
Sunday 14 October 2018

The Sunday Blog # 132

Today is the Sunday the 14th of October 2018 , the 4th of Safar 1440 H  till the Sunset ( 6:06 pm , Karachi )  , and this is my the Sunday Blog # 132 ( Hundred and thirty two ) .

Okay just when i thought that the plan is not going to work again tonight ....that is to be in bed at Nine and wake up at Midnight . Yes after eating an unbelievable Dinner and a Facebook meet up . i was in bed at nine pm alright but failed to instantly fall asleep so i started to watch the tenth movie of the week still there was no sleep at the end of this movie so i got up and had some chilled water and then back to bed idea when i completely dosed off and then woke up at exactly the Midnight . Instantly got out of the bed had a cup of tea and here i am ...still sleepy But glad that i did it.

Honestly this has been a very toned down , mellow kind of week for me . Nothing much ...just the usual stuff . and before you know it , it was the Saturday again. In fact on the Thursday evening i say to myself out loud ....Oh No it's the Friday Again meaning the week is over .
Anyways ,
the major events that were of any interest or importance to me this past week were I believe the Storm named Luban not paying a visit to Karachi the most dangerous city in the world . Can you believe that @#$%&&* is still haunting the poor people of our neighbourly  Sultanate of Oman just as we speak....i mean blog .


 Since we probably have a time difference of an hour from Oman so that would be our mid night . This is the Province where there is Salalah which is more commonly heard name from this region near Yemen . So imagine if it had been on its way towards us I would have been so panicked and excited at the moment and not even sure we had the power and net to be able to do this my the Sunday Blog # 132 ( Hundred and thirty two ) .

Okay never mind us we are very bad people but this week i got some really interesting things to hear from the regions under direct threat of the Cyclone or thunder storms . like this one ....

And on the Other side of the globe .....for Hurricane Micheal ....

Interesting isn't it ??

Life without the 911 .....Just like Karachi !

The Second most interesting event this week and maybe related ....was the Very Bad pungent smell that gripped the Whole of Karachi . On 9th october tuesday  evening after dinner as i was watching the television i felt a very fishy smell usually i am the last one to smell something because of the nasal congestion which is often blocking the nose and the ear . So anyways at first we thought it was the neighbours cat marking territory or something but then as it get stronger and persistent ...i looked out and felt that this was much bigger than i thought . Unfortunately there was no news ticker about it so i did what normal people do these days i turned to twitter and was i glad to see so many people talking about it . Especially this tweet ...
Some super genius people reminded that this phenomenon has occured last years as well and it is because of the sea sparkles or something .....When i read that this has happened last year at about the same time . So i thought that it must have something to do with the solid waste especially the Animal waste which must have been dumped in the sea . Remember we had a large quantity of animal waste last year as well and it must have been dumped in sea as well . the cyclonic reverse currents could have thrown it back on shore instead of taking it to Mumbai .....LOL

Since this is just the second time the suspension grows even more because of the recent formation of the sindh solid waste board . Anyways Soon we will have the Gwadar port and the nuclear waste to counter the naked aggression from any south indian waste disposal . And this gives me Shudders just to think that i was such a diehard advocate of d most desalination of sea water for household use here in karachi the most dangerous city in the world ...

And as we are talking about water ....How can me miss out our very dear and honorable chief Justice saab ....

So i don't understand if it is about the water or the money they are making either way ....I support this call ....No more mineral water for me from today ....okay

So now i believe i need to take a break here as i have almost reached the first thousand words on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 132 ( Hundred and thirty two )
Oh i almost forget to post the dinner pics and images may contain food 

 Tajdeed ay Emaan !
 indeed !
Praiseth the Dear Gracious , Merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !

3:11 am Break ( 1024 words)

4:09 am Okay very little time left and i am not really in a total awake mode . So i better do this my the Sunday Blog # 132 ( Hundred and thirty two ) without research or google because it consumes too much time .
Today or maybe yesterday i need to check from the twitter or facebook ....was a Ajconf2018 .


will be held on 13 & 14 October 2018 at Avari Hotel in Lahore.

