
Thursday 31 May 2018

Parliament Dissolves Today Election campaign Begins $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Tuesday 29 May 2018

اک نازنیں نے پہنے پھولوں کے زرد گہنے

لو پھر بسنت آئی 

پھولوں پہ رنگ لائی 

چلو بے درنگ 

لب آب گنگ 

بجے جل ترنگ 

من پر امنگ چھائی 

پھولوں پہ رنگ لائی 

لو پھر بسنت آئی 

آفت گئی خزاں کی 

قسمت پھری جہاں کی 

چلے مے گسار 

سوئے لالہ زار 

مئے پردہ دار 

شیشے کے در سے جھانکی 

قسمت پھری جہاں کی 

آفت گئی خزاں کی 

کھیتوں کا ہر چرندہ 

باغوں کا ہر پرندہ 

کوئی گرم خیز 

کوئی نغمہ ریز 

سبک اور تیز 

پھر ہو گیا ہے زندہ 

باغوں کا ہر پرندہ 

کھیتوں کا ہر چرندہ 

دھرتی کے بیل بوٹے 

انداز نو سے پھوٹے 

ہوا بخت سبز 

ملا رخت سبز 

ہیں درخت سبز 

بن بن کے سبز نکلے 

انداز نو سے پھوٹے 

دھرتی کے بیل بوٹے 

پھولی ہوئی ہے سرسوں 

بھولی ہوئی ہے سرسوں 

نہیں کچھ بھی یاد 

یونہی بامراد 

یونہی شاد شاد 

گویا رہے گی برسوں 

بھولی ہوئی ہے سرسوں 

پھولی ہوئی ہے سرسوں 

لڑکوں کی جنگ دیکھو 

ڈور اور پتنگ دیکھو 

کوئی مار کھائے 

کوئی کھلکھلائے 

کوئی منہ چڑھائے 

طفلی کے رنگ دیکھو 

ڈور اور پتنگ دیکھو 

لڑکوں کی جنگ دیکھو 

ہے عشق بھی جنوں بھی 

مستی بھی جوش خوں بھی 

کہیں دل میں درد 

کہیں آہ سرد 

کہیں رنگ زرد 

ہے یوں بھی اور یوں بھی 

مستی بھی جوش خوں بھی 

ہے عشق بھی جنوں بھی 

اک نازنیں نے پہنے 

پھولوں کے زرد گہنے 

ہے مگر اداس 

نہیں پی کے پاس 

غم و رنج و یاس 

دل کو پڑے ہیں سہنے 

اک نازنیں نے پہنے 

پھولوں کے زرد گہنے 

حفیظ جالندھری

Monday 28 May 2018

Sunday 27 May 2018

The Sunday Blog # 112

Today is the 27th of May 2018 the 11th of Ramzan 1439 till the Sunset ( 7:14 pm , Karachi ) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 112 ( Hundred and Twelve) .

So first of all the Ramzan update ........
Honestly i don't care how your ramzan are going . I will only update about my ramzan . Okay before i say anything about the Ramzan . let me first give a screen grab of what the spellcheck is doing here
so every time i write Ramzan a dotted red line appears and the left click gives just one correction a ramzan with a "d" . Sorry the screen grab of the popup small window with the left click is not possible so it is not that difficult you can try it yourself and understand what i am going through right now or at the moment . Please do try it in the google translate also . its so much fun half of my drowsiness is already gone .

Okay so lets begin with the taravee prayer tonight . It was the Eleventh night of prayer . And the qari saab recited the para 13 and para 14 and ended at the three quarter of para 14 .

وَيَوْمَ نَبْعَثُ فِي كُلِّ أُمَّةٍ شَهِيدًا عَلَيْهِم مِّنْ أَنفُسِهِمْ ۖ وَجِئْنَا بِكَ شَهِيدًا عَلَىٰ هَٰؤُلَاءِ ۚ وَنَزَّلْنَا عَلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ تِبْيَانًا لِّكُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَهُدًى وَرَحْمَةً وَبُشْرَىٰ لِلْمُسْلِمِينَ - 16:89

And [mention] the Day when We will resurrect among every nation a witness over them from themselves. And We will bring you, [O Muhammad], as a witness over your nation. And We have sent down to you the Book as clarification for all things and as guidance and mercy and good tidings for the Muslims.

