
Sunday 16 September 2018

The Sunday Blog # 128

Today is the Sunday the 16th of September 2018 , the 5th of Muharram 1440 till the Sunset ( 6:35 pm, Karachi )  And this is my the Sunday Blog # 128 ( Hundred and twenty eight) .

So First of All a very Happy New Islamic Lunar year 1440 hijri to All .
As you all know that the new Islamic Lunar year is not celebrated by most muslims like anyother new year celebrated by any cast creed or regional new years anywhere in the world . Such as the dropping of new years ball in the times Square or the Nauroz in the khana-e-farhang-e-iram ...oh sorry Iran ( e Raan) . etc etc ....But never mind the world and how they celebrate their happy new years as i am sure during the course of this my the Sunday Blogs -- we will come across those days or may have already have had come across some of the days and mentioned the celebrations or at least wished a happy day to all those who were or we thought were celebrating their respective happy New years or the weeks etc etc .

My Dearly departed Papa ( May his Soul rest in peace in heaven Amen ! ) was from Ajmer India yes he was raised and educated in the shadows of the Shrine of the Great Sufi Saint Hazrat Khawaja Gharib nawaz ( RA) in Ajmer Sharif yes he was the same Hazrat Khawaja Saab who wrote this manqabat in praise of the Incident of Karbala and Hazrat Imam Hussain ( RA)

Shah Ast Hussein Badshah Ast Hussein
Ruler is Hussain, Emperor is Hussain
Deen Ast Hussein Deen Panah Ast Hussein
Faith is Hussain , guardian of faith is Hussain
Sar dad na daad dast dar dast e yazeed
Offered his head and not the hand to Yazid
Haqaaq e Binaa e Laa iLaha Ast Hussein
Indeed, Hussain is the foundation of La-ilah (the declaration that none but God is Absolute and Almighty)

SO even though we are not from the minority sect never have and insha Allah never will But we firmly and unshakably believe and commemorate Hazrat Imam Hussain ( RA) 's Sacrifice in Karbala centuries ago and especially the  Youm -e- Ashura or the Tenth day of the Muharram every year . 

Coming Back to Jamshed Town and Karachi the most dangerous city in the world and present day , Me being educated in an english medium co-education Ad Hawk school to lower the standard of education of some of the most prestigious educational institutions of that time like Habib and Mama parsi etc etc . Of course this is disavowed classified information . The school was immediately shut down after i graduated my Matric and surprisingly the building was saved and now houses a Beauty Parlour heavily guarded by armed guard agency with specific instructions printed on the entrance against men not allowed . Very recently like few months or maybe just a month back a new building just opposite to that opened an only gents saloon branch of another very popular beauty parlour and studio across the street . So now i have no idea at all as to the future of the Minority Sect in Jamshed town or Karachi the most dangerous city in the world but as far as my personal state of mind is concerned after being disjoined with almost all of my past relatives and friends , my Muharram is now more spiritual then practical . That's is No Haleem party at home or majlis at school to attend compulsory . For Years i have been fooling around enjoying the sudden changes in the looks and behaviors of the town and city folks and especially the ladies and gentlemen belonging to the minority sect . The Pressures on the Sindh Police , karachi and jamshedtown police also the Traffic cops and rangers as well as the Clergy . The Mosques in my neighbourhood are ironically anti - minority sect on legal and inheritance issues and against my beliefs of Sufism and marfat . The only good thing about them is that they keep it simple and try to avoid biddah or bidaat ...innovations .... you have no idea how much i love it when the Californian atheists call us the Seventh century Muslims in chatrooms and facebook discussions . 
Usually what happens is that on especial religious occasions i visit this other mosque nearby which is run by the International Canada based muslim organisation which is not very Anti the minority sect as well as seemingly pro my belief and practice . But the problem is that being a major contributor to the international organisations' Funds generation program , prayers on special occasions are more of the donation appeals then the praise of the God All Mighty Allah Amen !  or education for the poor souls searching for the truth . I usually quit going to that mosque when i begin to feel like i am enjoying the fund raiser instead of the satisfaction of praying to the One God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! 
And i am so sure that ,that is the day they mark my present in the attendance register .  Another reason for praying there is that it is easier to visit the graveyard after prayer as it is right next to it . But now it has become extremely challenging to jump over the new graves which are higher and more slippery . Recently on eid day when i visited the graveyard from the Mosque after Eid prayer , i slipped jumping between two graves and hurt my wrist . Thank God there was no serious injury and i was able to get up on my own without any help from total strangers who were present nearby praying for the souls of their near and dears buried in the graves all around . Every time i visit the graveyard now i see some new and higher graves which makes it nearly impossible to find the way to walk or even jump from one grave to another . This Graveyard is just as old as Pakistan and imagine the new and high rise buildings all around it . The Population of This area has increased manifolds over the seven decades and especially recently but it seems that the Mumbai -Dubai based builders mafia doesn't even care about the decent burial guaranteed by the UN charter and the Universal  declaration of Human Rights may have missed altogether ...i believe .  
Anyways , i will discuss this issue sometime later as this issue and other population growth issues are of dire importance especially for this most important business and commercial as well as residential area of Karachi the most dangerous city in the World and growing in size and population so rapidly without any proper planning or care . 

