
Sunday 19 November 2017

The Sunday Blog #85

Today is the Sunday 19th of November 2017 the 29th of Safar 1439 till the Sunset (5:43 pm Karachi) And this is my the Sunday Blog # 85 .

Okay so this is the First Sunday Blog of the Winter Season 2017-18 . The Weather sites says that its about 20 °C at the moment here in Jamshed town Karachi , Most of the clock thermometers on the walls in my house says 25°C . While here in this room which is right next to the kitchen the clock thermometer reads 27°C And without cooling or fan on i am easily able to sit here . My forehead is a little sweaty but the feet are quite normal not cold or sweaty . Tonight i am very over fed and there is still some meal waiting for me hot that i refused to eat because i had to begin a Sunday Blog at mid-night .

Life is tough and there is no escape because the main gate is blocked by a dozen Gunmen who came with the visitors of some neighbour ironically they were also eating at the gate just before mid night when i last saw outside . If only the street light at our pole was working tonight i would have tried to take a picture without the flash . It is not very prudent to take a picture of a dozen Sindh police Rifles at or near the mid night with flash from a dark side . By the Way Thanks For the First Hover Board . I believe i briefly mentioned it in the Sunday Blog #79 very briefly ...(9:14 pm Okay so here i am eating and drinking feasting while the parosanhood is being secured by toddlers playing riding bicycles , tricycles . the security agency has not yet given them hover boards shame shame shame . lol)

So When are we getting a driver less car ? LOL
But what is more important is Why does it have to be so small and smaller than a Mini austin . Okay who don't remember a mini Austin or Steve Austin Interesting if you google Steve Austin now in November 2017 your search result will give you the Stone Cold Steve Austin there is absolutely no chance of getting the The Real Steve unless you mention Six Million dollars .

That is how fast the American Idols and Icons change Okay never mind So what i was saying was that most of the driver less designs that i have studied so far are so small that it will be too scary for anybody to sit and trust the digital systems inside . What if it overturns or has a malfunction in the electronic system or somebody hits it from the behind . Well i am not suggesting anything i am just trying to learn .  Maybe they are working on a uniformity and compactness . Okay fine but can you please hurry up i haven't got the whole half century now . I am already very Hermitish or hermitic or whatever ......

Okay i am very drowsy now so i need to take a break ... no no i am not falling asleep so soon don't worry . I will be back hopefully .
1:47 am Break ( 514 words)

2:49 am Oh wow don't know where the previous hour went . Did not eat much just a cup or two of tea and some masala peanuts and a very small cadbury dairy milk chocolate . Strange because eating both things together tastes and smell very different they usually do alone . Anyways .

So the week went away just like the last hour . I didn't realise that its really gone until friday . My greed corrupted the tab memory and shut it off so for two day and nights i was not able to watch a movie or play the games .

Okay i am too sleepy and i am very sure that i cannot go on doing this my the Sunday Blog # 85 . So I believe that this is it yes i will try to wake up and continue but if i am not able to i am sure everybody will easily understand .If only i was allowed to go on right now i would have explained how beautiful the Winter Night sky is tonight and the Orion stars were just above my head when i went out to hunt for water during the break . Orion Stars Constellation is one of my very favorite constellation in the night sky and especially the winter night sky . No i cannot go on any longer
 So with the Prayer for my dearly Departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

i take this break . Good Night !

3:18 am Break ( 780 words)

7:23 am Good Morning ! Here is the first tweet of the day

Sun 29th Safar1439
So i woke up at seven sharp before that a brief pause at five in the morning the weather is not very cold or chilly this morning or maybe i am not feeling it because i am wearing a cardigan and before that i was in a quilt filled with cotton and having tea

It is amazing here in Karachi we call winter and feel cold when there is chilly wind without it there is always high temperature and the Burning Sun especially those who work outside or travel a lot during the day time .

