
Sunday 8 July 2018

The Sunday Blog # 118

Today is the Sunday the 8th of July 2018 the 23rd of Shawwal 1439 till the Sunset ( 7:25 pm , Karachi) And this is my the Sunday Blog # 118 ( Hundred and Eighteen ) .
So here in Jamshed Town of Karachi the Most dangerous City in the World despite all the tall claims about the Rain and Monsoon season remained hot and Humid and partly cloudy . And since Friday it seems that despite the Partly Cloudy a heat wave has returned most probably the Monsoon Heat wave . From Eleven am to Four pm it was absolutely un bearable to stand in the direct Sun . This Weather is now becoming more and more incompatible for me and the Ants . While i am trying to keep a very low profile especially during the Sunny Days the Ants underground are coming up and crawling on the walls and floor everywhere especially in the kitchen . The Big ones which are called the carpenter Ants or Black Ants were easier to distract and repel but the smaller ones which are greater in number and very persistent are not at all easy to dispel .
Killing Ants in cold blood is considered very bad both by my religion and upbringing . But when they bite i often loose my self control . Still it is always fun to make them change their route using cheap household items like powder or detergents things that blocks their chalked out route and repel them . I always find it intriguing how hundreds of these tiny creatures move in a single line to and back a point from where they find something of their mutual interest . Like food grains , sugar or other dead insects . Like for example hundreds of carpenter black ants came out and died due to heat and now these small Ants are cleaning up their mess . Hardly any of the dead remains can be seen now , i am sure all their underground morgues and cold storages must have been over filled by now . If we had a rain on Eid Day these big Ants would have got wings and would have died anyways . So i feel that the smaller ones are more important in the echo system , they are more stronger and wiser and has better reach and survival instincts .

حَتَّىٰ إِذَا أَتَوْا عَلَىٰ وَادِ النَّمْلِ قَالَتْ نَمْلَةٌ يَا أَيُّهَا النَّمْلُ ادْخُلُوا مَسَاكِنَكُمْ لَا يَحْطِمَنَّكُمْ سُلَيْمَانُ وَجُنُودُهُ وَهُمْ لَا يَشْعُرُونَ - 27:18

Until, when they came upon the valley of the ants, an ant said, "O ants, enter your dwellings that you not be crushed by Solomon and his soldiers while they perceive not."

فَتَبَسَّمَ ضَاحِكًا مِّن قَوْلِهَا وَقَالَ رَبِّ أَوْزِعْنِي أَنْ أَشْكُرَ نِعْمَتَكَ الَّتِي أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيَّ وَعَلَىٰ وَالِدَيَّ وَأَنْ أَعْمَلَ صَالِحًا تَرْضَاهُ وَأَدْخِلْنِي بِرَحْمَتِكَ فِي عِبَادِكَ الصَّالِحِينَ

So [Solomon] smiled, amused at her speech, and said, "My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favor which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and to do righteousness of which You approve. And admit me by Your mercy into [the ranks of] Your righteous servants."

Now tell me after reading , reciting and hearing these two most incredible verses of the Holy Quran since childhood how can i use pest control for these wonderful and almost harmless creatures of the dear Merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !
The Most interesting thing that i learn from these verses is that the dear Merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! is not only hearing and recording the actions and reactions of the Humans but also those other creatures that come in contact with us .
It is because of this i believe i often hear from my dearly departed Papa ( May His Soul Rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !) That when ever you feel an injustice have be done to you or when ever you desire the divine justice , ask for his mercy . Because we never know how much wrong we may have done and when we demand justice from the All Knowing and Wise All Mighty Allah Amen ! Our Wrongs may weigh more than the wrongs against us . And so the favourable  justice we hope for is denied and instead we get punished .
Anyways not many people can understand this doctrine or possess  the wisdom and prudence so never mind .
Okay it is 2:00 am so i need to take a break now and have some water and tea . I don't think i can eat or need to eat right now .

2:03 am Break ( 733 words)

3:03 am Okay i had an hour long Break . Watched my Baker , milkshop owner and few others from the filthy meat market behind tariq Road also known as commercial area while channel surfing . These days some of the politically motivated news channels are doing the Election Special Road Shows where they ask the People on the road and streets and Market areas about their opinion about the coming elections on the 25th July 2018 .

