
Sunday 18 February 2018

The Sunday Blog #98

Today is the Sunday the Eighteenth of February 2018 the 1st of Jamadi us Sani 1439 till the Sunset ( 6:27 pm , Karachi ) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 98 .

Well Today is the First Sunday in Lent 2018 so there are just five more to go after this and before the Easter Sunday on the 1st of April 2018 . Now that will be fun don't you think no no i am not speaking religiously no body does that anymore LOL we here only talk about these global things in terms of the Social media reactions and mindsets . Anyways its too far away for now so we will talk about it when the time comes and wind blows .
Believe it not not as i was sipping the cup of tea just now the temperature in the wall clock went up one degree centigrade from 26 to 27 . The Fun thing is that before sitting here and starting this my the Sunday Blog # 98 i checked all digital wall clocks with digital temperature indicator and all three had 26 deg centigrade . now i will have to check again if this change has been felt by other temperature wall clocks as well or not . But the real thing is that my forehead is wet with drops of sweat and the computer fan is also started heating up which was not felt during the so called winter months . So Officially i declare the Winters in Jamshed town Closed for the season . Ah i will miss the absolutely dryness of my skin and forehead especially after eating the hot and spicy food and hot tea or coffee . Luckily i did not catch cold or flu this season so i did not have to take the chicken or mutton Yakhni (stock) to gain strength had very normal food this past winter that never came not even when the rest of the country had a final snow fall and rain this past week . We just a day and half of thin white cloud no wind no chill or rain . So now the most prominent weather change will be the annual dust storm which is common occurrence in or around the Good Friday.
12:48 am Break ( 349 words)

1:08 am So The fan is on and the sweater is off . or maybe i should put on the sweater back till the fan is on yes that's a good idea wait let me just do it because it also helps to keep the mosquitoes from bitting my arms and back . Even the big black ones with very sharp pointed stings can't get passed the thick sweater . Okay the Good News is that our sewerage line has been repaired and also that the line man is now tension free must be celebrating the first Sunday in lent or prepare speeches to be the chief guest at some local community function in his local community dressed in his best or as best he can
Okay the bad news is that another PTV celebrity passed away this week The Artist of Ptv Lahore who is very famous as the character of Zakota Jinn from the series Ainak wal jinn


And on a lighter note after completely disregarding the Billo Rani's escaped with the miss new jersey and the national catholic prayer breakfast in hilton DC . The press secretary of the former president of Pakistan what's his name okay never mind tried to balance the power of the co chairpersons of the party and slightly give Saein the edge arranged one on one interviews with the lahori tops
This one went well . Should have stopped right here . LOL

2:27 am Break (597 words)

3:15 am Okay so this is it i do the first thousand words for this my the Sunday Blog # 98 and then take a long break after the breakfast.
Okay since both my eyes and mind are beginning to shut down and soon my back will also begin to hurt and muscles stiff so i have no other option but to rant about politics in order to reach my target of the first thousand words for this my the Sunday Blog # 98 very soon before i fall completely to sleep , it is sunday and we donot have water in the tap as well so there is no point in waking up early so i believe that once i shut down for a break i will not be able to get up again this morning . Last Sunday we had the special breakfast from the Burns road food street so i had to get up and join for the brunch but today i don't think there is any plan for a similar treat today. The rising mercury leaves no chance for a wintry treat so now its time to return to the same old egg and slice toast with tea or juice breakfast and no brunch just the lunch and even that something that does not make me to drowsy or make me fall asleep all after noon and takes away any hope of above average three thousand plus or four thousand plus words this my the Sunday Blog .
The Most important media drama this week was the Senate elections and the lodhran by- elections . Of the hundred plus seats in the upper house of the parliament in Pakistan the four seats has become the most important ones as they may now be not elected by just the electorates according to the electoral college on the contrary thanks to the media in Pakistan and its TRP system . It seems that the approval of the nomination papers of the candidates by the election commission of Pakistan ECP  is subject to the approval rating of the candidates on a country wide basis . I am so sure that people in the Lodhran by elections were so motivated by the sattar teesori rebellion that they turned out to vote in such great number and also made it a bi partisan affair . or should i say that the conscious or conscientious voters of the NA-154 continues the bi partisan trend of the previous general and by elections 2013 and 2015 . It is difficult to say that why nearly twenty thousand voters of mr tareen choose not to vote for his oxford graduate young heir . This does not really establishes a concrete evidence of resentment for oxford educated but we must keep in mind the recent dismal and pro indian stance of the Karachi literature fest which again is oxford event and loosing popularity year after year . Okay before i end this review of the NA 154 result of 2018 by elections we must not forget the mood of 2015 by elections .

okay so now that i have crossed the first thousand words mark on the words counter for this my the Sunday Blog # 98 , i believe it is time for me to take a long break with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

4:38 am Break (1182 words)

11:23 am Good Morning !

