
Wednesday 31 January 2018

First SOTU by POTUS .....No GoldStars just OTTO and THE FOUR Pillars of immigration gets Standing ovation

2010 First SOTU by Obama
2018 first SOTU by Trump 

Sunday 28 January 2018

The Sunday Blog #95

Today is the Sunday the 28th of January 2018 the 10th of Jamadi ul Awwal 1439 till the Sunset ( 6:13 pm Karachi ) and this is my the Sunday Blog # 95 .

So This means that there are five more of This my the Sunday Blogs after this my the Sunday Blog # 95 to reach the magic figure of the first century of this my the Sunday Blogs . I have not yet set the record and stats of this my the Sunday Blogs But recently i was discussing with my elder sister about how many words i may have done so far and i told her that i am not very sure but we can calculate a fair guess by letting go the first ten sunday blogs and taking an average of three thousand words each for the rest of the Sunday Blogs even though some have more than four thousand and even five thousand words but an average of three thousand words seem like a very reasonable figure in calculating the number of words i have thought and typed in almost two years in eighty four of this my the Sunday Blogs ....

3000 X 84 = 252000

plus an average of a thousand words for the first ten of this my the Sunday Blogs ..

1000 X 10 = 10000

So ,

252000 + 10000 = 262000

that is two hundred sixty-two thousand
262000 divided by ninety four is equal to 2787.23404255

So i think that this is not a very big figure nothing to feel euphoric about the may be many many more crazy people in this small world . LOL

 And talking about the crazy world how can i forget the two most important events of this week past yes the Nutella riots in france and the Mayon volcano eruption in Philippines and and also in japan somewhere .

Mayon Volcano Actual Eruption Footage Jan. 23, 2018

Nutella Discount Spreads Chaos As Frenzied Shoppers Throughout France Lose It | TIME

it is not yet known how many jars of nutella were wasted or damaged in these riots maybe they are selling them some where in the south of france at a further discount .....LOL

Okay the good news this past week is that Pakistan Cricket team came out of the trance and won their first match overseas of this %^^&** year . Congratulation Sethi .

Another good news is that the white house and the capitol hill came to an agreement about the Budget and halted the Shutdown of Blowing away the kabul or what ever .

Well the luck did not stop there

The Mr Trump drop by the on going Summit of the Globals ...does it sound like the Gambols my favorite comics  Anyways the place is called Davos which i always confuse with a similar word in some english no absolutely not in the American . okay never mind because the place is not at all important or has anything to do with or proven to do with any of pakistan's former presidents bad Luck perhaps ,

Now the more important Question is What the hell in freeze means WEF which is what the Summit is called What on Earth the &^%$
Yes now we are getting somewhere i believe . So anyways now that the place and purpose has been sorted out we comes back to question everybody must be asking himself in Davos and the world over what was the America First President doing in the first place he shouldn't be ? (the biggest question mark possible ) Well the matter of the fact is that not only myself by Mr Trump has surprised most of his critics especially the ones he so only call the Fake News .
Here is one of the headlines of a so called Fake News Giant

Trump Arrived in Davos as a Party Wrecker. He Leaves Praised as a Pragmatist.


So whatever America First Lady Reps Blast , i most humbly believe that it is not possible to move cheap every thing to America First and then let president Trump DIY  not Alone !!

All i know is that he was just trying to avoid the Holocaust Memorial Day again sleeping in flight on airforce one way back to washington nothing else !!!
2: 36 am Break ( 691 words)

3:47 am Okay during the break i only had tea twice no not full cups just half cups both times . Fortunately the tea was fresh and with milk . Yes at this time of the Sunday Morning . Thankyou !

Google Photo has done something to my last nights food platter photos upload they call it Animation using more than one photos of the same thing . Looks quite awesome in the bigger version just like 3D visual . Thankyou !

Believe it or not but here inside this room and in the wall clock digital the temperature reads as 25 °C and so does it feels like definitely no way near that 13°C anyways who cares what or how i feels the world will only listen to what the google tells them and the google tonight says 13 °C smoke 
Strange isn't it i did not feel this cold all week so i believe it must of a very open place or higher altitude

Okay so now its almost half past the four o clock in the very very Sunday morning and now i am beginning to feel very very drowsy . I am afraid that if i did not shut down very soon i might fall asleep sitting here and without shut down which i may not at all want so it time i take leave and lie down and try to stay up till the twilight of Fajr before the fajr azan from any mosque here jamshed town

here before i go here is the karachi twitter trends . some of them are so strange to be included in the karachi trends i cannot imagine or contemplate Why ?

Karachi trends

  Change trend settings

See ? anyways i don't have the time or the will to check and see what is it all about some appears to be sports events and the rest must be political but who cares now especially for the prince waleed who i believe have bought his freedom . Lucky guy . 

Anyways here i take a break with a prayer for my dearly Departed Parents Papa and Ammi 
May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen ! 

4:36 am Break ( 1108 words) 

3:15 pm ...

2:47 pm Good After noon . Yes as expected the Broadband cable and net is shutdown the work in progress is just around the corner So no point in complaining . Haven't been able to post the first tweet of the day as well so but anyways 
Sun 10th Jamadi ul Awal 1439
11:38 am was up at 6:17 am briefly then again at 9:30 am to discover that both cable broadband tv and net is shutdown thank God the electric power was not The neighbourhood is extremely peaceful clear blue and bright sunny so i don't feel liketurning on the Fm radio or the data expecting special Sunday Brunch any minute now time now 3:19 pm

So Before the Zuhr Azan the Speacial Sunday Brunch arrived and we had the Beef nulli Paya from Burns road with kulfi and rabri and gajar ka halwa . 
 And now after waiting for the cable to return i am now feeling very drowsy Still what has kept me awake is the thought that i am cut off from the world not just fictional but phenomenal in this day and age don't you think Amazing ! 
2:55 pm King Kone returns ...Sabzi wala retires ...LOL
3:12 pm Ghanta offer starts now .....

