
Sunday 23 July 2017

The Sunday Blog # 68

Today is the 23rd of July 2017 the 28th of Shawwal 1438 til the Sunset ( 7:21 pm )  and this is my the Sunday Blog # 68 .

 This past week has been one of the most intereting weeks in the past 67 week since i begin this my the Sunday Blogs . After MQM and its terror the Sharif Family seems to be at the verge of being banished for life . Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting, living room and indoor So finally the future of Pakistan seems to be bright without daag or bahu . Honestly i have no idea why barefeet and pregnant is so important to the British economy  But anyways Glad that the Supreme Court Of Pakistan and the Honorable justice have made a decision . The People of Pakistan have already started stocking up . The Local Super Store had extra line up of American Chocolates on the counter . The Price of Family bottle of Coke is increased by rupees ten . The price of tomatoes have gone down and the price of egg ....well i did not buy any eggs today so i am not sure about them but soon after the monsoon the price of egg may come down as well .

So the Million dollar question tonight is that Should Mr Nawaz Sharif  1/4 , 2/4 , 3/4 Prime Minister of Pakistan resign or not ? Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting, table and indoor

Since the Decision is already made by the judges of the Supreme Court of Pakistan and the Army is ready and willing to handle any situation from across the border . Then personally i don't think it is necessary at all at this point . No matter what ever is the decision of the Court Mr Nawaz Sharif or any member of his family especially Baji Maryam calibri will be invited to the sworn in ceremony of the next Prime Minister of Pakistan . By the Way the blogger fonts lists still does not includes the said font interesting isn't it ? No automatic alt text available.

1:03 am Break ( 306 words )

1:40 am Image may contain: food

" When there is rampant corruption in a country how can the investment or charity help the people ? " 

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standingObviously it cannot . 

And that is where the difference between the peole of poor state and the Educted people of the poor state comes into play . By playing the Patriotic card right most corrupt leaders keep the poor people at the short end of the stick. But as they say the British cannot fool all the people all the time . No Body in the World has the time to study the budget of a trillion or more and worse it is absolutely impossible to track every single billion or few odd millions . But Any body even if he is a nobody like myself can see that Millions of dollars have gone in waste in many mega projects that are of no possible reach of the ordinary people of the country and yet their basic necessities are regularly ignored . Even though sometimes when people love and respect their leaders or out of share competetion with the rival leaders supports their leaders vision blindly hoping that it may well materialize some day . Especially the greedy ones often fall prey to fantasies much easier . Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

politics is the last resort of a scoundrel 

interesting  isn't it that Politics it is that save a nation from the Patriotism of a Scoundrel ....Aaauuu !!Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and indoor

2:35 am Break ( 534 words) 

5:43 am Good Morning !
I can't believe i fall asleep after this and then woke up before sunrise just in time for the fajr namaz . Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !
Image may contain: food

May the Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed Parents and may their Souls  rest in peace in heaven Amen !

First tweet of the day

Sun 28th Shawal 1438
Half Up for fajr before Sunrise 5:56 am having tea now trying to gather all strength to go bring puri breakfast

Okay the weather is still the same here no rain no drizzle just clouds going from here and there looking busing as if jesus is coming ha ha ! Karachi weather has gone from bad to worse . its awesome one day and the very next day it is killing . Heats up a few days and then come the down pour and then again it is killing . Life is not very easy for the people living here in this the most dangerous city of the World . Going out in this hot and humid weather and being stuck in a traffic jam or in a over crowded queue at work or shop is sometime unexplanable if its normal routine for the rest of our lives or we may some day see a new dawn . Most people have given up already and are becoming deadly depressed or almost suicidal , Either way they stop being careful about their life and health . Almost Eighty percent of the people here eat junk food or the food that is not good for their health from unclean and unhygienic food outlets and takeaways . Specially the working women and their families are the worst effected . Women with children and growing up kids whether they are working or housewives have to also follow the same eating habits and preferences because they cannot ignore the trends what other people do in this city in their neighbourhoods and families . So first because of the weather and second because of the eating bad habits the number of Happy and healthy people is decreasing every day . So the people of karachi are either very thin and pale or they are obese and grossly fat or overweight. Less than one percent of the ugly population of karachi has the opportunity and the will to go to gyms and exercise regularly . Mostly the sports and showbiz media people do it . Especially the ones who have to appear on camera or update their social media profiles to stay on top of things and look better than their pe-ers . Recently i was not just amazed but shocked to see one of my very favorite show host , model and actress slim and thin as she used to be at the beginning of her career in my teens actually we are about the same age group . So when ever i see a sudden makeover like that here in this most dangerous city of the world and after the shock part is over i usually feel concerned as to what might be the real reason behind this back to the past present . Most Show biz people often get deadly disease and uncurable illness and that causes the sudden weight loss and sometimes even hair and eyebrow loss . Fear may also be a very firm reason behind loss of appetite and loss of weight which further results in the detoriating health and physical apperence and mental depression . It is interesting that even if you don't have any serious health issues or deadly illness , mental depression and malnutrition are very very co-related . Again the loss of appetite and eating unhealthy unhygienic food irregularly will eventually result in thin lean ugly body causing even more depression to further escalate the cycle . So what i am trying to say is that this the most dangerous city in the world can neither have the look and feel of a planned modern city and neither its people can appear happy and healthy in the next ten years . So as they say the first ten will be difficult then you will get use to it . LOLImage may contain: 9 people

