
Sunday 29 May 2022

The Sunday Blog № 321

Today is the Sunday 

And this is my the Sunday Blog № 321 ( Three Hundred and Twenty one ) 

Yes today is 29th of May 2022 AD 

The 27th of Shawwal 1443H 

Till the Sunset ( 7:16 pm ; Karachi ) 

33°C / 29°C partly cloudy ( Google ) 

Moon: 2.6%

Waning Crescent

Current Time: 29 May 2022, 00:37:38

Moon Direction: 28.12° NNE↑

Moon Altitude: -43.87°

Moon Distance: 400,136 km

Next New Moon: 30 May 2022, 16:30

Next Full Moon: 14 Jun 2022, 16:51

Next Moonrise: Today, 04:46

So the Mango season is slowly and gradually started . 

We here in Karachi are extremely unfortunate because the weather is "Absolutely Not " in favor of the mango consumption . 

The natural rain is always considered to be the best for yield on the tree and on the plate . 

As we all know 

Mango is a tropical fruit 

Tropical fruits are defined as fruits that are grown in hot and humid regions within the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn, covering most of the tropical and subtropical areas of Asia, Africa, Central America, South America, the Caribbean and Oceania.

Some tropical fruits are pretty well known all over the world. Pomegranates, mangoes, papayas, avocados, bananas, pineapples, guavas, star fruits, kiwis, dates, and passion fruit are some well-known examples.

If you eat a mango before the rain they causes many skin disease such as rash , boils and bumps . 

Since they are in abundance and usually very sweets ....most people are unable to control themselves  

Excessive consumption causes diarrhea and indigestion . 

And in the longer run may even cause diabetes . 

You won't believe this but long before I got diabetes all the mango tress in the house started to die and their dried stems where cut down and in the neighborhood , builder mafia cut them down in the name of urban development . 

Anyways , got to go check the water pump ...

Be right back ..

3:01 am 

Did the Wordle daily 

Wordle 344 4/6





ISI has changed the pace tonight ....Religious Programs in the neighborhood other on QTV live from nazimabad ....must be many more going on ....

Okay I had a little mishap this week ...the mobile I relied upon mostly for this my the Sunday Blog s ...broke down actually belonged to my dear elder sister but after it developed the button problem I started using it mostly for food pictures and blogging . And then for Foodpanda and other online apps . It was hanging a lot lately ....but I was too busy and did not care to empty the storage and reboot . So now I am in kind a mourning . Feeling sad and remorse . Thinking that I could have saved it ,if I had been a little more careful . Had it fixed repaired it's buttons and the cover that was cracking falling apart . 

And the funny thing is that just hours after this mobile stopped working ...

My dear sister got it's replacement and she is very happy . She loves to take screenshots with another mobile . And after I took her second mobile she hated and missed taking the screenshots . The only problem is that her other mobile is slowly developing the same issues that lead to the shutdown of mobiles . 

But the timing of buying a new one has nothing to do with the fear of shutdown or because the shutdown of mobile I was using . 

About two weeks ago before the IMF made the fundamental changes in the economy of Islamabad ...just as ban on imported goods , dollar 💵 making double century and the RS 30 increase in petroleum products . 

She almost order a cheaper model of the same brand but it was out of stock ....and this one was three thousand rupees cheaper than now but five thousand more than the cheaper model then . 

So the Conventional Wisdom suggested that if she delayed a week more ....this might not be available at this price . 

This evening I went to the market for breakfast shopping , bread and butter . 

A lady came in the shop and ask for Rice . They usually have the unpacked and unnamed tagged by price . 

The shop keeper asked her 

Which one do you want ...

The rice that was priced at Rs 220/- kg is now Rs 285 /- 

And the one priced previously at Rs 180 / - is now priced Rs 220/- 

The lady left without saying a word . 

I went to two more shops for remote cells and samosas and did not find any more distressed shoppers or shopkeepers . 

So the question is ...okay nevermind's almost fajr time so here I take a break for prayers with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and Recently Departed Aslam Bhai

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah 

please forgive my dear loving and caring brother Aslam Bhai and give him the highest place in Jannah 

Amen ! 

اللہ پاک میرے پیارے والدین ، ​​پاپا

 اور امی پر رحم فرمائے ، اور ان کو اللہ تعالی کی رحمت نصیب ہو ، اور ان کی روح کوجنت میں آرام نصیب ہو ۔ آمین!

پیارے مہربان رب اللہ پاک میرے پیارے اور خیال رکھنے والے بھائی اسلم بھائی کی مغفرت فرمائے اور جنت الفردوس میں اعلیٰ مقام عطا فرمائے


4:25 am Break ! 

6:36 am Okay relax , I had the last slice of Pizza for breakfast . 

So I can sleep for hours without feeling hungry . 

It is absolutely unbelievable how despite eating so much varid variety .

