
Sunday 31 July 2016

The Sunday Blog # 17

Today is the 31st of July 2016 the 26th of Shawwal 1437 till sunset.This Week that is the week that has passed I did not have any net or cable trouble. So i believe that it was related to the on-going cricket series in England. Thus i am expecting the shutdown early next month. Anyways Today I begin my SundayBlog # 17 With this one of my very favourite verse of Poetry . 

یہاں کوتاہی ذوق عمل ہے خود گرفتاری 

  جہاں بازو سمٹتے ہیں وہیں صیاد ہوتا ہے


ASGHAR GONDVI 1884-1936 

While i was doing the previous Sunday blog That is the The Sunday Blog # 16 last Sunday The Government of Sindh I mean the Chief Minister and His Cabinet was called to Dubai with some of the other PPP party seniors from all over the world to a meeting where many important decisions were to be taken. Unfortunately it was headed by a very inexperienced leader. Yes you are right i am taking about Mr Bilawal. together with his father and other family members and friends the Young Mr Zardari made one the worst political mistakes of his life long political career.  Instead of trying to become the Bhutto of Pakistan he became the Zia of PPP. By Firing an elected Chief Minister and the most senior member of his grand fathers Time Just because there were heaps of garbage everywhere in Karachi and the Media and especially Social Media was putting the blame on the CM and comparing his bad governance with the CM's of other provinces especially the Punjab and KPK. I personally believe that it would have been much better if the leadership had strengthened him with their full support and concentrated on the problems instead of the people. But Lack of experience and understanding of the politics made him do it.  This is not it the matter of Rangers powers is also a very serious issue prolonging and unnecessary delaying gives an impression that zardari's are against the Army. And believe you me no Pakistani , Sindhi or Urdu speaking would support a zardari or even Bhutto Against the Army when they are winning the Zarb-e-Azb . Clear decisions and firm decisions are the need of the hour. It is a War and the nation is looking for a hero not some corrupt leaders trying to sneak-in their wards for free or half the ticket.     


Okay coming back to Pakistan via Islamabad. Two very famous and popular tv anchors and journalists have started using head covering . While some morning shows are still using the glass tables or tea tables especially the ones from islamabad. Anyways who cares because i rarely watch the morning shows these days and that too for the news tickers about rain in karachi. Btw does anybody know that Ary Family Channel is still doing EIDi show with Fiza ali who is already two or maybe more feets higher than juggan kazim . its been four hours since their last show and facebook official page have not yet updated the Shrug . I usually watch that show while trying to relax before the Sunday Blog.  So coming back to the female tv anchors turning . I hate journalists regardless its in my blood so i cannot love or respect them ever But I have an extreme Admiration for these two very shrewd and the one before them . Infact when she turned i thought it was a temporary phase of seduction or rejection But to my greatest surprise she even survived the sinking of BOL ship. Asma Shirazi first two are the crowd pullers no doubt but there third one is the luckiest of the crowd and the deadliest too . 



I was at the mosque for taravee prayer and had no idea what had happened or was suppose to have happened. Anyways So who would be the next to turn ? Paras , Maria , or G for Gharida . only time will tell .

Our very dear Khan saab PTi also does that conversion thing with the british females . And the rumour is that he is on the lookout for his 3rd or 4th example these days . I am sure that few cricket fans know that Khan saab pti use to advocate for a Neutral Umpire . and now he is advocating for a neutral election commission .

--Well Actually i am surprised that Why United Nation or the Common Wealth never thought of it . It was their duty to have an unbiased and neutral international election commission and not just election monitoring bodies or NGOs who have no power or authority to enforce free and fair elections in Pakistan and around the World . Probably because the French like to do the things very differently . And Russia cannot agree with china or the west . whatever.
Btw , In the islamic republic of Pakistan we are just one step behind from a true islamic democracy . We Have Leaders here who lead the Parties , tribes , clans , faiths and communities. But we donot have a leader to lead these leaders . And we are also not sure How that leader should be chosen. 


Breakfast at Fajr

Good Morning !
 Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (Play)

Harry Potter Cursed Child Play.jpg
Official poster of the 2016 West End production
Written by
Original language English
Series Harry Potter
Subject Harry Potter and his son Albus Severus Potter
Setting Wizarding world

So with the novelization of the play script the kids will have a new Harry potter series book okay. 
Talking of Cursed Child , Karachi i believe always have and always will , not the best place in the world to raise kids especially the girls . That is the only reason i always support the press- gangs of the foreign missions . And Now this Cpec (man) project will open the whole of Pakistan to the international espionage . So whatever privacy and freedoms we had will be compromised very soon . During the hearing of the case pertaining to Karachi’s law and order under a suo moto notice, he announced to stay out of the larger bench after extensive criticism on him and his family on the social media. “It is not appropriate to stay on the bench further as my family and I have been a target of criticism on social media,” said Justice Jamali in his remarks.

