
Monday 31 December 2018

New Years Eve ....!!

Sunday 30 December 2018

The Sunday Blog # 143

Today is the Sunday the 30th of December 2018 , the 22nd of Rabi us Sani 1440 H till the Sunset ( 5:53 pm , Karachi ) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 143 ( Hundred and forty three ) .

So just now as i woke up about half an hour ago ...after an over three hours sleep ...i went to the living room to see if i am in the right place and time and have not missed something . The television was on with channel surfing going on and suddenly we came to a news channel which was giving the news tickers to wake me up and set the mood ...okay never mind the other news and tickers ...lets begin this LAST Sunday Blog of the Year 2018 , with it ....


obviously there is only one way of adding a news ticker from a news channel to this my the Sunday Blog # 143 ( Hundred and forty three ) is to take a screen grab with a mobile cam while its on air and you are watching ...because after that you can only search the related news on twitter and find tweets from different persons or the news channels i will probably do that here as well .
The Ticker was about our very dear dentist oh sorry the Honourable President of Pakistan who is the 13th President of Pakistan and only the second dentish in the world to have become the Presidentish ...Ah so sorry ...Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow beat him there ...
Anyways where were we ? oh yes ...the news ticker was about a tweet from mr Alvi ...
Which was in response to a viral video that showed a long queue outside the local mosque in Karachi before the Juma Mubarak Prayers ...because of his security details and protocols . Shame on all those shown with him in this video ... Jaldi aya karo na bhai ....LOL

So thank God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! ...i usually go there very late when all the regulars are already there ....and seated ....very few come after me and leave before me ...are usually the police and security peoples ...But anyways it was so nice to know that our dear President tried to pray the Juma Mubarak prayers yesterday on the Last Friday of the year ...2018 . And he being the thirteenth so it must have been Friday the 13th at least for that neighbourhood ...

okay the other horrifiying news in the final hour before the mid night was about the one and only national Hajis carrier ...the PIA ...three pilots fired for the fake degrees ...Don't you think they were doing a great job so far ...why do they want to hire people with original degrees ...why ...should ...?

So now are we supposed to check first if the pilots is matric or non matric before taking off or fastening the seat belts ...I really don't think it is possible because we may be immediately taser by airline security i right or am i right ..?

so anyways is sad that the court in pakistan believes that a non matic cannot drive a Bus ...??
1:50 am Aerial firing with a time delay this hour ...
okay lets take a break and have tea ...
1:54 am Break ( 632 words )

2:57 am .... 
Okay so the sounds of the Aerial Firing has suddenly stopped both near and far ...dead silence !!
 Creepy don't you think ...all i did is made a light breakfast and eat .
 Anyways ...

So Today is the New ears ...oh sorry ...the New Years' eve eve !!
Its has been an incredibly sad year for me ...Because everybody i knew was praying for Money !
And even if i was not but sometimes i felt that even i hoped for it ...which was so close to actually praying for it .
Next ...i completely lost a reliable leadership . two homes and fear of watching my Cadillac being towed away either for failing to pay the EMI or paint job ..whatever .
Next next can see what the haters American regime did to my town and city karachi the most dangerous city in the world ...
After two decades of so stubbornly promoting the illegal constructions and land grabbing , China cutting ...and of course ...paisay se sub hojata hai ...culture they are not listening at all or giving any hope ...toh agar paisey se bhi nahi hoga toh kaisey ho ga ????

Anyways i believe i need to sleep a little now i wont be able to wake up for Sunday Winter Brunch ....or should i take a rain check until there is rain or a little chill in town ...believe it or not the room temperature right now is 24°C(22) while outside according to the weather site is 14°C and haze . 

ok yes

There is a little haze because i cannot see the nimrat aunty (kulfi kumar baje wala ) clearly hopefully it will be a little colder today in the sun than it was yesterday ...still i don't expect a sharp decrease in my room temperature this year ...
BTW , check out the last three morning mood tweets from december last ...2017

  • 29 Fri 10th Rabi us Sani 1439
    11:39 am The movies re mix i watched all night had my head spinning so even after a few hours sleep i feel sleep deprived , still trying to make up my mind whether to lie down a little or start preparing for the juma prayers clear blue sky no wind
  • 30 Sa 11th Rabi us Sani 1439
    3:47 pm yes ....had a very cool relaxed morning got up at 7:45 am had enjoyed the morning chill and a little bonfire made with wood pieces then watched Undisputed 1 . attended the giyarween ki fateha over eat did dishes now drowsy sky clear blue 😴

  • 31st Sun 12th Rabi us Sani 1439
    11:54 am Almost noon hot and dry clear blue sky no wind at all . After bath i stood in the sun and took selfies & trust me the face begin to burn i am seriously thinking of getting that skin whitening injection advertised on Facebook with hair dye

