
Sunday 4 December 2016

The Sunday Blog # 35

Today is the 4th of December 2016 the 4th of Rabi ul Awwal 1438 till sunset and this is my The Sunday Blog # 35.

It has been a a very tough day because when i woke up the cable & Net was off because of the Power failure . and the same exercise was repeated again three four times till midnight . I know This is the holy month of Illumination both Private and Public  buildings are decorated by the very religious people for Eid milad on 12th rabiulawwal the third month of the Islamic calendar which is the day of the Birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Saw) . My Neighbourhood is decorated with green and white lights from the first of the Rabiulawwal till the 12th of Rabiulawwal. So obviously some well wisher must be forcing the power company to shutdown my lights so i come out and enjoy their wastefulness, Share Arrogance  

Anyways . I haven't missed on anything i usually do with power so i believe there was no harm done so i will just let it pass and absolutely forget about it But what i will not forget is the fact somebody defaced my dearly departed parents. may they rest in Peace Amen ! , car parked out of anybody's way and minding its own business and stole the battery  . it is a very fact that for the past two decades or more since the builder mafia begin its activity and used cars as the biggest tool of aggravation I have never not even once defaced or even scratched anybody's car . And even if i have done something wrong to any neighbors or strangers car ever in my life that i may not recall at the moment , This very act that i am referring to was very uncalled for Since that car does not belong to me .  
It is true that i am not very friendly with the neighbors and their help and especially the drivers and the security guards because they interfere with my privacy . But incidents like these will only make matters worse. This is a clear case of turning a blind eye which means that somebody wanted to harass me and my family and the neighbors and the town folks . The Fact is that the town Folks and the neighbors are already scared why else would they hire security guards and biryani police , install surveillance cameras , weld grills , locks and other very expensive and troubling security measures . Sometimes i see people locked outside their own homes waiting ......

1:55 am Power Shutdown again can't save the draft from here on so i better shutdown the computer too and try to get some sleep or just lie down and wait for the power and cable to be restored again . The irony is that for the past few days the cable company which is again owned by the lahoris was advertising for an Uninterrupted cable service . The Fast lane or something HA !

2:07 am Eating  Roasted Peanuts

As i have mentioned many times before Wifi is no longer a Luxury nor it is something we can generate like power and electricity . or Use battery . Until few years ago  when the power was shut off by KESC The infamous Karachi Electric Supply Corporation now KE the Karachi Electric we had no option but to sit or lye down and wait and wait and wait . Now we have multiple sources to keep going

2:16 am Okay the power and cable is back .

So apart from the fact that the words counter is moving faster tonight i don't think my the Sunday Blog # 35 is powerful enough to prevent the power shutdowns or restoring the confidence of the town folks and the neighbors in the law & Order or Security of the town and neighborhood .


2:28 am gone again

So does anybody know why even these harsh power shutdowns and long traffic jams of the hot & Humid karachi climate could not turn its Saqafat (translation after the power and cable is restored from google ...
Word in Urdu  ثقافت
Meaning in English  Saqafat, sinology, culture

) to either Americanized or Punjab-ism ?  No ? its very easy . Okay you have time til the power and Cable net is restored . Hurry up !! 

Ya keep guessing

2:44 am Back again open network and sharing ....Troubleshoot problems .

Okay so you give up Good very good yes it is the one and only The most irritating and recently deadly The various and multiple kinds of Mosquitoes .Image result for sheer arrogance

   Okay its almost 3:00 am and before the next power and cable shutdown I have to Definitely Shutdown . and hopefully I am not coming back till brunch or may be later . Bye !

10:50 am
Good Morning ! When i woke up there was no tea so i filled the kettle with water and put it on the stove to boil and started to wait then i started the computer to post the morning mood which i do every day after waking up just to be sure next year that i was alive and well this day about a year ago You Never Know somebody anybody could claim any day they made me right wasting all my hard work and sweat oh sorry Perspiration yes that is how this city is like right now. Anyways the tea is ready and here i take the first sip of a masala tea made by my dear brother i would have made it very simple anyways in few minutes my phlegm will congest the throat so i will have to rush out and spit . A very brief moment of karachi Pathaniate .

By the way one of my blogs after the beating retreat incident from two years ago showed up in facebook memories seems like a lot has changed in the past two

  کناڈا والی سرکار سسپنڈس دا کیمپنگ ڈیوک ریٹریٹ

Already Jealous people please don't over analyze LOL

12:01 pm So no breakfast or brunch today everybody is sleepy . Okay .

This week some Chinese news agency released a report about the first china to Karachi freight service from the inland province of Yunnan under the new agreement of the CPEC . Its amazing how These shipments will come all the way from china and probably go back to China from Karachi It feels so Ehphoric today especially because The Indian Navy is celebrating today the blockade of karachi in 1971 which according to them cut off the army supply to the east Pakistan and destroyed Karachi .

-- So we all know how indian navy is no need to say anything about them or worry But what i want to say here is that 45 years later There will be Ships coming in to the KARACHI PORTS from further then Chittagong and if the Indian Navy made just one mistake Just one mistake or even Planned a Malevolent Plan against THE KARACHI  contemplate .

