
Thursday 31 August 2017

يوم تسعة وثلاثين

Thurs 8th Zilhij 1438
It rained all night here in jamshedtown karachi it keeps coming back with few minutes break & halts #HajMubarak🇵🇰🇵🇰

Wednesday 30 August 2017

يوم ثمانية وثلاثين

Wed7th ZilHij1438
Anxiously Waiting for the thunder storm and rain predicted for today after yesterday's trailer nobody in denial 🏴🏁🚩☁️

Tuesday 29 August 2017

يوم سبعة وثلاثين

Tues 6th ZilHij1438 33°C After burning down the karachi with hot sun now the clouds and wind are approaching very fast to cool down & wash😂

Monday 28 August 2017

يوم ستة وثلاثين

Mon 5th ZilHij1438
its extremely hot burning hot outside had tea lunch and tea cancelled going out feeling sorry on the Pasha tragedy RIP !

Ali Khurram Pasha
16 hrsKarachi
A humble request, please do not post pictures of my wife and our family. Some of these are right after her accident and it is extremely painful for me, my children and everyone. Please respect her privacy and join me in removing her pictures on social media. Thanks

Sunday 27 August 2017

The Sunday Blog #73

Today is the 27th of August 2017 the 4th of Zilhij 1438 till the Sunset ( karachi 6:56 pm ) and this is my the Sunday blog # 73 .
So How was the week ? well never mind because it was pretty pretty ordinary week nothing to brag about all night and day and then night again . I did not walk much just sleep and eat and whatever happens after than you know . Honestly i was expecting a lot of funfair and hoopla because the eid is approching fast and also because it was the tenth death anniversary week according to the islamic lunar calender of my dearly departed Papa ( may his soul rest in peace in heaven Amen !) . So being able to eat , sleep and do the stuff that i usually do regularly was a slight shock .The Most Extra-Ordinary thing perhaps happened this week or the week that is now gone and forgotten probably was the weather here in my home town the Jamshed town and the rest of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world . Here the two morning tweets from my regular habits of the first two days of the week will put some light on what we had to bear
Mon 28th Ziqad1438
Too Hot and clear blue outside . New moon today at 23:30 . Moon set tomorrow in Karachi 19:34 slim chances G Luck 🤖
Tue 29th Ziqad1438
Too Hot and clear blue sky outside exactly the same as it was 24hrs ago what happened in between seems a nightmare ⛈

The Most amazing Thunder and lightening Show with a few mm of rain as well and the regular power breakdown with hundreds of feeders tripping some for just a few hours some till the rain and thunder remains But most for a day or two . Dreadful indeed . 

Rain is torture , Rain is a test 
Blessing from the dear lord Almighty Allah Amen ! 
it never have it never will 
I hate the people who run away from heat 
And choose to pray for rain 
And the very next day 
when rain is gone 
Heat sticks pricks and burn 
we come out to be greeted 
By firm as ever the dark and stinky 
drain water or rain water the difference
is hard to tell but cruel 
reality bites 
Qatari Qatar Qatar Qatar Qatar 
AirBlue One
Metro Nil

Image may contain: one or more people

1:27 am Break ( 385 words)

2:23 am So regarding the War on Terror , Tonight i have no authority to say whether Pakistan will or wont , or even if Pakistan Should or Must, But this i can say with full confidence and the presence of Mind and Conscience that Pakistan at this stage cannot quit . Image may contain: one or more people and screen

In the break i had tea and a banana . As regards to the food tonight or morning whatever i have so much left-overs of so many different kind that it would be better if i try to avoid the marathon for as long as i can . So i think that instead of having a dinner tonight or yesterday during the
Mein Ayesha Gul 's next episode, i had buffet now please don't confuse with the
meaning of the word which is something like several dishes and self service because here i mean eating briefly and not sitting down properly . I think i have already explained many times before in several Sunday Blogs that eating makes by body temperature to rise and body and especially the head melt many waterfalls starts moments after eating from and around the eyes and ears gradually the hands and shoulders also start to go on the wet mood . The most interesting thing is that during all this process only the feets and and the legs below the knee remains dry and cold not even warm . So anyways the matter is that if my glucose level went low during this my the sunday blog # 73 i have  of enough of thisImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

 to make me few normal again without feeling hot and sleepy and waste some extra time and miss the scheduel well honestly during this my the sunday Blog # -- series i never yes never have a scheduel i usually go with the flow and rest whenever i can or whenever i should .

