
Sunday 28 August 2016

The Sunday Blog # 21

Today is the 28th of August 2016 the 24th of  Ziqad 1437 till Sunset and this is The Sunday Blog # 21.
First of All my deepest Condolences on the Match ODI loss . 

or should i say Lost.

Karachi had yet another rapid fire rain yesterday.  Infact it seem'd more like a case of Hit and Run . Shahrah-i-Faisal blocked for hours . The  temporary Animal Farmers Market  for Sacrificial farm Animals  was the worst hit. All the Pomp ans Show and The Animal CatWalks were washed away . The Water may be dried in few hours because its a very dry land but i have no idea about the other damages.But when you are making millions from the naive religious people you don't really care about small hurdles or setbacks that comes your way Am i right or Am i right ?

Good Morning !

Last night and evening i watched too much and eat too much so there was no chance of sitting on computer and do the blog all night . i fell asleep and woke up at 9:00 am There are multi-layer clouds in the sky it could rain again must have drizzled some time around fajr time when i was fast asleep.

Talking of last night after what Saein of the neighborhood did yesterday has absolutely hurt my ego so not only i will cut back on the number of free flowing selfies and food pictures , I have also made up my mind Not to share the pictures of my brothers double Decker Mutton leg roast with anybody infact i may even go as far as not taking the pictures as well . Shame on all the Guns Toting in my Neighborhood.

Talking of Neighborhood . Our very own neighborhood temporary farmers market has  the first sample goat . I am not sure how the match results last night and the rapid fire rain will affect it . These guys moved in the neighborhood when i was away to the only law collage in town at that time for few hours . I am sure they realized my value as an uncut instantly and their perpetual mistakes so they began trying to replace all gold diggers near me with jewelers .

مت سہل ہمیں جانو پھرتا ہے فلک برسوں

تب خاک کے پردے سے انسان نکلتے ہیں 

Anyways coming back to the neighbourhood temporary Animal farmers markets usually they do not take orders from just anyone especially strangers but if anybody is absolutely serious their camp office will remain open 2-4-7 for the next fortnight .

 Breaking News 
10: 10 am
 its actually Raining for the first time in ....

So before the feeders trip let me shutdown and grab a cup of tea or coffee and enjoy the Rain .
Can't promise to BRB

Okay I am back after three absolute suicide attempts ....LOL

ThankYou KE (Karachi Electric)  recently the laksons dig the roads for their cable and then carpet the cuts but others"" don't bother .... Anyways i can't complain today because i am here with power and cable and the Rain . Amazing isn't it ?

Please i beg of you all the weak hearted please don't look at what i had been doing during the rain this morning if you try it at home I don't know you. never knew you. never will . 
There is more to come because the sister's kids are planning a chaapa . okay no no you can look now its okay infact let me share the rain video i took few hours ago before going to the market and almost  drowning , electrocuted and shocked 
Sorry about the technical difficulties . you must be poor if you can't see this video . very poor indeed !
Okay let me go and check on the Rain again .... and also its Zuhr time . I don't see no lunch coming today anytime soon . All the more reason to pray i guess .

2:00 pm
yes everybody gone out to lunch at some fancy place . Thank God nobody forced me . Ah i love famous and expensive places . So here i am praying at home the rain has stopped but ARY wali did not give me a motor bike eidi and i don't want to repeat the Shallow experience again today . Image result for shallow movieOkay so this did not happen to me today But it could happen to any of you so please please be very careful and let others do the shopping for you during this rainy season.

Okay enough of my Cinderella's toadstool stories lets move on to the real stuff . On monday i found out that, actually i found out few things not just one . First of All Everybody in this city don't like ARY ,secondly Mr Toner the deputy of the assistant of the deputy in the US State department like ARY and wants to watch more while somebody who hates islamabad and was probably sent to islamabad's UK in Pakistan during HM's Panama Govt now resigned and going through the thorough de-briefing before being exiled to say new york  or similar territory , don't like ARY at all . Must be a net fellow just like me . I made all these preposterous assertions after this official handout tweet . No names or effigies to burn how undemocratic .

--That's it . Aah you too got the drift ...Aaachoo !

So What i am trying to say is that Media and Media Houses were not attacked on Monday , well actually they were can't deny that but it was just a very very small incident nothing mr salman and mr ur rehman or any other seth media owner can't handle himself . The Actual mental attack came a day later .Image result for dodgems cars Every Smart Ass (Anchor) every News Channel every media house is fasten with the seat belt in a Dodgem's car .And Nobody Knows who will pull the plug of this media circus .or even who can Image result for dodgems cars

Wait somebody at the gate ...The remaining part of today's chaapa BRB

No doggy bag was all buffet . Hate that ! Plus a little rain mishap of Slippery stairs so i'll have to be nice and probably visit the drug oh sorry the medial store as well in this rainy season Hate That too...

So where were we ? Oh yes we were trying to avoid name calling and trying to focus .

So technically The Three Ex Mayors oh very very sorry The Three Selected Chosen Hand-Picked Guaranteed with  Ahsheerwaad from the ExpungedImage result for aashirwad Leader / bhai / saab / health issues are trying to kill a media house President ex politician ex religious ex biryani cook Ex press canteen bill  due  and take-over like hijack the Party . BTW a mayor in jail is just as hopeless as a CM taking a bat from kids playing street cricket. What next i am sure soon the Sindh jo Shah will be taking animal feed from a child and start feed somebody's sacrificial Animal on the street and ask How Much ? Honestly I believe its very unconstitutional only a taxman can and even that of the Federal government. Even the provincial revenue board (infamous) does not have enough jurisdiction and specially not the CM Sindh jo Shah .

Last week i promised to research about congo virus and its effects on the edibility of the meat . so far i have only learned that congo ticks that spread the virus are only harmful to humans in $ terms its like Russia using Iranian facilities to bomb Syria . Both Russia and Iran are safe . Ah that's a great relief . Image result for aashirvaad weddingImage result for aashirvaad wedding

Okay its time for Asr Prayers plus i'll grab a bite or two and have tea or coffee so i'll probably be back after maghrib on the 25th Ziqad 1437 few days remaining and no sale of farm Animals today due to rain and jams ... We will probably have to eat these super inflated farm animals ( indians and Australian indians) for the rest of the year My God So Much fat it will kill most of us Especially the foodie lahoris . 

25th ziqad 1437

Good Evening !
it was an awesome sunset after the Rain .

yes i got tea and qeema bhara paratha 

And the Dinner is ready too here is a sneak peek 

too tempting so i tell you the movies i watched this week and then take leave and enjoy the dinner

Image resultWatching Parched i realized that i was born pro women and a thousand sticks carrying ladies or two legally related selfish women can never change that. For that Infinity guys i need more proof so i'll probably watch again some time later.

So here i end my The Sunday blog # 21 on a word of advice reacting to my The Sunday Blog was not a very prudent thing to do atleast chose your farm animals wisely . oh yes one more thing most US women will not vote for any women and most Americans wont like to see Bill again in the WhiteHouse doing things politically correct this time the rest of the Amereicans must be suffering badly economically  and blaming the present government So Congratulations Mr President i have always been your fan .

Okay here is a thora sa American sounding re-recording and re-used film song still love it