
Sunday 26 November 2017

The Sunday Blog #86

Today is the Sunday 26th of November 2017 the 7th of Rabi ul Awwal 1439 till the Sunset ( 5:42 pm Karachi) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 86 .

Don't know what is going on right now as i am beginning to sweat and the room temperature is also higher then it was normally this week at any given time . between 25 and 27 degree Celsius . Okay wait let me first take off this sweater it is really killing me .
Grabbed some salted and masala peanuts from the jar . I have mixed them this week . Tastes better . Next week i might add some chocolate chips as well .

 Should turn on the fan but i am not taking any chances tonight . A little while ago i was not even sure if i will be doing this blog on blogger or wordpress as most of the social media like Facebook and Twitter is playing hard to get ...i am sure some of us is better aware of this game then most of them . Anyways , This is one of the most incredible of the weekends since i started this my the Sunday Blog -- Believe it or not but there is a very weird , strange , uncanny, eerie, unnatural, preternatural, supernatural, unearthly, other-worldly, unreal, ghostly, mysterious, mystifying, strange, abnormal, unusual; eldritch; informal creepy, spooky, freaky Phenomenon going on tonight with everything that is related or circle around the Oxymoron "Electronic Media "

So now you have a choice whether you want me to explain the oxymoron or whether you want me to leave it for those wish to decide themselves whether a combination qualifies to be categorized as oxymoron or not . But why the Hell am i wasting this most amazing night of my life which will never come again on such a trivial thing as what is or is not a oxymoron . The fact is that Media and especially the Electronic media has had one of the worst steep nose dive
In the history of electronic media in Pakistan and even Karachi which is famous (Notorious ) for the electronic media bashing by you know who ..
Each and every Pakistani news channel listed in the list of Pemra is now off since Zuhr Azan saturday after noon .

So whats the big deal ?

This has been going on since the very beginning of the electronic media and the freedom of cable industry in Pakistan and especially Karachi and specifically in some very sensitive parts of London administrated lisaani areas (LALA) of karachi .
No Not this time not today not ever This has never ever happened before . All Entertainment Channels of the Local Cable are functioning normally . All Local and franchised Movies channels are functioning normally . including HBO , BBC and CNN . They are the ones to go off first under normal conditions of pressure and temperature .
 So obviously its a very different ball game which is so new to me that even i who thinks that clank clank i am a think tank ....would prefer to wait a little bit longer to see how this absolutely new and smart app of media shocking unfolds . Amen !

I had a pista kulfi just a while ago without mentioning while the media was uploading but even that did not seems to have worked against this sweating it is increasing by the minute cannot understand it at all because i only had a plate of chicken with roti , little jelly custurd and a bowl of chicken soup before dinner and that was also hours ago so why am i sweating so profusely right now .

Okay i can't take it any more ..Fan On !

 Fan off !

yes that is better now ...So where were we ?

Never mind its 2:00 am in the morning and even though i am no way near  the first thousand words on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 86 . I feel that if i am able to publish this as well now and then later on come back to add and continue to this my the Sunday Blog # 86 . Then i wont mind the length or the words on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 86 because today every thing is different and every thing has changed .

2:10 am Break ( 697 words)

8:22 am Zǎoshang hǎo !
i should have come back and continued but i played farmville 2 country escape and the tab fell from my hand and and soon it was too late to come back so i thought to finish the sleep and wake up fresh once and for all . So here i am and here is my first morning tweet of the day

Sun 7th RabiulAwal1439
Clear blue sky no wind and the morning is warmer both inside and outside . I have just had tea but my Sunday morning breakfast is also almost ready when ever i am . The twitter is still down so it is silly typing this on google translate for the letter

Not sent
Lā shǐ

Still under the first thousand words on the Words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 86 .

So lets hurry up before i get the call for the breakfast or the brunch . This sunday may be slow in starting but most people will wake up by Zuhr and overly excited too . My street has now become the Kindergaten Cop III . I should have known better before saying No to the Polio teams over a dozen times this year alone . This one team few months back that came with the Sindh Police Escort Service was extremely disappointed and stayed on our kerb for the longest time ever . At that time i thought they were staying longer just to make sure i take pictures of them and post it on the social media or at least on my facebook for friends only so that they can easily prove that i am crazy and willing . The Sindh Police Mobile escort driver even had that TOP GUN Shades which he kept showing me in friday details at the mosques till the campaign continued but i deliberately ignored it so now i cannot complain at all . LOL
 Anyways Thankyou Rotary International and the Bill and Miranda Gates Foundation Pakistan for their continued support . God Bless America !
Shàngdì bǎoyòu měiguó

Tea re fill and i have crossed over the First thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 86 .
So now i can have the first Facebook Meetup of the Sunday and also the breakfast . That fact is that it has already started without me . Nobody will call me today for the meet up or food they will just ask " Tumhara facebook khul raha hai ? Tumhara Blog toh khula he nahein . Google translate ...Your facebook is opening ? 
Your blog is not a space.

