...not sure who and how is dealing with the US- PAK strategic relations ...and until i have a better idea it is much better that i do not speak anything about it so ....lets just watch and learn and see if something better comes out of this . soon very soon .
Oh wow i am almost there yes i am about to cross the four thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the sunday blog # 141 ( Hundred and forty one )
ah yes it is now lets take a break here there is still twelve minutes to go before three ....yes !!!

2:49 pm Break (4024 words)

Sun 9th Rabi us Sani 1440 H
6:25 pm Good Evening ! 
So we had a Chaapa . My Uncle and Aunt for Saddar town must have seen me frolicking around the old parsi neighbourhoods  and they followed to confirm if it was really me ...nothing to worry about . 
So after they left ...first i prayed the asr prayer with a prayer for my  dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi 
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

and then we had a facebook meetup over a quarter plate of tasty Beef Biryani soon after they are de classified ...LOL
and then i prayed the Maghrib prayers with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi 
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

its so quiet outside as if all the fairytales have frozen ...white Christmas ...after the heavy snow fall in karachi as reported by the twitter earlier today ...
well actually what happens is that after a chaapa like that we have to empty the mobile memory and that is what is happening right now ...everything will be back to normal in an hour or two ...or if and when the phone rings .....So anyways ...lets move on to the movies of the week first and then call it a day
because a five thousand words Sunday Blog will be quite ok for the winter Sunday Blog . Last years third Sunday Blog of the Holy Month of december on the Sunday the 17th of December 2017 that was the

The Sunday Blog #89 had only 3195 words which is quite good for a mid day temperature of 19°C . And since it is not that cold yet i believe i have done much better already today ....

Okay now to the movies of the week maybe i take a one short break before starting the movies of the week ...oh there you have it the Azan of isha as well ...

7:11 pm Break ( 4486 words)

9:03 pm Okay i am back after eating and relaxing ...And now i am absolutely free till the mid night so i may continue without a break or may pause or break for a while and lie down on bed for few minutes is quite amazing how since yesterday after eating the maghaz Nihari and Naan and peanuts and sweet sesame balls ...or til kay laddo ...i have not had any nasal congestion at all ...the breathing is very good and clear . even the nose inside is not very dry or scratching or itchy like it should have been in this weather ...I have been saving a mug full of chicken yakhni just in case ...seems like i can save it for one more day . Got to eat the fat tail of the fat tail sheep with the leftover nihari ...looks just like the nulli bone marrow ..but tastes a little difference . This week has been getting better and better .....
And this was the lunch earlier with the guests ...

 So as i was saying ...that if i had a break between now and till the end of this my the sunday Blog # 141 ( Hundred and forty one ) ...then it will only be to get a tea or coffee refill or lie down to relax the back ....Don't understand why the back is so stiff today ....when all the other functions and organs are so normal . Anyways ...

The Chicken tied to the tree mystery was resolved was tied by the neighbour's armed guard to save it from a chasing cat ...he then donated it to the poor carpenter Lucky indeed !

Anyways so here are the movies of the week ...

  • Fidaa (2017)Rated 7 stars ...Sometimes i really wonder how can i even watch these kind of arranged marriage cross cultural type movies ....must be my keen interest in the behavioral psychology ...anyways it was fun . 

  • Aftermath (2014)Rated 10 stars Daddy's Sexy Mistress is the other name for this movie or video ....Danny (Tyler Nixon) a young man who turns 18 and deals with his father's love and spirit. A series of letters from his father to a mysterious woman leads him to adventures that will change ..
  • Raincoat (2004)Rated 10 stars ...not sure why or when i first watched it ...does not look as good now ...infact in few years it may be termed as boring . Ignore it please .
  • Thaanaa Serndha Koottam (2018)Rated 8 stars  an exactly not the duplicate china copy of the Special 26 Poster
  • Jattu Engineer (2017)Rated 4 stars ...No comment . 
  • Clyde Cooper (2018)Rated 4 stars not sure what to say about this ...
  • Apna Asmaan (2007)Rerun ...very good movie ...i am certain that if somebody gets a special child from the God All Mighty Allah Amen ! they shoud and must protect and save them from the world and especially the Musharrafs and zardari's 
  • Phantom (2015)Rated 3 turkey ...the average rating is 5.8 . This and the next one has such low rating because when you are making a history based docu drama make sure the events are very near the truth ...which is absolutely the opposite here this is why most television series are more successful . if they show some political story or character ...very soon that becomes reality . for example that character in the turkish serial Alif 

    Ötesiz İnsanlar 

    looked so much like the current president of turkey ...
    There are so many examples of our very own PTV dramas as well ...but here in this movie either the assassination attempt failed or maybe the movie was not timed very well either way it leaves a very bad taste to see the dead man walking if a true story is not true with its ending it can't be true at all . 
  • 1971: Beyond Borders (2017)Rated 2 ..same goes here ...too much facts very little fiction kills a war movie . 
  • If These Walls Could Talk (1996) Rated 10 stars comment !