So as i was saying that there is so much left-overs from this week and the reason is obvious that other than the leftovers from  the regular meals of the day there is a large chunk of left-overs from the dearly departed Papa's ( May his Soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen!) 's tenth barsi ( anniversary) fateha a prayer for the souls . Some even call it Niaz don't really know the difference or interested in learning or research tonight . All i can remember is that from my early childhood days riding on my dearly departed Ammi's lap ( May her Soul rest in peace in heaven Amen !) when she used to call some Aunts on the black or grey TIP landline phones to invite for a feast she use to say " Niaz hai aap aaiye ga " So i gather that Fateha is when you pick up and spread your hands and pray for the souls o rest in peace and Niaz is when we spread a table cloth and place freshly cooked not eaten or tasted food and pray . Sorry but tonight i am not going into the spritual or psychological reasons and gains behind all this exercise because i am very pleased that this week we were able to observe and perform one of the favorite rituals of My dearly departed Papa ( may his soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen !) fully supported by the rest of his family especially my dearly departed Ammi ( may Her soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen ! )  Thanks to my dear siblings and their nuclear and non nuclear ( that's me ofcourse ) families . Since it was the Tenth we were expecting the unexpected even though most paternal uncles and Aunts are already dead or out of station . The Aunt most famous for Chaapa had called a week in advanced and informed that she will be out of station on that day without reminding of the fateha other one recently widowed is already on a religious mission abroad . The nearest and the dearest siblings alive of my dearly departed Papa ( may his soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen !) were not able to recieve the invite because they were in the hospital . Phopho because of her grandson and Chacha because of his insurance and beautiful american staff. They are killing him but he is happy unlike me who never picks up the persistent calls from 347 multiple times daily Easypaisa free health insurance for just Rs 950 or something like that .

Easypaisa now brings Easypaisa Sehat Shara, a health insurance product in collaboration with The United Insurance Company of Pakistan Ltd.
  • Huge Benefits
  • Minimal Annual Premium
  • Flexibility of Treatment
Hospital Cash Model
Through Easypaisa Sehat Sahara, Easypaisa customers can get coverage of PKR 1000 per day by paying a premium amount of PKR 950 for a year. If the customer is not able to work due to disability caused by the accident, the plan also compensates for the loss of wages.
Who can subscribe for Easypaisa Sehat Sahara:
  • All Easypaisa customers within age 18-65 years can subscribe
  • Easypaisa Mobile account customers
  • Walk-in customers
Flexibility of Treatment
Easypaisa Sehat Sahara customer can go to any hospital and get treatment which can be claimed by submitting required documents. Daily coverage will be doubled in case of admission to ICU. In case of disability due to injuries, a weekly benefit is also payable, based on hospital/ attending physician advice. Disability benefit will be payable if disability is for minimum 7 days or more.
Hospital Cashless Model
Through Easypaisa cashless model customer can avail in-patient hospitalization services up to coverage of 50,000 in 50 panel hospitals in Karachi and 17 panel hospitals in Lahore by paying a premium amount of PKR 950 for a year. Subscribers for cashless model don’t have to pay at hospital for their treatment and get free treatment for the coverage amount. Insurance partner for the Cashless model is TPL Direct insurance.
Who can subscribe for Easypaisa Sehat Sahara:
  1. All Easypaisa customers within age 18-65 years can subscribe
  2. Easypaisa Mobile account customers
  3. Walk-in customers
Anyways, i really don't think that me or any of my dear siblings would have dared to invite the maternal nanial to this event because all of them are learning the Law the hard way and cannot be disturbed without enraging the faryals . Still the food was more than enough especially the couldron of mutton Qorma and home cooked Mutton Pulao thanks to which i had an early Bakra eid .So now even if the rain washes away the whole generation of bakra's i won't miss it at all this year . Image may contain: food

