
Sunday 1 September 2019

The Sunday Blog # 178

Today is the 1st of September 2019 And also the 1st of Muharram 1441 till the Sunset ( 6:51 pm ; Karachi ) And this is my the Sunday Blog # 178 ( Hundred and seventy eight )

So despite the Rain or the Cloudy Sky Here and rest of the province and the most of the Country ..the Muharram 1441 moon was sighted ...Congratulations !
and a very Happy New Islamic Lunar Year 1441 to All !!

Sadly i have lost the first half hour after the midnight no ...i was not sleeping or eating ...Usually i try to sleep a few hours before the midnight after eating dinner at eight ...But today or maybe yesterday saturday night ...i went out had a round around the tariq road ..then bought  the different kinds of Breads Naan , sheermal etc from the market oven and dahi from the dairy shop ..returned and had dinner ..then i started watching a hindi movie ..suddenly the batteries went dead i got up ...and prayed the Isha Prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa And Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

Honestly i need to brush up my french because i am sure someday it will be tested because of this prayer i post repeatedly ...à maintes reprises
so as i was saying after the prayers ...i again tried to watch and finish this Hindi movie Article 15 Set against the backdrop of Badaun gangrape and murder case (2014), Anubhav Sinha's Article 15 is a thrilling investigative drama based on true events.

It is funny that they still make movies about a dream good cop ....and it sells too ...nobody dares to make a Cinderella Movie without a twist anymore ...Anyways it is a two hours long movie even without a love song ...and i am not sure if i have the ending or not in the download ...but since i had to leave it at the climax ...i wont be able feel relaxed ..doing this my the Sunday Blog # 178 ( Hundred and seventy eight) tonight or morning ...whatever ...

By the Way since we are talking about the Constitution ...let me differentiate between the Article 15 of  the Indian Constitution and the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan .1973

Article: 15 Freedom of movement, etc

15. Freedom of movement, etc.- Every citizen shall have the right to remain in, and, subject, to any reasonable restriction imposed by law in the public interest, enter and move freely throughout Pakistan and to reside and settle in any part thereof.

Comparative Table of Article 15 of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973
Constitution of Pakistan 1962 :
Constitution of Pakistan 1956 :
Constitution   of   India    1950:
Government of India Act 1935:

Leading & Latest Cases on Article 15 of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973 :

P L D 1999 LAHORE 459
FEDERATION OF PAKISTAN through Ministry of Interior, Govt. of Pak. ISB
P L D 1999 SC 57
2000 SCMR 770
P L D 2004 SC 583
2005 SCMR 1973
Article 15 in the indian constitution Central Government Act
Article 15 in The Constitution Of India 1949
15. Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth
(1) The State shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them
(2) No citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them, be subject to any disability, liability, restriction or condition with regard to
(a) access to shops, public restaurants, hotels and palaces of public entertainment; or
(b) the use of wells, tanks, bathing ghats, roads and places of public resort maintained wholly or partly out of State funds or dedicated to the use of the general public
(3) Nothing in this article shall prevent the State from making any special provision for women and children
(4) Nothing in this article or in clause ( 2 ) of Article 29 shall prevent the State from making any special provision for the advancement of any socially and educationally backward classes of citizens or for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes

So 15 or 25 ...or 25 or 15 ...Both nations are still struggling And police is hopeless on both side ...If you heard the speech of Madame Mishal Malik on the first Happy Anniversary of GTV ...earlier yesterday ...she said " they have taken away weapons from the police in the jammu & kashmir ""  Shame Shame ...Shame !

Click on the link below to open the youtube video its just five or six minutes speech

1 day ago - Mishal Malik highlights Kashmir Issue in GTV's First Anniversary | 30th August 2019 GTV Network brings you live coverage of everything you ...

By the way i have no idea what the G ...stands for in this GTV ...Network ..and who cares ...

Okay time for a short break ...hopefully i do not fall asleep or eat anything and fall asleep ...i will just have water and just stretch the muscles and come back very soon ...

