
Sunday 20 August 2017

The Sunday Blog #72

Today is the 20th of August 2017 the 27th of Ziqad 1438 till Sunset ( 7:02 pm Karachi) and this is my the Sunday Blog #72 .

Before i begin this My the Sunday Blog # 72 as usually I do after the Mid night on every Sunday morning or night whatever today i have a special announcement '

"The Author (that's me ofcourse) of this my the Sunday Blog # 72 and the Series and also the research team ( that's me as well ) of this my the sunday Blog # 72 and the series wishes to take a brief moment of silence and also light a candle for our dear friend Mr Steve Bannon ( no idea ) !"

Amen ! Image result for gif candle

Now Back to the routine . So as usual it did not rain here in my jamshed town of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world . There was very little drizzle as well nothing to be very proud of or even noted . The weather on the other hand remained very nice with very cool breeze throughout the week mostly cloudy no sun burn i hope . But when we are talking about the karachi weather we have to be very careful because it keeps changing all the time and in parts as well so if its cloudy or rainy at one end of the city ( megapolis ) it could be entirely different in the other end or ends . Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting

Okay so we left just few minutes before the 70th Happy Independence Day celebrations before the midnight of the 14th august 2017 last week as i was finishing the Sunday Blog #71 the fireworks and aerial firings near and far here in jamshedtown of karachi the most danerous city of the world had already begin coupled with singing and dancing at most political and social rallies and gatherings especially near the Quaids mazar near here so i was able to hear the songs and speeches on the loud speakers not very clear but as you can imagine sound and the winds making a to and fro high and low kind of sounds ....---....-- yes something like that So it was fun yes this year the independence day mood was very different well honestly i really don't want to go into the details as to why this mood was different because may be some people will not agree with me or may be some people had an altogether very different reason for having a very different mood this year on the Happy Independence day Image may contain: food

After finishing the Sunday Blog # 71 i looked into the freezer and as expected found this a piece of cake and chocolate Ice Cream  and believe me the piece of cake was more frozen than the slice of chocolate ice cream so it was fun eating both as they melt in the cool wind hearing the fireworks all over town and maybe some from the neighbouring towns as well as two of the neighbouring towns are less than a mile away at some point the saddar town and the gulshan town or may be a little over a mile away but not more than two miles away the sounds of fire crackers can easily travel from the other towns at night . Almost all towns of Karachi not just the Jamshed town has over the years developed this trend of Aerial firing for almost half an hour beginning at the midnight some more zealous probably wait for their friends to join from different parts of the city because some aerial firing was even heard as late as 2:30 am LOL
anyways the fireworks not visible from my lawn must have be awesome as well just like last year the sound of PSP fire works was really awesome shook every atom in my body and hypnotized every single hair on my skin . Boommmm ! I am not even thinking about the maker any more because money well spent signifies Nothing !!Image may contain: 7 people, people standing, wedding and outdoor

So that was the beginning of our Happy 70th Independence Day

1:27 am Break ( 650 words)

2:22 am Having tea . Thank you !

Okay the London fire department @LondonFire is again having a good weekend and saturday night at kensington this place sounds like can sing tons or with an accent can sing tunes ? LOL
one ticker on a news channel here says fire place is near gen saabs last abode not sure if they mean london or dubai ?? Image may contain: sky, cloud and outdoor

Anyways i think that these fires in london are definitely gang related working of builder mafia just like we had a cracker attack in lyari town of karachi at the house of Uzair baloch .

"Kensington lacks high-rise buildings except for the Holiday Inn's London Kensington Forum Hotel in Cromwell Road, a 27-storey building."

( from wiki) 

Anyways , Both london and europe are going through tough times these day because of syria cr isis , Brexit and pathans i mean khans . Still i am very surprised that london survived so long having all our troubles living peacefully while karachi gets back from bad to worse . Image may contain: outdoor

Panama or no Panama ...with the sharifs gone out of Pakistani politics i am hoping very desperately that Her very Dear Majesty's Gov will STOP harbouring Pakistani criminals especially the ones that ruined karachi .

