
Sunday 3 February 2019

The Sunday Blog # 148

Today is Sunday the 3rd of February 2019 , the 27th of Jamadi ul Awwal 1440H till the Sunset ( 6:18 pm , Karachi ) , And this is my the Sunday Blog # 148 ( Hundred and forty Eight ) .
The time now is 12:24 am ....yes today it took me this long to get started ...first the news headlines , then a quick bite of lays chips ...and then a little Facebook browsing ...In 2013 today was my Happy Birthday today according to the lunar calender ...we celebrated it with my Dearly Departed Ammi ( May her Soul Rest in Peace in Heaven Amen ! )
The one next year must have been ten days earlier ...but somehow both i and facebook missed it . As i don't recall if i have missed a cake on any of my Happy Birthdays and especially according the the lunar calendar as nobody remembers it or celebrates it except me or my dear elder sister . Honestly because it comes in the holy month of Rabi ul Awwal bringing a sweet cake home is much easier then in june . when it is hot and people are not at all in the mood . How many times in the troubled times they announced the Annual Budget on my Happy Birthday and some times a day or two before and it followed the shutdowns and strikes all over the country and especially here in Karachi the Most dangerous city in the world . And talking of Dangerous ...heard the news of tremors being felt twice yesterday . Not sure if it was serious or just the fake media .

Breaking News | Earthquake tremors felt in Karachi | 02 February , 2019

Anyways , I am really not sure what good can an earthquake do to this God forsaken City and its many towns and villages . Ironically the villages of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world are called Goths . Now i am not really sure if that has some or any thing to do with the Gothic . LOL 
The American ( US) , and i can prove this , wanted me to be a part of that Gothic life of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world . Some how , may seem very hard to believe , But it is true that i clearly survived the designs . But in the process they did uproot and turned my home town and one of the most posh areas of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world , into a ghetto .
Very recently while lying down in the bed trying to sleep , i was wondering is it that the whole world and the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! Knows what i want and still i don't have it or seems could have it . And the very next moment i realized that how many times the thing i wanted was within my grasp and i got distracted or unsure almost deliberately strayed away ...far far away .

Terry Dexter "Strayed Away" - 


Ears will hear them sing
Names gracefully ring
Far places, the overthrown traces
And stray away
Further on we go
More beggars with bowls
Small vessels to hold the whole world
Of the strayed away
Letters of home from here
Tell fortune and cheer
How can they believe it
From someone who strays away?
Strangers by the door
Camp-tired and sore
Come counting on kindness
For those who have strayed away
Every mile you roam
Ten thousand from home
And long reasons for grieving
Believing you've strayed away
Anyways .
we have survived the longest month of the year ,which begins or seems to begin long before it actually does as you hear a lot of folks saying hey its the new years  so what are you doing or what's you plans etc etc ...,and are now in the shortest Month of the year that is the February. This is not a leap year so it will end on the 28th day as usual . Be ready for the bills on the 29th day as it will be the first of March on the Friday .
SO this has been an amazing winter for Karachi the Most dangerous city in the world. It Rains one night and then the whole week become Windy , Chilly ,cold
 This week it rained on the thursday morning at two am or early in some parts of the city . Some always gets it early than others . Some get it heavy  than others . and some just keep waiting . Karachi the most dangerous city in the world is too big to be true ...just too big . It is good that higher powers are now thinking seriously to turn back the time and cut to size . whether it is by the demolition or Anti Encroachment drive or be it an earthquake . The City Needs some kind of command and control . The Blame game on the prime time news channels cannot go on and on for always and for ever . sooner or later people will Un tune these so called News channels and turn to the board games like old times . Imagine this new years the Dawn News kicked out the morning show host and nobody realized or cared that they replaced her with an even hopeless one . Life goes on like a merry go round ...on these news channels . It is up to us that we make decisions whether it is good for us or not .
Recently i have been observing a lot that watching news on these so called news channels is a torture if the remote is not in your hand . The Tickers keeps moving faster than you can read and Breaking News seems to be repeatative ( not sure if its a word or not ? ) . People watching the news channels for news are somehow forced to change or switch the channels so the person sitting besides or somewhere in the same room finds it very difficult to share the same eagerness to switch the news channels as fast as the one who has the remote . Because for the person who holds the remote it is somehow a do or die matter it seems .
So if you want to watch the news with people in the room then you better hide the remote first . But then how will you lower the volume or mute when the abrupt ads or commercials comes ....SO it is not possible to watch the news with family and friends at all anymore . That is the verdict . !
2:32 am Break ( 1064 words)

