
Sunday 30 April 2017

The Sunday Blog # 56

Today is the 30th of April 2017 the 3rd of Shaban 1438 till the Sunset (7:01 pm) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 56 .

Today i have three main topics in my mind for this My The Sunday Blog # 56 and they are Ramzan , ramzan and ramzan . So no matter how much anybody tries to distract me from these topics somehow i will come right back to it . Try Me !

Okay so with the sighting of the Shaban Moon begins the count-down for the Month of Ramzan or as Some may be few very little number of american muslims and chanda wali parties like or love to call it Ramadan or Ramazan , But here we the urdu speaking non chinese impressed people of Karachi still call it ramzan ul mubarak or just ramzan in urdu it is spelled like this رمضان or رمضان المبارک

آزاد دائرۃ المعارف، ویکیپیڈیا سے

رمضان اسلامی تقویم کا نواں مہینہ ہے۔ اسے رمضان المبارک بھی کہا جاتا ہے۔ مسلمانوں کے لئے اس پورے مہینے ميں روزے رکھنے فرض ہيں۔ اسى ميں ايک رات ايسى ہے جس کو شب قدر کہا جاتا ہے۔ قرآن کے مطابق جس (رات) کى عبادت  ہزار مہینوں کى عبادت سے بہتر ہے۔

Never mind the google translate for the above .

yes it is the nineth month of the islamic lunar calender . muslims fast in this whole month and search for a special night which according to the Holy Book the Al Quran , is better than an thousand Months prayers 

شب قدر/لیلۃ القدر

اسلامی مہینے رمضان کے آخری عشرے کی طاق راتوں میں سے ایک رات جس کے بارے میں قرآن میں سورہ قدر کے نام سے ایک سورت بھی نازل ہوئی ہے۔ اس رات میں عبادت کرنے کی بہت تاکید ہے۔اکثر علماء کا خیال ہے کہ یہ 27 ویں رات ہے۔

.Sūrat al-Qadr (Arabic: سورة القدر‎‎,is the 97th sura of the Qur'an with 5 ayat. It is a Meccan sura.[1] The Surah has been so designated after the word al-qadr in the very first verse.

  إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَاهُ فِي لَيْلَةِ الْقَدْرِ • وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ • لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ خَيْرٌ مِّنْ أَلْفِ شَهْرٍ • تَنَزَّلُ الْمَلَائِكَةُ وَالرُّوحُ فِيهَا بِإِذْنِ رَبِّهِم مِّن كُلِّ أَمْرٍ • سَلَامٌ هِيَ حَتَّى مَطْلَعِ الْفَجْرِ
بے شک ہم نے اسے شب قدر میں اتارا ٭ اور تم نے کیا جانا، کیا شب قدر؟ ٭ شب قدر ہزار مہینوں سے بہتر ٭ اس رات میں فرشتے اور جبریل اترتے ہیں اپنے رب کے حکم سے، ہر کام کے لئے، وہ سلامتی ہے صبح چمکنے تک۔[1]

Okay here i have lost the net its too hot for karachi and Karachi Electric so i am not sure if i can continue this net based copy and paste . I think its better this way because i am not sure why i am on to the last ten day of the Holy Month of Ramzan when it has not even begin yet . But since we all know that and are very certain that the hol;y month of ramzan is coming very fast for us to fast the whole month of 29 or 30 days subject to the sighting of the moon by Lord muneeb and his followers extremely under pressure . Under similar conditions of temperature and Pressure our dear old president Musharraf use to say " mein darta warta nahein houn kisi se " " I am not Afraid of any one " Thank God his ancistors were from Dehli and not Mumbai Maha (not bombay) or he could have said " Mein darta warta nahein houn kisi kay baap se ...etc etc )
and talking of mumbai heard Sir Richard Miandad's closed relative had a Heart Attack recently and a Azizabad private hospital caught fire saturday evening . Another Fire was reported in the financial capital of karachi in a high rise on I.I chundrigar road. Anyways no shahi supari or Shahi meva can be chewd during the Fast in the day time in the holy Month of Ramzan . Amen !

Okay the net is back so i better hurry and update and publish and take a Break before the net goes off again .

