
Sunday 7 April 2019

The Sunday Blog # 157

Today is of the Sunday , the 7th April 2019 , the First of Sha'ban 1440 H till the Sunset ( 6:51 pm , karachi ) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 157 ( Hundred and fifty seven .
So this is the first sunday of April 2019 ...
or is it the second sunday ...?
is this the first weekend or the second weekend ....?

Tough one han ?

Any ways ...we will continue to discuss this and also if today completes my three years or not ....Something that began on the Second Sunday the tenth ( 10th) of April 2016 ...

But first let us begin with the news that Karachi the most dangerous city in the world world has survived the chances of being burned by the heatwave ...the temperatures all week remained in the thirties and could not reach the forties . Cool sea breeze kept every thing cool. and there was no dust or sand storm either that might remind us of the on going Lent 2019 .

Meanwhile the politics remained powerful over the media as there was less sports and less terrorism to chase up ...The Politics of Pakistan , US and Britain remained the usual while the politics of India get even more into the exam fever ...ops sorry the Election madness ....

Indian general election, 2019


The 2019 Indian general election is scheduled to be held in seven phases from 11 April to 19 May 2019 to constitute the 17th Lok Sabha. The counting of votes will be conducted on 23 May, and on the same day the results will be declared.Wikipedia
Start dateApril 11, 2019 

SO what is more left there to say ....

Yes if we have waited that long ...we can wait few more weeks can't we ...? Doodh , Pani , milkshake ....The twenty nineteen 17th indian lok sabha general elections will probably have everything and more ....

By the way , Hema ji used to be my childhood Super Star ....and i always preferred her over Rekha ji ....or Sri devi RIP .

1:28 am Break ( 369 words )

2:08 am Tonight ...i did not get to sleep and have a meaty beefy hot and spicy dinner my brain is still awake but my eyes are blurred ...and if i lie on bed ...i will instantly fall asleep . and since i can't sleep till i do the sehri which is about two hours away ...and the sehri end time is 5 : 00 am Fajr prayer time is few minutes later and the Sunrise is 6:18 am
But i don't think that i will be able to stay up till sunrise .

There was something more ...but we saved it for the sehri and iftar ...

Its too hot even without the killer heat wave ...other wise it would have been absolutely impossible to not even check the salts and spices of this bird . But don't worry i am not taking risk and leaving it up for grabs whole day sunday the Fifth Sunday in Lent 2019 while i go on a fast . I will have a small portion in my sehri so that i don't keep dreaming about it all day during the fast and especially everytime somebody microwave it during the breakfast or lunch time .
Since my Lent 2019 fasting was a very personal thing , my actual plan was to keep both iftar and sehri very quiet and simple . But no no no...the dear elder sister gets up every fast day long before the Asr azan and starts making irritable smells if the neighbours were not enough for that .

 It is funny that she enjoys frying these potato chips while i am on a fast ...because the plate remains full until  it is the serving time . Ha Ha...
So after today there will be one more sunday on the fourteenth of April and that will be the last Sunday before easter on the 21st April 2019 . My last fast in Lent 2019 will be on Spy Wednesday the 17th of April 2019 . So after that i will have three Sunday's before the Ramzan starts . Shaban has already started today as the moon was sighted yesterday evening as announced . So Ramzan 1440 H is just less than a month away . Since fasting is already not an issue ...those who fast during ramzan fast and those who do not fast do not fast and no body cares ...What people are worried is how and when everybody shop and do charity of Zakat and sadaqats . The Gracious Sindh Police and Rangers will specially import beggers from around the country especially women and children . And they will follow , chase and block all ways and places where people would expect to see Angels' ...How Naive .

So i was wondering ....Why if we are paying a very large sum of Zakat and Sadaqa to these professional beggers tens , hundreds and thousands to so many beggers all month of ramzan and get insulted and abused and tortured by them in the houses and on the streets and the Bazaars , markets . Instead pay the total amount collectively in DIYAT to the family of a profession begger women and save their souls . Just like the Canadian Scholar does in Punjab .
Think !

3:19 am Break ( 899 words )

3:53 am Okay the time is up and i better hurry up and wrap this my the Sunday Blog # 157 ( Hundred and fifty seven ) for this pre - morning , pre sehri session . after sehri i really don't think i can sit here and do this my the Sunday Blog # 157 (Hundred and fifty seven ) or want to there is no writers block ...the brainstorming is very hectic ...but i am controlling my self and keep it normal . A low word count wont hurt me at all today . Even though i was not expecting it to be so low and so slow today . getting to the first thousand has been so tough today but some how i made it .

