
Sunday 13 January 2019

The Sunday Blog # 145

Today is the Sunday the 13th of January 2019 the 6th of Jamadi ul Awwal 1440 H till the Sunset ( 6:03 pm , Karachi ) And this is my the Sunday Blog # 145 ( Hundred and forty five) .
Believe it or not i survived the Russian Christmas on the 7th of January this week as well ...Ho Ho Ho ....The Second week of the new year is usually the best week because the hopes are high and the suspicions are over . And there is a little chill in the air so the food is always good no matter what . And this week it was extra especial because our Waring uncle and aunt was happy that they won . And we were relieved that they got the Money from the grand parents home . They have even promised my dear Sisters and siblings that they will make sure we also get something . But that is not very important to me . What is important to me is that this was probably their Last visit to Pakistan because of the old age and health issues . And Also because this was probably the last Christmas visit from across the Pacific and Atlantic by an elder of the family. The Christmas Tree tradition of this house is dead magic snow .

Really feel like i owe a Big Thanks to the infamous ISI of Pakistan for finally clearing the way forward for me . Thank you !

I have absolutely no idea how this happened but this Christmas and New years we did not have a wedding or a funeral to not go to as well . Obviously it was also because everybody was so busy in decorating the final Christmas tree of our house . LOL
So anybody have any idea or suggestions for the next Christmas , new years and the Russian Christmas ( 7th jan) . My guess is that it will be very hectic time of the year five , six major events . Not sure if i will attend them or not . But invitations cannot be avoided .
And talking of avoiding . I believe i avoided the Bus Ride to sadder and Burns road food street  for over two weeks maybe more . Not that anything would have changed in this short period . But i believe the KMC Anti- Encroachment drive also took a time out during this period or go slow . The media mafia tried to politicize the notice to the Urdu Bazar Books market . It is famous for the School syllabus books and stationary shops . A carefree stroll any busy business day through the twist and turns of this market will give you a very good insight of the PAST, PRESENT and to some extent the FUTURE of the Education and learning in Pakistan .
Over the years i have learned that no matter how much we try to keep clean and arranged . The books and printed matter keeps coming and coming and make the outlook messy . Recently on my way to food street from bunder road i was so surprised to see how this market has evolved . Must be hundreds of shops and stalls of new and old books . Obviously they wont demolish the shops in the huge buildings both new and old . But the small shops and stalls on the rain drains and especially the old books stalls on the footpaths have no chance of survival not even if they bring catherine zeta jones in their support .
 But this is not the question .
The question is how this Market flourished ?
 Only the day before yesterday we heard in the Sindh assembly session fun time the difference of IT and JIT . The Market not only survived it flourished because of the non serious attitude and political will of the Leadership of Pakistan as well the people involved in the Money making business of Education and learning .
Schools in Pakistan still use books and papers in the class rooms . Laptops scheme or program failed very badly .
2:20 am Break ( 651 words)

3:12 am I went on the break to relax and have a cup of tea ...well i did have a cup of tea and chocolate and salted biscuits with it surfed to check the news tickers . There was some news tickers about US and UK so i searched for the BBC and there i got a shock of my life . a disabled weather girl ?
Lucy Martin, who was born without her right forearm and hand,

So honestly i have no idea how long since this has been going on But trust me this is the first time i saw her live.
North London ....aha ...Barnet or Camden ?
Anyways it will be very much difficult to recover from this shock of my life ...please don't be too hasty .

And talking of the London ...somebody broke a very favourite knife by poking it into the frozen pulp . ThankGod the All Mighty Allah Amen ! that nobody got hurt .
is trending in karachi trends on twitter after his surprising announcement that Pakistan Post is gearing up to compete with the communications and courier giant TCS worldwide . No i don't think he knows why we burst his bubble ...let the tv anchores tell him in question time . PO has long gone out of circulations it is beyond revival .

 Okay then i cannot sit here any longer got to lie down in bed and wait for fajr Azan . which is about two hours away . to pray with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

4:18 am Break (986 words)

9:57 am Good Morning !
the first tweet of the day
Sun 6th Jamadi ul Awwal 1440
9:51 am Okay i must have over slept  Anyways its a hazy whitish blue sky no wind . i made coffee  

Okay checking out the good Sunday Morning tickers on the news channels i see that one of the channels has a dancing digital clock pacing up and down the screen and telling the wrong time . What is that ...if i remember correctly i tuned the British Express News channel on that number what happened to it and why is it replaced with a dancing and bouncing digital clock on a black screen .

Won't allow any channel to air Indian content: CJP

The Express Tribune-09-Jan-2019
Chief Justice Mian Saqib Nisar on Wednesday said that the Supreme Court will not allow any TV channel to air Indian content that can tarnish ...
Anyways who cares ?

