
Sunday 30 October 2016

The Sunday Blog # 30

Today is the 30th of October 2016 the 28th of Muharram 1438 till sunset and this is my The Sunday Blog # 30 .
The week was going very smooth in terms of my relations with the power and IT environment and support. When suddenly i lost all trust in this gadget based lifestyle of mine. It is true that i only do this for fun and to make the world a better place for you and for the future holds is not the least on my mind at the moment so apart from this my the Sunday blog which is a personal challenge and commitment all my other net activities are not at all important for me they are just hobby and sometimes good reading and joy when looked back. Nothing else . I am not very social not even on the social media . In the beginning i may have tried to be very active on social media but slowly and gradually i realized that i am not at all fit to be here. So what i am saying is that I have never been very good at reading . Its not that i am dyslexic yes the Taare Zameen Par syndrome . It is that my learning ability has always been much higher than most of my peers ( pronounced pee-airs ) . Learning through reading especially the mundane has always been an uphill task for me . learning through Observing and listening has always been my best trait, my pride and Joy . Recently i was watching a tv interview of  arts council and cricket association karachi president mr Ejaz Farooqi and i realized that i still remember not just  the Headings such as The Elevation of Boiling Point and the depression of freezing Point  in other word the rising of boiling point and lowering of freezing point from his chemistry classes that i attended in the college. He use to write it on the Huge board as well as read it to the class. I copied it down on my note book as well as listen to him . The Fact is that i did not remember what i noted down in my note book from the board But i remember most of what he use to read in a very clear and slow yet firm manner. Honestly he used to be a very different person back then had very few opponents, enemies none that i knew of .  Favorite among my classmates his classroom was the crowded one always till he said the course is over. This was the pre- MQM / APMSO era . Still i can surely say we lost a great chemistry professor to cricket and politics. RIP .Image result for boiling point elevation and freezing point depressionImage result for boiling point elevation and freezing point depressionImage result for boiling point elevation and freezing point depression

Coming back to my learning ability problem . Usually its the dumb students who shy away and try to avoid eye contact with a teacher . In my case most teachers and  school administrations were so afraid what might provoke me to do the Bidat (Dogmatize) . I always felt that nobody ever bought my shy and sheepish overalls they were all forewarned of the Naked Aggression underneath keeping calm or just being polite . Image result for overallsBy the way the gingerbread peg baits were not my idea. It was just part of the Behavioral Psychology Study .Nothing more than a hiccup .

So when Yahoo and later google came into my life , i thought that my bad days were over . seeking knowledge and getting to the right destination in the shortest possible time with all the alternative explanations and meanings per se a blessing ,was a day dream come true . My burning desire to be a writer seemed to be not out of reach . Even the lawless world of the Builder Mafia began to seem like Goa to me . So What happened ?

This week one of my Android smart phone was telling me there is no memory left in the phone to open or run the Apps so i format to factory settings . Deleting everything in SD and external memory plus the play store apps downloaded according to requirements over a period of time . Usually taken for granted and regularly updated automatically . Now after this voluntary rebooting i had to get the much needed Apps again sign in log in and sync . to my greatest surprise some of the very common and regularly used Apps refused to install saying  your device isn't compatible with this version . 
Still this is not it . What really pissed me off is an App i have been using for a very long time a well known and official App i installed it and failed to sign in despite doing everything required or told to do like a robot. For three day i have tried everything logically possible to sign in but no luck . and today the device seems to have locked itself or the battery not charging so i am saved from the further self embarrassment of not being able to sign in to an account already signed in on all my other devices from the same IP and location even the same server . And to make matters worse Telenor the mobile server is advertising FREE 4G which in $ terms means move your Ass and get a a new device as well as replace your old SIMs .
O My God its 3:00 Am and 865 words already ... Good Night !

11:00 am Good Morning !
And a very Happy Diwali to All.

--Pooja Bhatt So the actual position is that pooja is here in karachi  A cheeky smiley for the IMFU on both sides of the US-Canada Border. I believe the troubles for indian film and television industry may not end until the US Presidential Election only then the new secretary of State will pull the reigns of the miscreants there. I am very glad that there is no issue or negative sentiments for the hard working actors and other industry workers . If Mumbai or Delhi did not allow them to work in peace i am sure the Bollywood film industry will definitely move out . And believe you me i think thats the grand plan behind all this Our actors their actors tussle.The film producers must be very seriously thinking of filming elsewhere country is not very important to them in this global Chinese economy. If Everything here can be Chinese why not the films . So i was wondering what would be the new chinese names or spellings for Raees and Hocane .