4:09 am Break ( 1516 words)

10:01 am Good Morning ! yes i am up after a very unconscious sleep and here is the morning tweet of the day

Sun 4th ZilHij1438
Good morning, Syed!
Clouds are clearing today in Karachi. Enjoy the sunshine!
So far its right till 10 am let's see

The facebook weather predictions for me or karachi is rarely correct because the weather here is the most uncertain thing and in recent years it is becoming even more difficult to predict with any level of confidence . As we all know what happened last monday i woke up had tea looked up at the sky it was clear blue came inside surfed the net for a little while and in an hour or two when i switched off the computer and went outside Ola the clouds were there already and the lightening was starting to sound not only surprised i was so shocked and after that what happened was quite amazing it seems like some of the new karachites have not every seen or heard those sights and sounds here The rain it seems was more focused on the temporary cattle market which is their to keep the God fearing away from a religious ritual pleasing the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! The Yearly Buying and bringing an Animal is being made absolutely impossible for the really serious devout muslims here in karachi . Mafia's who have survived all the wars on terror and disqualifications of the non qualified and corrupt are contantly investing and taking control of this yearly exercise . Some religious scholars Quote sharia traditions that the Animal we sacrifice on eid ul azha will help us reach janna the paradise drawbridge ( pul-i- sirat ) 

As-Sirāt (Arabicالصراط‎‎ aṣ-ṣirāṭ) is, according to Islam, the hair-narrow bridge which every person must pass on the Yawm ad-Din ("Day of the Way of Life" i.e. Day of Judgment) to enter Paradise. It is said that it is as thin as a hair and as sharp as the sharpest knife or sword. Below this path are the fires of Hell, which burn the sinners to make them fall. Those who performed acts of goodness in their lives are transported across the path in speeds according to their deeds leading them to the Hauzu'l-Kausar, the Lake of Abundance.[1][2][3]
Muslims who offer the obligatory prayers (Fajr, Dhuhur, Asr, Maghrib, Isha) and recite the Surah Al-Fatiha, which is a supplication in which they ask God to guide them through the righteous path, has been called by scholars[who?] a precursor to the as-Sirāt.
Narrated by Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri: We, the companions of the Prophet said, "O Allah's Apostle! What is the bridge?' He said, "It is a slippery (bridge) on which there are clamps and (Hooks like) a thorny seed that is wide at one side and narrow at the other and has thorns with bent ends. Such a thorny seed is found in Najd and is called As-Sa'dan. Some of the believers will cross the bridge as quickly as the wink of an eye, some others as quick as lightning, a strong wind, fast horses or she-camels. So some will be safe without any harm; some will be safe after receiving some scratches, and some will fall down into Hell. The last person will cross by being dragged over the bridge." (Sahih Bukhari - Volume 9, Book 93, Number 532)

So the question is are the two related that is passing over the hell without falling down or being hurt with the thorns and having an animal to ride on ? 

