
Sunday 9 September 2018

The Sunday Blog # 127

Today is the Sunday the 9th of September 2018 , the 28th of Zilhij 1439 till the Sunset ( 6:43 pm,Karachi ) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 127 ( Hundred and twenty seven ) .
So i guess all the expensive remembrance holidays are over ? oh
Who cares as long as US of America is minting $$$ dollars and need the front , the top and bases ....So lucky yes Pakistan was born lucky and it will remain lucky even after i am gone insha Allah ! Amen !

So Today is the third Sunday after the Bakra Eid . And believe it or not I am still alive and eating mostly Beef and Mutton with lots of thick white fat which after melting and mixing with the spicy masalas become so red and delicious that even the devil may run like ice from hell .
And talking of hell before the midnight tonight i was in the middle of a Pakistani Movie where mr Shiekh is playing the devil himself . 
ThankGOD its a local upload and may have cut a few booze and excessive drinking scenes without which no Pakistani Movie gets sponsors especially the ones which has the Shiekh saab in it . Honestly i was beginning to suspect if its even a Pakistani Movie or not ? Then that unnecessary drinking scene
Anyways since there is still forty more minutes to go before the curtain so lets hope that this movie makes a come back ....Honestly i really doubt that . Ha Ha
So far its only getting 4 stars out of the 9 stars .

Okay the first hour is gone and i have reached the two hundred and sixty plus mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 127 ( Hundred and twenty seven )

Okay now back to the Bakra Eid . Tonight we had the Dumba leg roast and the Mutton Pulao . 

I really don't think it should be called a real leg roast because it is not roasted in dry heat uniform from all side instead it is cooked in oil and water ...with lots of spices ....or maybe not these spices and fats are not the gravy because the mutton leg had been already marinated for a day or two and when it is kept in the pot on the stove  the extra spices and fat is given away togather with the meat juice which then adds to the water which is poured to boil the marinated mutton leg initially so as to prevent it from burning when the lid is tightly sealed all this mixture coverts into steam ....okay so that is why they call it a mutton leg roast or lamb roast . My dear Brother Loves it so we are eating it bit by bit remembering him . His nuclear family has reservations for the Dumba ( fat -tailed Sheep ) meat . He did his goat at an institution so i believe they sliced it all. So after being undecided all evening whether this Mutton Leg Roast can be send to him or not and praying that the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! Brings mercy to his heart and mind and he decide a chaapa on his own .
Well that did not happen sadly we had to save the mutton leg roast and send the Mutton Pulao to him which was made of the Institutional Bakra from his one third only share ..oh no .....LOL

Anyways , my dear siblings and especially the two elder Brothers are still ...very anxious to feed me with the best of their best so i really don't have to worry about all those weighing and watching things this year again . But as you and all the readers to come be my witness in the two or three pre- eid Sunday Blogs i tried my best to stop the unseen forces from convincing is not the right word ....forcing may not be a right word either ....when every thing fails ...i use the word Instill always words
gradually but firmly establish (an idea or attitude) in a person's mind.

So what i am trying to say is that i am over fed and under paid ..all the signs of a good sacrifical being ....LOL

During her last few years my dearly departed Ammi ( May her soul rest in peace in heaven Amen !) was a lot worried for me . that what am i going to do after her . She used to advise a lot to get a job so that i am not down and depressed when she is not around to take care even though some people still believe that it was the vice versa as if i was taking care of her can it be even possible . beats me ( american english ) ! LOL
Anyways sometimes i feel like i am the very lucky person in the family , well maybe not the luckiest person , but really very lucky indeed . Thanks to my dearly departed Papa ( May his soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen ! ) I was able to be around my dearest Grand Mother from the day i was born till the day she died a decade later . The Grand father passed away few years earlier before my birth so i have never met him . ( May his soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen !)
But i am sure if we have met we might have got along real good . Anyways ,
So i probably definitely watch my first Disney cartoon with her . Okay i am getting too emotional and nostalgic so lets come back to the glutton  character in those cartoons which i believe is politically correct to say Animated movies oh yes i loved when the fat bellied guy probably the tax man or the hunter tried to eat the leg roast and somebody who not let him eat . my favorite part indeed .
Anyways ,
I just remembered all the good times i had with my grand Mothers thanks to the free candle bucket offer of the tohfay .com on my mobile this week for the Happy Grand Parents  day which is probably over a month away ....14th october  is it ? no its 9 september and its not candles bucket ....Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! .....

