
Sunday 21 February 2021

The Sunday Blog № 255

 Today is the first Sunday in Lent 2021 

The 21st of February 2021 ,

The 8th of Rajab 1442H 

Till the Sunset ( 6: 30 pm ; Karachi ☠️) 

27°C ( Room Temp)

Currently  Outside



Moon: 60.1%
Waxing Gibbous
Current Time:21 Feb 2021, 01:04:10
Moon Direction:289.06° WNW
Moon Altitude:11.34°
Moon Distance:400,741 km
Next Full Moon:27 Feb 2021, 13:17
Next New Moon:13 Mar 2021, 15:21
Next Moonset:Today, 02:03

And this is my the Sunday Blog № 255 ( Two Hundred and fifty five ) 

So  I had an amazing start to the lent
On Tuesday I just mentioned that it is the Happy Pancake day ...and a quick recipe on my Facebook status ...and the cooking mafia got challenged and I got pancakes . We don't have maple syrup here or the maple tree🌲 so I innovated the toping with the rooh afza was ok . 

Started fasting the next day and look it's been four already . Very smooth cruise 😎
The only problem is that at sehri time  5:00 am to 5:45  am , I am very very sleepy 😴 
On Thursday only the second sehri I fall asleep and got up a minute or two after Six am 
It was very dreadful ...but after few minutes I got very relaxed and did the niyat prayer for fast 

Wabey saumi ghadinna waito min shahre Rajab 

Amen 🙏

I intend to fast for tomorrow in the month of Rajab 

Amen 🙏

A blessing in disguise siblings were too preoccupied in some extra curricular activities So I escaped unnoticed . The days are shorter ... especially if you wake up at Zuhr Azan that leaves just five hours at tops ...till the Sunset 🌆 
Luckily it was the fateha week as well so we had Biryani almost every day of the week besides other things so I was able to relax and did not have to prepare for the Iftari at all and very little for the sehri . After having the very second fast of the lent 2021 , without a sehri . The tension was all gone . And I realized that I can  have a great fast with my normal egg and toast sehri . The thirst is not at all an issue in this pre summer month . You know there is still a chance of a rebound cold spell especially if there is an unexpected rain out of the blues . 

Okay this reminds me Ali sadpara and his fellow mountaineers were never found and are presumed dead . Allah Maghfirat karey 
Amen 🙏

Army ko aag lag gaie khud apney chiragh se....

Definitely a Jewish Conspiracy ....Hain na ? 

So anyways the third day of fasting in lent was the Friday . And since it was the third Juma Mubarak since I resumed going to the mosque and praying Juma Mubarak prayers with the crowd shoulder to shoulder ...I could have not given it up for the world . The only problem was that it was the fateha day of the greatest of the Sufi Saints and also my Dearly Departed Parents and grand parents patron saint Hazrat Khawaja Gharib Nawaz Moin ud din Chishti rehmat ullah alaih 

May his blessings and favours be upon me and my dearly departed parents and their parents so high 

So that day everywhere that I turned just to avoid the smell and aroma of the deghi food ...
I failed . Even coming back home I went into isolation in my room  for an hour or so  to get rid of the laziness ...and I heard a banging on the gate by the restaurant rider ..and so the test of my determination and perseverance began . 
And I joined in fateha , took selfies and photos and gracefully excused myself without even saving my plate for the Iftari . 
Ever since I was very young my dearly departed parents and elders taught me not to eat from the food for the fateha untill the fateha was offered ....waiting and not touching even the raw and extra ingredients of or from the food prepared for the fateha 🌹 became my second nature . I never ever deviated from the straight path shown to me . For as long as my memory serves me right ...there used to be a few extra fateha then we have now except for dearly departed parents . We gave up the fateha of relatives and siblings of my dearly departed parents because their offsprings and next of kins are so converted ( faithless and begam worshipers ) and are heads of their nuclear Families . 
It is I believe not good to keep reminding someone who is desperately trying to forget . 

Anyways . 

I pray to the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen 🙏 that if Khudaa naa khawasta my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi 

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

Look down upon me from the heavens , jannah , they must look down fair seeming me in very good condition  and not at all like NASA shows the Red planet through the lens and scanners of land Rover Pathfinder perseverance . 