2:59 am Break (1099  words) 

3:32 am Okay i am back in just half an hour and had this all prepared my self and eat my self ....

Today is the Fourth Sunday after Bakra Eid and i still have Roasted Beef for breakfast or Supper or whatever ...and i can enjoy it ....while living in an ambiance where even multi millionaires are worried about the Funds . Somehow i knew from the start that the new Government will start begging after failing to tax the rich or poor . And this is the first time in my life that i am positively sure that i can neither promote nor stop them from doing so . LOL
By the way , Since i did not apply for the London School of economics when i should because i was so busy fooling around with the classified here , so i cannot give my expert advice about any financial or fiduciary matter of the balance of payments and borrowings on the macro level but as a laymen i cannot understand one thing ....

The figures in dollars $$ which have been remitted by the British Common Wealth Citizens and US Citizens of Pakistani Origin alleged collectively and the remaining seen here as movable and non movable properties is worth so much that i am so baffled . 

And talking about Baffled ....The Sad and Shameful news of the London Private Clinic killing the Former First Lady Mrs Kulsoom Nawaz . Turns out she was the grand daughter of the Famous Pride of Pakistan the one and only Gama Pehlwan the wrestler . She must be awefully rich but i am not sure who will get all her riches as the Pakistani Sicilian mafia is losing the grip everyday . Her untimely death and the immediate release on parole of the Mafia head and his associates will definitely weaken their will to fight as well as their stance of victimization and the conspiracy theory .  This get out of Jail parole  will surely reduce the chances of get out of jail free card that their managers must have been working on day in and day out with the new and friendly government of Pakistan . There is definitely nothing new about it . And Since no new case criminal or civil was filed against mian saab or his mafia family after he was sentenced and jailed or even after the new government took office , clearly suggest that the grieved public and individuals don't see it as an over throw or change like they did in the case of Mr Bhutto . Surely the Mafia or its head must have wronged publicly or privately someone who waited for a day like this ....and what about the famous model town case ? 
Obviously ,   

Anyways , the whole debacle this past week reminds us , them or me that matter what ...Cancer aik la illaj merz hai ....tu paisa waste kar raha hai ! 

Happy ? 

Okay i am not going to get into the argument that why this parole card was used now and why this was not used before the sentence or arrest or at the time of the return to Pakistan for arrest ? 

Obviously they were not interested . Meaning it is a very new and recent development . The Rumour tonight is that Qatari Princes no no more than one has arrived in Lahore yesterday and meet with the mafia head in the presence of the his brother believed to have gone side ways now the clouds will clear in a few day after Muharram and surely we will see a bright future for Pakistan or a new Bahu of the Mafia . 

And talking about the future ....cannot be complete with talking about the Dams in Pakistan . After the Honerable CJP and the PM jointly making money for a Dam ....and inviting the foreign donors and investors to contribute How can PPP remain behind so instead of openly starting a fund they tweeted through the senator from karachi and the son of late fauzia wahab and this is what his tweet is about ...

there are so many interesting comments on this tweet already that there is no need for me to say anything further .
All i can say here is that few years ago my thinking was that Dams for the electricity was too expensive and take too much land and time to build , also they are very bad for the region and its culture . People lose their homes and villages and their ancestral graveyards like our very dear chaudry Hashmat .... instead Nuclear Power was easier and quicker to build . The energy produced can set the wheel of prosperity in motion and in no time the government and people could build the reservoirs for the water . Meaning the Water and Power should be separated . Unfortunately we had a chicken shit Musharraf and instead of developing the nuclear power plants he played with the future of the Nation and the future generations and focused his attention on a concrete jungle .