Obviously the nearness and obedience to the dear Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! will pave the way for a swift and safe ride which is believed to be a very long and testing and what part of it really matters and relates to the yearly ritual of qurbani when it is not even obligatory or mandatery on All only the rich or those who can afford it and have the animal available easily . What is really going on in my head which is cooler than it usually is at this hour in the Sunday Morning no sweating yet surprizingly , is that why this sacrifice of an animal as a means of  salvation and crossing the siraat ways an yearly obligation for the rich and affluent of karachi why is it not a weekly or a monthly or a once in a life time with the hajj ? ok never mind the hajj . Lets just imagine if it was a once in a life time requirement how will it be decided when one is ready for the performance of this ritual before marriage after marriage before kids after the births . Some Muslims also sacrifice an animal upon the births Aqiqa 

Aqiqah. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. `Aqīqah, "Aqeeqa", "Aqeeqah" ([Arabic]: عقيقة) is the Islamic tradition of the sacrifice of an animal on the occasion of a child's birth. It is widely performed by Muslims and it is considered sunnah to slaughter one sheep for the baby girl and two sheep for the baby boy.

The time period set by the traditions for this sacrifice of a goat only is set from the seventh day after birth ( prefered ) till puberty of the child if the gaurdian does not have the means . Sounds very like the one Animal that will help us cross over the siraat way and save every muslim born from accidentally falling in hell just in case we disobeyed the Eid ul Azha ritual or were not really interested calling it a poor man's festival or a rich man's show-off .

So here again i am very thankful to my dearly departed parents ( may their souls rest in peace in heaven Amen !) and especially my loving and caring very dear Papa ( may his soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen ! ) who performed my Aqiqa at the earliest even after paying the non muslim doctor 's bill and other expences upon my birth not to mention mehmandari and the festivity of the christmas in june . Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, text

11:12 am Break ( 2517 words)

12:54 pm So in this eventful break the first bakra arrived a week in advance because my dear niece had announced a dr qadri style peaceful dharna if my dear brother did not bring her a bakra o thanks to the AWT we have a beautiful sniffing bakra to play with for the next week . or to be very honest to serve and protect in season in the most dangerous cities of the world Karachi .
Soon after the Bakra arrived the Karachi Electric pulled the plug for a live jam session for all those who did not wake up to greet his excellency . Luckily it was restored for the arrival of this No automatic alt text available.
Rs 70/-  here in jamshedtown no idea about the neighbouring towns or the outskirts .

By the way i still have the left over puri tarkari , kachori's and laddos for the sunday brunch but i had tea and a greenish sweet apple . Image may contain: food and indoorImage may contain: food

And there was the call for the lunch as well Image may contain: food
Naa i don't think so

The Mangoes i believe are finished today but we still have the frozen mango shakes Image may contain: fruit, food and indoor

Okay the weather is too hot outside so i better stay home and clear my head by dishing out the trumped tunes oh yes by the way CNN fake news is back after a month long discommunication sorry ex communication after the ouster of the unworthy primeminister . I was honestly not surprised to see the CNN fake News back on the same channel position on my broadband cable tv soon after the saddam speech address to man and women of penta gone . oh sorry saddam is dead yes i forgot . And Mr trump is for the republicans so why did they restored the ex communication before eid ?
Well must be the boxing match of the century promotions for the lyari joints . oh yes that must be it So what happened and when was the fight today ?Image may contain: 1 person

Karachi trends


Indeed i need not to say a thing no more LOLImage may contain: 1 person, close-up

1:44 pm Break ( 2890 Words)

2:48 pm After hearing about the sad tragedy that has struck the wicked parosan i had to do some thing so i microwaved all this and ate . God is Great dear Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !
Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

They know very well i hate sas bahu serials but what to do we have to choose some times between coke and pepsi and sometimes we have absolutely no cola at all just like today i should have gone with the brothers when they went to return the cauldron and bring the food for his excellency . Anyways i will probably have another power shut today for the moo dikhai of parosans bahu . That would be it i will go for a walk and do some shopping . So if the Chinese cannot buy karachi electric anymore then how will saein zardari make ends meet . In a recent regularly repeated commerical of a news channel he names his political heirs as Billo and polio no mention of the other kid probably he has seen the work out tapes as well with khan and happy that at least one of his kids has a better future .  Anyways i never really liked MS makhdoom with khan anyway !! Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, outdoor