1:47 am Break ( 929 words)

2:31 am Yes it has been a really rewarding week in terms of the prayers for water being heard ....had water in the line as well as Water from the rain ...yes it rained once again. And Also according to the predictions ...They say it brew up in the bay of Bengal the question is not why is how ?
How on earth did they know that abdul jabbar was making bad bihari's on his rooftop ? ?

Okay the funny thing is that here in Pakistani Media ...Mr Moodi seems to be the only enemy Raawan the king of lanka the past ...India used to be our number one enemy ...So where did things go wrong and how did we come to this conclusion of a Never Ending Tale ....Sponsors and tariffs ...i guess .

Last week the Pakistani side of the equation suggested that we can shut down the afghan transit trade route ...between india and afghanistan going through Pakistan . Also they threatened to shutdown the air route for flights bound for india and back .
In retaliation one of their MPs suggested that if Pakistan did this we will stop all Ships bound for karachi Port.

Block ships bound for Karachi if Pakistan shuts airspace for Indian ...

Times Now-28-Aug-2019
Block ships bound for Karachi if Pakistan shuts airspace for Indian aircraft: ... to India, a complete ban on the use of Pakistan land routes for Indian trade to ... Indiahad said that 600 flights per day were impacted due to the ...

 Sounds even funnier ...
anyways ...
somebody has posted this on the twitter ..saying with the closing of  both Pakistan and Iran Air Space ..the travel from Delhi to Kabul will be like travel to the US .
so what do you think ?

Para-pa-pa-pam, I'm Lovin' It

Amids all this ..Pakistan tested a nuclear warhead capable surface to surface long range missile named Ghaznavi

Image result for ghaznavi missile


The Ghaznavi, is a hypersonic surface to surface short range ballistic missile designed and developed by the National Development Complex, with the first version in service with the Pakistan Army's strategic command since 2004. Wikipedia
Mass5,256 kg
Operational range290–320 km
Launch platformTransporter erector launcher (TEL)
Warhead~700kg of conventional HE/NE
Length9.64 m
This was just too much for the lifafa media so they concocted an altogether different story .  The Mayor of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world appointed his old ally and close family friend as the Project director of Garbage disposal for KMC . Which according to him is not the job for KMC . He has increased the pays and perks of all KMC workers who are with him in the longest Sanitary workers strike in the world . There are thousands of Sanitary workers being paid salaries very regularly as well as other perks like brooms and wheel barrows and cycles and motor cycles etc etc ... not to work .

As expected ...the PD of Garbage disposal was fired the very next morning ...both did pressers and kept the people glued to the television and mobiles for social media comments for almost 48 Hours .
Trust you me was one of the most entertaining and funny stories ever to break on the media in over six months ...and the best part is that there was no Mariam or NAB involved in it .

Now you maybe wondering ...Why KMC is on strike for that long period of time ...? please don't say that you forgot ....

London Bridge Is Falling Down
London Bridge is falling down
Falling down, falling down
London Bridge is falling down
My fair lady
Build it up with iron bars
Iron bars, iron bars
Build it up with iron bars
My fair lady
Iron bars will bend and break
Bend and break, bend and break
Iron bars will bend and break
My fair lady
Build it up with god and silver
Gold and silver, gold and silver
Build it up with gold and silver
My fair lady
London Bridge is falling down
Falling down, falling down
London Bridge is falling down
M-y-y f-a-i-r l-a-d-y

yes i knew it you are very smart people you have guessed it right lets take a break here

4:10 am Break ( 1632 Words)

4:36 am Okay the time is almost up ...But there is a Breaking News ....
Five Killed many injured by USPS Van ....

ThankGod the All Mighty Allah Amen ! its Sunday Morning here ....