Trust me it is not at all easy to find out and remember where the qari saab ended. Will not go into the gory details this year as i have already had two ramzans doing this my the Sunday Blogs . or maybe more . No maths or calculus today before sehri because i am on drugs . Yes it appears that the prayers for heavy downpour of my dear brothers and sisters have been heard as my nose is rainy since Thursday afternoon when i woke up . Been on anti- biotics simple dose since friday morning that is before sehri . Today or maybe yesterday if you wish to correct me , I took the capsule and by afternoon i felt like its time for the next dose but could not because  of the roza ( fast) . Any way the day time during the roza ( fast ) is not the real trouble . It is the taravee prayer which was already difficult because of my persistent perspiration and prayer mat wetting . You wont believe this ! a copy cat left an identical mark on the prayer mat with a chilled water bottle about six inches below where i would have made standing a rank ahead today .
So now with the clear water coming out of just one nostril every time i go into ruku (bow) before the sajda ( prostration ) . Forcing me to wipe it with the tissue while keeping up the pace with the rank . Even the Trained dis tractors paid by the city councils are not being able keep up the pace with me now ....LOL. 

Ah its fun to see a gif running here lets hope it stays that way tomorrow and after publishing this my the Sunday Blog # 112 ( Hundred and twelve ) .

Okay my dear sister has brought a cup of hot yakhni so i need to take a break and drink it . I am so sure i will feel much better after it BUT the only problem here is that soon after drinking this hot and spicy yakhni ( soup ) i will feel hot and humid and then i will drink chilled water or juice so everything good will be wiped out !!

1:50 am Break ( 627 words)

2:40 am So apart from the Anti biotic and the panadol i had this for iftar and after taravee dinner

Home made dahi ( milk sleep night morning go tight)A glass of refreshing Sattu drink .
So only an hour left before it time for me to do the sehri . I like to do the sehri till the last minute. In this weather a lot cannot be eaten or the rest of the day is spent in hell similarly after eating too much in iftar i perspire more profusely in the taravee prayer . Anyways so today i think that after eating more that half sheermal with aloo qeema and lots of hot and cold fluids i don't need to do the sehri but then you have satisfy the elders therefore i may take a bite or two and then lots of cold fluids as the sehri time comes to the close . So what is the sehri time for the jamshed town today ?

Astro. Twilight  04:16 – 04:48
Anyways who has the time to watch the time at the closing time . So far this Ramzan i have brushed everyday before the end . Which is good . 

Okay so this reminds me of the TvOne 's Surf campaign .....

So today as i was praying or had finished praying the Asr namaz and was reciting the 8th para suddenly the door bell started ringing . Everybody was busy in something as the iftar was so near . But by the manner of ringing the bell i realised that it was some very desperate beggar , the kind who come only in Ramzan and don't go away easy . So i kept reciting until i finished the 8th para or juz for those .....and then put it safely in the box and went to see who it is . There were two healthy looking young men standing with the neighbours guard anxiously waiting to see what happens as if he knew that something will happen . I look over the wall and they saw me looking and called out to come to the door . Upon recognizing the brand of beggars i immediately grabbed a stick and opened the door and charged with it on the ground
Both the beggars forgot their story and looked at me in surprise . The Neighbours' armed guard who is a new been here for just a few day probably from the first of ramzan after most of the employees of this security company refused to work for our dear neighbours , was very amused . Anyways so scaring away the irritating beggars was my 

okay it is almost 3:30 am and i have just crossed the first thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 112 ( Hundred and twelve ) which is mostly the haq halal ka no copy and paste Amazing !

So everybody is sleeping . There is nothing in this world that i hate more then waking somebody sleeping so deep But for sehri i have to do it as usually i am the only nocturnal here My dearly departed Ammi ( May her Soul rest in peace in Heaven Amen !) use to wake up and prepare sehri for the joint family and visitors and guests . It used to be fun i will always miss her Paratha's and Shami Kababs and the way she soaked the pheani (vermicilli) . The Sugar was always perfect in it . I hate diabetes more ........LOL
Any ways its time for me to take a sehri Break and fajr prayer break right now ...
 with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen! 