1:08 am Break ( 667 words )

8:33 am Good Morning !

first tweet of the day

Sun 3rd Shaban 1438
Facebook warning alert Good morning, Wasiq! It'll be hot today in Karachi. The forecast shows a high of 40° 😿🌹🥀🌞

Okay this is about the time i will be waking up during the holy month of Ramzan after going to sleep after sehri and fajr prayers .Image may contain: food

Image may contain: food
By the way BTW i haven't eaten anything since dinner around 9:30 pm . Almost 12 hours so i believe i can do it very easily even if there is  a high of 40° C out side a full traffic jam on the main roads and streets and no power or water in the tap or tank . or worse its raining outside ...I will survive by the grace of All Mighty Allah and the prayers of my dearly departed Parents (May their souls rest in Peace in Heaven Amen !) and the wishes and hopes of my dear Siblings and wellwishers , i will fast and please the All Mighty Allah , the beneficent the Merciful .

Last year before ramzan there was a lot of advertising going on by the Bahria town on the media and social media for their 62 storey highrise in clifton near or on top of Ghazi Shah Mazar Image may contain: sky, skyscraper and outdoor
So I was seriously thinking of ways and means to get a highest floor to pray during the holy month of ramzan and then the ramzan begin and i survived the whole month of praying at the local mosque amid the sneezing and coughing and germs which i love to call the weapons of mass destruction "" Honestly and probably it was the first time in my life that i even survived being soaked in the rain on my way to the mosque and back . After that i totally gave up the idea of finding ways and means to get a highest floor in that tower to  pray during the holy month of ramzan and saw the error of my ways . BUT can you imagine that the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah also did not want me there or tried to show me a way or ease it for me So Here i am waiting for the Ramzan and not sure Why ?

Believe it or not I have crossed the first thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 56 . So i believe its time for a well deserved Break and probably a breakfast and first facebook meetup of the last Sunday of the month of April and before the Month of May .

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9:44 Am Break (1088 Words)

10:30 am No facebook meetup it was just me so Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food

Uusally i prefer the crispy puri and sometimes over do it making it a papri but today i remembered how my dearly departed Ammi ( May her Soul Rest in Peace in Heaven Amen ! ) use to make it soft for Halwa . I saved the choley for the next meal and had only Halwa Puri . Honestly So feel like showing a middle Finger to a lot of few useless creatures مخلوق of the All Mighty Allah .
Amen !

Well the net and the power may cause trouble today as jamaat 3.O is sunbathing in my town and Jamaat pakistan is doing it in the south . In their preparation for today my net and cable remained shut all day till the 8:00 pm yesterday . and today also it is very slow in coming so i will have to be very relaxed and enjoy the ride . I wonder what Jamaat 2.1, 2.2, and 2.O3 is planning for the Hot and crispy day here in Karachi . Anyways  a full four years of election campaigning cannot impress the camera drones of media houses how do they expect people in the jam to praise and worship them . Anyways

As soon as the battery is full i will go out and try to continue this my the Sunday Blog # 56 in the open air . The Only Problem is that watching me keying in may offend some of my facebook meet up group but what can one do especially in this hot weather . So today i have a plan if there is net and power or should i say Even if i have net and power i will only do this my the sunday blog # 56 for intervels of half an hour only with larger breaks and since i am already near a fifteen hundred words mark on the words counter i believe half an hours writeup may take me further then i usually do or could do on a very hot and crispy day in my town with the Dj group partying and sun bathing all day long . I probably should add some music here 
Enjoy this is my all time favorite or favourite what ever !! I hope i'll be back soon keep praying the free wifi in lahore works may be someday we may be able to sell saein zardari and get free wifi for the Whole of Jamshed Town Amen !
11:07 am Break (1489 words)

12:22 pm  Okay i am at the dinning table live right in the middle of a very hot and crispy summer's day facebook meet up . Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: food and indoor

I think that instead of Aha Pakoray this ramzan it would be much better if i have this choley chat most of the iftar break of fast and then rush off to the air conditioned mosque for prayers and taravee . What i have not decided yet is whether to drink the chilled water fron the Made in Korea super general water dispensers donated by Unknown Namaaloom afraad ! every day when i see the Made in korea printed in bold on the box of free water dispensers donated by unknown Namaaloom Afraad after the prayers during dua i wonder if they had to cheat why don't they print made in japan or Malaysia . as to the best of my knowledge and belief japan and malaysia does not have that problem as that we have with Good korea and Dreadfull Enemy of the World and China,  Korea ! So i don't believe that Made in Korea print on a product is Politically Correct either !!