  • So this is not the first hot winter is the second hot winter the lowest my room temperature recorded must have been in january 2017 it was 15 °C
    15th Sun 16th Rabiussani 1438
     The silver is all gone and the sun is out but mercury is not very bullish yet so lets hope all the dampness goes too 

     so in the mean time i have almost forgot what i was saying so okay never mind and lets just move on ....
    So here i take a break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
    May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

    Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

    4:39 am Break (1274 words)

    9:20 am Good Morning !
    First tweet of the day ....
    Sun 22nd RabiusSani 1440
    9:15 am okay i am up since 8:21 am but it took so long to get out of the bed and get a cup of tea ....the eyes are still half shut . Outside its an almost clear blue sky and the sun has began to burn winter ha ha

    So Karachi the most dangerous city in the world is facing a gas crisis ...mostly the gas pressure goes down during the cooking time . It turns off the water geyser as well but somehow we manage . sometimes cook early or wait . since we have no time issues and mostly rely on the takeaway or frozen foods which can be microwaved easily . But the news was that Industries of Karachi are shutting down from Monday

    Karachi industrialists announce factories shutdown for want of gas
    KARACHI: Around half a million workers are likely to be unemployed as owners of over 3,000 units in Sindh Industrial Trading Estate (Site) ...
    But the good news this morning is that they are not going to

    Industry defers shutdown after SSGC assurance hours ago
    KARACHI: Industry leaders have deferred the call to shut down their units ... Zubair Motiwala told Dawn that the industrialists also demanded an ...

    okay no wonder it was not the top news anymore on twitter page for karachi the most dangerous city in the world .

    And somehow  the top news about the top leadership of PPP all going on a list of fly out ban also not a top news anymore not definitely  a breaking news because i believe everybody knows it and everybody checked it many times already . Must have been a shocker for the Airline industry on the Karachi - Dubai or Karachi - Doha - London route .
    And one cannot but Praiseth the timing of the announcement . After the mian Sab the leader of the Sicilian Mafia gone back to the prison and the PMLN not as fresh as before in the anti - govt and anti establishment rhetoric . They needed it and the vice versa . Can you believe it was the 11th death Anniversary of SMBB ...
    Anyways time for a break ....May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

    Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

    10 :08 am Break ( 1715 words)

    4:21 pm ...Aha seems like ages ....had a very nice relaxed Last Sunday of the year ..2018 . Noon and after noon .
    So first after going on the break i had tea again ...then i had a warm bath ...and prayed the missed prayer with prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
    May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

    Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

    then ...i went on the winter walk and ride to Saddar and  Burns road food street and returned with the Special Sunday Brunch which i eat and relaxed even more ...

     So as you can imagine ...that after the walk and ride and then eating some of this ...I was so drowsy almost falling on bed to sleep ...but i heard the Azan as it was time for the Zuhr prayer before sleeping ...i prayed with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi .
    May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

    Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

    and then i again had tea ...and before i fall asleep i uploaded the food and walk pictures from the mobile ...there was just not enough time for this my the Sunday Blog # 143 ( Hundred and forty three ) Update .
    During the sleep i heard the sounds of neighborhood electric generators ...cannot be a dream ..i am so sure of it i guess it was cool to fall asleep ...and relax .
    as even if i had been up and awake ...i could have not done anything without the electric power and net .
    Anyways ...I woke up around 3:30 pm with what i thought to be the asr azan ...ya the fake ones ...usually they help to remind when i have not prayed the zuhr and the time is slipping away ...but today i had prayed with the first azan so ...anyways ...i got up ..had tea ...alone because my siblings are very busy with the fairytales ...they did not even noticed that i am up and awake ....Thank God the All Mighty Allah Amen !
    because that is very temporary ....sooner or later ....that will all be dumped on me ...and i have already had one outing of the day so i will have nowhere to go ...nowhere to hide ...except that i have things to eat and i can sleep again if necessary as this my the Sunday Blog # 143 ( Hundred and forty three ) has already near the two thousand five hundred words on the words counter and there is more action than mere words i believe that being a few thousand words short is not that worrisome no ..none at all .

    Okay so the actual asr azan has finished and the last one prayer in Jamshed town would be starting just about now i better take a break here with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
    May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

    Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

    5:00 pm Break ( 2399 words )

    Sun 23rd Rabi us Sani 1440 H
    7:11 pm Good Evening ! 
    Okay so during the break ...i prayed two prayers ...with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents PAPA and AMMI 
    May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

    Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

    and while i was praying i begin to smell something good from the kitchen ...
    ThankGod the All Mighty Allah Amen ! sastey main chot gaay ...light food ...i sincerely hope that this was the last till supper ....after midnight .