Almost Fajr time soon i will take a break , pray and fall asleep after finishing the movie .....There is absolutely no chance of a chaapa today ...
Hurricane Dorian has changed course and now it wont hit Cape Coral or Fort Myers ....funny isn't it ...i have no human shields over there now yet i keep a watch on the eye . May his Soul Rest in Peace Amen !

Okay Sunrise is at 6:13 am i better take a break for the prayers now with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

5:10 am Break ( 1865 words)

1:18 pm Good Morning and a Happy New Year !
as expected there was no morning Chaapa today ......infact the tables have turned ...Doctor saab is trying to seduce with a new dish called Fly Mutton kababs karachi special . Only Last week he was calling our  home cooked Mutton karahi Bazar ki just becuase we used the Shan Masala ...

بازیچۂ اطفال ہے دنیا مرے آگے
ہوتا ہے شب و روز تماشا مرے آگے
اک کھیل ہے اورنگ سلیماں مرے نزدیک
اک بات ہے اعجاز مسیحا مرے آگے
جز نام نہیں صورت عالم مجھے منظور
جز وہم نہیں ہستیٔ اشیا مرے آگے
ہوتا ہے نہاں گرد میں صحرا مرے ہوتے
گھستا ہے جبیں خاک پہ دریا مرے آگے
مت پوچھ کہ کیا حال ہے میرا ترے پیچھے
تو دیکھ کہ کیا رنگ ہے تیرا مرے آگے
سچ کہتے ہو خودبین و خود آرا ہوں نہ کیوں ہوں
بیٹھا ہے بت آئنہ سیما مرے آگے
پھر دیکھیے انداز گل افشانیٔ گفتار
رکھ دے کوئی پیمانۂ صہبا مرے آگے
نفرت کا گماں گزرے ہے میں رشک سے گزرا
کیوں کر کہوں لو نام نہ ان کا مرے آگے
ایماں مجھے روکے ہے جو کھینچے ہے مجھے کفر
کعبہ مرے پیچھے ہے کلیسا مرے آگے
عاشق ہوں پہ معشوق فریبی ہے مرا کام
مجنوں کو برا کہتی ہے لیلیٰ مرے آگے
خوش ہوتے ہیں پر وصل میں یوں مر نہیں جاتے
آئی شب ہجراں کی تمنا مرے آگے
ہے موجزن اک قلزم خوں کاش یہی ہو
آتا ہے ابھی دیکھیے کیا کیا مرے آگے
گو ہاتھ کو جنبش نہیں آنکھوں میں تو دم ہے
رہنے دو ابھی ساغر و مینا مرے آگے
ہم پیشہ و ہم مشرب و ہم راز ہے میرا
غالبؔ کو برا کیوں کہو اچھا مرے آگے
bāzīcha-e-atfāl hai duniyā mire aage
hotā hai shab-o-roz tamāshā mire aage
ik khel hai aurañg-e-sulaimāñ mire nazdīk
ik baat hai ejāz-e-masīhā mire aage
juz naam nahīñ sūrat-e-ālam mujhe manzūr
juz vahm nahīñ hastī-e-ashiyā mire aage
hotā hai nihāñ gard meñ sahrā mire hote
ghistā hai jabīñ ḳhaak pe dariyā mire aage
mat pūchh ki kyā haal hai merā tire pīchhe
dekh ki kyā rañg hai terā mire aage
sach kahte ho ḳhud-bīn o ḳhud-ārā huuñ na kyuuñ huuñ
baiThā hai but-e-ā.ina-sīmā mire aage
phir dekhiye andāz-e-gul-afshānī-e-guftār
rakh de koī paimāna-e-sahbā mire aage
nafrat gumāñ guzre hai maiñ rashk se guzrā
kyūñkar kahūñ lo naam na un mire aage
īmāñ mujhe roke hai jo khīñche hai mujhe kufr
ka.aba mire pīchhe hai kalīsā mire aage
āshiq huuñ pa māshūq-farebī hai mirā kaam
majnūñ ko burā kahtī hai lailā mire aage
ḳhush hote haiñ par vasl meñ yuuñ mar nahīñ jaate
aa.ī shab-e-hijrāñ tamannā mire aage
hai maujzan ik qulzum-e-ḳhūñ kaash yahī ho
aatā hai abhī dekhiye kyā kyā mire aage
go haath ko jumbish nahīñ āñkhoñ meñ to dam hai
rahne do abhī sāġhar-o-mīnā mire aage
ham-pesha o ham-mashrab o hamrāz hai merā
'ġhālib' ko burā kyuuñ kaho achchhā mire aage