So here we are to the beginning of the season and the count down to a number of different holidays and important events . Here in my Jamshed Town the Islamic date of twelveth of Rabi ul Awwal that is the twelveth day of the third month of the islamic calender is celebrated as the Eid-e-Milad un Nabi SAW . The Birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him day . People decorate their houses with colorful lights and offer fateha and niaz on food and sweets . Some rich people and families also organize quran recital and Naat milad functions not just on the twelveth of the rabi ul Awwal but throughout the month of rabi ul awwal beginning from the first of rabiul awwal to the very end and beyond . In my child hood people of Jamshed town were not as rich as they are now so there were two school of thought . One celebrated holiday with their money and the other with donations and government fundings like every govenment school in jamshedtown and specially the girls school use to have milad functions held very regularly which had to be attended by every school of thought regarding the celebrating and regardless  Not to mention the American and British divide . These days the schools of thought against it are very much under pressure because their children and followers don't understand the benefits of government funding and government schools . They believe and love green and avoid the yellow . I am so surprised that how they tolerate the yellow Chicken Biryani on such a green and refreshing happy Occasion Maybe its just a matter of time when the food pundits innovate and Shan markets its Green Biryani And Green Hara masala for every food dish on the table .
Okay all this food and festive biryani and sweet talk has made me hungry and drooling so i go look if there is any breakfast possible or maybe i go out and get some . Can't say anything sitting here . So i take a break here .

8:32 am Break ( 1233 words)

9:20 am Have no idea where the time went in the past hour but it sure was fruit i mean breakfast full. here let me first upload a few pictures of what i head for breakfast just now 
For American kids not particularly vegan in a British dar ul Herb , this is the perhaps "THE" closest to a halwa Puri Nashta ...LOL
I am feeling too hot now so i have to get out of the second hand british garb be back soon .

9:29 am Break ( 1318 words )

10 : 19 am Yesterday the firefox auto updated my previous browser to Firefox Quantum So it is taking time to adjust to this new and unfamiliar terrain the colors and shapes of things
okay that reminds me that Dr Aamir Liaqat quits Bol .....Good Lord what is BOL going to do without him ? I am sure they may have hired Weinstein already if Mr Trump refused . LOL
Anyways expected the Miss India is now the NEW and fresh Miss World 2017 . Crowned Only Last Night Congratulations MS Manushi Chhillar 
And this brings us to the question of the year ...Distance from Haryana to New Delhi how many miles and kilometers, how far is it from Haryana to New Delhi travel distance.
Okay its the fish wala cry outside at 10:40 am So i better stop having fun alone and do something less narcissistic for a Chhilar...i mean Change ...LOL

10:42 am Break ( 1469words)

1:42 pm So i had a very relax afternoon sleep No i fall asleep before noon yes it was around eleven am when i just switched off the computer and fall asleep and woke up with the Zuhr Azan . he Sindh Police car washing plant is now shut down for the day but for the I'll be Back esta lavista sign they have left a broken grey chair on our kerb near the door so may not get any wild ideas or let loose . By the way usually the white ones plastic plant chairs break the one leg or two side legs here two front legs are broken after all this is the Sindh Police . Con't live with them Con't Live . See i am keeping up to my promise and the resolve by not talking about the Parosans and neighbours at all . But sindh police is different Who knows when i might win another scholarship from the Hogwarts
By the way my hopes and Aspirations of getting into Lincoln inn or Cambridge is now absolutely over finished no chance at all Gone Past vanished into thin air with no hope at all of ever and ever ....

Okay before i go on the next facebook meet up and lunch here is the Wasiq1Wise

Old And Dying people with Suicidal tendency does not have to Blow up they could just fall . 

Wasiq1Wise : 104

I really thought this was not really ready but Since i am too relaxed today i don't mind something not very perfect just like most bakery in jamshedtown gives me two size paties sometimes just to say that calm down every thing is ok. And Often i believe them because most of the time our causes are very different they don't care about mine and i don't give a dime about theirs . Simple .
By the way the  collective size and probably weight as well of both is mostly equal to the two of a similar size and weight so it makes no difference to me at all . I usually leave the bigger one for my elders and take the extra with the smaller . Never deny the justice here in Jamshed Town ....Never !

OKay with a deep breath .

So here is what is cooking for the Lunch today

Now the problem is that if i eat this heavy stuff now i might fall asleep again today its not just the eating that is causing the drowsiness and making me fall asleep it is the cool and quiet ambiance and weather that must be the main reason behind it So Anyways i have to go and check out what the gang is doing in the lunch time before they shut off my cable net .

2:28 pm Break ( 1924 Words)

3:27 pm Okay so i had the lunch despite the worry that i might fall asleep after eating .

Okay i have eaten the vegetable chicken soup many times before and the double prize half size Naan and kulcha  few times But honestly i don't remember eating a Chuqandar (Beet root) Chicken Qorma before ever .

So as they say in most parts of Punjab east west north and Delhi ...Gunha saawab sub bhai kay zimmay . Amen ! گنہہ ثواب بھائی کی ذمہ Guilt reward brothers responsibility ....