    We also had a facebook meet up and fairytales session but was saved by the electric power shut down ....LOL
    So . Now we have plenty of time to ramble or rant ...honestly it feels like i have sadly missed the rant boat or titanic to be precise lets take a rain check once again for that ...and ramble about the day today and the week past and hopefully the love will save the day idea what that means ...but going with the flow it sounds perfect .

    The most important event of the week past was the Christmas ofcourse ...

    NEW YORK CITY: A busy avenue in New York’s Brooklyn borough has been named after Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. The Pakistani-American Youth Organisation (PAYO) announced the decision on the occasion of the founding father’s birthday on December 25. The change was implemented through a resolution and will affect a designated part of the Coney Island avenue where the Pak-American community is concentrated, said PAYO President Waqil Ahmed.

    Coney Island Avenue - Wikipedia
      Coney Island Avenue is a roadway in the New York City borough of Brooklyn that runs ... The area surrounding a roughly one-mile stretch of Coney Island Avenue is home to a sizable population of Pakistani Americans, occasioning the ...
      NEW YORK: A section of a Brooklyn Avenue, a borough of New York City has been ... of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the Pakistani-American ...

      Rating: 4.9 - ‎53 votes
      PAYO (Pakistani American Youth Organization) proudly is representing “Little Pakistan” Coney Island Avenue located in Brooklyn. On December 25th 2018, ...

      Okay lets take a break with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
      May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

      Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

       8:00 pm Break ( 3012 words)

      9:10 pm Okay made coffee ...i have had more coffee this no winter already then i had in a couple of years ...did not have it at all last winter ...or maybe just once or twice not sure ...and taking of coffee ..does anybody has any idea about these Dawn Burger Buns ....
      When i go to the nearest shop for bread and breakfast stuff ...i sometimes have to choose between the normal and this half cut mark Burger Buns ...obviously they are not the Hot cross Buns ...then what it is ...yesterday the sesame was also slightly burned so it looked like they have masala or something on top ...I tried to google but there is no such thing as a half Cut mark Burger Buns so anyways . Actually i just saw a local MacDonald's ad and they are also using these Half Cut Marked Burger Buns in that commercial is it a trend or something ...and why it is not mentioned on the packing or commercials not even on the social media . And if they have why is it so hard to find ?
      Honestly this does not appear to me to be a need to know basis kind of a thing ...does it ?
      okay that's it ....btw we had these beef burgers before starting this my the Sunday Blog # 143 ( Hundred and forty three ) just in case somebody is wondering what i did with the purchase yesterday . 

      okay now we need to hurry up and move to the movies of the week ....
      But First the good news is that instead of a security plan for the new years eve revelers ...the sindh awam dost govt has banned CNG till the tuesday morning ....
      Karachi: Bhar Me CNG Stations Aaj Raat 10 Baje Bund Kardiye Jayenge Aur Dubara Mangal Ki Subah 8 Baje Kholay Jayenge. 

      Good Na ?

       okay now the movies of the week .

    1. A Christmas in Royal Fashion (2018)Rated 7 stars chamatkar ...not even magic ...just a simple misrepresentation and falling in love it . 
    2. The Borrowed Christmas (2014)Rated 8 stars ...awfully challenging it . 
    3. Christmas in the City (2013)Rated 5 stars ....well you never know ...
    4. Christmas on Holly Lane (2018)Rated 6 stars wonder the pentagon is calling back their troops from Afghanistan and Iraq ....LOL
    5. Richie Rich's Christmas Wish (1998)Rated 7 stars ...i have always loved the richie rich ...and even though it was not that good ...but still it was fun to watch especially the change and difference in both worlds . I can so relate to it with my this hour ...and this day ...would have been soooooooooooo different with the real me in it today ...i wonder who wished it this way
    6. A Christmas to Remember (2016)rated 6 stars Okay our MNA is out of the scene for a very long time ...i am sure somebody must have had him by now him please we don't need him at all . 
    7. The Mistletoe Inn (2017)Rated 7 stars ....with social media every body is a better writer ....honestly i have no idea where i stand
    8. Christmas Catch (2018)Rated 7 stars ....LOL
    9. The Gender Card Flip (2016) Second Nature (origina... Rated 5 stars comment .
    10. Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story (2011)Rated 4 stars body is that lucky these day must be crazy to think that i would believe that ...shoo
    11. Bhaiaji Superhit (2018)Rated 4 stars ...its a turkey but because i had seen Preity Zinta and ameesha patel after soo long so i just could not call it that ...

    12. Laila Majnu (2018) Rated 10 stars ...amazing movie ....almost all new comers and yet their performance level is much higher . must be the soaps/ stage performers or all genetically engineered . 