After a whole month of lent 2019 and three out of Seven day a week ...i really don't think that anything really bothers me about the up coming ramzan but what can i do if i am unexpectedly caught up in somebody else space of psychological break down . especially if somebody is caught up in a jam on the streets of Karachi the most dangerous city in the world . Some how in this city some people or agencies keep on planning and finding ways to block the streets and main roads by digging up and causing traffic diversion , long detours and very long waits . So i hope and pray that nobody ever caught up in a jam calls me to help save without knowing how or why they are in the jam in the first place ...?

Okay Anyways ....

So here i take a break for the Sehri and prayers with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

4:15 am Sehri Break ( 1245 words)

12:35 pm Good Morning its After noon ..sleep break a couple of times with the sound of tree cutting , phone ringing , kitchen cleaning , etc and i desperately tried to get up but it did not happen ....Any ways now i am fully ..the vision is clear and stomach good and relaxed , the nose and breathing is normal , the throat is a little jammed may also be cleared soon if i sit straight , The forehead is a little sticky ....need to clean it with a wet towel or sponge . or better how about i do the wazo soon..wait ...
Aachh thoo ...! yes the throat is now much better ....Praiseth the Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !

Here is my first tweet of the day

Sun 1st shaban 1440H
12:24 pm Fasting ...and blogging ....Moon was sighted yesterday . So if this month is of thirty days then the Ramzan will begin on 7th may 2019 insha Allah . Ramzan Mubarak !!

Had this for sehri ....awesome isn't it there is no chance of me feeling hungry today at all till the iftar which will be after the Sunset at 6:51 pm ....

today and yesterday i did not get a chance to check the news channels device so i am not really sure what is happening in the world and for that i will probably have to turn to the twitter now ...but if i turned to twitter ...then i will waste a lot of my time which could have been used to do this my the Sunday Blog # 157 ( Hundred and fifty seven ) but there is no escape so i take just a little peek and come back with some fresh sunday morning news to share and comment .

Nope no luck ...there is just no news ...on twitter that might interest me ...

by the way while checking the Pope 's twitter in english and french i learned that the word pope 's twitter team has used for Lent with a hash tag Le
so i got curious and checked it in the google translate and look what i discovered ...the urdu translation of this word Carême is Sassabi سسابی and when i tried to go deeper ...and swap the languages ...i got lost ....Le Sens ....LOL
Anyways is the pope's team tweets first in french and then in english

This tweet is a day old i will update after four pm if there is something new and interesting ...Insha Allah !

And obviously this reminds me of the taxi app service CAREEM ...which was recently bought by its rival UBER ...the Good News is that both are working along side by side ...and nothing is changed ....Praiseth the LORD All Mighty Allah Amen ! 

PS : this Careem poster / bill board with Hamza is probably fake ....courtesy of the twitter mafia .  Thumbs up !

Okay now time for the Prayer Break and facebook meet up without food or meal .... So
i take a prayer break with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

1:46 pm Break ( 1894 words )

4:04 pm So during the break i chatted ...and distracted my dear sister while she was cooking almost got burned is not talking doing odd jobs in deep thoughts ...the neighbours probably got him first ....before i did we will probably catch up at iftar ...
So after a brief  meetup ...i took a cold bath then zuhr prayer with a prayer for my
dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

and after that the recital of the last 30th para of Quran . and the first quarter of the first para ....

The 30th para called ...
30. ʿAmma59(78:1) - (86:17)
60(87:1) - (114:6)
has two prostrations sajda the

Okay so after finishing the 30th para and the Holy Quran is customary to start a new one ...I have seen in the taravee prayers that the qari saab don't end the khatam ay quran on the sura Nas 114 but start the first para ....My teaching at home from the childhood also taught me that so ...i finished today's recital at

 الَّذِينَ يَظُنُّونَ أَنَّهُم مُّلَاقُو رَبِّهِمْ وَأَنَّهُمْ إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ - 2:46 

 Who are certain that they will meet their Lord and that they will return to Him.

The first quarter

 Okay then

there is still time before the next prayer break ....but there is no net ...these day every afternoon it is gone for few hours ...i am not sure if that is the cable company doing or the Karachi Electric Power shut down of the cable Broadband junction box . you wont believe this but few years ago during the musharraf era they had battery back whenever there was power shut down or loadshedding ...the Broadband net and cable tv use to remain on working like normal .
Now this is even more amazing ....during the saein zardari era ...every afternoon the cable company 's pickup with engineers or technicians used to come to the junction box or cabinate  and recharge it with electric generators ....then came the sharif era ....and the cable company probably linked us to some other junction box or cabinate when that area has load shedding or electic power outage we don't have broadband internet ...and probably when we have the load shedding and power outage or breakdown they don't have the cable tv . Its just my guess ...