Now this very sad because this case was going very smooth and answering many difficult questions regarding the law & Order or the lack of here in Karachi. Obviously Karachi is moving very fast towards an emergency rule from islamabad or chaklala or whoever her majesty's gov hand picks with the advise of  the global police of the new world order.

 I know i am very frugal but when you have no water at all for wazoo for Zuhar Namaz and the country is drowning in water you feel there is something wrong. This is not just it they have also announced  the price increase of petrol this week when its going down in the world markets .  the white gram is Rs 220 per kg . Anyways , i somehow managed right now but this must be the record smallest quantity of water used ever for a zuhr prayer. Now for Asr , maghrib and Isha, i have two options use the bottled water , or go to the mosque . Now lets see what does the devil wants ...Hmmm . have you heard "اگر کوئی آپ سے شدت سے نفرت کرے  تو شیطان آپ کو اس سے ملانے کی سازش میں لگ جاتی ہے" If someone hates you intensely The devil starts planning to make you meet . (copy right waived )

Doesn't this feel like Bhai log at the Qandeel Baloch Chehlum
Anyways , The Expo centre karachi has been used for all sorts of programs and events . and believe it or not but i have not attended a single event yet ...
Few years ago I used to get up on sunday morning and take a bus ( coach ) ride to the sea view . After the privatization of  Public Beach  they discontinued the coach and mini buses on the seaview  road . Clearly making it off limits for the masses. So Unless you are going there to spend Thousands at the horrible unhygienic eateries or the Hyper Store and mall you are not welcome even the nearby residents are sometimes not allowed to swim or walk on the beach . Desperate people have to go outside karachi to the beaches in Baluchistan causing severe traffic congestion near maripur .  
--So What I am trying to say here is that the Centuries old cliche' of the people popularly known as "Karachi Waley " a tease for the Lahore Lahore Hai types , KARACHI MEIN SAMANDAR HAI " is no longer true . Now Karachi is a super giant  perhaps the biggest in the World "Police Academy" for Rangers only .   No idea when i will get my standered issue M9 . Just Kidding .

--Breaking News:  Media socialmedia and opposition in karachi comes alive on the news that the then CM of Sindh Murad Ali Shah Saab  has been called to dubai and has already left .

 This short serial on PTV my all time favourite with mostly Sindhi characters tells a lot about the present day rural sindh and why it can be ruled from Dubai.

Okay a short power Shut down and moments later a chaappa by my very dear sister and her family . Goodh Goodh . So this guarantees good food . but all i need at the moment is water. Neighbours are also motivated . Kids are planning to go to some restaurant looking at me .As usual i  was very quick to respond in negative as i have to finish this Sunday Blog as soon as possible before something goes wrong .

27th Shawwal 1437 Still Sunday after Maghrib . 


--Okay so before Chaapaa i was in namazable clean clothes now i am looking okay but not very relaxed and sweating too . Oh ThankGod everybody left for the restaurant so now i can relax .

Okay During Maghrib prayer a little while ago i realised that mr Bilawal was just getting started when he too had to leave for dubai

Okay no More lets move on ... resolves property valuation issues successfully

ISLAMABAD: On the issue of valuation of property and related tax matters, the Federal Minister for Finance held successful talks with the property evaluators from all over the country at the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) on late Saturday evening.
It has been agreed for holding valuation in major cities, while valuation tables will be notified by FBR instead of valuation by State Bank of Pakistan’s approved valuers. However, till such time and for those areas for which no valuation tables are notified, DC rate will be applied.
Holding period for capital gain tax (CGT) has been reduced from 5 to 3 years under which no CGT will be charged on property held for more than 3 years.
According to the tax rates for properties acquired on or after July 1, 2016, CGT will be charged at 10 percent if holding period is up to 1 year. If holding period is between 1 and 2 years, CGT will be 7.5 percent. If holding period is between 2 and 3 years, the FBR will collect CGT at the rate of 5 percent, while tax exemption will be given if holding period is more than 3 years.
And for properties acquired before July 1, 2016, the CGT will be charged at five percent, if holding period is less than three years. If holding period is more than 3 years, tax exemption will be given.
Valuation will apply on (i) CGT (ii) withholding taxes (iii) for the purposes of sec 111. Basic threshold of Rs 3 million for application of withholding tax on purchase of immovable property enhanced to Rs 4 million
Appropriate legislation will be done to give effect to the proposed changes as agreed with all stakeholders.