3:41 am Break ( 1260 words)

4:53 am yes Alhamdolillah ! i am now in the fast so i was going to sleep but thought that i should first post the sehri pictures 

So i am still not very sleepy so i can round up a few of the most interesting international events that made this week an even more special than it could ever dream of .
From the Publisher of the Fairies of Delhi came yet another metro dropping . Obviously i have not read it and probably never will So there is no point in being sleepless over a fairy tale But the only thing is that no matter how fictional this fairy tale it is it solves one of the greatest puzzles of recent time ....Polio drops cannot extract the DNA code of a dead ghost . 
Second , in this officially released situation room photo former US secretary of state Mrs Clinton was watching " ddlj " and not the Letterman show live .
Khana karab ka bacha shakil afridi Allah gharat kare ab kabhi America nahein jasakti matter what

" ہمیں چاہیے تھا ملنا ، کسی اور آسمان پر ....... "
یہ حسین شام اپنی
ابھی جس میں گھل رہی ہے
تیرے پیرھن کی خوشبو
ابھی جس میں کھل رہی ہے
میرے خواب کے شگوفے
ذرا دیر کا ہے منظر
ذرا دیر میں افق پر
کھلے گا کوئی ستارہ
تیری سمت دیکھ کر وہ
کریگا کوئی اشارہ
تیرے دل کو آئے گا پھر
کسی یاد کا بلاوا
کوئی قصّہ جدائی
کوئی کار نا مکمل
کوئی خواب نا شگفتہ
کوئی بات کہنے والی
ہمیں چاہیے تھا ملنا
کسی عہد مہربان میں
کسی خواب کے یقین میں
کسی اور آسمان پر
کسی اور سر زمین میں
ہمیں چاہیے تھا ملنا !!!!

پروین شاکر
okay bus bahut ho giya its time to sleep

5:40 am Break (1551Words)

3:12 pm Good After noon !
first the first tweet of the day ...
Sun 11th Ramzan 1439
3:00 pm up cleaned prayed and sweaty had a load shedding on sunday which we usually don't have an hour early . Anyways !

So during the sleep i thought i heard my dear brother from two towns away .Okay now i can claim that the doctor saw me .
oh and btw the Book fairies of Delhi is a RAW deal , not directly linked to the Publisher ....Happy Now ?
Okay my  dear sister just reminded that its our grand fathers sixty plus death anniversary and she needs a tin of ghee for fateha cooking . Me and the Dear Brother are both busy today so i have requested that maybe later ....i could have gone during the loadshedding but i had to pray the Zuhr namaz which i prayed with a prayer for my Dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen! 
and because of the no fan running inside and hot outside i begin to sweat after the four rakat of sunnat namaz . And then i was also too anxious to resume this my the Sunday Blog # 112 ( Hundred and Twelve ) which i don't feel like i can continue because of the too much allergy in the nasal track . The clear water mucus is now getting thicker making nulli nihari sound with occasional clearing of throat cough . If it was not Ramzan i could have easily stopped it from getting this far by rest and yakhni . But here in ramzan i have to eat , smell and touch things i cannot help it . The regular daily road shows i cannot avoid making it easy for the viral to get stronger and stronger day and night .
So anyways
isn't it strange that so far all the extract read from the indian raw book , no mention of the May 28th Nuclear Blast ? quite intriguing i must say ....

Okay now back to Lords first test day Four England is set to achieve the most humiliating defeat at the hand of a young Pakistani team

Pakistan are in the middle and the target is 64 runs. Azhar 4* Imam 0* Pakistan 6/0 need 58

last night before starting this my the Sunday Blog # 112 ( Hundred and Twelve ) i was so full of ideas and subject matter that i thought that i would make it to the five thousand words very easily today But now it seems that the mucus has reached my brain as well and has clogged all the good ideas and thoughts and the slight hey fever is making the bones and back stiff so it is becoming very hard to sit and think and type at the same time and to top it off the kitchen nearby is spreading out smells and aromas of tasty stuff which makes is absolutely impossible to sit here and continue

So anyways i believe i have reached the two thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 112 ( Hundred and Twelve ) which quite enough for a day like today so here i take a break and see how thing go .
4:14 pm Break ( 2148 words)

6:12 pm okay only one more hour to go before the iftar .
In this two hours break . I lie down relaxed my back and muscles and watched the final moments of the historic Lords defeat of England in the first test . Then i helped my siblings with my humble opinions and expert counsel and a little physical help as well in doing their prime tasks of the day that is Brother was able to repair the totally not burned water pump motor and the sister in making an attractive table spread for the grand fathers death anniversary fateha . Both are happy with themselves . LOL
After that i offered the Asr prayer with a prayer for my Dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen! 

