
Sunday 18 August 2019

The Sunday Blog # 176

Today is the Sunday the 18th of August 2019 , the 16th of Zilhij 1440 H till the Sunset ( 7:04 pm ; karachi )  And this is my the Sunday Blog # 176 ( Hundred and seventy six ) .
First of All Cheers to All those who survived once again ...yes ...I did too ...The Eid began and ended within the week and long before the week end ...friday , saturday , and the Sunday ...yes Weekend is a difference of opinion ....everybody has their own weekend ...some has very long weekend and some has very short . It all depends on the line of work they do or did not do at all .
Honestly i don't have a weekend all . yes this is very true . Since i have long been Voluntarily leisured  its been so long that i myself have forgotten what it really meant and why i choose to be so ...
Still i have always remained very punctual in whatever i did . I always get up on time myself ...nobody ever had to wake me up . I started the morning and night prayers very regularly when i was in the primary school . It was the Golden Period of the Zia 's Martial Law and i was absolutely fearless . Used to get up and go to the nearest mosque all by myself in the pre-dawn morning . I was so tiny and younger looking that sometimes the old jamaitis use to frawn at my standing in the first row of the rank for prayers . Once or twice the just visiting or new arrivals even tried to push me to the back ...or the extreme left side ...but apologized later ....recently i have noticed that the trend has totally died . RIP
Now people just don't care who is standing next to them in the Farz prayer . Or even if the one next to them is standing or sitting in a chair . It is sometimes very distracting if the one next to you is not performing the prayers very normally . But the more you experience such things the more you begin to ignore and go on with your prayers . Honestly if you ask me ....i have a personal favourite distraction but i am very very sure nobody is seriously interested and i have dealt with this topic a million times before that i really doubt that anyone would be the least interested anymore .
So Anyways , What i was getting at was that i don't have a life ...a nine to five , an eight to lunch , or an eleven to eight , nine or ten . yet i live a very full life . i wash , and clean , and shave regularly , Eat very regularly , try to be healthy and happy all the time . Use Social media very regularly stay in touch with the family , friends and peers all the time . facebook and tweet very often many times a day and night . keep a fully charged and with loaded balance mobile all the time . Can you believe how times have changed ? a decade or two ago if you were sitting with a stranger at a public place and either of you starts a conversation and then suddenly the stranger finds out that you don't do anything for living ...they used to leave or move away without excusing considering you to be a bum or an Anti- social element ...Some might even imagine you as a terrorist who would recruit them .

Well these days people at the public place sitting next to you would do the same if they find out you don't have a mobile phone on you . It is amazing that a guy or a girl sitting next to you with their ears plugged in with a stereo phone attached to a mobile generates a very positive vibe . Everyone feels relaxed around them . Nobody cares if they are rich or poor ...working or jobless . married or single . as long as they are seen clicking on their smart phones every now and then . They can be rude to anyone and everyone around in the ambiance ...they are not require not even expected to get up if an elder enters the room ...or give their seat to anyone ...elderly , sick or women . This is the new social culture of the present day .

Okay Never mind the benefits of these new social norms and lets focus on the ills . Conversation with the person sitting next to you for hours and hours is becoming extremely impossible . Imagine i am sitting next to you at a local bank and my token number is fifty ahead of you or the viceversa . my ears are plugged with an ear phone or head set . and i am sitting very relaxed minding my own business . occasionally look up or around giving a glance at you without smiling only showing interest in the shinning number display on the wall . just to know if it is my turn or not . Suddenly you feel an urge to make a conversation with me and asks something like ...what is the time ? .. or are you sitting here for long ? do you come here often ? do you think the air-conditioner is cooling enough ?

Even if i hear you loud and clear ....i would definitely try to ignore for the first time . So i am sure you would try to get my attention with some kind of signs . On that too i would first take my hand to the ears remove my head set or ear phones and then ask as if i have no idea at all . And make you to repeat the question once again .  hearing it once again i would briefly reply and then rudely put on my head set ear phones . And you finding that extremely embarrassing ..would shut up and look the other way . Believe it or not Long Victorian style conversations with total strangers and making friends for life is dead . RIP !

