
Monday 31 July 2017

يوم ثمانية

Mon 7th Ziqad 1438 31-33°C Very Cool Breeze and partly sunny cloudy sky . Had left over Maghaz nihari in late brunch after zuhr namaz 😇😝🐫🌥️

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Sunday 30 July 2017

يوم سبعة

Sun 6th Ziqad1438 31-33°C Finally up for the day washed cleaned no shave prayed with the first azans no taking chances weather same no rain

The Sunday Blog # 69

Today is the 30th of July the  6th of Ziqad 1438 till the sunset (7:18 pm) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 69 .
It is probably the First time in my Sunday Blogging History that it is actually drizzling outside very cool super cool weather definitely not the kind of weather when you should sit inside a very closed room with all the doors and windows wide shut . And this is not it i am also very sweaty and over fed and very sleepy as well . infact i just woke up and missed the first few important minutes after the mid nights so i hope i will get few extra minutes at the end of this my the sunday Blog # 69 at the next midnight ...No ?  Oh its also the happy birthday of my dear niece who either always forgets my happy birhtday or is too busy to ever wish me while the rest of the bunch is and look at the irony today i fell asleep before midnight so that's done now i don't have to worry to wish or delay in wishing till the very last Any ways i have no idea where she is tonight so Happy Birthday where ever you are Ha Ha !
Ah she replied to the card with a thankyou  i posted on facebook ! and i replied with a like . And this is how i grow up another year and will wait very anxiously for the next Happy Birthday .

So this has been an amazing week since my last Sunday Blog # 68 last sunday . Other than the political happenings in the country on the Home front we had a nuclear family on board our steam ship . No wonder the water remained heavy and rare so undone . LOL

Anyways After the panama case final judgement by the honorable supreme court of Pakistan larger bench consisting of five honorable judges of the honorable Supreme court of Pakistan out of which the two honorable judges of the Supreme court of Pakistan had already made up their mind and the remaining three honorable judges of the Supreme Court of Pakistan ordered a Joint investigation team more commonly and popularly known as the JIT to fully and impartially conduct a free and fair investigation againsts the defendent in the case who very very unfortunately was the then Prime Minister Of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mian Mohammad Nawaz Sharif and his family . Thank God this is 2017 and many many people of Pakistan has excess to the social media especially the twitter and News Channels with their own set of favorite news anchors and Political and legal experts and spin doctors as well as the party spokespersons and the party to the case spokespersons and legal experts and Mr Nihal Hashmi . Other Wise if it had been an era of one of those dark and blind martials laws in the country or the semi political process steered democracy this case would have been seen as the case against the then prime minister of Pakistan by the agents of a hidden hand trying to de-stabilize the country on the behest of the enemies of the State .
Blah Blah Blaaah !

I believe the People of Pakistan Always wanted to know what is going on in Pakistan and wanted to have a say in the affairs of the country in other more politically correct words Democracy .

So Finally the free and valiant Nation of Pakistan sleeps tonight euphoric and with a sence of pride and knowing that justice has prevailed in a society where injustice seems to be the supreme order of the day and corruption has marred every single way towards the bright and hopeful progress and future for them and their children . This one small court decision is their ray of hope in the utter darkness . Okay enough of Poetry this is no poetic justice . Infact most of the very serious constitutional experts including myself are not very happy with this coup through the court . We are very clear on this that a political change like this should come about through the Majestic Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and according to the conistitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan .
But on the other hand And this may only be my personal opinion and not shared by most constitutional experts as well as islamic religious scholars , That "This is Islamic justice System " in letter and in spirit . No doubt about it ! Image may contain: 6 people

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2:10 am Break ( 740 words )

3:01 am
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Okay the drizzle has completely stopped and the clouds are now very scatterered here in jamshed town but still the stars are not visible . unfortunately i don't have a night vision camera or camera phone so no pictures of the post drizzle sky But here is a view from skybbq at avari karachi from facebook page .Image may contain: sky and outdoor