Amen 🙏 

Okay my eyes are automatically shutting down 
Just and hour and a half to go before the sehri time .
I just simply can't go on and stay here 
So it's Good bye ..
Believe it or not I did my first thousand words on my very own 

Okay through hard word and dedication I have survived falling asleep this past forty minutes so now there is hope that maybe if I get up and go and make tea and boil an egg maybe I might force the sleep away and am able to enjoy my fifth sehri in lent . I am not taking the optional Sunday break in fasting because thanks to the Covid-19 Corona Pandemic are never sure what the future holds . So if you are a hardened criminal of the religion of procrastinating , Quit 

4:30 am Break ( 1046 words) 

5:32 am Sehri Done ! 

Astronomical twilight 5:45 am 

وَبِصَوْمِ غَدٍ نَّوَيْتَ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَجب

Wa bisawmi ghadinn nawaiytu min shahri rajab

I intend to keep the fast for tomorrow in the month of Rajab 

میرا ارادہ ہے کہ رجب کے مہینے میں کل کا روزہ رکھو

Dear Merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen 🙏
I am keeping this fast just for you . So be pleased with me ...forgive and forget my Sins  . Bless my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may their souls rest in peace in jannah .And if for any unforeseen reason they think of me and look down upon me from Heaven , make sure they get to see me fair seeming no matter how I may be . 
Amen 🙏
پیارے مہربان رب العزت اللہ آمین 🙏

 میں یہ روزہ صرف آپ کے لئے رکھ رہا ہوں۔  تو مجھ سے راضی رہو ... معاف کرو اور میرے گناہوں کو بھول جاؤ۔  میرے پیارے والد پاپا اور امی کو برکت دیں اور جنت میں ان کی روحیں سکون حاصل کریں ۔اور اگر کسی غیر متوقع وجوہ کی بنا پر وہ مجھ سے متعلق سوچتے ہیں اور جنت سے مجھ پر نگاہ ڈالتے ہیں تو اس بات کو یقینی بنائیں کہ مجھے اس سے قطع نظر میں کیسا ہوں 
مجھے مجھ سے بہتر ظاہر ہونا چاہئے

 آمین 🙏

Be kind and gentle to my dear siblings ....and give them Deliverance from Water and gutter Woes 
Amen 🙏

میرے پیارے بہن بھائیوں کے ساتھ نرمی برتاؤ کریں .... اور انہیں پانی اور گٹر کی پریشانی سے نجات دلائیں

 آمین 🙏

Sun 8th Rajab 1442 H
1:44 pm Good Morning ! 
5th Fast in Lent..
Woke up a little while ago to a very Quiet and Peaceful neighborhood .

So I don't know why but there is no activity at the construction site as well ...they must be watching the PSL6 opening ceremony on their mobiles ....

Lahori aj Kal jo bhi kaam kartey Hain Ulta hi perta hai ....
Jealousy ? 

Anyways , I have no net issues because instead of monthly night bundle I took their my Telenor app offer just for me ....five thousand MB for fifteen days plus sms ....

In the same amount of recharge ....

Okay so when I woke up my siblings were having lunch with the leftovers and discussing Texas storm watching on CNN ....

And I quipped that the Democrats are back and so are their old fairytales ....
Look at us ...we are back to the summer weather ...not a single day more of cold and chilly winds ...and soon we will have the annual sand/ dirt storm ( sandblasting)  there is absolutely no climate change here what so ever . 

Stray dogs are roaming the streets of Karachi ☠️ the most dangerous city in the world, and the USAiD funded NGOs are defending their rights to reproduce stay stray and bite young and old ..... crazy people . 
They protest the use of bullets kill the dogs ....until one bites them ...or their loved one .....

Anyways . I am sure after trees and greenery the next thing to go disappear vanish from the streets of Karachi ☠️, the most dangerous city in the world, would All Non Human life form ...No Dogs , no cats , no rats ...I saw a dead eagle in the garbage nearby .... recently . 

So  it is getting late , first I must pray with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi 

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

2:22 pm Break ( 1689 Words ) 

4:11 pm Okay so I had a bath and prayed 🛐 and recited 
Usually I don't recite I Sunday to rest my eyes but I thought that since I am in fast and it would make me feel good if I moved on and get near to finishing the first Khatam of Quran in the second week ...then it would make my life easier and it would be easy for me to finish two more before the start of Ramzan and fateha of my dearly departed Ammi 
May her soul rest in peace in jannah Amen 🙏 

So on the political front .... democracy is winning once again here in Pakistan ....Imran Khan's hand picked former CM of KPK and a senior minister in his cabinet until recently has gone hostile and publicly accusing him for being the puppet that he is . Well nobody in his right state of mind can say that he or she has his strings in his hands . They all try to convince the kids that he is a PINNOCCHIO and we made him . From Javed hashmi to jahangir Khan tareen ...after pervaiz khattak i am sure it will some lady or Zulfi bukhari ...not sure ...but cobblers , carpenters and candle stick makers will continue to come out and claim ..we made him what he is today and you know why ? 
Because Imran khan does not have a party for these runaway brides ...his is a tehreek ..a movement ...
Remember what PTI stands for even when Khan is taking a U - turn on the circular ...
It is Pakistan tehreek e insaaf ...a movement for justice . 

