
Sunday 26 May 2019

The Sunday Blog # 164

Today is Sunday the 26th of May 2019 , the 20th of Ramzan 1440 till the Sunset ( 7:14 pm , Karachi ) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 164 ( Hundred and sixty four ) .

So i have no idea where this week went ...and why ?
Honestly there was only one thing on my mind this week and that was to get to the isha and taravee prayer on time . And in the best of health .
So apart from a little right ear infection or food allergy ...i did managed to go to the mosque and back even though while standing and listening to the recital and especially coming back leaving the aroma and smell of Kata kat ...behind is so hard to resist especially when there was sponsor . I have no idea how i did it ...must have been the act of God ...Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !
Add katakat masala, salt and red chilies and mix well. When yogurt water is dried, add oil and increase flame as well. Add green coriander, green chilies, thin sliced ginger and dried fenugreek and mix well together. Steam cook (dam) for 2 minutes and then remove from the stove.

Must have inspired too much ...
SO if we had saved the food we eat all week ...Viola ! we would have had the Famous Restaurant style Kata Kat ...karachi especial tonight

Anyways , i was so totally sweating during and after the taravee prayer that ...waiting in line for another ten minutes or so was unthinkable ...and what if he would have made me wait half an hour or and hour ...Shivers me timbers !!Image result for Shivers me timber !!

But that does not mean that i have given up the thought of trying my luck one of these nights ...its just that i was hoping the weather might improve a little bit ...after the last batch of people give their Zakat who are saving it for the last . Even though i have been desperately searching for the link between Ramzan and Zakat or other charities . But still there are those who believe that rain is a reward and blessing for their good deeds . The Builder Mafia of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world have definitely convinced me that it is not ...especially because every time it rains in the holy month of ramzan ...getting to the mosque becomes absolutely impossible . Plus the rain soaked me is sure to get the flu that i have been so desperately trying to avoid .
And beside the flu and runny nose and coughing throat ..the thing that most matters now is the traffic . over the past few years the traffic in my neighbourhood has increased to an unbelieveble number . The Main roads and streets that i used to cross carefree or listening to FM radio with earphones is now sometimes takes many minutes . And in ramzan i have only few minutes left to get to the mosque this year i decided to visit a mosque in the neighbourhood not more than a week . Started from the furthermost with more main streets in between . Because the first week of Ramzan most shops and markets here are closed during the prayer times in the night . Most Shop keepers and their workers attend the seven days or ten days taravee where the Quran is finished early unlike the normal 27 nights or 29 nights .
The most interesting thing about my neighbourhood is that it used to be the most posh area of the city in the past . The re-development and the pre- development has made a lot of changes here wise the mosques and places of worship has also changed a lot over the years . And so does the people who worship there . Since i have been to three different mosques in the past three weeks of the holy month of Ramzan . i observed and felt a lot of differences in the way we pray at each mosque . the coming and going . the standing and the dua .
It is true that non of the mosque today is exactly the same as it was some twenty or thirty years ago . Most of them were very small back then and now when you look at them if you have seen them before and remember well say WOW ! where did this thing come from ...unfortunately few have been reconstructed on the same plot so there was no room for expansion and that is why they have multiple floors and if you get there late like yours truly you have to climb stairs in a hurry and find a vacant place floor after floor ...and quick ! Its so much fun ....because just as you find a place to stand and say Allah Ho Akbar join the ongoing prayer feel as if you are there ...!!
Even though there cannot be a classification of the people who pray at a particular mosque on the basis of wealth and wellbeing or poor ...But while standing for long in the taravee prayer togather with the same kind of people you do feel something different these days . The mosque of the God Preferred and the lesser God are self trained by the traffic of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world .
So if you are standing in a God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! preferred Mosque where most , not all , ofcourse don't be ridiculous ...most namazies are chauffeur driven car owners ....Honest to God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! wont feel anybody next to you for whole twenty plus prayers all night even though they would be there standing just next to you ...and the ambiance , chandeliers and the carpets and especially the large hall where you can see the large crowd from one end to the other . rarely do people try to jump shoulders to get in and out of the row . if there is a place vacant in a row people standing in that row look back all in unison at someone behind and he feels honoured  gently moves in that vacant spot . And feels as he is there !!
Now the next one is where most of the people have self driven car ...they are ok people but ocassionally you might feel them as if some drivers do while parking and leaving ...they do have carpet rugs and even Airconditioning ...but they are not as relaxed as the previous God Preferred folks . most of them have applied for loans or foreign country visas so their mobiles keep beeping or vibrating and they do keep checking it from time to time ..don't feel that they are showing off or something no no ...The you are there ....feeling is very difficult there ...may be when you are back on the street out from there .....Yes !

