
Sunday 16 July 2017

The Sunday Blog # 67

Today is the 16th of July 2017 the 21st of Shawwal  1438 till the Sunset (7:24pm) and this is my the sunday Blog # 67 .
This is the Monsoon season here in karachi as well as the Mangoes season But as the legand has it or may be the elders advice which i definitely heard from my dearly departed Parents ( May their Souls Rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !) That we should not eat mangoes before the rain . Ironically in their very own house in the only surviving tree almost dead now the fruit yield comes every year before the Monsoon season rain begins and ends before the monsoon season rain begins . Anyways maybe that was only for the more inland hotter weather in india . Here in the coastal weather of Karachi maybe the warning is not so severe . So despite the Hot and humid weather all may and june i enjoyed the home grown no fertilizer or pesticides sprayed fresh fruits . And Now after the monsoon rain we are having the farm grown and carbide ripen mangoes of very different variety and tastes . But the more different is that after the rain or during the rain the electric feeders trip here in karachi of the karachi Electric power company . and the karachi rain is one of the most torturous rains in the world. First i makes us beg real hard and then it usually comes down as a rapid fire . Thunder and lightening . during the evening and takes away the electric lights of the whole city then it floods the low lying areas and underpasses so if you were God Forbid on the road chances are You are Stuck in the wildest dream traffic jam in the world just a few minute away from your home sweet home .

OPS ! power Gone !!!

1:01 am yes its back after a whole twenty minutes ! But my momentum is absolutely gone So here i take a break and never mind what i did during the power break is it politically Correct ? Power Break ...Na i don't think so ...Anyways now i can run the biryani in the microwave so i 'll be back after a mid night lunch sorry meal but its not midnight okay midnight dinner because i skipped dinner enjoying the rain that was not rain and not drizzle either without the electric power from the Karachi Electric .

1:10 am Break (394 words)

1:35 am a little sweaty after eating the beef biryani but i think i will manage don't worry . the word count will remain low as i will be a little slow not because i have eaten the hot beef Biryani but because the Karachi Electric or who ever turned off the power or had the power shut down or even if was a circuit breaker or just a reminder to be fully prepared for more shutdowns during the next twenty three hours if there is more rain ( read drizzle if its my neighbourhood ) . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

Believe you me i always thought these big yellow things were sindhri mangoes but religiously following the US Consulate karachi facebook page for over half a decade now i can easily distinguish between the real sindhri and the US AID CHAUNSA Mangoes . They are sweet even though they are not as sweet as the langra mangoes but still they are a lot more sweeter that the useless sindhri mangoes . Which the Americans ( US AID) gladly export to the unknown global markets via Dubai free port . Good riddence !! Image may contain: food

So where was i when the lights go out ? oh yes stuck in the traffic jam
2:02 am power gone again so i will go out and continue to do this in the lawn with the mosquitoes . The mosquitoes after the rain has very different sting its not like the injection needle its more like the wood splinter very hard but the mosquitoes are more in the next generation of the stealth prototype .
So wish me luck . or better still pray for me that is survive this monsoon and mangoes season before the Cow Eid Season begins , 9+9+29 day away . Shivers me timber O la La la...

Sorry forget to plug in the charger so the battery is low so its good bye until the power is fully restored ..
2:13 am ah its back speak of the devil !!!!!!
anyways i better take that break and let it charge . Image may contain: 1 person, standing

2:16 am Break ( 722 words)

2:48 am So Turkey is celebrating the defeat of the Army Coup a year ago . france celebrated the bastille day a day ago and PTi celebrated the Calibri font not being invented or put to public use before 2007 . Anyways no comment on this picture believe to be not photoshopped . Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoorImage may contain: 1 person, eatingImage may contain: one or more people
Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and indoor

Anyways i still have one full hour to cross the one thousand words mark on the words counter before the fajr prayer break and then probably the morning to zuhr sleep break . Most of my days routines will obviously depend on the rain and power . even more reason to not give in to the closing eyes right now . as i have no idea how the duckworth lewis method will rate this my the sunday Blog # 67 after the rain and power black out or black outs because i have had more than three already . Shame Shame ! Image may contain: plant, tree, outdoor and nature