3:42 am Okay having coffee and lu's tuc biscuits .
This week i did a long forgotten ritual on the internet ....yes i log in on my email account and you wont believe this there it seems like all the storage and photography sites are having a happy Halloween or something ...because each and everyone threatened me through an email that they are either deleting my files and pictures or are deleting my account and that i should upgrade it . Don't understand why they are doing this . So is it true nobody use the online storage sites as well as the email anymore . then how do people stay connected and how do they communicate these days . Facebook , messenger, Whatsapp , twitter . and the people who use these apps don't really have to bother about emails , and saving their pictures or files either . I begin this my the Sunday Blog # 148 ( Hundred and forty eight ) with a picture of my happy Birthday cake and stuff that is six years old and came up today in the Facebook memories of the day a very regular feature of that social networking site .
So the Question is ....
What ever happened to the saying ... What goes comes on the internet , stays on the internet forever .
They used to scare us with this and use to warn us as well it play it safe ...
But i believe that it was way before the Election of Mr Trump and the #Metoo affair . Funny thing is that this happened so fast soon after the Mrs Clinton emails scandal .
So i wonder ...
its 4:20 am and i feel very sleepy . But not sleepy enough to quit just yet and also not as much sleepy to not wonder what if Mrs Clinton has won the election and had survived the Email scandal or maybe there had not been any scandal because there had been no proof that she or any body in her office or campaign office did such a thing .
If all that had been the fact and reality then how different this small world would have been today as no email or storage site could have even dreamed of deleting my files and pictures or undo my un used storage to extort a few dollars and cents .
BUT no the democrats waste most of their time and money on the Party all the time  and having a good time then on having a profitable relation with the Russian and Chinese hackers .
Anyways ...No matter what i don't believe they can ever be deleted from the internet as well as the history of the united states of Afghanistan .
So with the troops presence in afghanistan coming to an end very soon , is there any chance that the peaceful Afghanistan will end the occupation of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world and the Sohrab Goth on the Super highway and Motorway M9 ?
Okay its 5:00 am not yet the Fajr time but here i take a Break with a Prayer for my dearly Departed Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

5:02 am Break ( 1651words)

11:13 am Good Morning !
the first tweet of the day
Sun 27th Jamadi ul Awwal 1440
11:07 am Sunny Blue Sky Haze clearing up wind ...Cold shoulders glad to be up before eleven . very quiet sunday morning in the neighbourhood . Two white tape balls in the lawn from night cricket . The Brunch is ready on the table 🌹🌹🌹
Yes two tape balls ...chaapa ka imkaan nahi ,,,chaapa yakini ..LOL
 The Brunch is ready and if i don't go like two minutes before then i could miss the first  facebook meetup of the day so Bye

11:21 am Break ( 1747 words)

12:02 pm Okay this was quick ...i guess ...the chilly feeling is gone after the Brunch and tea ...the pullover is gone and now i am very comfortable in the open button cardigan 