12:30 PM – 02:00 PM


Okay honestly she was probably the only person singular in the akar bakar club of PTV Lahore that i never liked . For two main reasons ....
One she was so vocally anti state .
Two they gave her air time usually when it was children's time and me anxiously waiting for the cut and edited children's program was instead forced to watch her . quite often . They say to "Be nice to people on your way up because you'll meet them on your way down."
But how can you possibly do that when you are being scammed . Getting a chance to appear on National Television is a one in a million chance . But being invited to a PTV show under Zia regime and talk against was a multipled by ten chance . So in dollar terms there was no escape from the celebrity status that she won .  
Anyways regardless of my personal views and dislike of her and her support for the Sicilian mafia and panama league against the hopes and wishes of the common people ..i mean yesterday when i saw so many people getting free lunch because of her posthumous ....I said to myself ...maybe i was wrong about her ....
Anyways  its almost five am in the morning and i am beginning to feel a little drowsy so i better hurry up and move on to the next most interesting event or alert of the week .

This week we received a threat warning alert on our mobile phones  from a 8484 number telling us to only buy PTA ....Pakistan telecommunication Authority , okay ed sim based devices . The said sms also warned that all unregistered Imei number  devices and smuggled devices will be blocked on 20th oct 2018 . So i was wondering what this Imei means
IMEI is short for International Mobile Equipment Identity and is a unique number given to every single mobile phone, typically found behind the battery. IMEI numbers of cellular phones connected to a GSM network are stored in a database (EIR - Equipment Identity Register) containing all valid mobile phone equipment.

OKay so how is it going to help or destroy the Mobile or smart phone business in Jamshedtown of Karachi the Most dangerous city in the world. By the way not to mention how much the mobile phones or smart phones in particular have helped in policing this most dangerous city of the world . They say that finding good Lebanese kabab in karachi is more difficult then finding a karachite in Beirut escaping 
And if this is to just hurt the Chinese or Indian mobile or smart phones manufacturer then where are the ones to replace them . I don't suppose the PTA or the Mobile service and data provider will be hoping that all mobile and smart phones users will throw away their cheap and smuggled mobile phones and smart phones and immediately buy the expensive PTA verified Imei no devices from 20th October 2018 ?

And another question .....If somebody has twenty smart phones and one ...two or three SIMs then what should he or she be doing ....register all of them on just one ...two or three SIMs or just register one smart phone with one SIM . to save himself from further harassment by the mobile phone and data and banking
 service providers . And what about the old and used second hand smoke smart phone users and shop owners ? obviously they cannot afford to have all their mobile and smart phones registered by the PTA before a confirmed sale . Because if the first owner or the shop owner and business person in this business have all his smart phones registered with the PTA then that device cannot be considered a genuine piece of equipment .
Any it will be fun to see how many smart phones and mobile phones goes off mobile network on or after the twentieth of October 2018 .

Okay its time for the Fajr , Sunrise in Karachi the most dangerous city in the world is 6 : 29 am today so here i take a break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

5:54 am Break (1817  words)

12:00 pm Good Morning !
the first tweet of the day ....
Sun 4th Safar 1440
11:55 am Wow i am up before the  noon . Had the ilaichi wali tea . Brunch is ready but i am already too slow so should i eat ? no i don't think so its hot in the sun under a hazy sky the southern sky looks a little cloudy nothing serious ....