Here in karachi the Monsoon rain has always been combined with the power outage even before the demo cracy i remember here in my neighbourhood a jamun tree with weak branches over the naked electric wires use to break with the high winds before the thunder storm and rain and we had to brace the rain in utter darkness Some rival agency gave Papa ( May his Soul rest in Peace Amen!) one of the very first generators in town I am definitely not sure if that was a blessing or a worse test . I always hated its sound and smoke and it was not a self start like the ones used these days . Still given the choice i would still prefer to sit quietly sip tea and enjoy the rain in the dark . or listen to the music and sip tea and enjoy the rain in the dark especially when there is lightening in the sky with or without loud thunder before or after the rain . And if that is the day time rain then of course there has to be the famous pakora snacks with all the above and no rickety rackity generator to take away all the fun and sometimes even the rain which is a common belief that collective effects of hundreds of smoke emitting noise polluting generators may reduce the chances of rain and increase the chances of acid rain very very harmful for both humans and environment.

years later when the tree was cut down the power company had to device a new strategy to turn off our lights during the rain before and after  now they have 22 feeders trip main line EHT fault very very impressive don't you think

Image may contain: 1 person

Honestly I really don't Care !!

So Here it is a name Garbiñe Muguruza Spain that sounds not certainly like a champion becomes a champion engraved on the wimbledon trophy for the year 2017 Yay !Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, outdoor

Okay so it is time for the Fajr namaz break and some rest and sleep as well . I really don't think i can eat now for another few hours untill i sleep for few hours . so it s good Bye for now hope i am able to return and continue from here .

4:32 am Break ( 1280 Words)

10:00 am Good Morning !
The First tweet of the day

Sun 21st Shawal 1438
So this must be the Rain they were scaring & warning about An exposed crow's nest with new born after tree trim had no protest

Image may contain: plant, tree, outdoor and natureImage may contain: tree, plant, sky, outdoor and natureImage may contain: plant, outdoor and natureImage may contain: plant, tree and outdoorImage may contain: plant, tree, outdoor and nature

Yes it is a very first for me because even in the rainy season the low flying crows usually protest with the crowd called from the unknown to protest even when you walk under the full tree and the nest no where to be seen and here today that nest with the new born almost coming out of the nest is so totally exposed and yet there is no protest amazing isn't it . Well Anyways today is the Sunday which is the very best for sampling . If you wish to see all the poor & Needy of your area in one place lined and orderly then you must visit your nearest Halwa Puri aloo chooley morning Breakfast Shop especially the ones that have been shown on the television shows of Food & Health risk alerts for selling the bad and the contaminated almost poisoned food .

Some may have more Puri s than you
Others take a different view,
My oh my, heh, hey

You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser
You gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together
All I know, all I know, love will save the day

You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser
You gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together
All I know, all I know, love will save the day
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

Any ways its time for the First Facebook meet up of the Sunday during this my the Sunday Blog # 67 . Be good !

 10:36 am Break ( 1594Words)

11:54 am Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

Okay  its noon and its wet and slippery outside so i believe i can take a day off and stay away from Her Majesty's Highways and roads in a sorry state so as to not regret the potholes and roadside drains all land grabbed currently impassable due to rain and clogged drains and sewers . 

So with almost half way through in this really cool weather very rare in this God Forsaken and Her Majesty's Government dreaded the most dangerous city of the World now i can relax and enjoy this my the Sunday Blog # 67 . The First Facebook meetup of this my the Sunday Blog # 67 on a very pleasent and beautiful Sunday went very well . It Seem'd that the gang had already seen and liked this my the Sunday Blog # 67 which was not even half way through at that time but letting it go as it is is very helpful most of the time as you find out the initial reasons and can stir the things around benefically in your as well as public interest .