No wonder Cricket , politics and inflation no longer means the same to each and every person on the street . Everybody has his or her own interest and dislikes and by the time you click the right thing ...the conversation time is over .
And talking of time ....i too need to take a short break here ...

2:27 am Break ( 1032 words)

3:44 am It is raining !
Strange isn't it ? with most of the city still facing difficulties such as stagnant water ...overflowing gutters and and all broken down sewerage system and drainage system , Many main roads and streets having craters and potholes and damaged buildings and a building in liaqatabad area of central karachi the most dangerous city in the world , being declared CROOKED and unsafe and residents evicted
Story image for liaquatabad building collapse from Samaa Digital

Residents evicted from 'crooked' building in Karachi's Liaquatabad

Samaa Digital-13 hours ago
Residents of a building in Karachi's Liaquatabad have been made ... In February, a three-storey building collapsed in Malir, killing three people.

People of this city were still hoping for more Rain today . Or maybe it was my mistake that i felt it like they really were . Karachi the most dangerous city in the world is a very strange place . Here people start praying to God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! for Rain as the hot weather continues for a few days more that they could bear. They start torturing the ones with less sins and average saying that this heat and hot weather and no Rain is because of your sins . So the God All Mighty Allah Amen ! gives them rain ...

Now the very same people after a few hours or days of Rain....gets in the jam and very soon they realize that they do not want the rain they start praying  to the God All Mighty Allah Amen ! again and starts blaming the very same people with lesser sins that this rain is because of your sins ....Somehow the rain stops ...The water dries and the weather again becomes the hot and dry or Humid the very same people starts missing the rain again . forgetting all the miseries and the deaths due to the previous Rain just days or Hours ago .

So Anyways ....
The Eid ul Azha came and gone ...i survived . Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !

By Survived i mean that after the Holidays of Eid and the weekend . I was not only able to breath normally but i was NOT coughing , sneezing , vomiting , OR
Suffering from any kind of Bakra Eid related illness or disease . My digestive system is working very normal , Have no external or internal injuries . bruise or skin problem as a direct result of the chores related to the bakra eid .
It was a very rain affected Bakra Eid . and people were pan-caked (LOL) and i was not at all sure if we would find any animals to sacrifice at all . But some how when everybody had given up hope . On the third and last day of Bakra Eid our same old three fat - tailed sheeps arrived out of the blue . I was very much asleep when when my sister informed me of their arrival . I hurried to the door and was surprised to see them . They were scared of the new environment and were not moving freely ...but trying to stay together  SO anywhere i drag one of them the others followed . after few hours the qassai also arrived and we did as prescribed in the Holy Quran Surah Hajj .

وَٱلْبُدْنَ جَعَلْنَٰهَا لَكُم مِّن شَعَٰٓئِرِ ٱللَّهِ لَكُمْ فِيهَا خَيْرٌ ۖ فَٱذْكُرُوا۟ ٱسْمَ ٱللَّهِ عَلَيْهَا صَوَآفَّ ۖ فَإِذَا وَجَبَتْ جُنُوبُهَا فَكُلُوا۟ مِنْهَا وَأَطْعِمُوا۟ ٱلْقَانِعَ وَٱلْمُعْتَرَّ ۚ كَذَٰلِكَ سَخَّرْنَٰهَا لَكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَشْكُرُونَ ﴿٣٦ 22:36

And the camels and cattle We have appointed for you as among the symbols of Allah; for you therein is good. So mention the name of Allah upon them when lined up [for sacrifice]; and when they are [lifeless] on their sides, then eat from them and feed the needy and the beggar. Thus have We subjected them to you that you may be grateful.(36)

Even though many Koyla karhai shops and restaurants and road side dhabba's have opened up all over the city recently ...But the real taste of the Best Dumba karhai with small chunks of the chakti ( fat tail ) as soft as the bone marrow ...i really doubt can be found there like this ....

Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! for once again giving me a chance to eat this food on which His Name was mentioned in every step of the preparation . The Food that by the Grace of All Mighty Allah Amen ! tasted so Good that i will pray and wish to have again and again . Amen!
And by the way ....we got the sheeps for a bargain so the Price of Mutton was less than the market retail from the Tariq Road Meat Market ....
BismillahAllahu Akbar 

Okay the Sunrise is at 6:07 am so i believe it is time for Fajr Prayer ...I must take a prayer break here with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

5:33 am Break ( 1902 words)

12:50 pm Good Morning !
Had the first facebook meet up with the gang ...also chatted with Doctor saab on the messenger who joined in the meet up ...We were expecting him today but somehow he is still rejoicing the First Mutton Leg Roast since he returned this God forsaken city of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world where even the doctors and staff are not safe from the mobile snatchers and street crimes ...Shame Shame Shame ...and believe it or not as the on-going  Pak - Afghan War intensified ...these shameful incidents may increase ...Sad !

Anyways is the first tweet of the day ....

Sun 16th Zilhij 1440H
12:41 pm Good Morning ! so today i sleep on time after fajr and woke up on time ...had tea ...the brunch is almost ready i also have to hurry up and get ready ....we have tap water today ...rain is gone and so has the rainy weather ...Sunny !!
So no chaapa today ....and the Landline is still dead no one can call on the phone as well ...The TCS it seems have not renewed the contract idea why ...maybe she was not invited to the lavish ball ...or something ...LOL 
So i guess i have lots of time today to do this my the Sunday Blog # 176 ( hundred and seventy six ) , Oh by the way the Dhol wala and the welding wala are on the rounds wake me up ...Saein's under secretary humbly requested him to not beat the Dhol (Drum) at noon as everybody is asleep it in the evening ...LOL 
and he left without even looking at me or the khairat he was asking for earlier looking at me ...
LOL ! 

So as i was saying the Pak - Afghan war that has intensified after the Bakra Eid idea why ...maybe the US Cent Com did not like the meat share and eidi PAK side sent them on Bakra Eid ...or maybe they did not get the free excess to collect the Hides and offals of the Qurbani Animals they were expecting on this eid . Or maybe they are upset about their own domastic troubles ..who knows ...and who cares ...well so far the ratio of deaths has been 1:9 this week ...Forty ( 40) people died yesterday at a wedding ceremony in kabul in retaliation to the six deaths in kuchlak mosque on mission road as well as a some other very targeted incidents ...

serious measures and precautions needs to be taken in the coming days and week until somebody works on a negotiated ceasefire ( si-es fire ) . or maybe not because the boyz may get tired eventually and come to terms anyways ...

Stay away from crowded places ...
stay away from jammed roads or streets ...
keep at a safe distance from the Governor Karachi , Mayor of KMC and The MD  and other board members and town heads of Karachi Water and Sewerage Board . ( KWSB) . 
Don't look into the eyes or stare at the workers of the utilities such as the Karachi Electric and others .
Store as much of packed food as possible with a manufacturing date no older than six months ...Biscuits and chocolates are usually the best food item to store in large quantities at times like these ...because if , God Forbid ,conditions returns to normal can always return the stuff or sell it at the increased price to the language and education challenged Afghans and other neighbours except the chinese . 

oh and talking of Chinese ...don't buy and shop for more than Rs 25 thousand at once ....or alone . if you amount exceeds the limit make sure you shop or buy as a family with the family accounts . Don't carry cash as much as possible . 
Bank Notes and Promissory Notes will immediately devalued and nobody will be able accept any currency in the open market . no matter what ...dollars , pound sterling , Euro or  Yen ....

Learn to make soups and Burgers ...with a speed ...these are the only skills that will save your Ass and may take you places during such hard times . 

And Remember ....Pray to GOD Sailor ....But Row for the Shore !

okay the Brunch is very ready and maybe it is already eaten without me it seem really very quiet outside ...or maybe i can't hear a thing because of this table fan at full speed and sound . 