    13. anyways i thought that this was my last movie of the year ...and now i thing that it is so very true ...because tonight either i will watch it again or sleep and enjoy the New years eve has been a really awesome movies year ..i am not really sure how many i watched this year but the good thing was that instead of watching the movies and downloading from other suspicious sites and apps ...most the movies i watched this year on my  mobile were from the youtube so since they are so strict about every upload cannot blame me for what ever and where ever ...Duh !
      It is amazing and also surprising that somehow the movies year 2018 came to an end with two very different love and romance stories than what i have been watching most of the month of December and the whole year ...i had also downloaded a kajol movie and was hoping to watch it this week but somehow it disappeared from the downloads and then i have no idea how and why i downloaded these two among mostly Christmas and new years tv movies . But anyways i am so glad that i watched it .
      Honestly i am speechless at the super fast pace of story still feels like i have downloaded the whole Naagin series in just one night ...honestly it will take a few days to fully get all system to a go level ...a full bed rest till friday may have helped but you know how bad it is these days anyways ...that is it more movies for me this Year 2018 ...and especially not until i fully recover , mind body and soul .
      Okay that is it the movies of the week ....
      Believe it or not ...i was not expecting to reach the four thousand words mark today and see here i am so close to it and there is still time and then the song lyrics so i believe if i continue without a break or look too much for the song video to share in the end then there is a chance that i may reach the four thousand five hundred words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday blog # 143 ( Hundred and forty three ) .

      So First of All i need to wish everybody a very Happy New Year 2019 ...because in the end there will be no time to wish and then i will feel so bad that i did not even wish somebody the Happy News ...oh sorry no not the Happy News Year ...well anyways ..what is wrong in wishing somebody a happy News year ...sounds really very interesting ....don't you think ....similarly if we are wishing the happy news year ...then we may also have to wish a Happy No fake news Year to mr trump ...he has been struggling and now i believe there is no soul who would support his Christmas wish of calling back the troops from this region ...lets see what happens is so sad that most Americans complain over law and order in the country and schools and mass shootings and when Mr Trumps asks them for money to build a wall at the mexico border they refuse or not support him ...double standards i must say ....
      Okay the net is off so i must have done something good after all today ...LOL
      God Blaze America !
      see it is so right to finish it up a little early that way you don't really have to rush things up or miss the things you wanted to say ...saving the best for the last is never such a very good idea ...most people do that and then regret it all their lives ... Yes i was too ...but all along i knew you never let me fall .... No regrets ...none at all . Had a really great time and may even enjoy it for the rest of the time ....
      see the net is back on ...sometimes i surprise myself i wonder how it would be for other who are a couple of steps ahead ...always ....LOL
      okay time now to wrap it up and take leave hoping and wishing for a better tomorrow and better new year ahead will be very difficult almost impossible finding good and happy moments in the coming year will be like finding a haystack with needles ...and sleeping on it ...LOL
      But we can pray for the best and hope and hope ...oh that reminds me i forget to mention the Cricket match this week ...Pakistan lost and the skippers got ducks ...really very entertaining match it must have been but i was enjoying the christmas tv movies and very good food and was too relaxed to even check the daily scores at the end of the play . Anyways better luck for the lads in the coming year ...Insha Allah !!
      Okay they i believe its time to go safe during the new year aerial firing and all ...All the Best
      and a happy New Year 2019

      Allah Hafiz !

      When I'm Back On My Feet Again - Michael Bolton

      When I'm Back on My Feet Again
      Gonna break these chains around me
      Gonna learn to fly again
      May be hard, may be hard, but I'll do it
      When I'm back on my feet again
      Soon these tears will all be dryin'
      Soon these eyes will see the sun
      Might take time, might take time, but I'll see it
      When I'm back on my feet again
      When I'm back on my feet again
      I'll walk proud down this street again
      And they'll all look at me again
      And they'll see that I'm strong
      Gonna hear the children laughing
      Gonna hear the voices sing
      Won't be long, won't be long till I hear them
      When I'm back on my feet again
      Gonna feel the sweet light of heaven
      Shining down its light on me
      One sweet day, one sweet day I will feel it
      When I'm back on my feet again
      When I'm back on my feet again
      I'll walk proud down this street again
      And they'll all look at me again
      And they'll see that I'm strong
      And I'm not gonna crawl again
      I will learn to stand tall again
      No, I'm not gonna fall again
      'Cause I'll learn to be strong
      Soon these tears will all be dryin'
      Soon these eyes will see the sun
      Won't be long, won't be long till I see it
      When I'm back on my feet again
      When I'm back on my feet again
      I'll be back on my feet again