Lets hope my siblings fall asleep and don't wake up till tea ...but chances are that i will asleep all afternoon and they will have lunch with or without me .
Should i turn off the door bell ?
Is there any law or Hadees e Nabvi ( SAW) that requires me to answer the door bell especially if it is the neighbors kids from a Ghetto Building that was not there forty years ago ?
okay so somehow i need the fresh air and long winter walk or else i will fall asleep and miss the whole afternoon . Believe it or not it seems that until today i am the Last one standing ...without any seasonal or degenerative disease or illness and not taking any Allopathic or herbal medicine that i know or believe of until today . Haven't had any takeaway foods as well so i can't blame them for adding any medicines or drugs , The chances of that in the packed junk food are very slim . So Here i am disease free with clear throat and nose enjoying watching the neighbours  armed guard spitting all day and burning fire in the night to keep warm . This week at Juma Mubarak prayer a guy with a nasal sounds tried to stand close and later moved away if saying ...Hey what the H.....
Yes the winter is officially over in our clergy and church . The Valentines , Lent , Basant and spring is up ahead ...It is amazing that this will be the first lent in years when fairytales will be much less negative then they use to in the past couple of years especially since my dearly departed Ammi ( May her soul Rest in peace in heaven Amen !) Passed away almost five years ago and some of our not so dear maternal uncles tried desperately to exclude us from her share in the inheritance ....and failed .
Funny it is that one of them who post such amazing clips of achi achi batein ( Good thoughts and beliefs ) on his facebook page ( nobody likes LOL) , i have been told recently that he himself brought a Fatwa from some religious seminary scholar against his dear sister just to exclude us ....ALLAH Reham !
The  Estate Agent who has a small over crowded office nearby was so surprised ( upset) at how he counted the money . There is always a first time ...LOL

Anyways ,
So Since my siblings and especially youngest sister have got the share promised by the Uncle and Aunt and more than i had expected ( Nothing ) There fore from this day forward I have nothing to do with that maternal property and i don't care if the memon bachi does a four or fourteen with it . Congratulations !

Okay the Azan has started so i take a prayer break with Prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

1:02 pm Break ( 2334words)

3:19 pm Door Bell rings ....balls or wrong number ?
lets see ....
Wrong Number ...
Praiseth The Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !
So the most interesting neighbourhood related thing that happened this week was that a new and very fat cat came in and lost her memory or something and forget to jump from the Eaves of the roof . Must be temporary short term memory loss or just lazy ...whatever ...for a day or two i thought it was having fun mating up there but in a day or two it started howling . The neighbours armed guard also noticed and brought in the notice of the jacobabad police waley Baba ji as well ...So when i was sure it was a cat not having fun on the eaves I throw a raw Haggis from below ...sister dropped a box of milk with bread . And while the brother was trying to pull it up in a basket jumped down to the floor . emptied the stomach and left jumping over the wall . Just saw it eating my chicken bones in garbage ...looks just as lazy as it was no change ...
 Another one is expecting kittens any day now and must have picked a spot warm and cozy in our kitchen twice i hushed her away But it is not going home in the neighbourhood ...and nobody is looking for it either ....So lets what happens ...The new born have no chance of survival during the valentines season ....should i drop it off to the polio workers convention at Bilawal enclave today ?

its 3:51 pm still time before the next azan break ...and i am having fun so lets keep on going ....

Another Polio workers related news was that somebody posted a polio workers plight during the heavy snow fall on the social media ...and instead of being ashamed the shameless tried to paint it as a resilience of  the Funds hungry agency for the eradication of the already eradicated worldwide disease except in Pakistan and Afghanistan .

Pakistani Polio Worker Became National Hero After Walking Through Snow

Shame on you ....all ...especially the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation .

Anyways ....somebody in the neighbourhood is cleaning the sound system ....I am telling you this PSL$ will be fun this time . there is still time before the break . and i am also a few words short of the three thousand words so i better be relax and not hurry or rush as by the time i take the coming break i may have crossed the three thousand words mark already . or maybe not .
Did you hear that air pressure horn from the street is our neighbourhood 's Bakery and break delivery guy who comes on the motor bike everyday and brings the Breakfast bakery stuff and fresh eggs . I don't buy it from him because it will take away my only chance to visit the market and especially the little walk i gets to do when i go to bring the bread and eggs ...sometimes in days . In winters that is double then in summers because everybody loves to eat chicken eggs sister tries to boil extra eggs whenever she see extra eggs ...and in summers nobody touch them for days . Only i eat chicken eggs regularly and buys them regularly all year round . Since childhood i wished for those clean and packed farm chicken eggs i used to watch in american sitcoms and shows , But now that they are easily available everywhere here ...i prefer the same old open tray chicken eggs from local poulty just because they are fresh . The Packed ones have a expiry date of over two months ....and are not replaced everyday . not even every week ...can you believe....LOL

Okay then i need to relax now and have a tea or coffee refill as well . The asr azan will start any minute now so i take a Break here for the prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

4:40 pm Break ( 3079 words)

5:35 pm
And accept Thou my Prayer.

41. Rabbana ighfir lee waliwalidayya walilmu/mineena yawma yaqoomu alhisabu
41. "O our Lord! cover (us)
With Thy Forgiveness—me,
My parents, and (all) Believers,
On the Day that the Reckoning
Will be established!

Sūra XIV.: Ibrāhīm, or Abraham.

OKay the neighbours are probably changing the bet for today's game ....having a majlis in jamadi ul awwal ...Pakistan opt to bowl first in 2nd T20

Anyways ...
still have half an hour before the sunset set and maghrib unidentified cable guy is also climbing up the leader (see no red line lol) to our electric pole so he can do his stuff anytime .... telling all this just make it clear how relaxed i am having fun and enjoying ....nothing like ...okay never mind .
Nothing is cooking in the kitchen but carrot juice is being extracted . I don't know why but i prefer the eating of carrots and not drinking the juice , In fact some times i really hate it for some or the other reasons .
So the story is that first my sister buys a lot of carrots from the bargain seller and then she extract a lot of juice because she does not want to wash the machine many times . Now when the juice is in the jug ...she wants everyone to finish it quickly i have no solution to this equation . Sometimes i drink it right away just to please her other times i keep delaying it until it begins to change colour and sometimes if i am very extraordinarily lucky ...somebody else drinks it or she forgets who it was for and when she asks who did not drink it ...i name somebody else . And that is how i am usually saved from drinking pure health juice . By the way i love eating the carrots especially the thin ones that does not hurt my teeth or Gums like the thick ones does . Gone are the days when ,,,,okay never mind
Amazing , I have almost reached the three thousand five hundred words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 148 ( Hundred and forty Eight) so now after the break i can go straight to the Movies of the week and end this my the sunday Blog # 148 ( Hundred and forty Eighty ) way before time with four thousand Plus words and watch the second t20 between pakistan and not celebrated colour by the Ameircans this month team . The Match is set to ruin mr malik's captaincy future for the seventeenth time i guess ...LOL
Hizz !

Okay time for the sunset and maghrib prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

6:13 pm Break ( 3607 words)

Sun 28th Jamadi ul Awwal 1440H
8:22 pm Good Evening !
So today i heed the last prayer call and prayed with prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

It is amazing that we watch so many soaps and movies But nothing filmy happened when the time came for their departure . So my dearly departed parents did not make me do any last minute promises or vows They kind of had a sudden death . Papa was in the HD recovery room all day and we were mentally preparing to bring him back once again in a day or two ...after a full day attending him in the hospital i came home at night to sleep . He seem'd quite okay when i left ...later that night during the dialysis he passed away . And he never got to talk to me again ....the last words that i remember of him were ...tum khana khaa lo " lunch .

Ammi fell and cried ...i came rushing from the next room picked her up . she seem ok was talking very normal then she fell asleep . a little while later i felt she was not moving so i called her out and she did not respond in the normal way  as she always did ...She also did not get to say any last words to me . She did open her eyes next day on the hospital bed and made some sound while looking at me . But i am told that it was not her ...could have been a reaction to some medicines or the ICU procedure .