So it seems that every thing important has passed and now there is no motivation for the neighbourhood to wake up and rush off to ...
Aha the manure supply for the organic farming is here on his donkey cart ...Now there is a slight motivation ..or maybe not . But this reminds me that here in our neighborhood where Builder mafia has turned the Banlows with lawn into ground plus three flats with street parking. They have also introduced a thing call kerb garden . So we have a kerb garden gardener ( mali ) who works and maintains about half a dozen kerb gardens in my sight ...and he is usually done in two hours in my block what and where he goes after that i have no idea . It is absolutely impossible to estimate his take home monthly. Because some of the plants under his care are worth in thousands and his employers are so busy that they really don't have the time or the interest in gardening at all and even if they do . I am sure they have to listen to him and trust him in matters like when to change the soil , the manure and purchase new seasonal plants .
So anyways , this week he ring the bell and told me that our custard apple tree is going over the wall . The new neighbours who have not introduced themselves yet except for a ball Ball catch catch ...this was probably a first request to cut down the fruit tree . I was absolutely surprised because the gardener could have easily trimmed the branches going over the wall without even my knowing . And also it seems that the new neighbours have come from a very bad neighbourhood because they also put up the barbed wire on the very high walls . So if they are that security freaks then this shrubby custard apple tree branches would have given then extra mash and protection from our side ...don't it ?
Anyways the tree was branched off  yesterday . now lets see how fast it grows back . Maybe the gardener was too scared to branch it off himself or maybe he wanted some extra cash and favours like Mr Trump from both sides of the wall or maybe a third party was involved . You may remember the gardener has many multiple employers in the neighbourhood and beyond ....YOU NEVER KNOW !!
10:50 am Break ( 1531 words)

2:26 pm Good After Noon !
Yes the past couple of hour were great ...after taking the break ...i hurriedly took a warm bath and went for a winter walk and Bus ride to Saddar Firsts Bus Ride to Saddar of 2019 Happy New Year and after Holy Russian Christmas Holidays . FlyEaglesFly !

came back from Burns road food street with the same Sunday Special Beef Paya Breakfast grabbed the Hot Naan from a market oven near the home and was surprised to find that my dear siblings had no chaapa not even a phone ringing to wake them up and be prepared for my return and the facebook Meetup i left the bags in the kitchen and took a cold bath and wadu and prayed first the missed fajr prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

and then i waited a little while for Azans and then prayed the Zuhr prayer with the prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!
then i woke up my dear sister and by the time both siblings where ready to eat i had set the table on my own .. Then i uploaded the food and other pictures from the mobile to facebook and all . and then here i am
So now i am so drowsy and full that i can fall any moment and may not wake up any time soon . But i can hear that there was phone ringing outside the door i have to go and check if it is something new or not . Pause !
okay ALL is well ...and the tea is ready ...i also brought a cup with me . and had a standing facebook meetup as well .
My Guess is that these Sunday Breakfast Specials are the inventions of the Journalist Corps ...They Finish the job for the night and morning when the readers are waking ...they have a heavy Breakfast and retire . Because after eating any of these things the usual way it is very hard to not feel a little drowsy to full sleepy depending on the over eating quantity and quality . So Honestly if i had this Sunday Brunch after fajr say seven or eight in the morning and had fallen asleep or dozed off deliberately then i could have easily woke up till the Zuhr time or definitely by now at 3:00 pm . Should have had tea and then started this my the Sunday Blog # 145 ( Hundred and forty five ) . But I am not a journalist and like all the decent people of the world i hate them too . So here i am no matter how drowsy or sleepy i maybe feeling . I am glad i am way ahead of the target and on schedule and the word count is also very satisfactory at the moment and the best of all that my Facebook meetup gang is happy with me and well fed . so now whether i stay up or fall asleep keep blogging or shut down and goto sleep i wont be in harms way or disturbing anybody . A journalist and especially one hired by the big media house cannot do the same or even thing of doing it after eating the same Breakfast and brunch ...Now That's the main and simple difference .
Okay now this brings down to the fundamental question as to why most media journalists and Primetime Show Hosts and Anchors turn against there Alma Mater you have heard Aamir Liaquat MNA saying neela peela about his Jang media Group and MIR . There must be a million examples all around the world not just here in Pakistan . Mr Trump calls CNN fake News but he has the whole network on his finger tips ...millions i can assure you ...they all turn against their original groomer and polishers ...why ?
My Guess is that they only groom and polish their talent and not their character families do .
And talking of families ....another showBiz Breakup i may have missed last year 2018 due to too much fairytales distractions in my life . It was the second marriage of fiza Ali with a daughter the famous show host eidi sub kay liyan ....or something like that .... Her affairs and tragedies are usually hushed up like Bahria town / ARY mishap and stage collapse . so i am not really very surprised that i missed this news ..and who know after a moonlighting for few months she may even deny it all the way and call it amnesia or short term memory loss . After all its all showbiz ....marriages and divorce are not very permanent if anybody is thinking of buying expensive gifts ...forget it ! and if anybody is seriously interested ...better enlist now .  you have no idea what unbelievable divorces and breakups are lined up in this year very soon . All the Best !!