Facebook is a very interesting thing in our lives . People post pictures of things , places and selfies in public domain for everyone to see and save which they would never let anybody take or post even if you beg them to Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sitting, child, outdoor, close-up and nature....Recently this picture of lady diana the former princess of wales was posted on the royal family facebook page with one of the sons . Obviously this picture does not seem like a work of an over zealous paparazzi But watching it and saving it from the officail royal facebook page with options available to share 1,2,3 and email , does somehow gives a sence of sibling rivalry or getting too far on the self centred research . Image may contain: 1 person, standingAnd talking of research the most important thing in a research is the funding . So the President of the United States Of America Mr donald Trump has another relative who has already been given the task to collect Funds for the 2020 through the social media and especially the infamous Facebook . So when are we going to grow up and start making or collecting dollars instead of wasting time and money on the facebook and the internet ? .... ? LOLImage may contain: 1 person, smiling, textImage may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing

wasted a lot of time on research about the Trumps without funding still i have crossed over the first thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 69 . The interesting thing about this Sunday is that it is the Last Sunday of the Month of July and the First Sunday of the Islamic Lunar Month of Ziqad . Okay so the month of Ziqad is probably the month which comes between the shawwal and zilhij . That is that there is no significant event in this month but coming from the eid in shawwal the muslims usually start preparing and waiting for the second eid in the next month . The temporary sacrifical Animal markets will be set up soon in and around the most dangerous city of the world Karachi . looting and poluting will be on a very large scale . Police and Rangers seems helpless every year . People who go out of town and city to get a better bargain on the sacrifical Animals goats sheeps, cows , buffalos and camels are often mugged some are very lucky to just get mobile phones snatched when they get robbed after buying the animals on their way back home because most robbers are not interested in the sacrifical animals only cash or mobile phones So help you God  Amen !

Okay its time for the fajr Namaz . Almost forgot if i prayed the isha namaz or not because if i did not before falling asleep tonight then that is the end of the longest rally of over two months of full namaz . Image may contain: 1 person, standing

May the Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents and may their souls rest in peace in heaven Amen !

4:42 am Break (1275 words)

5:58 am  Sun rise karachi 5:59 am
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 okay this was the longest namaz at fajr ever combined with the isha qaza . surprizingly without being very fresh and sleepy i did not make the usual mistakes and errors i do during such long prayers . the most surprizing thing recently and probably the reason behind the verdict was having a smooth sail all week especially during the longer prayers after watching the ww parody part 1 without a break . Obama has changed a  lot ! Image may contain: flower, plant and natureImage may contain: flower, plant and natureImage may contain: plant, flower and nature

Sweet smelling roses before the sunrise .

So my dear sister is now again upto cooking when i was about to go to sleep after shuting down which in dollar terms means that i cannot go to sleep even if i shut down for another hour or so . And even if i choose not to eat i will have to take the picture and post it so that people in the west and especially the US may see what i had or could have before going to sleep and have sweet dreams . Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting and indoor

Okay so the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 69 tells me that  i am almost at one thousand and five hundred  words which means that now i can take a break and see what is for the Sunday sunrise breakfast during this my the Sunday Blog # 69 . And if i can eat it or not ?

6:19 am Break ( 1504 words)

1:26 pm Good Morning !
or Afternoon !!
The First tweet of the day

Sun 6th Ziqad1438
Finally up for the day washed cleaned no shave prayed with the first azans no taking chances weather same no rain

Sorry there was no time to post the food pictures at 7: 00 am after i uploaded them as i was too sleepy so here they are now please diabetics please Image may contain: foodImage may contain: food
Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food
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Three students die as madrassa roof collapses in Karak

This is the head ticker on most television news channels the rest are showing PM house vacation by the Nawaz family . 

Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'unImage may contain: 1 person

So life goes on and on and the tickers will change in a few hours and never to be found anywhere except on the twitter or with a smart search on google if you have the time and energy . 

You know i knew it why the bitch joint in karachi less than a year old focus more on the roof-less area of the library  LOL .
I am very glad that despite being filthy rich it did not open near me and choose the mama's wings which it blames for the forced closures of the 2000 and the years of time and money loses as a result not to mention the extra burden to maintain a link with me indirectly must have cost quadrapuls lol.
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Americans and i are still not very furendly so they play the same old game with less hang-ups . Congratulations !