Okay so the kids are really enjoying photoshopping the Pakistan's top brass in london walking . Can't post or share any of them here not even the original looking because who know it has a dot . Actually i was expecting something like this after that extremely irresponsible statement by the Army spokesperson what's his name no not this one's very recent and has not been verified yet ...
Actually everybody who was anybody in the past regime is clearly under pressure and will remain to do so it is very bad we don't have a system or the president like the his majesty mr trump . Under his administration so many resigned other quit only few remains who were there under the past regime .
okay yes i found the repostable image of the spokessperson's  tweet i was talking  from an account that will be disowned or disavowed very soon ....insha Allah !
I sense a lot of bitterness and resentment towards the spokesperson in most of the female id accounts here on twitter today even though he is doning a cool polo
and trying to look very apologetic 
Heard this song very recently an i believe i believe i believe is catchy
Enjoy !
Bad at Love
Got a boy back home in Michigan
And it tastes like Jack when I'm kissing him
So I told him that I never really liked his friends
Now he's gone and he's calling me a bitch again
There's a guy that lives in a garden state
And he told me that we make it 'til we graduate
So I told him the music would be worth the wait
But he wants me in the kitchen with a dinner plate
I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe
That we're meant to be
But jealousy, jealousy, jealousy, jealousy
Get the best of me
Look, I don't mean to frustrate, but I
Always make the same mistakes, yeah I
Always make the same mistakes 'cause
I'm bad at love (ooh-ooh)
But you can't blame me for tryin'
You know I'd be lyin' sayin'
You were the one (ooh-ooh)
That could finally fix me
Lookin' at my history
I'm bad at love
Got a girl with California eyes
And I thought that she could really be the one this time
But I never got the chance to make her mine
Because she fell in love with little thin white lines
London girl with an attitude
We never told no one but we look so cute
Both got way better things to do
But I always think about it when I'm riding through
I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe
That I'm in too deep
And jealousy, jealousy, jealousy, jealousy
Get the best in me
Look, I don't mean to frustrate, but I
Always make the same mistakes, yeah I
Always make the same mistakes 'cause
I'm bad at love (ooh-ooh)
But you can't blame me for tryin'
You know I'd be lyin' sayin'
You were the one (ooh-ooh)
That could finally fix me
Lookin' at my history
I'm bad at love (ooh-ooh)
Oh, you know, you know, you know (ooh-ooh)
I'm bad at love (ooh-ooh)
I'm bad at love (ooh-ooh)
I know that you're afraid
I'm gonna walk away
Each time the feeling fades
Each time the feeling fades
I know that you're afraid
I'm gonna walk away
Each time the feeling fades
You know I'm bad at love (ooh-ooh)
But you can't blame me for tryin'
You know I'd be lyin' sayin'
You were the one (ooh-ooh)
That could finally fix me
Lookin' at my history
I'm bad at love (ooh-ooh)
Oh, you know, you know, you know (ooh-ooh)
I'm bad at love (ooh-ooh)
Oh, oh 
Got to take a long break here
.....brunch calling and also it will be the prayer time soon so i take a break with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!
12:38 pm Break ( 2607 words)

3:47 pm Wow had Brunch and then sleep ....
Puri tarkari 

Kerela qeema

Aloo choley
seekh kabab
And chapli kabab for later or chappa ....Okay now our Bakra eid is just about over probably next week we will have to buy / purchase meat from the market .
Anyways , just now i checked the twitter and saw some really excited first time online voters from abroad bragging and boasting about their vote ....some are not even trying to hide their choice ....its fun watching them so over joyed this is what i have been hoping for all my life . no no ....not that ....even though if our foreign donors and investors got a chance they would probably take away our voting right and give it all to them after all they are the chosen ones and we are just the pain in the ass ....anyways . so far i have no idea how and where they are voting from and how they are allowed to take their mobile smart phone camera during the polling process . I thought it was against the rule for mary so it should be for her little lamb ...don't you think ?
Everybody here is worried about this by elections as there are just too many seats and it cannot only puncture but de rail the present shaky government of  MQM and its allies . Ya so far it looks like that from here ...except for Amir khan and farooq sattar ....who are busy playing  marbles with eachother ....