12:44 net gone again

Okay never mind lets talk of China and Cooking !
My dear Elder Brother who has been watching too much Shan Biryani ad this past week and also worried sick for my health and weight because of eating too much qorma biryani has brought a gift for Ramzan . A folding omellete Pan double sided very similar to the one seen on tv or facebook but smaller . Are you thinking what i am thinking LOL . Nope media cannot be posted right now because of the No Internet connection so lets leave a blank space here and take a break . No automatic alt text available.

1:00 pm the net is back But i still want to take a break now and come back later ...So

1:02 pm Break (1796 words )

5:25 pm So i sleep for almost four hours when it was burning hot outside power was turned off after i wake . so here i am as soon as the power came back the weather outside is now changing and cool wind has started so i believe the dehydrated sun bathers will go home and new and fresh revellers (reveller
plural noun: revelers
  1. a person who is enjoying themselves in a lively and noisy way.

    "drunken revellers brawled in the town centre in the early hours"

    synonyms:merrymaker, partygoerparty animal, carouser, roisterer, good-time boy/girl, pleasure seekerMore )

will take their place and when the media drones will capture them and show me on the news channels i would say Ops ! the powere is gone again 5:32 pm . okay no worries its back again even though i was not thinking of shutting down this my the sunday Blog #56 Image may contain: one or more people and crowd

Usually  at this hour that is between 5-6 pm i watch my sisters favourite turkish serial Kaala paisa pyar . On friday i fell asleep and did not watch yesterdayt  the cable was off and today i am giving it up because of this my the sunday Blog # 56 and also because the power is coming and going so it is better that i sit here and increase the words count .

My Mega polis is so huge now that even i don't know for sure how huge it is and when these these seven or eight digits leaders come here with a dream of 9, 10 , 11 digits we don't mind it very much infact you may have noticed that since easter not just one but multiple rallies are being taken out all very coordinated and peaceful . And all this is happening in the most dangerous city of the world to live in . Hate to say this But Builders Mafia has Won !! Karachi is Not only the most dangerous city in the world it is also becoming a Ghost City !

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Crowd pulling for a political event is extremely expensive here in karachi . The Donkey ground opposite the Mazar on quideen road is smaller than a cricket ground of any big stadium and if you put chairs then the capacity decreases so comtemplete .For rallies the city admin or the mazar board does not allow anyone inside the mazar ground or the other greens you see here now tell me how many million people can fit into this ground ?

Anyways No Pun Intended But ...Who Holds Zamzama can Not possibly Hold Surjani !!Image may contain: text

6:33 pm Break ( 2212 Words )

4th Shaban 1438
7:37 pm 
Good Evening ! 

Yesterday i defrosted the fridge and did not refil it so there is no icecream or kulfi and buying it from the tricycle vendor means socialising with the neighours help and guards . So No iceCream today only Ice Candy love it ! No automatic alt text available.

And eating will only rise the body temperature so there is no logic in eating today at all while i am locked here doing this my the Sunday Blog #56 But you never know when i firmly make up my mind that i will not eat anything especially the hot and spicy on Sunday till midnight and something comes along . Anyways as planned i think its almost nearly half an hour so i will have to take another break very soon probably on top of the hour in two minutes yes that would be good . So after the break i will do the movies of the week and the 100 days of  President Trump . Image may contain: text

8:00 pm Break ( 2374 words )

8:37 pm It has been an amazing week as far as the movies i get to watch is concerned . The week began with the new release