Okay the Lesser God the All Mighty Allah Amen !   .... First of all it is so hard to believe that all this mosque is totally constructed by the poor people of the lesser God All Mighty Allah Amen ! with the regular donations that have been regularly collected from them ...Bless you !
the Only problem while you are there is that most of the people in the mosque are motorcycle riders or those who are crippled by it . So if you want to understand how they pray or stand while praying need to see a few motorcycle riders on the streets of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world . Sometimes when i am returning from the mosque at night ....i meet the poor street massager fellow ...and he walks past in such dismay as if there is no hope or scope for him in this town ....
And that is When i feel are there ,,,,!!

2:16 am Break ( 1283 words)

3:19 am Oh no almost an hour wasted on icecream and tea ...icecream to cool down a little bit and tea to clear the throat and system ...What a mess i am in these day ...the moment i left the house tonight for Isha and taravee prayer i started sweating and even i got a place right under the fan and stayed there never stopped . So next year since the ramzan will be in May all of it focus will be to stop sweating like this ...even if i have to give up eating all greasy and meaty stuff three months before may like most people do in lent or some don't eat fish in months without R ...don't know the logic but that is what they believe so i don't argue ...I eat fish whenever it is available and smells and tastes good . or even if it just looks good .
Anyways , the time is up no ...not the ramzan ...well ..Ramzan ends sort of for some in jamshed town of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world on the seventeenth of Ramzan ....and on the 21st people can be seeing greeting each other on the streets and market places and traffic jams like they do on the eid day . So anyways
okay its 3:30 am ...LOL
Thank God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! that 21st Day of Ramzan  did not fall on the Sunday ...we would have missed all the Fun . Ever since the majority and minority community here in Jamshed Town of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world , stopped going the muharram and youm e Ali rallies ...the US Sponsors decided to increase the number of Law enforcement people and block all entries and exits ...its safer that way ....and the point is well taken ...those in favour say Aye .... those against say Aye hai ...and the day went by peacefully !

I will try to convince my siblings to have the fateha today a day before ...because have same things prepared and then same thing coming from the neighbours is a waste of time and money hurts to good the good things leftovers to the poor ...doesn't it ?

okay time is definitely up here i take a break for the sehri and prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

3:42 am Break (1757  words)

5:16 am I think i should do the morning mood tweet right now when my morning mood is awesome after an amazing sehri ...of course i put my morning sleep on hold just to add some food images of the sehri is my duty ...don't you think ...

وَبِصَوْمِ غَدٍ نَّوَيْتَ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ
Wa bisawmi ghadinn nawaiytu min shahri ramadan

(I intend to keep the fast tomorrow in the month of Ramadan)

5:44 am
Sunday, 26 May 2019 (GMT+5)
Sunrise in Karachi

So i believe i have done everything now and its time for my very essential
Even though i am not expecting any chaapa today ...but its Sunday and Ramzan
landline and door bell can ring anytime lets not waste time worrying about and try to get some sleep as long as we can ...ever since i can remember way back in time my ears were programmed to respond or react to the ringing phone and door bell ...but now thanks to the neighbourhood kids asking for the ball and the female anti- beggary squad ...asking for my brother least the door bell response has been re programmed to no response...but the landline phone ringing and continues ringing usually wakes me up if i am sleeping or make me get up if i am too lazy to get up and leave the bed ...and sometimes when i am working on the computer or in the kitchen ...i go running to check the caller ID and then move away as quickly as i can after recognizing the number . It is an Awesome memory excercise makes me feel alive and well . There is absolutely no point in picking up the ringing phone because its not for me. And sometimes when it is for me ...the caller does not know it ...classified info !! 
So anyways is my twentieth Roza ( fast) of this Month of Ramzan ....nine or ten more to go ....Mangoes came last week but we know that Arif Alvi's niyat is not theek so the quality is very poor and tasteless not sweet .