Just now i lost some thing here more than a para graph ....this has happened to me after quite a long while ....these days when something written or share suddenly disappears i just click the undo and it comes back but not here it is just not happening . It was really emotional because i was relating some thing that related to my dearly departed Ammi ( May her soul rest in peace in heaven Amen ! ) . I rarely mention my dearly departed Ammi ( May her Soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen ! ) beacuse she is still in court against her siblings and anything i say can and will be used against them . I very recent learned that a civil procerdure court case of execution in a property matter does not really have a final decision or verdict it remains in compliance even after the decree ....sounds logical because you go to the court for an execution of a decree and then you get another decree so when the old ladies of the house hold asks what happened to the case ...and you reply ...yes it has been decided and we won . Okay then the property is ours ?
Nope ....yes it is not yet ...
what are you saying ? yes or no ?
yes and no ....@##%^&^^%$
and so the ladies understand that its a BIG no .
That is why they say that in Pubjab judges try to avoid a decree in execution of property cases ....maybe some day the sindh judges will also do the same ....
So here i will take a break and try to remember what i have lost here and will try to re create as much as possible .
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!
5:20 pm Break( words)

5:41 pm Okay the blogger is having some issues with me and this my the Sunday Blog # 132 ( hundred and thirty two ) . I don't really know for sure why i still use this blogger site when all i need is on the wordpress site . they usually save every last line or word and sometimes even the last full stop . But i am not a robot and i actually enjoy such challenges like the one i had in the past hour . First the site removed the whole couple of hundred words and then when i moved forward they said you cannot save or even revert to draft ....the site was absolutely crashed for me ....not sure if it was just me or anybody else as well . let me check the twitter ....nope it was just me ....somebody must be hacking ....why ?

Okay only few minutes left to a very beautiful Sunset in Karachi the most dangerous city in the world where going to the nearest beach is like investing in the dow jones  with no background knowledge for the first time ....ya that bad ...and the jams these day are really unbelievable ....

So anyways here i take a break and will probably grab something and have a facebook meetup ...check on the old and new neighbours ....some gossips about the far away siblings ...and so and so and or i will be back soon after the prayer with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!
5:58 pm Break ( 3504 words )

Sun 5th Safar 1440
7:09 pm Good Evening ! 
made some lemonade cum shikanjabeen with roohafzah and let it cool that i am looking forward for the next break .
okay then it seems that the media will continue to torture the nation with the byelection results so lets just forget about them ....the point to be noted is that most of the free leaders on both sides had the vote today ....our constituency did not have an empty seat ....national or provincial . even though our result came the last and both our MNA and MPA are too eager to quit like the runaway bride ....they will probably save their pan and gutkha under the tongue and spit their resignation before . You know ours is probably the most richest of the constituency in the country in terms of taxes and bhattas and extortion and still there is no government hospital ever even planned . The city workers working in houses here privately  are all govt employees using govt supplied brooms and wheelbarrows . Sometimes in the morning ( read mid day if you know me well )  while having my first cup of tea i catchup with the street view live and see a cleaner coming towards me with a broom and wheelbarrow i get excited that now my front will be cleaned but he usually stops at a neighbours door and pick up there garbage and off he goes ....we pay for our own sewerage complaints even the online and helpline complaints are responded by the same person or line man ....And you all know what recently happened to our road before and after the elections . The polio team keeps harassing the neighbourhood and while most of the NGO's are believed to have been banned in the country for anti state activity i am not sure why they are not even checked ? 

So election in our constituency was useless as ever ....we live in dystopia ...only the people with money and power will survive here ....water has broken there is no point in living in denial ....

Anyways dearly departed Ammi ( may her soul rest in peace in heaven amen !) use to say this a lot ....Bad acha badnaam bura ....بد اچھا بد نام برا 
i believe she was a fan of the famous poet ismael meerthi who said
بد کی صحبت میں مت بیٹھو اس کا ہے انجام برا

بد نہ بنے تو بد کہلائے بد اچھا بد نام برا
bad sohbat meñ mat baiTho is hai anjām burā
bad na bane to bad kahlā.e bad achchhā badnām burā