So the Democracy is winning and Navy is losing in Turkey as well as here in the most dangerous city of the world . The Turkish products especially the footware and clothing did not do as well as the Turkish Soaps did . Must be the higher prices or difference in the design not sure why . Because every time i go past by the Turkish Products shops here on tariq Road market i feel i am the only one Ogling inside the shop window . Window Shopping is not allowed here on tariq Road and most of the street markets and malls here in karachi . If you stop at a window shop for more than few seconds not using your mobile phone the shop attendent will attend to you and invite you in or ask what you want . I have heard that does not happen in most rainy markets of the world especially on the other side of the tunnel . Image may contain: one or more people

Okay so somehow and please don't ask how i have managed to reach the first two thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the sunday Blog # 67 today on a very wet and beautiful Sunday without the help of copy and paste and dictionary and especially the meaning in urdu . Isn't that very amazing yes it is so i believe that i deserve to enjoy a cup of tea in the outside look up at the clear silver sky and a few drops of rain or drizzle or the roof drain pipe dripping whate ever comes first LOL  So its a Zuhr Namaz break and if there is no lunch today after that first pakora meal breakfast and no going out for the zuhr namaz then i will probably be back by two pm otherwise i have no idea yet so if i don't come back in an hour then i will probably come back in two hours or so .until then Be very Good ! Image may contain: one or more people, ocean, sky, outdoor, nature and water

1:06 pm Break ( 2115 words)

3:40 pm Ah this break took a little longer than i had expected . but when you see the weather and the Brunch it will be justified . In fact i feel its a sin to be here today in this closed domain doing this my the sunday Blog # 67 . But what can one do some personal challenge are larger than life no matter how rosey it is . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: drink and foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

Well i had nothing to do with it except tasting a little bit my plate on the top . And even that just to please my Diabetic and cellulitis elder Sister . Now how can you refuse and break her heart especially when she remembers and Prays everyday for my dearly departed parents ( May Their Souls rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !)
And talking of prayers please do pray for an orphan neighbourhood girl's wedding in this uncertain and  wet weather .  May All her functions be complete well managed . Yes the Happyz Ending without the makeups fading Amen !

Okay it was a very difficult week for me and all my siblings because our eating inspiration maternal uncle also the  equally favorite of my dearly Departed Parents ( may their Souls Rest in Peace in Heaven and may not be disturbed by any living mortal souls pain and puncture here on earth Amen !)

was rumoured to have hijacked the PN Shifa while the maternal remains periscoping IPP Just in case we get emotional or something maybe cat curious . Well nothing of that sort happened . Still  we never thought the sleepless of seattle would not use him at any point ofcourse not don't be ridiculus . LOL ! Image may contain: one or more people and people sittingImage may contain: one or more people and text

Anyways the words count did not move the way i was expecting mostly because of  being over fed and sleepy . So should i struggle or should i give in and enjoy the rest of the evening in this really really awesome weather . Actually this sunday is in the middle of nowhere . Apart from the Rain Jams and All that Jazz the Whole world from the united States of America to the Qatar is Anxiously Waiting for the outcome of the Baji Maryam and the Motu Gang Case . Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing and indoor

So i believe nobody today is the least interested in what i eat or where i go unless they can come up with an instill or insinuation in what ever i do or where ever i go . Even though i have already decided to not use her Majesty's Highways and Pothholes in the roads in the sorry state But you never know . Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor and close-up

Today i am also not sure if i should or should not watch the Wimbledon Match . Okay i will check the result on twitter later . The weather is too beautiful to waste on these old chaps . Image may contain: 1 person, close-up and outdoor

4:34 pm Break ( 2568 Words)

5:01 pm O My God ! That is the biggest Sun Crater in my Silver Sky awesome weather first time in  the whole week . Please Stop praying the sun is killing me can't enjoy the open outdoors anymore . Image may contain: sky, mountain, cloud, outdoor, nature and water

power off  again got to go bye !