Anyways , before i end this and take a break ...The Good News is that Naagin 3 had the first part of the Finale yesterday i am not watching the series ever since it was taken off my cable ...last ramzan boost Reham khan's book of illusions . This ramzan mulla is believed to have produced a video involving the NAB chairman . I tried to watch the video few times during the fast ...i really don't think the voice has any depth in it ...but maybe its the rainy weather in the other parts of the country ...Боже!

Duncan Laurence – “Arcade” lyrics

A broken heart is all that’s left
I’m still fixing all the cracks
Lost a couple of pieces when
I carried it, carried it, carried it home
I’m afraid of all I am
My mind feels like a foreign land
Silence ringing inside my head
Please, carry me, carry me, carry me home
I spent all of the love I’ve saved
We were always a losing game
Small town boy in a big arcade
I got addicted to a losing game
Oh, oh
All I know, all I know
Loving you is a losing game
How many pennies in the slot?
Giving us up didn’t take a lot
I saw the end ‘fore it begun
Still I carried, I carried, I carry on
Oh, oh
All I know, all I know
Loving you is a losing game
Oh, oh
All I know, all I know
Loving you is a losing game
I don’t need your games, game over
Get me off this rollercoaster
Oh, oh
All I know, all I know
Loving you is a losing game
Oh, oh
All I know, all I know
Loving you is a losing game
6:28 am Break ( 2397 words)

1:26 pm Okay so i missed the wake up calls ...the door bell and the phone ringing ...amazing ear trouble is in the last phase it was totally blocked when i get out of the bed about an hour ago ...but now after sitting in the chair in front of the table fan ...i am beginning to hear sounds ..just now i felt a burp in the ear ...after which it seems to to be very normal anyways here is the morning tweet ...

 Sun 20th Ramzan 1440H
1:14 pm Good Morning /afternoon.... had a very sound sleep no distractions .... Thankyou ! the nose is clear ...throat is a little itchy and the ear is totally blocked feeling no pain . Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !

just checking if something like that is possible in the ear ...and how much damage i must have done to my ear by ignoring the trouble ....

So anyways ...personally i feel that my morning mood tweet is nothing significant as compared the very early morning tweet by our very dear prime minister check it out yourself ...

Karachi the most dangerous city in the world is just like that ...despite all the govts efforts to break its spirits they never seems to amaze me by donating an amount beyond his wildest imagination ...he always return with a smile on his face and will in his heart . Same goes for anybody who show a little determination and a will to succeed .
May Allah subhanahu wa taala keep this city clean and green always ...Amen ! 
okay so now i have to take a break ..need to move by body is feeling stiff ..relax the eyes ..they are also getting blurred and watery ...have to check if i am required to go for shopping for any thing essential for the iftar . Even though we agree every single day that we will not do anything for iftar , in the end it turns out to be a feast . Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! and thanks to the prayers and wishes of our Dearly Departed parents in the heaven Amen ! 

يَا أَيَّتُهَا النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ - 89:27

[To the righteous it will be said], "O reassured soul,

ارْجِعِي إِلَىٰ رَبِّكِ رَاضِيَةً مَّرْضِيَّةً - 89:28

Return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing [to Him],

فَادْخُلِي فِي عِبَادِي - 89:29

And enter among My [righteous] servants

وَادْخُلِي جَنَّتِي - 89:30

And enter My Paradise."

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

2:27 pm Break ( 2917 words) 

4:45 pm So here i am now waiting for the next prayer ...the iftar preparations have not started yet today ...this happens the day before the big event day . Also because i tried to convince that too much iftar is not necessary and makes it very difficult for me to reach the mosque in time and also the early preparation is so distractive( not a word line ) and the room fills with smells and heat for far from the iftar time .. maybe i am being heard today . I am of so many minds ...thinking to go and bring something for iftar then thinks that we have so much already first finish that then bring something new . The crispy Pakoras i fry every day for iftar are a wholesome meal or snack on its own ...there is no need left to eat anything else after that . So lets see what happens ...