I'm Free
I woke up today thankful
For all the gifts in my life
I felt the sun on my face
Waiting for like the was the first time
suddenly I noticed so many things
I didn't before
Like how I love to smile
And I remember my dreams
So long I ignored
And now I feel inspired
I /letting go
I'm changing things
Aint gonna let nothing discourage me, no
Or b e afraid to love myself
Don't need validation fro anyone else
Im free
Im finally free
I feel like I can just breathe
And never turning back
No back no I cant I'm free
I am free
I saw this girl in the mirror yesterday
I barely recognized her
She seemed so lost in fear its crazy
I couldn't identify with her
Suddenly I found myself on my knees
Begging for strength
That I would find my way
I had to reach down in me
And renew my faith
So here I am today
Im letting go
Im changing things
Aint gonna let nothing discourge me, no
Wont be afraid to love myself
don't need validation From anyone else
Im free
Im finally free
I feel like I can just breathe
I'm never turning back
No back no I cant im free
It feels so right
To see the world with clear eyes
Im flying high
I truly feel safe inside
Knowing that I am living in my life
Finally free
I am freeeeeee yeah
Don't nneed validation from anyone else
Im free
Im finally free
I feel like I can just breathe
And never turning back
No back I'm cant im free
Im free
Im finally free
I feel like I can just breathe
And never turning back
No I cant im free

its 9:00 pm
Break ( 4259 words )

9:13 pm So the most interesting news on twitter this week was that a popular BBQ in Bahadurabad was on fire again ....sorry i missed all the previous arson incidents . Is it just me or has anybody else also wondered why suddenly all the popular food joints and eateries are in trouble . First there was this media campaign where they showed how unhygienic and unhealthy food is prepared and served or sold at these restaurants and eateries serving food for years and years . The  there was the Anti - Enchroachment drive and the SBCA sealing commerical activity on residential and now this arson ...something does not seem right to find out ...
oh by the way ...

Sindh government extends special powers of Rangers in Karachi

the Most dangerous city in the world ....absolutely no doubt . never !

And now the Movies of the week ...wait match in last balls 

10:16 pm Series GONE ...Aerial firing from Sarfaraz mohalla ...LOL
Image result for dance of joy gif

Okay now to the Movies of the week ....

  • Strangers When We Meet (1960)Rated 10 stars ....Amazing movie ....those were the days when they made classic movies is sad that the CIA and FBI crackdown on the communist send the Hollywood into astray slowly and gradually the British , indians and the chinese took over and instead of movies like these we saw mostly alien invasion movies or absolutely absurd sequels of Horror . Anyways the ending could be given extra 10 stars if you ask me .  
  • Dusting Cliff 7 (1997)Rated 6 stars Saving the daughter as well as the world ...nice thought good movie . 
  • The Colony (1995)Rated 6 stars ...yes the Bahria town must have been inspired by this colony i hope not . Because it will never work in karachi the most dangerous city in the world . By the way how long do you think this jacobabad police will survive on my quality street ...? LOL It was great to see John Ritter again 
  • The Ticket (2016)Rated 8 stars ...great movie ...I have heard that lottery ticket fable so many times before but here it sounded so good even without the OMPH and ah's LOL ....two seconds more ....
  • Ammahit phitsawat (2006) aka the Passion Turkey but some may love it ...with or without dubbing .
  • Otdam zhenu v khoroshie ruki (2012)Rated 5 stars ...I am sure the endings are different in real life or this story would not have survived for so long ...LOLImage result for Otdam zhenu v khoroshie ruki (2012)
  • Love with a Perfect Stranger (1986)Rated 6 stars ...I just can't believe it skeletons in an anatomy class ....LOL
  • Waking David (2016)Rated 10 stars ...actually i can relate to it in a way so i thought maybe they were trying to tell me something but then the happy ending took away the deja vu feeling completely ...Where can i get a DVD ? Kristy Bruce and Harriet Madeley in Waking David (2016)
  • Mulk (2018)Rated 10 stars if you can ...wont regret it may not understand it . But it is true and it is everywhere not just there . 
  • Dark Mirror (2007)Rated 7 stars ....
  • Nazar (2005)Rated 7 stars Nazar (2005)...watching this movie i felt really mad at syed Noor and the like who never fully did justice to Meera ...she is so amazing and talented ... 
  • FryDay (2018)Rated 8 stars comedy of errors with good acting and script ...the year has been good for Govinda ji ...lets hope his next one is even better ...
  • The Good Catholic (2017)Rated 10 stars ...Now there are times when i feel like our religion is really an upgrade . This issue has been very clearly resolved in our religion . 100 percent dying people deserves compassion even more than a cat stranded on the eaves . Praiseth the MERCIFUL LORD ALL MIGHTY ALLAH AMEN !Wrenn Schmidt attends Fox Comic Con breakfast with the cast of The Walking Dead and Outcast
Okay that wraps up the movies of the week ...this has been a really great week at the movies ...learned a lot and enjoyed even more . Thanks for choosing such amazing Playlist ....

