
Sunday 11 September 2022

The Sunday Blog № 336


Today is the Sunday
And this is my the Sunday Blog № 336 ( Three Hundred and Thirty Six) 

Yes Today is 11th of September 2022 AD
The 14th of Safar 1444H
Till the Sunset ( 6:41 pm ; Karachi ) 

Moon NA

Once again it's past full moon night and here I am sitting in the open due to the loadshedding at midnight. 

Lot of fireworks can be heard from far away must be a wedding or something. Few hours ago  Yesterday evening we had a strange phenomenon
It was extremely hot and sunny in most parts of the city while in the north west part they had a thunderstorm ...the Thunder was clearly heard and few clouds came floating and blocked the hot burning sun but there was no sign of the rain or drizzle here . The world is not realizing that Karachi is just too big to be handled by normal 
Anyways , the Sad news is that India is out of the Asia Cup 2022 in Dubai. So it will be an All American final today on the most important day of the American calender "The Nine Eleven "

This day today will be extra Special for the Americans as they have completely ruined the Alqaeda as well as talebans not to mention the flood hit Afghanistan. 

Thirty per cent intrigue and planning and forty percent Act of God The All Mighty Allah Amen 🙏

There has been lot of Earthquakes and flooding this year ever since the Talebans took over without any resistance from the Well trained and equipped with state of the art Afghani Army 
The New US administration despite feeling embarrassed choose to abide by the previous administration of Mr trump agreement with the Taliban . 


Sun 14th Safar 1444H
8:56 am Fall asleep before the 2nd Nuclear Power Shutdown/ loadshedding before fajr and kept sleeping and sweating did not feel the Dengue at all 
Finally woke up now few minutes ago
Vision too blurry and congested .

Okay so where were we before sleeping ....

The Wordle 

Wordle 449 4/6


Imran Khan the former prime minister did not take the easy way ...he appeared before the Islamabad high court in the contempt of court Suo moto case and did not submit the procedural apology . 
So the court was not convinced 
And they have decided to charge him on the next hearing . 
Obviously it stirred a storm in the tea cup . All the bye elections were cancelled and especially the ones where Imran Khan was himself candidate . The notification of the deseating of the members of Parliament was also cancelled in some cases . In dollar terms...there is chaos and corruption all over . 

A minus one game at this point and time means it's game over . If elections are held without Imran Khan .... people won't even turn on their television to watch the results going to the polling station to vote will not be a priority of the election day . It will be a extremely low turnout election . And non of the opposition parties could win enough seats on their own . Both the pre election and post election alliances will be weak and unstable to run a government and make decisions. The nation will hate judiciary and the Army and the USA . 

And talking of USA ....the USAID send Samantha Powers the administrator with some more packed junk and increased the tab to 53 million US Dollar 💰 

The irrigation department in Sindh was absolutely not prepared for the huge amount of water coming down both from the Indus and the sky . They did not empty the manchar lake and now making cuts and drowning the sehwan the land of Hazrat Lal shabaz qalander . Just to get foreign aid and change the demographics of Karachi by resettling them here . 
Wallah ho Khair Ul makarein 

Man proposes and God disposes . 

So I better get up and make some tea . 

10:00 am Break ! 

10:52 am Checked water pump 50 minutes ago ..water was coming I checked again 
It is not the Sunday water time is probably changed again ...or maybe they had loadshedding an hour before us . 
The water supply in the whole area has been less than normal this week . 
The drain water pond on the corner is absolutely dry . It has been there in every thick and thin ...and I have not seen or heard the sewarge staff working the only logical reasoning is that....

Not sure why .... Don't Tell me that some official of the board or builders mafia person's village drowned in the flood .
Or got Dengue virus . 
The dried pond is definitely not part of any cleaning campaigns

Because the garbage dump on the banks of the drain pond is just the same . 

