
Sunday 11 September 2016

The Sunday Blog # 23

Today is the 11th of September 2016 the 8th of Zilhij 1437 till the sunset . It's 1:00 am I missed the first hour because of the Power shutdown we have experienced it multiple times tonight Anyways right now here i am and this is my The Sunday Blog # 23 . Tonight I have a blended mixture of sentiments. Good News , Sad Memories and Nothing Much . So lets being with the Sad Memories . Strangely the Computer Dell clock on the Taskbar reads 1:07 AM  9/11/2016 . Strangely because here we don't write the month before the day in date like the Americans do . I am sure by now you may have realized that I am trying to come to the point that September 11th is not 9/11 to us but 9/ 11 is a sad day indeed because the world saw a very sad and tragic event that day . I did not know the people who died that day in New York when the twin towers came to the ground or the ones who died when the  two off-course planes collided with the world trade center .  But to me there was a special value and affection for the World Trade center . My Mother who was a very down to earth eastern house-wife who could not speak American or English and was not very fond of travel even though she had traveled across most of the undivided British India during her childhood , Visited the world trade center in her late 40's . Watching her Standing on the rooftop of the tallest building in the world at that time in the photos was quite fantastic . Image result for world trade center rooftop viewI was about ten years old when she had to travel to the US for Papa's medical treatment leaving me here in the care of family elders and my dear siblings. I was born to love my both parents and i still do years after they left me here never to return . May their Souls rest in Peace. 

Image result for bush musharraf after 9/11Watching her photos in the album of that visit over and over again i begin to fall in love with America and the World Trade Center. So imagine how i may have felt when i saw that tragedy live on CNN . It was around tea time here when the news break. It is true that there has never been a more tragic and sad News than this. Both parents were alive i sat down with them and we watched that dreadful coverage they once again told  us how great it was and how wonderful the feeling was being at the top of the world. And now we were watching it burn and fall. We were all very sad that day and even sadder the next when fingers begin to point in at our directions . My Mind was only relaxed and eased out when i heard President Bush jr hurl a catch 22 at Musharraf . And in reply Musharraf howled well actually that was the cherry on top after that everything got back to normal for me at least I can't say exactly how Papa & Ammi  felt Image result for world trade center rooftop viewfor the next so many months and years till their dying day. Anyways whether it was guilt or just luck Not only Musharraf and his friends got rich both afghanistan and Pakistan prospered beyond imagination. Before 9/11 i could walk on the main roads of karachi ear plugged in less than a decade there is so much traffic on the streets of karachi that my well-wishers fear i could be ran over by a vehicle trying to come out of a jam at the snails pace . Besides this People of Pakistan and Afghanistan are so rich now they can buy property anywhere in the world . It is Believed that half of Dubai and Mumbai or any other bai is owned in full by people from afghanistan and Pakistan. The reason very few were named in Panama papers is because buying property there is much easier for people of Afghanistan and Pakistan . Please don't tell me you didn't know that.

Ok now here's a very important tip for people travelling to tampa .Never let wasiq find out until you reach there or he will give you tin packs of Nihari and Halwa for people there and definitely not let people there find out you could be going back soon or they could give you a kg of sniff maybe more.

Ok the fajr Azans have started
Can't go to the mosque too sleepy prayed at home. So where was i ? Oh yes i was right here last sunday doing the previous sunday blog and sleeping when the restless neighbors got dressed and left for some cheap marrige hall and gave away the hand of one of their sons into marriage to one of his shadow cousins. In dollar $$ terms they forefit the enjoyment of their birth right and legally authorised sons inlaws to practice seven alternate medicines on him and what the future holds . Btw don't make me remind you that this is all classified information even the nosy drivers were hushed up until the titanic felt that the iceberg was sinking fast only then they decided to release a teaser .

okay talking of teasers does anybody know or have heard of a month or two challenge where people trying to live affluent life style are forced to leave their wife and kids at home in the united states and  come and live in a similar ambiance as that of wasiq. I honestly don't believe any sane person would do that just for a parking ticket by county sheriff or the metropolitan police.

Good Morning.