I really envy not people who tirelessly believe that international cricket and hockey can be popular in pakistan especially Karachi once all the government land is china cut and developed . And Now that mr trump administration wants pakistan to do more business with the US like the India and not like the chinese in three years china will be a forgotten name in the bad sense . Because what i have heard is that the Indian people prefer chinese goods unlike here in Pakistan and especially a karachi mobile market if you show a chinese brand new mobile to any one he will look the other way or will want it very cheap . Image may contain: 3 people, people sitting and indoor
So now comes the billion dollar question ?? What is the Future of the Bitch and the London Schools of Economics ? Obviously if the Mr Trump Administration does not like the way Pakistani's do business with the US i don't see a full bright future here as well So you can see that its only two or three weeks of me beginning to learn and play LUDO Star and the whole regional chess Board algebra is beginning to change . So from what i have understood Mr Trump and some of his non fired yet advisors are very competative business leaders they will never allow a monopoly of any one of the regional player not even the US Marines . So the game seems to be china making most of the things that India sells because it is good in business that what mr Trump believes so now comes Pakistan obviously the only possible roll left is of a Buyer be ware and that suits Pakistan very well . Interesting isn't it Okay now i leave the rest for the greater minds to contemplate . I love it when they read my minds and leave me dumbfounded LOL Image may contain: 1 person

3:49 pm Break (3396 words)

5th Zilhij 1438
7:40 pm
Good Evening !
Okay so i fall asleep 4-7 pm Shouldn't have eaten lunch or maybe it was good that i sleep and did not eat some more . anyways the news is that i have missed a tea and patis and also that the neighbours cows are now behind the cloth partition so i missed their moo dikhai as well . So this means that the Bakra eid is near less than a week away and all this will be over in sleep and eating nothing new nothing special .
Okay more mutton coming up so we are already having all kinds of meat not sure if next week i will be posting any meat or mutton pictures . few years back one of my dear all American  facebook friends from st cloud minnesota desperately after adding too many paindo pakistanis friends for her Anthropology research was faced with a problem on bakra eid that her time line was bombarded with and all covered in blood and graphic images and videos of Animal slaughter . Obviously all young boys and girls with camera phones make videos and pictures of the goats and cows at their home , neighbours and friends and then post it on their facebook walls that was before the whatsapp . So she humbly requested every year not to post and share them on here facebook . Some of us are too excited and tag people who seems interested or like our stuff not remembering that on a national holiday we are not alone in posting such post or tagging that one friend who might not like to see tthe cutting slicing and cooking videos and images . Okay maybe she might have liked one or two or maybe she might have commented on someone she wanted to encourage or maybe was just eager to know a little about the culture or the difference of it with hers and our ethnic and lingual divides But when a mass explosion of information occured she cried out Loud and clear . So i may have been a bit cautious but i don't believe all her thousand pakistani friends did even cared to read or understand who she is talking to LOL
Anyways after my dearly departed Ammi ( may her soul rest in peace in Heaven Passed away almost three years ago i was expecting a lot of changes in my life so i deactivated that account with all the friends list and decided to keep a friend list less account just to keep a book of my activities daily . later on i added few near and dear relatives and blocked most after a year . Few months later my android tab started pricking me that you need to sign in to facebook and your friends are waiting or missing you etc etc and one day it automatically signed me in through my oogle oh sorry my google account so the first three friend request i sent only one accepted and one rejected without confirming and later asked what happened to your old friends list and i was so surprised as why he is asking about my friends list lol

Anyways sometimes we ask questions that comes to our mind or are developed instinctively but some question are based on previous research like the one i am about to ask Why MS Heather Ann Nauert is an American journalist who has served as the spokesperson for the United States Department of State since April 2017.previously famous from fox news wore a white dress to south asia related presser ? Image may contain: 1 person, smiling
Image may contain: 1 person, glasses

Anyways i have learned that Another of our dear friend Steve Bannon's (no idea yet ) poker face book friendnational security adviser, Sebastian Gorka  was fired this week Image may contain: 1 person, beard and outdoor

So finally mr donald trump is getting a grip on affairs and realizing that the campaign managers are required for the re- election as well . Or maybe his daughter in law who is now incharge of the re elction campaign is more agressive then she sounds .

