
Sunday 25 December 2016

The Sunday Blog # 38

Today is the 25th of December 2016 the 25th of RabiulAwwal 1438 till the sunset and this is my The sunday Blog # 38 .

So Today is the Last Sunday of the Year 2016 . Next Sunday will be the Happy New Year and i will be most probably doing the First Sunday Blog of 2017 and My The Sunday Blog # 39 after or during the sounds of guns M9's TT's riffles ,Ak47 repeaters ,pump ups and of course the Fireworks with the colourful display . Here is Karachi this trend of aerial firing is growing as the city grows out the city limits and turns into a megapolis . No longer a trend its a custom a part of the Karachi culture . In the past couple of decades the baren and agricultural land in and around karachi and even the industrial land has turned in apartment complex Malir lyari harrapa oh sorry i mean the north and the west of karachi within and beyond the hills of karachi and the reclaimed all turned into residential areas for human production so there are kids and where there are kids there are guns and side arms and where there are arms there is aerial firing . Iam sure people who own licenced or unlicenced arms here in karachi  , Buy , beg or steal the bullets all year round just to fire on the New Years Midnight . I don't think you believe i am very serious tonight but let me tell you what i see and you can easily check it if you live near the airport or anywhere in the city where you can easily see a jet or commercial plane flying regularly on schedule you may also see eagles, kites , crows, vultures in the air or nesting in high places and stray dogs on the grounds lots of them . The Funny thing is that this is the nesting time for the eagles and because of the socks smells they usually attack people they see all day or just visiting their frame of referance and all they get is a Hush Hush or Hash Hash No body even the trigger happy saima friends give them a piece of their side arm or the shoulder load .Why Why Just because they save every bullet or blank to use on the Happy New Years night . So Now you know my A BC and this was the main reason of Starting the Last Sunday Blog of the year with a pre paid  rant about the very first moments of Every Fucking Single Year after Year yes Happy New Years here in this God Foresaken Mega Polis one of the Largest in the Globe . Imagine How Super Smart we are that we being each and every Happy New years with a same routine so obviously we end the old sad and depressing year with the same routine waiting for the Happy New Years and the Mid Night Aerial Firing ...Similarly Most of our other stuff  during the day before the Happy New Year Mid Night Aerial Firing or the month before and in the twelve months of the Happy New Year is also routine and identical .

Ok its 2:00 am and i am beginning to feel very sad and Moronic so i need a break . lol

10:30 am Good Morning
The Tea was almost made when i woke up just had to pour it in the tea jug or pot whatever . So had Just tea . smell the very fresh air after the Naval Guns Salute  with the crack of dawn which i missed again this year This is Usually the last and i don't see the Governor getting out that easy he has replaced historically longest one so that's it . Have lots of sweet and creamy sweet leftovers from last nights dinner for breakfast and other leftovers for lunch or brunch whatever . Hope nothing new comes along today .

So last night was a very magical night and a very revengeful as well as all the kings fairies and all the kings faariyaas failed to make me go to the last invite of the year and also the last invite from Not my very very Dear  Maternal GrandMother 's home . Goodbbye and Don't even try next year ...fare-thee-well !

And for those who believe or are very fond of Shakes pears Image may contain: text

And to aggravate the torture here is what i had for dinner instead Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodNo automatic alt text available.No automatic alt text available.

Happy Birthday Quaid !

12:30 pm ok i hadbreakfast & brunchImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: dessert and food Image may contain: drinkand now i am back for a short while before the azan for Zuhr after that i 'll prepare and leave for mosque for the zuhr prayer not sure what colour to wear today beeb wearing blue green and white for too long many have stopped spitting on the streets after watching my face . LOl
You know there are two kinds of people in my field i.e writing funny or cracking jokes when we speak , one who makes fun of others and LOL all the time  and others who makes fun for other people listen or read and those who do either enjoys , smiles or save it for later . See ... okay the bloggers emoji is off today i'll try later . Anyways i remember my good old days on the net very well it was a dial up connection so i had to wake up at nights and sit on the computer unless i wanted to block the landline during the day for ulterior motives . That rarely happened because in those days we had Human drones who could stop me from any anti establishment activity these day and after my continues protests the human drones are now obsolete sometimes though we have a glitch but its nothing as compared to the good old days of the dial up era . Anyways the habbit of staying up late never went away so what i was saying is that in the early days of the net my family was looking at me as if i have gone nuts because of my sudden outburst of lols or the quite soundless smiles which ofcourse had some reasons behind as i read or saw something or learn on the net or a continues dialogue with some perfect stranger on the net or some chatroom buddy . Things that i could not even communicate with my family looking at me on the dinner table or even listening to me because i have always been very Not quiet and diehard conversationalist in general . So sometimes i still feel like going some place very nobody could or should see me LOL But what can i do there is no place left anymore everywhere there is security and cameras . (yes that Emoji ) okay never mind LOL

Got to hurry Bye . Zuhr Prayer .