12:45 pm ok i only have half hour before i begin preparing to go for Zuhr prayer , out of milk also so can't miss it . By the way The blog write up somebody dictated during the sleep is okay but i don't think this My the Sunday Blog # 35 needs that kind of reader ship at the moment I'll definitely save the idea for the Anniversary Blog . I ❤ one track Minds 👌

This something new on my Bloggers menu bar Now I don't have to remember or search for the ASCII code or the ALT Key Codes 
This is Fun Everything is here and searchable WOW ! 👀

Ok Thats my Azan Got to go Bye.

3:00 pm So despite my resolve to not eat Nulli Nihari on Sundays I did today What can i do My dear siblings insisted so much my brother brought Hot tandoori Naan and Sister was not eating till i sit to eat and you she has diabetes and have to take medicines so The Thing is that i have eaten Nulli Nihari on with Naan on a Sunday after noon so There is not much time left before i fall asleep and forget everything i could have done in this My The Sunday Blog # 35 . 
By the way let me assure you this is no ordinary nihari it is a special recipe home cooked with shank bone or bongh . Heaven !
These days if you go to zahid or some other nihari house in town you will probably hear some asking the waiter Bongh ki boti deyna . or Gol Boti deyna  and the waiter brings the same thing that he has and not the bongh ki boti . I have stopped eating in the nihari restaurants especially Zahid because i cannot see this scene or hear this dialogue anymore . its like somebody cracked a very funny joke for me.
Anyways talking of joke Have you  heard that governor wala joke OH you already Have ok never mind
3:33 pm The Indian navy mosque azan call for Asr already ....Tich 

and my sister brings the Dinner for photo shoot and salt tasting  Oh my God ....Hope we have a chaapa so i do not have to eat all this today . I was planning to go to the graveyard today to say my salam and fateha for  Dearly Departed Papa and Ammi  May their souls rest in peace Amen but since Kanada wali sarkar is in karachi nearby soldier Bazaar beating retreat going out to graveyard and bring rabri shabri plan cancelled . I usually don't respond to the beating retreats to avoid the rea beating on return .

And talking about the beating retreats again The Dhakan singh was banging something i thought the case is absolutely out today turns out they were pushing a lizard in my bath with continuous bangs ....Just when i am about to break and think i should eat the neighbors food the  difficult case is so out of whack . Anyways lets mark the next date for review next year . Image result for out of whack meaning

4:51 pm  Breaking News Just in ....Hazrat Javed Khanani  qabley masih Member ABAD drowned in a  Builders Pond very near from here 
U.S. Department of the Treasury

Transnational Criminal Organizations Designations 

5th RabiulAwwal 1438
6:44 pm
Good Evening !  The US consulate is celebrating  Guy Fawkes day  today i mean Sindhi culture day isn't that the same nobody cares what its all about when the hangover is gone ...except those ..never mind..

recently when the Indian nuclear sub threat to Karachi became a news Some of the old Karachi folks were definitely jubilant because the majority of the people of Karachi does not give a damn about the coastline constructions in Karachi they still feel that these encroachments on the seaview will be washed away some day but i am sure nobody every suggested that The Indian Navy will Someday chasing the Chinese goods carriers will do the honours . Nothing seems impossible now because they are celebrating a total destruction of Karachi today 45 years ago . By the way if i remember correctly there use to be an under-construction building at sea view  believed to be of pre- islamic era belonging to some Arab or Iranian prince Why was it demolished was it an encroachment too Image result for sea view karachi casino

Okay Talking of Chinese remember the garbage of Karachi or most of Karachi is now the official property of the Chinese Firm not very famous in China of Course But ever since this news and MQM's mayor was released the sanitary workers in my neighborhood have disappeared except for those who work privately in the houses . The KWSB camp office in my neighborhood is vacant haven't seen the KMC orange jackets doing anything here . Does this mean they have been rehired by the chinese company and send for training to china . PIA has increase the Flights for china and a new airline in the private sector by the name of Serene Air is about to start very soon 

okay its 7:42 pm Isha prayer time ours is usually the last of the azans and prayers in the town . Today when i was going for the zuhr prayer a very cute guy stopped his little car and asked Namaz kay lian ja rahey ho ? and i nodded and went my way he went his . I don't understand why this happens when i am already late Probably missed one rakat because of him Usually The cute guys with little cars don't stop for me must be a stranger in the neighborhood . or probably somebody from not around here on an exchange program or leadership program here to celebrate the day and take Sindhi topee and ajrak as souvenirs for folks back home who will visit sometime later wearing it believing that it is in fashion here . Honestly i have never worn a Sindhi topee or ajrak my entire life and i don't see any good reason to wear it in the near future . So People visiting from US and Allied Countries please don't expect any special favours or respect  from me just because you are wearing a Sindhi apparel worth hundred of dollars .    