As we all know that most of these politically motivated television talk shows are sponsored by the USaid Anti- Fraud  other funds so my general assumption is that these road shows may also be sponsored by the same sponsors .

Anyways , The Shift from Fundamentalist Talibans to the more spritual sufi and saint followers and shrines is probably their idea . But even that does not concerns me much as much as the fact that this time the third party has a better chance and hope of winning then the two main political Parties , The PML and PPP . Either or Both are seen as the same side parties . and may win a simple majority to form the government togather . or either of them may rig the pre pole result and the other post pole to win the simple majority on its own . That will be really fun . As this time the voters are really not interested in electing the Law makers . They want to elect Councillors and drain openers . Yes the voter of Pakistan is that upset .
Okay suddenly i am drowsy now so i have to take a break here and offer the fajr prayer as soon as possible before i fall completely asleep . This week i have been falling asleep just like that absolutely unable to resist and stay awake for few minutes after the drowsiness takes over . In the past this usually only happened after i had eaten a heavy meal but now it is happening even before the meal . Haven't been taking any kind of medicine or drug as all systems were already go .maybe it is this unusual weather . or some internal fault not yet fully developed . I am on the look out for any kind of physical or mental weakness . Haven't found a clue yet .
So anyways , here is a prayer break  with a Prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen! 

4:16 am Break ( 1166 Words)

8:54 am Good Morning !
the first tweet of the day
Sun 23rd Shawal 1439
8:47 am Okay i am up early today Good Morning an Awesome hazy sky no sign of the hot burning Sun yet but i am sure it is coming . Need to go to the market maybe later . No breakfast yet maybe we'll have the Sunday Brunch later . 

okay so the soccer kids drama in Thailand was to push the england team into the semi-finals . And it seems to have worked . But what now ....Because All England clubs are already drooling over the Hot and Sexy President of Croatia .

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović 

So is it going to be a Croatia vs France final or Croatia vs Belgium Final ....we will know this coming week . My guess not prediction is that it will be a Croatia vs France Final and france will win the 2018 Fifa World Cup . so lets see what really happens .

Okay So Finally the Battle of Avenfield was won by the People of Pakistan against Her Majesty 's Most corrupt Government Ever !!! i am still surprised why and how the diplomatic and bilateral relations between the two countries came to this level . That her majesty's most corrupt government did not hand over the sentenced criminals immediately and instead asked for a weeks times . Next Friday which incidentally is the Friday the 13th as well . Anyways battles apart my humble services are always available to both side for the normalizing and improving of the relations .   Amen !

Okay now the question is when and if the British government hands over the sentenced Criminals and their loot what will they want in return . Obviously we are talking about the Cunning British they have never ever even come close to considering to hand over the MQM chief  of Bedan Powell Hall and Edgare despite multiple requests and public outcry over the past three decades . But now it seems that they are losing the battle because of these prime suspects called the Sharif Family of Avenfield . If they goes he Goes as well . And who knows who Else ....?
10:04 am Break ( 1514 words)

11:15 am No breakfast or Brunch yet . siblings are getting up ....the neighbourhood is still dead on sunday . The only Living soul that can be seen on the street is the Armed security Guard of the Neighbour sitting on our kerb eagerly waiting for any sign of life or movement at his boss house or in the neighbourhood . The Sun is still not out so the weather is awesome windy . But i am sure that when next time i will look up at the open sky it will be sunny and hot . Still waiting for orders to got to the market . Can't go on my own because the things i like to eat are not compatible with this weather and their health conditions . Don't wanna stand in line for the Halwa puri and Samosa start late after the Halwa Puri ends . Can't eat biryani or i will fall asleep and waste time .
So lets parish the thought until the call or smell comes .