I am definitely not against housing and land development in any big (read huge) mega city which has resources and a very vast scope for jobs and better live style than the rest of the province or country especially the totally undeveloped or endangered better to be preserved habitat like that of natural rain forest or high mountain peaks But instead of providing jobs and housing to people in their natural environment bringing them here so far away and creating a shortage of everything and especially Water and power and transport is not a very wise and prudent policy . We all know that most politicans and political parties of Pakistan hates karachi and especially the people of karachi because they are very different and loves pakistan more than the rest of the people of the  country . But the sharif family showed their hate very clearly when ever they got power . We are very happy that finally they have been rejected by the Army and judiciary at the same time . But this does not mean that years of pain and sufferings because of their hate was just them . Obviously Karachi has been kept far far away from the main stream politics for a very very long time yes very very long time . And we all know very well who has been behind all this charade . How MQM's vote in forming a new government made them look like a king maker in every successive general election since 1988 and then suddenly after six months that so called king makers don't even remain the king fisher Why ? A de ja vu that we kept seeing and they ( you know who) keep repeating until the 2013 general elections when a new line of action was planned and executed . No automatic alt text available.Results of the 2013 Pakistani General Election
  Pakistan Muslim League (N)
  Pakistan Peoples Party
  Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
  Muttahida Qaumi Movement 
  Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam
  Pakistan Muslim League (F)
  Pakhtun-khwa Milli Awami Party
  National Peoples Party
  Pakistan Muslim League (Q)
  Qaumi Watan Party
  All Pakistan Muslim League
  National Party (Pakistan)
  Balochistan National Party
  Awami Jamhuri Ittehad Pakistan
  Awami Muslim League
  Pakistan Muslim League (Z)
  Awami National Party
  Repoll ordered

Karachi not only lost it also lost that was already taken away So the question is Why ? And also the question is for how long ? 

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3:47 am  Break ( 1235 words)

4:40 am The tea is losing its strength but togather with the biscuits it was good . But now its almost time for the fajr namaz and breakfast . Have so much leftovers in the freezer that i will not be able to make it to the three thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the sunday Blog # 72 if i tried to clean it today . The visitors don't like leftovers or the light indian food that could save me from over sleeping during this my the Sunday Blog # 72 . Chaapa is also expected so i must be content with what ever words counter reads at the end of the 24 hours . Today i was hoping to have more of my own rather than copy and paste from wiki and google . 

Anyways , just when you thought you are with very important people a tweet comes along to burst your bubble LOLImage may contain: 1 person, standing, suit and outdoor
Image may contain: 1 person, textImage may contain: 1 person

اگر میں نے یہ نہیں کیا  تومیں اپنا نام بدل لوں گا 
If I did not do it, I would change my name
Wenn ich es nicht getan hätte, würde ich meinen Namen ändern

Our Saein sarkar here in karachi admits defeat and humiliation most probably why else would it be so eagar to change the name of a British teaching hospital to a german lady named Ruth

 Definitions of Ruth
a feeling of pity, distress, or grief.

Nobody in the saein sakar goes to govt hospitals in sindh they either fly off to london or use their iqama of dubai. The most interesting point here is that Dr asim hussein a closed associated of Saein Zardari during captivity insisted not to be treated at his own private hospital ??Image may contain: text

Dr. Ruth K.M. Pfau Hospital

Dr. Ruth K.M. Pfau Hospital is a 1,900-bed tertiary care public hospital that imparts both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and training. It is one of the teaching hospitals affiliated with the Dow Medical College[1] now the Dow University of Health Sciences. It is arguably the largest teaching hospital of Pakistan, catering not only to all areas of the province of Sindh but also the neighboring province of Balochistan as well.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen ! 
6:08 AM
Sunday, 20 August 2017 (GMT+5)
Sunrise in Karachi

