
Sunday 2 July 2017

The Sunday Blog # 65

Today is the 2nd of July 2017 the 7th of Shawwal 1438 till the Sunset (7:26 pm ) . And this is my the Sunday blog # 65 . So First of All a very very Happy Eid Mubarak to all who survived the Eid ul Fitr Week . Don't know about the restless world But here in My God Forsaken City and Town , Karachi and Jamshed Town in Karachi the festivities of the Happy Eid were marred by a severe heat wave which began fron from the chaand raat the eve of Eid . A very Low pressure monsoon system developed which caused severe heat and humid weather on all three Eid days . A Monsoon season which is much peculier in this asian sub continent of  the south asia causes much heavy rain fall due to the warm oceasn winds colliding with the clouds or whatever from bay of bengal and arabian sea causing heavy rains in this tropical region in these summer months . No automatic alt text available.No automatic alt text available.

Unfortunately Karachi does not have enough rain to go around and brag the uniformity with the rest of the Sub Continent .  So Anyways here i was on the Eid day dressed in my as good as new new dress. Sweating after the electric company switched off the Mosque power to save the wazoo of all the worshipers from dozing off listening to the imam saab's not suiting the occassion sermon or speech . I believe he was trying to irritate somebody so bad that he may pray for rain . Rain makers and Rain making around the world has many different ways and methods . Image may contain: 4 people, meme, beard and text

For example many ancient people dance or beat the drums , some sing and play resonating rain music . Some be  extremely good or bad to lazy animals like a donkey , ass or mule . Image may contain: outdoor

Some really desperate people may also resort to the use of Science and technology and chemicals spray on the clouds
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unfortunately most of these above mentioned tricks and gimmicks don't usually works for karachi because of its geographical location and situation . Karachi is very conveniently located between the Thar desset on the east which further extends to the Rajhistan desert and the kharan desert of balochistan on the west . So despite being a coastal region natural Port Blah Blah Blah ....Karachi is a desert without any scenic beauty or greenery . Rain is Defintely a very disastrous rare occurance for which not even mr Bill Gates or his rich foundation can plan a strategy or prediction chart . Before China cutting ( Organized Crime land Grabbing of govt lands and distributing among the illegal immigrants from outside the city ) and massive influx of IDPs (internally displaced persons forced to leave their native anscestoral lands due to war on terror , operation zarb-e-Azb or floods ) and freedom of Media and social media nobody really cared about rain that much untill the people were warned of drying water reserviors supplying water to karachi and nearby farms . The religious schorlars  and prayer leaders were notified by the government to pray after regular prayers for rain and if that did not work then a special prayers called the namaz-e- istisqa or salaat-e-Istisqa the prescribed prayer for rain was requested . That used to be the Sign that Admiralty or whatever is serious and the rain is finally coming . Now a lot has changed , When people not originally from karachi sees or hears about rain in their native areas they really get jealous and also the humid weather is killing them softly Nostelgia begins to take over reason and senses . And they begin or turn to the rain making tricks and gimmicks .  Image may contain: 1 person, shoes, sky and outdoor

1:57 am Break ( 594 words)

3:03 am
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Ahbab ka toh pata nahein muggar haan meri Piyari Ammi ( may her soul rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !)  Lunch , Dinner and now Supper , i had Mutton Pulao Three times on your 3rd Death Anniversary . Celebrated yet again for the last time this year finally with same religious ferver and Zeal as it was celebrated twice in the month of Ramzan on the second and on the 27th of Ramzan and now on the First of July 2017 . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodNo automatic alt text available.Image may contain: foodImage may contain: food

Okay So as i was saying i was sitting outside the aircondition hall and it must be just five or ten minutes after we arrived at the mosque that both the hot and himid weather begin to intensify and the power shutdown and switching on and off begin . imaam saab requested a small generator should be started so that people could hear him through the loud speakers . The sound quality with the small generators remained bad . Anyways we finished the eid prayers and were less wet then those inside the Airconditioned Hall . Some of them or few of them must have come much earlier then us tich !

Honestly i did not delay the departure for mosque i was there ready to go fifteen minutes earlier . But as they say Honey ko kon taal sakta hai ...Especially if you have altogether avoided the whole month of ramzan and not once been to that place of worship run under canadian law makers supervision . By the Way Happy 150 canada Image may contain: 1 person, text
I will never understand if canada is one of us then how come nobody wants to go their on their own . Always feels like it is the worst of the worst Kala Pani's in the whole #$%^&^@#$%^&* Empire . Okay never mind i was browsing twitter for the much advertised fireworks tonight for the day and look here i found a Neelum muneer imposter Image may contain: 1 person, close-upImage may contain: 1 person, close-up

So talking of the 150 years do you have any idea what  probably sponsored by you know who is celebrating the  #UKPak70  

                                         Did you know ?  Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people sitting, shoes and outdoor

that about seventy years ago a young and bright muslim Nation told them to @#$%  $#@

Now you know very well after seventy years of Consistency there is no other term that could be used here except a ...... ..... 