Anyways now i am not very concerned about the future because now its for the teens and twenties to decide what is best for them . I am done !

SO here i take a break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!
5:18 am Break ( 2058 words)

12:26 pm Good After Noon !
the first tweet of the day
Sun 5th Muharram 1440
12:20 pm Yes i had a very sound sleep woke up about an hour ago having ilaichi wali tea . it is very bright sunny outside no sign of a Sunday Brunch yet channel surfed for the first time this week trying to wake PM coming and the Naagin3 channel is off

Yes the channel that re broad cast the Naagin 3 and Pyar lafzoon mein is off from the channel list all the rest are on the cable movie channel is showing a Irfan khan movie that i need to watch but can't right now and definitely not on cable its too intense for the insensitive cable . And personally i feel after a very very intense movie week i need a break or at least a slow down . Kulfi kumar baje wala yesterday announced that they will have a whole hour show instead of an half hour show and that too without a weekend break Tuesday to Monday 18th to 24th no idea whats going on there because here we will probably have a two days of Urdu1 shutdown on the 9th and 10th of Muharram , Thursday and Friday . never mind the Saturday and Sunday . So then watching back to back two hours on Saturday or Sunday will be quite a hassle . Anyways lets see if i can find it on youtube and what if the net is also shut down which probably will on two days of muharram ashura just like the mobile network . Ironically people brush their landlines devices on days like these. Its a bit risky for some people because everybody knows you are at home when you call or receive especially the multiple wives car mafia people of Jamshed town ...anyways ,

So the Breaking news is that PM Imran Khan is arriving for his first commercial visit to karachi after the mere aziz hum watno speech and tea biscuits party . It is not clear what THE CAR WASH would be doing today while he is here and honestly i don't care as long as he push the sindh govt to finish the green line bus project sooner some way . The good news is that after milking the karachi rich he wont be needing the PM House buffaloes .....yes the Sicilian mafia had their own buffaloes in the PM house which are about to be sold oh sorry auctioned to the highest bidder .

Okay then i believe its time for the Sunday Brunch ....and a facebook meetup . I am not really hungry and need to stay awake so i will try not to eat much . Not sure what is for brunch one thing i am sure about is that the so called Haleem or Daleem will be compulsory today . When we used to have a Haleem Party in muharram in my childhood regularly on Ashura , i often heard a question . Do they have haleem in the arab world ? Later on when cable started showing MBC i often heard them saying the word "Haleem" in talk shows not really saw them eating anything before or after . Now i hear a lot about Hummus never have i tried it but i believe it is made from the same chickpeas that we eat as sunday breakfast with the puri fried bread .  They blend the chickpeas just like our haleem or khichra . So when and how the ingredients switched i don't know but it seems like the same to me ...what do you say ?

Okay then i take a break here and enjoy my Sunday brunch and will be back soon with more recent pics of the food in my meals .
So here i go on a break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!
1:24 pm Break ( 2732 words)

3:32 pm Okay so i had a full course lunch or brunch and the facebook meetup and now i am fully drowsy and can fall asleep any minute . There are too many pics and images may contain food and i cannot decide to sort them out because they all look so nice . Anyways here are a few ....

Honestly i wasn't expecting mutton leg roast and mangoes today . And the leg roast was so soft even the tooth less loved it.
I believe the days of having people over for Sunday Brunch is fully over. Yay !
The interesting new development is that here in karachi people don't even go out for monthly or weekly shopping on Sundays now ....they do the monthly and weekly shopping on weekdays after work or in lunchtime or whenever they get the time . Our Filthy meat market of Tariq Road gives a very deserted look on Sundays now . Only the restaurants and biryani and Halwa puri stall gather some crowd of the homeless people and out of town visitors . Kiryana shops are losing regular customers very fast due to the Super mart culture and online shopping with free delivery. We are also seriously thinking of registering online for the new Hummart only available in karachi . Vendors and pushcarts for Breakfast bread , icecream and vegetables , milk and fish already comes to the neighbourhood regularly . Most of the stuff they bring on the market rates or a little extra except for the icecream which is about 30% extra like the Rs 20 / - stick for Rs 30 /- and a Rs 55/- Cone for Rs 70/- only because they use dry ice to keep it fresh all day from noon till midnight . Years ago when my Ammi ( may her soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen !)  and then my dear elder sister was diagnosed diabetes i stopped buying icecream from the street vendor on the pretext of they charging extra . Ironically on special occasions like Eid or Happy Birthdays she ignores it and goes to the door and buy icecream for everybody . This week she has done that twice and i am like you got cheated buying six sticks for the price of ten sticks .  Anyways , Sometimes we even feel cheated without human interaction . like just now when i turned the wifi on to upload the food pictures from my mobile smart phone , it suddenly started updating the downloaded Apps . I was really surprised because there is not enough memory space available in my old and useless smart phone for the updates so i have kept the setting of the google play store to " do not Auto Update " and here one by one all my downloaded apps were auto updating and notifying me . So does this mean that someone or something caused this unusual change in the setting or was it just a glitch . Lately there have been too many virus cum unnecessary ads downloading without my ok and i have no idea how to put a firewall for the Android OS . So the question is why this sudden up surge in the virus or spamming attacks . Is it a security measure for the muharram or is it becasue mummy has gone to the majlis and boys and girls have nothing better to do all day but to play pranks online .  Well whatever ...after the auto update of the apps there was very little space left in the internal phone memory so i had to delete two apps and cache clean . So what i am trying to say is that even if  i stay put and avoid all the hussle bussle of the happy or sad religious or cultural events by not going to a crowded place or jam traffic roads and street of my town or any other town outside my town limits , I could be easily disturbed and distracted , irritated and haunted .