3:29 pm done ! less than a 100 MB

okay So i have just 33 minutes left Good So this will be fun

But before i say some thing i remember that i have not posted the Supper pictures from last night there is a lot leftover as well yes it was a Gobi Gosht Beef


3:45 pm  ( 1364words)

sun 11th Jamadi ul Awwal 1439
7:37 pm Good Evening ! 
yes the cable is back i knew it will be that is why i did not make an ending earlier . The Isha Azans have started here in Jamshed town Karachi so there is is only twenty minutes left before the Ayesha Gul Break . We were beginning to to make up our minds to the thought that we will have to miss today's episode due to the cable shutdown but it seems that it wont happen now .
Okay on a day like today you know that either you are being tested or you have messed with a big devil because now the battery has a red cross saying " Consider replacing your Battery " ?? 


Okay i don't thing i have enough time to do justice with the movies of the Week or anything else so i just mention that this week the Academy of Motion Pictures no idea why they are called the Oscars reveled the nominations of this years top listed for the Award on the first sunday of March which ofcourse will the monday morning here in jamshed town karachi . Ah they will miss this my the Sunday Blog # 100 Oh No Monday Blues ....

7:57 pm Door Bell at this hour Chaapa ....

No pleasant smelling Umra gifts for the Brother i received Mabrook !
okay so with the prayer for my dearly Departed Parents Papa and Ammi

 May the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah have mercy on my dearly departed parents Papa and Ammi and may they be blessed by the dear merciful Lord All Mighty Allah and Their Souls may rest in peace in heaven. Amen ! 

8:02 pm Break ( 1645 words)

9:37 pm Okay so the dinner was missed because of the Cable restored the Net starved people don't even want to know what's for dinner But iam sure a year from now maybe we will be interested so apart from the lots of Burns road stuff and the saturday night dinner we have Moongh masoor Khichri just in case somebody chaapa
as well as fresh fruits

Praiseth The Lord All Mighty Allah Amen !

Believe it or Not here in my Neighbourhood there is an unbelievable Hush ...Silence ...cannot contemplate what it means Absolutely feel like i have missed something Big or Bigger .No idea or any Guess . So i believe i will have to spend a lot of time watching the fake news and following the twitter for something anything that i may have missed in the past twenty four hours or before .

The karachi twitter trends are also very strange today cannot understand most of them

Karachi trends



okay maybe this tweet explains the last one Anyways ...
But this cannot be explained for a very very Long time to come !!

Okay so this bring me to a new Wasiq1Wise

The Difference Between a Ghost School and a Ghost Scholarship is not just always a Ghost
Wasiq1Wise : 108 
So now we definitely can move to the movies of the week yes !

Dil Dhadakne Do (2015)Dil Dhadakne Do Poster

i knew i have watched this movie before but the cable channels were too desperate so first i watched it in parts then between the Bahria town Breaks and then finally to the finish . Anyways it have been previously rated as 7 stars so i am not revising it ,

Munich (2005)Munich Poster

Honestly while i was slipping in the chair late nite trying to see the final encounter or the curtain i had no idea that HBOPakistanOffical is being just gracious for the Holocaust Memorial Day coming later in the week Any ways I survived watching it Lets see what happens to the Future of Sohrab Goth and Tariq Road Goth .

Hitman (2007)Hitman Poster

Last time i watched this movie i fall asleep and when i woke up i remember watching a turkey so it was rated . Now i watched it slipping in the chair waiting for the finish and have rated it 8 stars no idea why ...LOL

Freezer (2014)Freezer Poster

a comedy of error with lot of bloodshed and killings watched it in the urdu dubbing and very bad audio but loved the happy ending and some of the dialogues will definitely watch it someday in english , Rated 6 stars subject to change later .

John Wick (2014)John Wick Poster

Unfortunately or fortunately i watched the sequel of this earlier anyways it has too much killing , bloodshed and admiration for a mortal . He appeared very immortal in the sequel that the target choose to slain herself her way . 
Anyways here also the system remains so smooth but i think the sequel was better . rated 6 stars

Hercules (2014)Hercules Poster

okay everybody knows the epic rated 6 stars


G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009)G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra Poster


Jurassic World (2015)Jurassic World Poster

Inception (2010)Inception Poster

Awesome Movie been trying to finish it for a very long time so this week not only i did manage to finish it but also totally understand and enjoyed the experiments that worked and and that did not ....

Lootera (2013)Lootera Poster

last leaf adaptation ....good watchable . 

Okay it 11: 31 pm So i believe that now i should start the finish of this my the Sunday Blog # 95 . It is sad that this Sunday Blog # 95 that should have been more than Four thousand words and maybe more is one of the shortest But hopefully those who were runing the show today were able to achieve their goals . LOL


I have no idea where the time went in searching for the last song of the day . I hope that i am able to post this my the Sunday Blog # 95 just in time before the clock strikes mid night . So it Good Bye from me and hope that the next sunday will be a better one for me especially even if it is not any good for anybody else ...i don't care !
Have Fun and enjoy this very very famous Song almost like an anthem for many not really sure how many .

rod stewart Have I Told You Lately best ever version