Talking of Dengue .... Doctor Saabs palatable count improved but there still is a lot of weakness. Yet he never stopped saving the world . Infact his responsibility increased this week . 
He was planning a Chaapa today but I told him that Pathan orangi town had thunderstorm yesterday so he decided to rest . I really doubts that ....

The rest of the city was a sizzler yesterday and it may be hot today as well but so far it's not the same as yesterday. 

In the Cold, Cold Night

I saw you standing in the corner
On the edge of a burning light
I saw you standing in the corner
Come to me again in the cold, cold night

You make me feel a little older
Like a full grown woman might
But when you're gone I grow colder
Come to me again in the cold, cold night

I see you walking by my front door
I hear the creaking of the kitchen floor
I don't care what other people say
I'm going to love you, anyway
Come to me again in the cold, cold night

I can't stand it any longer
I need the fuel to make my fire burn bright
So don't fight it any longer
Come to me again in the cold, cold night

And I know that you feel it too
When my skin turns into glue
You will know that it's warm inside
And you'll come run to me, in the cold, cold night

Okay it the 3rd Nuclear Power Shutdown/loadshedding time 
So I will have the Sunday  brunch or just tea and try to relax and enjoy and pray 🙏 for rain . 
There has been a 7 mag earthquake in Papua new guinea but the tsunami Alert is now cancelled. 

11:29 am Break 

11:56 am No Nuclear Power Shutdown/ loadshedding
No water coming ....
No sizzler ...
Not Sure what is going on . 

Remember Megan markle of the American television series " Suits "...yes 
She is playing Men in black Something Not season 1 
this season . Incredible isn't it. 

It must be dark in her father land right now so I will come back to it later when it's not a scheduled Nuclear Power Shutdown/ loadshedding time here . 

Our on the front kerb Neem trees were finally trimmed . The branches and green leaves of the two trees were so intertwined and grown up and down that it looked like one big tree . And the lower branches had come so low that they were disturbing the easement. Especially blocking the builders mafia and land mafia heavy vehicles while just passing through . Sometimes the lower branches would get stuck in the fixed ladders on the maintenance truck of power and wireless companies and break . Neem tree branches are very week they break just like that .
For me it was very normal having seen and heard the sound of branch breaking and leaves falling a million times ..but for those driving the big and huge trucks or sitting on the open back was sometimes very scary . But for some unknown hard to guess reason nobody was trimming it . I was on the lookout for tree trimmers for months especially before the monsoon season and during it as well. But nobody came except the coconut guy ...

The Neem tree grows very fast in just few months it will be back to it's maleficent self and once again I will be on the lookout for tree trimmers ...

Ah the food panda mart rider is calling ..he probably arrived 


Yes my week's supply of Pepsi
Orange juice and insecticide spray has arrived also ordered half kg fresh mutton mix . Buying fresh  mutton from outside the mosque mutton shop  is not my cup of tea and it also hinders with Doctor Saabs desperately trying the  saving the world 

Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen 🙏

Oh no my dear elder sister also ordered  with delivery fee 
And she tells me now when she needs change . Interesting fact is that she did not order my Pepsi... noted ! 

I need to chill and relax now more than ever . 

Btw the price of Pepsi and especially the handy single serving bottle prices were increased this week and vary  on every online shopping delivery aap . 
Plus there is a quota system on  345 ml pet bottle ....of Pepsi only ...which also vary on each delivery aap . Like I cannot order more than 6 Pepsi  345 ml pet bottle per order . I believe they think I am having too much Pepsi already or they want me to have the 500 ml pet 
Which is between 60 - 70 Rs
Honestly I feel this is my last year of Pepsi why push things ....I am fine with 345 ml pet ...even if it is Rs 50 per bottle and there is a quota of one bottle each with a sindhi biryani . 
Unfortunately it is Rs 90 - 100 
If you order a 345 ml pet Pepsi from a restaurant and even higher from American Frenchise ( Fake) 

The vision was cleared after having the tea . And the clogging also cleared but now it seems the vision is blurry again I need to get up and get some more tea . 
Also check if her panda mart order without my Pepsi arrived or not . 