So this was my Five hundred words story i hope you all loved it .

And talking of stories and fairy tales there has been one talked about these days on few bored television cable channels yes you have guessed it right ...The Contractor

The ContractorHow I Landed in a Pakistani Prison and Ignited a Diplomatic Crisis

Front Cover
BenBella Books, Inc.27-Jun-2017 - Biography & Autobiography - 224 pages

A lot has been written about the time contractor Raymond Davis spent in a Pakistani jail in 2011. Unfortunately, much of it is misleading—or downright false—information. 
Now, the man at the center of the controversy tells his side of the story for the very first time. In The Contractor: How I Landed in a Pakistani Prison and Ignited a Diplomatic Crisis, Davis offers an up-close and personal look at the 2011 incident in Lahore, Pakistan, that led to his imprisonment and the events that took place as diplomats on both sides of the bargaining table scrambled to get him out. 
How did a routine drive turn into front-page news? Davis dissects the incident before taking readers on the same journey he endured while trapped in the Kafkaesque Pakistani legal system. As a veteran security contractor, Davis had come to terms with the prospect of dying long before the January 27, 2011 shooting, but nothing could prepare him for being a political pawn in a game with the highest stakes imaginable. 
An eye-opening memoir, The Contractor takes the veil off Raymond Davis’s story and offers a sober reflection on the true cost of the War on Terror.
« Less

So hopefully someday some british or canadian indian film maker will make a hindi or talegu movie on this memo ayar s saving me from wasting my time trying to search the net for a free copy of the book with a full ending And not just the preview with some pages missing ...

love lov love me like you do ....Image may contain: 1 person, sitting

Okay so its almost the Fajr Time here in karachi and i am still not really done with the eid namaz . So after the Eid prayers we went to the graveyard and believe me it was so hot that morning that i realized buying half a kilo of Masala wali Kachori's will be very difficult this Eid . And Actually standing there offering fateha for my dearly departed Parents ( May their Souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !)  I had lost Bon Appétit already so watching a long queue waiting to buy kachoris on the first day of Eid really amused me . I would call that a gimmick for rain and not a trick but you have the right to differ as it is a free Country . Image may contain: 1 person, close-up

Still it did not rain for the next three days of Eid and i continued to Eat , Sleep and Cricket as the Icc begin the women version of the trophy that Pak Lads snatched from the Indians a week earlier . Thus ending a very long Mauka Mauka drought in this field .
So because of the un precedented heat wave or precipitation without the rain we had no chaapa or very very low number extremely low level of chaapa . really unbelievable . Praiseth the Lord .
Now the thing to over annalyse is that it rained on the same day a year ago 28th june 2016 exactly !

4:45 am Fajr Namaz Break (1523 words )

12:48 pm Good morning !
The Telenor Pakistan has sent the first SMS of the day saying Moaziz Costumer WHT 14%  on recharge is reduced from 1st july 2017 to 12:5 % . On Friday they increased the SmS Bundle to19.5 % . Anyways the first tweet of the day

Sun 7th Shawal1438 32°C Okay its Zuhr time and i must have over slept for an hour or two but still my sleep is not complete Struggling No ☕️

This tweet got 7 impressions accoring to the tweet activity in the first few minutes . Wonder who those freaks are ?

okay so it did not rain and i have been locked here all week except for a very brief outing for the friday prayers and wednesday night after the first monsoon rapid fire Rain . So even though i may be  good with all the monitors but personally i don't feel 100 % and the water and other soft drinks intake has been much more than expected leaving the digestive system in much worse condition than it was before Eid in the month of Ramzan . Despite the Eid and Fateha this week i have contolled the eating but due to the hot and cold , humid & precipitation weather i could not control the water intake . This is definitely making me weak so i believe i have to fight fire with fire and dehydrate the water in the body by more exercise especially walking regardless of the weather outside . So here i go for the Zuhr Prayer and shopping and that way maybe i get over this morning drowsiness as well before i get the drowsiness after eating the left over mutton pulao .