The first tweet of the Day
Sun 1st Jamadi us Sani1439
11:16 am Okay i am up  sun out there is very hot nothing like the winter sun it is like the june Sun the sky is not clear blue it is whitish blue Although the air is clean clear so far no smoke or smog or dirt Instead of Sunday brunch Plumbing 🤓

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Well nobody believes this but they had to do this just to remind me anyways .“I only praised his valor for actively taking part in the anti-MQM operation and being the sole survivor as rest of 53 cops were killed,” said Zardari while exclusively speaking to ARY News.

But why waste your time reading it here why not listen to the Himself making an utter fool of himself changing green line to orange line and reverse
And somebody thought or the great pakistani media tried to instill my head with an unbelievable idea that Bar Be Q Tonight House ( hamari koi branch nahi hai ) is ready for the Russian Miss New Jersey .
If one more Bahadurabadi Cried on the National televison i am so sure that his so called only party of the country will become the only party paying for the tickets of the next elections .

Anyways i believe the happy hour is over and i have to go check on the plumbing and prove to be concerned about the lives of the poor Pe ers
also i have to grab a cup of tea if available and if not then i'll have to make it myself because the i need it very badly the throat and nose is so totally clogged today . What did i eat last night ?
And since this break is just before the Zuhr prayer break so i believe we combine the two and be back after the Zuhr and lunch so i take this break with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

12:12 pm Break ( 1519 words)

1:57 pm
Standing directly in the sun is very difficult right now and standing bare feet on the tiled floor or especially the marble floor with white or black zebra marble tiles like most outer courts of the Mosques in jamshedtown have is impossible without burning your feet if you stay for the longer period . I chose to stay home and did not go to the mosque or winter walk beacuse there is no winter walks any more not even when the sun is not yet up or is partially tinted with haze m smoke or clouds .
I remember in my childhood when there were very few cars in the karachi now the most dangerous city of the world people without cars had a fairer skin colours then our household . Nobody ever realised but a day tour to the main shopping centre of the city the famous Bohri Bazar saddar karachi in our toyota in the sun of Karachi sky usually turned most of us darker . Until the musharraf -Shaukat aziz macro economics hit the roads of karachi there used to be areas of karachi where most fairer skin people used to live pre dominantly . Then things begin to change as more and more cars and other means of transportation increased especially the ones where the travellers and commuters were exposed to direct ultra violet and infrared rays our skins begin to turn blue tooth darker and sun burned .   Even the people who travel during the peak traffic jam hours in the air conditioned cars tinted glass on the side windows usually get sunburned somehow here in the most dangerous city of the World Karachi . So when ever we get to see a very fair skin on the streets of karachi or jamshed town it is either the people who rarely come out in the Sun during the day or are recently arrived or just visiting or they are using some kind of treatment for the body and skin . So if the sattar seth of PIB and Sabzwari of Bahadurabad looks similar without the makeup that is understandable but how come the people in the sit ins of naqeeb mehsud at sohrab goth karachi looks so pale and no fair

Definitely it is the ultra violet rays sun burning and the sweat salts and the chemicals poisoning the air and environment .

Okay this reminds me of the most common complaint of the media people about the actors and models people of the showbiz especially the film and televison from karachi that they donot show up at the funerals of some of the most popular celebrities and fellows of the industry here in the karachi , Well they can't

Mek up main jaoun kay make up outaroun ,
media jee ka kehna mein maano kay taaloun ?