7:02 am Break ( 1217 Words)

1:48 pm Had a very long power breakdown ended just now as i was thinking of going for the Zuhr namaz at mosque . Changed my mind and jumped on and started doing this my the Sunday Blog # 68 without wasting an moment .
The Power was gone when i returned from the walk with the puri breakfast so my guess is that some chinese parosan that i did not know off must have seen me passing in front of her house on the CCTV /dvr with the puri halwa shopper . Anyways we did breakfast and then i fell asleep again in the cool breeze outside . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: people sitting and foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodv

My dear siblings not "me" have been served with an execution Notice by the TCS this week in relation to the high seas crime i mention in the previous this my the sunday Blog #67 so this is probably the last halwa puri Sunday Breakfast also i am going on a third forty day sabbatical of the year till the Eid so this is definitely the last Sunday Morning Breakfast during this my the Sunday Blog # 68 . Next Sunday i will probably have a cordless ( no taar no lard ) chicken pastry or boiled egg .... LOL


So its time for the zuhr namaz and lunch break . i will be back soon with more interesting news about the recent changes in the planet whitehouse after the spacer and also Mr O J Simpson's payroll How when and who the hell he is ? and whether he should do his payroll time in the free state of nevada desert or should he be allowed to go to the florida and live happily ever after and let justice prevail !!

2:25 pm Break (1502 words)

4:15 pm The net was too slow so i had very much difficulty in updating this my the Sunday blog # 68. Even the draft of this my the Sunday blog # 68 was not saving so i was about to give up and watch the wiggan wali sarkar choosing sides with the remains of the day . Unfortunately he suddenly developed a back bone strain so he delayed the flight . By the way here in jamshed town my home town both sindh and punjab police are on a wait and watch mode and the army is in full control and relaxed business is usual . The People are happy and watching the news and media circus . traffic flow is less then usual . shopping even less . Internet is slow means everybody is using it in the neighbourhood . Data net also jammed or slow means mobile activity is on the extreme . So the foreign investors and multi nationals must be very glad making dollars . Sweet shops are over crowded not because of that reason but because people crave for more after watching the silly annalysis of our stereo type tv anchores and experts . I myself thorougly enjoyed the moto gangs lawyer mr raja on every major news channels yesterday all day . His gel comb hair remained flawless as well as his narative .  Clap clap .

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Yes this was the lunch that i did not eat as i was feeling very heavy after that halwa puri sunday breakfast . Also because the new Ziqad Moon ( 2:45 pm ) was in the making which is now about 0.1 % waxing crescent and tomorrow by sunset at 7:20 pm will be about 1.3 % waxing and over twenty four hours old could be sighted . So this means that My dearly departed Papa's (May his soul rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !) tenth death anniversary according to the lunar islamic calender is about a month away while according to the other calender its more than four months away. in just ten years we have a difference of more than four months . so in the next twenty years or less we may have the date on the same day or the same week according to both calenders . If  Papa ( May his soul rest in peace in heaven Amen !) had Survived and lived he would have been ninety . The chances of that were very slim . Sadly there has not been any real or revolutionary advancement , improvement or innovation in the field of health and his illness in the past ten years that may make me regret like he use to about the untimely death of his dear father and brother , because of which he always try to avoid the hospitals and learned a lot of alternate medicine and method of home treatments through books and learned experts in various fields and made friends with them . He always seemed so happy and healthy and was never admitted in a hospital if my memory serves me right until the last five years of his life . And even after the first hospitalization he tried self help and remained alive and chalta phirta it was quite amazing . And the way the hospitals treat patients these day in this the most dangerous city of the world it is better to die in the ambulence in a traffic jam on the way to a hospital then to reach there and be tortured both physically and mentally and if survive be left to live almost handicapped and horrified also in debt if you cannot afford the expensive treatment they force on you whether it is necessary or not . Hopefully this hell makes the way to heaven easier for all the patients Amen ! Image may contain: 1 person, standing and indoor