Okay the Power has fluctuated with a visible surge twice already so i must shutdown immediately . Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing

1:36 pm Break ( 1808 words)

2:38 pm yes i am back from the walk . And so thirsty but i am trying to not drink water could finish a large bottle right now . Not eating as well to keep the body temperature down as well . lets see if i can hold on for a few hours when the smell and sounds of heating Mutton pulao and Qorma keeps striking my completely dry and open uncongested nostrils . So Help me God .

At the shop Chaudary saab refused to give me Dawn Paratha and the other night Haji was creating commotion while giving me the Puri Paratha so i wonder who is behind this or why ?
My Guess is that they want me to learn to make Paratha with the Electric Roti Maker or burn trying . Well  I think this ends here .

Okay lets move on now to the Derby CCC where there is Another Mauka Mauka match going on Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing

Sorry  wrong venue that's not derby thats manchester where the you know who is again trying to jog the memories of the surviours of the pre cold war immigrants nope all dead . Praiseth the Lord !

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Okay Best of Luck . No Pressure Enjoy !

3:05 pm Break ( 2004 words)

3: 45 pm Crumbled LOL

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Every time i pick a mango from under the almost dead mango tree i think to myself that this is probably the Last mango i have picked from this mango season and yet again i get to pick a mango this has been going on and on since past few weeks . Just now i saw the other mango trees in the neighbourhood on my way back from the mosque and found that most no all are now fruitless growing new leaves some are really very colourful after the rain . The wary security guards at this time of the day prevented me from try ing to or attempting to take the pictures of the mango tree . The Irony of My Crazy Town is that we are spending so much on the Security and not at all on character .

مدت سے ہے آوارہ افلاک مرا فکر
کر دے اسے اب چاند کے غاروں میں نظر بند

So this is what i feared for today during this my the sunday blog # 65
Drowsiness after Eating (At the same time, the brain releases serotonin that causes drowsiness. Moreover, food also influences melatonin production in the brain. ... This is the reason why you feel sleepy after eatingcarbohydrate-rich foods. Food combinations containing tryptophan amino acid (protein) and carbohydrates make you feel drowsy.)

at 5:00 pm is the usual break time every sunday during this my the Sunday Blog because i go and watch the turkish soap serial But this eid weekend and during the week later the channel that shows that serial did not show the serial so i don't expect them to today as well . Hate it when somebody steals the Happy ending of a show . That is definitely a Trick for Rain and its working isn't it ?Image may contain: 2 people, people standing and text
So there is no point in waiting for 5:00 pm to take this next break as now i cannot see or sit straight any longer so its good bye for now hopefully i will return after the Asr Namaz if i did not fall asleep and missed every thing till after the Maghrib prayers .Image may contain: 2 people, people standing and text

4:30 pm Break ( 2355 words)

6:48 pm Whatever ! LOL

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Image may contain: text and outdoor

So the Maghrib Namaz break is very soon and i am still very drowsy and Burping gaseous so i better go out for a walk . It is amazing that before going for the Fajr break i was so confident hopeful to be able to cross the three thousand words mark on the words counter today for this my the Sunday Blog # 65 before going for the Maghrib / Sunset break and Now at the Maghrib break before the Sunset i am so no where near the three thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 65 . So i am not sure how my confidence of thirteen hours before is lost all together . And how am i to take where i take from here . This is the main difference between a wandering jew and a career investment professional No automatic alt text available.
Here i go with the flow or trying to but if i had to do this my the Sunday Blog in a professional way then i would have done it the professional way leaving no room for the weakness and relaxation ,Or at least not given it a priority as i did today . So Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah that i am neither a wandering jew nor a career investment professional and hopefully i may neither be the next week as well . Cheers !

7:22 pm Break ( 2584 words)

8th Shawal 1438
8:11 pm
Good Evening !

I don't know if its psychology or the Political Science either way a huge Wasiq1 Wise is coming your way be careful .

Those who Hate books in life generally or idiosyncratically  , Hates Facebook Globally !
Wasiq1Wise : 91

No automatic alt text available.idiosyncrasy
  1. 1.
    a mode of behaviour or way of thought peculiar to an individual.

    "one of his little idiosyncrasies was always preferring to be in the car first"
  2. 2.
    an abnormal physical reaction by an individual to a food or drug.

So the heavy dinner is again ready before time and i am being very un Godly trying to avoid it Sad !

Anyways my way or routes to and from the mosques in the area are definitely and delibrately corrupted with stagnant pools of water with racing vehicles splashing the dirty water leaving no room to walk with ease (Water is one of the most common dream symbols and is usually associated with the emotions and the unconscious. Large bodies of water (ocean, lake, pool) usually represent the unconscious itself. ... To be underwater may suggest you are feeling overwhelmed or you are in over your head emotionally or financially.) 


