
Sunday 10 July 2016

Sunday Blog # 14

Today is the 10th of July 2016 and 5th of Shawwal  1437 until the sunset . So today it will be the second day after the three days of Eid . But as you know both days after the three days of Eid are holiday of weekend. The Past week has been really great. Monday Night  was khatam-e-Quran. Tuesday night was Chand Raat . Wednesday was Eid Prayer Day , Thursday and Friday were second and third day of Eid . And Saturday was first sabbath after ramzan .

This has been the most awesome amazing Relaxed Eid for me . A truly dream come true . Just like a masterpiece on a canvas you cannot explain it only feel it only if you have the asthetics in you. Obviously there remains some minor touches adjustments which i will do in the coming years.

Like Inzi first of All i would like to thank the Almighty Allah that i had the most amazing Ramzan an almost cruise control . no major surprise or upset or a serious challenge like most previous years . I survived all virus and germs . I even survived the sudden Rain and being soaked in it on the way and return from the mosque for two days . infact the rain did ease the heat wave a little bit in the last lag of the ramzan. Also the water crisis the devil in chains was ordering by mobile was cancelled after this ramzan rain.

 So on this Eid Day i was both Happy and Thankful to the Lord for his mercy , compassion and benevolence upon me and my family and friends and also on my City Karachi and Pakistan. One of the biggest reasons for me being so happy and relaxed this Eid was that the most disturbing and distracting  two sides of the same coin were engaged elsewhere. The haasans had a week off and the hussains were in grief . There has been a very interesting new development in the neighbourhood. There was a feast for me at a major imambargah on Happy Easter this year sponsored by the neighbours and again an invite from another major major imambargah on Eid days . not to mention that both sponsors are ofcourse 100% builders related. Now Thanks to the prayers of My Dearly departed Parents this is only the second anniversary of my Ammi. So even though i don't have a mensa alarming IQ still i am wondering about the third religion happy occasion coming up next seriously ...very seriously ! 

Before anybody get any wrong idea about how i spent my divine and blessed Eid days here is a copy and paste of chronological details of the first day of Eid ,

Eid Blog Day 1
Wake up at 4:20 am remembered no sehri today sleep again wake up at 4:40 am got up smell the fresh air heard Fajr azans prayed fajr had breakfast. scrambled egg and toast slice and tea. had tea again and again . surfed the net read epapers . trying to find the eid namaz times at rehmania . no luck .
6:oo -7: 00 am getting ready for eid prayers
7:00 - 7:20 fateha on sheerini

7:30 am left the house for Eid prayers
8:30 am eid prayer
9:00 am Ammi Papa's grave

9:30 am market
9:45 am home

10 :00 am refreshments

10:10 am eidee
10:30 - 3:30 pm sleep
3:40 pm zuhr
4:00 pm heard the news that a neighbour died RIP
4:10 refreshments

5:45 pm Asr
6:00 - 7:28 pm sleep
7:45 Maghrib
8:00 - 9:00 tv
9:15 pm dinner

9:30 - 11:00 tv
11:00 - 00:00 chit chat
00:15 Isha
00:30 am no Net
1:30 Good Night .


Please Don't be jealous of my breakfast today in the wee hours of the morning before going to sleep . I am beginning to prefer the homeCooked nihari more because of the unhygienic red chilli soup they are selling in the city these days . We usually cook with less spices and if somebody like can add according to taste .

its been raining sorry drizzling all night and the morning today just like most of the awesome Eid week Honestly i don't remember a eid like this my entire life there has been rain and drizzle on eid days and during eid prayers couple of times but not an entire week without rain only the feel of it .

 If I had not been in this nirvana mood this ramzan and eid the thing that would have troubled me the most besides the net issues should have been the cars coming in from and going out all over the city to the house in mourning in the neighbourhood while i have not even been to the Bahadurabad . ThankGod the cars are not really the fancy ones or the expensive ones. These Chota Mota builders are very practical and fuel efficient people besides the kinds of buildings they are building for their kids demolishing our bungalows does not have enough space for big cars inside or porch . They encourage the street parking and for that they prefer small models with extreme mobility and little space. Vits , Mira ,Cultus , City and Corolla are their favourites .  It gives them the agility they require . If i buy a car i would definitely go for something better and definitely definitely for some brighter colours . I have defied this rule of " Any Colour you want as long as it is Black " for decades  suspect if somebody even remembers it out there somewhere anywhere .

 After thirty uninterrupted nights of (9-11 ) two hours or more each night during Ramzan i decided to take a week off  from the mosque even though i have survived the flu virus and germs especially the spitting Pathani ones , the round hole in my foot top has hardened by the pressure while sitting on the floor on prayer matts . Hope it gets better soon or i'll have to apply some bed soars cream on it . Some Muslims feel very proud of such things and marks of being a regular Namazi they say it will be shining on the day of judgement . I am still about ten years short of being that kind of Muslim .

I am not sure if this is my last Eid in this house or there are many more , if i 'll have to leave it or live here in an old broken down haunted house for the rest of my life like some of my uncles ( in another very shabby property in the nearby neighbourhood Rumoured to be my greedy fault in preventing and blocking the over delayed sale )  Everybody knows that my parents build it with hard labour but people always challenged their claim and spread rumours . My Parents are in heaven smiling down on me but they are still alive . So with all my legal knowledge and expertise in morality i am not sure if i can hold on to this house much longer without a lot of money. Especially because i cannot go against my younger sister and older brothers ever But they most certainly can and will . I will not be surprised as all my Nieces have already lost the right to play and sit on my lap . Its true that these kids  have grown up fast But what am i a Bhatt !  After the one week i attended Ammi in the hospital and donated my blood for her operation and during her funeral i felt the insanity clause for harapping my share became out of question given up-- strike out . Kind a feels sad it was fun actually . There was always a chance of meeting my favourite Shrinks . Not to mention .

Allah Ta'ala merey waldein Ammi Papa ki maghfirat farmaay aur unn kay nazdeki aur duur kay aziz rishteydaroun ki mushkil aasan farmaay Ameen Summa Ameen !  ( May Allah forgive my parents and ease the troubles of their relatives and friends Amen)

The First  and only Movie i watched after Ramzan and Eid besides that is Salman Khan's Sultan supported by Anoushka sharma . The Movie is good but unfortunately the night i download it Karachi Electric KE was sad and lonely . or probably mad at me for something i have said not or for them but their chain of command somewhere . Sometimes I do that and what they do in return reminds me of a movie about the artificial intelligence named Helen gone berserk . So eventually the movie i downloaded that night due to interrupted internet  was half  and breaking . Still i thing it is good . and the songs are good too.

6th Shawwal 1437: shawwal moon sighted for the first time by me and very briefly . It was drizzling during Maghrib . cars keep coming and going

It is so very true that i don't really need the friends and family in Ramzam and Eid never have never will the new development is that they don't get to need me either . V for Victory !

So i end my Sunday Blog # 14 here on a tip Remember that your mobile phone is accessible it can and will be used against you anytime anywhere !

My Last wish could be this song only if they gave me enough time or for that matter a last wish ...Cheers !

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