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

9:52 am Break (1149 words)

10:24 am Yes the facebook meetup was short and fun

Unable to connect to chat. Reconnecting...

So now i have about three hours break from food and facebook meetups and about two hours to Blog till Zuhr prayer break The day is very interesting it feels like the lime light is stuck and when everything is back to normal it will never be normal again business as usual So it should have been better if i had caught pneumonia and taken a sleeping pill or something and let the day went by as if it never came . But No sometimes you cannot fall ill on your own free will and sometimes you cannot even if you are locked here with a dozen infected mosquitoes as i did tonight and yet i am sitting straight and enjoying the breakfast most people much richer then me can only dream about not touch even if it is cooking right under their nose . Is it luck or fate ? Well this reminds me of two wasiq1wise that are gyrating in my head for this week but i don't think they are just ready to be shared with the world . So maybe i will save it for the last or after i come back from the mosque un infected. And talking of infections and afflictions  Kǔnàn addiction is one of the worst . But does anybody believe that Noise addiction is also a addiction infact it can be a induced addiction Joined together with the psychological Phobia of Silence . Today there is a post - Nuclear silence in the neighbourhood . I can hear the Mosquitoes singing from two yards away in this closed room and yet my dear brother is using a chisel and hammer and doing some repair and maintenance work and that is the only other sound i can hear at the moment . So i can proudly say that i can strike off one more phobia and addiction from the list of the induced over the years WOW !
And there goes one more singing mosquito easily hit by the electric mesh racket . One of the greatest inventions of my times and made in China

The Sindh Police is not up yet and the neighbours armed guard is sitting on their gate today looking straight at us. But this will ofcourse change very soon when i update this section of this my the Sunday Blog # 86 .

Okay so How was the Happy Thanksgiving thursday for everyone ? you can clearly see how the Friday and weekend after the thanksgiving turned out for us Blessed Indeed !!
Anyways no matter if you can or cannot afford a turkey on a Happay Thanksgiving may or may not , Serving your Son in self exile or frolicking on your plundered is not Good with or without Pay or Both ! 

Wasiq1Wise : 105 

11:39 am door bell rings probably the security guard asking for tea or wake up call  . Wrong Number definitely ! never mind ignore kar ....yes !
Wah ji wah tu kinna set ay !!
So i still have over an hour and a half left to rant and ramble on pointlessly and with no immediate rewards in sight or in the near and far future . I am so sure i will survive without a relapse of the addiction of noise .
So the answer to the question of What triggers the Relapse is very basic and simple and if you are on the Sonar you may be witnessing that Silence and deadly silence generates the phobia or fear and that brings very close to a relapse then it rallies on like a rely race ..... LOL
Tears !
okay this is really fun thank God the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! i am not a sadistic freak narcissistic may be but not sadistic control freak no no no definitely not !
And so the life goes on and on in the unbelievably peaceful and quite Jamshedtown karachi so tally ruined by the absolutely sadistic yet failed builder mafia and Sindh Police .
God Save the Queen !

Okay now since we are back to the Jamshed town and its notorious builder mafia and cars mafia and sindh police . lets talk about KBW road . Every year for the past dacade or two it has been a regular happening that from the first of rabi ul Awwal the middle islands of the KBW road were illuminated with white and green lights every night from sunset till dawn . This year instead of the lights not being installed even the poles were removed and are lying on the middle islands must be clearly visible in street view on the satellite  image . I believe they were expecting me to mention it in my previous blog and when i did not mention it . They brought some new poles and placed them horizontally with the old uprooted poles of BTCL . and day later they even started painting it Silver ?
Han Silver !!
Okay this story will or must be updated next week when the work is finished or if the work is finished of course its a never ending story so may be next Rabi ul Awwal would be much better . Okay then its Zuhr time in the wall mounted clock gifted by my dear brother and his nuclear family on their recent visit which is one of the best  gift of all and probably the most used by me as not only i am time and temperature freak my self i try to confuse others as well .