Lara Trump leads Trump's re-election effort | Miami Herald

I am only narrating these horrrifying real news so that my fans and followers may not be mis- lead by the US Embassy in Pakistan 's sponsored disinformation campaign against the President . Image may contain: 1 person, standing

Okay i think that was the dinner call the whole visiting nuclear family and their his excellency is here for the first time on a sunday during this my the Sunday Blog # 73 so i am getting the meal calls on time . See you keep finding new and interesting things in this my the sunday Blogs every week . Okay so its time for the break oh i missed the episode of  turkish soap serial Image may contain: 2 people, text
never mind i will catch it in the multiple re runs all week last night i did watch the episode in peace and then again found it today twice in the re runs amazing isn't it ? really loved how the selfish mean cheat friends of MS Gul brought her back to be a bride to be . No news of our very own Miss Gulalai this week the speakers reference turned out to be a fake news so no chance of her moving up not yet LOL
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

9:10 pm Break ( 4261 words)

9:49 pm Okay i did managed to scape the dinner Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodNo automatic alt text available.

as this was for dinner no no i am not saying no i have just taken time till mid night will definitely eat after i finish this my the Sunday Blog # 73 the last Sunday Blog before the second eid of the islamic calender . This eid here is more for the Nuclear Families then non nuclear families or singles infact most singles are often warned near this eid by saying your time has come stop saying mein  mein  the word in urdu for me me which sounds so much like a goats language . That is why i am so cautious this time of the year But i have no words just tears for what ? .. has happened here in our neighbourhood LOL
Better luck next time !! LOLImage may contain: plant

Some people believe that being proactive is healthier than being reactive but honestly i am avoiding me me so never mind .
The tea we requested has just arrived Praiseth the dear merciful Lord all Mighty Allah Amen !

Very interesting waste of fuel and energy in the most dangerous city of the world karachi if we had a mass transit two decades ago may be it would have been the most beautiful and peaceful city in the world today . Anyways the good thing i love about the people of karachi is that they live and survive without tending  from Islamabad and washington Powerless and waterless and karachi has sustained and now the people have already stopped looking towards the saviours , the governments and even the US and China . It is quite amazing that No Hope is the New Hope for the People of Karachi . Image may contain: 1 person
Why else do you think they do not follow the tunes played by the foreign powers supported bands like egypt and syria and libya and Iraq and afghanistan and many other countries and nations . Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and outdoor

10 : 47 pm Break ( 4586 words )

10: 59 pm Okay just another cup of tea with a laddo and here i am for the last session of this my the sunday Blog # 73 .
No there is no movie to the movie list of the week because of rain , thunder , power breakdown and really hot and humid weather , eating and sleeping . This early bakra eid every year usually takes away the fun of bakra eid from my live so this is it because in my next blog next sunday the bakra eid will be in the middle and maybe i will be busy too much or retired hurt either way what i am expecting is a very low worded Sunday Blog in the recent history of over four thousand words average give or take a thousand words added from wiki and other google searches and articles most necessary to elaborate and explain my version of the thoughts and pricks . Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor

Come on yaar !  cancer is back once again in the election campaign ?? what is this ....even though mr trump 's use of force may not include a martials Law but still if they got a chance to tend the constitution again there will surely be a disqualification addendum in qualification clause for members election both in general and by-elections and even on the reserved woman seats . It is definitely against the Human Rights to force your Cancer diagnosed spouses to contest election or do any leadership duty which may later on cause death of a member of Parliament without the complition of the whole term . 
And it is even a bigger crime to mis lead the voters of your constituency in a sympathy vote unless you are not already dead . the doctors or the clinic that has diagnosed a candidate must give an affidavit for the condition of the patient . The regular check ups required in the next four years or the term remaining of the parliament and if the cancer is in the last stages the time a candidate has left before he/ she is incapacitated or no longer able to fully perform his her duties as member and as a human being and all the true being kept from the voters of the constitutency and the people of Pakistan as well as the parliament and speaker of the houses . Image may contain: 3 people, people standing and hat

Okay so there i am almost completing the five thousand words on the words counter for this my the sunday Blog # 73 or should i say seventy three because a numeric is not counted by the words counter so it is better to key in a few extra strokes on the key board and be counted .