Oh by the way the good news is that our favourite nihari restaurant on Burns Road food street under lots of troubles with the authorities has finally decided to open a branch in gulshan near maskan . And they also have a free delivery most probably are now affiliated with the Food Panda thing as well . So this means that i will be losing an excuse to have a bus ride to the burns road and saddar especially in winters . Imagine Burns road nihari and kabab delivered to your doorstep ...distracting the neighbours arm guard and saein's police guards ...for less than a thousand rupees

I am not sure ...where the traffic jam will take more time to reach ...and yes i have heard that way to gulshan has been dug for flyovers and underpass and then a new colour line bus transit digging will start soon ...regardless of the political setup or the party in power . Karachi the most dangerous city in the world never owns the power hungry many came and gone very few are remembered by the few ...the masses here only remember the present ....if you ask anybody on the street who the good the bad and the evil is these day ...they will say murad shah , wasim akhtar and imran khan body knows or remembers arif alvi and abdul kalam or whatever was the name of the former president with a cool voice .

Okay so its time for the long break ....Asr , iftar , isha and taravee here i take a break for prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

5:29 pm Break ( 3421 words)

1142 pm yes i am back ...

Feels so good to have completed the third part of the tour for the last week i have to choose from the two mosques in the near neighbourhood ...less traffic troubles ...and easy to reach and return. familiar faces ...and most of all there is no difference of the God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! ...infact both these mosques have very little divine interventions ...they are hereditery mosques both affiliated with major money making hospitals of the city .  The people does not matter at all ...and most of them keep changing as per requirement . that is why we cannot classify them into the three previous categories . But if you insist then i have no choice but group them as short cut people and patient ones . that is all i can say at the moment the time is up for the mid night end of this my the Sunday Blog # 164 ( Hundred and sixty four ) ...

so i end it with the request of the song ...from the gharib poor people of the lesser God the All Mighty Allah Amen ! ....
gharibon ki pasand bhi gharib he hona hai na....woh woh dag e sajda wala song ...they requested jumping up and down ....okay then here it is ...chal ab kat le ...

وہ باتیں تری وہ فسانے ترے
شگفتہ شگفتہ بہانے ترے

بس ایک داغِ سجدہ مری کائنات
جبینیں تری، آستانے ترے

بس ایک زخمِ نظارہ، حصہ مرا
بہاریں تری، آشیانے ترے

فقیروں کی جھولی نہ ہوگی تہی
ہیں بھر پور جب تک خزانے ترے

فقیروں کا جمگھٹ گھڑی دو گھڑی
شرابیں تری، بادہ خانے ترے

ضمیرِ صدف میں کرن کا مقام
انوکھے انوکھے ٹھکانے ترے

بہار و خزاں کم نگاہوں کے وہم
برے یا بھلے، سب زمانے ترے

عدم بھی ہے تیرا حکایت کدہ
کہاں تک گئے ہیں فسانے ترے

عبدالحمید عدم

Woh baatein teri woh fasane tere 
Shagufta shagufta bahane tere 

Bas ek zakhm nazara hissa mera 
Baharein teri ashiyane tere 

Bas ek daag-e-sajdaa meri qayenaat 
Jabeenein teri astane tere 

Zameer-e-saddaf mein kiran ka muqaam 
Anokhe anokhe thikane tere 

Faqeron ka jamghat ghardhi do ghardhi 
Sharaabein teri badakhaane tere 

Bahaar-o-khizan kam nigaahon k wehum 
Bure ya bhale sab zamane tere 

"Adam" bhi hai tera hikaayat_kadah 
Kahan tak gaye hain fasane tere
3796 Words

21st Ramzan 1440
12:09 am Good Morning and a very blessed Youm e-Ali ( karam Allah Wajho )
so let us begin from the beginning ...yes
the iftar ....
Now this was the iftar can you believe there was nothing going on in the kitchen when i took the break for asr ....Anyways ...