Okay so have you heard the sign " yehan thokna mana hai " یہاں تھوکنا منع ہے  

                                    توبہ توبہ کیسا ملک ہے؟ 

امریکا میں تھوکنا منع ہے اور مجھے بلغم کی شکایت ہے۔ امریکا میں سردی کی وجہ سے بلغم اور بڑھ گیا۔ ہوائی جہاز سے اترتے ہی میں نے تھوکا تو مجھے پولیس نے پکڑکر جھڑکا اور دس ڈالر جرمانہ کردیا  
interesting read ! 
Anyways so i was wondering why and where have  this culture of spitting everywhere came from here in the Jamshed town of the most dangerous city in the world Karachi ? 
Obviously the United States of America where else ? 
Before the gulf war there was no gutka only pan and people use to look for a pot or a garbage bin or a government or semi government building wall before spitting . Now they spit anywhere at all and then give an innocent look as if asking or wanting to learn a QED ...." Kahan ? " Where ? " Acha aur yehan ? " Ok and here ? اچھا  اور یہاں 
LOL !Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing
Okay so believe it or not but the words counter for this my the sunday blog # 69 is moving towards the two thousand words before the 3:00 pm .

Oh my God i didn't realise that its the Sunday brunch time during this my the Sunday Blog # 69  going away i am very sure my non nuclear family will be missing me so i have to go and have a facebook meet up with them please don't go away i'll be back very soon Dear God Allah Mighty Allah willing .... Amen ! Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing

2:44 pm Break ( 2002 words)

4:30 pm Wow what an amazing insightful facebook meet up Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

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So sleepy again The gift azan clock has azaned half hour ago . It is so confusing because most of the time i pray the zuhr when its near time to the next Azan of asr in the neighbourhood mosques near and far . which is around 5:20 pm these days how to digest this over an hour of time difference . Anyways i am not adjusting to it at least not until i win a motor bike from any of the religious farms .

Our only turkish crime soap serial was reduced to half a week from mon-fri to thursday and friday . Good ! taken over by the kosem season two without baren saat . Not Good !

Okay so hopefully the panama serial keep us glued to the television sets in the next half year term july to december 2017 because if not then i am fully done with the television in my life . farewell !

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5:23 pm Break for Namaz Asr ( 2165 words)

7:09 pm Okay only ten minutes left to sunset and maghrib namaz . I fall asleep in the last hour . any ways so now i should begin the shutdown and prepare for the namaz . The Sounds of loud speakers are coming from far the mosque would be over crowded with the politicals so i better stay at home and pray how is that ...Do i have to do any shopping ?  No i don't think so .... The Nuclear family has left to checkout the other non reactive nuclear families and non proliferation partners or the roll backs in other towns till i finish and clean the refrigerator of the left overs of the week  so i have a huge task other than this my the sunday blog # 69 . Now I am not sure if i should post the pictures of the stuff i clean from the refrigerator or should i not as most of the stuff is already posted on the net when it was fresh and the new meal . Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, table and indoor

7th ziqad 1438
Good Evening !

May the Lord All Mighty Allah forgive and have mercy on my dearly departed Parents and May their Souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !

7:29 pm Break for maghrib namaz (2368  words)

8:46 pm
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Okay so its Isha namaz time already . If i don't get up and go in a minute or two then chances are that i will miss this too . The weather outside is all clear no drizzle but i don't know the over flowing gutter and sewerage on the way to the mosque position . So decision time is about to end now ... if i go to the mosque without shave i have no idea how the camel will turn  but anyways lets try and find out ,,,,

9:02 Break (2456 Words)

10:20 pm Yes it was very re freshing and good . The Neighbourhood was just the same . And the Cool and bright house of the dear merciful Lord All mighty Allah was cool and bright . Amen !

Okay My dearly departed parents ( may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !) and especially my dearly departed Ammi ( May her soul rest in peace in heaven Amen ! ) used to remind us a lot of this proverb or catch phrase or whatever " Khao mann bhata pheno jag bhata " کھاؤ من بھاتا اور پہنو جگ بھاتا  " eat what you like and wear what the world likes .... So i wonder a lot what mr trump and his amazing family eats

Anyways sothis will be one of my very short Sunday Blog this summer and at the beginning i thought that since i wont be disturbed today at all and there will be no Chaapa as well not even a long distance missed calls on the land line because the tables has turned and instead of me they are facing the chaapaz and the real tough ones . Image may contain: 1 person, standing, stripes and indoor So i will be more relaxed and free and fresh to do this my sunday blog with better and longer subject matter a kind of  sunday blog that will make me very proud till the next weekend . But here i am over fed and sleepy and just thinking of ending this my the Sunday Blog #69 right here right now .  Usually when i say this during a sunday blog i am trying to pick the momentum but today this cursor shifting is irritating and it feels like i am trying to balance multiple wheat sacks on the shoulders . Which is not good so i should probably shutdown and re start or continue doing this my the Sunday blog # 69 else where .