My Ammi was a very simple house wife and to her this was like a personal unwritten constitution article which she use to remember and read again and again so often that at times i thought she really wants us to be bad ....but no i don't think that was her intention at all . It was much later in life that i realized that bad are not always bad ....some change and start doing good and some do bad and  go hide somewhere or completely forget about their victims or at least pretend to do so ....either way we get rid of them for good and live happily ever after .....
Badnaam on the other hand have many names and descriptions
بدنام notorious infamous calumniated defamed ignominious disreputable
I believe my dearly departed Ammi ( may her soul rest in peace in heaven Amen !) had only one in her mind and conscience and that would be Bad Name as in disreputable . Can you believe that some times a person having a bad name dies trying to clear his or her name or get an exhortation both from individuals and society . And especially his and her dear ones . And it is not the easiest of the things in this never forgiving never forgetting world and society . Like dying is easy but getting your self and your bad name cleared is not at all easy . When ever their is weaker moment in the relations or a dispute arises or even the time comes when your character or work needs endorsements people tend to remember bad things from your past and let it known to the not knowing or ignorant . that's the way it is ....And the worst thing is that people with bad names often keep on trying harder and harder and never give up there is no chance that you can even miss or forget them . Never !

Like take for example ......if i post a picture of a dish i just saw in the fridge wait let me just do that ....yes

 Yes the first glance of it and everybody will know who did it .....nobody would even care where they saw this or who posted it . even though the pictures even have my insignia on them yet nobody will even care that i could have made these or that this could be tasteless or saltish or maybe plastic every @#$$%&**( would say ...moti meetha kha rahi hai .....@#$%&*
See ....That is why every time i get away with something that could have brought a bad name to me i remember my dearly departed Ammi ( May her soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen ! ) .

okay coming back to the by election the Sicilian mafia head today tried to play dumb and visited the polling station with this ID document ....
 They turned him out ....if i was in his place i would never leave home with out a a few extra copies of this ....just in case there is a tough customer on the receiving end who don't actually watch television in pakistan .

8:53 pm Break ( 4443 words)

9:27 pm Okay i had the dinner i have to hurry up ....

Lets go the movies of the week ....this has been an interesting week as regards to the topic of the movies this week . It was like i was celebrating the Mental health day/ week and believe it or not most of the movies were about psychology and the cherry on the top was that Behavioral psychology winning over the psychiatry ....ya funny isn't it . By the way showing the presences of mind i did something really stupid . i still cannot figure out how i was watching this movie about the sexual harassment by the school mate with a history of sexual assault and rape,  gunned down in the end by the victim . on a day when the British Foreign office was celebrating a  day against the death penalty . Thank God nobody noticed it or liked it or retweeted it ....and its not even coming in the search so maybe its in the bottomless pit nothing to be alarmed or excited about ...But for the moment it felt really good having such a distracting opinion about an international issue .obviously since very few had watched this movie and very few will watch it so nobody will be positively sure about on which side i am if there actually is another side which i so doubt . anyways we will discuss this issue sometime later with all the pros and cons , ,moral and religious . as well as to why powerful politically wants to abolish it they want victims to sleep or do they not want them to sleep at all for as long as they live . or whatever ....okay then back on track ....

  • The Golem (1920) Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam...Not rated is a pre-historic movie . a silent with play cards or telips to tell the audience what is going on is funny that often watch the television hindi soaps serial i feel like they still guide the audience in a similar fashion and instead of the play cards or telips they use a verebal indicator two character in a scene and suddenly one quips ...Arjun nahi aya abhi tak .....and lo...Arjun walks in anyways it is a 1920 movie but somehow it has some resemblance to the present day iron man ....the chest device or the arc reactor without which he is useless ...golem also had a similar device only that was a jewish star shaped probably put in the story for the filthy rich sponsors . Imagine the world without .....cinema and movies ....Shudders ! By the way Swift justice here as well and the damage control was awesome ..LOL  its a shame paul wegener died September 13th 1948 he will never know what jr did
  • Daana Paani (2018)rated 10 stars ...i like mr sheirgill a lot but here its not just him its the whole package ...very nice 
  • Summer in the Vineyard (2017)Rated 8 stars another of the Hallmark greats this changes nothing ...canada remains in the dog house .
  • The Wrong Friend (2018)Rated 5 stars i believe we have a countywide teachers protest tomorrow ....