Also I need to grab some brunch 
And pray with a prayer for my dearly departed parents papa and Ammi and the Recently Departed Aslam Bhai

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah 
please forgive my dear loving and caring  brother Aslam Bhai and give him the highest place in Jannah 

Amen ! 

اللہ پاک میرے پیارے والدین ، ​​پاپا

 اور امی پر رحم فرمائے ، اور ان کو اللہ تعالی کی رحمت نصیب ہو ، اور ان کی روح کوجنت میں آرام نصیب ہو ۔  آمین!

پیارے مہربان رب اللہ پاک میرے پیارے اور خیال رکھنے والے بھائی اسلم بھائی کی مغفرت فرمائے اور جنت الفردوس میں اعلیٰ مقام عطا فرمائے


2:05 pm Break ! 

3:44 pm just minutes left to the fourth and final... Nuclear Power Shutdown/ scheduled loadshedding of the day ...the third was missed so I am guessing that the 4 th might also be missed as it is the Asia Cup Final day in Dubai . 

The Sunday Brunch pics here 

Looks really good ...actually I decided not to eat today they are all props 
I just had some potatoes bites and the toast with cream and sugar and tea ....

Now there is a Chaapa alert I am relaxing and waiting and watching the bell .  The cat has a field day is roaming freely inside because the door is open . 

The cooking mafia is really excited and has started preparing the Supper . 
The neighbors are all very upset today ...three utility bills have all arrived today 
Even thought most neighbors are rich enough to pay online six months bills in advance but still a paper hard copy feels like the original especially in the absence of a local government and no trust on IMF .

Okay so we did not get a 4th Nuclear Power Shutdown loadshedding just like the 3rd . 
Doctor Saab arrived on time .

His family and inlaws started calling him so he left as soon as the BBQ was done . 

I saved my palatable count for Supper 

It is always fun to have him here spending the quality time with us from his extremely busy schedule . 

So after he left I helped the cooking mafia and then prayed 🛐 Asr with a prayer for my dearly departed parents papa and Ammi and the Recently Departed Aslam Bhai

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah 
please forgive my dear loving and caring  brother Aslam Bhai and give him the highest place in Jannah 

Amen ! 

اللہ پاک میرے پیارے والدین ، ​​پاپا

 اور امی پر رحم فرمائے ، اور ان کو اللہ تعالی کی رحمت نصیب ہو ، اور ان کی روح کوجنت میں آرام نصیب ہو ۔  آمین!

پیارے مہربان رب اللہ پاک میرے پیارے اور خیال رکھنے والے بھائی اسلم بھائی کی مغفرت فرمائے اور جنت الفردوس میں اعلیٰ مقام عطا فرمائے


This week I have not been able to properly recite the holy Quran because of extremely hot weather and outdoor activities . 

Okay the nose is clear but eyes and throat is clogged vision blurry got to get up and have some tea freshly made 

Sun 15th Safar 1444H
Moon: 97.7%
Waning Gibbous
Current Time:11 Sep 2022, 21:06:02
Moon Direction:100.85° E
Moon Altitude:19.46°
Moon Distance:374,300 km
Next New Moon:26 Sep 2022, 02:54
Next Full Moon:10 Oct 2022, 01:54
Next Moonset:Tomorrow, 07:57
Broke my diet plan of the day and ate the plate full of biryani and chicken tikka ...then had tea 
Then had ice cream and now I am very sleepy ......
I hope I am able watch the ending of this match but I really doubts it . 

Movies if the week : 

So Sri Lanka won the Asia Cup T20  2022 
In Dubai 
Congratulations . 

Okay so I guess it's time for the first Nuclear Power Shutdown loadshedding of the Monday at midnight 
Just five minutes to go so here is something very special a collage of funny clips of Elizabeth ll 
And then a tamannah song from movie ghani to end this Sunday Blog 

All the Best ! 

Rest in Peace ...if you can ! 

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