 So i cannot decide ...this is very heavy stuff ...if i eat it now ...i won't be able to return to this my the Sunday Blog # 176 ( Hundred and Seventy six ) for a very very long time today ...i don't know if anybody has noticed or not ....i feel like i am on a roll here ....this is just the third session of the day and night twenty four hours of this my the Sunday Blog # 176 ( Hundred and seventy six ) and i am almost reaching the three thousand words mark on the words counter without any external help or posting and pasting ...still haven't shared any song lyrics or poetry as well ...very few tweet and and news from the google . so the external share of this three thousand words on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 176 ( Hundred and seventy six ) may be less or about just two hundred words i guess ...not enough time to confirm it right now but i am sure i can know for sure sometime later during the short week ahead . The Past week was very relaxed . Everything was closed for Eid and independence day . Traffic was much less and the Careem and UBER rates were the highest of the whole year ..with very few promo codes . Roads were drowned in water so nobody was taking the risk not even the ones who are unstoppable in any season ...Never ever had such an amazing EID especially the Bakra EID ...ever !
Okay they are waiting for me with everything on the table ...can't keep them waiting is the Qurani feast ...a lot of Divine will is also involved in it ....
I have to leave now and eat the lunch that i should have avoided at any cost normally ...under usual conditions of time and pressures . But today i can't ....the smells so good too ....infact this whole Bakra eid Week and the weekend as well as today we had this awesome smell in the house of the Cooking and boiling meat and Rice ...both separate and together ...and the neighbours who did those huge cows and camels ...are also doing the bar be ques every night that awesome Rain smell ....its been so good ...very very Euphoric ...I am very happy that i did not catch any cold or flu or runny nose kind of illness on this Eid ....Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !

okay then it s time for the break for lunch and prayer with a prayer for my dearly Departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

2:16 pm Break ( 3136 words)

4:58 pm Awesome !!
yes the Fat tail sheep ( Dumba) Mutton Pulao with special Almond and coconut Zarda was really really awesome !

 Also let the record show that my elders ...have chosen to have lunch today with me and eat the Fat- tail sheep Dumba Mutton Pulao with choley and special zarda with almond and coconut etc etc ...instead of a peace Biryani by the Fariyal Gang at the gadap town PS SHO or something like that ....
See how different my elders and siblings are ...only if i had been invited to such a party ...i would have attended even if it was just to scratch the degh ...LOL

So anyways ...bura waqat toh kisi bhi qom pey aa sakta hai ....and since we are talking about the super richie Rich family ....have anybody seen the kids tweets  lately ?

I personally felt that they are not at all interested in the release or acquittal of abu and phopho ....very soon ....Abu on the other hand is planning a fast and furious escape ....if only they let him sit in the front ...of the car ...he will either jump from the KPT bridge or through the driver out and run away like a bride ... LOL


Okay so lets haste and do the movies of the week now ......
As mentioned last week ...i was not at all sure if i would be able to watch the movies this week at all . But somehow soon after the not attended Eid Prayer ...i realised that i will have a better movie week this Eid ul Azha then any other previous Eids and eid ul Azha's ever .

Movies of the Week :

  • The Rowdy Girls. (2000) Rated 7 stars .....The san francisco that i have watched in the movies and sitcoms ...does not really attract me enough to beg somebody to take be their ...but you never know ...things might change for the good in the coming future .... 
  • Anuranan (2006)Rated 8 stars ....the movie was very badly editted by the uploader i have no idea what happened on the mountain and why Mr chatterjee died ...the movie definitely needs a sequel ....or a tv mini series with a huge budget ...lets pray for Rain . By the way Raima sen is equally charming with or without the glasses ....Cheers ! 
  • Jack & Dil (2018)Rated 5 stars know i don't want to play any more is just not fair ....if they keep on making movies like these ....its just not fun any more ...they think its a joke to be voluntarily leisured and yet live a full life and feel like a winner always .....and help the losers and sometimes you can't even help them and you know it ...but you have to keep pushing ...just make yourself feel good ...LOL 
  • Stuck in Love.(2012)Rated 6 stars ....there is got to be a law to prevent them to show me pictures like these ....its the movies like these that could make me change my mind about being a well know writer and Author some day in the coming future ....anyways does anybody know the kings landline number ....? LOL  
  • Namaste England(2018) rated 7 stars ....i think akshay kumar did a better speech about the indians than Arjun ...but the climax was better here as it was fixed ...
  • Love & Rage (1999) rated 7 stars ...amazing movie ....i have no idea what to do with people like these can't run can't hide ...then what is left there to do makes them restless and rage give than wings .... one the movies i can watch again without the edits...i hope . 
  • Tulsi: Mathrudevobhava (2008)Rated 7 stars was really great to see both leads in this movie ...I thought Irrfan khan was natural born actor ...had no idea he went to the ashram before Sunday krazzy 4 and mumbai meri jaan 2018 ...
  • 706 (2019)Rated 7 stars ...i don't agree with the ending ...change it !