Okay so now i have reached the second thousand words mark easily on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 86 so i can take a Zuhr prayer break take a daily shower and go for the Winter Sunny Walk to the mosque and back . Does anybody need anything from the market ? No .
Good ! i like that . Can't take orders for take away because i am not very sure if the shops and restaurants will be open or not today , Anyways its time for the break with a prayer for my dearly Departed Parents

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

12:34 pm Break ( 2185 words )

2:39 pm Okay i am back from the winter Sunny Walk , the Zuhr namaz ba jamaat and the combined funeral of two perfect strangers . Mr Usman and MS Jahan
Both Adult Muslims and dead RIP .
This is the second time this has happened to me during the winter Sunny Walk and trust me it was so hot that i was sweating on reaching the mosque two minutes late because of the shalwar handing over to my sleeping sister and searching for my shopping elder brother who i am told was just a minute late as i left Anyways i could have walked a little faster but then i would be sweating more on arrival anyways so after two raka'ats the prayer call begin and people got up and it begin to feel like i was standing in the way and praying without a sign post or a fence in between me praying and the people walking in front of me . Anyways i joined the namaz ba jamaat soon after i finished my four raka'ats sunnat before zuhr namaz ba jamaat' . After that i joined the funeral prayers of the two perfect strangers the funeral prayer or the janaza prayer was held only once for both mr raees ud din Usman and Ms sarwar or Sarwat jahan not really sure . Our Imam saab narrates the process of this prayer every time and yet i haven't checked it not even once . The Adult muslim prayer dua for the dead in the namaz i remember is longer than the one he reminds so here it is i am going to check it now .

Namaz e Janaza Ka Tarika In Urdu 

I do sincerely hope this link still works after the first year of publishing this my the Sunday Blog # 86 . Anyways its not very difficult to find these day on the internet if you have internet . Some people today are so desperately upset about not have the Facebook and twitter that they don't even care about the vastness of the internet and the World Wide Web . Anyways its my day and i am having the full benefit of this day as they are never gonna throw it back at me again . At least in the near near future .  

So anyways when i entered the gate into the home sweet sweet home empty handed my dear brother asked you did not bring the milk for tea . So this means that i am going for milk again very soon . That is why instead of lying down on the bed and relax i am trying to add a few hundred extra words so that if i am not able to blog again before maghrib i may be relaxed and content that i have a very respectable infact almost depressing the you know who words count on the words counter . 
No my dear brother will complain that i say bad thing about him in this my the Sunday Blog So here is a Reproduce-able evidence that he loves me immensely

So this was the Tea without milk because i forgot to bring the milk And as i was sweating and hot already and then after eating the samosa with tea without milk because i forgot to bring the milk thinking that the shops must be closed or out of stock . I get the shock that every thing is open so i delayed the lunch till after the Maghrib who knows we might have chaapa today as usual . Ok this reminds me that i am out of the family bottle of pepsi or small bottle of coke  so if i go out for milk anytime today i will have to carry a family bottle of pepsi as well . After the sweaty myself coming in today i am not going to believe that phrase " ab sardi aa gaie hai pepsi koi nahien piaay ga hargiz mat lana " google translate - Now the cold has arrived, no one will get Pepsi. "
So i will see the temperature for one more day and then decide about the Winter Sunny Walk . Going for walk in jamshed town karachi is perhaps the best at the Maghrib prayer time in any season except for the very cold and even that can be good very good if you are properly dressed in some warm clothes no no no not those icy hot freezing cold warm clothes that we see some people wearing here the day newspapers and now news channels headlines " Karachi mein sakht sardi per gaie logon ne garm kapray nikal liay - Google translate - In Karachi, cold winter people got out of warm clothes "


Okay its Asr prayer time for the Prayer Clock followers the rest has  thirty to forty five minutes at least . so its my que i better go and bring the coke and milk and anything else if somebody wants .

So here i take a break with prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

3:49 pm Break (3041 words)

Sun 8th RabiulAwal1439
7:04 pm Good Evening !

Amazing day it was they themselves are the Breaking News ....Welcome Back Nadia !

Okay so now its less than an hour before AyeshaGul last episode of the weekend All three weekend turkish dubbed soaps have been good this weekend . And now to the last episode of the weekend Just like Jan Mart the famous mr Can taken  more popular in pakistan as jan taken is not easily giving up Ayesha Gul and so is miss elif giving up jan and murad is giving up ayesha gul and so on and so forth.....

Breaking News ! Ladies and Gentlemen we are now taking you live to the tariq road market updates ......Empty chicken racks in the poultry shops is being reported ....Jazak Allah !