(dream featuring smooth flowing water, such as a calm ocean or sea represents peace and harmony within; You are experiencing inner calm, comfort or are feeling content. ... When you see water overflowing or a waterfall in a dream, it can imply that you have built up emotions or energy that is beginning to surface.) 

So I think that it is time that i should see the error of my ways and relax a little start early if i want to reach the mosque on time and take different routes and must have enough time to return and start again if there is a problem on the way . What is wrong with me Am i going to the mosque to pray to Allah or Am i playing  Super Mario Bros with the @##$%%^^^& KMC ?  I think its about time i have them fired and banned from government jobs for ever globally . So all those who don't believe i can do that just shut up and quit reading this my the Sunday Blog # 65 . You Are Fired !

8 minutes ago

On this day in 2017, President Donald Trump posts a meme about wrestling and CNN on Twitter.

So i think that it is about time for the Isha Namaz Break . I don't know after reading this my the Sunday Blog # 65 My family , Siblings and elders and just a few other well Wishers may completely ban me for life from going un attended to the mosque anytime during the day and night if thats what the KMC really wants . Because i am not backing out alive from having them all fired ! Useless creatures wasting the USAID Dollars millions of them $$

8:57 pm Break (3066 Words)

10:11 pm Yes i am safely back from the walk for the last time tonight and especially during this my the Sunday Blog # 65 . So i went passed the Go three times today during this my the Sunday Blog # 65 and carried light weights of not more than 4 kilo grams in any of the Godly Trips . But because of these Godly Trips I don't have to worry at all that in case of a chaapa  for my elder brother who is mastering the facebook much quicker than anybody i have seen or meet ever. A chaapa for me in this house seems a far far cry ........lejos de

Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food and indoorNo automatic alt text available.

Okay so i guess this is it Beacuse this week was the Shash Eid roza week and even though i did not fast roza but i still kept the same routine and did not see any movies not even the Fiza Ali Qurashi wali Actor in Law . Well Actually I did try to but it had too many breaks and then the match and the Chaapa for my Brother . So anyways I am not a relative of my Brother who would do a favour for him or impose upon him without even letting him know or a hint . What the @#%^%  Hell am i  saying ? most of the shopping i did today was for him and his chaapaaz didn't i ? Oh Good So I am also a relative of him .

Anyways i got the drift  of the screen play and the story of the Movie But still that cannot be qualified as having watched the whole movie especially because i did not watch the ending . So what i am saying is that i did not watch any movies this week also . Hopefully i will begin watching movies from next week or the week after that .

10:47 pm please hold Bhai calling from abroad ...
11:00 pm Okay so where were we ...the more i try to stay away from facebook during my Sunday Blogs the more better it only wastes time and sometimes even distracts into wasting more time then i would usually waste while googling for some thing related to the things and topics i post or share in my Sunday Blogs subject matter .
What eva !!
Okay so here it is the last sunday Hour before the mid night starting a new Monday.

After Bakra Eid ,which is more visibles of any islamic rituals here in my dirty yet still High End property neighbourhood , if i survived then i will begin a five hundred words Monday Blog as well . Any Suggestions ?

No !

Good . Image may contain: text

So over all this was a very good and relaxed Eid ul Fitr for me and my dear Siblings . I am very happy and thankful to the Dear Merciful Lord All Mighty Allah... that the rain came after ramzan and Eid . The Only Sad thing about this eid was that because of the Rain on the third day of Eid and the Power Break Down or Shut down by the Karachi Electric Company i found out that Jamaat -i-islami scared away the Chinese Shanghai Electric from buying out the 60- 50 % (No this is Not That lol) shares with control . And Maybe the govenment of Pakistan paid for the release as per the small script . shrewd chinese .
So who is next ? who will try to try its luck buying or acquiring the % stake holdings with control of the company . The Arabs have enough troubles of their own and until we have mariam baji here I don't think any wise prince would even think about it any more ....LOL
Okay that's it i can't go on and on and on like this any more . I need to end this my the Sunday Blog # 65 and lie Down and watch some television . Filmazia Not showing the Malik Saab serial as well since malik saab died and everybody wanted his wife to take over the company with half brother of Malik Saab in Karachi serving Hot Chicken Biryani to the board members and partners of Malik saab and his wife . Strange world this is of corporate empires . Praiseth the Lord i missed the first bus . Amen !

Okay so now i end this my the sunday Blog # 65 with one of the most beautiful verses of Hazrat Ameer Khusro Sung with real deepth of a very musical heart .....The Rythm Divine !!