I went for the isha and taravee prayer and tonight on the 21st night of Ramzan 1440 we finished the 25th para or Juz now we have one para each for a night till 22nd , 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, .....yes we are one short for the 27th night ....lets see what the imam saab decides ....and if he treats us with a mango kulfi and shireeni or not like last year ....a mango kulfi will be hard to find this year ...because you know why ....

haven't been to that mosque lately so i am not sure if he is alive or not ...must be a real challenge for the indus hospital to prepare him for the mango kulfi treat ....
By the way fair it is that indus hospital is collecting all our blood and sweat from most of my neighbourhood mosques and have not opened even a small referral unit . How is it possible to take a very sick person from here to the korangi road in a massive jam conditions baloch colony , shahrah e faisal , FTC , kala pul , KPT interchange and beyond ...some times even tariq road and Khalid bin waleed road is also slow moving under pressure .
Anyways so we will have a khatam e quran on saturday night before the Sunday morning meaning i will be late for the next sunday blog # 165 ( Hundred and sixty five ) . What if i forget about the kulfi and shireeni and leave soon after the dua or the salaat ul vitr . and watch imam saab on youtube ...later ...yes that is also an option i will remember ...actually these are rare sights ...will miss them as i grow older ...the admiralty or whatever does not make people like these anymore ...half of the mosque pray sitting in chairs i call rickshaws and the half of the other half ...are sitting half of the time ...
I have noticed that even though i arrive late for the prayer and have to stand in the last rows with others who also arrive late But there is a very big difference between me and them ...they are either lazy or slow ...i am neither ...infact if i can arrive in time i would be in the first row from the beginning till the end and beyond . nothing like keep sitting for half of the recital ...and only getting up to join the prayer when imam saab is about to go in ruku ...showing signs of weakness or unwillingness ....

One of the biggest factor of my reaching the mosque late is that they are not increasing the time of Isha ...if you see the ramzan iftar and sehri chart ...the time has moved ahead ten to fifteen minutes in the past three weeks ...but the isha time is the same ...
Anyways this year has been much better than some past years and best of all i did not catch flu or runny nose . The ear is feeling much better now ...Praiseth the lord All Mighty Allah Amen !

Should take a break here first i need to upload the dinner food images that i had after returning from the taravee prayers .
here it is

There was absolutely no point in posting so many me there was no point at all ....that oily thing in fruit bowl is the raw mango pickle ...its called some thing i can't recall right now ...anyways eating the chicken pulao with choley and pickles and chutni and pakola has digested everything i feel hungry now ....

So i take a break here and will be back very soon ....maybe ...

1:24 am Break ( 4447 words )

3:09 am So at 2:30 in the morning some muftkhora aap call your mobile account pin invalid or disabled would you feel ...?  turns out they had an issue with the mobile and there was nothing wrong with the pin ...Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !
So now the sehri time is coming very fast ...most restaurants and dhabbas that have been open since iftar or before begin to close or shut down for their own sehri ...the distances are too far now that if a restaurant owner or worker leaves a three in the morning ...with his own ride ...maybe he might reach home by four the morning and be able to do sehri with his family and friends . so that is why they close at two in the morning i get it ...wonderful amazing ...actually i saw somebody asking on the facebook page of a restaurant they replied we close at 2:30 am so i was wondering why do they close at sehri time if they were open for iftar ...yes that is very good ...Jazak Allah !

SO the good news is that there are no movies review to share in this my the Sunday Blog # 164 ( Hundred and sixty four ) as well can see for yourself how busy and tough schedule i have in ramzan . and i especially don't want to strain my eyes and cloud my mind with nudity and sex and all that other stuff . I sleep very soundly and woke up expecting nothing . That is how it is so be it .
The two hindi soaps are going very strong can't be missed has a identity theft and the other has identity stolen . Both Kulfi kumar the little girls and the Dr krishna of London are in a absolute jam to find their beloved . lets see how the world and their friends help them find the truth .
OKay there are a lot of political issues left to be discussed but i can smell something good from the kitchen ...must go and help its good bye for now i take a break for sehri and prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

3:40 am Break ( 4894 words)

5:00 am Al Hamd O lillah ...fasting ...

