
Sunday 18 December 2016

The Sunday Blog # 37

Today is the 18th of December 2016 the 18th of Rabi ul Awwal 1438 till the sunset and this is my The Sunday Blog # 37 .
So tonight for dinner i had two options kabab Burger or Brain Fry . I had Burger and left the Brain fry for later please don't be surprised if the brain fry appears again in full or leftovers in the coming food pictures of the day it may or may not re-appear during any meal during this my The Sunday Blog # 37 . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: food
This has been an amazing very foody week for me as i mentioned in my previous blog we had eid -e- Milad fatehaWasiq Syed's photo. Wasiq Syed's photo.and the Death Anniversary Fateha of my Dearly departed Papa May his soul rest in peace Amen ! Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food
so with no traffic jam to grace all i did was eat and pray and probably due to changing weather or maybe only because of eating more i fall asleep during every movie i watched this week . Our cable has probably because i have been so nice in regularly watching kosem and kasam that  they re-introduced the series channel probably for the Christmas only but who cares so far i have only been able to watch few episodes of its a first time i get to watch suits its too fast paced for me but i am catching onImage may contain: 5 people, people standing Big Bang theory is always fun to watch even the re runs i simply love that show Image may contain: one or more people and people standing

Okay just now at 1:30 am  while distracting you i gobbled down another kabab Burger with a different sauce this time with cold drink instead of hot tea and i am still sweaty head must be the peanuts and dry fruits . 

anyways this food talk will go on till the end so lets just change the subject and move on . 

So today i burned my very first tablet actually it was a very used thrown out by my sister 2G tablet it was not getting wifi and very recently accidentally inserted a micro sd card in the sim slot and in trying to retreve the micro sd card from the sim slot i somehow got carried away and broke it by poking screw drivers and pins anyways it was now unconectable to the networks and file transfer was also not possible so today when a need araiseth to sacrifice something to save the world and this My The Sunday Blog # 37 + I did not hesitate to sacrifice that used tablet remember it was a 2G in a world where even the Zong is 4G . Even though this was my first gadget burning and that also on a oven stove so you can called it cooking if you like being first this was defintely not the last because i have a lot of stuff that needs to be burned or thrown away and there is always a world to be saved no matter what . Unfortunately i was in a hurry to see the psychological effects of this burning that i could not take pictures not even of the cooling and residue anyways better luck next time (BLNT) . 

Talking of saved My uncle was again in a Florida Hospital and he was saved again after we sacrificed a goat for him . Up till last summer he used to call me  to take care of him but now he has developed his son to take care of everything there Well there maybe doubts about the Heaven But there sure is a merciful God in Heaven watching over me freedoms . The Amazing thing is that nobody even dares to suggest that i lose my freedoms anymore . Not even in this wedding season when even the poorest of the poor are tied in a knot nobody cares if they are snort or snot anyways who cares all matches are fixed in heaven . Oh my God I will have to distract my dearly departed Ammi May her soul rest in peace Amen , even more so that she may not join any of the match fixing ladies clubs in heaven like she did here and wasted so much of my time . Anyway That some other time . LOL

Okay its very near the 3:00 am and battery is getting low needs to be plugged in and data is moving very rapidly it also needs to be cooled down . so its good night . I don't promise but i will come back again very soon probably before or after the Fajr prayers . Bye !

Good Morning !
10:26 am 

Aus vs Pak: Wait what? There is a swimming pool inside Gabba!Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, sky and outdoorImage may contain: one or more peopleNo automatic alt text available.

NOPE !!!

NOT SURE IF I'LL BE BACK ...okay this explains a lot of going ons with my desktop settings and the mutliple power on and offs .. 

11:55 am okay never mind we have lots of Australiam i meam swimming pools here so who cares ....this is what i had in the mean time i mean before noon i  was planning to make a tablespoon of halwa das rupees wala but just then my diabetic sister came into the kitchen and sliced her sugar medicine with a Knifey on cutting board moment of weakness was definitely gone . 
.Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

My brother is still happy with himself that he made me react and protest so much
 the other brother is sad because he is not able to sent me money because mansha group is not sitting on a table with the telenor group since mr sherry i don't remember his name  was fired from tameer bank or whatever . Oh i love don't we all love politics especially here in karachi . Karachi to Nawabshah via London 

Image may contain: one or more people and outdoor
The US Central Command did not socially acknowledge the changes here or the gift to Mazar-e-Quaid, also known as the Jinnah Mausoleum so i am also enjoying the holiday season i suggest to all my fans and well wishers to avoid the media and watch some left over good and recommanded movies of the year that you keep hearing from your friends and family especially your own spouses and kids . It will only make your life easier in the first three months of the new year coming its not a promise just a hunch . 