And talking of atfal ...the good news is that my only surviving Paternal Aunt or Dear Phophi Jaan is a  Grand Mother Again ...The Good Gracious God All Mighty Allah Amen ! has blessed her with a second Grand Son .....Many Many Congratulations to Her and her family  . May the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! give her Happiness and Long and Healthy Life , And the new Born a Bright and Prosperous  Future ....Amen !

See i told you instead of a chaapa ...we are expected almost everywhere.....

The younger and dear sister is also playing Doctor Doctor ...So holding the fort today and doing this my the Sunday Blog # 178 ( Hundred and Seventy Eight ) is Neither Morally nor Politically Correct .

Ja Ja India Kashmir se nikal ja .....

Okay so here is the first tweet of the morning Mood ...

Sun 1st Muharram 1441 H
1:13 pm Good Morning and a Happy New Year ! Sleep till noon ..Had Brunch is burning Outside ...Neighbours seems to be up early for Brunches or Haleem parties with inlaws ....or maybe Imtiaz ...ya that must be it ...
And this was the Sunday Brunch at noon i had tea after a whole week ...they say that the body temperature should be balanced ...yesterday about this time i had a Strawberry Cornetto cone and i started to melt sweating today i changed course and had tea instead ...and even though i am sitting right infront of a table fan ...i am still sweating ...So may be this is not sweating is the perspiration in the Percent (%) misquotes .....LOL

Okay By the way i finished the Movie ...i was watching last night ...

So now i can't Decide who to hate more ....Moodi or the Moody

The Good News from Media is that ....the Prices of Petroleum products were not increased this first of the month ...which is a Sunday well as the Beginning of the Muharram .... Honestly sometimes i really wonder ...if the Honda and Atlas Groups were breeding Horses instead of the road junk ....How would that be....And also imagine Fahad Mustafa riding a horse with a winner ...would He suddenly stop for veena malik ....or just honk honk ...and splash !!

Okay it is too late ...lets take a break here ...and see if we have a lunch or not ...i don't think so ....Anyways ...

So as usual but a little late i take a break for the Prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

2:34 pm Break ( 2853 words)

4:44 pm Okay i have shut the door ...but i am sure there will be a knock knock very soon ....Because the water is about to break .....Yes ...the rain is just a minute or two away ....
Sorry no knock ...but a missed call from unknown number ....Ignore it !
Yes it is here ...who else the Rain is here ....
Barish Barish Barish !!!

Praiseth the Dear Merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! 