 5:33 am Break ( 1631 words)

6:49 am Image may contain: sky, cloud, outdoor and natureImage may contain: sky, tree, cloud, plant, outdoor and nature
Brothers are up and sister gone to sleep . I was also thinking of sleeping but saw an interesting Jet activity over my head by the very Narcissistic Air force of Pakistan and a sarcastic quip by my dear elder brother " the water we have at the bottom of the tank is enough to last two weeks for just the two of us " LOLImage may contain: 1 person, smiling, crowd

And talking of Pakistan Air Force lets not forget that its 20th August so lets not enrage the US senate more than its fair share of BullShit because if they sealed our eastern borders permenently to animal smuggling from across the border we will be forced to eat ghaday kay kabab instead of qurbani kay kabab LOL

Okay i was a joking because the temporary cattle market for karachi has already been established for this years eid ul azha in the first week of september most likely on the 2nd of september or earlier so the american forces are just buffaloing i mean bluffing nothing serious at least not this year . And by the next year hopefully the number of poor will be reduced so much that smuggling of animals from across the border or imports from australia will not be necessary . Not even the seeds of no love (genetics AUSTREX)

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So the interesting thing is that most of the meat eating people of karachi now prefers chicken the number of beef eaters is decreasing year by year so the only reason people sacrifice cows or bulls is because they cannot afford a good healthy show off type goat or lamb so they show off with a big healthy cow at half or one third the price of a cow/ bull per share . Which is why i think that if people are richer they would definitely prefer to have a goat of their own without sharing ( american system ) instead of seven people on the same cow or bull with only one doing all the hassle and trouble and the other six only paying their share money and collecting the meat and saying " waisa nahein jaisa jameel saab ki gaay ka nikla " ( not the same as that of jameels saabs cow/bull came out  ) 

Anyways i don't believe we are having a fajr breakfast today so its good night from me as well hope to be back soon before the zuhr prayer or azan . Allah Hafiz !

7:57 am Break ( 2032 words)

2:51 pm okay i am up
First tweet of the day :

Sun 27th Ziqad1438
very quiet and peaceful Sunday after Zuhr its broken cloud and partly sunny windy outside missed brunch & Lunch 😴💤

Having only tea and that too because the throat is clogged . All food and meal scenes are off seems like i have missed by a mile . The Cat is sitting at the kitchen door relaxing i don't have any idea where the kittens are if she have moved them or hidden them more discretely must be sleeping quietly no sound at all . The cow leagues youngest in the neighbourhood is excited as the eid approaches and animals begin to arrive are playing or trying to play cricket on the street . No ball in our court yet ... Praiseth the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! 

Talking of Court yesderday there was a news about the mr Speaker of of the lower house of Pakistan's Majestic Parliament to have moved a reference against himself to the Supreme Judicial Council . Later on the AG denied any such reference . TheWhole Nawaz gang is now suicidal you never know what they might do or undo next . By the way 

The Supreme Judicial Council of Pakistan is a body of judges empowered underArticle 209of the constitution of Pakistan to hear cases of misconduct against judges.


The composition of the Council is set out in the constitution as:
Where the council is investigating a member of the council he is replaced by the next most senior judge.


No judge of any of the five High Courts or of the Supreme Court of Pakistan may be dismissed except by the President on the report of the Supreme Judicial Council. The Council may start proceedings against a judge either by its own initiative or by reference from the President of Pakistan.
If the Council concludes that the judge is guilty of misconduct and should be removed from office they can recommend this to the President.
A judge of a court or tribunal subordinate to a High Court may be dismissed by the High Court concerned.