Okay no idea what is going on here so i better take a break and feel euphoric .

3:00 am Break ( 1044 words)

4:16 am Okay i am up till now . and during the break i had a gulab jamun which i am so surprised to find in the fridge still one more left . next i had lots of tea from last evening i filled the pot myself before starting the blog before midnight and then i watched the news at four am and find out about the lahore tragedy at the mall arson probably ....too suggestive i must say ....
The Other main news i find were that Boxer Amir khan has won ...President Mamnoon is a free man finally ....and arif alvi saab will take his position today . It is still not clear how much quota of free diesel will he get after becoming t 13th President of Pakistan probably the 3rd elected non army chief President elected by an elected Parliament . It is Indeed an honour ( Honor) a great Honour i must say . So Now the question is can he still do the prime time talk shows with famous anchors or is it Anchors for him for the whole term in office .

Well i am sure the new Pemra without an E will set new guide lines for Red ties and yellow duppatta's during a one on one interviews with the Honorable President of Pakistan ....insha Allah ! More Useless ministers came this week and some more are expected to join the cabinet for tea and biscuit . After the US Secretary of state and under secretary of state visit and support for the new Elected Government opposition and position are both under pressure  which was clearly visible in the Number game the other day and today ....meaning there will be no support of the New government in the austerity drive .

Okay so this brings us to the very end of the Hundred day of the new Elected Government and makes me look beyond
 and talking of beyond soon after shutting down and going for a break i finished the remaining forty minutes of the Movie 7 din mohabbat in ....yes the rating stays the same no change
sorry !
 Okay the fajr time is blinking in the wall digital azan clock so i guess this is it . But i am still very much awake and not a bit asleep or drowsy maybe a little bit dizzy which i usually am after juma mubarak prayers which is usually over when i wake up after sound sleep on the afternoon but this week that little dizziness survived the thirty six hours and now moving slowly towards the 48 hours so lets see what happens next . But chances are that this is it and i wont be coming back after this break before the brunch .... So its sweet dreams all the way .

here i take a break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

5:16 am Break (1557 words) 

11:03 am Good Morning ! 
here is the first tweet of the day ....
Sun 28th Zilhij 1439
10:53 am Yes i am up having tea , haven't brushed yet . Its mostly sunny outside . Not sure if i can eat the Nihari for brunch so i'll probably fry an egg or something . 

The Moon is waning at o.4 % at the moment and a new moon is expected at 23:01 tonight so in this weather there is very little chance for a new moon sighting tomorrow after the 29th of Zilhij . So we might get an extra one last day of the islamic Lunar year 1439 . The next islamic lunar year will be 1440 H now this will be easy in typing and may instantly take the place of the previous one . Honestly as i wake up and tweet every morning so it was easier for me to remember it but still i use to recheck every time and clear it before as well that it is the year 1439 . When it came and  where did it go ....i have no idea at all . But today as i have woke up with a chaapa so lets forget or delay the year in review for the next week when there will be more black then white and jamshed town will be in a jam even on a sunday . Here in Jamshed Town of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world the holy Month of Muharram is not about the Shias and the Sunnis anymore . It is about the Sindh Police and the Containers . My neighbourhood of Tariq Road before the Builders Tsunami only had a procession on the 7th of muharram only . But last year as i came out of the mosque a day earlier suddenly i saw extra extra police and water tankers movement . So i immediately cancelled my after prayer walk and went hurriedly for shopping takeaway at the nearest restaurant . while i was waiting for my order the sindh police had put up the barricades on all entry and exits . And i am sure the restaurant shutters were only open for my order . thankGod it did not shut down before my order. so i hurriedly took it and jumped over the barricade and came home . It was fun but i realised that it was a bad decision should have come back straight . Anyways , the brunch is ready 