If weirdo , unruly kids and devil can do it so easily then why and how can we question the dear merciful Lord of the Universe the all knowing and Wise , the All Mighty Allah Amen !

أَلَا إِنَّ أَوْلِيَاءَ اللَّهِ لَا خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ - 10:62

Unquestionably, [for] the allies of Allah there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve

The biggest mistake that we do is that we start comparing Sufi saints with the Chosen messengers and prophets of Allah . Our Holy Prophet peace be upon him when he receive the first revelation , the Angel Gibreel  he had no idea . He was taught and trained IQRA !

اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ - 96:1

Recite in the name of your Lord who created -

Aulia , sufi and saints surrender on their own free will and pray to be elevated its like a two way street and very rarely do they pass all the test . We have even heard about some great people who got lucky and then made a mistake and lost that higher position some even regained through more cleansing of mind and spirit some never does . 
Aulia , sufi and saints are not bound to spread the word of God . They do it out of love and devotion . 

It is a very simple thing if you understand the basics . But practice what we think is so simple is not so easy almost impossible . That is why we have great respect for great people like these who once may have been born like ordinary people but they choose Allah and the Allah choose them in return as his single minded people . 

Okay now its time for another break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi 
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!
5:20 pm Break ( 3702 words)  

6:14 pm Okay you wont believe what Allah made me do as soon i took the break know that on every special occasion and especially that involves feasting or eating something especial our  gutter mains from the outside is blocked by the very same person who opens it after he ashored of  eidi or tip . So it is again closed since the beginning of the muharram and since it has been over a week now so the inside system is also over flowing and i watered my rose plant with it . So what seems like a test today may result in breath taking Rose buds and flowers in two weeks or atleast the plants may grow new reddish green leaves before the fall season begins in two months time . 

OKay One of the Construction Crane on top a Hongkong Building finally fell . The have been showing it for hours and now we have the footage of it falling down as the Typhone Mangkhut hits Hong Kong and china . many are dead and a lot of Property damaged 

here take a look 

Typhoon Mangkhut Jolts Hong Kong and Marches Into ChinaThe storm made landfall on the southeastern coast of China on Sunday, after battering Hong Kong with winds of up to 100 miles an hour.

Don't know why but i do sincerely hope its a fake ....

Okay now its time for another break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!
6:32 pm Break ( 4041 words)

Sun 6th Muharram 1440
7:34 pm Good Evening !

And from dubai the latest is that 
Hong Kong set 117 runs target for Pakistan.
Hong Kong 116/10, Aizaz Khan 27, Kinchit Shah 26. Bowling: Usman Shinwari 3/19, Hassan Ali 2/19. Shadab 2/31.
#AsiaCup2018 #cricket #PAKvHK

