
Sunday 19 August 2018

The Sunday Blog # 124

Today is the Sunday , The 19th of August 2018 , the 7th of Zilhij 1439 till the Sunset ( 7:03 pm , karachi) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 124 ( Hundred and twenty four ) .

The Mid night weather is nearly the same as it was last week . last night on the saturday night there was a light drizzle which started as if it is finally going to rain the first of this monsoon and august . But no no did not happen . What really happened was that about an hour before the mid night or maybe earlier lights went out and according to the power company that is of course The Infamous or Notorious KE ( @KElectricPK ) this happened ....

When i started the fajr Prayer i heard some of the appliances start but it was just a shock . The power was restored about half an hour later . We are usually the lucky ones other may have to wait a little long . 
Anyways , Since i was watching the Anti - STF of Indian side Kashmir movie ...on youtube download with full battery charging of mobile . I really did not miss the electric power of KElectric .  Although by staying awake all night and a little of the morning and watching movies back to back . I was fast asleep during the live telecast of the PM sworn in ceremony and woke up while he was getting a guard of Honor . so no regrets at all . This week beginning from the last weekend , i felt like technical faults and power and cable outages were trying to make me change my routines and so i got firm and despite all hurdles and distractions , i stayed on track and finally reach here yet again . But somehow i do feel like i arrived here in much less time than i usually do . Monday missed , Tuesday Holiday , Wednesday confused , Thursday busy , Friday Election and power breakdown and before i knew it , it was all over . I have actually no idea how the psychologists explain this short cut or even if they know it exists . The First thing that i usually do on the Monday Morning at noon is that i edit and spell check this my the Sunday Blog that i had done by midnight . But this time as there was very weak connection on monday morning i had to skip this habit . and when i give up some thing on the regular time then it is sometimes really very difficult to catch up . Exactly what has happened this week . Since there was no good connection and i was not fully awake so i keep avoiding it and then i was not able to do it at all . Tried again finally on saturday afternoon but i was too drowsy to do it all in one go and then suddenly my nose started to act funny and alarm sirens of frying from the kitchen took away all or any hope of sitting and continue . SO i got up and had this

and so totally give up the spell check of the previous weeks sorry sunday's  this my the Sunday Blog # 123 ( Hundred and twenty three ) . Isn't it really strange that every given sunday i sit here and do this sunday Blog thing with so many words that even i can not read or edit in one go . LOL
Anyways , it was definitely not a fun week because it was not a full week and i begin to panic as soon as i realised that it s all over and that a soft weekend has already started . My television time was clearly reduced to One hour of Hindi Soaps ( Mon - fri ) and less than an hour of News headlines and shows daily . So finally i can Boast that i am smarter than a fifth grader ...O la la la !!
1:36 am Break ( 703 words)

2:20 am Okay have lots of up for grabs things and snacks tonight . My stomach will be quite upset in the morning i am sure . or by noon . And since very little time is now left for the Hajj and the Eid ul Azha ,which by the way used to be such a nice and clean happy occasion called the bakra eid in my childhood . The pressure is mounting on my siblings so not eating or avoiding the food at regular and irregular times will be near to the proximity of impossible . LOL

I believe i left the water pump running have to go and check
 Pause !

 These day here in Karachi the most dangerous city in the world catching fish is easier than catching water .

Okay Kofi is dead
But he is not in our Twitter trend ....this is a first ...indeed !

Karachi trends

  Change trend settings

Atal bihari vajpayee ji died too
died 16 August 2018

I always blame him for our nuclear tests of 1998, maybe the russians knows the real truth . Will macys tell Gimbels ?  I don't think so . 
So lets move on . A great soul music player also died this week . 

Aretha Franklin, 'the queen of soul', dies aged 76 | Music | The Guardian
2 days ago - Regarded as one of the greatest singers of all time, ArethaFranklin has died of advanced pancreatic cancer.