Famous cases[edit]

In 2007, President Pervez Musharraf suspended Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry and referred him to the Council on charges of corruption. However, Chaudhry contested the ability of the Council to form without the Chief Justice himself present, and the Council hearing was suspended by the Supreme Court. Later Council's Verdict was that Council was not valid without Chief Justice as according to Constitution of Pakistan Supreme Judicial Council can not be Completed, Validated, or Proceed without "de jure" Chief Justice, No matter whoever may be "de facto" or "acting Chief Justice" is and provided that Nobody can file "Petition" against "de jure" Chief Justice (In this scenario Chief Justice Iftekhar M. Chauhdary himself). SO, Chief Justice, Mr:Chauhdary was restored and found not guilty.

No thankyou !
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my hand injury has healed very quickly thanks to extra care by my both brothers God Bless them Amen ! this is the first sunday blog that i am doing without any kind of bandage or applied medicine the affected area just looks as if i have not washed my hand after eating a plateful of buffalo trotters LOL . Haven't had that for a very long time and honestly the temperature is still in the thirties so i better not . By the ways when i woke up the eyes were very red not sure why so i believe i should not stay here too long okay wait let me check my eyes they are not red now but still half shut and sleepy so i better go out and see if i can be of any help . I have had two sundays in a row without shopping or praying in the mosque only went for the juma prayers. And their too they designated a young lad to continuiously tackling his runny nose and just as i thought that he left me alone during the remaining sunnat namaz imam saab called out for a funeral prayer of the truly unknown so the young lad probably an aspiring young hockey player as most of the officially designated sneezers on my shoulders left more likely during a juma prayer are , had to take his solid position once again for teh funeral prayer or namaz ay janaza . I delibrately not try to avoide him as i was feeling quite strong and relaxed both during the juma and funeral prayers and on my way back home as well . This is a very common and usual state of mind when you have missed over a week of regular routine designation of regular sneezing on your shoulders mostly left during the following of imam in the prayers and trying to concentrate to his call or calls . 