So the good news is that the Green Bus for peshawer metro has arrived at karachi port and they are bragging about it with a video share . Each bus has a built in wifi router ...
a thing that could have been so useful yesterday , yester months or yester years ....Here in karachi the project is far .....very far from completion ...and it is very out of my way suppose if it is completed in my life time ....and my shrink and therapist sternly suggest that i must have a getaway ....during the hot summer afternoons take whatever wifi device i can carry can tell the world how wonderful and amazing this bus is ....remember we are talking at least four years from now ....ok maybe three pre election jaldi jaldi ...quick finishing of project ....So the question is if i can afford a careem bike or rickshaw or even a go mini anywhere right now ....won't i be able to afford a delux driverless UBER in few years ...?  30 more buses

It was a really Bad project and the guilt i will always feel while stepping in one of these metro bus BRT systems even if its just for fun and to relax a shrink ...that Pakistan and the People of Pakistan were looted through these projects ...Huge debts were incurred upon them ...unbelieable borrowing from international donors was put on Pakistan's tab ....while we were standing on the Bus stops waiting ...waiting ....waiting....

I am most humbly requesting  Her Majesty's British Government and the CIA not to hand over any of the people involved in corruption of Pakistan origin regardless ....

The government of Pakistan and the administration of justice in Pakistan is poor and in dire need of their ill-gained money ...they will never be able to do justice with the culprits ...

Thankyou !

Okay the good news is that my BroadBand net is restored i just publish this so far and take a break. Howzzat ?

Oh My God ...the Pope Twitter team is up again ...and fired two Le   l'gazouillement

1 hour ago
During this time of we are invited to look to others too with charity, which frees us from the vanity of possessing, from thinking that things are good if they are good for me.

  • invites us to look upward with prayer, which frees us from a horizontal, flat life, where we find time only for our ego, but forget God.

    Yes it is time for the Asr prayer break so this is it for today ....i will return after the iftar and sunset ....during the break i will pray asr prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
    May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

    Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

    And then after ifar the maghrib prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
    May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

    Puisse le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah avoir pitié de mes chers parents papa et Ammi et qu'ils soient bénis par le cher Seigneur miséricordieux Tout-Puissant Allah et leurs âmes puissent reposer en paix au paradis. Amen!

    5:42 pm Break ( 3098 words )

    Sun 2nd Shaban 1440 H
    7:50 pm Good Evening !

    Yes this was the iftar just a little while ago ....But i had too much water probably two or more bottles of water so now if feel like i am so full that i cannot even move . I don't know what is with the chicken is getting better and better was cold so i left it on the table it must have gone back in fridge ....saving the best for the last ....

    And talking of saving ...this week both my dear elder siblings have bought a new and expensive smart phone ....from their ill gotten money and they are both trying to coerce me into buying theirs wasting my hard to get life savings lets see who wins this battle .

    Despite all my efforts and hard labour ...this Lent 2019 has been nothing but money money money ....
    ThankGod the All Mighty Allah Amen ! did not invent the money or fill up the pockets of his messengers and Angels or the world would have already seen the the apocalypse or Armageddon  many times .

    Funny isn't it everybody ask for money in the name of the god , some fools even dare to ask the God himself ....and when they do not get the desired amount they turn away from the path of the God ...the merciful , the beneficent  the All Mighty Allah Amen !

    Same goes with the ones giving in the name of God ....They only do Business with God ...ask the whole wide world and more in return for a quarter or a dime . I have often heard the prayer leaders joke ...Hamein mangney a salika nahi ata ....( ہمیں مانگھنے کا سلیکا نہیں آتا ) and then will go on and on for almost half an hour or until the shepherd comes in and let him know that all goods , fruits and vegetables are sold and the boxes of charity are filled .

    Saley pagal khanay se phone karwana bandh kar aur diyat ki amount bata ...@##$%^%^&*


    8:33 pm Break ( 3435 words)

    9:56 pm okay this was ...oh sorry this is for the dinner tonight ...and since i am not eating will still be there for supper and brunch . Ha HA !

     Beef bitter gourd ....and melon .

    melon was sweet ...yes it was ..not is

    Dearly departed Ammi 's ( may her soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen!)  old antique chair where  she used to sit every afternoon and recite two para of the holy Quran was repaired this ...week . its been five years already ....

    funny i haven't missed her at all ....

    Papa ( may his soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen !)  i do miss him a lot ....just this week i was reading a persian poem and the translator was not helping much .... and i remembered how easily he used translate persian , arabic , english and urdu poetry ...and explained the intricacies  , Allegoric and reality with command and flow .

    Yes i will always miss him .....

    Okay so now lets movie to the movies of the week ...
    it has been a very interesting movies week ...most of them low budget movies what you might call the b cinema ...or tv movies but i did finish them all and felt good after watching them .