During the break i watched the yesterday's episode of Naagin 3 . Despite multiple opportunity Bella the Snake Queen was not able to kill mahir her husband in the human world and take her revenge . And from the glimpse of the next episode they seems to be happily falling off the cliff in slow motion and the background songs suggest that she has been hacked by the true love once again . so now i have no idea how they are going to drag this season and keep my interest in it till the end of the season . But i am sure they have it all planned and will not disappoint me like the Turkish Soap or turkish soaps . Our cable company is desperate to sell their DTV box so they have increased the commercial breaks and are making very disturbing cuts to break the momentum of the show and movie and sometimes completely ruining the interest in the story . So now i am seriously thinking of giving up watching the shows and movies on the cable tv . and permanently using the net tv . yes that will be good but then how will i know what show to watch from amongest  the hundreds of shows and movies both new release and the old stuff . This is still so complicated . In my Childhood everybody watched the same show and then discussed it with family and friends and even the strangers on the Bus or at the barber shops . Watching shows and movies all alone and on the Net will take away all or any social life that is left in me . But who cares ?
12:02 am Break ( 1949 words)

12:58 pm 
So glad that i waited for the Brunch because it looks so much better than what i had in mind alone .
Okay so now i have to go on a break and really not sure when i'll be back because after eating i am already feeling drowsy and must take a siesta and prayer and maybe even go to the market for next meal or snacks ...not sure yet . By the way there is still a lot of leftovers in the fridge so food is not an issue today at all . Praiseth the lord All Mighty Allah Amen !

Okay the British Government has panicked ....MQM's Top of the POP saleem shahzad is announced dead in a London Hospital early Morning Today

.  Updated July 08, 2018

Pervaiz Malik’s son replaces Maryam in NA-127

It is believed that the Transperency international 

okay never mind . The Game seems to be more than over .....

So now i take a Break with a  Prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!  

1:26 pm Break ( 2215 words)

3:50 pm Tea is almost ready ....three main tickers at the moment ....Nab Chasing Capt Convict in a rally ...,
Tri Nation T20 2018: #Final PAK 127/3 Overs 13. Fakhar 73* S Malik 20* AUS 183/8 #PAKvAUS
And the Drowning of Lahore was not enough , Water quota for Provinces may be introduced ...
okay so this means that by next friday or on next friday the lahoris may see another record rainfall and few new water falls naturally made by the soil something ...okay fine no problem . I have no family or Friends in Lahore i really don't care if half or all of lahore is drowned . infact i would be so pleased to the videos and pictures of Navy Boats and Careem boats on social media ...i would be real fun .
By the way , did anybody noticed that most of the electronic media and social media was showing a very limited areas of Lahore after the rain . And not the posh areas . The News channels these days are deliberately showing the low lying and very poor areas of the major cities . Here in Karachi  the most dangerous city in the world , it is true that there is a solid waste disposal crisis because of China Govt contract not fully functional or aborted in the middle due to lack of political will by saein murad shah saabs govt . Sometimes i feel like his govt failed to read the small script most probably drafted by an opponent . Because they took all the dirty work in their hands and left the MQM Bahadurabad Mayor to Paartee !!
So as i was saying that most channels are showing the illegal and china cutting areas or recently regularized colonies when they go out to capture the bad governance of the previous govts . Most of the troubles in this city is due to the illegal constructions and builder mafia . They ruin the roads and sewerage system and then leave it for the civic bodies to repair . Why ? . Very recently our street was dig up for lying of PTCL Cable and it has not been repaired yet . Thank God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! that we did not have rain otherwise there would have been holes filled with water and causing accidents . Carelessness has become a part of our society . Nobody is complaining about it and the civic body responsible is turning a blind eye because they know that people in this area are well off and can repair their front themselves . Some even did but that is not how it is supposed to be . They should have repaired it the very next day when their work was done .
Okay i have been told that Pakistan has Won !! Congrats !

Tri_SEriES FiNaL PAK_vs_AUS TarGeT_184 PAK_187/4 OvEr_19.2 Asif Ali 17* S Malik 43* M Stoinis 1-4--- PAK won by 6 Wkts. Won Title #PAKvAUS

And here is Why they won today ...

Somebody need to make a china copy of this song with Sarfarz a champion , Fakhar Zaman a champion ...Champion Champion ......Baji Maryam a Champion ...Champion Champion ....