Okay its time for another break

2:59 pm Break ( 2090 words)

4:17 pm Okay so i thought to come back before the next facebook meet up and tea and the Asr prayer break so that i don't feel like i have wasted the whole after noon helping in plumbing . Without the fan my fore head and underarms is wet and sweaty i so need a shower or a bath . This winter when ever the hot shower was not available i used the hot water bath from the bottles the pepsi and coke bottles that the americans throw away and then sat on a chair in front of the television and watched the movies on cable between the Most relaxing and soothing , its the correct word, Bahria town informercials i hope they were paid commercials because one more subscription hike by the free diamond jewellery guys and i quit . LOL
Okay it seems that the tea is almost ready so i better hurry up . By the way this is what i had for lunch 
yes khichri with some leftover nihari and still i was able to stay un drowsy and not sleepy and also added over five hundred or more words in the previous session and more now in this So anyways today we are not expecting any chaapa infact it is that time of the year when the chaapa's are expected from us So lets see if i can skulk this time longer than the last of sorry longer then the previous time or times ....Recently we have missed two wedding invites and the third is lost in translation just being drafted in french as soon as we inquire about it or show the slightest of the interest also the right person to deliver is also not yet recruited as the old are too old and the young are too young and the middle aged are all in a jam cannot be let loose on a diabetics not even near in the professional care .
Okay my pakoras are disappearing from the plate fast so i need to go right now and enjoy the tea and Former PM's speach hope to come back after the asr prayer break but if i can't then here i go the break with a prayer for my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

4:55 pm Break ( 2510 words)

5:40 pm So only if i miss the Ayesha Gul turkish soap serial's last episode of this weekend i can go out to isha prayer or just for a walk to the market and bring something to eat although i thing that after this high tea and the facebook meet up during the previous break i may not be called or required to but you know how our media has become recently and especially during the lent or anyother religious events they keep breaking news after news and even though they are not even worth as must as a fortune cookie they just keep dishing out the run of the mill making people in the house and around the world excited . And they way i have been enjoying these worthless breaking news people feel it is their duty to make sure i enjoy the ones they believe i will enjoy So what i am saying is that maybe not for the food but for sharing the breaking news somebody wanted to share with me i may be called again and again today to take a food break Anyways since we are not having a chaapa today so i may not find anyone roaming around in the hallway or away from the computer or mobiles free and interested to even look at me . Yes that's the real us un filtered and glamour free okay so i almost forgot to post the photos of the high tea yes 

 Okay the Breaking News

 Iran plane crash: All 66 people on board feared dead

Okay this one will not get me a special meal invite , may be nobody will even mention it in the facebook meet up or when i am enjoying the Bahria town infomerical . What a waste !
The most amazing tweet today sadly it is not mine but anyways
So true !! God Bless America !
okay so it is about time for the sunset and the maghrib prayer and even though now i have the water in the tap but it is not hot enough for me to take a shower so i may not be going out yet because if i did i may get more sweaty wet then ialready am so anyways  i have to take a break now with a prayer for my dearly departed Parents Papa and Ammi

May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen!

6:25 pm Break ( 3018 Words)

Sun Second Jamadi us Sani 1439
7:12 pm Good Evening !

So the debate about the guns control has once again intensified in the United States of America More and More people in the United States of America are standing up against the constitutional right of a rich republican to own automatic weapon and the crazy democrat to use them in a public school . This week the debate become more interesting for me because the blame for shooting and killing finally shifted from Guns and NRA the infamous National Rifle asses to the ill treating of mentally disturbed by the mental health organisations such as APA and etc etc .

So the question is ....

Why a crazy person or a mentally disturbed person is usually a male white supremacist  ?
Why does he ( the Male white supremacist ) prefers to go to school especially in florida ?

I believe that the russians are not being very truthful about these indiscriminate shooting incident in the united States of America . they should at least come up with a pattern or profiling that may help the FBI in catching the mentally disturbed ill persons ( male white Supremacists ) or at least disabling their social media presence so that they are not required to explain the embarrasing " No response" to the tip from the mentally disturbed person's ( male white Supremacists) self Social media Presence .
By the way did anybody called for the Gun control laws and constitutional change when a Male white Supremacist assassinated the Supreme Leader JFK ?
I am Sure they must have

Gun Debate Spurred by Kennedy Assassination Rages on Today ...

okay time is up its time for the ayesha gul break so maybe i will continue the topic later today or sometime when the next such incident occurs okay bye

8:04 pm Break ( 3330 words)

9:29 pm Okay now we take you to the PIB live where democracy is for the democrates only The Sattar Seth in a country wide generals only election have secured a heavy mandate of all the tambo ( tent shamiyana ) walas present and is now the Only Chief of the party anywhere in the world . The Matter is that ye aap pe munhasir hai ---- kya aap ab MQM (P) se kya murad lein gay yani kay
aya MQM ( P) tah tushaor meain MQM Pakistan ya MQM PIB . Khair