    • Mission: Impossible – Fallout (2018) HBO pakistan premiere it recently ....i forgot about it but this week i accidentally caught the climax and the end ....I am not sure but i do have a hunch that it was the best part of the movie and the definitely the most entertaining as well . My Kashmir plan is leaked in this movie ....i am so glad for that ...No wonder they donated so graciously in the f@#$%&@ fund . So like my dear mentor Col Smith used to say ...Love it when a plan comes together ....never mind my version ....LOL  not rated until i watch the remaining part even though does not matter any more . the part watched is rated 7 star ...more or less it might remain the same ...Tom Cruise, Angela Bassett, Rebecca Ferguson, Michelle Monaghan, Alix Bénézech, and Vanessa Kirby at an event for Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018)
    • An Affair to Die For (2019)Rated 7 stars ....a female professor caught cheating with a student ...both married with kids .... watching this movie gave almost the same feeling one gets when the kabab house guy burns the BBQ right in front of your eyes ...Awesome ! Melina Matthews at the closing ceremony of Málaga Film Festival
    • Ordinary Miracles (2005)Rated 7 stars ....Lyndsy Fonseca in The Ward (2010)
    • Discreet (2008)Rated 7 stars ...mein toh kehta hon inn paidal walon ko janey do ...rickshaw mein lift do gay toh aisa he ho ga ....LOL khama kaa ....hani toh ,,,,,,
    • Mohalla Assi (2015)Rated 7 stars .....awesome movie ...mind your language ...yes watching a movie like this with some the greats using such foul language in ordinary speech ...has got to make some serious impact on your language as well . i believe i have survived ....parvati oh sorry sakshi tanwar did really well in this movie .  
    • Kings in Grass Castles (1998) TV mini series Rated 8 stars ....Should have watched this series back then ....its definitely too late now ....LOL
    • Svyaz (2006) RelationsRated 9 stars Also about cheating ...but has a very unbelievable ending it ! taking notes ....scrib scrib....
    • The Dead Don’t Care for Vengeance (2017)Rated 4 stars ...talent Hunt ....okay 
    • Airline Disaster (2010)Rated 4 stars you know why ....don't you dare ever ask again ....LOL 
    • Fish Without a Bicycle (2003)Rated 8 stars ....luck is a very divine thing ...i don't get jealous sometimes ....LOL
    • World War Z (2013)Rated 4 stars ...this script has been circulating in down town studios for a very long time ....we can't nudge it off just like that ..maybe somebody had visions to send a csi team to find out more where this is coming from
    • The Birthday Wish (2017)Rated 5 stars ...watched it on the first of april ...imagine !
    • Hailey Dean Mystery: Murder, with Love (2016)Rated 5 stars ....Former prosecutor, Hailey Dean, is now a therapist. When her patient is questioned about the sudden deaths of her parents, Hailey's previous job will come in handy to prove her innocence.   Hailey Dean Mystery Murder, With Love Final Photo Assets. Actress: Cindy Busby and Kellie Martin
    Never mind making sense out of this ....
    okay that wraps up my movies of the week ...i had fun ....and that 's what really matters to me ....
     Need a break ....But there is not enough time left i will try and stay and finish up this my the sunday Blog # 157 ( Hundred and fifty seven )

    Have already crossed the four thousand words mark for this my the sunday Blog # 157 ( Hundred and fifty seven ) tonight . I could have done much better but the hot and spicy food i have been fed all week and especially this weekend has made me slow and lazy . Arent there any long marches from saddar i could join ...should visit the book fair at press club or something after this extremely hard to digest this my the Sunday Blog # 157 ( Hundred and fifty seven ) .

    Okay something weird is going on on my twitter trends for karachi ...molana fazlur rehman is on the top of everything ....
    okay then the time is very up i have to abruptly end here ...half unsaid ...but end here with is beautiful melody from a movie i loved to watch ...i am so sure you will like it too ...if not than okay ...

    Anyways ...the time is really up now to go ..bye

    All the BEST !!
    GOD Blaze America !

    Allah Hafiz !

    Heart of Stone - Joe Niemand

    I can call you anytime
    Call you over
    Make you mine
    But you won’t know
    The secret I endure
    Your smile leaves me without defence
    Gut wrenching beauty, your innocence
    Your innocence
    So please don’t let me do
    The things that I want to
    You’ll seduce a heart of of stone
    Don’t settle for not being alone
    Your body blinds me like the sun
    I’ll lose my way
    I come undone
    Oh, you don’t know know how magical you are
    But at your gate I’m the tortured thief
    Torn between your beauty and my belief
    Don’t let me through
    So please don’t let me do
    The things that I want to
    You’ll seduce a heart of of stone
    Don’t settle for not being alone
    I want you like you want me
    But deep down I know we’re not
    Meant to be
    But I do know that I can’t let go
    I think you know what I mean, don’t you?
    So please don’t let me do
    The things that I want to
    You’ll seduce a heart of of stone
    Don’t settle for not being alone
    You’re not alone