Half of my Half Life i had to eat the beneficial spices in cooking thanks to the Mrs Tariq Gang of Cooking experts on multiple cooking and news and entertainment channels of the Seth Choona wala or whatever and now the remaining time left i may have to eat this type of food where the cook start something and after multiple recipes and youtube videos especially from the across the border the end result is in front of you .
Our cooking expert in the morning was cooking shaljam gosht and chicken soup . I can see that the gosht meat is still in the fridge un cooked and the chicken soup or yakhni is shaljam chuqander chicken soup while the other dish smells and taste like the chicken qorma with chuqander ( Beet root)

God Bless America !

Amen !

3:57 pm Break ( 2146words)

4:52 pm Okay i had a bath and put on everything and more again had tea and walked to and fro and finally i decided to use this final hour before the Sunset and maghrib to get out of the very low infact the lowest of the Sunday Blog in recent times of five thousand words average . Still if i try harder today i might get as far as the four thousand and a half thousand words on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog #85 . But today i am not trying very hard or am very desperate . I want to know if and how i could do in a very relaxed mood and with regular breaks and all . Anyways . Today i am not required to go out to shop for any thing as i did most of the shopping yesterday and the rest of the shopping for the non essential things a day before . Also accompanied my dear sister to tariq road and she also shopped so we may not need anything from the market today or tomorrow . Wanted to go the Mosque with the ground so to witness the rabiul awwal moon myself it will be 1;1 % for about 40 minutes after the Maghrib prayer not really sure about the angles and altitudes and all

But i am not sure if i will be able to survive the weapons of mass destruction the flu virus so i better stay and let this week pass quietly regardless of Sindh police being police police ....kal sey nahein aaj sey ....!

Okay the net is off so i have to go and turn it on again and grab a cup of tea as well on my way back .

oh no Something tells me that the food pictures were not final and there is more to come Anyways . So That is final i am not going out tonight . Even though the fresh air and the walk and the karhi jams may subdue the Shal jams LOL

Oh no gate bell ringing as well as Walls Ice cream . Is it a chaapa or the kids for balls . Sounds like the neighbours armed Armed Guard .
Ahhh wrong number ... Anyways

With this ring i have crossed the two thousand and five hundred words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 85 .
I am so Sorry a lot of my fans will be very disappointed today because i have no time for their stories. I am too relaxed and in the festive mood that this pushing and shoving may not distract me at all . In fact it might give me a new hope to look forward to in the coming weeks and in the new year .
Okay The best thing about this past week was that i finally found out the answer of "THE" question ...

Akhir khattappa ney Baahubali ko keun mara ???
Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !

Okay now the maghrib break with a prayers for my dearly departed parents

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

5:36 am Break ( 2673 words)

Sun 1st Rabi ul Awwal 1439
7:19 pm Good Evening and a very mubarak rabi ul Awwal to All
Yes the rumour is that Rabi ul Awwal  ربیع الاول
moon has been sighted So friday it is yes !
So its almost 7: 30 pm and the Isha azans are already underway . I also have only half hour left before the ayeshagul the turkish soap serial dubbed in Urdu last episode of this weekend . All three turkish Soaps serials dubbed in urdu, that i watch did very well this weekend . So after this last episode it will be back to watching movies or playing online games business as usual . By the way the over excited guard just quit as he had a maa ka phone ....

No wonder he was keeping the line busy and making sure that everybody in the neighbourhood can vouch for him just like Baji Maryam creating soft corners for her Abba with this tweet picture
yes can you believe Baji Maryam  ....And here in Jamshed town majority of the people believe that it was only The Brother Shabaz Sharif who sent him into exile the last time ....
Okay i am not taking part in this family ties . I only want the price of egg to remain in control especially during the winters That 's it not else nothing at all .

Okay the Dinner is ready with or without a Chaapa today
Yes its awesome . both look and taste .

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

Okay  its time for break .

8:00 pm Break (  2947 Words)

9:41 pm Wow amazing episode of AyeshaGul followed by dinner and Airshow of Emirates with full lights on . Sorry the Mobile was on charging . Better Luck Next time . So Somebody is playing full volume Naat and Qawwali . But the most interesting thing is that Damat brakatahum is wearing blue overall in live transmission .
oh and the top of twitter trend right now is ofcourse the

Trends for you

  Change trend settings
Okay the builder mafia snatches one more away from the poor people of Karachi Well Done .
Okay its 10 pm and i am no way near the five thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 85 so i should feel lucky that i can relax more than i am already and keep on going the same pace or maybe even slower and see if i even make it to the four thousand words mark as well today . But even if i don't what difference does it makes None at all . Not to me not to anybody else so lets chill and enjoy this day and this my the Sunday Blog # 85 .