Okay i am finished now feeling very drowsy so i have to take a break here 
3:13 am Break ( 1007 words) 

11:45 am Good morning ! 
i had a long sleep just got up once thought i heard something knocking or a sound must be the neighbours labour . no idea what they are trying to do . at first i thought that they were dismentalling the metal roof top and moving out going somewhere else , then i thought that they may needed the money and selling it . But after total dismental of the rooftop they throw away the plastic sheets which i thought were the fibre glass  turns out glassy fibre . Anyways , so then the reconstruction begin and every morning i wake thinking that i am in Gaddani ...oh i should set the mobile alarm to a celin dion song ring tone that would be perfect . Anyways somehow despite these neighbours are not the very mingling type still nobody in the industry is the least concerned except us . Actually we blame each and everything that the Choota choota builder mafia does or motivates in the neighbourhood on the choota choota builder mafia . Its Ironic that we are almost over the Nile and this Philistine torture of the New Israelite continues 
 Anyways , so here is the first morning tweet of the day ...
Sun 7th Zilhij 1439
11:32 am Last Sunday before Hajj and Eid . Haven't got to do much today . Needed a shoe for the morning walk and china port but then after watching the cherry blossom Ad i said maybe later no shopping in this eid rush (urdu & English both ) . No Rain 😥

yes there has been no rain and the weather remains the same which is quite amazing and at times awesome . But then again ask a pregnant woman how it feels if the water doesn't break for long . No i am not saying that of course don't be ridiculous but people around also get bored and confused . And talking about bored , yes this week went by very quietly . No Utilities , semi private or contracted came to dig the Saien's road or back alley . Probably on eid holidays ...On friday after i came back from the Juma mubarak Prayers saein was standing on his door to welcome me in the neighbourhood . Sometimes there is no traffic on a busy street like ours when you needed it the most . LOL

Waise bhi Zubaida jalal survived the deadliest elections in the history of the UnitedStates and now goes into defense Production as a full minister ....meri toh life hi over ho gaie ....( as myra singh says )

okay on the home front this Sunday Brunch is ready and a snoopy rat is dead somewhere so i need to take a break and have a facebook meetup urgent .

So here i take a Break  with  a prayer  for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

12:54 Break ( 1509 words)

2:22 pm Okay so i am all cleaned and washed feeling very fresh now . Watch the dim witted dorks of Lost land ....maligning each other . This live telecast says a lot about the technological advancement of Lahore that i was speaking about earlier .

The Sharif s were never of the people , for the people and by the people ...kind of politicians so we never expected anything from them in terms of parliamentary democracy neither they .

Being hard core and corrupt business people they never trust their lawyers as much as they trust trust their managers who would be working on backdoor deals . The interesting thing is that their lawyers always seems to be loosing while their manager wins and the public says yeah ! lets see what happens this time because there are no smiles across the board as the Dentist is about to become the Next President of Pakistan . I am sure  APWA will be happy now .
Can you believe that on a day like today we are out of stock of the most important thing in our daily lives ....yes the Lipton yellow label tea . i have no idea how this happened . English is probably to blame . Ever since my dear siblings have read my english in this Sunday Blog they are afraid to send me to the local shop and market . Which makes me think that Mr Bilawal Bhutto Zardari this week in the Parliament got a pin drop silence in a Machi Mandi kind of Ambience . So either it was too dictatorial or somebody died . And that somebody was the Next PM within . Sad because i was beginning to fall in love with the next PM inside Mr Bilawal Bhutto Zardari a perfectly brewed states person and leader of the Nation . But making a speech in English when mianwali rules and members shouting in French and punjabi non - paliamentry lingo  and suddenly silence spread . Bad timing . How do you suppose Khan sab got here in the first place . All Because of his Urdu speeches and the unruly gathering . woman molestation and pushing and shoving in PTI rallies . People just had good times and keep coming back ninty percent of PTI rallies were successful despite the state machinary against them . And if you ask anybody even a child with photogenic memory to repeat a line or a phrase of any speech of any leader of PTI from the past four five years . nobody can accept they might just repeat the more common of the slogans not even the lengthy one . So my firm belief is that it is not the speech that people remember . it is the interaction that matters and is loved and adored . Personally this my the Sunday Blog #124 ( hundred and twenty four ) and all the previous ones of this series are creating a divide between me and the pe-ers and also the fans and followers . I still get instant and more reactions to the one-liner blogs and photo captions then i usually get on this my the Sunday Blogs ....well i am not saying that i don't get any reactions at all on this my the sunday Blogs ...i do get few just now i discovered that most of Saein and his protocol rides are missing especially the tin dabba which even his own driver hated is gone probably having lunch at some dhabba on the motorway off to celebrate the eid at the second home (LOL) or some jeena marna celebration in towns nearby . Another reaction came when my Aunt whom i mentioned in the past two Sunday Blogs , this my the Sunday Blog # 122 ( Hundred and twenty two ) And this my the Sunday Blog # 123 ( Hundred and twenty three ) called to know if we know . But since we don't know and she wont tell then all we can do is wait and watch and mark the time and date under RIP tag .
Okay the Full and final Punjab Assembly has elected a new leader and he is not related to the Qaidi no 3422 or 3421 Maryam how oakward ?