Yes it is 5024 words Yay !!Image may contain: 1 person, standing, shoes and outdoor

Wazir-e-Aala Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah Family K Hamrah Hajj ki Saadat Hasil Karne K Leye Saudi Arab Rawana.

phair te jail he jana si kaar lo aish !! LOL

PIA Ka Qabal Az Hajj Operation Mukammal, 32 Dinon Me 230 Parvazon K Zariye 57000 Aazmin-e-Hajj Ko Madina or Jeddah Puhonchaya Gaya.

saal bhar ki chutee yay yay !!!Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sitting and text

Okay so here it is time for me to end this my the sunday blog # 73 with a song . So today i have chosen a song from the latest episode of the coke studio it is the 10 season and they have improved greatly on the camera work the frames are now staying on the eye not have to chase them at all no songs are mostly not original but the tone is a lot mellow down or mellow out which is good for the future of Coke studio when the song writers come out of the writer's block . All the Best Amen !

Okay since this is the last sunday Blog before eid ul azha a very happy eid to all without any sort or kind of bias And please don't listen to anybody who says Do you know what trump said . Please for this one last time trust me LOL

GOD Bless America !

Allah !

Sahir Ali Bagga & Aima Baig, Baazi, Coke Studio Season 10, Episode 3.

يوم خمسة وثلاثين

Easypaisa now brings Easypaisa Sehat Shara, a health insurance product in collaboration with The United Insurance Company of Pakistan Ltd.
  • Huge Benefits
  • Minimal Annual Premium
  • Flexibility of Treatment
Hospital Cash Model
Through Easypaisa Sehat Sahara, Easypaisa customers can get coverage of PKR 1000 per day by paying a premium amount of PKR 950 for a year. If the customer is not able to work due to disability caused by the accident, the plan also compensates for the loss of wages.
Who can subscribe for Easypaisa Sehat Sahara:
  • All Easypaisa customers within age 18-65 years can subscribe
  • Easypaisa Mobile account customers
  • Walk-in customers
Flexibility of Treatment
Easypaisa Sehat Sahara customer can go to any hospital and get treatment which can be claimed by submitting required documents. Daily coverage will be doubled in case of admission to ICU. In case of disability due to injuries, a weekly benefit is also payable, based on hospital/ attending physician advice. Disability benefit will be payable if disability is for minimum 7 days or more.
Hospital Cashless Model
Through Easypaisa cashless model customer can avail in-patient hospitalization services up to coverage of 50,000 in 50 panel hospitals in Karachi and 17 panel hospitals in Lahore by paying a premium amount of PKR 950 for a year. Subscribers for cashless model don’t have to pay at hospital for their treatment and get free treatment for the coverage amount. Insurance partner for the Cashless model is TPL Direct insurance.
Who can subscribe for Easypaisa Sehat Sahara:
  1. All Easypaisa customers within age 18-65 years can subscribe
  2. Easypaisa Mobile account customers
  3. Walk-in customers
Sun 4th ZilHij1438
Good morning, Syed!
Clouds are clearing today in Karachi. Enjoy the sunshine!
So far its right till 10 am let's see

Saturday 26 August 2017

يوم أربعة وثلاثين

Sa3rd ZilHij1438
wake up 7am had tea it was drizzling cool slippery wanted to visit Papa's grave on his 10th don't have ironman suit 👣👣