So i got there in time and saved the day frying the Dawn Paratha ...our kitchen temperature is too high the Frozen dawn paratha ...or maybe more than one ...the first one was okay and the plastic sheets got removed very easily while i was frying the first one ...i did leave the rest of the packet on the side and when i picked it up only one side plastic sheet removed easily the other was sticky and had to be removed with both hands ...i almost ruined the shape of the Dawn Paratha ...anyways ...the third one was a complete mess ...almost 15% of the dough was left sticking on the plastic sheets this ...

So i was wondering it possible that i could microwave it first then fry or totally microwave it ...if so then how much time ...30 sec full power or one minute full power .
It took a lot of my sehri time ....i had given up on Dawn paratha long time ago ...and was not even considering it even when my dear sister was in the post operative care also my dear elder brother insisted and sponsored so i brought and offered to help it fry ....
SO this Ramzan the Best frozen product is that of the K & N ...very reliable and easy to cook and taste the Best . ....
Dawn sucks ...even the bread i bring regularly has received complaints with demonstration ...long before the expiry date it became brittle breaking to pieces when touched . SO
I have also brought the cup cakes but am afraid to open it . No idea what can be wrong with it ....
Anyways ...
My Grand Father died with a rubber stamp of the Honorary Oath Commissioner so i have been told and i was born with a rubber stamp to play with of the Governmet officer Papa ( May his soul rest in peace in Janna Amen ) and for two decades or more i assisted him in posting thousand of stamps on peoples documents . the irony that today there is no one in Papa's ( May his soul rest in peace in Janna Amen !) Family or the Grand Father's family ...and to the best of my knowledge and belief in the Great Grand father's family as well ....Sounds to to me like a Human rights violation ...and i am sure that Her Majesty's Govt has lost every legal or moral right to tax me and my family . in commonwealth countries in general and in Pakistan in particular ...

SO Pak Army created a new monster for the Summer world cup games . Break a leg ...
But honestly i feel that this Iran - US conflict will hurt the Borderline inhabitants and locals more than anybody in the world and still they would be the last people on this planet to know or understand the game . Sad indeed ! especially after having the govt of Pakistan and afghanistan and all other stans .

as our dear poet of the east once said ...
اس کھیل میں تعیین   مراتب   ہے  ضروری 
شاطر کی عنایت سے تو فرزیں ، میں پیادہ 

بیچارہ   پیادہ   تو   ہے   اک   مہرۂ    نا چیز 
فرزیں  سے   بھی   پوشیدہ  ہے  شاطر  کا  ارادہ

So anyways time is now absolutely up ....the eyes are shutting down vision is getting blurred ...i need to immediately lye on the bed and fall asleep or i will fall on the floor and have no idea if i will or will not get up or how ....So anyways ...
i leave with a song video from the recent eurovision song contest ....sad it did not win ...glad my money was not on it ...Ha HA !

Allah Hafiz !!

Cyprus - LIVE - Tamta - Replay - Grand Final - Eurovision 2019

You've got a problem, 2 a.m. I'm in your head
Let's just be honest tonight, yeah
Only I can solve it, you're twisting, turning in your bed
Them sheets need my body tonight
That's when you call me, that's when you call me
Say you're feeling lonely
Early in the morning, early in the morning
Time is moving slowly
We keep it undercover
I know you miss the taste
My heart beats like an 808
You need my love on replay
Replay, replay, replay, yeah
You need my love on replay
Replay, replay, replay, yeah
You're stuck on me darlin' like a love song on repeat
Yeah, you've got a problem, alright, yeah yeah
And I know I'm the one to blame
Because I make you scream my name
And baby, I'm all in tonight, mmm
That's when you call me, that's when you call me
Say you're feeling lonely
Early in the morning, early in the morning
Time is moving slowly
We keep it undercover
I know you miss the taste
My heart beats like an 808
You need my love on replay
Replay, replay, replay, yeah
You need my love on replay
Replay, replay, replay, yeah
And I know I'm the one to blame
'Cause I make you scream my name
Baby, I'm all in tonight, mmm yeah
That's when you call me, that's when you call me
That's when you call me, that's when you call me
Say you're feeling lonely
Early in the morning, early in the morning
Time is moving slowly
We keep it undercover
I know you miss the taste
My heart beats like an 808
You need my love on replay (You need my love)
Replay, replay, replay, yeah (Yeah, yeah)
You need my love on replay

5806 Words

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