Oh my we have a awesome mausam this morning at noon it feels like before sunrise.
Btw this power and voltage thing going on in the neighborhood can't be because of my classified write-up as i did it at fajr on sticky note without connection to the net and definitely did not update it on the blogger or WordPress even as a draft. The reaction could possible come on tuesday not before that.

999 words now if i write A 4 times with space like A A A A  or paste entschuldigung für die unannehmlichkeiten the count will be same . Amazing isn't it . Love it ! still i prefer the bloggers because it is much easier to insert media files where i want  as i want and edit it anytime after the Automated editor chop it off . (This page contains HTTP resources that may cause mixed content affecting security and user experience if the blog is viewed over HTTPS.
Fix    Dismiss    Learn more 
<img alt="Image result for world trade center rooftop view" src="" height="180" width="320"> )

Dismiss is what i usually do . Some day i will learn it or stop using random media files from the internet. Until then . (1121 words)

Instead of a regular passionate Breakfast or Brunch this is what i am getting today before and after the power Air bags of Lays (salted) and 7up Buddy.

Okay its Zuhr time please pray for the early completion of the Orange line Green Bus BRTS in Karachi . Amen !

Had this while listening to the Hajj Sermon on ARY News Never understood why PTV channels bother to translate anyways the usual imam saab was listening today from the dug-out and shiekh abdur Rehman as sudais very famous for his qirat recitation apps if you don't have it already please goto google play store don't download it from apk or mobo market . r

Weather is still awesome I am sitting here in the lawn listen to the neighbours goat cursing his wife and children I have no idea why we have to bring these farm animals to the society . Its so scary that a carrier  and harbourer of deadly  Congo virus could be just feets away. ah .

Tea Time !

9th Zilhij 1437

Good Evening !

Honestly i cannot move right now after eating all this even though i went for the Maghrib prayer at mosque.

So The Traffic Jams , the Hassles and the MQM not collecting Hides this year on Eid may effect the number of sacrifice this year . Today I am sure people will prefer booking instead of Buying .

This year I have not made a single halal rupee. so I should be more interested in observing this ritual but because of the Panama Papers staying on the line has become very difficult . So this year I am not doing the Niyaat for eating Meat of a Sacrificed sheep on my behalf . I am shaving and I am cutting the nails and I am eating Beef and Mutton before eid day . For years the Animal that is sacrificed on my behalf is not purchased by me or Paid for . My dearly departed Parents used to do that because they loved me a lot . My siblings also love just like them but my conscience does not allow me to accept and put extra burden on them . So I am praying to them not to bring or book anything on my behalf please . This will only happen if the prices are high and the stock is short . And there is no room to store the meat also the fear of Power shortages .

Talking of meat the irony is that people who come to meat shop and buy clean and clear meat devoid of any fats buy animals that are nothing but Fat. very little meat beneath that white or yellow thick fat coating . I eat and love to eat all Halal Fats in beef and Mutton but i cannot afford it .So how can you explain this phenomenon.

Ok now before i move on to the movies of the week I want to ask why the Butchers of my neighbourhood hates the JJ so much is it because of the Halal Business he does or is it because he exports everything edible to rich countries and makes millions overnight. It is so sad that in this country of All 100 % pure somebody starts an honest halal business and ends up being called " Sala Harami" @#$% in no time . Anyways

Asian ConnectionImage result for MOVIE Shortcut SafariThe Movie Dhanak is awesome , two much is good and happy is fun to watch specially the indo-pak relations Btw i don't think that salt joke is true because we had a different salt joke .Anyways Sonakshi 's solo is unbelievable her fans must have been disappointed but i liked it . Welldone !

O my God I have crossed the 1700 words and there is still time I could do 2000 today.

Ok so the most interesting news this week that shock and shook the world was yet again our partner in crime the Koreans . no no iam not doing the classified bit again relax please its about the North Korean Nuclear proliferation partners in crime . i am sure nobody remembers the Kaan network now anyways I don't care if they actually did what they claimed they did or the US Bullshit blames they did because i only enjoy the way they clap in unison yes i know that you know what the hell am i talking about . Ok

So Now I end my The Sunday Blog # 23 with a very Happy Eid Mubarak Wish for everybody not doing the Hajj this year and for those who are doing hajj and about to stone the devil i would only say be very very careful. because every year  something wrong happens when the wrong people perform rami . Image result for hajj rami

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