yes that is it for this week .... so i guess its time for a break ...i am too drowsy to go out for a walk and pray and shop ...i am not even sure if after shutting down if i will be able to pray or just fall asleep on the bed . lets see ...
 Anyways if i don't fall asleep i will come back after the sunset otherwise ...its a long break .

Wow i have almost made it to the four thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 176 ( Hundred and seventy six ) ...and it is not even the maghrib yet ...can you believe it ...i said i was on a roll today ...i can feel it ...i should stop it right now and work on a loser for a change ...maybe i can feel much better ...if i fail ...if i succeed least ....i live as i believe ...LOL

okay then here i take a break for the prayer with a prayer for Rain , Water and my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

6:23 pm Break ( 4039 words)

Sun 17th Zil hij 1440H
8:28 pm Good Evening !
So as expected i fall asleep soon after the Asr prayer ...woke up almost fifty minutes later and hurriedly got up did wazoo and prayed the Maghrib prayer with prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

There is still drowsiness and also muscle stress at some points ...the right arm joint is paining ...not sure if i hurt it somewhere or just twisted it during the sleep ...have taken this capsule doctor saab gave me for the cramps is very effective and usually cures the long enduring stress with just one or two dose i try not continue the or over dose ...immediately stop the moment i feel like it is working ....or have started to work . I have this chronic cramp problem since childhood and this belly belt cramp has been the worse ...and scary starts both during the sleep and walking ...maybe because of too tight belt sometimes . or maybe because of turning or twisting the wrong way not sure ...I wonder if those who have a habit of taking the U turns too often also suffer from the same cramp issue like i do or not ...will have to do some research in this regard . Anyways ...this drug is working for it as well and it was a great relief ..because i always thought it was something internal and needed to operated upon by a surgeon ...ThankGod the All Mighty Allah Amen ! its just a muscle thing .

Okay so this sleep at sunset has stop the me on the roll i mentioned earlier i just feel like dumb bad ass sitting on the computer and waiting to wake up . It is the Nine at Night now i only have the last three hours to go ....if i took a break in the middle somewhere then there will be less than two hours to go tell me how many words can be added or typed in just two hours that are readable . For quite some time i am feeling that i have become too relaxed and have lost the sarcastic touch in my Sunday Blogging . The final run used to be the best part of my Sunday Blogs ...and now i just look and see ...ah its four thousand words ...i believe i have made it again i will definitely do better next week . Will have a plan and research for the final hours . Infact this i have been thinking since the early days of sunday blogging . But when the size and quality began to improve ...i said to myself ...what the heck is better to be spontaneous than sorry . ( wasiq1wise..)  So what do you think ? because honestly right now i feel like i am dragging sorry digging a hole in the middle of the highway and going no where .

Well this may be the need of the hour ...who knows if i dig a well full of water ...that certainly will solve a lot of my troubles because having more than enough water will certainly improve my relations with the siblings and neighbours . And who knows i may start bottling the extra water and start making money by selling it to strangers . open a bottling plant and become a rival to the American and European bottlers of pure mineral water . lol

Okay after this sarcastic Rumble  i feel the energy level is down so i need a quick cookie and a cup of tea ...
yes that is better ...i have no idea who invented this remedy for the energy boost . But i can ashore you it works like magic always ...! especially when you are doing creative work which involves both physical as well as mental strength .
Both the cookie and the tea taste weird ...Now this is an interesting point . This after i was having the taste that was divine ...and now it is exactly the opposite has my life changed while i was sleeping instead of praying ...may be !
At both times i was not moving my hands to do it as good as it gets or worse as it is now ...all i was doing then and now is taking the up for grabs ...or is this up for grabs after i showed no tit for tat compassion . In dollar terms ...if i got to have a feast in the afternoon for free ...wasn't it my duty to atleast make the evening tea ...made some munchies snacks or have gone to the market and brought some thing to show my appreciation and thankfulness . Only that way i could have maintained a steady flow of benevolence upon me . Am i right or Am i right ?