ہم رات بہت روئے، بہت آہ و فغاں کی
دل درد سے بوجھل ہو تو پھر نیند کہاں کی

سر زانو پہ رکھے ہوئے کیا سوچ رہی ہو؟
کچھ بات سمجھتی ہو محبت زدگاں کی؟

تم میری طرف دیکھ کے چپ ہو سی گئی تھیں
وہ ساعتِ خوش وقت نشاطِ گزراں کی

اک دن یہ سمجھتے تھے کہ پایانِ تمنا
اک رات ہے مہتاب کے ایامِ جواں کی

اب اور ہی اوقات ہے اے جانِ تمنا!
ہم نالہ کناں، بے گنَہاں، غم زدگاں کی

اس گھر کی کھلی چھت پہ چمکتے ہوئے تارو!
کہتے ہو کبھی جا کے وہاں بات یہاں کی ؟

برگشتہ ہوا ہم سے، یہ مہتاب تو پیارو!
بس بات سنی، راہ چلا، کاہکشاں کی

اللہ کرے میرؔ کا جنت میں مکاں ہو
مرحوم نے ہر بات ہماری ہی بیاں کی

ہوتا ہے یہی عشق میں انجام سبھی کا
باتیں یہی دیکھی ہیں محبت زدگاں کی

پڑھتے ہیں شب و روز اسی شخص کی غزلیں
غزلیں یہ حکایات ہیں ہم دل زدگاں کی

تم چرخِ چہارم کے ستارے ہوئے لوگو!
تاراج کرو زندگیاں اہلِ جہاں کی

اچھا ہمیں بنتے ہوئے، مٹتے ہوئے دیکھو
ہم موجِ گریزاں ہی سہی، آبِ رواں کی

انشاؔ سے ملو، اس سے نہ روکیں گے وہ، لیکن
اُس سے یہ ملاقات نکالی ہے کہاں کی

مشہور ہے ہر بزم میں اس شخص کا سودا
باتیں ہیں بہت شہر میں بدنام، میاں کی

اے دوستو! اے دوستو! اے درد نصیبو!
گلیوں میں، چلو سیر کریں، شہرِ بتاں کی

ہم جائیں کسی سَمت، کسی چوک میں ٹھہریں
کہیو نہ کوئی بات کسی سود و زیاں کی

انشاؔ کی غزل سن لو، پہ رنجور نہ ہونا
دیوانا ہے، دیوانے نے اک بات بیاں کی
(ابنِ انشا)
hum raat bohat roye bohat aah o faghan ki
dil dard se bojhal ho to phir neend kahan ki
sir zaano pe rakhe hue kya soch rahi ho
kuch baat samajhti ho mohabbat zadgan ki?
tum meri taraf daikh k chup ho si gai theen
wo sa'at e khush waqt nishaat guzran ki
ek din ye samajhte thay k payan e tamanna
ek raat hai mahtaab k ayyam e jawan ki
ab aur hi auqat hai aay jaan e tamanna
hum nala kushan, begunah, ghum zadgan ki
is gher ki khuli chhat pe chamakte hue taaro
kehte ho kabhi baat wahan ja k yahan ki?
bargashta hua hum se ye mahtaab to piyaro
bas baat suni raah chala kehkashan ki
Allah kare Meer ka jannat mein makan ho
marhom ne her baat humari hi bayan ki
hota hai yehi ishq mein Anjaam sabhi ka
baaten yehi dekhi hain mohabbat zadgan ki
parhte hain shab o roz isi shakhs ki ghazalen
ghazalen k hikayaat hain hum dil zadgan ki
tum charkh e chha'arum k sataye hue logon
taaraaj karo zindagiyan ehal e jahan ki
acha humen bante hue mit'te hue dekho
hum mauj e gurezan hi sahi aab rawan ki
Insha se milo is se na roken ge, lekin
is se ye mulaqat nikaali hai kahan ki?
mashhor hai her bazam mein is shakhs ka sauda
baaten hain bohat shehar mein badnam miyan ki
aay dosto aay dosto! aay dard naseebo!
galiyon mein chalo sair karen shehar e butan ki
hum jayen kisi sim't kisi chawk pe thehren
kahiyo na koi baat kisi sood o ziyan ki
Insha ki ghazal sun lo per ranjor na hona
dewana hai dewane ne ek baat bayan ki

okay i think the copy and past translation looks a bit longer than urdu version so never mind and enjoy or die trying because i am not quit ing yet . Anyways its time for another break will be back shortly insha... God Willing ! Image may contain: sky, tree, outdoor and nature

4:16 pm Break ( 3488 words)

5:37 pm yes there was a ball in our court yard under the Car since yesterday our neighbours are very pro-active while i am being extremely non reactive and lazy . Heard the Asr azan with changed timings needed to do some desperate shopping as well because most of the decision makers can't even decide about what they want to eat or should eat because of one or the other illness But did not go ...
Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting, food and indoor

So now we have another of nawaz gang member trying to fit into a scared goat hide or may be painted black & white stripes wasting the satellite air time on most Pakistani news entertainment channels . I think that Air time on Pakistani Satellite Channels is extremely cheap and they goes or comes down to our televisions in a very vast region no wonder most indian and turkish soap production houses are too eager to have a direct telecast of their soaps serials or a re run of the latest soap serials . And recently this cola war of very long and torturous commericals definitely convince me that these Pakistani satellite channels are only charging for just one commerical for playing it for over a month where ever when ever no questions asked . But i am sure that this life long chaudary saab only ex politician will take questions from invited free for the sunday evening press .
Okay this gentlement has put this press con much better in his tweet just now 
or this is quite true i believe without even watching or hearing
anyways now the time to break my not really a fast is fast approaching Unbelievably i am not feeling hungry or tired drinking just the tea did not even have a biscuit or anything solid since i woke up around zuhr and also since after the fajr . So my last solid intake was at fajr a ticky pask of prince chocolate . Six to six that is twelve hours  and two cups of tea later on . My eyes are still not very wide open . I definitely need to go out for a walk if i want to continue this my the Sunday Blog # 72 . Other wise i could just lie down and fall asleep for hours and nobody will even try to wake me up or call to eat knowing that i would hate that especially on a Sunday while doing this my the Sunday Blog # 72 or what ever .