LOL okay so it is almost 4pm and not only i survived the drowsiness but i also added a thousand words to this my the Sunday Blog # 145 ( Hundred and forty five ) which quite unbelievable to me also . In just under one and a half hour how could i have done this ...must a counting error i will have to check it more carefully or manually if possible you can't really trust these counters at all .
OKay now its really four O Clock in the afternoon and there is still time to the Asr Azan and prayer but i need to take a break here first i will lie down for a while then go out and have a tea cup refill and then i will pray with prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

4:08 pm Break (2705 words)

Sun 7th Jamadi ul Awwal 1440
6:45 pm Good Evening !
Okay so both Asr and Maghrib Prayers are done with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!
And in between we had this ...
 And this is the Custard Apple from the trimmed branches ...

 So anyways ....

Fish frying smell from the kitchen ....and knock on the door to go check it out ...Pause !

 I knew it ...
okay so where were we ....Never mind ...lets move on to the death of Radhay Lal Shukla Civil lines Kanpur firsht and then to the movies of the week . 


Today Episode || Krishna Chali London || 11 Jan

I believe it was this
Where i requested the future of Radhay lal shukla civil lines kanpur and in less than two weeks it is granted who is the serial killer now ? LOL
amber heard GIF

slowly and gradually we are about to cross the three thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 145 ( Hundred and forty five )

Okay lets not waste time today on kulfi until we know for sure if her father is getting a divorce from his wife or not .

Here are the Movies of the week . as promised i did not watch too many movies this week instead watched the street theater ...."Imran gundon main phas gaie" Imran trapped among the goons ...cannot give any more details due to national security and your Homeland security clearance etc etc ....Blah Blah ...LOL

Lets do the movies of the week

  • The Bouquet (2013)Rated 5 stars ...ya it is true ...sometimes ...sending back the Christmas visitors is easier ...LOL Nobody believes me when I say that Karachi the most dangerous city in the world will be nice and clean and they will go away ...and why should they very few people remember the thirty years ago karachi ...the pre musharraf and pre MQM . Yesterday a rickshaw driver was saying matter how much i earn in a day ..when i reach home somebody is ill and all the money is spent . They came here for food and living and will leave when unable to provide the physical and mental health . That's the way it is ...I read somewhere ...."Be nice to people on your way up because you'll meet them on your way down." Land grabbing and spitting will definitely have its consequences . amber heard GIF
  • Dumb and Dumber To (2014)Rated 5 stars ...watched on cable in dubbing 
  • The Wrong Teacher (2018)Rated 8 stars ...I really love the movies with a happy endings . LOL
  • Christmas Comes to Willow Creek (1987)Rated 7 stars ...cut a star or two because of the child delivery dream . LOL
  • Saving My Baby (2018)Rated 8 stars ....Happy ending again must be my lucky week or something ...
  • Bloomington (2010)rated 9 stars ....probably the best lesbian movie i have seen in a long while ...
  • Doing Time on Maple Drive (1992)Rated 7 stars idea how this happened the very next day ...only this was only verbal no oral or practical ...Praiseth the Lord .....And the treat was watching uncle jesse 's girl from the full house ...way back you know there is a fuller house ( 2018) now ...i wonder ...

  • Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster 3 (2018)Rated 5 stars ...idea is super great and it is the sequel ... and i am sure i watched a very edited version on youtube so maybe i have rated it very wrong Naa ...i don't think so ....director should be fined for wasting chitraganda. the item song sounded much better on line skype . Glad to know there will be a sequel 4 very soon ....which i will probably watch on a big screen . Ya Allah ! 
  • amber heard GIF

  • That's it i believe ...this is a good score don't you think for one week .

     9:28 pm Break ( 3403 words)

    11:04 pm Okay so now this is the last hour before the midnight and after this break i am feeling much better and relaxed , infact too relaxed to keep on going and doing something amazing in the last hour . If only there was a challenge or a topic being given to as a test at this hour then maybe i would have done much better and would have easily done about five hundred or more words and ended this my the Sunday Blog # 145 ( Hundred and forty five ) with a much better words count . Still i can assure it that i had more fun doing this my the Sunday Blog # 145 ( Hundred and forty five ) then many longer ones . As mentioned in an earlier blog recently that these Sunday Blogs where i get up and go for a bus ride downtown cannot be compared with the other ones where i have the liberty of sleeping and eating at my own will and doing this my the sunday Blog without eating and less strained muscles . The Exercise and Running and jumping after the Bus which most self made people from karachi the most dangerous city in the world detest and abhor , somehow recharges me to a new height of patriotism and love for money ....