So now the Million Dollar question is Why people of the  American Pakistan Never protest for their British Leaders . They have been Assainated , Jailed , Hanged and sent on exile so many times and everytime people stay calm and relaxed as if they are following the sign
So what happens next ?

Well they may have Millions of pound and dollar worth of property in London and investments in India but they cannot live there or seek asylum because its too late . They should have done that before the Avenfield Reference Judgement or soon after the Panama Papers . Money Laundering is a very serious crime in the world today Pakistan is on the Grey List of FATF just because of the Leaders and government officials like these . Helping and Supporting them would now mean more troubles for Pakistan and oneself . But the real decision will rest with the new government after the 25th July Generals Elections . If Imran khan wins and decides to drop all charges against them in return for the money then that would be the last time he or his party wins an election in Pakistan because history proves that whoever pardons them and forgives them regrets .

Okay now it is the Time for the break with a  Prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!  

5:19 pm Break ( 2972 words)

6:21 pm Okay #CaptainSafdar is the only Entertainment on all news channels at the moment .

So the drama ends now pakistan can move on to some other activity . Its the weekend there must be a lot of parties and get together s Usually  Shawwal or the month of the Eid is the wedding season as well and especially when there is a world wide summer holidays and school vacations . But i am not sure if this year people have scheduled marriages and weddings because of the Generals Elections and the Baji Maryam Dramas .
Okay no reaction yet from the Number 10 or any other official  or diplomatic quarter must they all have to play the Candy Crush ....can't nobody play Farmville ?
The Panama Papers revisited: yogurt, bananas, small moustaches and fonts
Here are 11 unexpected insights from our 2016 investigation, the Panama Papers.

Former Pakistan PM Sharif Sentenced To 10 Years
The historic corruption verdict against Pakistan’s former leader also included prison sentences for his daughter and son-in-law.

Okay so its time for another short break with a  Prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!  

7:20 pm Break ( 3236 words)

Sun 24th Shawwal 1439
8:18 pm Good Evening !

yes the dinner is served ! But i am not eating because i am filled up to the throat with Pakoras and stuff and also had lots of chilled water and Hot tea .

Okay now we move to the movies of the week .

  • The Terminal (2004) The Terminal PosterRated 10 Stars 
    I had almost forgotten the charming Catherine zeta jones but watching the again and again the same day this week was a real treat knew somebody was under pressure but later on i realized that the pressure was much more than i had expected 
  • Red Sparrow (2018)Red Sparrow PosterRated 10 stars 

    Jennifer lawrence is at a very different level of performance in this movie . Will definitely watch it again next year . 
  • Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety (2018)Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety PosterRated 9 stars

    The Pyaar ka punchnama gang almost again . Honestly Saving your best friend in love from a Chalo Gold digger and Control Freak is absolutely not possible . a complete waste of time . Very very educational movie . Only a little late i am hooked to Naagin 3 . 
  • The Space Between Us (2017)The Space Between Us PosterRated 6 stars. Okay the movie is a little hard to digest missed most of the movie so it was hard to understand by watching the later part but in the end i believe i did catch the story . 
  • Vendetta (2015)Vendetta PosterRated 6 stars No good don't watch it . too much violence and blood . 

  • Rustom (2016)Rustom PosterRated 8 stars . Our cable Guy loves this movie . It played it twice yesterday when our Navy was having a parade or something nearby . yes ... the 109th passing-out parade of Pakistan Navy Midshipmen at the Naval Academy. Anyways its a good movie i like it too and always watch it for as long as i can . Unfortunately i have not yet found out the year or the era of the story . 

  • So this was it only one movie in the weekdays and the rest on the weekend back to back. Awesome week !

    Okay we have a Chaapa . my dear sister and family is here so i have to take a break now and meet them . Oh no i need to change as well .