Okay before i go on another break without commercials i believe that #ChNisar was a better suited interior minister than our very dear mr rehman FIA-ex becuase some times terrorists feel neglected and give up terror that is perhaps whats happened to us recently during his tenureNo automatic alt text available.
Mr Rehman used to presser and inform about the terror plots probably leding the way LOL
" a truck loaded with explosives have entered the city "
Mr #ChNisar said in the past three years after the incident hours later ...." we had reliable  intelligence ...."

Okay i will miss both trust me unless ....

Good afternoon, Wasiq!
Clouds are clearing today in Karachi. Enjoy the sunshine!
O teri !!

6:28 pm Break ( 4053 words) 

6:58 pm okay so it is maghrib time 7:02 PM
Sunday, 20 August 2017 (GMT+5)
Sunset in Karachi

and i am not going to the mosque but later on i may go out for walk or shopping

May the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Forgive (مغفرت)and have mercy(رحم) on my dearly departed Parents and may their souls rest in peace in Heaven Amen !  

28th Ziqad 1438 
7:05 pm 
Good Evening ! 

A distant uncle and a dear young cousin of my dearly departed Papa ( may his soul rest in peace in heaven Amen! ) Passed away last week after prolonged illness i believe i mentioned a funeral in my previous sunday blog # 71 
Allah Maghfirat kar !!

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7:13 pm Break ( 4166 words)

8:34 pm ah its already isha time soon what to do ?
okay so i went for the walk and drug store and super store and back again survived the paindo parosan killing the line . the Qassai neighbour still digging for water right under the electric pole on the baap ki street . So there are five cows or bulls not checking standing outside one house that is over four lac rupees and over thirty people in one house So imagine how many voters registered and nadra verified ...Anyways
i had a rapid breakfast and lunch and ladies and gentlemen the marathon has began . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

That were all recycled and now to the more recycling Image may contain: food

and we are ready for chaapa's as well Image may contain: food

Should have not eaten the nulli nihari because i was so close to a free and fair over five thousand words mark for this my the Sunday Blog # 72 on the words counter . anyways now that i have convinced everybody concerned in town and at home that i am fit and well so i hope that i will not be called required or missed till next Sunday evening LOL

This week the Presidents daughter is busy watching the First Solar eclipse
Wondering how it works? In a solar eclipse, the moon passes between the sun and the Earth and blocks all or part of the sun for up to about three hours. Carbondale, Illinois will experience the longest period of darkness in the US this time, lasting approximately 2 hours and 40 minutes. Are you in the path of totality? #Eclipse2017 #NASA #STEM
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On Monday, the United States will witness its first total solar #eclipse since 1979. While the path of totality will only reach 14 states, everyone in the country will be able to see it. Where will you be? #Eclipse2017
No automatic alt text available. 

Scarlett Johansson Slams Ivanka Trump And Abuses Her Saying This #$$%
So here to explain complicit again is none other than our very dear okay not very sure how this will turn out in the publish script  or trans script so lets end it here and take a foodie Break
Ps : Chaapa LOL

9:16 pm Break (4525  words )

9:48 pm okay so now i am a social being as well meeting and party with my facebook and Ludo Star friends off line . isn't that so great America first ?? lolImage may contain: food

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..Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: people sitting and foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

Anyways talking of social the issue of cousin or first cousin marriages has long been neglected by me because of there is still no consensus anywhere in the world 