5:28 pm Break ( 2107 words )

6:53 pm So less then half an hour left for sunset and maghrib and i was having tea and biscuits so i thought to add a few lines to this my the Sunday Blog # 68 Which is today going very slow because of the power and net troubles which was beyond my powers . Even though somebody kept reminding me that i can continue in the document as draft and then add later or even later later as in tomorrow or when ever . Now the thing is that yes i can and i will . Because the way things are going i don't even for a moment believe that life of a Sunday Blogger can ever be easy . Right now i am so lucky to have been left alone with a peace of mind to do this my the sunday Blog but if some day somebody put a reward or a wager  and made it a competetion then imagine how my life will change . I would be getting un refuseable invites from not only near and far in my home town and the most dangerous city of the world karachi , but they may be coming from all over the outside world . In the past three years since my dearly departed Ammi ( may her soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen !) paased away i stopped going to weddings and birthdays infact i had stopped going to weddings and birthdays and all other kinds of parties after my dearly departed Papa ( may his soul rest in peace in Heaven  Amen !) died some ten years ago . only attended the very few and some funerals . Stopped going to the funerals as well after Ammi ( may her soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen !) and luckily there were not many funerals in both the maternal as well as paternal family . And since most of the maternal and paternal family lives abroad so there was not a chance of a destination funeral that i might have to attend or somebody may object to if i don't bother to attend . But now things can change and maybe just to give me a wider perspective about the world and the places that i have only seen on the internet or television i could be under pressure to attend the destination funerals . Then i could be forced to do this my the sunday blog from a window seat of a airbus and who knows may be ....... God Forebid . So i think that i should not fly so high and just take a break and go for the Maghrib Namaz and pray to the dear All Mighty Allah to save me from all such competetions and destination funeral and let me enjoy the privacy of my home and the surround of my Home town and the Halwa Puri courtesy of the Punjab police and regiments . Amen !

7:19 pm Break (2582 words)

29th Shawwal 1438
8:17 pm 
Good Evening ! 

Okay So the very brilliant strategy almost worked today of going out and bring halwa puri . It did relax my sister and she was not hell bound to keep cooking all day Even though she did cook and her intentions were very clearly known when just a little later then mid night this morning when i had just started thiss my the Sunday Blog # 68 she ignited the Oven in the kitchen which is just a wall away from where i was last night . Honestly this is not the season or the weather for home baking and bar be ques especially when this things are so easily available all over jamshed town and the most dangerous city of the world karachi courtesy of the metropolitan police . Anyways i cannot blame some people for trying their luck at home cooking and especially baking and Bar be ques in this hot and humid monsoon weather of karachi . infact i might even encourage them because even i am sometimes too depressed to go out to the nearest bakery and barbeque to bring food for lunch or dinner or any other meal of the day and night . 

So without much further ado which may be taken as some form of sarcasm instead of thankfullness for not making me to go out and bring takeaway or worse telling me to order in , hate it as they ask so many un necessary question such that a ten minutes call makes you realize how your primary teachers felt when you return the answer sheets without filling in the blanks . Well anyways so here is what we have for dinner which i will try to avoid eating till the very end of this my the Sunday Blog # 68 tonight till mid night . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: drink and food

This dish is called qeema bharey karelay which is  minced meat ( beef) filled bitter gourd fry 

Momordica charantia - Wikipedia

Momordica charantia, known as bitter melonbitter gourdbitter squash, or balsam-pear, is a tropical and subtropical vine of the family Cucurbitaceae, widely grown in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean for its edible fruit. Its many varieties differ substantially in the shape and bitterness of the fruit.

it is also good for Diabetes 

Bitter Melon and Diabetes - Effect on Blood Glucose Levels & Benefits › Treatment › Herbal Remedies

Bitter melon, also known as bitter gourd or karela (in India), is a unique vegetable-fruit that can be used as food or medicine. It is the edible part of the plant Momordica Charantia, which is a vine of the Cucurbitaceae family and is considered the most bitter among all fruits and vegetables.