Sun 27th Shawwal 1443H


1:32 pm So I finally woke up and got up had the tea ten thirty a stranger fish Wala banged the gate but failed to wake me up ...selling story was impossible  should have listened 

Who knows there was good tidings of Russian oil ship on port

The Rat jaga religious program ended with fajr and probably halwa puri breakfast . Still not sure who was the sponsors . I wasn't motivated to go and have the breakfast at enhanced rates . Also I am trying to stay diarrhea free while I eat mangoes and mango ice cream . You know iam lactose intolerant when people try to lessen the contra effects of mangoes by making mango shakes and mango ice cream ...that is a double Jeopardy for me ... recently the USAID has promoted mango lassi in the milkshops ...but I am not very sure about it or tried yet . Ever since this COVID 19 Corona pandemic came I stopped having lassi from the milk shops the sweet plain lassi to avoid the throat infections is not politically correct to cough 😷 these days even at home in your bed room ....spiting in public has also reduced marginally . 

Okay there is a Chaapa alert I better hurry up and pray with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and Recently Departed Aslam Bhai

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah 

please forgive my dear loving and caring  brother Aslam Bhai and give him the highest place in Jannah 

Amen ! 

اللہ پاک میرے پیارے والدین ، ​​پاپا

 اور امی پر رحم فرمائے ، اور ان کو اللہ تعالی کی رحمت نصیب ہو ، اور ان کی روح کوجنت میں آرام نصیب ہو ۔  آمین!

پیارے مہربان رب اللہ پاک میرے پیارے اور خیال رکھنے والے بھائی اسلم بھائی کی مغفرت فرمائے اور جنت الفردوس میں اعلیٰ مقام عطا فرمائے


2:17 pm Break ! 

3:04 pm so far there is no Chaapa yet ....even though it's very windy and partly cloudy but still it's not a weather when I would choose to go out unless forced . These days I delay the regular breakfast shopping not for minutes or hours ....I delay for days ... yesterday I went after maghrib when the weather was very cool and everything like bread , eggs and butter was finished can't wakeup on a Sunday morning without eggs can you ? 

Actually recently I stopped buying even eggs over the counter ...but our last experience with online order was very bad . we ordered a dozen eggs and they had broken egg yolk neither smells bad or tastes bad . But it feels very wrong we thought and thought and decided not to eat ...but also could not come to agree on throwing away .... especially when we have so many unwanted stray pets and lotas in the neighborhood ...these days I have suddenly stopped complaining to the app  help department of the online grocery store . Besides once or twice a week visit to the market is good for so many reasons .... yesterday's visit was extremely helpful . So was the visit to the bank to pay the bills ....this month as I mentioned in the previous Sunday Blog ...two out of four bills were not delivered ...or received . 

Whatever ...

As i , me and myself often say  ...that bills and letters cannot be missed or avoided matter what ...

So I paid two bills online and two at the banks counter .  

Okay we have the Chaapa now ...

And I am not very sure  if it is the Sunday Brunch or the tea time ...

Our cooking mafia got up early before me and she started cooking mutton stew ....just when the Chaapa message came so she converted it to mutton pulao ...and there is a sweet dish as well . 

Wait I am being called to take pictures ...

Okay ....I really don't understand this mobile phones camera ....what is this HDR+ thing is blackening my very perfect pictures like this ....

Anyways ...

The Sunday Brunch has started eat or not to eat that is the question ❓

Question ⁉️ 

I am not sweating sitting by the table fan ..if I leave this ...and go out to eat ...I will be perspiring profusely also I have to look decent until the Chaapa ends I cannot get back into my dirty rags .... Or pour water on my head to cool it off .  Thank God the All Mighty Allah Amen 🙏

That nobody can read my mind at the moment ...

It's almost four o'clock at the moment . 

God the All Mighty Allah Amen 🙏 is the greatest ...

Yesterday I was so unsure that how I will do this my the Sunday Blog № 321( Three Hundred and Twenty one )  without the laptop and main mobile off ...

And look now ...I feel like I have already done better than the few previous weeks 

I don't have a words counter app here in this old mobile with  battery charging and shutdown issues . 

So I deleted most of the apps before sending it for battery change ...the new battery did not help still needs to be plugged in work ...

These days the prices of everything is going up so fast ....that finding a good problem free cheap mobile would be very difficult ...people are just waiting and enjoying ... Especially the ones who have dollars and non parish able items ... Business is booming ...

And now this imported items ban has instilled a new life in the smuggling industry . 

I am so sure we will be seeing and hearing more Religious Programs in the near future in my neighborhood as well as the political rallies . 

Okay I am getting calls ...for food ...about half an hour later the Question ❓ is still the same eat or not to eat ...

4:20 pm Break ! 