    9: 34 pm Break ( 3590 words)

    10:22 pm Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! The takeaway finally arrived before the closing time

    okay so now i believe that today i have done enough and if i keep going on i might easily cross the four thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 118 ( Hundred and Eighteen ) without copy and paste and lyrics or poetry . And even the Avenfield Reference Verdict which is ofcourse in the pdf . by the way PDF is (Portable Document Format)
    I don't know about others but i hate it because it does not copy and paste easily and waste a lot of my time when and if i really need to copy and paste it somewhere or share a portion of the document .
      The very interesting thing about this verdict is that almost all online print and electronic media have shared the Pdf version in full on their sites . Jargon dignified ...LOL
    Okay the Chaapa is over ! we survived yet again !!

    So the Last hour which should have been on a half empty stomach is now full with protein , fats and carbo plus the pepsi . So in dollar terms i don't have a full hour only half an hour before i become drowsy even if my food does not have any sorbitol or any other food sedative

    Eat These 13 Foods That Act As a Natural Sedative - The Hearty Soul

    This guest post was written by Elisha of My Health Maven. She is deeply passionate about educating people and empowering them to lead healthier lives.

    Yes my eyes are now half closed so i better move towards a well organised closing rather than just hap hazard jumble mumble with too many spelling mistakes that even the dotted red line spell check could not check .

    So the past week is being considered one of the best in the history of Pakistan because the Man of steal and the city of steal were severely punished both by the worldly powers as well as the divine powers . The little rain which was not even enough to fill up the waterways exposed ill planned development and corruption . This happens when you show malevolence against your own sustainer . On the one hand the PML n tried to take away every thing from Karachi the most dangerous city in the world , Taxed it heavily and borrowed billions of dollars for its development from international agencies and donors  and On the other hand over burdened it with extra mouth to feed , the internally displaced people from all four provinces ruining the standard of Life and living . Allowed rampant china cutting and land grabbing . Tried their best not only to corrupt the political framework but also the Army . It is a shame that despite being associated with officers and Martyrs of  one of the most respected institution of the country a land developer is openly termed and associated with this rampant corruption in the country .

    May the dear lord all mighty Allah Amen ! have mercy on me and save me from all these corrupt people and practices . Amen !

    Okay i have crossed the Four thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 118 ( Hundred and eighteen ) and it is still not the time to close so let me see how the coming week will be for me and karachi the most dangerous city in the world .
    If the weather did not change in the coming week then i will not go out unnecessarily , will try to eat less and stay as cool as possible .  Obviously will try my best to improve the non diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Britain to a non friendly co-existence level if possible .  failing i will suggest the immediate expulsion of the British envoy and calling back the Pakistani envoy from London .  They are not even treating us like slaves then why should we keep calling them friends ? the Trump Doctrine !
    Okay there is still time but i am done for the day . its been a really fun day all day and the fact that none of my siblings made me go out for any emergency or errand , shopping or socializing made me really happy and feel euphoric .
    So With a heartfelt and  from the bottom of my Heart prayer for Heavy rains in Lahore and the Water reservoirs and dams Amen !
     i end this my the Sunday Blog # 118 ( Hundred and Eighteen ) . with a wasiq1Wise

    Organisation does not mean organ donation or transplant unless it is state sponsored and free then who cares ?

    Thankyou Army !

    Allah Hafiz !

    Franka - Crazy - Croatia - Official Music Video - Eurovision 2018

    You make me feel
    You got me deep inside this love
    You make my heart go, oh
    When I saw your eyes, boy
    You’re just like a movie – black and white
    You made me go, oh, straight out of my mind
    I swear that I, I will remember
    Roses and horses in the rain
    Make it forever
    And I go
    Go crazy for your love
    Go crazy for your love
    I love you
    For this love knows no reason, no games
    Just like Bonnie and Clyde
    We walked the road together
    No fear, no breaks
    You light up my world
    No, I need no diamonds and pearls
    Not that kind of girl, over the moon
    I’ll be your queen and I’ll be your fool
    Say you remember
    Roses and horses in the rain
    Make it forever
    And I go
    Go crazy for your love
    Go crazy for your love
    Ain’t no running, no turning back
    Now I’m caught in your web
    Is it real, I keep asking myself
    Sweet fantasy
    I can’t help it, can’t hide it
    I’m shooting across the sky
    I’m crazy for your love
    Crazy, I go crazy
    I go crazy