okay so today i had set a target of two thousand five hundred words for this my the sunday Blog # 128 ( Hundred and twenty eight) because for the past three days there was a shoulder strain right below the neck and i thought i wont be able to sit and type or do the blogging today so i thought that if i am able to at least do a two thousand five hundred words for this my the Sunday Blog # 128 ( Hundred and twenty eight ) then that would be awesome . But somehow today the first two thousand words were the fastest and earliest before going to sleep in the morning for which i am myself surprised . And now that i am crossing the four thousand two hundred words mark on the words counter even before the eight o clock meaning that i can go on and make this today one of the longest Sunday Blog . But then i think that four thousand words are also too much to read for anyone even myself . for the past few weeks or sundays i have not been able to review or edit and also spell check my Sunday Blogs . I am so sure there must be many errors or omissions mostly because i have yet not been able to rectify this cursor jumping . I don't know if it is good or bad for blogging but somehow it keeps me alert especially in the final moments . Most of the times when i am reviewing my published Sunday Blog on a Monday morning i rarely find any spelling mistake in the later part most of them are in the beginning or the middle and especially when i am drowsy . So anyways ,

Let move to the movies of the week ...but first before we talk about the movie review lets talk about the only two hind star plus hilal cake pastry serials . Kulfi kumar bajey wala and the Krishna chali london .
In krishna Chali london this week they showed that her medical college entrence test result was announced and now she can go to london for medical degree ....I don't understand this . Is there a special programe for Kanpur and malihabad pre- medical students especially the district toppers ( jila tapper )  to go London to study medicine ?  Don't understand this at all . And at the same time an ips qualifier got posting before training in london at the same time giving an impression that both can now unite and leave for london at the same time who were separated by the forced marriage of Krishna with Radhay lal shukla of Civil lines Kanpur .
Anyways the writer and director of this hilal cake pastry serial was in full command and control .

On the Other hand the Other Hilal Cake Pastry serial of star plus on Urdu 1 the Kulfi kumar baje wala has really inspired me with a psychological exercise of Shake it off >>>>  Kulfi's step mom who has a very negative role in this Hilal cake pastry serial is often entangled in a hopeless situation and instead of breaking down and getting caught , she spins and twist the situation in her favor but before getting there she first clears her mind by saying out loud ....Shake it off ....
Well i am not like the character of kulfi's step mom no way even near resemblance neither do i am in such kind of mess . but sometimes i get really upset or irritated by very small insignificant things like a raw red tomato in my egg omelet . So this week i did not try to ignore other peoples mistakes , errors and forgetfulness or supress my irritation due to their actions and argue ....instead i just shake it off and enjoyed something else . This was really fun trust me .

Okay now the movies of the week ....

  • Rajadhi Raja (2014)Rated 6 stars yes a poor man turned criminal by joining a gang and then turning a gentleman by the help of policeman then years later when the gang gets out of jail and finds him to kill that policeman but he saves him again as well as saves himself and his family ....interesting 
  • Ivan Thanthiran (2017)Rated 10 stars Sci- fi vs  dirty politics of corruption and crime . loved it 
  • 24 (2016)Rated 10 stars sci fi  time travel tamil movie dubbed in hindi with serious as well as funny situations ....loved it too . 
  • Punjab Nahi Jaungi (2017)Rated 10 stars A pakistani movie probably the second i have really enjoyed this year first was ofcourse mah-e-mir watched a few months ago on the election day and now this ....Thanks again for reminding me that i have to build a mehtab dairy farm for just 30 million when are signing this cheque in my name
  • Dobara Phir Se (2016)Rated 6 stars Pakistani again But This movie was not in the local setting so there were just the sleeveless and juice in the wine glass but then they crossed the karachi airport dear Allah mian corridor and everything changed . She broke his heart and dumped him he went back and started drinking yes broad day light drinking despite being shot around central park this is a qualified pakistan movie ....congratulations again !
  • Jalaibee (2015)Rated 5 stars Money troubles and politics and crime and sequel coming soon .....
  • Bandook (2013) Rated 10 star also Rated R for bad language , very bad language , sex and violence . 
  • Ekkadiki Pothavu Chinnavada (2016)Rated 10 stars dubbed tamil movie after love by a ghost and love for a ghost by the living ....very interesting horror movie . 
  • Escape from Taliban (2003) Rated 10 stars ....its a true story by an indian something banarjee ...but i am so sure that it must have been worse for people like and still is .

  • Tubelight ( 2017) aka Dhakkan aka ட்யூப்லைட் Rated 6 stars a rare ENT trouble where the patient has a time delay in hearing ....caused after an accident . very interesting ....a better movie can be made on this story . 