5:01 pm So finally I gave up watching the fatty mutton in the pulao pot ....dear sister had kept the fire on low flame the oily greasy rice of pulao were also hot ....

And by the time I finished eating ...while chatting ...the tea was also ready . 

So now I am back by the table fan doing this my the Sunday Blog № 321 ( Three Hundred and Twenty one ) on a plugged in mobile and having tea ...

Oh my ....should have not eaten ...I may not be sweaty but I am feeling very sleepy 😴 

There is still few minutes to the local mosque Azan ...even though the Azan clock asr time is blinking ....I am not sure how long will the Chaapa continue ...but I better hurry up and pray with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and Recently Departed Aslam Bhai 

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah 

please forgive my dear loving and caring  brother Aslam Bhai and give him the highest place in Jannah 

Amen ! 

اللہ پاک میرے پیارے والدین ، ​​پاپا

 اور امی پر رحم فرمائے ، اور ان کو اللہ تعالی کی رحمت نصیب ہو ، اور ان کی روح کوجنت میں آرام نصیب ہو ۔  آمین!

پیارے مہربان رب اللہ پاک میرے پیارے اور خیال رکھنے والے بھائی اسلم بھائی کی مغفرت فرمائے اور جنت الفردوس میں اعلیٰ مقام عطا فرمائے


5:14 pm Break ! 

5:56 pm Awesome ...yes I have prayed now I am back in my dirty rags ...and I am free to fall asleep without a fear of missing Asr prayer 🛐 

YouTube Link

Sri Lankan women cricket team was here in Karachi this week ...I believe they lost the series at Southend ...but in these hard times  it was good to see that these girls made so much money overseas that their govt finally came up with enough dollars to pay for the Russian Oil waiting offshore at their port for quite some time . 

Cash-strapped Sri Lanka gets Russian oil to ease shortages

The 90,000-tonne consignment of Russian oil waited offshore for more than a month as Sri Lanka was unable pay for shipment.

YouTube Link

Thank you Pakistan

LoVe You Pakistan 

By the way...

ALERT | Authorities at #Karachi airport confiscated chocolates and other confectionery items from a passenger. According to the FBR receipt, 5kg of food stuff was detained from a passenger coming from #Dubai under SRO 598(I)/2022. 


OkAy ..

Maghrib prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and Recently Departed Aslam Bhai

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah 

please forgive my dear loving and caring  brother Aslam Bhai and give him the highest place in Jannah 

Amen ! 

اللہ پاک میرے پیارے والدین ، ​​پاپا

 اور امی پر رحم فرمائے ، اور ان کو اللہ تعالی کی رحمت نصیب ہو ، اور ان کی روح کوجنت میں آرام نصیب ہو ۔  آمین!

پیارے مہربان رب اللہ پاک میرے پیارے اور خیال رکھنے والے بھائی اسلم بھائی کی مغفرت فرمائے اور جنت الفردوس میں اعلیٰ مقام عطا فرمائے


7:03 pm Break

Monday 28th Shawwal 1443H


Moon: 0.3%

Waning Crescent

Current Time: 30 May 2022, 01:44:15

Moon Direction: 30.97° NNE↑

Moon Altitude: -38.05°

Moon Distance: 402,606 km

Next New Moon: 30 May 2022, 16:30

Next Full Moon: 14 Jun 2022, 16:51

Next Moonrise: Today, 05:24

Okay the New Moon is just hours away ...and sighting is a day and a half away ... awesome ....

So I had a quiet and relaxed evening ...watched regular weekend soaps , had leftovers and prayed but the best of all was falling asleep and waking up ...

Did the daily New York times Wordle very easily ....

Wordle 345 3/6




The today's word has a very poetic translation in Urdu . Heard it in many popular songs but never knew it means this ....anyways 

The results of the local bodies elections are in expected JuiF and BAP won 

But first position is held by the independent candidates .... extreme polarization and anti state sentiments ....

The movie week started with a movie I have been waiting for ...few years ... actually one day I was watching this Irfan Khan movie Qarib Qarib single ...on cable was evening time and I had to get up for prayers when I came back it was gone so I checked it on YouTube but there were only reviews and promotions in the name of full movie ....kept searching for it ...and especially search for it when Irfan Khan passed away ....RIP 

Now last Monday morning I found it on Netflix and after watching the beginning which I missed the first time ...I moved the play to the point when he left fairy Queen for fritters 

LoL 😂


And the last two movies this week were Rakul Preet ' Spyder ...same story here I was watching it in Hindi dubbed.. on cable when I had to get up to check the water pumps .....was very curious how Mahesh Babu use soap serial watchers to catch the criminal . 

So first I looked for it on YouTube ....but no luck only reviews and facts removed I searched it on Netflix and found the Tamil version with English subtitles not the Hindi dubbed ...but I did not have any trouble as most of it was action without dialogue ...

And the last one Rajnikant's Annaatthe