Noor (2017)

 they say that it is based on a novel by a karachite by the name of Imtiaz something and the name of the novel or book whatever it is that they call it is something Like Karachi you are killing me or i was killed by karachi or something . I read it some where that a film maker took that book and strike out all that was good about karachi and made it a Mumbai movie . Well that is very good . Interesting thing Social Media and espeically the #karachi #Mumbai #London are sleeping like i sleep since the release of this Noor . Before the release for over an year people were constantly tweeting especially with a Karachi hash tag . Now there are very few tweets on the #Noor hash tag as well . Noor Poster



(novel), (screenplay) | 3 more credits »

Anyways the Second Movie this week was 

Begum Jaan (2017)

Great story amazing performance and a total grip on the subject . Image may contain: 1 person, sunglasses, stripes and close-up

Mirza Juuliet (2017

is okay nothing especial except that Piaa Bajpai looks new and  looks well old .

the next was 

Ghost Ship (2002


The Number 23 (2007)

                     Walter Sparrow becomes obsessed with a novel that he believes was written about him. As his obsession increases, more and more similarities seem to arise.


its unbelievable to watch the comic mr jim carrey in such a comic role that is not comedy . Well Done i must say . Need to watch it again when i am not very sleepy or disturbed .     

9:24 pm Break ( 2682 words)

10:17 pm So my sister has again defeated cellulitis and she cooked for the first time this month .

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Image may contain: food

شکوہِ ظلمتِ شب سے تو کہیں بہتر تھا 

اپنے نیوں نیوکلیئر بوم گراتے جاتے 
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The first 100 days of Donald Trump's presidency began with his inauguration as the 45th President of the United States, which occurred at noon on January 20, 2017. The 48th Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence, was inaugurated the same day. The 100th day of Trump's presidency is April 29, 2017. Trump first announced his plan for the first hundred days of his presidency in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania,[1] on October 23, 2016, before the election.[2]

Okay so i survived the first hundred days of the US President Trump's Administration . Honestly I wasn't really very sure about it . But then veena malik got divorced and Noor also filed for one from her fourth so i realised that both ISI and ISIS are on the run and there is nothing to worry about anymore atleast for the next four years . Prime Minister may has packed her bags she quits and the french are also chosing a new face for the Élysée Palace giving holidays to Hollande  now i am not sure about merkel but Bundestag definitely has better looking for her replacement . 
So in Dollars terms the G7 and Metro are getting a definite facelift very soon Which is a very great achievment of Any US Administration's First Hundred Days as far as i can remember  . 
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Okay so now we are in the final last hour of this my the Sunday Blog #56 . Now since my environment is not changing at all I will never find out if I can improve the quality and Quantity of this my the Sunday Blog . Still i am very glad that the unnecessary interference in my life is completely drying out . The Very Little that has some how resisted cannot be called to have survived because it is not for very long . If not this ramzan then the next ramzan will be something to look forward to . I believe that when All Mighty Allah is pleased with me my worship and prayers , stay and prostrations Will be easy and if he is not please with anyone the devil could easily use them against me . So before i end this my the Sunday Blog # 56 and take leave here is an opening of my the Sunday Blog #10 which was the first Sunday Blog in the Holy Month of Ramzan last year june 2016

"Today is the 12th of June 2016 . First of All Since this is the first Sunday Blog in the Holy Month of Ramzan I would like to wish everybody Ramzan Mubarak.

Ramzan begin here in karachi on the 7th of June and today in few hours the 6th fast (roza) will begin after Sehri. I hope to continue this Sunday Blog # 10 during my Fast till afternoon. The Most interesting thing about the beginning of this Ramzan is that i sighted the moon myself . I was in the local mosque for the maghrib prayers on the 6th of june monday when i saw a group of people gathered together in one corner of the mosque looking up at the sky . There i saw a very thin crescent barely above the roof of the mosque. Very excited i returned home to tell everybody but it seems that they already knew from the over excited tv news channels. Anyways . The First of Ramzan was on the 7th of June which happens to be the date of My Happy Birthday.  But the 2nd of Ramzan is my Ammi's death Anniversary so i let it pass peacefully this time hope to have a better one next time. If it was the first of Ramzan this year next it would be the 11th of Ramzan O my God.... that would be Grand Fathers death anniversary can't miss that no no nono no....♥☻♥


So that's it . Enjoy !

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