2:45 pm  So at  12:55 pm the cable and net gone ah the Ten must have shown some eleven in the stands or may be because i was not watching the sharjah stadium instead i was watching HBO . This moivie the Terminator genisis is become a challenge i have been trying to watch it since its release downloaded couple of times with bad or corrupt file once in a south indian language can't make a thing out of it. and today while reese was about to learn the time travel to the future the cable went dead again this time they took more than a week to shutdown Amazing isn't it. Image result

So i am back on the data net of the Telenor . Thankyou. it seems that not all of my devices are obsolete yet like mariam some can still be trusted in need like fiza ali . In last nights episode of eidi sub kay liya she hugged and kissed so many people in just two hours and spread the virus she has been stuggling with from one bahria town to another making fans winning hearts and souls of Houndreds with kind gifts of jewelry , designers cloths and bikes worth thousands of rupees . as well as looking different not only from the previous episode but also from the audience and peers . Amazing !!

Today is the Sad Anniversary of Reham - Imran divorce . and he is all set for the next dharna cum lockdown of Islamabad . But this time it may not result in marriage. People here in karachi are losing patience over the governments lack of government . Imran khan does not have any support here in karachi not among the masses nor in the political forces and agents . None of the Multi Billionaire factions of MQM has any soft corner for Imran Khan or the PTI . MQM London is definitely pro - Nawaz . Without the call from Chaudry Nisar the scotland yard would have never let go its chief on money laundring charges . I am not aware of How the murder investigation is going on But this i know for sure that if you ask for favours from the british they will definitely like you to ask for more again and again .Image result for scotland yard

Had this for Brunch..

5:30 pm So the day is almost over another very peaceful Sunday coming to an end . It has now beginning to feel like winters here at sunrise and sunset . haven't been able to witness the sunrise this week but the sunsets are early not yet chilly . tea usually smells better in this season and coffee smells awesome. I am not a coffee drinker so i only take coffee when its really cold outside and that happens very rarely here in karachi . a month or two . Besides after eating the spicy beef and mutton or even chicken meals i begin to sweat very profusely so nobody dare to offer me a cup of coffee after meals . and personally i am okay with a good cup of tea in the Karachi winters.
There is very little traffic on the streets in the neighbourhood probably due to rallies and sit ins nearby or traffic jams on the town entery and exits . haven't checked the police fm today for up dates okay let me check no its off probably on holiday to help the hindu community get the legal supply of party stuff . An amazing order came from the Police chief of Sindh province to shutdown all licensed shops this week God knows why i did not bother to do the background check. Not at all interested in intoxicants of any nature especially till i do not move to canda and thats not happening until i sign a contract to write a book . After doing 30 perpetual blogs of about 2000 words every sunday I don't think any sane publisher would like me to live anywhere serene like canada or goa to write . Usually they prefer the natural environment and you can see that i know no place other than karachi. Even though its not the same karachi it use to and i have also restricted my free movement and wandering like a jew or jaywalking .  Its very funny how people who left karachi in different era and rarely come back or never come back still call it my Karachi while those who get a chance to come back for few days can be heard ,overheard or vibrating " kahan aagiya" I am not translating this . The disbelief of-ten keeps bringing back such people until they give up or somebody near and dear saves them.

its maghrib time ..