  • The Fifth Mind (2007)Rated 10 stars ...this was a really tough one to watch ...and even tougher one to forget ...
  • In Her Defense (1999) rated 4stars there was just too much smooching and cuddling which gave it away ....and ofcourse the mini tape recorder 
  • A Short History of Decay (2014)Rated 8 stars .....God ! some people just can't resist the urges for a fort years ....LOL okay please don't be mad at your self ...
  • 1920: Evil Returns (2012)Rated 5 stars okay the sister act really ruined the sequel performance and level . And so now i believe that i have watched the whole series ....feel accomplished  ta taan !
  • Beauty in the Broken (2015)Rated 6 stars well i have heard about reverse psychology ...but i have never heard of the role reverse patient . The Best Part was ....okay you don't need a good clean @##% then i go back to my @#$%%&* life .......LOL
  • Barefoot (2014)Rated 8 stars ....okay i am speechless !

  • That's about it !

    Pause ! Break ! Samosa !

    okay so now a little over half an hour left is very very quiet in the neighbourhood ....oh by the way remember i mentioned a parosan who was having her kerb cleaned last sunday well on thursday morning after midnight a truck came loaded with cement bags and dropped about two hundred bags on her kerb ....for the construction site four plots and street away .....haven't seen her this week at all not even on friday or today i still have two and i need too more to put two and too togather .....LOL

    Okay so as i was saying is so quiet here on my street that i am sure the results of the By elections wont disturb the present Government of MQM . No danger at all . Relax sleep tight !
    And even if khawaja saab party manages to win all the seats in the National assembly ....he may have the money but he does not have the power it requires to use that money freely for horse trading . Its the end of the day as far as horse trading is concerned . IMF wont allow a no confidence against their clients . Make a deal khawaja saab or you will loose everything .

    Okay Then i believe i have made it .....I knew that i can't break any record today or even match the average of the month ....the fall has began and winter is just round the corner i need to bring the target down to four thousand words if i eat or i should make it fasting all sunday blog only then i may get a big score . Anyways it is time and as i was picking up a  song video from youtube from the movie i mentioned above ...i somehow have landed on this one again ....and my heart and mind as well as fingers are jammed so this is it Enjoy and save your smart phones .....see you all next week insha Allah
    Amen !

    Allah Hafiz !

    Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise - Lyrics

    Another Day in Paradise
    She calls out to the man on the street
    'Sir, can you help me?
    It's cold and I've nowhere to sleep,
    Is there somewhere you can tell me?'
    He walks on, doesn't look back
    He pretends he can't hear her
    Starts to whistle as he crosses the street
    Seems embarrassed to be there
    Oh think twice, it's another day for you and me in paradise
    Oh think twice, 'cause it's just another day for you,
    You and me in paradise, think about it
    She calls out to the man on the street
    He can see she's been crying
    She's got blisters on the soles of her feet
    She can't walk but she's trying
    Oh think twice, 'cause it's another day for you and me in paradise
    Oh think twice, it's just another day for you,
    You and me in paradise, think about it
    Oh Lord, is there nothing more anybody can do
    Oh Lord, there must be something you can say
    You can tell from the lines on her face
    You can see that she's been there
    Probably been moved on from every place
    Cause she didn't fit in there
    Oh think twice, 'cause another day for you and me in paradise
    Oh think twice, it's just another day for you,
    You and me in paradise, just think about it, think about it
    It's just another day for you and me in paradise
    It's just another day for you and me in paradise, paradise
    It's just another day for you and me in paradise
    It's just another day for you and me in paradise, paradise
    It's just another day for you and me
    It's just another day for you and me
    It's just another day for you and me in paradise
    In paradise