
Sunday 17 July 2022

The Sunday Blog № 328

 Today is Sunday 

And this is my the Sunday Blog № 328 ( Three Hundred and Twenty eight) 

Yes it the 17th of July 2022AD

The 17th of Zilhij 1443H 

Till the Sunset ( 7:23 pm ; Karachi ) 

33°C / 29°C (Google) 

Moon: 86.7%

Waning Gibbous

Current Time: 17 Jul 2022, 00:39:44

Moon Direction: 126.93° SE↑

Moon Altitude: 31.73°

Moon Distance: 367,741 km

Next New Moon: 28 Jul 2022, 22:54

Next Full Moon: 12 Aug 2022, 06:35

Next Moonset: Today, 09:31

Tonight I checked the water pump first 

Then did the daily wordle 

Wordle 393 5/6






And then Started this blog . 

Yes I survived isn't it so obvious ...the very quiet and calm holiday week . 

Despite the whole week thunderstorm predicted we only had it on Monday .All night we had the rain and in the morning it was simply amazing . Our street was built for Papa ( may his soul rest in peace Amen 🙏) by engineers it still has an awesome slope the water is quickly drained itself . During the rain on Monday morning our neighbors professor Saab slaughtered his big black bull on the street . Before the rain stopped all the red blood was drained not a single drop was left at our front gate or kerb side . 

And the moment his butchers finished the rain stopped.  Don't know why but I feel like he would be fired very soon . 

Top of the hour got to check the water pump 

1:03 am Break ! 

1:35 am No water pump duty for me may I ask why I have been given a Sunday morning off ....because if I remember it correctly last Sunday we had water till fajr .

Any ways 

So the most amazing thing besides the rain and urban flooding of DhA and fire at sohrab Ghost 

is that I have watched the Netflix originals series Resident Evil all 8 episodes in one day . Obviously I have no interest in watching a hundred plus zero bies ( zombies) chasing a rabbit ...a day earlier I saw a picture of half Ahad Raza Mir ( sajal Aly ex) naked on Facebook ( all community guidelines are for us ...) So the moment I saw it on Netflix I unintentionally pressed ok and luckily I saw him soon . YouTube link

Honestly I am not into watching the series on Netflix ...have not finished a single series yet and not started the ones I have to watch someday big bang theory, suits and Seinfeld. And few others . 

After watching Riviera 2017 - 2019 on YouTube 

I strike off from the wishlist the Riviera tv series from the nineties 

Not sure if the two had any link or connection 

2:34 am falling asleep.....,.

Sun 17th Zilhij 1443H


9:17 am Not sure what happened 

I fall asleep and keep falling ...never got up ...

Missed Fajr 

Woke up at 9 am not my usual time especially for the Sundays 

Throat and nose congested 

got to make some fresh tea 

The leftover in the pot has spices

Okay yes I have started making the tea ...

Can you believe that now my life success and achievement goals and my bucket list have overlapped . 

1. To someday eat something so bad and fall somewhere at home where papa , Ammi or Aslam Bhai fell and kick the bucket . 

No I am not suicidal at all . And neither can I be put to it . 

  إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ

Last Sunday when there was blood on the street and most of the neighborhood was doing sacrifice ...I slipped and fall on my knee and rolled. The knee once again saved me .it hurt for days but now it's okay . I got up on my own and tried to ignore the pain . Even went to the market oven and brought naan bread for my late lunch 

Should have lied down and relaxed . 

Oh I almost forgot the tea ....boiling .....

10:07 am Break ! 

10:39 am Had breakfast 

Checked the water pumps 

Can you believe they changed the time for me today . So I can sleep in the afternoon . 

When I woke up at 9 am the west side sky was clear blue and the east side was cloudy 

Now Google weather alert says you are expecting rain at 12 noon ...

Or a thunderstorm at 1 pm 

Let's see what happens ....

Just chatted with my nephew who is on train near Faisalabad ..he says there is slow shower ...

Okay top of the hour have to go and check the water pumps 

11:02 am Break ! 

11:11 am 

The test match in Sri Lanka has resumed after the break and wickets are falling very regularly the score is 

73 for 5 . 

And if you watch a news channel ....God knows what they might be saying about srilanka ....

That is what I keep reminding my self to keep calm after watching the breaking news. 

And american propaganda against governments for regime change . 

I really don't understand why the remove their puppets and bring some new ones . 

Similarly why they removed Nawaz sharif and brought shabaz sharif ....

Okay breaking new Maryam Nawaz sharif has covid positive while Punjab goes to the old system of bags and boxes election . Hate that ...people should boycott this primitive system of elections it is flawed and corrupt and a complete waste of time and money ...