Seeking justice have to do justice yourself ...and keep a very high standards . You have to be unbiased you cannot openly show favoritism to anybody especially your closest friends and allies . But they don't care about it . Like we saw in the case of jahangir Khan tareen case was he who embarrassed the Prime Minister Khan but instead of making an example for his and coming generations and the followers and fans ...he quit and choose exile to London ...anywhere but Pakistan . We know it's a small world these days and you can get everything anywhere if you have extra money ...and you can talk to anybody from anywhere anytime even those who don't have time to talk to you or do not want to talk with you ...Altaf Hussain ruled Karachi ☠️ the most dangerous city in the world , from London for years was a child's play for him to mess with our lives and living open markets close open city closed ....roads open roads closed he was able to do it at the drop of hat ...but when he quit ....nothing really happened goes on ....his reign of terror ended he got forgotten ....his magic candles got burned from both side 
This week everybody is posting his or her Pawri ho rahi hai clips ...did anybody saw or retweet a clip from London metropolitan or the hospital he checked in due to Covid-19 Corona Pandemic positive results . 

Corona Sab theek kardey ga .....
Corona will fix everything 👌😁

Time for Asr prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

5:13 pm Break ( 2311 words) 

5:58 pm Okay do you know that a banana tree is not a tree ...and that it is useful only one time . It gives the fruit and then you cut it . Or it dries itself and a new plant grows from it's roots ...

Now there is a very good reason why I am telling all this today in this my the Sunday Blog № 255 ( Two Hundred and fifty five) 
In one of our banana tree there was green raw banana half grown ...some animal , dog or Afghani pulled it down or maybe it fell down on its own weight ..not sure ...a few weeks or days more and the bananas would have been a little thicker then they are now ...usually when we break the yield it's not fully ripe so we wrap it with paper and keep an apple with it and let it get ripe for few days ....and when the banana peel skin turns yellow we take it out ... because after that it turns jello and goes waste . 
Banana peel is also believed to be good for the rose plants has some chemical potassium or phosphate or something like that Google if you are interest ...

Okay time for Iftari ...

Sun 9th Rajab 1442H 
27°C ( 25°C Google)
8:23 pm Good Evening ! 

Moon: 67.7%
Waxing Gibbous
Current Time:21 Feb 2021, 20:27:12
Moon Direction:263.53° W
Moon Altitude:82.96°
Moon Distance:397,917 km
Next Full Moon:27 Feb 2021, 13:17
Next New Moon:13 Mar 2021, 15:21
Next Moonset:Tomorrow, 02:58

Had Iftari at 6:32 pm 

After khajoor ( date) , nuts , water and tea ...I had a prayer break  with a prayer for my Dearly Departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

Then I ordered Halwa and Puri Paratha to go with the home cooked choley Aloo to give it A Sunday Brunch look ....
So totally forgot that there is a match going on when I went out to the gate to Cod ( cash on delivery ). A couple of fruits and vegetables push carts were waiting .... 

Fabi-ayyi ala-i rabbikuma tukaththiban (Arabic: فَبِأَيِّ آلاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ, Then which of the favors of your Lord will ye deny?)  

Usually they come before sunset ....must be the traffic ...

Anyways food panda  🐼 rider was on time ...most of them message on the go I don't understand how I am coming ....and I am here ....the one today was actually here need to reply ...where are you ....and so on and so forth ....

My dear siblings ❤️ it so I guess it must be good or prompt ....

Usually I have this post prayer Iftari meal alone ...but today it was a Facebook Meetup so actually we had two Facebook Meetup s today as mentioned above I was up when they were having the lunch this afternoon ...

So first I had Puri choley then Puri Halwa and then chicken Bihari boti  and then a home made chocolate heart with the silicone mould ordered through Daraz app recently 

I ordered two Halwa one for today and one for later ...but they probably packed it together ....