Obviously the fried egg is not for me as i prefer the scrambled egg or the spicy and chilli Omlet with the paratha so i will have to fry my own . so i better hurry up and take a break here I am not sure if and when i will be back after the brunch because there is still about fifteen minutes to go before the noon so i believe there will be a chance for me to come back for an hour or so before the Break

11:48 am Break ( 2038 words )

12:33 pm Okay so now i believe that i am free from any food related facebook meet up for the day today or at least till the tea time . Very little chance of any more chaapaz . The Saein Folks must be expecting many chaapaz today so they have either headed home or hid their cars somewhere . The work on the hot tin roof has began . my siblings are asking what is he doing for so many months obviously his kid must be studying for his higher studies in the private institution so he is giving him a safe and healthy peaceful environment and a weekend without the massi's and mamoos . Not everybody in this world is so lucky like i am to be saved from the Army of Massi's and Mamoos , uncle and Aunts and the ofcourse good for absolutely nothing Cousins and their children . Me and my dear Brother often blame the builder mafia for irregular constructions and post construction activities and  they look back at us like ...Duh ? LOL
the matter of fact is most parents start renovating their old houses after their children get institutionalized to a private money making so called education INC . Don't take my word for it just like that look around and you may find many examples in your family and neighbourhood . Actually it is good that people of my city and town are taking the higher education so seriously and why should they not . It is a huge burden on their pocket and a good investment . And wasiq thought that mian neighbour was beautifying his penthouse with a hot tin roof on a naive ? LOL The whole dam soldier bazaar seems to be related to his wife and mother . I remember mentioning last year that i woke up on a sunday morning with the chirping of children toddlers sound now the sounds have changed and so i was wondering where did they make their new weekend destination . LOL
Trends are changing in this education industry very fast . The Press Gangs are now not focusing on individuals they are working on the whole nuclear family . It is easier with the single parents . Instead of kids going abroad for professional studies they study here and get a degree and a job and then send their parents abroad and live happily ever after . So be careful and choose your career very very wisely after all you have got only one chance to decide before it gets out of your hand . LOL

Okay it is time for a Break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!
1:10 pm Break ( 2517 words)

4:33 pm The Heavy Brunch is still giving burps and drowsiness ....should have been avoided at all cost . Anyways i had an hour of sleep during the previous break have brushed the teeth and bathed . so now i am feeling very fresh not really excited . So according the twitter trend we have a new President of Pakistan Pa papaan ....So if any neighbour or childhood friend of the New President of Pakistan is thinking of any special favors from him or his name is a reality bites

Now is a good time to change your Sim and service providers and even the twitter handles ....don't say later that wasiq you did not warn US .

Okay the other news is very very sad a jap kid has ruined American dream Serena williams was beaten in the US open Final by Noami Osaka of Japan . 6-2, 6-4 .

No this is not the sad part the

Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism and vows to 'fight for ...

5 hours ago - Serena Williams has accused an umpire of sexism and treating her more harshly than men as she used a press conference to double down on ...

okay time for another break with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi 
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!
5:02 pm Break ( 2768 words) 

5:49 pm Chaapa ! 
Okay no burps but still not in a position to eat ....having tea only . But time for next meal is approching fast and now this chaapa so i believe i need to go out for a little walk before i eat something . The Neighbours hot tin roof is now complete , labours are collecting their stuff and tools and loading in a pick up suzuki parked right in front . The Mr Neighbour looks in a really bad shape while his in laws and relatives must be rejoicing over a new fun land this coming Muharram ....especially on Sundays . So lets watch and learn what he thinks off to turn them away ....this time . 
By the way just for the record ....the previous owners of this roof top are now living happily ever after in Australia ....I am so Happy for the PT Master and her kids . 

Okay so the Sunset is so close that is 6 : 43 pm so i have to make up my mind right now if i am going out or not because ten minutes more here and i will lose the chance to get to the mosque for maghrib . Well i think i will start going for maghrib after the tenth of Muharram this time . Really don't want to come in the way of the Sindh Police at all . Already eating Haleem from the qurbani gosht beef so let them block every road and street ...i don't care . 