5:14 pm Break ( 2613 words)

7:00 pm Exactly !

So when you know that you cannot leave seven o clock is almost an hour free . Image may contain: plant and nature

I really wasn't expecting this for at least a month if at all . Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !!
Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

Image may contain: sky, tree, plant and outdoorImage may contain: sky, cloud, outdoor and nature

Any ways ........

power gone again 7:10 pm

No this power shut down changes nothing its an absolute waste of time and energy .

And it is back at 7:16 pm

okay i am still not mixup ing the pm / am which is quite incredible under the circumstances .

So there is absolutely no chance of finding out what will happen tomorrow and the days that follow tomorrow until the next Sunday when i will be here with another Sunday Blog probably nothing will happen and probably every thing may happen may be people will be happy and probably not all the people will be happy So Suppose how can all the people be happy . Pakistan is a very big country with very many unhappy people it is almost impossible to make all the unhappy people in such a vast number scattered in such a vast area of land each extremely different from each other and miles and miles apart . But Then again why do we want to make the huge number of unhappy people happy? wouldn't that be injustice to these vast number of unhappy people spread across such vast area of land miles and miles apart . Even if Some people from among those unhappy people are made happy the other very unhappy people so far far away from those few happy made happy legally will never know or may be they never wants to know because the unhappy themselves would rather care less if anybody else is happy or made happy or is just like them unhappy by choice or due to some known or unknown factors that has or has been effecting their ordinary lives from a very long time . in fact some unhappy people may even not know for how long they have been unhappy and why ?  So here it is my time is up so i don't care if anybody is happy or unhappy . I have to shut down and Pray the Mughrib Namaz and try to make the Dear Merciful Lord All Mighty Allah very very happy Amen !

May the Lord All Mighty Allah  have mercy on my dearly departed Parents may their souls rest in peace in heaven Amen !

22nd Shawwal 1438
7:35 pm Good Evening !

7:39 pm Break ( 3022 words )

8:28 pm Once again this has nothing to do with me and i was not harmed during the photo session of this food image . Image may contain: drink and foodImage may contain: food

Image may contain: food

Okay last week we had a little mishap during this my the Sunday Blog # 66 . after fajr namaz session i fall asleep but my sister thought that i am awake and doing this my the Sunday Blog # 66 and also wants tea . I have already done breakfast while she was sleeping so we had a little argument . So inorder to avoid any cross connection mishaps today just before the mid night we agreed or should i say i begged her that this is it . For the next twenty four hours you go your way and i remain loyal to this my the Sunday Blog # 67 . It is my Understanding that she agreed that she wont call me to eat , wake well that is something i usually don't expect her to do , knock ,  message or any other kind of communication  especially  to eat . we will meet and eat at the regular meet ups and whenever possible . So having her self found free from any responsibilty of feeding me or even calling me . She is purhaps putting her presious time to a better use then me wasting all my time on this my the Sunday Blog # 67 . Image may contain: food As promised she did not ask me or call me to come and taste this looking very tasty from the looks of it Laziza Rus Malai . When i was around for the mughrib prayer break she just showed me . and i just took few pictures and then she placed it back in the freezer .

So what i am trying to say is that despite the fact that she knows very well that if i post the pictures of sweet meats like these i could be in big trouble mister !!!  Still she cannot stand the thought of me totally ignoring her and having fun throughout the twenty four hours on my very own . And i am so very sure that since it is a no drama  new episode weekend she would be preparing for the next meal food photo shoot . So I give up and this is the last time i beg of her to not try to distract or disturb me with food .

Its almost Dinner time over and i cannot hear any sounds so i believe that there was no Chaapa today during this my the Sunday Blog # 67 . Well the young mr Aqib coming in from the building on the left or right  saying you have got balls during the power shut down by the karachi Electric  cannot be totally qualified as a chaapa Nope !