No sweat this time as fan was on . After Asr prayer i got up and decided to go to the market and finally Bring the tin of ghee But then i realised its time for prayer at the market mosque and the shops would be shutter down for the next fifteen minutes so i changed my mind and will go later or after taravee or maybe tomorrow as the damage is already done . Only we wont have the pakoras today . Honestly for today the best iftar is lots of cold fluids and water melon . love it !

 May the Dear Merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! be pleased and all his prophets and Saints be pleased with my dear Grand Father Amen!

So i was wondering if i die today or whenever i will die naturally and a year from my death my spirit is sitting in the company of all the Sufi Saint's and all the good People i have known or heard of in my life and then suddenly my name is called out loud with all the other people who died the same day as i did and then the table spreads begin to appear for the approval of all the sufi saints and all the good people in the presence who can't eat the table spread but can still be pleased and delighted with it and can freely say Amen for the person it is tagged . And then a Blank Table Spread comes with my tag on it and all the Sufi's and Saints and all the Good People with whom the Dear Merciful Lord All Mighty Allah Amen ! is pleased with looks at that blank table spread tagged with my name and then give a stern look at me in dismay . How embarrassing it will be ?

Today one of the rose plant not yet part of the rose garden has a Red Rose flower blooming Amazing because most of the plants are drying because of excessive heat and lack of water .

After the mango tree was cut down this year  and relations with USAID gone sour we don't have any mangoes in the house plants and the young plants are growing up very slow But the Banana plantation is enriching and giving better yield this year only we are not taking very good care of it or protecting it from fungus and birds attacks . 

okay now its time for Iftar break with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen! 

7:02 pm Break (2771 Words)

Sun 12th Ramzan 1439
11:09 pm Good Night !
Okay so during the break i had iftar and maghrib prayer then lied down and relaxed . then cleaned and went for the isha and taravee prayer . Finished the para 15 and also did the 4th sajda ( prostration ) . Okay since there are two many verses that sounds similar and ends with the word "sabra" i am not taking the risk . I am sure you got the point that tomorrow we will read recite and hear the Para 16 qala alam .

Okay The most interesting thing about the taravee prayer today was that i did not have to use the tissue paper in my front pocket not once for the runny or rainy nose . It remained completely clean and dry not even the nulli nihari sound was heard by my ears .  Amazing isn't it ? So it seem that the Anti Biotics from the Nuclear lab lol and the doctor seeing me is working .

Oh by the way on my way back from the mosque i went to the other mosque with a  market and brought all the stuff my dear sister wanted and more and especially  the tin of Ghee ....LOL
So it will be fried pakora all the way .....Aha !
Okay my mind is finally defrosted after the extreme mental and physical exercise of two hours and more plus walk and shopping But i am now very hungry and the bones are cracking up so it is better that i begin the ending right now . Since it is the 28th of MAY in few minutes which one of my very favourite date in the Pakistani Calender so i have already thought out the song to share in the end no search and research required .
The week went without a movie can you believe that and the filmazia channel which was removed from my cable list and i had downloaded an App of the turkish soap lafzon mein kahan they moved the episodes last week to some other site from the youtube .....But we still got the two episodes last week now we will try to watch the two of this weekend wish me luck please .

All the water bottles in the toilet are now finished only the cleaning fluid is left thank God the All Mighty Allah that the load shedding did not happened today ....

Okay so now it is time for me to end this my the Sunday Blog # 112 ( Hundred and Twelve )

Allah Hafiz !