Okay back to our normal Sunday Blogging ....! after this

 Okay so where were we before the break never mind this is the first tweet i like after a very long read it carefully ....

News, / *Karachi: Maleer Kala Bord Per Muzahrin Ne Ali Turk Ko Augh Lgadi, - Google translate-The protesters on the Malar-Cola Board planted Turks,

Much better now !! LOL
So i may move to the movies of the week now how much time do i have . You heard the final Azan of Isha Prayer in town so there must be less than fifteen minutes to go and then the shuting down and copy and paste time and the go grab a drink or tea time so about ten minutes at max can i do justice in that time there are more movies this week then recent weeks and sunday Blogs . Okay then i will continue after the Ayeshagul break .

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

7:56 pm Break ( 3357 words)

9:29 pm Okay no Chaapa today Anyways i am eating snacks and tea because my body temperature is already hot and i am feeling very drowsy with over two and a half hour to go before the the mid night . This is what is waiting for me just in case i change my mind at any time before or after the mid night tonight that is before the end of this my the Sunday Blog # 86 or after the end of this my the Sunday Blog # 86 .

 So now i move on to the movies of the week

Half Girlfriend (2017)Half Girlfriend Poster

Daddy (2017)Daddy Poster

Jagga Jasoos (2017)Jagga Jasoos Poster

Tubelight (2017)Tubelight Poster

Rangoon (2017)Rangoon Poster

Okay so i have no idea if it was a bad omen or a good luck sign that i get to watch all Turkeys this happy Thanksgiving week . Yes All turkeys with a plus minus star . Daddy was the greatest disappointment is there any struggling actor left to work on the same Mumbai dirty politics story No okay lets move ahead . Wow no english movie only English name movies ...Haven't watched the ending of the Jagga jasoos so there is a one time torture left to bear some time soon . 

Okay the internet is slowing down so i better start the demi ending and finish this my the Sunday Blog # 86 first and then do what ever i want to . It is still very tempting to try and add at least a thousand words more to this my the Sunday Blog # 86 but once again this is the point in time when we are were at the nowhere . Meaning that as the events unfold and goes exactly the other way around then this my the Sunday Blog # 86 will automatically become pointless waste of time and energy and if what i suggest happened then people wont even accept this blog existed or may be try to have it removed from the Non Chinese information Super Highway where anything goes on the internet Stays on the internet .

So How come The people of Pakistan lost a day of Internet ? Nobody knows Nobody can . No body will .

All we can do is make sure that the present or the next Government of Pakistan or the Party in power with a majority in both houses of the majestic Parliament of Pakistan abolish the NRO of saab musharraf with majority of legislative votes in the parliament just like the law makers of the Current parliament are doing day and night over looking Such important matters which effects the life and living of the people of Pakistan and their religion and culture .

Okay now lets move on to quetta and the question today is Why sariab road of quetta gets most of the Morning Blasts 

Must be the police training camp behind all this morning blasts . Okay problem solved now to the next question
Okay now the final hour begins....

This must be one of my favorite Sunday Blogs for many many months and years to come . I had enough time , relaxed mind and abundant free flowing positive thoughts and topics to go on and on and on for hundred and hundreds of words

I accepted the facts and let the fiction go on a wild . And that is why The World around me that was coming to an end in so many weird ways than just one at the beginning of this my the Sunday Blog # 86  came back to me step by step bit by bit . And now i can proudly Boast ....
Okay there is still over half an hour to go and the word counter is racing fast towards the four thousand words mark and in no time whether i like it or not and whether i want it or not will go over the four thousand words mark. Yep it just happened . So for all the thoughts that i saved this week i will try to touch next week in the next Sunday Blog and maybe i will be able to do justice much better then i could have possibly done today as i was not really sure until it hear it from you know who .....Wúlùn rúhé
Okay now its time to go and bring a favourite song from the youtube . It was a very difficult time when they blocked the youtube in Pakistan many fellow social media people tried many different ways and means to by pass that ban and blockade some worked temporary some worked longer but it was not the permanent solution to the problem then finally the youtube themselves came up with this localized version of youtube by the name of youtube pk  since then our lives have become much easier . and we don't have to use all those proxy indirections LOL

Okay So now i finally end this my the Sunday Blog # 86 hoping that this farce will not be repeated ever again and all those responsible will be fired Insha Allah  until next week end i leave you all with one of my all time very favorite hind movie song Enjoy and don't panic no matter what .

Shàngdì bǎoyòu měiguó 

Jaadu Teri Nazar - Full Song HD | Darr | Shah Rukh Khan | Juhi Chawla

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