Today i feel like people are spending huge sums of money just to get into my blog Well i don't mind But its 8:00 pm and from here onwards I will not think at all just type to make it near the 3000 words  right now i am almost 900  word short . But First a short break for drinks and snacks and to fresh up a bit . I am not sure why i have not yet got a dinner call or a chaapa . Must be the Jams in the city because of the US - Canada sponsorships . What is wrong with the spelling of Sponsorships why is it underlined with Red marking ? Anyways there we have it somebody mentions khana wana outside the room near the closed door . if I did not get up right now the moment will be gone or the door could be opened any moment now No i think the moment is gone okay so i survive another Sunday dinner at 8 : 15 pm ThankGod I prayer today after walking to the mosque in the winter sun on a sunny afternoon on a very peaceful Sunday and not taking the lift from a total stranger in a little white car . Wish i had a secret camera on me . The Not very friendly neighbors must have him on their surveillance cameras but i am sure they will refuse to coorporate with me or even acknowledge that they saw somebody that cute offering me a lift . This is not America you know This is the worst neighborhood of Karachi where even World Bank can't do much to improve the neighbourhood condition without wasting lots of commission they must have earned by giving our politically corrupt leaders . and thanks to the social media they know everything now .   


No wonder they are not even thinking about my neighbourhood ....LOL

8:30 pm I hear movements in the kitchen and around the dinning table once again This time it seems very serious . So This is it Now I cannot possibly avoid the Dinner call . Must be a Break in the tv shows on the News Channels Sometimes i feel they scheme up against me don't you think I was this close to be over 2600 word  Nope i am under 2600 words right now Oh no somebody is eating without me that so bad this should not happen no no How could this happen they are eating without even asking me just once ? Not even calling me for a PhotoShoot of the dinner . Oh yes we did that earlier . So This day has arrived when nobody will disturb me for dinner and let me do the blog this My The Sunday Blog # 35 . 

Yes 2600 Words done . Even my very dear sister is not disturbing me not even once is she going to ask me to eat ? So if I don't get up 
yes ! i knew it . I am still Alive . Okay Bye .

9:56 pm okay so the dinner turns out to be a little different than i had expected yes Anyways all that ends well is usually what i had for dinner ....

Okaaaay its not yet 10:10 pm but here is another breaking News from the Builder Mafia Just in 5 minutes ago Karachi: MQM Pakistan Ne MNA Ali Raza Abdi Ki Bunyadi Rukniat Khatm Krdi.

Syed Ali Raza AbidiVerified account


MQM - Member National Assembly - NA251 Standing Committee Member of Cabinet Secretariat and Information Technology n Tel. Tweets are personal - RT not endorsmnt
 Joined March 2009
 Born on July 6, 1972

--I still have over an hour to do this my The Sunday Blog # 35 But i don't think it will be good for my health if i sit here and keep typing what ever comes to my mind instead of going for a walk eat an ice cream or just enjoy the fresh air . Since I am not eating Healthy at all i should at least try to be physically fit and active . Eating without walking and exercise and sitting most of the time in the same posture can be very problematic and hazardous and could even be very deadly . But then its not my fault . Honestly you wont believe this but every single buddy in my family relatives and friends hates his or her life that is in the present every body thinks and firmly believes in this song " Merey Bachpan kay din kitney achay thay din ....Blah Blah Blah ..! " Translation : The Days of my childhood How good were those day ? I think here it was sung by Mohd Ali Shahki . No Doubt i too love this song and its melody tune and lyrics and the singer and composer . But What i am 100 % sure about my self is that I believe in the Chinese saying or Prayer or fortune cookie what ever which says " May you live in the interesting times  " For me This is the most interesting times . I have access to Google and Internet and sometimes Free Wi-Fi . Which is still unthinkable with so many money making machines called foreign investors and well-wishers .  Anyways , I don't like my childhood or anything from my childhood . I don't miss my past I am very very excited about the present I don't really care if i don't have a bright or even any future because This is what I wants and i am very happy where i have arrived . From here what i have could improve for me but it could also go astray or even into nothing ness . That would be the death of me .

Okay so now the movies i watched this week ...

1.The Girl on the Train
3.Saat Uchakkey
5.Force 2
6.Dear Zindagi
7.Think Like A Man

Honestly i was very disappointed with all these movies due to the good food and changing not weather i was a little more sleepy this week nights and then these extremely dragging movies . Imagine how tough it must have been for me to watch them in just one go without falling asleep .

Okay so here i am so totally finished having my last cup of tea of the Sunday during This My The Sunday Blog # 35 . I haven't counted how many cups of tea have i drowned today since midnight in the past 23 hours Honestly this was the worst . it went all the way in just one go not sip by sip like others fresh and hot . Somebody I know when fills the thermic jug do not heat the tea enough so that when the cold milk is added from the refrigerator , the tea remain hot . Some people save the last minute and waste the efforts of a lifetime . So Lets hope we all live all the days of our life and don't miss a thing .

it 11:22 pm and a very good time to End this my The Sunday Blog # 35 with a very good Song One of My very favorites from the first time i heard it very many years ago and its is still very fresh and relaxing to me . Love it the video is also very cool Hope you may not like it as much i like so i may even enjoy it when nobody else is around as i always do . Yes it is Morey Saiyaan by Khamaj

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