Kuch Is Ada Se Aaj Woh - Abida Parveen

kuchh is adā se aaj vo pahlū-nashīñ rahe 

jab tak hamāre paas rahe ham nahīñ rahe 

īmān-o-kufr aur na duniyā-o-dīñ rahe 

ai ishq-e-shād-bāsh ki tanhā hamīñ rahe 

aalam jab ek haal pe qaa.em nahīñ rahe 

kyā ḳhaak e'tibār-e-nigāh-e-yaqīn rahe 

merī zabāñ pe shikva-e-dard-āfrīñ rahe 

shāyad mire havās Thikāne nahīñ rahe 

jab tak ilāhī jism meñ jān-e-hazīñ rahe 

nazreñ mirī javān raheñ dil hasīñ rahe 

yā-rab kisī ke rāz-e-mohabbat kī ḳhair ho 

dast-e-junūñ rahe na rahe āstīñ rahe 

tā-chand josh-e-ishq meñ dil kī hifāzateñ 

merī balā se ab vo junūnī kahīñ rahe 

jā aur koī zabt kī duniyā talāsh kar 

ai ishq ham to ab tire qābil nahīñ rahe 

mujh ko nahīñ qubūl do-ālam kī vus.ateñ 

qismat meñ kū-e-yār kī do-gaz zamīñ rahe 

ai ishq-e-nālā-kash tirī ġhairat ko kyā huā 

hai hai araq araq vo tan-e-nāznīñ rahe 

dard-o-ġham-e-firāq ke ye saḳht marhale 

hairāñ huuñ maiñ ki phir bhī tum itne hasīñ rahe 

allāh-re chashm-e-yār kī mojiz-bayāniyāñ 

har ik ko hai gumāñ ki muḳhātib hamīñ rahe 

zālim uThā tū parda-e-vahm-o-gumān-o-fikr 

kyā sāmne vo marhala-hā-e-yaqīñ rahe 

zāt-o-sifāt-e-husn kā aalam nazar meñ hai 

mahdūd-e-sajda kyā mirā zauq-e-jabīñ rahe 

kis dard se kisī ne kahā aaj bazm meñ 

achchhā ye hai vo nañg-e-mohabbat yahīñ rahe 

sar-dādgān-e-ishq-o-mohabbat kī kyā kamī 

qātil kī teġh tez ḳhudā kī zamīñ rahe 

is ishq kī talāfi-e-māfāt dekhnā 

rone kī hasrateñ haiñ jab aañsū nahīñ rahe 

جگر مراد آبادی
کچھ اس ادا سے آج وہ پہلو نشیں رہے 

جب تک ہمارے پاس رہے ہم نہیں رہے 

ایمان و کفر اور نہ دنیا و دیں رہے 

اے عشق شاد باش کہ تنہا ہمیں رہے 

عالم جب ایک حال پہ قائم نہیں رہے 

کیا خاک اعتبار نگاہ یقیں رہے 

میری زباں پہ شکوہ درد آفریں رہے 

شاید مرے حواس ٹھکانے نہیں رہے 

جب تک الٰہی جسم میں جان حزیں رہے 

نظریں مری جوان رہیں دل حسیں رہے 

یارب کسی کے راز محبت کی خیر ہو 

دست جنوں رہے نہ رہے آستیں رہے 

تا چند جوش عشق میں دل کی حفاظتیں 

میری بلا سے اب وہ جنونی کہیں رہے 

جا اور کوئی ضبط کی دنیا تلاش کر 

اے عشق ہم تو اب ترے قابل نہیں رہے 

مجھ کو نہیں قبول دو عالم کی وسعتیں 

قسمت میں کوئے یار کی دو گز زمیں رہے 

اے عشق نالہ کش تری غیرت کو کیا ہوا 

ہے ہے عرق عرق وہ تن نازنیں رہے 

درد و غم فراق کے یہ سخت مرحلے 

حیراں ہوں میں کہ پھر بھی تم اتنے حسیں رہے 

اللہ رے چشم یار کی معجز بیانیاں 

ہر اک کو ہے گماں کہ مخاطب ہمیں رہے 

ظالم اٹھا تو پردۂ وہم و گمان و فکر 

کیا سامنے وہ مرحلہ ہائے یقیں رہے 

ذات و صفات حسن کا عالم نظر میں ہے 

محدود سجدہ کیا مرا ذوق جبیں رہے 

کس درد سے کسی نے کہا آج بزم میں 

اچھا یہ ہے وہ ننگ محبت یہیں رہے 

سر دادگان عشق و محبت کی کیا کمی 

قاتل کی تیغ تیز خدا کی زمیں رہے 

اس عشق کی تلافئ مافات دیکھنا 

رونے کی حسرتیں ہیں جب آنسو نہیں رہے