  • Kanchana 2 (2015)need to watch it again ...i probably sleep through more of the movie than i watched .
  • The Scorpion King: Rise of a Warrior (2008)Rated 3 turkeys ....
  • Bruno (2000)Rated 7 stars ...LOL
  • Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi (2018)Rated 8 stars ...sequels are really not that good ...but this is good ...and sonakshi did justice to the character ...

  • oh God ...i did it today finished the movies of the week and there is still time for a short break ...good

     10:35 pm Break ( 5200 words) 

    11:12 pm Wow there is still time ...and lots of time ...don't know what has happened today if it had been the summers i would have definitely gone for five hundred more word and five hundred copy and paste and made it an over six thousand words sunday Blog ...but here i need to save my back for the winter walks all week and bus rides to saddar and burns road ....
    During the break instead of lying down in bed ...i was standing in the kitchen watching making of the gajar ka halwa ...carrot pudding . 

     No i did not eat it because it was to hot to be eaten so i left it to cool down and came here to finish this my the Sunday Blog # 141 ( Hundred and forty one ) . Even thought it looks really good and smells even better . This winter i have noticed that some times the smell of fresh frying make the throat tract irritation and some time i start sneezing ...but not today more nuclear test done .

    Okay then i believe i should move towards the ending of this my the Sunday Blog # 141 ( Hundred and forty one ) ...I cannot believe i must have broken some record today this must the biggest and longest sunday Blogs in the winter season ever and also one of the longest this month as well and there is still twenty minutes to go ...Today i remained the very relaxed and yet i made it to this huge total and it is still growing so if i had been more keen imagine how many more words and some serious topics that i could have touched today . And that is not just it imagine how many words and topics i deliberately suppressed and  prevented myself from ....refrain . And as they say say it best when you say nothing at all la lala la ...
    So the next Sunday Blog is going to be the last before the Christmas and the Christmas eve . And in order to be able to speak or ramble in front of a very sad and depressed nation sick from the winter flu and bored from having nothing really good to do and nobody listening to their woes and worries about their future and the future of the world being destroyed by the industrial world and especially the Chinese  , i need to know the art of telling sugar coated lies and for that i need to watch many hallmark movies as many as i can help me Lord  the All Mighty Allah Amen !
    Okay i believe nobody noticed that we did not have a bad tareen traffic jam this week no no need to thank me ...Thank the VVips for not coming to this god forsaken city at the same time ...I am not sure if this remains the same next week as well but i do sincerely hope that it does ...Amen

    Okay now its time for me to say good bye and leave you all enjoying this one of my very favorite songs of all times it very Gothic in nature both song and video but it suits the atmosphere of the city of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world . and getting worse by the minute . keep praying anyways

    God Blaze America !

    Allah Hafiz .

    Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart

    Total Eclipse of the Heart
    Turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit lonely
    And you're never coming round
    Turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit tired
    Of listening to the sound of my tears
    Turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit nervous
    That the best of all the years have gone by
    Turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit terrified
    And then I see the look in your eyes
    Turnaround bright eyes, but every now and then I fall apart
    Turnaround bright eyes, every now and then I fall apart
    And I need you now tonight
    And I need you more than ever
    And if you only hold me tight
    We'll be holding on forever
    And we'll only be making it right
    'Cause we'll never be wrong together
    We can take it to the end of the line
    Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time (all of the time)
    I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
    We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
    I really need you tonight
    Forever's gonna start tonight
    Forever's gonna start tonight
    Once upon a time I was falling in love
    But now I'm only falling apart
    And there's nothing I can do
    A total eclipse of the heart
    Once upon a time there was light in my life
    But now there's only love in the dark
    Nothing I can say
    A total eclipse of the heart
    Turnaround bright eyes, every now and then I fall apart
    Turnaround bright eyes, every now and then I fall apart
    And I need you now tonight (and I need you now)
    And I need you more than ever
    And if you only hold me tight (and if you only)
    We'll be holding on forever
    And we'll only be making it right ('cause we'll never be wrong)
    'Cause we'll never be wrong together
    We can take it to the end of the line
    Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time (all of the time)
    I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
    We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
    I really need you tonight
    Forever's gonna start tonight
    Forever's gonna start tonight
    Once upon a time I was falling in love
    But now I'm only falling apart
    And there's nothing I can say
    A total eclipse of the heart
    A total eclipse of the heart
    A total eclipse of the heart
    Turn around bright eyes