2:41 pm Thank God i survived a lunch today so there could be a high tea soon or an early dinner not sure when i get the call .so i have to hurry and at least be over 2000 words before sunset and maghrib .
This you know is the Holidays season and even if you do not believe in religious holidays you must believe in the gifty season . Everybody loves to receive gifts and some even like to give gifts . I have lived and survuved a lifetime of gifts season so now i am not that excited about the gifts anymore neither can i afford to give gifts that pleases the receivers and somehow it is very reciprocal thing to receive and give gifts . Gifts can sometimes makes you feel superior or inferior and if its not reciprocal then it may even feel like charity. Some demand gifts thats equally bad . And in a big family or a big mega polis it can be worse . Even expecting gifts can sometimes be translated into extortion or bribe here in my Mega Polis . The Minority community have boycotted my alley they are not demanding the gifts for their religious holiday today . If it had been our religious holiday today they would have been lined up ringing the door bell and even banging the door . But not today beats me the builder must have scared them away from me and my house . So the alley is in a mess with heaps of garbage delibrately thrown by the neighbours and their house maids . Ironically they are also not demanding any gifts this holiday must be the community decision from the head of the diocese . This is a first in my lifetime probably because an elder of the family has died could be his outlaws and friends protesting in the form of the diocese of my neighbourhood . Anyways.

ps : i hear some social activity on the dinning table have to go check it out .. will continue this discussion about gifts when i comes back .

4:09 pm yes i am back after the meeting Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: drink and food

Well Obviously you can see that this is a conspiracy against me and My The Sunday Blog # 38 . anyways my family has come to know about a new cafe in the neighbourhood that serves bacon and sausage platter for well under 1000 Rs Honestly i did not spill the beans its not me anymore i have changed so much over the past few years I don't go to the student biryani or the reopening alone anymore i hope they understand .

So where were we before ...oh yes Gifts . My dearly departed parents  Papa and Ammi may The Lord Almighty Allah Have mercy on them and may they be granted the highest of Heaven up above so high and They may Rest in Peace Always Amen , receieved thousands of gifts just during my lifetime not sure how their life was before me . All kinds of gifts personal very personal , giveaways , soveniers , key chains , promotionals hampers , goodwill good omen , food, cakes , chocholates , diaries calenders etc etc....But the thing that i remember them by is that they were not very possessive about those gifts some of them were distrubuted even before being seen my me . And even those that survive the distribution among family and friends those that had no takers were also shared gifts . Anybody could borrow anything from his gifts and possesssions anytime rarely did i see him refusing anybody anything The Doors to their home and their heart was very rarely shut . And On a day like today a Holiday they used to definitely have some kind of a get together at their home for us and for their parents families . distant relatives and friends were always welcome and even uninvited drop in were graciously welcomed . Its been almost a decade now since  papa may his soul rest in peace passed away and two and a half since Ammi may the lord almighty allah grant her the very best and rest in janna Amen . The Gap could not be filled But the vacumn is growing instead of decreasing . None of His Most favored is able or willing to do anything  he did for the family and friends on happy Holidays .

4:51 pm Power shutdown
Nasha sharab mein hota to nachti botal Image may contain: 4 people, indoor

It took me great many years of living with them and especially my dearly departed Papa May he rest in Peace . to realise that material gifts don't matter much sooner or later they become useless or junk But sometimes the thought and feeling it brings along survives in the heart and mind of Both .
I am very Glad that the gifts , favors and friendships were not hereditry . they all ended with the passing away of both parents most of them at once and few gradually . Fortunately their was a gap of seven and a half long years between the passing away . In that long period i learned quite a lot of how people thought about me . Who hated me for a reason and who hated me for the fashion .

5:35 pm door banging got to go .

26th Rabi ul Awwal 1438
7:05 pm
Good Evening and Happy Hanukkah

That Something came along i knew it Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

Anyways i start again after sunset and into a new date according to the islamic calender with still under 2000 words which is not good but something tells me now i am . yes .Good !

So if the Karachi Electric do not shut down for maintenence or Load shedding from now on wards till mid night then i will probably finish early today and spend some quality time with my loving siblings . you know after so many years finally the topic of our discussions has turned to the social media most of the time now gone are the days when " tanha tha mein iss anjuman main ....
ab toh jab dekhiey mashwara ney lagey ...." 