Okay the most important debate these days in Pakistan is about the Dam Fund . The Honorable Chief Justice of Pakistan Started it and now the PM wants to take it from here . So this week after attending the Bara  Khana at the GHQ he Address the Nation once again ...the Mere aziz hum watno .....

Prime minister Imran khan Speech Today - Imran Khan 2nd Address to 


Okay more updates about the dam fund and its response from overseas Pakistani's later now it is time for another break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!
6:38 pm Break ( 3153 words)

Sun 29th of Zilhij 1439
30 °C
7:40 pm Good Evening ! 
So the Chaapa ended on a quarrel and the ages old dispute of Car parking . Our guest complained that somebody opened the locked door of the car and pushed it to park his . The Armed Guard is always so anxious and willing to name his partial employer in the neighbourhood . Looks like my refusal left them with no choice but to look up to my dear elder brother ....LOL
So in $$ dollar terms i am absolutely free to continue this my the Sunday Blog # 127 ( Hundred and twenty seven ) while the neighbours will try to sort out their quarrels and disputes . Now honestly how can we blame the Builders mafia in this issue which is definitely a very local and personal . This dispute come up every year after we refuse forced cow and cattle parking on our kerb by the neighbours . It seems that they are also forced or coerced into teasing us . A thing which is so against their character . The Issue complicates because we silently do the sacrifice for which they want the credit of instilling or persuading (LOL) . And the torture does not stop here we seems to enjoy the food profoundly which they cannot because they are not raised to enjoy the qurbani meat or the red meat . A full mutton leg roast is definitely against the religion of most of the people who thought they knew us . While other believe the cauldron deg of Hot and spicy biryani is for the occassion , births and deaths , happy and sad ....So i am so glad we....sorry "I" had this Nuclear test today . LOL 
I know this is not going to end or go away on its own the nuclear waste from this Nuclear test will keep me entertained for a long time . 
So anyways I believe this was the third or fifth attempt this year to see some action from me personally and i failed .... must be drugged or High ! LOL

Okay now this reminds me the most important event this week was the release of the Pakistan International Air (PIA) sponsored Vlog of the British / polish model Eva Zu Beck .

Wearing the same shirt and pant for the whole 14 plus minutes , she visited most of the places i used to visit before starting this my the Sunday Blog -- or have . and few that i cannot and never have ,
in her latest Vlog on instagram . So i was wondering why PIA would Sponsor such a thing .....and then i realised that while Neighours and Sindh Police still need us ...or try to make us believe that they do ....the Nari Shakti global canada is sending a message to its followers that they don't need us at all nor our pants or shalwars for whatever purpose . It a good thought ....i think .....
Anyways ...By the way i thought do darya was to be pulled down before Ramzan . May people on twitter and insta and facebook have already posted their last meal pictures so i was under the impression that this Vlog is at least a few months old ....Somebody please clarify ...please please 
I hope they have a money back offer on the later post last visit extravagance soon if its not shut down
I can't believe i am now this close to the four thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 127 ( Hundred and twenty seven ) . The Post Nuclear test Peace of Mind is always so productive and positive for free flow of words and typing speed .
Need to go and check for the emissions

 8:40 pm Break ( 3771 words)

9:11 pm Okay more tuc by lu its a saltish sweet cracker when you have the false hunger and really don't or can't eat a full meal not even a samosa .
So now it is the time for the movies of the week ,,

  • Hate Story IV (2018)Rated 6 star a movie about crime and vendetta . Revenge in London for a crime in Mumbai india ...Don't know why people have voted it to be a turkey . 
  • Direct Ishq (2016)Rated 6 stars . Yes very interesting twist ...ishq and love defined . Love it .
  • Nambiar (2016)Rated 6 stars since it was a dubbed movie so a lot must have got lost in translation but it seems like an interesting story and screen play .
  • Bobby (2005) Must have been listed on Imdb by some other name and category so i rate it 5 stars they must have made multiple reels of this movie i am so sure for different markets . The one i saw was obviously not the porn grade . 
  • Paisa 2016Rated 7 stars loved it too ....
  • Raja Cheyyi Vesthe (2016) Rated 7 stars Now that is why i avoid the cafe and coffee so much never know ..... 
  • Shadow (2013)Rated 4 stars its a dubbed movie but i was so disappointed to watch Tapsee Pannu in such a role . must be a pre shabana movie . 