Okay so now i need to take break

3:28 pm Break ( 2193 words)

4:43 pm Okay now its the tea break and we do not have tea so i thought maybe i can add a few hundred words mo re to this my the Sunday Blog # 124 ( Hundred and twenty four )  and then chill and watch the cattle parade . Just now a new israelite came to my post with an average bakra and two malnutrition kids and said " darney ki zaroorat nahein . Honestly i feel its extremely silly of people to place their bakra near a ten thousand rupees per share cow or bull and tell him that .....But that exactly how our travel agents parosan got richer and stronger over the years ....eid after bakra eid .

So now that the transition of Power ...peaceful has almost ended the electronic media attention suddenly shifted to the devil  and it is reminding that tomorrow while i would be sleeping or trying to wake up drowsy the over charged passengers will be beginning their journey to the devil memorial after doing hajj prayers at arafat . its a point in the arabian desert of mina east of mecca where according to our religious belief the devil tried to tempt Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) to disobey the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! into not sacrifice Hazrat Ismael (AS) . Some people call it rami or the rami al jamarat . So that will happen this year on tuesday morning . the electronic media is usually attracted to this event more than other hajj rituals because over the years there has been numerous accidents and deaths . Hajis get over excited and forget which way to go and started going the wrong way and in a hurry to catch the bus or flight panic and stampede which crushes the innocent  who are going the right way or some times the vice versa i am not really sure . The September 2015 was the worst in recent times and very interesting too

Early eyewitnesses' accounts stated that the crush was caused by the closure of eastern part of Street 206, which forced pilgrims travel up Street 223, colliding with a mass of people moving the opposite direction on Street 204.[119]

Anyways , i smell fishy so i need to take a break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

5:27 pm Break ( 2610 words)

6:27 pm about half an hour left for the next break so anyways i had fish and chips 
Is there any cartoon loving kid that does not like this FISH BONES clean. I am still wondering what it means psychologically ....because so often it come in a cartoon . I do sincerely hope it is not a symbol of lost effort and hardwork . Because fishing i know for sure is definitely hard work and labour for those who do it for living and for those who do it for hobby its relaxing because most what they do is mental so hard work means nothing to them as compared to what they usually do .

And talking of fishing finally the tap water started to end . I hope i do not have to wadu again today .
So slowly i almost made it to the three thousand words or near .

If you get a spam message or unwanted sms on your mobile entering a sensitive area you are being geo tag or geo fence, but if you get multiple SMS geting in or out you need to decide quick. 

Thought i share this here as it came in my mind as i was just lying in bed during the previous break trying to relax my shoulder and back . And talking about shoulders and back you would be glad to know that despite all the universe getting togather on making me do hard labour on  Eid day failed . totally . Its a wednesday and all i will do is go to the mosque in my new dress and probably new chappal and visit the grave of my dearly departed Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

come back and eat and sleep . Yes i am lucky LOL
Sub bey kar baatein hain ....should have not reacted so vehemently i was just keeping the record straight . But you are going down not friends for trying . Ha HA !
 Okay i last interesting neighbourhood thing that i wanted to mention here the polio drive changed our door marking twice this week . They crossed the first number and then over write the new number did the same to almost all the houses . Hope somebody is supervising there activities can't give the pictures i took of their first and second markings but i have then if required and they are also not rubbed or erased yet in case a new team wishes to confirm my observations .

okay time for the break with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!
 7:02 pm Break ( 3112 words)

Sun 8th Zilhij 1439
8:16 pm Good Evening !

So finally today i saw a blue Sky here over my head . No not a fully blue the portion over my head was clear blue the rest of the neighbours had mostly cloudy . infact some even had multiple layers of thick silver clouds

honestly i was checking the twitter for karachi clouds and found this ....Anyways can't find the details nor i am interested so lets move on ....