10 57 pm Break ( 2758 words)

11:11 pm The Thing i never liked about Pakistani Nation is that they only respect people who are rewarded by the foreigners and outsiders . But this is the first time in my life that i am beginning to like the fact that there is also accountability for the people who have been rewarded by the foreigners and outsiders . Even though this does not really takes away the hurt and pain these demi Gods cause over a very elongated period of time but justice seems to be done is a fiction not reality was the general understanding and any deviation to this fundamental assumption no matter how minute or slight is a welcome change . May The Lord All Mighty Allah Bless us all and show us the right path the path which is followed by the really deserving and pleases the dear All Mighty Allah .

Pakistan indeed is going through a very difficult time these day . The NRO has failed

The National Reconciliation Ordinance (NROUrduقومی مفاہمت فرمان 2007ء) was a controversial ordinance issued by the former President of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf, on 5 October 2007.[1] It granted amnesty to politicians, political workers and bureaucrats who were accused of corruption, embezzlementmoney laundering, murder, and terrorism between 1 January 1986, and 12 October 1999, the time between two states of martial law in Pakistan. It was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of Pakistanon 16 December 2009, throwing the country into a political crisis.[2][3]
Selected NRO beneficiaries include:
Other than these there are hundreds of political as well as non-political persons who have benefited from this ordinance.[4][9] The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) presented a list of 248 politicians and bureaucrats to the government, whose cases were cleared by NAB due to NRO.[29]

And it is sad that now after ten years of experimenting and trials nothing proved to be good and beneficial for the Country and the people of the islamic republic of Pakistan . 

(Bang-e-Dra-152) Mazhab

Apni Millat Par Qiyas Aqwam-e-Maghrib Se Na Kar
Khas Hai Tarkeeb Mein Qoum-e-Rusool-e-Hashmi

Judge not your nation on the criteria of Western nations
Special in composition is the Hashimi Prophet’s nation

Un Ki Jamiat Ka Hai Mulk-o-Nasab Par Inhasar
Quwwat-e-Mazhab Se Mustahkam Hai Jamiat Teri

Based on country and race is their organization
The force of din stabilizes your organization

Daman-e-Deen Hath Se Chhuta To Jamiat Kahan
Aur Jamiat Huwi Rukhsat To Millat Bhi Gyi

If the din’s skirt is lost, disappears the organization
And if organization departs also disappears the nation! 

Gen Saab Aadab !

Toot Ker Bikherey Tou Yeh Ehsaas Hua..

Toot Ker Bikherey Tou Yeh Ehsaas Hua..
Har Ek Shakhs Se Mukhlis Hua Nahi Kertey..
Yahan Masoom Chehrey Loot Letey Hein…
Har Ek Pe Aitbaar Kiya Nahi Kertey…
Koi Aur Bhi Muntazir Hai Tera…..
Ek Shakhs Ki Talab Kiya Nahi Kertey……
Pal Bher Mein Badal Jatay Hein Loug Yahan ‘Faraz’……
Aesey Lougon Se Muhabbat Kiya Nahi Kertey…… !!”
 Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people sitting and ocean

Anyways its time to really end this my Sunday Blog # 69 . Hope when i come back next Sunday after mid night saturday night the political scenario will be a little clear and the weather here in jamshed town Karachi in particular and the whole country in general is much better than it was this week . I also Hope that relations with China and the CPEC will never be again used by any successive government in islamabad against the innocent people of Pakistan and especially the social Media . If Those projects are for the people of Pakistan then they have every right to speak for and against it . if Not then i don't know why i am wasting my time which is already finished for today . So its a very Good good bye from me and my Sunday Blog # 69 .  
Here i end this my the Sunday Blog # 69 with a very melodious ghazal which is probably the Anthem of irrevocably depressed ...i hope this is politically correct LOL

Cheers !