OKay then no time left for a break now lets see what we can do in the last few minutes and then share the song video and take leave . It is amazing that even without the song lyrics i have reach the five thousand words on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 148 ( Hundred and forty eight ) .

The OSCAR 2019 nominations have been announced but there is just not enough time right now to discuss that so maybe next week or the week after that ...there are three sunday's before the 25th monday morning as it is here for the red carpet and the show probably the sunday 24th feb 2019 will be much better as it will be fresh that night and by the time i end my sunday blog that night nobody will be sure who will be the winner . even though it really does not matter any more who wins they would still be worried more about the Brexit then the mexico wall . Have you noticed the hollywood doesnot hate President Trump as much as it did last year ....???
oh and another great news for the USAID in Pakistan Fans ...the Mango season is just around the corner and i believe there will be a better yield this year that the last year . the trees in my neighbourhood have all survived the rain and high winds as well as the cold . It is such a pretty amazing site these day like a gold tree . Hope the fruit is also Golden .
Okay then its almost time for me to take the leave and end this my the sunday blog # 148 ( Hundred and forty eight) . with a song from the movie MULK .
Have a really good week ahead
All the Best
GOD Blaze America !


Khudara Lyrical song | Mulk | Rishi Kapoor, Taapsee Pannu, Prateik Babbar & Rajat Kapoor |#bollyrics

Khudara – Vishal Dadlani Mujhe bakhsh de, mujhe bakhsh de Ya mere gafoor-ur-raheem Main reza reza bikhar raha hoon Sambhaal mujhe Andhera mukhmein utar raha hai Ujaal mujhe x (2) Main khud se bichhad gaya hoon Jaise aag se dhuaan Na zameen na aasmaan Yeh main aa gaya kahan Mujhe mera pata de khudara Koyi rasta bata de khudara x (2) Aaya kahan se itna zehar lahu mein Ganga ka paani behta tha mere vazu mein Jo dikhta hai woh mera wajood nahi Aaj main apne aap mein kyun maujood nahi Woh nahi tha jab haamara To uska gham hai kyun Dil jal raha hai lekin Yeh aankh namm hai kyun Mujhe mera pata de khudara Koyi rasta bata de khudara x (2) Lele meri saansein mujhko mar jaane de Jaane kab se beghar hua main ghar aane de Kaabe tak tujhe main sochun tera khayal karun Saamne aa main tujhse ek sawal karun Main galat hoon ya ke duniya Ya kahin galat hai tu Mujhe de jawab maula Main hoon tere ru-ba-ru Mujhe mera pata de khudara Koyi rasta bata de khudara x (2) Khudara Song Detail Film/Album: Mulk Lyrics by: Shakeel Azmi Singer: Vishal Dadlani Composer: Prasad Sashte #khudara #mulkmovie #taapseepannu