Anyways took me quite a while to clean the mess on the table as siblings got over excited with the fireworks very near in the neighborhood ....and left happy ...

Aha WOW ! I am almost done for the day near the three thousand words mark for this my the Sunday Blog № 255 ( Two Hundred and fifty five ) 

So now I can relax and enjoy the match ...

But first the Isha prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

9:11 pm Break ( 3077 Words ) 

10:52 pm Okay it is the last hour .....

I have prayed 🛐 so now I can very easily fall asleep 😴 
If it had been any other day but Sunday I would have probably fallen asleep 😴 already is so much better to sleep a little before midnight and get up by two or three then keep trying to stay up till sehri and fall asleep at sehri time . Will definitely try to not repeat the mistake of falling asleep at sehri time and miss it .

Funny as the United States of America achieved 5,00000 ( 0.5 million ) deaths due to the Covid-19 Corona Pandemic , and the United Kingdom ( UK) above 
12,0000 ( 0.12 million ) , 
Lindt and Godiva Chocolates became freely available . 

The different bars of lindt chocolate is available online without discount at Rs 999 /-
Godiva at Rs 1250/- 
And Belco seashells at just over $5 . 

By the way ...nobody died in the family , friends , relatives or neighbors . Nobody was reported Covid-19 Corona Pandemic positive among near and far across the ....
Nobody was reported to be hospitalized ....this week . 

By the Grace of God All Mighty Allah Amen 🙏 
My dearest younger sister attended her first wedding function this week after the major Operation in November 2020 about three months ago . And my nephew watched the opening match of PSL6 in the Stadium . 

On the other hand I give up the afternoon Winter walk and praying Zuhr prayer in the mosque due to fasting . The first week of fasting usually makes you weak and prone to the weapons of mass destruction virus and bacteria . 
I am surprised to have survived an unbelievable mosquitoes attack this week .
Fan was only used on a need to use bases ...not regularly . 

During Six to Six fast ...movies were not watched so the movie list maybe short this week and it may be shorter next week I will try to increase the night sleep hours and not to mention the food coma after aha pakoras become the essential part of the Iftari menu ...

Movies of the Week ! 

I finally got to see the fanney Khan this week ...and Brain on fire was the most interesting but that changes nothing ....

Okay this is it from the movies of the week . 

Okay time is up ....
So I would love to end this my the Sunday Blog № 255 ( Two Hundred and fifty five ) with a song video from the movie fanney Khan ....I am sure you will love it or like too ...if not just ignore it ...there is no humaima Malik in the video so it won't be that difficult IA Amen 🙏 

Okay then 

All the Best 😍
Don't bite a stray dog 🐾
Stay Safe 

God Bless America 🙏

Allah Hafiz ! 

Song: Tere Jaisa Tu Hai
Movie: Fanney Khan
Singers: Monali Thakur
Musicians: Amit Trivedi
Lyricists: Irshad Kamil

Paglaayi paglaayi duniya ye logon ko

Padhti hai akhbaaron ki hi tarah

Dekhein woh jismon se aage bhi thoda sa

Baaton ke piche bhi jhanke zara

Jo hai chhupa jo na padha

Kitna kuch hai aisa likha

Nazron mein jo aaya nahi

Duniya walo ko na dikha

Tere jaisa tu hai

Mere jaisi main hoon

Tere jaisa tu hai

Mere jaisi main hoon

Tere mere jaisa koi hoga kyun

Tere jaisa tu hai

Mere jaisi main hoon

Chamkile kaagaz si

Mushkaanein hain inn honton pe

Beimaani saanwar hum

Jaise ho inn chonton pe

Sach mein kabhi hans na sake

Ghul ke ro bhi paate nahi

Kya rog hai hum kyun bhala

Jo hai woh ho jate nahi

Tere jaisa tu hai

Mere jaisi main hoon

Tere jaisa tu hai

Mere jaisi main hoon

Tere mere jaisa koi hoga kyun

Tere jaisa tu hai

Mere jaisi main hoon

Sapno se tu zinda

Sapno se hi main zinda hoon

Jhoothi si duniya ki

Parwah humne karni hi kyun

Kuch khaash hai, kuch khoob hai

Tujhme tujhko hai yeh khabar

Ek dosti sach se kareeb

Dooja saathi tera sabar

Tere jaisa tu hai

Mere jaisi main hoon

Tere jaisa tu hai

Mere jaisi main hoon

Tere mere jaisa koi hoga kyun

Tere jaisa tu hai

Mere jaisi main hoon (x2)

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