29th Muharram 1438
Good Evening !
It is a very unfortunate diwali for me because my dear very dear elder sister has a diabetic leg with cellulitis and we are trying our level best to monitor and control her sugar . If it was not this here i would have brought some sweets . So no pictures of sweets and halwa today . All day today she has been asking for rus malai and i am saying NO ! I told her that until she is fully recovered from all the allergies and fungus of leg and hand i will not bring anything sweet not even if her sugar is low . Ironically it was really low lower than normal before dinner so i thank Almighty Allah that i did not promise to bring sweets if her sugar is low. Some people have the special powers unbelievable powers . Their desire becomes the need . Some call it magic others call it coincidence . some try to explain others get awe struck . The interesting thing about her illness is that everybody who came or called to ask about her health end up asking about my food . watching my food pictures is a new religion so it seems . So my other sibling thought about it and had a cauldron of spicy beef biryani cooked by a professional cook . plus we occasionally bring takeaways as well everytime we go out to the market . SO There is No problem of food or food pictures . Both me and my dear elder brother are also improving our cooking with total freedom from her leg in everything we do . We are also planning on learning the art of making roti with the help of that roti maker we have . So far all we have mastered is the round papard a crispy round tortilla not the phulki chapati my sister makes on the stove . But Iam sure someday and someway we will master this art or the roti maker will break trying . Watching so much good quality aromatic food around me always reminds me of my dearly Departed Parents May they rest in peace Amen and especially my very dear Papa he was so fond of sharing food with others very rarely did i remember seeing him eating alone . He used to invite people for lunch and dinner and enjoyed it like nothing else. I am so different from him i love to eat alone and never ever feel like sharing the food with somebody unless its by responsibility or duty. Meaning I would never invite anyone for dinner and if seen eating with anybody other than the siblings and their families i must be invited . I never enjoy paying for food not even if there is a discount . So I keep wondering if it was papa's wish or prayer or simply the good deed for others that has given me so much to eat and keeps giving despite my actions or lack of it . Also if they can see me would they be smiling down on me from the heaven or frowning to see me doing absolutely opposite to what they did here on earth. Honestly I know for sure that when they were here on earth they did not like for me to be like that from very young age they tried to teach me to be social and sharing . I was obeying and obedient under them . But now i am absolutely free and i can follow my nature . And that is what i am doing . Since I have no future generation to worry about i am very glad that they wont be facing any real hardships because of me or the things i chose not to do that may make their life easy and pleasant . So now if we compare just in a worldly environment who is better in leadership my democratic  parents who emptied their pockets and food utensils hundreds and thousands of times in their lives for family friends and relatives and even the strangers and needy ...

 or the Republican me  who just smiles when somebody spreads his or her hand or lets his or her needs known directly or indirectly. One more Honestly here ...I may die richer than them because sooner or later people with excess wealth may think that maybe when he has something he might change . Oh no okay , Frankly , My Dear don't give a damn !!

Oh my God i totally forgot ...its 8:05 pm missed  going to mosque and market for Isha prayer and shopping . These days the traffic has increased so much in the neighbourhood mostly due to a new player in the Builder Mafia game . I don't think they recognize me at all or maybe paranoid due to the uncertain political situation both in the city and capital . Anyways i have to check on our only patient these days and also take a quick bite of the spicy beef biryani defrosting in the microwave . BRB !

9:00 PM ....And the cable and net returns the sharjah match day must be over . Here we have too much going on so everybody must be watching the match even if its the test match.  PAK 255/8 v WI Stumps - Day 1 No team has ever won all nine matches of a tour in cricket history. Pak has chance to make history by winning this match

Oh no Pakistan lost in Hockey To.. India hockey team beat Pakistan to become the Asian Champions Trophy champions! India, 3-2 Pakistan  

Okay Not Understanding why Pakistan Hockey Federation Keep humiliating the Nation . ?  Anyways
This is the Dinner here...


In contrast to a very quiet and peaceful week this was the coming week may be very different . There are so many events coming in the next week . First and the biggest is the Halloween and the next is PTI lockdown of the capital so it will be a very fun week . The Islamic Month of Safar will also start this week which has its our negativity associated with it . Anyways

Okay now its time for the Movies of the week :
2. Tutak Tutak Tutiya - 2016
3. 37 - The Movie
4. JACK REACHER : Never Go Back.
5.MS Dhoni:The Untold Story
6The Darkest Hour

and there was one more on the filmazia movie channel which i thought to be a telefilm because it had Sara loren and Humayum saeed but its not listed as a movie anywhere i don't get the name it was either Smoking Kills or Memsaab Anyways ...never mind .
I like all the movies of this week but MS Dhoni the untold story is the best . its awesome . even if there are no actual facts in the story or that Regent Plaza karachi is shown as Lahore Pakistan , I think that Musharraf was real .  Here I have a question how did the first girl friend got a seat right next to him . I hate that one  of the main reasons i never fly in commercial planes . They are just like my traffic engineering department here in karachi , no matter how much i try to avoid some people on the road they catch me right in the middle of a the road . with nowhere to hide . Anyways thats my favorite game here . so nothing to worry right now .

Its about time i should end my The Sunday Blog # 30 . It so Amazing that i did it and you will get a shock at the end because i have also broken the words record and made a new one which will be very difficult for me to break in the coming weeks so keep your fingers crossed but be very nice and gentle you your pets .   Here  is one of my very favorite movie song from a very favorite movie Bunty aur Babli Kajra re ...

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