Last week i did not have the full net at this hour so i did the movies segment without images now i was thinking why waste time on posting images of movies ...naam he kafi hai

So anyways here are the movies of the week

  • Wah Taj (2016)rated 8 stars : very interesting thought and idea . Why is this problem only in indo -pak ? 
  • Qarib Qarib Singlle (2017) can't rate this now because i watched it on cable and don't believe i watched it full . But believe me that twist in train in different directions sequence has greatly amused me so the movie will not get a less than 8 stars . 
  • killer boys (2015)Rated 5 stars . LOL
  • ...Yahaan (2005)Rated 7 stars : Disclaimer @#$%^&*())(*&^&%@
  • Red Alert: The War Within (2009)Rated 8 star ; Baba Shetty is awesome in this better than other naxalites ...
  • Identity Card (2014)Rated 7 stars . Its hard to tell which side was the producers are from ...@##%^&((()*&^

  • Chal Bhaag (2014)Rated 5 stars 

  • 9:13 pm Break ( 3383 words)

    10:19 pm 

     Okay The PM of Pakistan is doing a mellowed down mere azziz ham watno

    Abba riazzz  baazar hali  ta roti maanrein aen dahi kharein .....shaabass !

    okay So the PrimeMinister who is not angry or excited has FIRED more Important people than President Trump did in his first 100 days in the white house . All Staff of about five hundred and twenty people Fired only two plus two to serve him can stay . Why i am so sure that one of them will be Mr Naeem ul Haq . 
    Okay ....Hamara carpet bhi bees saal sey dry clean ho raha hai ....." State of the Arts "
    Okay i need to change ...sorry ....LOL

    Hye bechara pata nahein ghar mein kuch paka hai kay nahein ......kitna dard hai iss ki baatoun mein ....gosht aur khaal toh pehley he ley le ab toh shaayad qassai ki ujrat mangh raaha hai .....


    Okay no i have not forgotten the english or american yet but soon i might so be prepared . Anyways we are moving slowly towards the end of this my the Sunday Blog # 124 ( Hundred and twenty four )  i am so glad that everything was back to normal and i had no nuclear test today . Power did not go neither the cable broadband left not even a surge or hiccup . Cannot believe  we are the same people we were last Sunday . 

     Okay So the coming week will be gone before the next this my the Sunday Blog # 125 ( Hundred and twenty five ) .  The roads and streets will be clean and without the four legged Animals and their dung . Hopefully the old city govt will do the insect spray when all the roads and streets are cleaned . I really don't think there is going to be rain now this year we missed it all together i believe . the monsoon season may sometimes rain in september as well but this year i think we are only getting the mangoes and no rain . Must be because we started eating fish a week earlier last year and this year its more than ten days ....before the month with the letter R begins .

    So next sunday if there is no big power break down we may be having a party or a bar be Que and even if we are not having somebody in the neighbourhood maybe having and all this bad smell will be replaced with that awesome smell of charcoal and smoke mixed with the fat and meat juice and spices . But then there will also be the chicken biryani smell coming because most people can't eat Red meat and especially beef and dumba meat . Since i am very humble and grateful to the dear merciful lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! for not keeping me with people who do not eat any kind of meat red ,white or whatever , I really don't mind eating with people who only eat chicken . Vegan there is non in our family and friends . Travel was never part of my life plan . So here i am already dreaming of the juicy cooked, fried and roasted meat while making fun of people who are committed . Shame on me ! 
    Okay this reminds me that after watching the new and latest shan chicken biryani commercial , and being inspired , i have decided to really learn the art of cooking perfect fried rice . that way i wont have to go out to the market oven and see funny faces of maternal uncles and cousins seekers for loan defaults on the way to and from . LOL
    For occasional market oven baked bread taste i believe the company breads are improving a whole lot  gradually . Like this week i got a shawwarma bread on the bread rack at the local shop . It was fun both playing and eating it . Hopefully the Hygiene and quality of my daily diet will improve in the coming months and years . And for that i need to be thankful to a whole of people i may never know or have the privileged of having acquaintance But they keep changing my life be it very slow but they are indeed doing it so help them God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! 
    Okay now is the time to move to the youtube and search a song video to post and share with this my the Sunday Blog # 124 ( Hundred and twenty four ) and take leave until next week . The News is that Coke studio eleven has begin but so far i really haven't heard any of the songs seriously so it will not be very prudent to share it here just at this stage may be later . So here is a movie song i liked from this weeks movies , actually there were more than one songs in this weeks movies i watched Okay i can't find it right now and time is up so good bye maybe later 
    Allah Hafiz !