Cousin marriage is marriage between cousins (i.e. people with common grandparents or people who share other fairly recent ancestors). Opinions and practice vary widely across the world. In some cultures and communities, cousin marriage is considered ideal and actively encouraged; in others, it is subject to social stigma. Cousin marriage is common in the Middle East, for instance, where it accounts for over half of all marriages in some countries.[1] In some countries outside that region, it is uncommon but still legal. In others, it is seen as incestuous and is legally prohibited: it is banned in China and TaiwanNorth KoreaSouth Korea, and in fewer than half of the United States.[2][3] Supporters of cousin marriage where it is banned may view the prohibition as discrimination,[4][5] while opponents may appeal to moral or other arguments.[6] Worldwide, more than 10% of marriages are between first or second cousins.[7]

Current status[edit]

Laws regarding first-cousin marriage around the world.1
  First-cousin marriage legal
  Allowed with restrictions or exceptions
  Legality dependent on religion or culture2
  Statute bans first-cousin marriage
  Banned with exceptions
  Criminal offence
  No available data
1For information on US states see the map below.
2See sections on India and Hinduism.
Slightly over 10% of all marriages worldwide are estimated to be between second cousins or closer.[7] As of 2001, here is one estimate for the percentages of world population living in countries with various levels of consanguineous marriage: less than 1% consanguinity, 18%, 1–10% consanguinity, 47%, 10–50+% consanguinity, 17%, and unknown, 18%.[17] The overall rate appears to be declining.[24]

It is very sad that the United States seems so widely divided on this one issue. Anyways i think that people should be very careful what they choose but if for some unavoidable reason some body has to go through the cousin marriage where both the bride and groom are very closely related to you obviously then the most prudent thing to do is not to get involved the small disputes of the everyday life because it will definitely create tension in the extended family and will reduce the chances of your children agreeing to your favorites and like when the time comes for your children marriages . So soon after the cousin marriage in your extended family be alert because the mother in law of your dear niece will visit and say bad things about her daughter in law . Now what you have to do if you are in favour of cousin marriages is that you pick up a stick and start beating her until she runs off  never to disturb you ever again . By Doing this you will not only save your niece's relation and marriage but may also pave the the way for your own childrens getting seriously involved and interested in cousin marriages otherwise you can say goodbye this custom and trend in your nuclear family and maybe in the next generation as well . Image may contain: 2 people, outdoor

Oh God its five thousand words already . and Chaapa is also over so lets take a few minutes break and have coke cola .

10:41 pm Break (5102 words)

11:11 pm
 Image may contain: foodImage may contain: food

Okay so yet another Sunday with this my the Sunday Blog # 72 is coming to a very content and happy ending unlike a fairytale almost all of my the Sunday Blogs # have a happy ending s okay never mind that one but still most of my sunday blogs # have a happy endings . And not just a happy ending most of my the Sunday Blogs #-- also have a hopeful ending and a good wish for what the future holds . For myself i say that i am not a player in the arena or ground ... i am in the stands sitting with my legs crossed and holding a double cheeze burger in one hand and a large coke in the other or something like that and enjoying the game thank God the All mighty Allah Amen ! not controlling it either . So whatever happens, to the wicked parosan after her not so dear son's marriage with a second cousin ,because marriage with the first cousins was not possible because of  you know who , will be a half time bonus national antham sung by you know who ...LOL
or like some body forgets her blackberry fully loaded on the seat next to me and never comes back etc etc ...Image may contain: 1 person, standing and outdoor

Okay so now before the end here is the movie i saw this week

Jab Harry met Sejal (2017)Jab Harry met Sejal Poster

it is the download new movie i watched after a very long time had fun watching gave it a six star rating on imdb . 

Okay so its time to finally end this blog even though i could go on and on till the very last second but lets play safe and end it right here . So tonight i end this my the Sunday Blog # 72 with a conflict of interest song from the movie JHMS and dedicate it to all the paindo productions that are on the streets of Karachi every sunday whether they are invited or not required or not any way enjoy this special paindo culture of my soon to be a very less paindo on the streets less smoke less smog and less police LOL

See you all next week . take care and enjoy ! Image may contain: one or more people and food

Radha - Official Lyric Video |Shah Rukh |Anushka |Pritam |Imtiaz |Jab Harry Met Sejal   

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