So i believe this marathon is going in one direction . A decade or two ago i could not have even believed Moses   if he Himself had descended in my dream and said a day would come in your life . Anyways i feel the cooking is over and before my sister forgets her promise and comes in asking for my mobile camera to take pictures i believe i could shut down and join the dinner my self . So here it is a dinner break . Don't go away i 'll be back very soon or may be sooner than i know now my self .  No automatic alt text available.

9:08 pm Break ( 3567 words)

10:05 pm Okay so today this my the Sunday Blog # 67 is running , racing or cruising along very smoothly with food and power shutdown . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food
So does any body remembers how many times have i reminded that i am lactose intolerant ? never mind !

Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

So now we move to wards the end of this my the Sunday Blog # 67 .

So what ?

so still there is a very long way to go ...

Now this is not very forth coming if i may say so But it did happen

I am so glad i check the twitter trends and saw her on the third position just above the Wimbledon now that can be a stated as a Shock not that . Anyways

So this comes down to the same or brought us down to the same million dollar question that the media is now beginning to ask the political minds and analysts . They are playing the pigeon game by they i mean both PPP or BBB and the PTI while the PMLN remains dead locked how is that even possible in this Islamic Republic of Corruption ??

The only possible explanation is that they are ready for the change and hoping for the ultimate best in their own favour . And also because they have enough to survive even the worst of times .

Either way its too early to say how it all turns out . Infact it is too early to say if Dubai and Qatar will allow them to have a second base an escaped from it all . Don't you think its a little bit too embarrassing for any free port to have such bad name associated with their multi Billion Dollar easy Paisa ..LOL

Oh my God i cannot believe that thanks to this high jump i am able to cross the four thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 67 tonight before the Eleven O clock . I do sincerely hope that it was a calculated move and not a what they call it an impulsive and reckless weak moment . Yes !

Anyways the politics of Pakistan will be very definitely changed for ever after the next general elections . what i am not sure about now is how the Chinese feel and adjust in the new set up . Will they focus more on calibri or will they try to learn the devanagri .
Never mind how i see the future of chinese projects or the chinese biryani . Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, sky and outdoor

Okay i need a one small break and then i will end this my the Sunday Blog # 67 .

11:08 pm Break ( 4062 words)Image may contain: sky, cloud, outdoor, water and nature

11:19 pm during Ramzan i use to come back from taravee prayer at about this time and then try to add a few hundred words . It was an amazing experience most of the people would have gone home and fallen asleep instantaneously but no no no i had to come home and finish what i had started . Honestly this was not me some few years back . I feel a completely changed person now . So what are the chances of me going back to the same old American center and apply for a US visa . Well for your kind information they have also moved to a new location not in the same old building any more So why is that old American Centre building still lying vacant and not being used for any good purpose or torn down to re build a new high rise by the Multi national builders in that locality . Are they hiding something or some one there from the American public or the American administration . May be they run some secret missions against the russians and indians from that building with used to be one of the biggest American Centres in the whole of Asia . Ever since the American centre moved to its new premises on mai kolachi near the stinky shores of the karachi port we never get to hear such grand claims about its being the biggest . It has also not been used by the CIA for Protests since the great Youtube Protests which lead to the lahore High courts ban on youtube a very popular social media  video sharing site based in the US  and probably also owned by some American european indian  jews . Image may contain: sky, cloud, outdoor and nature

So it is about time to end this my the sunday Blog # 67 . And honestly the sky is just not the same it was... so my apologies to All the rain loving drizzle getting satisfied people of karachi and especially my home town who some times don't even get the drizzle while the rest of the most dangerous city of the world is getting a hard rapid fire rain in parts or all at the same time usually learned by me through the fake media and its local channels who for some very unknown reason gives rain in karachi which seldom happens an extra special priority in its news and breaking news as well as the news tickers . So Help me God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! Image may contain: sky, cloud and night

Okay then until next Sunday have Fun and enjoy ! No promises none at all . Just a very deep hearted wish that may the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Keep the Parliament and People of Pakistan safe and healthy . Amen !

Gar mujhe iss ka yakeen ho (Tina Sani)   

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