Even better ...when i saw and knew that a feast of the year just to my liking and despised by many before me and after me being prepared for the after noon ...i should have known that this will be extremely exhausting and no matter how restless and hard working my siblings are ... they wont be able to make or do anything as good as this for the rest of the day . While i will have only one thing on my mind , that is not to have another meal but maintain the energy level so that i can continue this my the Sunday blog # 176 ( Hundred and seventy six ) for as long as i can with very little breaks as possible and without straining my fingers , arms and back muscles and at the same time not exhaust my mental strength before the midnight the mandatory deadline for this my the Sunday Blog # 176 ( Hundred and seventy six ) as it is every sunday for  every other Sunday Blog in this series . Knowing this very well i could have just boiled or brewed enough tea or coffee to last till the mid night or atleast for the evening . But no ...i did not even think about it . and took it for granted that after eating or should i say over eating ...i will sleep and wake up at my own free will and when i wake up the fresh and good tasting tea will be filled in the thermic flask for me to pour down and enjoy and balance my energy level and continue this my the Sunday Blog # 176 ( hundred and seventy six ) for as long as i can until the very end at the midnight sunday night before the monday morning .

Well no that was not possible at all and you know why ? Because my dear elder sister who is also a regular reader of this my the Sunday Blogs and often seen sharing it on her Facebook page and even commenting and asking questions offline during the daily Facebook meet ups  ... have so completely spoiled me ...every Saturday night she makes the extra tea and tells me that she has made tea for me it is an understood fact that i would be staying up all Sunday morning from mid night till the dawn and will have tea from time to time while others will only have the left over after dawn ...or will have to make a new pot when they wake up . Most of the Sunday mornings while doing the Sunday Blogs ...i finish all the tea made not just for me ...but rarely i am so into the sunday blogging to forget to drink the tea waiting for me . other times such as when i feel like having the coffee because it is too cold or chilly morning ...or like wise if it is too hot and i need a chilled drink or icecream or have eaten too much for dinner and need a soda ...Every detail is there in my Sunday Blogs i need not to refresh it ...just pick any sunday blog and you will find what i am saying is true . like the sunday blogs from june and may ..i was even making my own icecream or having pepsi or pulpy orange during the breaks . Even then the tea was there . Some times i was even so over excited that one moment i had an icecream or chilled drink or soda and the very next i had a cup of tea and then complained of sweating from the head or fore head . and then drying it by sitting infront of the fan .
You know sometimes when your mind is not fully at rest or relaxed or engrossed in some deep thoughts or creative thoughts just can't think straight or decide what you want or what is best for you . That is why i am always here to help you and guide you ...and decide what is best for you grow up and don't waste my time .
Oh no.... everybody is up and having dinner i need to take a break here ...and go check what is that awesome smell ...they must be microwaving the Mutton karhai ...ya i believe that is it ...can't eat ..but can watch and warn them of the ills of eating too much fat and mutton in this season . oh by the way the clouds have broken and there seems to be no chance of rain tonight ...But this is Karachi the Most dangerous city in the world and you cannot be certain about anything here .

Oh no Four more dead in the Blast of the Pak - Afghan war lets see what happens next ...please do something about the ratio on that side ...