    That its love for money

    Buy it
    And if you can't then hire it 
    Cuz if you must desire it
    Then you must know the system
    That its love for money

    Sun re sajania
    Tere sung duniya

    Sun re sajania
    Tere sung duniya
    Aise jaise har su bahaar hai
    Jiya nahi jaaye re
    Tere bin haye re
    Tumse hi hamko pyaar hai

    Sun re sajania
    Tere sung duniya
    Aise jaise har su bahaar hai
    Jiya nahi jaaye re
    Tere bin haye re
    Tumse hi hamko pyaar hai hmm

    Buy it
    And if you can't then hire it 
    Cuz if you must desire it
    Then you must know the system
    That its love for money

    Ho Socha kya kabhi yeh tu ney
    Ke mein tera kaun hoon
    Kabhi tu ney yeh socha kya
    Ke tu meri kaun hai

    Meri duniya mein teri
    Tasweerein hain bani
    Teri duniya mein meri
    Kabhi bhi na thi kami

    Khud ko bachaye re
    Ham se chupaye re
    Aisa karna beqaar hai

    Jiya nahi jaaye re
    Hame tarpaaye re
    Kyun itna inkaar hai

    Sun re sajania
    Tere sung duniya
    Aise jaise har su bahaar hai
    Jiya nahi jaaye re
    Tere bin haye re
    Tum se hi hamko pyaar hai

    Buy it
    And if you can't then hire it 
    Cuz if you must desire it
    Then you must know the system
    That its love for money

    Ho kab se kya hai kyun hai kaise 
    Yeh pata na tha na hai
    Par yeh jaane ham ke tum se
    Zindagi ka naata hai
    Ham ne jo kaha woh tu ney
    Sun ke bhi nahi suna
    Par yeh tera na sunna bhi
    Kyun hai ham ko hai pata

    Humein aazmaaye re
    Samajh na aaye re
    Aisa karna hi kya pyaar hai
    Jiya nahi jaaye re
    Tere liye gaaye re
    Tumse hi ham ko pyaar hai

    Sun re sajania
    Tere sung duniya
    Aise jaise har su bahaar hai
    Jiya nahi jaaye re
    Tere bin haye re
    Tum se hi hamko pyaar hai

    Buy it
    And if you can't then hire it 
    Cuz if you must desire it
    Then you must know the system
    That its love for money
    Amber Heard GIF

    No No there is absolutely no need to be afraid the damage is already done

    Love this song as well as its video was so sure i will end today's Sunday Blog # 145 ( Hundred and Forty five ) with this song and video but now i have a better one no better one i don't really mean a better one ...there cannot be a better song and video than this song and video ever ...What i mean is that a song and video that better set the mood and the taste and to some extent my frame of mind after watching the movies that i watched this week . I know that i am not at all in a position to make a humble request at this juncture also know that it is not a very good time for you people But please please why ruin a kids life if you don't have or can't have the courage ...first accept yourself then and be sure then look around and blame others for being not very humane . Cheers !

    There maybe still a few minutes but i think i have crossed the line here and need to enjoy it to the fullest before its a new day .

    It will be a very tough week for my dear siblings , i am very sure of it . The Christmas tree was already dead ...what difference does it make if it is chopped off by a messiah or a Qaasai ?

    All the Best !
    God Blaze America !
    Allah Hafiz !

    Lag Ja Gale | Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster 3 | Sanjay Dutt | Chitrangada | Jonita Gandhi | Mahie GillChitrangada | Jonita Gandhi | Mahie Gill

    Lag Ja Gale
    Lag ja gale ke phir yeh
    Haseen raat ho na ho…
    Shayad phir iss janam mein
    Mulaqaat ho na ho
    Lag ja gale…
    Ae… Ae…
    Humko mili hain aaj yeh
    Ghadiyaan naseeb se
    Humko mili hain aaj yeh
    Ghadiyaan naseeb se
    Jee bhar ke dekh leejiye
    Humko qareeb se
    Phir aap ke naseeb mein
    Yeh baat ho na ho…
    Shayad phir is janam mein
    Mulaqaat ho na ho
    Lag ja gale…
    Ae… Ae…
    Paas aaiye ke hum nahin
    Aayenge baar baar
    Paas aaiye ke hum nahin
    Aayenge baar baar
    Baahein gale mein daal ke
    Hum ro lein zaar zaar
    Aankhon se phir yeh pyaar ki
    Barsaat ho na ho
    Shaayad phir is janam mein
    Mulaqaat ho na ho
    Lag jaa gale ke phir yeh
    Haseen raat ho na ho
    Shaayad phir iss janam mein
    Mulaqaat ho na ho
    Lag ja gale…
    Ae… Ae…