Khusrau rain suhaag ki, jo main jaagi pi ke sang, Tan mora man piya ka, jo dono ek hi rang.
Khusrau dariya prem ka, jo ulti waah ki dhaar, Jo ubhra, so doob gaya, jo dooba so paar. Apni chab banaai ke, jo main pi ke paas gayi, Chab dekhi jab piya ki, mohey apni bhool gayi. Chaap Tilak sab cheeni re, moh se naina milayke. Chaap Tilak sab cheeni re, moh se naina milayke. Chaap Tilak sab cheeni re, moh se naina milayke. Moh se naina milayee ke… Chaap Tilak sab cheeni re, moh se naina milayke. Chaap Tilak sab cheeni re, moh se naina milayke. Baat agham keh deeni re moh se naina milayke. Bal bal jaaun main, tore rang rejava, Bal bal jaaun main…. Bal bal jaaun main…. Aisi rang do ke rang naahin chhutey, Dhobiya dhoye chaahe saari umariya Bal bal jaaun main…. Bal bal jaaun main…. Bal bal jaaun main, tore rang rejava, Apni si rang deeni re, moh se naina milayke. Prem bhati ka madhva pilayke Pa ni sag a ma ga sa…(ragas by Khan saab) Prem bhati ka madhva pilayke, Matwari kar deeni re, moh se naina milayke. Gori gori gori baiyaan, hari hari chudiyaan, Bahiyaan pakad har leeni re, moh se naina milayke. Khusrau Nizaam ke bal bal jaiyaaan … Khusrau Nizaam ke bal bal jaiyaaan … Har qaum raast raahay, deen-e wa qibla gaahay, Mun qibla raast kardam, bar samt kajkulaahay. Khusrau Nizaam ke bal bal jaiyaaan … Khusrau Nizaam ke bal bal jaiyaaan … Khusrau Nizaam ke bal bal jaiyaaan … Mohe suhagan keeni re, moh se naina milayke Bahut Kathin hai dagar panghat ki, Kaisay main bhar laaun madhva say matki? Khwaja Nijaamoddin, Khwaja Nijaamoddin, Laaj rakho moray ghoonghat pat ki. Khusrau Nizaam ke bal bal jaiyaaan … Mohe suhagan keeni re, moh se naina milayke

In Urdu:
چھاپ تلک سب چھینی رے موسے نیناں ملائیکے ایس
بات اگم کہہ دینا رے موسے نیناں ملائیکے ایس
پریم بھٹی کا مدھوا پلائیکے ایس
متوارے کر لينهي رے موسے نیناں ملائیکے ایس
گوری گوری بييا ، ہری ہری چوڑیاں
بييا پکڑ ہر لينهي رے موسے نیناں ملائیکے ایس
بل بل جاؤں میں تورے رنگ رجوا
آپ کی سی رنگ دينهي رے موسے نیناں ملائیکے ایس
خسرونظام بل بل جائے
موهے سهاگن کہ ينهي رے موسے نیناں ملائیکے ایس
چھاپ تلک سب چھینی رے موسے نیناں ملائیکے ایس
بات عجب کہہ دینا رے موسے نیناں ملائیکے ایس

Chaāp tilak sab chhīnī re mose nainā milāike
Bāt agam keh dīnī re mose nainā milāike
Prem bhaṭī kā madhvā pilāike
Matvālī kar līnhī re mose nainā milāike
Gorī gorī baīyān, harī harī chuṛiyān
baīyān pakaṛ har līnhī re mose nainā milāike
Bal bal jāūn main tore rang rajvā
Apnī sī rang dinhī re mose nainā milāike
Khusro nijaam ke bal bal jaiye
Mohe suhāgan kīnhī re mose nainā milāike
Bāt ajab keh dīnī re mose nainā milāike


You've taken away my looks, my identity, by just a glance.
You've said the unknown, by just a glance.
By making me drink the wine from the love of devotion
You've intoxicated me by just a glance;
My fair, delicate wrists with green bangles in them,
Have been taken off by you with just a glance.
I give my life to you, Oh my cloth-dyer,
You've dyed me like yourself, by just a glance.
I give my whole life to you Oh, Nizam,
You've made me your bride, by just a glance.
You've said the wonder, by just a glance.
Translate in englishNAHEED AKHTAR - Chap Tilak Sab Chin Li Re Mosey Naina Milaike - PtvLive   

NAHEED AKHTAR - Chap Tilak Sab Chin Li Re Mosey Naina Milaike - PtvLive   

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