  • Love in 7 Days (2018) Saat Din Mohabbat In (origin Rated 4 stars . So it is the Dawn movies against the geo movies ! i hate journalists ....Thank God I stayed clear of all the Media Houses of Karachi the Most dangerous city in the world . The movie starts with a magical disney fairytale bliss and gets lost over the Empress Market following the Drone and drops to the pits over the clifton monument and subway ....But still i must say that it is a very good initiative and must continue ....No i will not watch it again and especially not after buying a over priced Pop Corn ....forget it . 

  • Okay this is it , I have no movies downloaded for the next week no not because
    of Muharram ofcourse don't be silly i am not that crazy ....actually the old and useless mobile phone i have been using for the movie downloads has increased the virus and junk downloads so i need to reboot it before i download any new movie from the youtube . By the Way All the movies i have reviewed above are available free on the Youtube in my geographical location . It may not be available anywhere else so i am not sharing the link here but you can use the search option and enjoy a clean and clear picture and audio quality . The number of full movies available now on youtube is ever increasing but for hindi movies most of them are the Dubbed Hindi version of the South indian Movies , Tamil , talegu and Malayalam , It is great stuff and should be not let go in waste . so far of all the once i watched most were rated higher than 5 star by myself . Sometimes they have all new faces but most of the south india movie stars also work regularly in the Hindi Bollywood cinema movies so we can easily recognise them and enjoy their performance i their native culture and ambience is wonderful .

    10:00 pm Break ( 4311 words)

    10:36 pm After taking the break half an hour ago i went out in the lawn and looked up towards the sky and in the usual gap in the clouds over my head there was a shinning star . Again i looked before coming back and it was still there visible more clearly not covered by the partly cloudy . RIP !
    Anyways ,
     Oh no there is still a full hour plus left for this my the Sunday Blog # 127 ( Hundred and twenty seven ) to end at the midnight tonight . I have skipped the dinner so i will have something to eat for the supper .both siblings are confused and trying this and that . Sometimes when there is just one thing to eat ready and on the table it is mush easier and safer . Because grabbing something that is up for grabs from the fridge and eating alone does not full the requirements of a full timely dinner or meal you have to be sure that the others are not eating something better .
    So the 9 - 9 - 1+8 = 9 day of the twenty first century is about to go away and i feel so good that i did another of the over the four thousand five hundred words blog today and maybe i may make it to the five thousand words in the next hour never know ...So the question is ....what can i do to make it a six thousand words regular sunday Blog every sunday until at least this the winter arrived . I have observed that my winter Sunday Blogs are a little shorter than the summer sunday blogs . Maybe because during the winter sunday Blogs i drink too much tea and so need to take more breaks . or maybe i have to eat more to stay warm so i feel more drowsy and sleep more during the winter sunday Blogs . Or maybe i never focused on the fact that the  night is longer in  winters so i should stay up longer till fajr and do the first two thousand words before going to bed for sleep . Anyways its been a very long journey of one hundred and twenty seven sundays in a row regularly which is almost two and half years or nearly thirty months . The Problem is that by doing this my the Sunday Blogs for so long i am not in anybody's way which is quite amazing because in every other thing i did in the world it was much easier to prove that i am in the way or some how bad for someone . But this is not just it . While here i am sitting in a corner just typing and converting my thoughts and ideas as well as how i see and feel about certain things and events already passed a day or few days before in the past week or sometime in my life making a mark so that i learned something that i did from it . a person who i met or come in contact or just observed from a distant and that person remained in my memory even if that person was just a water balloon vendor just passing by leaving a mark on my memory by his peculiar looks or appearance $$ terms my life long observations and learning shared here mostly for myself so that when i loose all my memory due to the regenerative diseases and aging , i read these blogs and enjoy . So far ever since i started blogging in the mid 2000 and blogged randomly on different sites and on different topics . I find reading my own blogs the most entertaining and relaxing blissful pass time and experience . So in a few years when the technology is more advanced and the net is a little better maybe a hologram will read it to me when and if i am not able to read . Now the trouble is that most the words i use in these blogs are personal and too private to be even remembered and the words are so minced that even i cannot recall or remember the context or reference . so how will the hologram read or translate it to me . So this is the point in life , my life , the Blogging life and especially the Sunday Blogging life where i need to stop using unclear sentences and minced words . I need to be very clear and use words and phrases that are come and everyday usages and normal spoken or written syntax . After all i am just a home based Blogger and not a Polio worker
      My God i have crossed the five thousand words mark on the words counter today on my very very own proud of my self . So wants to share this achievement with so many but at the moment i am so excited that i can't think of even a single person to thank and praise except the All Mighty Allah Amen !