So i am not sure to continue or enjoy the rain ....because the rain might stop in few minutes ....but i wont be able to go out again ...for the maghrib prayers like the last Sunday ....But it was not raining last sunday ...okay never mind anyways ....
lets do the movies of the week ...Wow ! i did Nine movies ...and not to count the ones i watched while channel surfing ...and the Geo Har pal geo entertainment Dramas ...this week i tried to escape from the Kashmir Kashmir kachra talk shows and fall right into the laps of the Geo Dramas ...and they bored me with old and older episodes or a very slow snails pace story movement . ...Anyways , for some odd reason the Geo dramas are not causing any psychological challenges anymore blood pressure . no khoon khushk heart burn nostalgia .... Infact we are watching them with an open mind ....I am especially enjoying the mystery and suspense and when i get to decide which of the two characters is not lying ... But remembering the days and times of the next episode is really tough ....also sometimes it is very difficult to know which drama it is because
of the very same faces in every drama and every channel ....Anyways ...lets see how long do they survive .....
Movies of the Week !
  • Article 15 (2019)Rated 7 stars ....True ! paisay walon  de koi Zaat paat nahi ...sub aiko zaat ....Next !
  • Mommy, I Didn’t Do It (2017)rated 6 stars ..I thought this would be my last of the week ...a short tv movie by lifetime movies ...Honestly i thought mommy did it ...But you never know ...I still don't understand this repeat of the mess ...thing ...especially when it is not a karma thing ....ya the mysterious ways syndrome ...i guess !
  • Sardari Begum (1996)Rated 7 stars ...beginning and tempo is very slow ....but if you survive the first half hour ...and you are a fan of Kirron kher and amrish puri and many other familiar film and tv stars ...there is a chance you might really enjoy it like i did ...
  • Amateur Night (2016)Rerun ...No comment ! LOL
  • Home Delivery: Aapko… Ghar Tak(2005Rerun  ...I think i watched it for the first in a HD ...after overeating ...there was some magic in it ..which i did not feel this time ....really miss both female actress ..haven't seen them in a recent movie or show ...Why ? 
  • Into the Ashes (2019)Rated 6 stars ....a payback movie ...the audio was bad i did not understand what the sheriff said in the end ....Better luck next time ...i hope . lol 
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider ( Rated 5 stars the series but i had no idea it would be a game video ...had fun watching ..especially because i can't play the game ....just can't ...i am so not into the games of this type ....Sorry !
  • Dutch Kills Rated 5 stars nothing new ....
  • Deha (2007)Rated 10 stars ....LOL ...

Ya that is it ...for this week ...Now i am really not sure about the next week ...i will probably watch many more because of the jams and rallies by the MMM 's
as one analyst of a news channel recently put it ....
It is good that the 9th and 10 th of muharaam will be on the monday and tuesday i will probably be able to do this my the sunday blog # 179 ( Hundred and seventy nine ) just before the Network Shut downs ...We here in karachi the most dangerous city in the world really know how bad it is to have a complete shutdown ...especially the mobile and internet shutdown ...that is why we are more sympathetic towards the Mazloom Muslim Brothers MMB's of Kashmir ...than anybody else in the world ....
So as i was saying ...please remind me to do a dummy sunday blog for the next sunday before the weekend ...just in case ...they shutdown the networks a day earlier ...
OKay time for the two prayers break ....with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

6:15 pm Break ( 3672 words)

Sun 2nd Muharram 1441 H
8:10 pm Good Evening !
Yes the Rain has stopped ....missed it completely ...Should have taken the Break early ...
Anyways ...i had the dinner ...some leftovers and some new Now i have few minutes ...left ...LOL

The Good Thing about the rain now is that it is Rain ...and not some Lashing Bashing with thunder and Storm from the Bay of Bangal .....or the Maharashtra Mumbai or Guzaraat ...or whatever ....the system is developing ...The unknown forces that were blocking a regular timely monsoon rains here in karachi the most dangerous city in the world are losing its strength ....If we had a few more showers like this ...i am very sure the city infrastructure could be developed too ...Yes it is true that most of us wont be here to see the new and developed City of the Future ...where the poor working class wont be stranded on the way from the downtown Bunder road or II Chandigarh Road ...or the working girls wont have to pack their bags and take permissions just to go to the office on a day when the Rain is predicted ...and their families back home just a few kilometers away wont be praying all day to stop the rain until eight in the evening ....or keep video calling them just to know if they survived the underpass ...1, 2, ...3

GOD ....i am still a hundred words short of the four thousand Words Mark ...

The Laptop is almost done iam seriously thinking about upgrading ...Not sure what to do with this one ....the model has been discontinued by the manufacturer ...But it is available on the famous online shopping app ....My device is in good shape ...after deleting the pictures and rebooting maybe as good as new ...and some charitable Memon Bachi might even buy it for Half the price on the Famous Shopping app ,,still i can't decide . So if i cannot make a small decision like this can i blame the Moody Sarkar Mayor of KMC for not being able to decide what to do ?