So Junaid Jamshed was laid to rest this thursday at a seminary in karachi...........RIP 

Okay its 12:55 pm and the zuhr azans have started so i better start to get ready to go also i need to get out of the room and go check on my p-eers see how much they are missing me today . Also see if they want something from the market . Anything for cooking or takeaway . i believe everybody had the first meal so there will be no brunch today . i am in no mood for a heavy lunch today so i will prefer a snack at tea but thats before my zuhr prayer and walk may i see something good on my return and start eating without a thought . It happens a lot of times . My word count is too low right now so i cannot sleep for long in the afternoon or i will have to settle with a shorter My The Sunday Blog # 37 . lets see after the break ....

First Power Break down of the day or during this my The Sunday Blog # 37 ThanksGod i was not using it for this my The Sunday Blog # 37 infact my brother was doing something with the power tools so he will be quite irritated if i get out of the room right now Canceled NO Socialising before the Zuhr Prayer . Yes !

3:17 pm The power was restored just moment before i steps in probably wanted to scare me with dark magic lol by the way it no good to look at drafts saved very very bad habit . and to comment silly silly comment when i am already late is too bad not one . Anyways as expected upon my return from the zuhr prayer everybody was relaxed and having Lunch . So to be nice and political i had to join them see i told ya for the next meal whenever it may be my sister is planning kabab rolls she is half done already i am thinking qorma chicken and have no idea what brother is planning . I believe i have done enough for the day and specially Sunday walk and outing so i have no plans to go out again the mosque had to many of flu sounds i believe everybody had a good party time friday and saturday night while i was watching soaps and a movies at home with peanuts and Almonds trying to figure out the difference between suicidal and sacrificial .... The study and research is still incomplete so i will not share it here but hold on to it for a better time in the coming future . Thanks for all the help you are going to force me with anyways,

Okay its 4:00 pm and i am almost half way that ia almost 1500 words of pure junk not trash i believe i will not come to trash before completing the first year of Sunday Blog which is about 20 blogs away may be less Google how many sundays in a year

53 Sundays
Most years have 365 days, but a leap year has 366 days. That adds up to 52 weeks (where each week is exactly 7 days) PLUS 1 or 2 additional days. The year 2015 has exactly 365 days. Now if the year starts on a Sunday in a non-leap year, you end up with 53 Sundays.
So 53 - 37 = 16

yes No Trash before 16 ....No no i said no . Image may contain: text

19th Rabi ul Awwal 1438

7:07 pm

Good Evening !
 Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodOkay please don't tell my P-eers but i am working on a conspiracry theory why else would they be so desperate to feed me   specially on Sundays when i need to stay focused and free for longer hours to be able to sit and type ThankGod that i don't think while i am doing the blog . 

okay so its Isha prayer time here according to plan i have no plan to go out at this time the air is too damp my towel did not dry the gutters are overflowing due to politics and there is a new virus say WHO

Chikungunya is a viral disease transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes. It causes fever and severe joint pain. Other symptoms include muscle pain, headache, nausea, fatigue and rash. Joint pain is often debilitating and can vary in duration.Image result for Chikungunya karachiBut for the people of karachi and Pakistan we have one more bad news first yes AAZ is coming back Well you and everybody else knows that i haven't been nice this year so i wasn't expecting any change in the Norad command and central at least this confirms by firm belief . A sailor dressed as Santa Claus gives the signal to launch a T-45C Goshawk from on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS George Washington in the Atlantic Ocean, Dec. 10, 2016. The ship is conducting carrier qualifications. Navy photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Wyatt L. Anthony

By the way so far nothing is going my way so i believe i should not expect a miracle and finish this My the Sunday Blog # 37 well under 2000 words while i can and go watch the series channel and chew or munch the roasted peanuts and grams yes thats it then bye ....