Okay All I can see here is the three letters F B R , no further comment at this moment .

So there are two parts of me when i am on computer . One is socialmedia savvy click on I agree and never look back And the other one is a law student who knows that those who love me will die trying to make me rich just like my dearly departed Parents .

May the dear merciful Lord Almighty Allah have mercy on my Both Parents Ammi & Papa and since its been Eight long years since Papa Died and two longer years since Ammi passed away ...So . Amen !

Okay so now the Movies i watched this week
Image result for super model 2013Image result for rang rasiya movieImage result for take me home tonight was also trying to watch but the file corrupted so i could not complete . Anyways they were all good movies and i really enjoyed watching them .

No call from the restaurant yet . Its a sign that people know .
Okay the knock on the door . they have returned with the doggy bag . BRB

So exactly two day and a year later i missed a family dinner at the same place .Sorry KababJee s BLNT.Neighbors water tanker has arrived so it mean i wont have water for atleast untill the meetings in dubai continues or the science rains or two days which ever comes before the water .

Anyways it was fun doing this Sunday Blog # 17 today ...

 With this tip and on this very beautiful melody I end my Sunday Blog with best wishes for all athletes in Rio and gentlemen in Birmingham. Have a Nice week.

Sunday 24 July 2016

The Sunday Blog # 16

Today is the 24th of July 2016 the 19th of shawwal 1437 till sunset and this is my Sunday Blog # 16 . Started in April i had no idea i could go this far and perpetual as well. i.e without a break or gap . The four Sunday blogs that i did in ramzan recently were really fun . Everytime i look back at them i say WOW ! did i do this ? and that too between taravee and breakfast (iftar) . absolutely Amazing . Blogging is very different from writing a book or a diary or even an essay that we sometimes so much enjoy writing in schools if we really have a crush on the teacher. With blogging you never know when and who would be reading all you know is that somebody out there somewhere hit your blog . That someone could be Chinese or Russian not familiar with English at all. That is why i use more and more multimedia which is impossible to use in a book or essay . I remember when i use to write diary with a pencil I often cut & paste newspaper cuttings which includes pictures and charts. As they say a picture is a thousand words. It made my life much easier as everytime i had to check something in my diary those pictures would guide me like ginger bread pieces of Hansel & Gretel.  Still the only things required in those days were a paper, a pencil or pen and a knife and old newspapers & magazines plus some glue or adhesive and that's it .  Now for Blogging you have to have a desktop or laptop computer which is connected to the internet . The kind of blogging i do is not easy and sometime absolutely impossible on a mobile smart phone or a tablet . Trust me its not . First of all you wont find the right android applications from the google play store . and even if you are lucky enough or believes you were born lucky those applications will have this or that glitch or drawback and it will start upgrading just the very moment that you need it the most. Most of the time deleting everything you did in the past couple of hours . Aaaargh !
For Some odd reason my cable broadband internet is shut down after juma prayers on friday afternoon and restored on Saturday noon i have no idea what my offshore cable and internet provider is going through these days as there is a lot of competition in the market .  But you wont believe this this friday when my cable broadband internet and Tv was shutdown i noticed a new unprotected Wi-Fi . I was so surprised and also very worried as who could be this Non jew in our very very strictly WPA-psk neighbourhood security . Okay this reminds me of the times when our Saein in Dubai decided to give his shalwar to his only Son His excellency the honourable chairman of PPP mr Bilawal Bhutto Zardari Fariyal Sanam Marvi  . When he entered the arena again this time there was nothing at all he could promise to the youth of karachi to match a multi-billion $ projects of metro bus and train in rawalpindi and lahore . So very boldly he Announced that every dog house in Karachi oops i mean every lamppost in karachi. the karachi that is karachi to the dubai - london crowd excluding the Burns Road and lyari area , Will have unbelievable Super fast FREE Wi- Fi soon.