So Honestly i have been on the social media as my self and as my Ammi may her soul rest in peace amen and also as a very not me in all these forms and characters i have had a very good response from both who know me and from those who did not . But to help somebody who is extremely cynical about everything here and yet too eager to know everything in few hours not even in days or months or years as i have and then get a retort or compared with someone who i know would not be very proud to have been in a race with me no matter what .
Few years back i made a facebook account for my ammi May Her Soul Rest In Peace . Amen !
it was the time when facebook was not very popular in our family and and in her family . But becasue some influencial people abroad where using their pull to regulate their families or anybody they wanted to act as a fucking domino and remain obedient or adherent to their beliefs and status where using my Ammi may her soul rest in peace Amen and her health issues as tools of their irritation of the locals . For example somebody from far off calls long distance say during you favourite soap on television and ask about her so naturally you would either call , visit or send somebody to find out how is she ? This is natural when somebody asks about somebody important so its a vicious cycle  or circle . In order to break this vicious circle or cycle i made a facebook account of her The only difference between the account made and still opperated by me and other accounts run by others not very good and active on facebook themselves is very evident . First of All That particular account made both our lives and the lives of everybody around my my dearly departed Ammi may her soul rest in peace amen!. much easier . The number of prank callers reduced to less than half a dozen during the illness and good times . My dearly departed Ammi may her soul rest in Peace Amen was able to enjoy multiple soap serials without unnecessary interruptions and still she was in direct communications with her family and friends . She loved it and knew about each and every status change . The friends requests were her domain she was immediately notified of the friends request and she decided who to accept and who to not accept . We may have mutual friends back then but our friends lists was and shall always be different . You know when you act on somebody else behalf you have to kill a part of you and act according to their character and wishes their likes and dislikes . You cannot be the you that you are you have to be the you that she is and if you are accepted as if you acted just as that person would have even before that person endoses you or ratify you action on her behalf  That is the true essence of a job very well done .

When my dearly Departed Ammi may her soul rest in Peace Amen !. Passed away two and a half years ago i offered all her facebook friends and especially the immediate family members that its their choice whether this account should be closed or maintained in her memoriam . The majority ruled in favor so i have kept it intact with regular updates of  the things that happened after her that in one or the other way involves or relates to Her or her memories . Now the problem is that there have been three friends request waiting for a very long time and i cannot decide what to do on my own . Also there are few on her friends List that i or my siblings cannot stand at all i see that they have been blocked from everywhere even the neighbourhood watch and church knows about them and have stopped making their replicas or china copies to inform me about their trobles and misfortunes except that to inform or warn me of their malevolence . So what choice do i have ? I can't unfriend them on my own because they were readily friended by my dearly Departed Ammi may her sould rest in Peace Amen ! . They wont let go of her never i know even when there will be no benefits or favors left to claim because of her and her fond memories they wont ever give up a chance to malign me and my siblings now even more because her profile in their friends list proves that we are bad and they were always good . Anyways i love catch 22  so i will learn to live with it or just ignore it hopefully someday because of their own fat finger or somebody with whom they speard the germs will do the honours from their account and save me from eternal disgrace in my Ammi's may her soul rest in peace amen !. Eyes now and ever .

Okay its 9 :15 pm and i was not called to the meetup i can hear because i had already notified that i will not eat until i am done tonight see how coorporative my dearer have become now and this is absolutely nothing as compared to the dead silence i am feeling right now from the most restless of the souls . yehan toh banta hai LOL Image result for lol meaning in urdu

10:30 pm the tech talk was good and in a very friendly manner . I even shared my very personal roasted peanuts with the siblings . The tech talk ended after refreshments that included this .
Image may contain: drink and food

So here we are with the movies i watched this week :

1,Cardboard Boxer 
2.Nina Forever
3.Napoleon Dynamite
4.Extraction Day
6.Wetlands (2013 film).Feuchtgebiete (original title)Image result for Carla Juri

Well i think it was a bad week interms of movie choice but maybe some other mood i may like some of them . But one thing is for very sure that of all the pornofic or dirty movies i have watched over the past two years or more since My dearly departed Ammi may her soul rest in peace Amen!, passed away The number 6 is the worst . It is so dirty that all other dirty movies seems like good clean stuff after watching or trying to watch this dirty movie . Even thought it was tough to read the subtitles while trying not to miss every single bit of the mental degradation and retardation of the writers producer and director of this movie or drama whatever . But since its all action there seems to be no real need to be able to read the subtitles or the excuse that its a foreign film and we could not have known that it is a dirty sick and abhoring creation of a very sick mind . But the fact remains that If and only if I had seen this film during my adolecent , i could have been a very different very clean and practical person altogether . And even if i have not been a very clean practical person altogether i may definitely have been a person with a much much cleaner toilet seat than i have had so such a very long time . This is such a big regret of this ending year 2016 which i will have to live with for the rest of my godforesaken motherfucking life .

Other than these movies i have also been watching the two soap serials regularly and i get to see one or two episodes of Homeland and suits . oh yes not to forget to mention this weeks i also end up watching a very interesting episode of DEXTER morgan awesome !! will watch later .

Okay so now its 11:30 pm so here i end my the Sunday Blog # 38 with a wish and a hope that we meet again in the Happy New year after and if at all we survived the Mad Aerial Firing of the Happy New Year 2017 . So in Few minutes we will have a very New Boxing day so a very Happy Boxing day saw a tweet that there is a Tsunami alert again somewhere LOL

Hope you will love me again and enjoy  this Song by

Mozhdah - Ae Dil Hai Mushkil 

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