10:31 pm Break ( 5707 words)

11:07 pm Okay then this is it ...i guess ...the final hour ...have i forgotten anything important to be mentioned here today in this my the Sunday Blog # 176 ( Hundred and seventy Six ) ....actually yes there may be a lot happening ...but recently i have become too gluttonous  and this festival of Eid ul Azha more like the rainy season for the Ants ...yes Ant gets wings ... So maybe the glutinous don't get wings or something but he sure does have no time left to think of the trivial things and issues and little British people around him .  Anyways taking the advantage of this my the Sunday Blog # 176 ( Hundred and seventy six ) i would like to apologies to all the little useless British people i may have ignored or trampled upon being the gluttonous that i have been enjoying myself  and thanking the dear Gracious Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! for the extra he has provided me with .

اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰہِ الَّذِیْ اَطْعَمَنَا وَسَقَانَاوَجَعَلَنَا مُسْلِمِیْنَ ۔
شکر ہے اللہ کا جس نے ہم کو کھلایا اورپلایا اور ہمیں مسلمان بنایا۔

Thanks to the lord all mighty Allah amen ! for the food and Drink and making us Muslims. 
Amen !

Okay now lets move on to the video song of the end of the sunday blog  ...well there is still half an hour left ...but i have left my supper on the table dear brother microwaved the whole box so now we can't freeze it again can we ? it must be against some or the other religions of the world . 

Okay So this week i again visited the graveyard and offered fateha for all my dead relatives as well as the dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi  May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

Even though walking in the graveyard on tariq road has now become absolutely very difficult but still the greenery after the rain was awesome as always . felt really good to be there i hope sincerely hope that my dearly departed Parents  May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

Saw me standing on their graves and remembering them still ....I always had a feeling that they never trusted that i will remember them and pray for them and be good to the siblings after they are gone ...

Anyways ...if we did not do anything real quick to stop this Pak - Afghan War soon ...who know ...LOL

So now it is the final ten minutes so i better end this my the sunday Blog # 176 ( Hundred and seventy six ) quick and go and have the supper ...but before that i also have to pray the final prayer of the night the isha prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
 May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

Okay then its very Good Bye from me tonight ...hope to be back next week same time same place ....

Once again Eid Mubarak and a very Happy Independence day ,

Stay safe !

Allah Hafiz !

Allah Duhai Hai Full Video - Race 3

Allah Duhai hai Song Lyrics from Race3

Back to the race!
Toone kar di hai thodi dooriyan
Daba ke rakhi dil mein sau farebiyan
Elan hai yeh zakhmi jigar ka
Hun vekh tamasha chhad gallan saariyan
Jhoothi mohabbat hai teri fitrat
Har martaba sau dafa toone kiya daga
Nasha tera, nasha nasheela nasheela hai
Allah duhai hai
Phir jaan pe aayi hai
Ab to tabahi hai
Haan tere pyar mein
Allah duhai hai
Phir jaan pe aayi hai
Ab to tabahi hai
Haan tere pyar
Allah duhai hai
Phir jaan pe aayi hai
Ab to tabahi hai
Haan tere pyar mein
Zindagi tujhko kaise mod pe phir le aayi
Kuchh lamhon mein duniya se hogi teri rihayi
Tere ghunahon ki saza tujhe mile abhi
Hum bhi nahi chhodenge, na chhodega ilahi
Junoon bhi tu, nasha bhi tu, talab tu meri
Mitana hai tujhi ko to yeh zid hai meri
Jayega tu kahan pe tujhi pe nazrein meri
Main kar doon tabah tujhe yeh zid hai meri
Nasha tera, nasha nasheela nasheela hai
Allah duhai hai
Phir jaan pe aayi hai
Ab to tabahi hai
Haan tere pyar mein
Allah duhai hai
Phir jaan pe aayi hai
Ab to tabahi hai
Haan tere pyar
Aaja aa jashan tu mana le
Kal se tu mere hawale
Masti ke laga labon se pyale
Kal se tu mere hawale
Phir shuru ab daud yeh
Is baat kar gaur le
Kar na abhi bas le maze coz
We’re coming back to the race
We’re coming back to the race
We’re coming back to the race
Allah duhai hai
Phir jaan pe aayi hai
Ab to tabahi hai
Haan tere pyar mein
Allah duhai hai
Phir jaan pe aayi hai
Ab to tabahi hai
Haan tere pyar
We’re coming back to the race