Anyways who cares ....I don't. 

Absolutely Not ! 

Need a tea cup refill also check the rain and weather . 

11:30 am Break! 

12:05 am okay finally I am very relaxed . We have lots of leftovers so there probably won't be any Sunday brunch  . 

There is very little chance of a Chaapa today . Doctor Saab came already on Friday . 

And there rain is also predicted for the afternoon . 

The cooking mafia was up taking out mutton for cooking bhindi Gosht ...I had to stop her and convince to finish the leftovers first . 

Our garden cat has a kitten to play with today . Actually he seems more irritated with it then I am with him when it chase me and come in my feet . Especially at night when I am checking the water pumps . Is it karma ...

Anyways , 

I am very sweaty and need to change ...into something clean and dry was just waiting for rain ...which is seems is not coming anytime soon . So I guess I should eat something and pray two prayers zuhr and qaza of fajr 

with a prayer for my dearly departed parents papa and Ammi and the Recently Departed Aslam Bhai

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah 

please forgive my dear loving and caring  brother Aslam Bhai and give him the highest place in Jannah 

Amen ! 

اللہ پاک میرے پیارے والدین ، ​​پاپا

 اور امی پر رحم فرمائے ، اور ان کو اللہ تعالی کی رحمت نصیب ہو ، اور ان کی روح کوجنت میں آرام نصیب ہو ۔  آمین!

پیارے مہربان رب اللہ پاک میرے پیارے اور خیال رکھنے والے بھائی اسلم بھائی کی مغفرت فرمائے اور جنت الفردوس میں اعلیٰ مقام عطا فرمائے


1:19 pm Break ! 

3:22 pm Tea at Galle Srilanka

Babar 95 not out 

Pakistan trailing 28runs 

194 / 9 (84overs) 

Yesterday Pakistan was celebrating already ....

Slaughter going on at Eng vs Ind 

74/4 ( 13 ) 

Looks much better now ...a few overs earlier it was very bad . 

And talking of India ...another indian flight landed today at Karachi . 

That makes four planes landing in emergency and one to pick up the SpiceJet passengers 

Today's flight was indigo  Sharjah to Hyderabad D 

Babar made his 7th hundred ....

And england did not lose a wicket in 5 overs 

85/4 ( 18 overs ) 

6:55 pm  Fall asleep....

Still no rain 🌧️ but thunderstorm is very loud ...

Okay I guess the rain have started now after the Thunder ⚡ 

Thunder continues ...


وَيُسَبِّحُ ٱلرَّعْدُ بِحَمْدِهِۦ وَٱلْمَلَـٰٓئِكَةُ مِنْ خِيفَتِهِۦ وَيُرْسِلُ ٱلصَّوَٰعِقَ فَيُصِيبُ بِهَا مَن يَشَآءُ وَهُمْ يُجَـٰدِلُونَ فِى ٱللَّهِ وَهُوَ شَدِيدُ ٱلْمِحَالِ 

Less than half an hour left before sunset 

At 7:23 pm 

So I better pray with a prayer for my dearly departed parents papa and Ammi and the Recently Departed Aslam Bhai

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah 

please forgive my dear loving and caring  brother Aslam Bhai and give him the highest place in Jannah 

Amen ! 

اللہ پاک میرے پیارے والدین ، ​​پاپا

 اور امی پر رحم فرمائے ، اور ان کو اللہ تعالی کی رحمت نصیب ہو ، اور ان کی روح کوجنت میں آرام نصیب ہو ۔  آمین!

پیارے مہربان رب اللہ پاک میرے پیارے اور خیال رکھنے والے بھائی اسلم بھائی کی مغفرت فرمائے اور جنت الفردوس میں اعلیٰ مقام عطا فرمائے


7:01 pm Break ! 

Sun 18th Zilhij 1443H


9:43 pm   The rain and thunderstorm have stopped. 

But we had the pakoras anyways 

While I was sleeping we had a Chaapa 

Nephew came and brought the Qurbani meat 

I am told that it started to rain so he went early. 

Still he reached home soaked in rain . There was a predictions of thunderstorm I don't understand what was the hurry. 

What I clearly understand is that if God the All Mighty Allah Amen 🙏 


Our freezer is full with meat ....mutton , beef of Qurbani . As well as chicken from Panda mart .for easy cooking in uncertain weather. 


اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ لَا إلَهَ إلَّا اللَّهُ وَاَللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ وَلِلَّهِ الْحَمْد

Transliteration: Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La Ilaha Ilallah Wallahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Wa Lillahil Hamd

Meaning: Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest. There is no deity (no god) besides Allah and Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest and to Allah all praises belong.

Wordle 394 4/6





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