9:30 pm Okay this short break was really awesome i watched "The Nerdvana Annihilation" season 1 ep 14 of the Big Bang Theory it was fun . and peanuts . I am feeling so much in control once again that i feel i can go on and on rambling till midnight without stopping or even without a break not even to get up and get a cup of tea or coffee . or a glass of Miranda from the large family bottle that i opened this morning because i was feeling very thirsty and all sweaty from the forehead . I believe i need to have my head examined any time soon because whenever i eat hot food or drink hot drinks or confine myself to this airless all closed room and close all doors and windows i begin to sweat like i am perspiring 100% but its only from the forehead and not from the feets like most people do specially those who wear boots and socks all day and when they take off their socks and boots or even the peshaweri sandals their feet smells like shit and becomes unbearable for many who are not used to that kind of bad smell . It is a whole lot of embarrassing for themself as well you know there is nothing in this world as bad a turn off than the bad smell no wonder these personal hygiene product manufacturers and sellers make such a fortune around the globe and sometimes i feel that they are the real culprit behind the unchecked population explosion that we may survive but the coming generation will be in a very unbelievable jam when in few years the population of the world will be doubled what it is today i am not sure if the world leaders and managers will be able to control that heavily over populated globe or they will chose wars and destruction , looting and poluting like the leaders and organizations of our and specially my time . In the past thirty years of my life my home town and city saw a population explosion and also saw a construction and building boom . In the beginning i thought that in few years all the  old houses will be demolished and new buildings will be build to house the growing number of people But after more than Three decades i feel i was wrong today the building and construction activity is breaking the people both old and new . Nobody here in this town or in any part of the city is happy with this concrete jungle and the construction materials lying every where we go . broken roads and streets . and overflowing sewerage and manholes . Mosquitoes spreading virus of multiple kinds and the traffic is crazy . Without proper planning the rich bankers and media moguls are dishing out hundreds and thousands of three wheelers to the poor people in the name of job creation and halal rozee . They are not thinking of the environment and the traffic problems they are creating for the a wider segment of the society . Trust me if the Americans did not have need our land for their links and trade with china and central asia we would have been totally annihilated some time soon . Now at least we have a few more years but our political and social justice system has already been crumpled and crippled for this generation and for the next few generations to come . Here in karachi Murder is so common and rampant that people talk about it as if they are talking about a ball game . very very sad indeed . How can we allow this to go on . When people hear about a murder they tag it and classify into religious , ethnic and social bias . I simply cannot understand why a murder in our karachi cannot be investigated and prosecuted as a murder of a human being instead of party afliliations . You know what we are making a mess so big for the coming generations that will not and cannot be cleared up in centuries to come . The greatest sad back is that everything is done here by NaMaloom Afrad i.e Unknown people . and when somebody is caught or disliked by the arresting officer who obviously wants the reward throws the book at him . sometimes very funny scenarios arise when the media or the defence lawyers rips apart the FIRS and ChargeSheets written by the investigationg officers . People demanding forensic and DNA testing are made fun of as if they have asked for something out of this world or the world beyond . 

So Why are we living here and why is this city growing . If its so bad why people celebrate thier happy occasions here why don't they feel sad and stop doing what they are doing . Why do people get up every day and go out to their work , shop , schools colleges and universities . Why women folk make homes and cook and clean in this city . Why are the shops loaded with goods both local and foreign . Why are the markets and malls open all day and till late in the night . Why are new shopping centers and restraunts opening up every day . Why people pouring in from around the world on business and pleasure . Why Why ....Why ? 

The Question is Not Why ? The question is  For How Long ? 

i believe you get the drift ah you are very smart and intelligent people . 

okay is 10;40 pm i'll take a ten minutes break and then i'll come to the movies of the week and do the ending . By the way is it true that karachi cineplexes and theatres will be show the hindi films once again . was the ban just because of zarbazb or ShukriaRaheelSharif .  Anyways i hope the hindi soaps on the filmazia and other cable channels be restored by pemra soon i miss them a lot . 

Okay so here we are in the last and final hour of the day this my The sunday Blog #37 is coming to an end in the beginning i was very hopeful that i may be able to do it much better than the previous ones but i over sleep in the morning few hours more that i had expected and then i was a bit slow during the day anyways here i am nearing the end and i think under the circumstances most of them i explained and some i kept to my self still i feel i did well today as always  . 

Here are the movies i watched this week ..

1.Days of Tafree.
3.Heaven Is For Real
4.Slaughter is the Best Medicine

yes as i mentioned above the movies list of the week is much smaller than usual and i have also explained the reason very clearly so i don't think there is any need to go into the details and explain it once again why there are feweer movies in the movies list of the week . Okay so never mind the movie 1 and 2 and try to forget the movie 4 . so then we are left alone with the movie number 3 and yes it is a good very good faith movie not a christmas movie . The good thing about it is that Jesus gets a much need facelift . They only mentioned two innocent witnesses but i am sure there must be plenty of them not mentioned by CNN or the film producers . anyways If Heaven is for Real Real Mann Yo !

So this is it yes This my The Sunday Blog # 37 ends with a very beautiful melodious hindi film song my all time favorite from Ye Waada Raha .....Have fun i'll be back on christmas Sunday with my The Sunday Blog # 38 . Till Then take care have fun Enjoy !

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