
Sunday 1 May 2016

The Sunday Blog # 4

Today is the first of May Two thousand Sixteen (MMXVI) numerically speaking 01-5-2016 . It is a labour Day holiday also remembered as May day probably by the weakhearted who don't regard the labour day as a holiday. Unfortunately today it falls on a Sunday and you know how horrible that is because there is no compensatory leave on the next working day. May day is not a holiday in most countries of the world. Some have it on different days and some not at all. Frankly speaking in our Country only the very very rich and very very poor take full advantage of this holiday and celebrate. They are a kind of two wheels of a car neither can survive without the other so they keep reminding eachother have to.  For a voluntarily leisured Sunday Blogger like my self  a may day , labour day or even a hay day has no real significance in life or annually so i am at liberty to use the most admired Catch Phrase in the world "  Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. "

Talking of Hay day do you know that our young and dynamic FcDonalds oh i am very very sorry McDonald's not only opened its kitchen doors for the investigative hacklers with cameras. But also opened its first ever in the history of McDonald's and McFries ,  a brand new branded branch in millennium Mall Quetta . WOW isn't it .  I so wonder if Sardar Sab (may he rest in peace ) had been alive and kicking today which side of his enchanting moustache had he twisted to this news.

A very bizarre event took place this week. An overzealous tv anchore of a show called "Sar-e-Aam - Iqrar ul Hasan 
and his crew manged to smuggle a revolver into the visitors gallery of the Honourable House Of the Sindh Provincial Assembly exposing the breach in the highest security detail in Karachi. Obviously he was arrested from the assembly gallery and handed over to Sindh police on friday got bail on Saturday. Regardless of  whether what he did was right or wrong or if he should be praised or punished . The most interesting thing is how the honourable speaker of the Sindh assembly handled the gun. Few weeks ago an honourable judge of ATC karachi made headlines by asking a policeman how a grenade works.  KBOOM ! Anyways i am sure the accused or his producers and the channel had no such intentions they only wanted to expose and get rich in doing so. By the way Sar-e-Aam means in public and not rotten mangoes.

After a very poor show by the rebel MQM the famous developer was quipped to have been behind all this mayhem that particular developer has been doing so much all over the country not just Karachi despite criticism and bad publicity among the media and the masses that if he continued to support this group i am certain soon the other exiled in Dubai  leaders will also push their kids to join. Well you never know because a tweet reminded this week that most of the rebels front runners were at the forefront at MQM karachi HQ in 2012 when the then DHCkarachi of UK visited   What this tweet did not mention is an interesting fact this gentleman is himself a rebel most available to join . A tweet in august 2014 caused him his diplomatic career with Her Britannic majesty's diplomatic service .

The MQM that was not able to reach the dry cleaners in time remained steadfast under the able leadership of Dr Sattar played a  friendly game of tennis with PPP & Sindh Sarkar which probably forced the PMLN to remind them of the Scotland yard - Islamabad relations.

The Pakistan Cup of Cricket continued to be ignored.

Watched two movies this week about ART and an Art movie that was kind of reality bites. The Best amongst them was the Longest Ride.
Laal Rang Poster
Its about two star crossed couple almost half a century apart having a similar dilemma being the hindrance in the start of a beautiful long lasting relationship.The Star Crossed girls swimming in culture and Arts and the boys are boys so afraid to get their feets wet.  Ars Gratia Artis almost wins. BLNT !
Honestly Charming Ruth and her impatience is the reason i will always remember this movie if i did next year.

Sundays used to be mostly about hot and spicy breakfast and brunches but this hot weather is killing me already i can't even enjoy the hot tea. Have plenty of mangoes but too afraid to touch before the rain and there is absolutely no sign of it anywhere Yes this is Karachi Summer. The Most easily accessible beach The seaveiw Clifton is becoming developers Normandy .So unless you know how to swim in sea for a couple of miles or fly like a bird its not very wise to be there .Man i love it The Press Gang is so winning this time both home and abroad. Anybody wants to Black an extra Toronto  Visa  please contact . 

Okay so here i am at the end of my 4th sunday blog. Four is an even number i am very glad i made it . And see i did it without even a hint of Panama or HalalOffshore. Ops!

Here is one of my most favorite tribute to the takht of Baluchistan very divine rhythm  and lyrics sung by a legend of Pakistan
Pakistan Army Zindabad !
Pakistan Paindabad !