  • Okay then this is it for this most amazing movie week i really enjoyed the movies in peace because my irritants very busy with breaking news and probably mesmerized by the media ....LOL

    9:15 pm Break (5091 words)

    9:48 pm Usually at this hour i am undecided whether to keep on blogging or take a long break and watch the last turkish soap serial on filmazia ....but today it has been already decided by the closure of the channel due to the Muharram sanctity
    Anyways the gang was so undecided about eating and food tonight that when i went out to the table during the break i saw this for dinner

    And this is what i had earlier The Mangoes are raw like they are for the next season .... Americans !!
    sitam pe ḳhush kabhī lutf-o-karam se ranjīda 
     sikhā.īñ tum ne hameñ kaj-adā.iyāñ kyā kyā
     ستم پہ خوش کبھی لطف و کرم سے رنجیدہ 
     سکھائیں تم نے ہمیں کج ادائیاں کیا کیا

    okay its 10:10 pm and the news is that Pakistan has won the match in dubai stadium after scoring 120/2 in reply to Hong Kong's 116
    Pak Won By 8 Wickets. #HKvPak Target 117: Pak 12O/2 over 23.4 Imam 5O* Malik 9* #AisaCup #PakvHK

    Okay i will not watch the Ind vs Pak match in Muharram ....okay !

    Shake it off Babay !!


    Oh no there is still an hour to go ...more than an hour to go . I have no idea how mr Alvi the new president of Pakistan will spend the next five years waiting and waiting  ....By the way do you know he himself or the President Part of him has a new twitter account

    The President of Pakistan


    he is following two accounts 

     how obvious ? well anyways 
    So it will be interesting to watch the two of them for the next five years ....oh no its still 10:35 pm

    So what to do now how about getting up and getting a tea refill . yes without shutting down
    yes i had a tea refill as well a short facebook meetup and ate a roti with daal . so now the dinner is done and there is no need to hurry up and finish this my the sunday Blog # 128 ( hundred and twenty eight ) to have the supper . I have still not decided whether to watch movies in the next week or take a break . Honestly i feel like i should . only five days are left and minus the monday and the friday as monday never comes and friday goes by before you know it so then we are only left with the tuesday , wednesday and thursday . And since thursday will also be a closed holiday it will also pass by quickly so i believe very soon it will be the next Sunday and i will be doing the Next Sunday Blog and everything will be back to the normal just like everything will be normal in Hong Kong tomorrow when the typhoon Mangkhut is over  . I believe it is already over as there are no new updates on twitter only retweets that i have been seeing all day today so lets hope that there have been the lowest possible damage to life and property and it was just the usual media hype ....I don't understand why they try to keep people living hundreds of miles away glued to the tv with a news of a storm when there is a bright sunshine here . Some day this may change and people will stop relying on the television news channels for news especially . The twitter and social media has taken over a lot of ground from their  feets but still there is a lot to go ....

    So the past and future leadership of Pakistan met today i seriously hope they did not make a jail break plan or stuck a deal again . The Election process in the parliament has cleared that they have parted ways for good now and hopefully will do their politics according to their own manifesto and not to benefit from eachothers power like before . I really don't see a day when Business and Politics in Pakistan will be separate in the very near future but i sincerely hope and pray that a day comes sooner than i expect when career politicians are free not make money or need money for the horse trading to get and stay in power . And most of All Home remittances to the UAE and other British free ports and islands may be completely banned and stopped from Pakistan . Of course i am not talking about the nationalisation . But people and companies doing business here in Pakistan should  be regulated and monitored and not allowed to interfere in the politics . The days of east india company and likes should end now . China should not be given any special rights and treatments . Every foreign investment must be allowed after safeguarding the rights and equal opportunities to the people of Pakistan .

    Oh no there is still time ...anyways ...its been a really fun day and there was no chaapa today amazing is that even possible cannot believe it .

    Okay so today thought a lot about the Final song video to finish this my the Sunday Blog # 128 ( hundred and twenty eight ) and finally found this coke studio kafi from some previous very early coke studio Hope everybody likes and enjoys it as much as i do .....

    so Insha Allah until next week its All the Best and

    Allah Hafiz !

    Manzil-e-Sufi, Sanam Marvi

      ملاں مار نہ میکوں جھڑکوں مینوں اپنا یار مناون ڈے۔ کنجری بنیاں ساڈی عزت نہ گھٹدی سانوں نچّ کے یار مناون ڈے۔ جوگن تھیساں یار دے پچھوں سانوں گل وچّ مالڑا پاون ڈے۔ غلام فریدہ اوہدیاں اوہ جانے سانوں اپنی توڑ نبھون ڈے۔۔