The downsizing of a political parties has been going on for a very long time and i have no idea who is actually behind it because . PPP the Pakistan Peoples party has always claimed that elections were engineered . And it may be true for them The establishment created MQM in Sindh and PMLQ in the centre(Punjab) to downsize PPP . and the same process was applied to MQM and PMLQ after the job was done . The Only Thing that could have saved PPP was a military take over in 2014 But some how the Dharna of PTI prevented it the momentum build behind the Shukria Raheel Sharif campaign was difused. So now maybe they have a plan to finally close the chapter of PPP and have a Bi-Partisan political system throughout the whole of Pakistan . Contesting a general election in 2018 will be extremely difficult for any party or independent candidate anywhere in Pakistan regardless of the geo-political position. Because of the rigid political beliefs of a general voter in the general election the winning will depend on a number of factors and will have a very thin margin everywhere . In coming months we will have to take into consideration how the hell bent Chinese Biryani goes . The Russian collusion with the government of the centre may also effect the final outcome of the election results . Karachi and Quetta have never have had a government of their own and may continue to do so.
Okay then so its time to move to the movies of the week and looking back in my blog the list of this weeks movies is not just impressive it is unbelievable

  • Congo (1995)Congo Posterrated 7 stars . Honestly i never even tried to watch this movie because i thought it was about a virus anyways it is good .
  • Behen Hogi Teri (2017)Behen Hogi Teri Posterrated 4 stars . watched because there was nothing better
  • Baby Driver (2017)Baby Driver PosterRated 8 stars its going to the Oscars hope it wins some All the best .
  • Snowpiercer (2013)Snowpiercer PosterRated 10 stars awesome movie loved it . it has no dull moment throught . By the way not for the week hearts . as it shows the Karachi Halwa factory at the climax LOL
  • Drillbit Taylor (2008)Drillbit Taylor Posterrated 6 stars fun to watch 
  • The Hitman's Bodyguard (2017)The Hitman's Bodyguard PosterRated 7 stars it seems we are getting there watched and enjoyed it 
  • PS ! Sibling rivalry cum refusing the final facebook meet up offer the net off got to go 10:53 pm 

  • Enemies Closer (2013)Enemies Closer PosterRated 5 stars nothing good about it just the ordinary kind
  • Skiptrace (2016)Skiptrace PosterRated 7stars a jackie chen movie 
  • The Expendables 3 (2014)The Expendables 3 PosterRated 7 stars i like this series and all the sequels just as much it is hard to decide which is better 
  • Dil To Pagal Hai (1997)Dil To Pagal Hai Poster Rated 7 stars imagine if a film maker offers the same roll to mr Akshay Kumar now LOL
  • My Fellow Americans (1996)My Fellow Americans PosterRated 8 stars 

  • No Escape (2015)No Escape Poster Rated 10 stars a must watch movie even if you have a week heart 

  • okay so this Wraps up the this weeks movie review for this my the Sunday Blog # 98
    So now i have only half an hour left for the end of this my the Sunday Blog # 98. Today i feel really good because after a very long time i have reached the four thousand words mark for this my the Sunday Blog # 98 on the words counter mostly on my own without the help of copy and paste and i have done that with over half an hour left to the mid night and the end of this my the Sunday Blog # 98 .

    okay this reminds me that i have not checked the twitter trend for a long time so first let me check the twitter as it is extremely silent outside in the jamshed town

    oh no ! not again !! the Wolverine of london will kill me definitely this time


    Karachi trends

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    okay so now what was the song request for today none okay then here is something at random pick for the mix enjoy and let me go back to my dull and boring life of eat sleep and watch movies and blog .
    Oh no there is still about fifteen minutes to go so let me check the twitter trends again you never know may be in some parts of this cruel cruel world it may be the very next day already ....
    Aha ! yes

    Karachi trends

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    I knew there was a God but now i am certain that Khuda hamara hai tumhara nahein

    Okay so wait

    Karachi trends

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    Never mind so as i was saying the time has come for me to take leave and have my supper and today i need to lie down instead of watching a after mid night movie till fajr as over four thousand words typing and making in the mind is a very exhausting and muscle stiffing task but it is very euphoric in feeling so i am very very glad at the end .
    Good Bye and Enjoy the song and a mash up of many movies of my favourtie actress mostly action movies .

    Allah Hafiz and have a blessed week in lent Amen !

    Black Widow - Look What You Made Me Do

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