MoU signed: Karachi to start getting free WiFi, CCTV, solar-powered street lights by end of 2015


Well Free Wi-Fi may be good for people on the go who wants to check in or check out where they are and what their family and friends are upto . But for Downloading and uploading on a regular basis and other net activities we might still need a proper paid connection . and besides a company who invests a huge sum of money on the fibre optic cable will not just hand it out to us for free. In my neighbourhood roads and streets have been cut and dug many times recently for lying down the anaconda type fibre optic cable by some net provider .
In the it and communication sector the big news is that the two mobile companies had a merger . Mobilink and warid their new name is not yet released so i presume its the end of 032x Warid RIP ! Still despite the merger announcement both companies are separately or should i say desperately advertising .  So Now we have only four networks in Pakistan telecom
Mobilink , Telenor , Zong , Ufone . If either of them merged again which i believe they should would mean less advertising especially during the hindi soaps and cricket matches .Anyways no matter how many mobile companies left or operate or get license to join the players already in the game or how many mobiles there are my dear family will never use it to inform me of there coming for years i have been requesting and protesting very humbly  to at least give me a five minutes notice before starting to bang the door to no avail . Most prefer to stay away and create a gap between their visits so whenever they choose to revisit without informing i have very little objection a sight for the soar eyes kind of . That is why everytime somebody from that category of people tell me about their mobile phones snatched ...I retort mostly in my mind " Achcha Hoya ! " (you deserved it )And whatever reason or argument they have for such a childish prank frankly i don't give a damn anymore.

Okay now we come down to the sindh Govt in troubles . Everybody knows that my home state or provinces as it is in the constitution of 73 Introductory Art 1 cl 2( a )

[(2) The territories of Pakistan shall comprise—(a)     the Provinces of  2[Balochistan] 2, the  3[Khyber Pakthunkhwa] 3, the Punjab and  4[Sindh] 4 ;

 2   Substituted by Constitution (Eighteenth Amendment) Act, 2010, Section 3 (with effect from April 19, 2010) for "Baluchistan".
3   Substituted by Constitution (Eighteenth Amendment) Act, 2010, Section 3 (with effect from April 19, 2010) for "North-West Frontier".

4   Substituted by Constitution (Eighteenth Amendment) Act, 2010, Section 3 (with effect from April 19, 2010) for "Sind".

So we also have a Government of Sindh . With its main officers and offices in Karachi . Now the problem is that during the Martial law of Late Gen Zia ul Haq who was also a SandHurst ( my headmistress left me for school by that name in the happening defence area which was before  reclaimed DHA , so i am very cynical about it )   Royal Academy scholar in the late 70's and 80's in the absence of constitution and  military operations  The Province of Sindh was politically divided practically between those who love Bhutto and those who don't . Karachi and to some extent Hyderabad abstained . So the Zia Regime used The urdu speaking urban card in Sindh. So Now since then the great province of Sindh is politically divided into three . Zardari as we all know is an accidental leader well actually not a leader he can be called a good negotiator and that's what he has been doing for the past seven years . The Majority of the people of Sindh Rural and Sindh Urban  do not like Zardari  But since we are divided by the Best Army in the World we cannot do a thing about it . What Saein Zardari is doing from Dubai is to deepen the gulf  between Urdu speaking urban and the rural sindhis by showing them that he is fighting for their rights with the Army and sacrificing urdu speaking to increase his vote bank in the rural . Now lets see how The Army plays even though it is so well placed at the moment that both sides against Saein Zardari and a larger chunk of Bhutto lovers wants Army to play a major role in the province . The Next general elections will obviously take away Dubai from Saein Zardari . This is Pakistan we have "NO" similarity with the neighbouring Turkies ...i mean Turkey .    

All Ramzan people of Karachi in particular and People of Pakistan in general wanted to hear just this ....This is what they call the best thing since sliced bread . Well done .There is no greater reward than the Thankful watery eyes of the grateful parents especially the Mother . and a proud Nation behind the action.  God Bless the Army and its sponsors .

Good Morning / Good Afternoon


The movies i watched this week :

Randeep Hooda From 'D" to Sultan has become my favourite actor male from Bollywood . He is always too good whether he is in a lead role or the supporting he blends into the character .

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan becomes the First  female Amitab bachchan of Bollywood .

20th Shawwal 1437

Good Evening !
Okay i got a deal. Chaudry Saab Zindabad !

In the AJ & Kashmir elections this week voting was also held in some areas of Karachi for two refugee seats . PPP won those seats while PMLN won 33 out of 41 seats . It seems that the Kashmiris here are not connected with the mainstream politics of AJ & K . so their vote does not reflect the mood . or maybe they try to detach themselves from the past and integrate here . Anyways . It is certain and  Parliamentry History confirms that if the ruling party in islamabad wins AJ & K elections with majority it loses the govenment in Islamabad . Tic Toc .

 Hahaha. Difference between test and
The Twitterville Sarcasm continues

-- The Reality Bites .


Okay I end my Sunday Blog #16 here on the tip from Her Excellency the then British Deputy HC Karachi Madame
overjoyed at the opening of two British council libraries in Lahore & Karachi .

I hope you will also enjoy this song as much