Follow the above link and learn first hand knowledge without wasting my time . 

So it is time for the Isha Namaz . if i stay here i will miss the last chance of praying in the mosque today . So i will shut down and see if anybody need anything from the market which i seriously doubt that they will tell me now that they know that i am in the middle of some thing very important LOLImage may contain: 1 person, smiling

8: 54 pm Break ( 3105 words) 

10:09 pm Less then two hours to go till the end of this my the sunday Blog # 68 at mid night . 

So the england wins the icc womens worldcup trophy 2017 

..Well obviously we cannot blame Akshay for this final result anyways better luck next time .

okay talking of akshay did i watch any movie this week ? No not this week .

Infact this week i watch very little television as well or fall asleep with television on which i don't believe can be called watching television . Honestly i am still not interested in the outcome or result of the Panama case . But pleased that we found a common interest and an issue of very national importance which is being followed and debated in every drawing room , chat room , political and social gatherings , weddings and funerals . Nawaz sharif has already been sentenced before and ousted from the prime ministership before so this may not be the first time for him and his family . But this time the whole family could be effected as the charges this times are not on him directly or mostly they are more on his family his children and in laws . Sometimes i feel like he himself has done this . It is very possible that he or either of his children or associates became the crown witness and provided all the evidence against those who have been doing the real corruption in his name or using his good office . This practice of using the good office of any government or political or influencial person is very common but most people don't take this step of un earthing and exposing their family and friends because people of pakistan never believes that you your self help the corrupt agencies and authorities to nab the wrong doers who if caught can bring a bad name for you .

This is a very tangled web .

Reserved decision is a legal term. After the hearing of a trial or the argument of a motion a judge might not immediately deliver a decision, but instead take time to review evidence and the law and deliver a decision at a later time, usually in a written form.

It is a more thought out decision compared to ex tempore where a judge hands down a decision of a case soon or right after a hearing.

Reserved Judgment: a judgment that is not given immediately after the conclusion of the hearing or trial. A reserved judgment may be released days, weeks, or even months after the hearing. In the United States, a reserved judgment is sometimes annotated in law reports by the Latin phrase "Cur. adv. vult." or "c.a.v." (Curia advisari vult, "the court wishes to be advised").

In view of the above explanations of the legal term Judgement reserved , I am still sure that it is not the case of Curia advisari vult or CAV  . The Honorable judges of the supreme court knows very well that what ever they release as the judgement will be read by the Paraha likha Punjab and it will further contribute to the very important end of educating the Punjab as well as Sindh and KPK .
Quetta and karachi are already in a jam so chances are that they might ignore the full and final judgement after it is declared in the form of a court order . Hopefully the court order is binding and just . Since it is a political and constitutional matter . Nobody can guarantee that it will be a very popular judgement and effectively implimented . And if god forbid it paves the way for another martials law or anarchy in the country then it could very clearly be remembered in history as one which changed the course of history .

So lets see if the three or five honorable judges of the supreme court of Pakistan were bold enough and learned enough to make a historic judgement in the shortest possible time or did they take more time to come up with a further delay needing more delibrations and counsel from more learned advisors , people more well versed and having sharper wits to not only tackle the difficult situation the country is going through as well as putting an end to the question about the character or the shrewed and corrupt politicians who have not only cheated their electorates but have brought dishonour to the honourable house and the parliament in general and disgraced themselves and their international stature

Anyways we will know the reserved judgement and the names of the people who will be the head of the government of Pakistan untill the next general elections maybe called before time or within the ninety days with an interm government or national or neutral people acceptable by all especially the parties of this most interesting panama scandal case between PMLN and PTI and others .

So it is almost time for me end this most interesting Sunday Blog # 68 almost in the middle of nowhere as all we have today is hope and wish until we get somewhere nothing can either be predicted or professed . I really don't want to among those who would say after the judgement is announced ..See i told you this will happen or that i knew it from the day one ...etc etc.

So with all the best wishes , hopes and prayers for All the people of Pakistan and especially the Armed forces of Pakistan . Have a great week !

This is one of the most amazing of the ghazals this maestro sung even more amazingly . Awesome ! Enjoy ! Peace !

Gulon mein rang bhare - live (Mehdi Hassan)   

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