    Okay so here is a new WASIQ1WISE
    My City has two kinds of VIPs. One who know they are and the others who keep asking " Don't you know who i am ? 

    The Other day an incident happened with falam or for some fakhar-e-alam he survived the street police brutality ....lucky i guess ...LOL

    India is Gay !!! yay !! section 377 was striked down by the chief Courts of India ....and Bollywood celebrates because now they can copy the rest of the hollywood movies they were not openly allowed . Hopefully this will end the population explosion and indians may not need to use the contraceptives which were a definte fail counting the number and growth rate especially in the areas it was more freely distributed by NGOs .
    Okay that is it my time is up so i better take leave now and eat something really good . But first here is the song video of the song i really love . I really don't know if i have seen this movie or not ...i don't think i have but it has been my very favorite song for many decades hope somebody else loves it too because it has good lyrics and a catchy tune . So anyways ....

    Good Bye ...

    And a Happy New Year to the Islamic World except Canada .

    Allah Hafiz !

    Yaara O Yaara Milna Hamara - Jeet Songs - Sunny Deol - Karisma Kapoor Yaara O Yaara Milna Hamaara Jaane Kya Rang Laayega
    Yaara O Yaara Milna Hamaara Jaane Kya Rang Laayega
    Ab Ek Pal Bhi Tumse Bichhadake Ye Dil Na Reh Paayega

    Thodaasa Tu Paagal Thodaasa Deewaana
    Mujhe Dil Mein Rakhana Nazar Mein Chhupaana
    Tera Mera Rishta Kisine Na Jaana

    Yaara O Yaara

    Ye Ada Ye Nazar Ye Muskuraana Tera
    Shokhiyaan Pyar Ki Dil Hai Deewaana Mera
    Rang Hain Roop Hain Khwabo Ki Baaraat Hai
    Aur Kya Chaahiye Jannat Mere Saath Hai

    Hai Maaf Saari Teri Khataayein
    Tere Liye Hain Meri Wafaayein

    Yaara O Yaara Milana Hamaara Jaane Kya Rang Laayega O Re O Re O Re

    Ab Ek Pal Bhi Tumase Bichhadake Ye Dil Na Reh Paayega
    Yaara O Yaara

    Main Tera Aasamaan Tu Hai Meri Chaandani
    Kya Tujhe Hai Pata Mere Liye Tu Bani
    Main Tera Aasamaan Tu Hai Meri Chaandani
    Kya Tujhe Hai Pata Mere Liye Tu Bani
    Zindagi Ban Gayi Tu Jo Mujhe Mil Gayi
    Dhoop Ki Aag Mein Naazuk Kali Khil Gayi

    Na Jaane Dil Pe Kaisa Asar Hai
    Jaadu Jagaaya Tu Jaadugar Hai

    Yaara O Yaara Milana Hamaara Jaane Kya Rang Laayega
    Ab Ek Pal Bhi Tumase Bichhadake Ye Dil Na Reh Paayega

    Thodaasa Tu Paagal Thodaasa Deewaana
    Mujhe Dil Mein Rakhana Nazar Mein Chhupaana
    Tera Mera Rishta Kisine Na Jaana

    Yaara O Yaara Milana Hamaara Jaane Kya Rang Laayega

    Ab Ek Pal Bhi Tumase Bichhadake Ye Dil Na Reh Paayega

    Heeee Heeee Heee Hoooo Hoooo Heee Heee Haaa Haaa