It is not the Rain or the Kachra ( garbage ) people of Karachi are mostly worried about ....It is the Future of Pakistan that worries them the most ... Karachi is not the weekiest link in this game never has been never will . So if i were to be in a generals shoes ...i would gamble on karachi with my eyes blindfolded ...and save pakistan . ya it sounds crazy but that's the way it is ....
According to the unwritten British constitution ....a cracker that does not need a dressing ...
People who have seen karachi with their own eyes knows that it is no men's handiwork ...there has to have a divine inspiration behind all this show . The Roman Catholics , British , Americans , Russians and Chinese can never claim to have a full control over Karachi ever ...The huge Multinational land developers and builders can not claim to have a full control or even an area , zone or town under their spell . Seen so many multinationals come and go ....very few are barely surviving ..changed names , logos, had mergers ...over the years .

So before i get emotional i better take another short break and see what the gang is doing without me ...also need a cup of tea refill ...and check on the rain ...

9:40 pm Break (4235 words)

11:09 pm Okay so i got too relaxed ...and wasted the second last hour ....No problem ....Because i have already crossed the Four Thousand words Mark on the words counter even though the word counter is acting weird today ...but still being very careful i believe the count is pretty much the accurate . I will recheck it tomorrow again ....

Okay I think the overeating ...tea and novita wafers ...are making me drowsy i better start the ending ...Well sometimes even the last half hour looks like a long way to go especially when you have already chosen the song video to share ...This song i am sharing here is one of my very favourite songs of all times ...haven't heard it recently especially since i stopped listening to music and FM radio ...because i am sure it is the favourite song of most of my favourite DJ's without a face well ...and i am sure that as soon as the sponsored cola Battle of the Bands show ends the cling clang tang ....they play it to get back to reality ....
NO ....reality not always bites me don't ....

Okay see how time flies when you are having Fun ....less than twenty minutes left ...
And talking of flies ....most of our jamshedtown area does not come under the KMC ....the SOLID WASTE MB is doing or was doing a great job was only that their red boxes were very small and usually got filled beyond capacity and when they kept extra RED Boxes looked like a PPP rally ..... Anyways

SO All the best to all the stakes holders of this Garbage industry ....May you all prosper night and day ....Minute by minute ....Second by Second ....
Starship - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now (Official Music Video)

Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now
Looking in your eyes I see a paradise
This world that I've found is too good to be true
Standing here beside you, want so much to give you
This love in my heart that I'm feeling for you
Let 'em say we're crazy, I don't care about that
Put your hand in my hand baby don't ever look back
Let the world around us just fall apart
Baby we can make it if we're heart to heart
And we can build this thing together
Stand this stormy weather
Nothings gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers
We'll still have each other
Nothing's gonna stop us
Nothing's gonna stop us now
I'm so glad I found you, I'm not gonna lose you
Whatever it takes I will stay here with you
Take it to the good times, see it through the bad times
Whatever it takes here's what I'm gonna do
Let 'em say we're crazy, what do they know
Put your arms around me baby don't ever let go
Let the world around us just fall apart
Baby we can make it if we're heart to heart
And we can build this thing together
Stand this stormy weather
Nothing's gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers
We'll still have each other
Nothing's gonna stop us
Nothing's gonna stop us now
Oh, all that I need is you
All that I ever need
And all that I want to do
Is hold you forever, and ever and ever
And we can build this thing together
Stand this stormy weather
Nothings gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers
We'll still have each other
Nothing's gonna stop us
Nothing's gonna stop us now

 Aha were thinking i would post that song no not yet ....

Abhi Taron se khelo ....chaand ki kirnon se ithlao ...

All the Best ....and a Happy New Year Once again ....!

Allah Hafiz ! 

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