Well i may have not eaten a whole lot of the above pulao but i have eaten enough to make me drowsy very soon and this qawwali atmosphere in the neighbourhood is also making me drowsy i don't think i may be able to keep going on and on as if nothing as happened . The two soundcloud i have embedded in this blog start every time i up date or change from compose to HTML code page it is my only hope of survival today to remain cool and calm and awake till the very end . So as the hour has passed since i ate the hot pulao now the body temperature is again getting back to normal so now i have three options to go and bring something hot to drink like tea or yakhni or grab another plate of hot pulao or put on something like the sweater . when the third option seems very logical doesn't it ? yes so here i get up and get on .
yes with the sweater i also put on the cap and grabbed few masala peanuts as well . it took less than a minute and i am back on track . Now again the temperature begins to rise so i begin to feel over dressed and dry mouthed . all this happening in less than two minutes . See every actions has an equal and opposite reaction . Okay this reminds me of the movie i downloaded  Newton 2017 this week which corrupted the SD memory and made me loose two valuable day the first two of the week. Still i thought that i moved some part of movie file somewhere in the computer and now i can not find it any where . how is that possible this is a very strange thing usually never happens to me . No not that i don't lose files in the memory it happens all the time . sometimes when i and transferring the pictures and video from the SD card to the computer it suddenly says image or video folder already exists and wipes out the folder in the card .  Disgusting it is So now i have to be very careful during the transfer and have to save it somewhere online or change the folder names on either the SD card or the computer folder . Sometime still things like this happens because my mind is on something else or i am in a hurry or if i have no followed the procedure for quite some time recently . Anyways This new phone does not have the SD card memory at all . So now there is very little chance of me losing some data during the files transfer.

The Final Hour is about to begin the Music players has stopped its a very quiet silent night very few cars and motor bikes are sounding on the street near and far . Even the Air Show has stopped . how is that even possible i cannot understand . But it is true . So anyways i had a very good Sunday Today and thoroughly enjoyed doing this my the Sunday Blog # 85 . Especially the guard reminding me that my mobile phone is switch off just in case my pe-ars try to contact me . LOL
Wouldn't it be much better if some one tries to remind me of how many times if and ever i have misused a mobile Phone ever since i have a mobile phone . Funny isn't it that instead of them being able to make me restless and disturbed through a mobile phone prank calls and unnecessary spamming messages they are disturbed by my turning it off . This time i am not even giving a flight mode option to the phone server . To hell with it !

Okay the more i play the farmville 2 country escape the more i did not get time to watch the movies but the real reason for my only watching two new movies is that there were no new or unwatched movies for me to watch the torrent stuck and the cable showed all old re runs and since the Christmas and new years is on its way coming very fast some very popular older ones were on the play list of all movies channels and cable channels  like the Home Alone series , and monkey movie . Its not that i don't love them or cannot watch them again and again every year this season the thing is that i cannot watch any movie old or new with uncontrolled  advertisement they usually breaks the rhythm and tempo of the movie. Takes the fun out of the continuity and kills the fun . So if there is no fun at all there cannot be entertainment or education it only feels like they are giving some message to someone not sure who because most of the time it cannot be me at all . Obviously i am not that crazy , narcissistic may be but not that crazy at all .

okay so now to the movies of the week

Baahubali 2: The Conclusion (2017)Baahubali 2: The Conclusion Poster

Judwaa 2 (2017)Judwaa 2 Poster

okay i don't remember judwaa the original but this one is surely a turkey for the happy thanksgiving still don't want to break hearts in this season so it gets a 4 star rating .

Baahubali 2 the conclusion is much better and also delivers me from the ignorance of not knowing the answer to ....Ahkir keun khattapa ne mara baahubali ko ....LOL

In the farmville i have made some very important changes and decisions this week i gave up the race for the guest turkey on both farms . decided to keep the second farm at a very slow pace with just farming more and more two to three days a week and leave the rest for the main farm . here are some of the glimpse of both farms taken on saturday

Okay so it is the time to end this my The Sunday Blog # 85

I believe i don't have to say anything about this song and honestly i don't know the singer just picked this song on random because i love it too much always have always will insha Allah . Stay safe have a great week Allah Hafiz !

In Aankhon Ki Masti - Full Cover Song By Soujanya Madabhushi

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